Sights of Argun and Argun urban district

Argun city

At the entrance to Argun we crossed the river of the same name.

The city of Argun suffered greatly during the Chechen war. Now it mainly consists of the private sector, but there are also new five-story buildings.

The central streets look well-maintained.

Imitation of a Chechen battle tower.

There is also an advertisement on the walls for the Terek football club, renamed Akhmat.


Argun: maps

Argun: photo from space (Google Maps) Argun: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Komsomolskoe5 ()SW
2Mesker-Yurt6 ()SE
3Jalka10 ()IN
4Tsotsi-Yurt12 ()SE
5Chechen-Aul12 ()SW
6Germenchuk13 ()YU
7Gikalo13 ()SW
8Grozny13 (15)Z
9Geldagan16 ()SE
10Shawls16 (16)YU
11Tolstoy-Yurt17 ()NW
12Authors18 ()SE
13Ilshan-Yurt19 ()IN
14New Atagi19 ()YU
15Gudermes19 (22)IN
16Kurchaloy20 ()SE
17Starye-Atagi22 ()SW
18Serzhen-Yurt22 ()SE
19Scarlet22 (27)WITH
20Myrtup24 ()SE
21Alkhan-Yurt25 ()Z
22Goyty25 ()SW
23Chiri-Yurt25 ()SW
24Alkhan-Kala27 ()Z
25Bachi-Yurt28 ()IN
26Pervomayskaya29 ()Z
27Kulary30 ()Z
28Oyskhara31 ()IN
29Duba-Yurt31 ()YU
30Urus-Martan31 (44)SW

a brief description of

Located on the Chechen (Grozny) foothill plain, on the river. Argun (right tributary of the Sunzha river, Terek basin). Railway station.

Damaged as a result of hostilities.

Territory (sq. km): 28

Information about the city of Argun on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

The original Chechen name of the village is Ustar-Gardoy, where Ustar is the Turkic “master, gunsmith”, gardoy is the name of one of the brands of blade, i.e. in general: “masters who forge blades with a guard.”

After the liquidation of the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the aul was turned into the village of Kolkhoznoye, and after the restoration of the republic - into the working village of Argun along the river. Argun (from the ethnonym Arg), on which it is located.

PGT since 1962, city since 1967.


Argun is an industrial suburb of Grozny.

Plant for the production of equipment for the food industry, sugar factory. Meat processing plant. House-building plant.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Argun City

Probably in every city in Chechnya there is a complex of tall buildings, sort of local skyscrapers. This has become a signature feature of the Republic of Chechnya. Argun City is a complex of 21 storey, 16 storey and 12 storey buildings.

Argun City includes residential buildings, office space and a shopping and entertainment center with shops, cafes and a cinema.

Crescent with a star.

The restaurant in Argun City is located on the 21st floor, who loves panoramic views can visit. There is also a hotel in Argun City with panoramic windows where you can stay.


Argun has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfa


Climate data for Argun
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Average high °C (°F)1,1 (34,0)2,8 (37,0)8,4 (47,1)17,5 (63,5)23,5 (74,3)27,8 (82,0)30,4 (86,7)29,9 (85,8)24,5 (76,1)16,7 (62,1)9,3 (48,7)3,4 (38,1)16,3 (61,3)
Daily average °C (°F)-2,3 (27,9)-1,0 (30,2)4,0 (39,2)11,6 (52,9)17,5 (63,5)21,8 (71,2)24,5 (76,1)23,9 (75,0)18,8 (65,8)11,7 (53,1)5,6 (42,1)0,4 (32,7)11,4 (52,5)
Average low °C (°F)-5,6 (21,9)-4,8 (23,4)-0,3 (31,5)5,7 (42,3)11,6 (52,9)15,9 (60,6)18,7 (65,7)17,9 (64,2)13,1 (55,6)6,8 (44,2)1,9 (35,4)−2,6 (27,3)6,5 (43,8)
Average precipitation, mm (inches)22 (0,9)23 (0,9)23 (0,9)34 (1,3)58 (2,3)71 (2,8)55 (2,2)43 (1,7)37 (1,5)31 (1,2)28 (1,1)24 (0,9)449 (17,7)
Source: [10]

