In the Trans-Ural region, the head of the district may lose his position


One of the important areas of the region is healthcare. The authorities spend huge amounts of money on the expansion and development of this structure, since many people suffer from one or another ailment.

In the Kurgan region, according to data available for 2021, the following are registered annually:

  • 571 patients diagnosed with HIV infection;
  • 4261 patients diagnosed with malignant neoplasm, i.e. suffering from various cancers. This category of the population receives modern and effective treatment in the best clinics in the region;
  • 823 patients with tuberculosis disease;
  • 287 patients being treated for drug addiction;
  • 1310 people with alcoholism;
  • 142 patients diagnosed with syphilis.

The Kurgan region is pursuing an active policy aimed at increasing the population, and therefore actively supports socially important institutions of childhood and motherhood. As of 2021, 6,469 cases of termination of pregnancy were registered in the region. This figure is decreasing every year.

Kurgan Regional Duma

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Historically, the Southern Trans-Urals was formed from various administrative-territorial entities. In the pre-Soviet period, some of them were part of the Tobolsk province (for example, the Kurgan district), others were part of the Perm province (Shadrinsky and Dalmatovsky districts), and the southwestern part of the region was part of the Orenburg province.

Many cities and settlements of the Trans-Urals were of great importance as socio-economic, military or religious and cultural regional centers. In the Shadrinsky district there was the third fair in the country in terms of trade volume - Krestovsko-Ivanovskaya, known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The Zverinogolovskaya fortress, which was part of the Orenburg defensive line, was for a long time a stronghold against the raids of Kazakh nomadic tribes. One of the oldest Siberian monasteries, the Assumption Dalmatovsky Monastery, became the spiritual center of Trans-Urals. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway gave impetus to the development of the economy of the city of Kurgan and the entire Kurgan district. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was rightfully called one of the centers of Siberian butter production. The products of Trans-Ural peasants and industrialists were exported even to Denmark, Great Britain, Germany and Turkey.

During the Soviet period, the territory of the modern Kurgan region was an integral part of the Ural, and then the Chelyabinsk and Omsk regions.

The Kurgan region was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 6, 1943. It included 32 districts, 2 cities of regional subordination - Kurgan and Shadrinsk, 3 workers' villages and 1,784 settlements. But a year later - on August 14, 1944 - by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Tyumen region was created, to which part of the northern regions was transferred.

Currently, in the Kurgan region there are 24 rural districts and districts, 9 cities, 6 urban-type settlements, 1220 rural settlements.

More than half of the region's population lives in the cities of Kurgan (325.72 thousand people), Shadrinsk (77.2), Shumikha (17.6), Kurtamysh (16.9), Dalmatovo (13.5), Kataysk (13. 2), Petukhovo (10.6), Shchuchye (10.6), Makushino (8.0).

Contact Information

List of telephone numbers of heads of municipalities, chairmen and specialists of representative bodies - district centers of the Kurgan region (as of 10/16/2021) Download (doc, 56 Kb) View

Heads of municipalities of the Kurgan region (urban and rural settlements) (as of 12/02/2021) Download (pdf, 776 Kb) View

List of telephone numbers of heads of municipal entities, chairmen and specialists of representative bodies of municipal districts, municipal and city districts of the Kurgan region (as of 11/08/2021) Download (doc, 76 Kb) View

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Date modified: 11/25/2021 12:26

Map of the Kurgan region with cities, districts and villages

1. Mound8. Shchuchye city (Shchuchansky district)15. Vargashi district (Vargashinsky district)22. Ketovo village (Ketovsky district)
2. Glyadyanskoye village (Pritobolny district) 9. Yurgamysh rp (Yurgamysh district)16. Belozerskoye village (Belozersky district) 23. Kataysk city (Kataysky district)
3. Half s. (Polovinsky district) 10. Shumikha city (Shumikha district)17. Almenevo village (Almenevsky district) 24. Kargapolye rp (Kargapol district)
4. Mokrousovo village (Mokrousovsky district) 11. Shatrovo village (Shatrovsky district) 18. Shadrinsk25. Lebyazhye rp (Lebyazhye district)
5. Safakulevo village (Safakulevsky district) 12. Chastoozerye village. (Chastoozersky district) 19. Dalmatovo city (Dalmatovo district)
6. Petukhovo city (Petukhovo district)13. Mishkino rp (Mishkinsky district)20. Zverinogolovskoe village. (Zverinogolovsky district)
7. Tselinnoye village (Vselinny district) 14. Makushino city (Makushinsky district)21. Kurtamysh city (Kurtamysh district)

Satellite map of the Kurgan region

Switching between the satellite map of the Kurgan region and the schematic one is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Kurgan region - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Kurgan region:

February 6, 1943
Population of the Kurgan region:
Population: 818,570 people.
(January 1, 2021) Telephone code of the Kurgan region:
Area of ​​the Kurgan region:
71,000 km²
Vehicle code of the Kurgan region:

Districts of Kurgan region:

Almenevsky • Belozersky • Vargashinsky • Dalmatovsky • Zverinogolovsky • Kargapolsky • Kataysky • Ketovsky • Kurtamyshsky • Lebyazhyevsky • Makushinsky • Mishkinsky • Mokrousovsky • Petukhovsky • Polovinsky • Pritobolny • Safakulevsky • Tselinny • Chastoozersky • Shadrinsky • Shatrovsky • Shumikhinsky • Shchuchansky • Yurgamyshsky .

