A giant guide to Georgia: sea, cities, mountains and food

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We'll tell you about everything you need to know before traveling to Georgia (which must definitely take place). The material is divided into several parts, each of which is devoted to a specific aspect.


Tbilisi is a beautiful and atmospheric city. The attractions are located quite compactly, but set aside at least two full days for exploring so that you can enjoy it and not rush around at a gallop.

What you can't miss in Tbilisi:

  • Narikala Fortress and the picturesque Old Town at its foot. You can climb to Narikale on foot, but it’s more interesting to take a cable car.
  • Abanotubani are sulfur baths, sung by Pushkin. On the opposite bank of the Kura River from the baths stands the symbol of Tbilisi - the Metekhi Temple.
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral (Tsminda Sameba) is the residence of the Patriarch of Georgia. The cathedral is modern and not very expressive, but it’s worth a look while walking through the old district of Tbilisi - Avlabari.
  • Museum of Art and State Museum of Georgia.

If you are traveling with children, take them by cable car to the amusement park at the top of Mount Mtatsminda. And on Rustaveli Avenue, don’t miss the funny miniature figurines.

Dive into the narrow streets: 12 unforgettable impressions from Tbilisi

Ushguli - the city of proud Svans

This city is located high in the mountains, where the indigenous people of Svaneti live - the Svans. These are real mountaineers who for many years never came down from the mountains in search of civilization and an easier life. Tourists are very attracted to their life and traditions. The people are hospitable, but keep their distance from visitors.

Among the places that are definitely worth visiting in Ushguli, it is worth mentioning the Lamaria Temple, two churches of the Savior, the settlement of Zhibiani, where there are museums. The city's architecture and communities are protected by UNESCO.


Mtskheta is the ancient capital of Georgia and perhaps the holiest place for Georgians. In a tiny town 20 km from the center of the modern capital, there are three UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Getting to Mtskheta is convenient by minibus or taxi.

The main attractions of Mtskheta are the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, the St. Nino Monastery and the tiny picturesque Jvari Monastery on a high cliff at the confluence of the Kura and Aragvi.

On your way back to Tbilisi, be sure to stop by the Salobie restaurant, famous for its khinkali and lobio since Soviet times.

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When to go to Georgia

The ideal time to travel to Georgia is May–June and September–October.
Spring means greenery everywhere and flowers in the fields and gardens. Autumn is the season of persimmons, grapes, figs and, of course, new wine. In July-August in Georgia, especially in the east, it can be very hot, up to +40 °C. You can swim in the Black Sea in Georgia from about the beginning of June, when the water has already warmed up to +19-21 °C. In July–August the water temperature usually fluctuates around +25 °C, in September - around +23 °C.


Kazbek is an ancient extinct volcano, the last eruption of which occurred around 650 BC. The mountain, called the “invincible leader” by its ancestors, is the highest peak in the eastern part of the hot Caucasus. This natural landmark of Georgia is famous not only for the enchanting view opening from its snow-capped peak, but also for the Gergeti Trinity Church, located at the very foot of Kazbek. According to legend, it was to this mountain that the brave titan Prometheus, the protector of people and their heavenly patron, was chained.

Georgian Military Road

One of the most picturesque routes in the post-Soviet space goes from Tbilisi to the foot of Mount Kazbek. In addition to stunning mountain scenery, along the way you will see a medieval fortress and temple on the shore of the Ananuri reservoir, a dramatic gorge near Gudauri and the Cross Pass. If time permits, from Stepantsminda (Kazbegi) climb even higher, to the Gergeti Church, from where, in good weather, there are beautiful views of Kazbek.

By renting a car, you can visit Mtskheta in one day, drive along the Georgian Military Road and return to Tbilisi in the evening.

