Dace. Sights, interesting places, photos, what to see in 1 day

Category: Sights

The first mention of a city with the name Yelets is found in the chronicles of 1146. The city is used as a fortified point to protect the population from the Cumans. The name of the city comes from the Russian word “elets”, which is interpreted as a spruce grove or thicket. Today, Yelets is part of the Lipetsk region and is its cultural center. This city has about 226 cultural and historical attractions, 90 of them are monuments of federal significance.

Where is Yelets

Yelets was repeatedly attacked by the Golden Horde. Therefore, by decree of Fyodor Ivanovich, the construction of a new fortress city began in 1591. Under Peter the Great, Yelets radically changed its attitude towards certain areas several times, but ultimately the Yelets district was formed.

After the attack and destruction by the Tatars in 1769, the city was subject to fire, which did not even spare the surrounding settlements. Before construction began, it was decided to radically change the appearance and layout of the city; now it no longer acted as a fortress.

In modern days, it is possible to precisely limit the lands on which Yelets is located. It is located on the Central Russian Upland, on the coast of Bystraya Sosna. The exact height above sea level is impossible to determine due to the hilly surface.

The length from north to south is 9.5 km, and from west to east 12 km. Yelets belongs to the Lipetsk region, it is a city of regional subordination and forms an urban district. The distance to the regional center is 78 km. For those who want to come and enjoy the city's attractions, there are several transportation options.

Yelets on the map of Russia

A car - in the modern world, is considered one of the fastest and most convenient means of transportation.For residents of the northern regions of Russia, the route passes along the M4 Don highway.
Those coming from the south will have to travel along the P-115 highway, and then P-119.
Residents of the western regions will have a direct route along the P-119 road.
RailwayOption for particularly remote areas. And also a guarantee of safety on the road and increased comfort of movement. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost of tickets.
BusIt is worth understanding that not all cities have buses to the small but glorious Yelets. This method is convenient to use for residents of Lipetsk and neighboring regions

City clock tower

The clock tower, quite logically named because of the huge chimes installed on it, was built in 1870. Initially, it was purely water-pressure and did not serve any other (especially decorative) purpose. The clock on the tower appeared already under Soviet rule: its installation began in 1973 and was completed in 1975.

City clock tower

The chimes sound a simple but pleasant melody every quarter of an hour during the day and every hour at night. Unlike European landmarks (and some of them the Clock Tower is not inferior in either elegance or complexity of architecture), the building is not illuminated. A traveler can inspect the structure, marvel at the filigree masonry and appreciate the high, almost Gothic window openings only during daylight hours - so a trip to the tower should be planned for the morning or afternoon. You cannot go inside the tower. This is for the better: the tourist will have more time to explore the next city attraction - the Museum of Local Lore.

City Clock Tower - how to get to the place and how much to pay for entrance:

  • address: Lenin Square (intersection of Sovetskaya and Sverdlov streets);
  • travel: by public transport, taxi or car;
  • visiting hours: around the clock;
  • Entry fee: not required.

Weather in Yelets, best time to travel

The sights of Yelets can be seen at any time of the year, but for comfort and greater opportunities, travel agencies offer to organize extensive excursions in the summer.

The city is located in a temperate continental climate, with warm summers and moderate snowy winters. The temperature and weather in Yelets directly depend on the winds; in a matter of days it can change dramatically.

Dry periods can often be seen in the summer and brief arctic temperatures in the winter. Winter begins in November and lasts until early March. The city is not prone to large amounts of rainfall. Maximum humidity is reached in May. The average summer temperature is +30°C, in winter – 20°C.

Church of the Yelets Icon of the Mother of God

This attraction has no analogues in Yelets and is a prototype of an ancient Russian temple of the 16-17 centuries. The church has five domes and six altars. At the same time, there is no traditional refectory and asp. The bell tower has a height of 53.5 m. The temple was consecrated in 1915. After the revolution of 1917 and until 1991, the temple was gradually destroyed and was used for a long time for purposes other than its intended purpose. In 1995, the church was completely restored.

Religious buildings in Yelets

Yelets, whose attractions include magnificent temples and churches, can be visited by both Christians and representatives of other faiths. Travel agencies call the city nothing less than the city of 33 temples. It is quite difficult to list and visit them all, so the most famous and significant ones are presented.

