Yanega, goodbye. The court equated a settlement of a thousand inhabitants near Lodeynoye Pole to the Far North

Lodeynoye Pole

(Leningrad region)

OKATO code:
City since:
1785 City of district subordination (Lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region)
Lodeynopolsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
15 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Lodeynoye Pole

Yanega, goodbye. The court equated a settlement of a thousand inhabitants near Lodeynoye Pole to the Far North

The court sided with the employee of the regional investigative committee, who, without witnesses, conducted a search in the suspect’s apartment in the Lodeynopolsky district of the Leningrad region. A federal judge with average training recognized the village of Yanega as inaccessible, despite the nearby highway and railway station with trains and electric trains. It's only 15 minutes to the regional center.

As 47news learned, in the near future the Leningrad Regional Court will schedule a meeting at which it will study the decision of the Lodeynopolsky City Court dated February 25 on the legality of the search of the former head of the council of deputies of the Yanegsky rural settlement, Valentina Usatova. The district department of the Leningrad Region Investigative Committee accuses the lady of receiving a bribe of 600 thousand rubles. Her defense insists that the search took place without witnesses, and therefore should be declared illegal. 35-year-old judge of the Lodeynopolsky City Court Inga Timofeeva did not agree with this. At the same time, the decision was based on a non-trivial argument.

From the case materials it follows that in the early morning of November 6, 2021, investigator Trofimova arrived at the apartment of Usatova’s house on Parkovaya Street in Yanega and conducted a search for an hour and a half, but without witnesses. Trofimova signed the search warrant herself, without a court order. This is permitted if the event is urgent.

Usatova’s lawyer Sergei Lukyanov told 47news that judge Timofeeva found herself in a difficult position. “According to the Criminal Procedure Code, all searches are carried out with witnesses. There are only a couple of exceptions. First, if the investigative action is associated with a danger to the life and health of people, for example, when it is assumed that there may be an explosive device in the home. Secondly, if the search is carried out in a hard-to-reach area in the absence of proper means of communication,” the defense lawyer explained.

As a result, the judge declared the search legal, citing Yanega’s inaccessibility.

Let us note that by hard-to-reach terrain the legislator understands, for example, taiga, forest, uninhabited areas of the Far North, where it is objectively impossible or extremely difficult to deliver witnesses. At the same time, the village of Yanega is inhabited by more than 1000 people. The streets are paved and lined with residential and administrative buildings, which can be seen on Google Maps.


Yanega is located 250 kilometers from St. Petersburg and is connected to it by the Kola highway. The town of Lodeynoye Pole is 12 kilometers away. There is a railway station where electric trains from the Northern capital and long-distance trains arrive every day. Next to the village, the Leningrad region authorities planned to create a state nature reserve with an area of ​​2.3 thousand hectares to preserve old-growth forests, rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, and unique water bodies with spawning grounds for salmon and trout. On the Internet you can find, for example, a motorcycle rally in honor of May 9th.

Judge Inga Timofeeva passed the qualification exam for the position of judge in February 2014. She was given a “satisfactory” rating, and her level of training was considered average. She received her education at the St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation. She has been working at the Lodeynopol City Court for more than five years, and before that she worked as an assistant judge at the Leningrad Regional Court.

Let us note that on November 8 last year the Lodeynopolsky court declared the search legal, but on February 5 of this year the decision was overturned by the Leningrad Regional Court. The material was sent back to Lodeynoye Pole for a new consideration, but in a different composition of the court.

Let us recall that, as 47news reported, the district investigative committee believes that the head of the administration of the Yanegsky rural settlement Valentina Usatova and her deputy Anton Sazanov in February last year offered a local resident to buy an apartment from her at an inflated price. The deal was formalized in the form of a municipal contract as part of a program for relocating citizens from dilapidated housing stock. In September 2021, Usatova became a deputy and headed the Yanega municipality, and Sazanov began serving as head of the administration. In October, an inflated contract for an apartment was signed with a local resident. On the evening of November 5, in Lodeynoye Pole, she allegedly handed over 600 thousand rubles to Usatova and Sazanov, who were sitting in the Chevrolet Niva car.


Lodeynoye Pole: maps

Lodeynoye Pole: photo from space (Google Maps) Lodeynoye Pole: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Lodeynoye Pole.
Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Podporozhye39 (45)NE
2Olonets42 (52)NW
3Syasstroy85 (94)SW
4Novaya Ladoga98 (115)SW
5Yarn (Republic of Karelia)107 (148)WITH
6Volkhov112 (129)SW
7Sheltozero (Republic of Karelia)119 (197)NE
8Tikhvin121 (162)YU
9Petrozavodsk124 (199)WITH
10Pikalevo139 (206)YU
11Boksitogorsk141 (195)YU
12Pitkäranta144 (177)NW
13Nazia146 (163)SW
14Priladozhsky156 (179)SW

a brief description of

The city of Lodeynoye Pole is located on the left bank of the river. Svir (Lake Ladoga basin), 244 km northeast of St. Petersburg, on the ancient Arkhangelsk Highway.