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Inexpensive car rental in Tbilisi


This landmark of Georgia is of value to Orthodox Christians all over the world. The Patriarchal Church, located in the city of Mtskheta, was erected on the site of an old wooden church. According to legend, one of its foundations was a cedar that grew at the burial site of Christ's robe. In the second half of the 5th century, a basilica was erected on the site of the shrine. The religious complex acquired its modern appearance in the 11th century, when, at the insistence of Melkizedek I, the head of the Georgian Orthodox Church, the Temple of the Twelve Apostles was built.


The birthplace of most famous Georgian wines, where even road signs proudly read: “Tsinandali”, “Gurjaani”, “Akhasheni”, “Mukuzani”. You can get to Kakheti from Tbilisi in an hour and, leaving in the morning, visit key places and get back to the capital by evening.

In Kakheti, it’s definitely worth visiting Sighnaghi - a cute town with elegant houses, funny monuments and a wonderful view of the Alazani Valley. If time permits, stop by the capital of the region - the town of Telavi, to the majestic Alaverdi Cathedral and the ancient cave monastery of David Gareja near the border with Azerbaijan.

The bad attitude towards Russians in Georgia is a myth. You will be greeted like family and surrounded with care, as if you were in the village with your grandmother. Friendly Georgia is conducive to meeting people and communicating: don’t isolate yourself, and the country will reveal itself in all its beauty. To know what to expect, check out a selection of portraits taken by blogger Sergei Prokhorov in Georgia.

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Narikala Fortress

The fortress, built much earlier than the glorious Georgian capital, was built at different times by Arabs and Mongols. For a long time, the fortification was of great strategic importance on the Great Silk Road: Narikala did not succumb to assault. In 1827, during the explosion of a gunpowder warehouse, part of the fortress was destroyed. In the 1990s. The building underwent reconstruction, thanks to which the Church of St. Nicholas, an Orthodox shrine of the 12th century, was rebuilt.

Gori and Uplistsikhe

Uplistsikhe is perhaps the most ancient cave city in Georgia. Labyrinths of tunnels and caves, a river under a rock, a lonely church - the place is so fantastic that it looks more like a theme park than a historical landmark. But you can walk everywhere and touch everything with your hands, which kids will definitely appreciate. They drive to Uplistsikhe through Gori, where it is worth looking at the Stalin Museum and the ruins of the Goristsikhe fortress.

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The Orthodox monastery rises above the ancient Georgian city of Mtskheta, at the confluence of two deep rivers - the Aragvi and the Kura. According to legend, it was here that Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina erected her cross after the baptism of Georgia. Part of the cross is included in the base of the religious landmark, which, being on a hill, protrudes into the rock, thereby symbolizing the difficult path to God. There is a version that this particular place was glorified by M. Yu. Lermontov, the great creator of the Russian word, in the poem “Mtsyri”.


Vardzia is not so easy to get to, but this cave monastery from the time of Queen Tamara is much more interesting than Uplistsikhe and is definitely worth the long (by Georgian standards) journey. A nice bonus is the well-preserved Khertvisi fortress nearby. On the way from Tbilisi to Vardzia, you can drink straight from the well of real Borjomi mineral water in the city of the same name and stop in the picturesque village of Bakuriani, which in winter turns into a ski resort.

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Where else to go in Georgia: Borjomi

One of the most ancient Georgian settlements. Here is the very source of mineral water that is so good on Saturday morning.

The water here has a pronounced iron taste and flows carbonated straight from the source. This water must be drawn into the bottle in a certain way so that the iron does not settle in the form of rust. The water should completely fill the bottle so that not a drop of air remains in the vessel.

The main attractions of Borjomi are temples and palaces.

  • Likani Palace is an architectural complex on the banks of the Kura River in the settlement of Likani, neighboring Borjomi.
  • Atskuri fortress with ancient frescoes. We recommend going down into the tunnel that supplied the people inside the fortress with water from the river.
  • Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park occupies 7% of the entire territory of Georgia. Here, in addition to stunning nature, you will find ancient ruins and preserved architectural monuments.