Ascension Cathedral

The Ascension Cathedral is one of the largest churches in Russia; it is also the hallmark of Yelets, the main cathedral of the city. Located on Red Square, in the heart of Yelets.

Historians believe that the Ascension Cathedral took about 44 years to build, and construction began in 1845. It is known from sources that before that, an equally majestic Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was located on this site. The Ascension Cathedral is striking in its size: its height is 74 m, its width is 34 m, and its length reaches 84 m.

K.A Ton was chosen as the chief architect. Three popular styles of that time were used in construction: Byzantine, Russian and classicism. The cathedral contains three halls: lower, winter and summer. But special attention of all visitors is drawn to the iconostasis, the design of which was entrusted to the architect A.S. Kaminsky. It has three levels and carved ornaments.

The cathedral is an interesting place not only for believers, but also for connoisseurs of beauty; it has more than 220 paintings, made in various styles, created by artists - Lebedev and Korzukhin.

With the advent of Soviet power, the cathedral was looted, the gilding was erased, and the premises began to be used for storing grain crops. After the Great Patriotic War, the cathedral was restored. And it is in this form that it exists at the moment.

Grand Ducal Church

The Grand Ducal Church is located near the center of Yelets, on Sovetskaya Street 90. The majestic and beautiful building was founded on the initiative of the merchant A.N. Zausailov, a resident of Yelets. The illumination of the church took place in 1911 and was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

Wilfahrt was appointed chief architect. For a long time they could not decide on a name for the temple under construction, but in the end it was dedicated to two Grand Dukes: Tver and Nevsky.

The church is significantly different from all those presented in the city, as it has a bright colorful coloring, is richly and elegantly decorated, and is based on three famous styles of that time: Art Nouveau, Byzantine and Neo-Russian. The interior decoration is not inferior to the external grandeur: carved furniture and an unusual ceramic iconostasis, and unusual stained glass windows complete the picture.

The church was progressive for its day, and water and electricity were installed during construction. Under the USSR, like many other religious buildings, the church was closed and a museum with an anti-religious direction was located in it, and then a warehouse was completely equipped.

Restoration of the temple began in the 90s of the last century.

Znamensky Convent

The monastery is located on Kamennaya Gora, on Slobodskaya Street 2a, which is located near the Elchik River. The monastery has an amazing history, and its foundation goes back to the 17th century; it was not built, but only radically changed the purpose of the Trinity Monastery, changing it to a women's monastery.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the monastery was burned to the ground, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “of the Sign” survived, and 9 years later the monastery was rebuilt, changing only its name.

Residents of the city independently erected new buildings on an illegal basis, and then visited them; only in 1822 they managed to convince the tsar to light the monastery. After this, construction work on the territory of the complex did not stop; it continued until the middle of the 19th century. At the beginning of the last century, the monastery consisted of about 150 buildings, inhabited by 400 nuns.

When the socialists came to power, the monastery was looted and closed, the residents had to move from their home , many of them were imprisoned and executed. In 1937, the Znamensky Monastery was completely destroyed. And only in 2004, by decree of the bishop, restoration work began, and in 2006, the main temple named after St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built.

Church of Michael the Wonderworker

The temple is located at the intersection of Oktyabrskaya and Sverdlova streets. It cannot be attributed to any architectural style, since during its existence it was rebuilt several times. The most ancient element in the complex is the bell tower; the construction dates back to 1788. The refectory was completed in 1828, and the temple itself was rebuilt over the course of 15 years from 1845.

In 1930, the temple was closed and used for food storage. Over the years, the building was subject to destruction. Only in 2021, the church was transferred to the Ascension Cathedral and restoration work began. In a short time, the temple was restored and already on May 1 of the same year, the first service dedicated to Easter was held.

Znamensky Monastery

In the city on the top of Kamennaya Mountain, according to legend, it was on this peak that the fortress around which the city of Yelets grew was founded, on the site of a secluded residence of monks (monastery) in 1683 the Znamensky Church was erected.

After some time, the temple building and the adjacent living quarters for the monks were transformed into a nunnery. The opening of the convent took place in 1822 . By this time, administrative buildings appeared on the territory of the monastery, as well as a bathhouse at the holy spring.

In the period 1917-2003 the monastery was closed. In 2004, the monastery convent was reopened and from that moment restoration work began, thanks to which the monastery acquired its original appearance.