Mosque named after Aimani Kadyrova in Argun

Across the road opposite the Argun City business center is the Aimani Kadyrova Mosque. This is the mosque of the mother of Ramzan Kadyrov and the wife of the first and mother of the second president of the Chechen Republic. If the mosque in Grozny is known as the “Heart of Chechnya,” then the mosque in Argun is also known as the “Heart of the Mother.”

In front of the mosque there is a fountain in the form of a shell. Unfortunately, I was never able to find it working.

Exterior view of the Kadyrova mosque

The mosque named after Aimani Kadyrova is made in a modern style. Some Muslims don't like it, but the mosque looks very impressive.

The Aimani Kadyrova Mosque was built according to the design of a Turkish architect. Construction was completed in 2014.

The height of the mosque's dome is 23 meters.

This is not the largest, but it is undoubtedly the most beautiful and unusual mosque I have ever seen.

Three minarets 55 meters high rise above the mosque.

Inner courtyard of the mosque in Argun

The area of ​​the territory occupied by the mosque named after Aimani Kadyrova is 24 thousand square meters. The mosque has a large courtyard.

It’s not even a courtyard; there’s a small park on the inside. There is a pond in it, swans swim.

There are also many flower beds and a greenhouse. If I understand correctly, vegetables are grown in them, which are then used for cooking. The mosque has a canteen where those in need can eat.

Sights of Argun and Argun urban district

Along the banks of the Argun River on the Chechen foothill plain there is a city that takes its name from the Argun River. The history of the settlement begins in the eighteenth century, when on the site of the modern city there was a village called Ustargardoy (many local residents still call Argun this way). According to historical data, the village was founded by a Belgatoi man whose name was UstargIa, from which the name Ustrado-Giala came. The city suffered greatly during the First and Second Chechen Wars, but today it has been almost completely restored. The city is divided by the main street into a village and a town, although in fact it is a single settlement.

The Argun River itself, on which Argun stands today, is a truly unique attraction. Narrow paths, rocks and beautiful views have always attracted tourists here, who return to the river again and again. In addition, the diversity of flora and fauna that surrounds the river is unique in places. Here you can meet such animals and find plants that are not found anywhere else. A recent study of the flora of the Argun River revealed many unique plants that are now endangered. More than one hundred and fifty species of such representatives, both flora and fauna, are included in the new “Red Book of Chechnya”.

Like most rivers of the Caucasus, the Argun originates on the high ridges of the Caucasian ridges. It is formed from the confluence of two rivers - Chanty-Argun (headwaters in Georgia) and Sharo-Argun (headwaters on the Kachu glacier in Chechnya), paving the way with its living force in narrow mountain gorges.

The length of the river is almost 150 km, the basin area is about 3400 sq. km. The river is fed mainly by meltwater from glaciers and high-mountain snow. The rapid current prevents solid ice from forming on the surface of the waterway even in severe winters. In summer, during the active melting of snow in the mountains, the Argun overflows, surpassing the Sunzha in terms of water content, of which it is a right tributary. Part of the Argun basin is located in mountainous Chechnya, where medieval towers and ruins of ancient villages are scattered in abundance on the mountain slopes (it is believed that this is where the first Chechen settlements arose). Before entering the plain, to the Argun Gate, the river flows through the picturesque Argun Gorge, the longest gorge in the Caucasus, about 120 kilometers long. Many years ago, the Argun Gorge was called the Gorge of Towers. In the lower reaches of the river there is a city of the same name, founded in the 18th century.

Recently, Argun has been actively gaining popularity among fans of rafting, a popular extreme form of tourism throughout the world.