The main attractions of the capital of Imereti are the Bagrati Temple and the Gelati Monastery, which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not far from Kutaisi there are two interesting caves - “Prometheus Cave” and Sataplia. Both are famous for their beautifully illuminated stalagmites and stalactites, but Sataplia in Georgia is called nothing less than “Jurassic Park” - traces of dinosaurs are perfectly preserved here.

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The best corners of the country

Let's look at where to go in Georgia and what to see.


A region that has long been considered the birthplace of winemaking. It is here that the world-famous Alazani Valley is located and the most popular grape variety in wine production, Saperavi, grows. To see the main attractions of the region, go to the winery, taste and buy your favorite brands yourself, you need to set aside at least 2 days. When traveling around Kakheti, pay attention to:

  • Telavi is the heart of Kakheti. It’s easy to find accommodation for the night in the capital of the region; the town is replete with signs and advertisements for guesthouses, hostels, restaurants and cafes serving national cuisine. This is a convenient point to settle down during your vacation and travel around the remarkable surroundings.

  • Alaverdi is a functioning monastery, inside of which services are held, and ancient frescoes have been preserved on the walls.

  • Gremi Castle is one of the most visited corners of Kakheti. Gremi was a huge royal castle through which all the main trade routes passed. Now, out of the entire built complex, the temple on the hill and one Svan tower have been preserved and are functioning.

  • Nekresi Fortress is one of the most important attractions of the country. A beautiful majestic building is located on the rocks above the Alazani Valley. It’s definitely worth taking a few photos here as a souvenir.

  • The city of Sighnaghi is one of the most popular among tourists. This is the city of lovers, in the reconstruction of which several years ago the Georgian government invested a lot of money.

  • If you are staying 35 kilometers from Telavi and 150 kilometers from Tbilisi, this is probably a town called Kvareli, located near the lake of the same name. A vivid association with it is the Kindzmarauli wine produced here. Kvareli has all the necessary infrastructure, bars, restaurants and hotels for a comfortable stay for tourists.

  • Georgian wine factories are what Georgia is famous for. You can go on an excursion to any winery in the region, but the Telavi Wine Cellar is considered the largest and oldest in the country. By the way, in addition to the wine drink, they also bottle Armenian cognac, which I then export in full.

Kakheti is one of the top 10 must-visit places in Georgia.

If, after seeing Tbilisi, you still have some free time and you don’t know what to visit in Georgia, go to Mtskheta.


This is a city in which you can understand and see the history of the country more than others. According to the description of local residents, its ancient part is called the cultural and historical heart of Georgia. Mtskheta is the first capital, which is located 20 km from Tbilisi and is rightfully considered a value and the main Orthodox center of the country - it was here that Georgia adopted Orthodoxy in 337.

  • In the 11th century, the Svetitskhoveli Church was erected in the city, which, despite some of the lost frescoes, still makes an indelible impression. Stunning architecture, non-standard stone laying of different shades, makes the building stunning outside and inside. The cathedral amazes with its grandeur and scale, powerful energy and spirituality. Tourists often come here from all over the country to admire the main shrine of the temple - the Life-Giving Pillar, inside of which rises an image of Jesus Christ. After your visit, you should definitely walk through the narrow streets of the city and drink a cup of aromatic coffee in a local cafe. This is the corner of the country that is ideal for experiencing its culture, traditions and inexhaustible splendor.
  • The temple-monastery of Jvari can be seen in the mountains from all corners of Mtskheta. This is a striking architectural creation of medieval Georgian architects, founded in the 7th century and built on the foundation of the first Christian Cross of Georgia. Now it is a functioning monastery, from which there is a stunning view of the connecting streams of the two rivers Aragvi and Kura and the city itself.

To see these two spiritual centers it will take no more than half a day, but the impressions will be enough for the rest of your life.