Address: Slobodskaya street-2A.

Museums of Yelets

Yelets, whose sights are represented by an ensemble of museums dedicated to the great people and trades of the city, is of federal cultural and historical value.

Museum of Local Lore

The local history museum was created in 1901 on the initiative of local residents with the support of Mikhail Prishvin, who sponsored and donated personal belongings of their ancestors to it.

At the moment, the museum is considered one of the main attractions of the city.

The revolution left its mark on the museum and in 1919 it was thoroughly looted. But after 3 years, with the support of the authorities and residents, it resumed its work again, and began to be called the “Proletarian Museum”.

With the onset of the war, all exhibits were preserved and evacuated, and a year after the end they were returned to the museum. After the collapse of the USSR, the museum was renamed the “City Museum of Local Lore”. This place is interesting for residents and guests of Yelets.

For those who wish to visit the museum, it is located at Lenin Street, building 102. Educated and qualified guides will present detailed and very interesting information about their native land, for a nominal fee of about 100 rubles.

Museum of Folk Crafts and Crafts

In 2007, the government of the Russian Federation began to think about the preservation and development of the fisheries of their descendants. Therefore, a museum of crafts and trades, famous throughout the region, was created in Yelets. It was located in a building that belonged to the merchant Zausailov, the owner of a tobacco factory. It was built of red brick in Art Nouveau style.

The museum aims to develop and preserve the activities of our ancestors, who were famous for pottery and lace making.

The main composition halls are:

  1. Hall of Yeletsky lace.
  2. Beadwork Hall.
  3. Patchwork hall.

Anyone can visit the museum at the address: Lenin Street, building 68. Attentive caretakers will demonstrate not only the exhibits, but also the technologies for their creation; the ticket costs 100 rubles.

Museum I.A. Bunina

There is only one museum in Russia dedicated to the life and work of the great Russian writer, Nobel Prize winner I.A. Bunin and it is located in Yelets. The initiative to create the museum was submitted by local residents back in 1968. For a long time they could not determine the location, since the poet repeatedly changed his place of residence.

The museum is located on Maxim Gorky Street, building 16. Inside, the room that Bunin rented was restored. The rest of the building was filled with the poet’s personal belongings and manuscripts. Anyone can visit the museum.

House-Museum of N. N. Zhukov

The memorial house of the famous artist and writer N. N. Zhukov is a small log house with beautiful platbands and miniature windows. It was in Yelets that Zhukov spent his childhood and youth. Within the walls of this attraction, authentic things, photographs, household items, books, drawings and other valuable exhibits belonging to N. N. Zhukov and his family have been preserved. The house museum was opened to visitors in 1992 and today is a branch of the local history museum.

Monuments in Yelets

Yelets, whose sights are represented by unique monuments that are works of art by famous masters, preserves the memory of great people and events. Every resident of the city knows his heroes and strongly advises guests to visit and admire them.

Monument to I.A. Bunin

The city remembers and honors the Russian poet Bunin, who lived in Yelets for many years. In honor of his 125th birthday, a monument was erected near the Victory Fountain. In which passers-by see Bunin sitting on a chair and peacefully looking at the city. His name is carved below.

Architect Achkasova used granite and bronze to create the monument. Therefore, there are several more monuments located on the territory of the city, but they are less known and loved.

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Monument to the artist Zhukov

One of the new monuments located in the city. An image of a famous artist at the time of his work was created from bronze, painting a portrait of a girl, the architect was also able to convey the interest of others, and especially children, to the magic that the artist created at the time of work.

Residents of the city claim that the sculpture is especially wonderful in spring and summer, when it is surrounded by greenery.

Memorial sign in honor of the 850th anniversary of Yelets

In 1996, Yelets celebrated the 850th anniversary of the founding of the city; in honor of this, a sign was installed on Red Square, it was created according to the design of the architect Shishin. A symbolic place was chosen to install the pedestal; previously it was the location of the city’s main cathedral.

According to the creator’s idea, the sign is intended to personify the spirit of all the eras that the city has passed through. In 2010, the monument was supplemented with a dome and a cross, and restoration work was also carried out.