Cities of the Kurgan region - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Population of cities in the Kurgan region in 2017.

Dalmatovo city

founded in 1644.
The population of the city is 12,772 people. The city of Kataysk
was founded in 1655.
The population of the city is 12585 people. The city of Kurgan
was founded in 1679.
The population of the city is 322,042 people. The city of Kurtamysh
was founded in 1745.
The population of the city is 16,702 people. The city of Makushino
was founded in 1797.
The population of the city is 7810 people. The city of Petukhovo
was founded in 1779.
The population of the city is 10,304 people. The city of Shadrinsk
was founded in 1644.
The population of the city is 75,623 people. The city of Shumikha
was founded in 1892.
The population of the city is 17,542 people. The city of Shchuchye
was founded in 1750. The population of the city is 9775 people.

Kurgan region

located in the region between Siberia and the Urals, in the southern part of the West Siberian Plain, in the basin of the Iset and Tobol rivers.
The regional center is the city of Kurgan

The Kurgan region borders the Tyumen region in the northeast, the Sverdlovsk region in the northwest, the Chelyabinsk region in the west and Kazakhstan in the south. For Russia, the Kurgan region is important because of its well-developed agriculture and industry.

The climate of the Kurgan region is continental, with long cold winters, warm summers and regular droughts. The annual rainfall is about 400 millimeters.

Economy of the Kurgan region

The main industrial centers of the Kurgan region are the cities of Kurgan and the cities of Shadrinsk. Gas and oil pipelines from the Upral and Siberian oil refineries run through the region. The Kurgan region is close to the oil and gas regions of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions.

The Kurgan region has a well-developed food industry: meat processing plants, mills, creameries and milk powder production plants. The processing of agricultural products, assembly and packaging of finished products has been developed. During World War II, 16 enterprises were evacuated to the Kurgan region.

What to see in the Kurgan region

There are many monuments of varying value in the Kurgan region. But most of all, the region attracts tourists not as a place for tourism, but as a pilgrimage region.

Believers come to many places in the Kurgan region, but the most visited place is the village of Chimeevo, where one of the churches houses the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which is considered a shrine and has miraculous properties. Ecotourism is especially well developed in the Kurgan region due to the diversity of landscapes and the richness of nature.

Shumkov selected excellent districts that will receive gubernatorial grants for good performance

KURGAN REGION, December 8, UralPolit.Ru. Based on the results of work in 2021, the Governor of the Kurgan Region Vadim Shumkov allocated 5 million rubles for development to six districts of the region.

Six districts of the Kurgan region will receive grants from the regional governor Vadim Shumkov for good performance in 2020.

According to the resolution of the head of the Trans-Ural region, grants are allocated in order to facilitate and encourage the achievement of the best values ​​of municipal performance indicators.

“The financial administration of the Kurgan region should be provided with inter-budgetary transfers from the budget of the Kurgan region and transferred to municipalities to personal accounts opened for cash services,” says the document, which Shumkov signed on November 11 of this year.

Not all districts of the region received incentive grants, but only those that, in the opinion of the authorities, are most effectively engaged in socio-economic development in their territories. The Kargapol district was included in the list of honors; the municipality will receive the largest amount of funds – 1.16 million rubles. Kurtamysh municipal district will receive 946.5 thousand rubles, Dalmatovsky district - 825 thousand rubles, Petukhovsky municipal district - 763.5 thousand rubles, Lebyazhyevsky district - 668.5 thousand rubles, Mishkinsky district - 630 thousand rubles.

The rest of the municipalities did not receive grant support from the governor at the end of 2021.

It is worth noting that the leadership of the Kurgan region allocates grants based on the results of last year’s performance of municipalities only at the end of 2021. Based on this, it can be assumed that the timing of incentives for districts at the end of this year may be delayed.

Let us recall that in mid-2021, Governor Vadim Shumkov determined a list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the heads of districts of the Kurgan region. Successful work under the new rules directly affects the size of bonuses for officials, which have been introduced in the region since 2019 and are paid two to three times a year. Based on summer indicators, the statistics for the districts, which included some of the six rewarded ones, are ambiguous. For example, the Kargapol district was among the “excellent” in terms of registered unemployment with an indicator of only 2.1%, but the Kurtamysh district was an outsider in the same statistics with an indicator of 4.2%. In terms of the level of attracted investments, the statistics published six months ago also include areas that were effective and ineffective in 2021. Thus, the Dalmatovsky district has a good indicator - there the volume of investments in fixed capital, excluding budgetary funds, per person for 2021 amounted to 47 million rubles. However, the Petukhovsky district attracted only 1.5 million rubles, but still received more than 763 thousand rubles based on the results of work last year.