This unique underground city consisting of caves, characterized by more than 3000 years of history, is a UNESCO protected site. Today, about 150 caves out of 700 that previously existed have been preserved. There was also civilization in it, as evidenced by the theater, pharmacy, throne room, long tunnels and reservoirs for water reserves carved into the rocks. Archaeologists have noted the presence of wine storage facilities and stone ovens. Of greatest interest to tourists are the hall of Queen Tamara and the Church of the Prince, ancient basilicas and wine storage facilities, which the guide will tell you about in detail for 6 GEL. If you want to visit the caves on your own, you will have to pay 3 GEL for the entrance. You can get here from Tbilisi by train or from any resort town by bus.


This is the hometown of the Soviet leader - Stalin. Here you can visit a museum dedicated to his life, the house where he lived with his parents and even the carriage in which he traveled to Yalta.

Georgian Military Road and Ananuri Fortress

According to the description of tourists, this is the most picturesque road in the territory of the former USSR. Due to the warm spring and summer, more than one avalanche from the top of Kazbek has descended onto the road. The route is located in the mountains, so it offers fascinating incredible views and the picturesque Daryal Gorge, which is often considered the “gates of the Caucasus” - worthy of attention. It connects the Russian checkpoint Verkhniy Lars and the Georgian mountain village of Kutaisi. In addition to natural values, when traveling along it you can come across several architectural monuments, such as the Arch of Friendship of Peoples, which in itself is a gorgeous observation deck, the Zhinvali reservoir, formed as a result of the organization of a dam on the Aragvi River, the Jvari Pass and the Ananuri Fortress.

Stepantsminda and Gergeti Church

Not far from the border of Georgia with Russia, 10 kilometers from the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint, among the mountain ranges there is a small mountain village of Stepantsminda, formerly called Kazbegi.

Many do not stop there, rushing to the more saturated capital Tbilisi, but this place is truly loved by those who are sick of mountains, because the settlement is located at the crossroads of mountain routes to the highest peaks of the Caucasus and stands at the very foot of the majestic Kazbek. Stunning views and picturesque landscapes will not leave any traveler indifferent. This is a quiet, peaceful corner, ideal for tourists who prefer quiet relaxation.

Even if tourists do not stay overnight in Stepantsminda, they definitely come here for 1 day to see the attraction that has firmly taken a position in the top 10 best places in the country - the Trinity Church in Gergeti. The temple is located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, with views of the stone blocks of Kazbek. It begins its history of existence in the 14th century.

Tbilisi and its surroundings

There is a lot to see in Tbilisi. It’s not for nothing that it attracts more and more travelers every year. Entertainment and historical monuments, restored and restored over the years of independence, amaze with their scale and splendor. Tourists always begin their tour from the Old Town area - this is where the most significant places in Tbilisi are located. This is the territory along which the border of Tbilisi ran before joining Russia; even now, on several streets there are remains of the fortress wall protecting the isolated city. All the monuments of the capital are considered attractions, but the main ones are worth noting:

  • Sulfur baths;

  • Narikala Fortress;

  • Gabriadze watch;

  • Funicular Tbilisi;

  • Metekhi Church;

  • Rue Jean Chardin;

  • When traveling around Tbilisi, you need to go to the avenue called Rustaveli;

  • Bridge of Peace;

  • Parliament building in Tbilisi.

This is the minimum that you must see when visiting Tbilisi.

David Gareji Monastery

It was named after its founder - the holy father. Nowadays, it is a monastery complex consisting of 20 buildings (the exact number of which cannot be named, due to the fact that some of them are merging, and some are in a ruined state) and divided into 4 parts: the monastery, Tetri-Udabno and Natlismtsebeli monasteries. and the Dodo-Rka cave. The main building is the Lavra of David, and in the lower monastery was his monastery, and now his remains rest. The attraction is located on a mountain ridge, on the border of Georgia and Azerbaijan. In clear weather, here, according to reviews from vacationers, you can even see the mountains of Armenia.