Ascension Cathedral

The visiting card of the city of Yelets is the Ascension Cathedral, the construction of which is believed to have begun in 1845. According to historical documents, it is known that on the site of the built Orthodox cathedral, which took 44 years to build, there was the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The city was upset and because of the small size of the cathedral, which could no longer accommodate those who wanted to, the cathedral was dismantled and in its place according to the design of the architect K.A. Ton, the Ascension Cathedral was built, which has survived to this day.

Now the cathedral is functioning for its intended purpose. Tourists can visit this temple structure and view the 220 wall paintings inside the cathedral .

Address: Red Square-1.

Architectural structures

Yelets, whose sights are included in the list of architectural heritage of the region and the Russian Federation, is open to tourists at any time of the year. The city has preserved a large number of historical buildings that help tourists feel the spirit of past years.

Karakum Bridge

The bridge connected the banks of the Bystraya Sosna River. Built at the beginning of the last century, it was repeatedly destroyed and in the 80s, traffic was stopped and it began to be used for pedestrian purposes. After 10 years, it was completely closed and recognized as an emergency structure.

In 2005, a long and significant reconstruction was carried out, thanks to which the bridge again became operational for pedestrian purposes.

Taldykin's estate

The building is located on the river bank. Part of it was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The brick frame was preserved, so restoration work was carried out and the estate became a recreation center, due to the picturesque places and clean air. At the moment, the building is privately owned and visits are prohibited.

City clock tower

The architectural monument is located at the intersection of two streets: Sverdlova and Sovetskaya. The tower was originally used as a water tower, but in 1970 a clock was installed on it, after which it radically changed its purpose and became a decorative element. The chimes strike every 15 minutes.

Chapel in memory of Alexander II

The chapel in memory of the Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, who died in 1881 as a result of an assassination attempt, is located in the central part of the city.

The construction of the chapel dates back to 1882. The temple building was built under the craft council and was a small building made of stone and brick. In 1902, the craft council was closed and after some time services were stopped in the chapel.

In 1909, the chapel was transferred to the religious-political organization “Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers”, which began construction of the Grand Ducal Church and the chapel was to become an extension in front of the entrance to the temple.

During Soviet times, the chapel was used as city warehouses. In the 1990s, the chapel was restored. Its former appearance in the form of a royal crown was restored.

Address: Sovetskaya street.

Natural attractions

The sights of Yelets can amaze not only with their ancient appearance and interesting museums, but also with their amazing nature, monuments created by nature itself. Anyone can visit them freely.

Vorgol rocks

The Vorgol rocks are chalk formations, which over time were almost completely covered by forest and steppe grasses.

The place is considered the most popular for relaxing from the bustle of the city , getting aesthetic pleasure and taking many photographs against the backdrop of amazing nature.

Noble Garden

No one can say for sure when and by whom the garden was founded, but according to preliminary estimates by botanists and historians, the trees are more than 200 years old. On its territory there are benches and gazebos created in the 19th and 20th centuries, and a pond inhabited by a flock of pigeons.

The noble garden seems to transport its visitors to another era, covering with its harmony the noise and heaviness of the city.

Hot beach

On a hot day, you want to plunge into the water and walk along the sandy shore. The authorities took care of the residents and tourists of the city and a beach was built on the Talchik River, on the territory of which there are changing cabins, benches, gazebos, picnic areas and a place for playing volleyball. The safety of swimmers is monitored by the rescue service.

Yeletsky fort

On the territory of the existing prison, on Proletarskaya Street, there is a 19th century building that resembles a medieval castle. In the oldest part of the building, a functioning museum has been created, operating since 2011.

The museum consists of eight cells in which tourists, having entered this part of the prison building by appointment, can examine the life of prisoners in the period of the 19th – 20th centuries and visit a specialized exhibition of items that were once taken from the prisoners.

Address: Proletarskaya street-1b.

Modern objects in Yelets, interesting to visit

All conditions have been created to attract the younger generation to the city, including entertainment and cultural institutions. Guests of the city can also visit them.

Drama Theater "Benefit"

With the support of director Nazarov, a theater was created in the building of the People's House in 1933.

His work was continued by his students and followers, and at the moment the theater is at a high level, famous Russian actors come to perform, many authoritative publications mention the Benefis Drama Theater.

Night club Rigel

It is considered the most popular nightclub in the city. There are two bars, an equipped dance floor, and modern equipment for visitors. The cuisine surprises with its diversity: European, Asian. The club is visited by famous Russian DJs.