In the city itself there are two battle towers - unique architectural monuments of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The height of these towers is about twenty-five meters and, as scientists suggest, they were once part of a whole complex of military buildings.

A monument of modern architecture is the Mosque named after. Aimani Kadyrova, the construction of which began in 2011, became the central mosque of the city. This piece of architecture is a gem in the Muslim world.

The ceremonial groundbreaking with the performance of the traditional religious rite “dhikr” took place at the beginning of 2011. The President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, also took part in the ceremony. Almost two hundred people were employed in the construction of the shrine; advanced technologies and unique materials were used. The mosque was built in high-tech style, and today there are no analogues to it in Russia.

At the same time, an elegant and grandiose tent with a height of 25 meters is surrounded by three sixty-meter minarets. The mosque has original street lighting, and the interior decoration is striking in its beauty and sophistication. The chandelier under the ceiling weighs several tons, and the words of the Almighty are inscribed on the dome. Everything is carefully thought out in order to provide maximum comfort to those praying - up to five thousand believers can pray here at the same time. The construction of mosques has always been considered one of the most worthy human endeavors. At the request of the residents of Chechnya, the shrine is named after Aimani Kadyrova, the mother of the President.

The mosque, looking like a huge pearl, became a real decoration of Argun and the entire Chechen Republic. The doors of the shrine are always open for those who wish to pray to the Almighty.

And on a hill above the city, there are several more military towers, or rather, their ruins, which were once formidable guards. The towers were built from large stones, which made their walls practically invulnerable. According to scientists, these towers near the city of Argun are the most progressively built in those distant times.

The beautiful sights of the city of Argun, and the entire Republic of Chechnya, have only recently begun to open up to tourists and travelers not only from Russia, but also from other countries. Unique culture, mysteries, legends and unprecedented landscapes - all this is today available to everyone who seeks to experience this republic.

Inside the Aimani Kadyrova mosque

The inside of the mosque is no less beautiful. The capacity is designed for 15,000 people. The mosque is open to everyone, the main thing is to follow the rules of visiting and dress code. Taking photos inside the mosque is allowed, but you should not disturb the believers and take pictures of them; depicting people is prohibited in Islam.

Minbar - from here the imam reads his sermon.


The dome of the mosque is decorated with Arabic script glorifying Allah.

I've never seen chandeliers like these.

The carpet inside the mosque is woven in one piece. But just imagine how long it takes to vacuum it?

On the second floor, through the windows inside the mosque you can see Argun City.

After spending about 45 minutes on Argun and the Aimani Kadyrova Mosque, we went further through the Republic of Chechnya towards Grozny. I will tell you about Grozny in the near future.

Population[ | ]

15 148↗21 652↗25 491↘23 400↗25 698↗25 700↗26 900
↗29 100↗40 100↗41 767↘29 525↘29 500↗30 647↗32 058
↗33 207↗34 078↗35 738↗36 486↗37 373↗38 169↗39 275
↗40 290

As of January 1, 2021, in terms of population, the city was in 382nd place out of 1,116[25]cities of the Russian Federation[26].

National composition

The ethnic composition of the city’s population according to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census[27]:

PeopleNumber of people, peopleShare of the total population, %
Chechens29 32399,32 %
other1610,54 %
not specified410,14 %
Total29 525100,00 %

Status[ | ]

Urban district of Argun on the map of the Chechen Republic
The city is an administrative-territorial unit (city of republican significance)[28][29] and a municipal entity, endowed with the status of an urban district by Law of the Chechen Republic No. 15-rz dated February 20, 2009 “On Education municipal formation of the city of Argun, establishing its borders and giving it the status of an urban district"[30][31]. The concept of “urban district of Argun”

“city of Argun”
are equivalent.[30]

From January 1, 2021, the territories of Komsomolsky (the village of Komsomolskoye and the village of Primykanie) and Chechen-Aulsky rural settlements (the village of Chechen-Aul)[32], the area of ​​which after that is 130, were transferred from the Grozny district to the urban district of the city of Argun ,21[33] km².