Sunny, warm, cheerful region with the capital in the city of Batumi.

The tourist metropolis is an attraction in itself. A 7-kilometer embankment, pebble beaches, the sea and a warm wind attract tourists in the summer. There is also something to see in winter Batumi and its surroundings. They are generously strewn with entertainment, exciting modern and ancient places, just like the Batumi Botanical Garden, which is included in the list of the most visited places to visit in Georgia.

But the real Adjarian pearl is the 20-meter Makhuntseti waterfall with the nearby Queen Tamara Bridge, which is notable for the fact that it was erected without the help of supports and retains its rigidity and strength only due to the friction of stone blocks from each other.


Another eye-catching cave city, founded during the reign of George III. A stunning historical point where you can fully immerse yourself in the history of ancient Georgia. Most of the frescoes depicting Queen Tamara and other rulers have been well preserved to this day, although they were created back in the 7th century. On the territory of the stone monument there are 15 temples and a monastery operating today. Paved stairs, holes in the rocks, which from a distance resemble a bar of porous chocolate, will win your hearts and be remembered for a long time; not every state can boast of such unique historical value, which is why the cave city is included in the top 10 best places to visit.

On the way to Vardzia from Tbilisi there is the Ancient Fortress of Khertvisi. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and mustard green rocks, it looks terrifying and exciting at the same time. Here you need to take some beautiful pictures as a souvenir.


Kutaisi is considered the second “unofficial” capital of Georgia; to maintain the economic and financial condition of the city, the Parliament was moved here in 2012. The city does not have the modern chic and splendor of Tbilisi, even the center is built up with low-rise buildings and from every second house you can hear the crowing of a rooster, but a certain shabbyness and antiquity only decorate it and make it original and unique. In Kutaisi and its surroundings there is something to see even for an experienced tourist: this is the glass Parliament building and Newport Street and bridges over the Rioni, of extraordinary beauty, but most importantly:

  • Temple of Bagrat - This is one of the main shrines of Imereti, it was erected by order of King Bagrat III, where he was subsequently buried. According to Georgians, the shrine offers a panoramic view of another historically interesting place - the Gelati Monastery.

  • Gelati Monastery is located on the top of the mountain above the Tskhalitsitela River. It was founded by King David the Builder at the beginning of the 17th century and consists of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Church of St. George and the belfry.

  • The Motsameta Monastery is a beautiful colorful structure above the Rioni River, surrounded by hills with bright green dense vegetation. Neat brown turrets, time-worn stone walls and arched windows make it interesting and mysterious. Recently it was completely restored, the walls were strengthened and the access road was reconstructed.

Not far from Kutaisi you can see several unique natural attractions and interesting places in Georgia:

  • The Martvili Canyon and the monastery of the same name are located in Megrelia, where you need to go from Kutaisi. This is one of the ten best places in Georgia. The canyon arose thanks to the fast-flowing Abasha River, which made its way through the rocks. Previously, it was possible to get to the temple by cable car, but in 2021 it broke down and its further condition is unknown.

  • Prometheus Cave and Sataplia are stalactite and stalagmite caves, illuminated from the inside by different lights, where real dinosaur footprints are preserved and you can even ride a boat along the underground river to the sounds of classical music. The first of them is the largest cave in Georgia, but only 6 halls of 1400 meters are open to tourists.

  • The Okatse area is a natural attraction skillfully enhanced by human efforts. This is a river canyon, which was equipped with a cantilever suspension bridge that formed an observation deck.

Holidays in Kutaisi are interesting for lovers of active recreation - cycling, horse riding, ski tourism and more are developed here.