Cinema Luch

Built in the last century, it has not lost its popularity among modern youth.

The cinema presents not only modern works of cinema, but also historical and legendary films.

Interesting places to relax with children

Yelets is an ideal place for a family holiday. There are plenty of places in the city where you can relax with children. Some of them are presented below.

Ice Palace named after. A. Tarasova

In 2014, a skating rink dedicated to the activities of the famous coach Tarasov opened in the city. Here you can attend figure skating lessons, as well as relax and have fun with your children during public skating.

The palace is equipped with the latest equipment, equipment, medical personnel and strong coaching staff who are ready to help.

Children's Park named after. B.G. Lesyuka

The park was formed by Lesyuk in 1947 and continues to exist and operate. In 2006, it changed its direction and began to refer to children's centers. They received many awards and were awarded the title of a park of the highest category. On its territory you can leave children under the supervision of an animator and teachers.

City Park

The park has a large number of different attractions that will interest not only children, but also adults for a long time. You can visit the botanical garden, relax in cozy gazebos and eat in a cafe.

Route for exploring Yelets on your own for 1 day

For those who decide to visit the main attractions of Yelets on their own and not miss anything important, an extensive excursion option is provided below:

  1. Mira street. In order to plunge into the atmosphere of the city, you need to go through the pedestrian Mira Street, which is lined with buildings from the 18th-19th centuries.

  2. At the intersection with Oktyabrskaya there is a view of the Transfiguration Church; it is considered the oldest surviving church in the city and is open to the public.
  3. Mayakovsky Street goes beyond the Elchik River, where the Znamensky Monastery is located, which is actively being restored and completed.
  4. After turning onto Lenin Street, you can visit the most extensive museum in the city - the Local History Museum.
  5. On the next street there is the amazing Assumption Church and Mikhail Tverskoy.
  6. Walking further you can admire the tower with the chimes and the monument to the Russian poet I.A. Bunin.
  7. If you deviate from the route, you can visit the amazing lace museum, where guides will tell you about its creation and demonstrate the amazing works of masters of the past and present.
  8. And you can end the tour on Mira Street in a cozy restaurant, enjoying excellent cuisine and admiring the antiquity of the city.

Grand Ducal Church

The Grand Ducal Church in honor of Saints Alexander Nevsky and Mikhail Tverskoy, built at the expense of the wealthy Yelets merchant Zausailov, is the second most important landmark of the city. Its construction, contrary to established tradition, began in winter, and not in spring or summer.

Grand Ducal Church

To make the work of the builders easier, a huge tent was built near the temple: people could warm themselves in it during breaks between laying bricks and preparing mortar. Thanks to the merchant’s care, the church, popularly called the Grand Ducal Church, was completed in just a year and a half - an undoubted record not only for the last century, but also for the present time.

Construction ended at the end of 1910; The temple was consecrated at the beginning of 1911. The main shrine that belonged to the church at that time was a huge crystal cross above the central dome. Immediately after the October Revolution, it was removed and hidden on the territory of the temple, and in 1991, after restoration work began, it was installed in its original place.

The church complex includes a House of Charity, now also restored and open to tourists. Entrance here, as well as to the Grand Ducal Church, is free; Inside, the traveler can see paintings by local artists and admire the original masonry of the ceiling.

The interior of the temple is typical of the beginning of the last century; here you can see several ancient icons and paintings, but, unlike the Ascension Cathedral, the visitor will not find frescoes - neither ancient nor new. The wall paintings of the church, as well as the design of the altar, are minimalist, but are in complete harmony with the other details of the interior decoration.

Grand Ducal Church - how to get to the place and how much to pay for entrance:

  • address: Sovetskaya street, 90;
  • travel: by public transport, taxi or car;
  • visiting hours: daily from 07:00 to 19:00;
  • Entry fee: not required.

Hotels in Yelets

For those tourists who want to enjoy the sights of the city for more than one day, there are many hotels and hotels in the city:

  1. Hostel "Cuba". Located in the historical part of the city, in the private sector, a two-story building with a wide attic and bright decoration. The hostel has two rooms: a four-bed room and an eight-bed room. Both have a refrigerator, kettle, microwave, and dishes. One shower and toilet. Room cost from 350 rubles.
  2. Hotel "Spring". Located not far from the main highway, the location allows you to enjoy and immerse yourself in the history of the city. Regardless of the foreign country, the rooms have been renovated with modern furniture. The hotel provides meals. The average price per room is 800 rubles.