The mayor of the city is Masaev Iles Akhmedovich[34].

The head of the city (chairman of the Council of Deputies of the city of Argun) since August 30, 2021 is Ayubov Ibragim Zilimkhanovich[35].

Notes[ | ]

  1. 12
    The permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian). Date accessed: April 27, 2021. Archived May 2, 2021.
  2. A.G. Matsiev, A. T. Karasaev - Russian-Chechen dictionary. - Russian language, 1978. - 728 p.
  3. Suleymanov A. Toponymy of Chechnya. Grozny: State Unitary Enterprise “Book Publishing House”, 2006
  4. Pospelov, 2008, p. 42.
  5. Passport of the municipality of the urban district of Argun (unspecified)
  6. ON CHANGES IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL DIVISION OF THE RSFSR // Gazette of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. - 1962. - December 30 (No. 52).
  7. Lom-Ali Kosumov.
    In Argun, the opening of the Aimani Kadyrova mosque and the Argun City high-rise building complex
    (inaccessible link). Date accessed: September 11, 2015. Archived March 4, 2021.
  8. All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Access date: September 25, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  9. All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Access date: September 25, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  10. All-Union population census of 1989. Urban population (undefined)
    . Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.
  11. 12345
    People's encyclopedia "My City". Argun (city)
  12. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more (unspecified)
    . Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  13. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and regions as of January 1, 2009 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived January 2, 2014.
  14. All-Russian population census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population of the Chechen Republic (undefined)
    . Access date: May 9, 2014. Archived May 9, 2014.
  15. Number of urban settlements in the Chechen Republic as of January 1, 2011 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved May 11, 2021. Archived May 11, 2016.
  16. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived May 31, 2014.
  17. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements) (undefined)
    . Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived November 16, 2013.
  18. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 2, 2014. Archived August 2, 2014.
  19. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 6, 2015. Archived August 6, 2015.
  20. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian) (October 5, 2018). Date accessed: May 15, 2021. Archived May 8, 2021.
  21. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian) (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2021. Archived July 31, 2021.
  22. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian). Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2021.
  23. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian). Date accessed: July 31, 2019. Archived May 2, 2021.
  24. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (Russian). Date accessed: October 17, 2021. Archived October 17, 2021.
  25. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  26. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021 (1.85 Mb, 07/30/2021)
  27. Volume 4 book 1 “National composition and language proficiency, citizenship”; table 1 “National composition of the population of Chechnya by urban districts, municipal districts, urban settlements, rural settlements with a population of 3000 people or more” (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Access date: January 3, 2014. Archived September 29, 2015.
  28. Law “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Chechen Republic”. (Russian).
    _ Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
  29. Constitution of the Chechen Republic (Russian).
    _ Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
  30. 1 2
    Charter of the municipal formation of the city of Argun of the Chechen Republic (Russian).
    . Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
  31. Law “On the formation of the municipality of the city of Argun, establishing its borders and granting it the status of an urban district” dated February 20, 2009 N 15-RZ. (Russian).
    _ Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
  32. Law of the Chechen Republic of October 4, 2021 N 41-RZ “On the transformation, changes in the boundaries of individual municipalities of the Chechen Republic and amendments to some legislative acts of the Chechen Republic” (Russian).
    Date of access: February 17, 2021. (full version of the text.pdf (Russian).
    . Date of access: February 17, 2021.)
  33. Law of the Chechen Republic of October 4, 2021 N 41-RZ “On the transformation, changes in the boundaries of individual municipalities of the Chechen Republic and amendments to some legislative acts of the Chechen Republic” (Russian).
    . Date of access: February 17, 2021. - P. 3393
  34. Mayor of Argun (Russian).
    . Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
  35. Head of the city (Russian).
    . Date accessed: February 17, 2021.
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