A beautiful region and an interesting place in the southwest of Georgia, neatly divided by a mountain range into lower and upper parts, is also included in the list of exciting places in the country. Here you can take bright, colorful photos, such as those posted on boxes of high-mountain teas or bottles of the purest mineral waters. Blooming light green and emerald alpine meadows, high, sometimes snow-capped peaks, rivers with crystal clear water, raging waterfalls and fresh air - this is what Svaneti will greet tourists with. Words and pictures cannot describe the beauty that can only be appreciated once seen. Upper Svaneti is famous and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The peaks of Shkara and Ushba stand out, the first of which is the highest point in Georgia. There is also a mountain settlement here, which is the highest in all of Europe. In the tourist village of Mestia, tourists have the opportunity to look at the preserved watchtowers of the X-XIV centuries. Nearby are the famous Khatsvali ski resort, where you can go if you come in winter. It is better to come to Svaneti for a week to spend time quietly enjoying the relaxation and beauty of the region, or come for a few days by purchasing an excursion to Batumi or Tbilisi.


The best place in Georgia for lovers of nature and beautiful landscapes. This remote corner of the country, little known even to Georgians themselves, is entirely included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in recent years has become a star of Georgian tourism. People come to Svaneti to admire the Svan towers against the backdrop of snowy peaks and mountain rivers, to go hiking and horseback riding, and to go mountaineering (the legendary Soviet mountaineer Mikhail Khergiani is from these parts). In flat Georgia they say that the Svans still practice the custom of blood feud. But these rumors, of course, are outdated by a century or two.

More photos of Svaneti in the LJ of Rustem Adagamov and Chukchi Gek.

In winter, in the flat part of Georgia, the temperature rarely drops below zero, and at this time it is not so much cold as it is dull. From mid-autumn to early spring, many passes are closed: hiking and even car trips to remote places will have to be postponed. But if you love alpine skiing, then from mid-December to mid-March good slopes await you in Gudauri and Bakuriani.

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Inexpensive car rental in Tbilisi


Georgian Museum

Historical Museum named after. Simone Janashia in Tbilisi is one of the best in the country. It presents archaeological and ethnographic exhibits reflecting the original Georgian culture. Valuable items include locally minted gold coins, medieval icons, Persian-style jewelry, and stones with Urartian inscriptions.

A place of honor is occupied by the skull and lower jaw of hominids, found in 1991 in Dmanisi. These human predecessors lived 1.85 million years ago and are therefore considered the oldest hominids to have lived outside of Africa.

Museum of Art

The Museum of Fine Arts, which opened its doors in Tbilisi at the beginning of the last century, stores 140 thousand unique exhibits. The spacious halls host exhibitions of Georgian, European, Russian and Oriental art.

On the excursion they show manuscripts of famous Georgian poets, paintings, engravings by local artists, a sketch for I. Repin’s canvas “The Ceremonial Meeting of the State Council”. Artwork from the Qajar period is popular, including portraits of beautiful girls and Persian nobles.

Ethnographical museum

In a Tbilisi park not far from Turtle Lake, an ethnographic museum is located in the open air. It showcases 70 houses typical of different regions of Georgia.

Tourists can get acquainted with Caucasian architecture: see openwork wooden houses with thatched roofs, buildings with multifaceted domes, guard fortresses, mills, wineries, barns, medieval Christian churches. The houses contain furniture and traditional household items: spinning wheels, looms, knitting frames, handmade carpets.

Dadiani Palace

There is an elegant palace in Zugdidi, erected in 1840 for the Mingrelian rulers. The stone two-story Dadiani mansion in the Spanish style attracts attention with wide verandas, pointed arches, thin columns, and original towers on the roof.

In 1849, a museum was opened in the interior, presenting Georgian antiquities from the collection of the castle owners. The exhibitions include gold antique masks, items from the Tagilon treasure, Byzantine icons, medieval paintings and weapons. There is a garden with roses and exotic trees around the palace.


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The science museum is the most unusual and interesting in Tbilisi. This is a great place for a family holiday, able to interest adults and children. Numerous exhibits that explain the laws of chemistry, physics and mathematics can be touched, thrown, taken apart and put back together.