  3. Mini-hotel "Sovetskaya". Set in a building dating back to the 19th century, the rooms are bright and spacious. On the ground floor there is a restaurant, sauna and swimming pool, which are open to both guests and passers-by. The cost of the room is 1500 rubles, it includes accommodation and free breakfast.
  4. Motel "Prival". Located in a village near the city. There is a cafe on site with free breakfast for residents. A sauna and swimming pool will allow tourists to relax after long excursions around the city. Three types of rooms: standard, luxury and junior suite. Cost from 1500 rubles.
  5. Mini-hotel "Lada". It is one of the most elite hotels in the city. Located near the center in a thriving historical area. The service includes toiletries, slippers, hairdryer, TV and free food. The average cost of a room is 3000 rubles.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Not far from the Temple of the Yelets Icon of the Mother of God there is a small church in the name of Archangel Michael. The building is not in the best condition and is interesting primarily from a historical point of view - despite a number of restoration works carried out here since the very beginning of the 1990s, the church is far from returning to its original state.

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

The first construction on the site of the temple began in 1787; As a result, a high bell tower, now in a dilapidated state, a one-story temple and a refectory appeared on the site of the future shrine. The second was completely rebuilt in 1829, and the first underwent several reconstructions from 1845 to 1860.

After the October Revolution, the temple was expropriated in 1930; immediately after the end of World War II, it went to the Church, and in 2016 it was transferred to the Ascension Cathedral. As already mentioned, the building is under restoration, and you can freely enter it only during Sunday services.

The style of the church is more Byzantine than Russian (with characteristic squat, almost flat domes and rounded shapes). The only exception is the bell tower, made according to all the standards of classicism. Work on the interior design, as well as on the facade, is far from finished - and yet you should definitely set aside several hours to visit the Church of St. Michael the Archangel.

Church of the Archangel Michael - how to get to the place and how much to pay for entrance:

  • address: Oktyabrskaya street, 123;
  • travel: by public transport, taxi or car;
  • visiting hours: Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00;
  • Entry fee: not required.

Where to eat in Yelets

After an exciting walk around the city, you need to refresh yourself and relax so as not to make a mistake and choose a proven establishment; below is the top 5 restaurants and cafes in Yelets.

  1. Cafe "Caramel". The cafe is located in the city center, the unusual interior emphasizes the general style of the city. In the cafe you can taste dishes from several cuisines from around the world. "Caramel" is considered an elite restaurant with fast and high-quality service. The average bill for lunch is 600 rubles.
  2. Pizzeria "TOMATO" , this place is suitable for people of all ages. The pizzeria specializes in upscale Italian cuisine, but the menu includes Japanese and American. For comfortable relaxation with children, there is a play area. The average bill is 500 rubles.
  3. Cafe-pizzeria “Hollywood” is in a hurry to please city guests with recipes from all over the world. Greek, Italian and European cuisine. A quiet and cozy atmosphere will complement the overall impression of the historical center of the city. The average bill is 400 rubles.

  4. "Milano" - offers its visitors to enjoy Italian, European and Japanese cuisine. For those who are always in a hurry, you can order food for delivery or takeaway. The average check for lunch is 300 rubles.
  5. McDonald's is located near the highway, which is especially convenient for visitors. Fast and high-quality service, always fresh food. A children's room is equipped for children. The average check for lunch is 250 rubles.

How to get around Yelets

Many guests of Yelets come to the city by rail and by bus; for them the issue of moving around the city is especially relevant. For this purpose, minibuses, buses and private cabs operate throughout the city.

Public transport runs strictly according to plan and stops at stops; their location can be found at the bus station. Minibuses start operating from 6 to 23 hours. The fare is 20 rubles.

In the city you can call or catch a taxi from several companies; the cost depends on the owner, but the average is 30 rubles per km. Yelets is an amazing city, with a rich history and interesting people. Its attractions will surprise avid gourmets. The city conveys the grandeur and mysteries of Russian counties of yesteryear.

Author: Lina Dobraya

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Photos of the sights of the city of Yelets.

Yelets is a city that leaves an impression of itself! Perhaps Yelets will be included in a new alternative route along the Golden Ring of Russia.
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