Pier on the Volga-Baltic waterway. Railway station on the line Volkhov - Petrozavodsk.

Territory (sq. km): 713

Information about the city of Lodeynoye Pole on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It grew up as a village of shipbuilders at the Olonets shipyard founded here in 1702 by decree of Peter I (existed until 1830; named after its location in Olonets district). Of the cities of Poshekhonye, ​​Beloozero, and Kargopol assigned to the shipyard by decree of Peter I, 10 thousand people arrived here in 1703 alone.

On August 22, 1703, the first-born of the Baltic Fleet, the 28-gun frigate “Standard,” was launched here; in 1704, 6 more frigates, 4 shnyavas, 4 galleys and 24 half-galleys were built, forming the first Russian squadron in the Baltic. During the existence of the shipyard, over 400 sailing and rowing vessels were built. Among them are the sloop “Diana” (on which V.M. Golovnin sailed from Kronstadt to Kamchatka), the sloop “Mirny”, which participated in the discovery of Antarctica.

In 1785, the settlement at the shipyard and the surrounding area were transformed into the district town of Lodeynoye Pole of the Olonets governorship. In 1796, he was left behind the staff and assigned to the Novgorod province. Since 1801, the district town of the Olonets province.

The name of the field is “treeless (cleared of forest) space”; lodya is “a rowing or sailing vessel, a ship; big boat,” and in general, “a place where ships are built.”

Already in 1840, 10 years after the closure of the shipyard, less than 1,000 residents remained in Lodeynoye Pole.

In the second half of the 19th century. Several wood processing enterprises arose, Lodeynoye Pole became the center of timber trade on the Svir.

In 1856, in the district town of Lodeynoye Pole, Olonets province, there was 1 church, 126 houses, 4 shops.

At the beginning of the 20th century. Lodeynoye Pole is a place of political exile.

In 1915, the St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk - Murmansk railway passed through Lodeynoye Pole (1914-16).

During the years of the first five-year plans, the Nizhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station was built (according to the design of G.O. Graftio; the first current was generated in 1933).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, the city withstood a long defense (1005 days), defending the “Road of Life” and the approaches to Leningrad.


The leading industries are forestry and wood processing. The largest enterprises are a wood processing plant (1961) and a timber industry enterprise (1929). Factories: construction materials (founded in 1957), rail welding, food and light industry (knitting factories). Production of pottery (Alyokhovshchina village, since 1969).

Potatoes and vegetables are grown in the Lodeynopolsky district. Dairy farming. Deposits of fusible clays and peat. Nizhnesvirskaya hydroelectric power station (built according to the GOELRO plan).

Culture, science, education

Museum of History and Local Lore. Park-memorial "Svirskaya Victory".

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Lodeynopolsky Museum of History and Local Lore 187710, Leningrad region, Lodeynopolsky district, Lodeynoye Pole, st. Lenina, 122 Phone(s): (81364) 210-98

Architecture, sights

On the bank of the river Svir is an obelisk on the site of the house of Peter I (1832). In the center of the city there is a bust of twice Hero of Socialist Labor B.G. Muzrukova (1904-79).

26 km from Lodeynoye Pole, along the old Olonetsky tract, is the Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery (founded in 1484), which actually consists of two closely located monasteries - Trinity and Preobrazhensky. In the center of the Trinity Monastery, the stone Trinity Cathedral stands out (1695, 4-pillars, 3-apse, single-domed; previously 5-domed; completed with tiers of kokshniks with a gallery on a high basement; in the interior - frescoes of the 17th-18th centuries, iconostasis of the 17th century) , Church of the Intercession (first half of the 17th century on the basis of a destroyed temple (1533-36); restored in 1969-76) with a 2-story refectory, 3-tiered belfry (1647-74).

In the Transfiguration Monastery there is a stone Transfiguration Cathedral (finished in 1644) and cells (1677-89).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


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    Leningrad region. Illustrated guide. St. Petersburg, Discourse Media, 2003. pp. 56-57
  2. Pospelov E.M.
    Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary: About 5000 units. M.: Russian dictionaries, Astrel Publishing House LLC, AST Publishing House LLC, 2001. p. 245
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    ed. Lappo G.M. Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. p. 242
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