During the hour-long excursion, visitors are given an interesting lecture, allowed to test endurance on an astronaut simulator and take part in scientific experiments. For those interested, educational quests, chemical and nitrogen shows, and master classes on making ice cream and marshmallows are available.


There are almost more business centers and hotels of global chains in modern Batumi than in Tbilisi. And this is not surprising: the city is clearly becoming the financial capital of the country, like New York in the USA or Mumbai in India. But with all the gloss and luxury of modern times, the old Batumi quarters have not lost their charm, and new squares and houses only emphasize it.

From Batumi it is interesting to go to the local botanical garden and to the ancient Roman ruins in Gonio. From here you can continue your journey further - to Turkey.

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Okatse Canyon

This picturesque and colorful landmark of the Khonii region will appeal to all lovers of extreme sports. There is a suspended trail above the canyon, which is 50 meters deep and 3 kilometers long, allowing you to see the fascinating wildlife with your own eyes. The emerald waters of the bubbling Okatse River flow below. The best time for such walks is sunny summer; it is better to avoid visits in the dark.


At an altitude of 2 thousand meters above the sea lies the village of Gudauri, famous for being mentioned in historical documents from the 15th century, in the works of Lermontov and Dumas.

Today it is a highly developed ski resort that meets all European standards. The mild climate, bright and gentle sun, crystal clear air and magnificent trails will leave a lot of positive impressions.

So where to go skiing in winter should not be a question. Among the services you can take a helicopter flight and view the mountain landscapes of Gudauri from above.



There is also a unique cave monastery complex of the 12th-13th centuries in Georgia, which is located in the mountain range of the historical part of Samtskhe-Javakheti.

Only here you can feel the unique and original spirit of antiquity, complemented by amazing creations of human hands. How much effort and labor had to be spent to carve magnificent palaces, steps and underground passages into the rocks.

The length of the complex is more than 900 meters, and experts say that at one time there were about 3 thousand buildings on its territory.

Gelati Monastery

The most famous landmark of Georgia dates back to the 11th century, when, at the direction of King David, a unique monastery complex was erected in 1006.

For a long time, the monastery was the spiritual and cultural center of the entire Caucasus region. Famous educators and philosophers lived and worked in it. Its founder, David the Builder, and other rulers of the country are buried on the territory of the cult complex.

The ensemble of the monastery includes the magnificent Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Church of St. George the Victorious. There is also a holy spring here, which, according to legend, heals many ailments.



The town in western Georgia was called Makharadze until 1989, named after the Georgian revolutionary Philip Makharadze.

The city was founded in the 19th century on the picturesque banks of the Natanebi River. During the Soviet period, people came here to visit the unique Institute of Tea and Other Exotic Plants of the Subtropical Zone.

Tourists note that the southern outskirts of the city are especially beautiful - the Anaseuli region, surrounded by majestic mountain peaks.



Older people remember that the hero of the famous Soviet comedy “Mimino” was from Telavi. But this region is famous not only for this.

In the vicinity of Telavi there are numerous historical, architectural and archaeological monuments of various eras. Only here there is a fortress the size of a large city, built by King Quirike the Great.

The ancient church of Gvtaeb has also been preserved, and settlements of the first centuries AD have been explored in the area around it.


Tsminda Sameba

The shrine, built with donations from ordinary people, was founded in 1995. It was erected in connection with the commemoration of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity and the celebration of the 1500th anniversary of the autocephaly of the Georgian Church. The temple was consecrated in 2004, after which the chair of the Catholicos of Georgia, the primate of the Georgian Orthodox Church, was moved here. The cathedral is interesting for its huge area, more than 68 meters high, for its wealth of decorations, unique icons, a large handwritten Bible and the cross of St. Nino, kept in front of the altar.


The town of Kobuleti, whose population does not exceed 20 thousand inhabitants, is famous for its magnificent beaches, as well as the amazingly beautiful mountain trails of the Kintrishi River gorge.