In the Trans-Ural region, the head of the district may lose his position

KURGAN REGION, December 1, UralPolit.Ru. The new head of the Mokrousovsky municipal district will be elected next year.

The government of the Kurgan region commented on the possible resignation of the head of the Mokrousovsky municipal district, Vladimir Demeshkin.

Let us remind you that earlier on social networks, residents of the area constantly spoke out about the allegedly ineffective work of Demeshkin. In particular, a scandal recently occurred in the village of Mokrousovo. The orphans who were allocated apartments in the village reported a lack of heating in their houses. After complaints, supervisory agencies organized inspections. According to local residents, Demeshkin was repeatedly sent appeals regarding this situation, but the head did not react to the complaints and did not communicate with the orphans.

The situation was turned around only after the orphans turned to journalists and the scandal with the lack of heating was revealed. As one of the orphans, Anastasia Shlyapnikova, reported to UralPolit.Ru, after the materials were published in the media, Vladimir Demeshkin immediately came to the cold house for an inspection. Later, district authorities said that the orphanage was built with violations.

As UralPolit.Ru was informed by the press service of the governor of the Kurgan region, elections for the new head of the Mokrousovsky municipal district will take place in 2022.

“On September 28 of this year, the Kurgan Regional Duma adopted a law of the Kurgan region on the unification of all municipalities of the Mokrousovsky district into the Mokrousovsky municipal district. In 2022, the newly elected Duma of the Mokrousovsky Municipal District will elect a new head of the district by secret ballot from candidates selected by the competition commission. The competition commission and Duma deputies, within their competence, will choose a candidate,” says the department’s response to an official request from UralPolit.Ru regarding Demeshkin’s possible resignation.

The administration of the Mokrousovsky district is already in full swing preparing for the update. As one of the local officials close to the district leadership told UralPolit.Ru, they do not want to see Demeshkin as the new head, and the population is in favor of the return of the old leader, Vladimir Kizerov.

“Currently, two candidates for the post of new head of the district are being seriously considered. This is the chairman of the district duma, Vladimir Kizerov. He has already been the head of the district, knows the problems well, and is supported by the people. Perhaps he will again try to participate in the competition for the post of head. Another person whom the authorities of the Kurgan region may also want to see as head of the district is the first deputy head of the district administration, Pavel Betekhtin. He is young and proactive. We all believe that he will be able to give impetus to the development of the district,” the insider noted.

UralPolit.Ru was unable to get a comment from Vladimir Demeshkin, since the editors do not have his phone number.

New municipal districts have appeared in the Kurgan region

Before adopting the budget bill, deputies of the Kurgan Regional Duma heard information about the socio-economic development of the region. The industrial production index was 104.2% compared to the same period last year. In the first half of the year, investments in fixed capital aimed at developing the economy and social sphere amounted to more than 12 billion rubles. The average monthly nominal accrued wages amounted to 34 thousand 449 rubles. Compared to last year - an increase of 7%.

— There are points that need to be worked on. But in general, we should note that there is positive dynamics. The numbers speak for themselves,” emphasized Dmitry Frolov, Chairman of the Kurgan Regional Duma .

Then we began to consider the main financial document in the first reading. The key direction of budget policy remains the balance and stability of the budget system. Tax policy is aimed at expanding the tax base. The goal is to increase the revenues of the consolidated treasury.

“We are discussing the concept of the document itself, the main directions and characteristics of the budget,” the speaker of the regional Duma . — As for regional budget expenditures in the context of specific items, they will be considered when preparing the bill for the second reading.

Next year, regional budget revenues will amount to 53 billion 944 million rubles. Expenses - 56 billion 83 million. The deficit is 2 billion 139 million rubles. The majority of deputies voted for the adoption of the bill in the first reading. By the second reading, receipts from the federal budget will be clarified.

In the second reading, deputies adopted laws on the formation of the Kargapol, Shadrinsky, Yurgamysh, Zverinogolovsky and Mishkinsky municipal districts.

— The bill was introduced by the Mishkinsky District Duma as a legislative initiative and adopted by the Regional Duma in the first reading. Vadim Shumkov, Deputy Chairman of the Kurgan Regional Duma , during the meeting .

Trans-Ural parliamentarians submitted to the State Duma a draft federal law “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.” It was developed by the Kurgan Regional Duma. The document was prepared in order to strengthen administrative liability for repeated violation of the rules for the retail sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products. The authors of the bill propose to tighten administrative penalties for violators, up to and including suspension of their activities for 90 days.

- We passed the first barrier - the Council of Legislators under the Federation Council. This suggests that the State Duma should support it,” emphasized Dmitry Frolov .

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