Every tourist will be able to find something to their liking and age here. The beaches are equipped according to the latest world standards, and after relaxing and swimming you can touch history by visiting cultural, historical and architectural attractions.

To maintain the resort, the Georgian authorities decided to create a free tourist zone here, and the country's entrepreneurs invested huge amounts of money in infrastructure development.


Prometheus Cave

There are many legends associated with Georgia, one of which says that it was among the Caucasus Mountains that Zeus ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock. An amazingly beautiful karst cave, which is called Prometheus, is located near Tskaltubo.

It contains everything that can surprise and leave a vivid impression - branched passages with enchanting arches, huge halls with bizarre karst deposits, wonderful waterfalls, underground rivers.

For ease of visiting, pedestrian bridges have been made in the natural monument, and the halls and passages are illuminated. In the dungeon, in the "Zade of Love" you can hold a wedding ceremony.



Sighnaghi is a small but truly beautiful city in Georgia. About ten years ago this settlement was an ordinary remote town. However, subsequently the local government tried to carry out large-scale restoration, thanks to which Sighnaghi attracts with cobbled streets and small houses with tiled roofs. The city's architecture is created in accordance with the best principles of Southern Italian classicism. Tourists have the right to stay in a hotel or guest house, based on their financial capabilities.

Sighnaghi is located in Kakheti and is famous as a center of wine tourism.

Temple of Bagrat

The shrine of the historical city of Kutaisi was erected during the reign of Bagrat III, the first ruler of a united Georgia. It became the main cathedral of the united Georgian kingdom and was consecrated in 1003 in honor of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. The architectural style of the temple did not correspond to the previous Caucasian traditions of architecture: frescoes, mosaics, carvings - all this became a breakthrough in the canons of the Middle Ages. The altar of this religious landmark witnessed the coronation of David IV the Builder, king from the great Bagration dynasty.


We will end the trip not exactly in the city, but in an urban village, comfortably located at the very foot of Kazbek.

From 1921 to 2007, the town was called Kazbegi, and the original and current name of the village is associated with the monk Stepan, who saved local residents during an avalanche. Here is the reporting point for climbing Kazbek, and history buffs can visit the local history museum, as well as the old Church of the Holy Trinity.

The excellent climate of this mountainous area contributed to the creation of a climatic and balneological resort area here, and thousands of tourists from all over the world come here to improve their health and enjoy the views of mountainous Georgia.


The name of the beautiful city “Akhali Tsikhe” in Georgian means “New Fortress”, and the city was founded at the beginning of the 12th century.

The main attraction is the Akhaltsikhe fortress of Rabat, built in the 16th century, which took part in the most important historical events in southern Georgia.

Built at the crossroads of trade routes, Akhaltsikhe also became a crossroads of cultures and religions. Various architectural styles easily coexist here, and there is a mosque and an Orthodox church nearby.



The small town, comfortably located among the mountain slopes of the historical region of Imereti, has been known since the beginning of the 19th century. It was previously known as the Kvirila, the river of the same name that flows through the city.

In 1921, with the advent of Soviet power, Chiatura received city status. Like most cities in Georgia, the town is famous for its medieval fortress located on the outskirts.

Tourists come here to taste delicious national cuisine, as well as visit the amazing Jarbeli caves. In addition, in the small Chiatura there is a local history museum and an opera house.



In the capital itself, the Metekhi district stands out for its beauty and historical memory. It was from here that the capital of ancient Iberia began to grow in the 6th century.

According to legend, Vakhtang Gorsali built his castle on this place, and people began to build their houses around the castle. In the area there is the Assumption Church, unique in architecture and decoration, built in the 13th century.

Old Tbilisi is unique with its narrow, busy streets, where you can immerse yourself in the national flavor. Here is the oldest crossing over the Kura River, and on the other side of the river is the Shah Abbas Mosque.


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