Sights of Kalachinsk, Omsk region


(until 1919 -
), a city of regional subordination in Russia, the administrative center of the Kalachinsky district of the Omsk region, the cathedral city of the Kalachin and Muromtsevo diocese. Located on the left. bank of the river Om (tributary of the Irtysh), 88 km east of Omsk. Railway Kalachinskaya station on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Automotive unit expensive Population - 22.9 thousand people. (2013) [1]

  • On the map: Yandex.Map, Google map

The settlement has been known since 1795. It was founded in the place of a sharp bend of the old riverbed of the Om River, which in Russian dialects was called “kalach”, “kalachik”. Since 1830 - the village of Kalachiki

. In the 19th century, it was populated by unauthorized migrants from Vyatka, Penza and Kaluga villages. In 1838, the Siberian Highway was built near Kalachiki (many residents were engaged in cartage), and in 1895, the Siberian Railway was built.

At the beginning of the 1910s, in Kalachiki there was a store with manufacturing, haberdashery and grocery goods, several small shops, a tea shop, a state-owned wine shop and four beer shops, a bakery store, an oil mill, two forges, a warehouse for agricultural implements, mills, lard melting plants. There was a ministerial one-class school. The fair was held annually from June 29 to July 1. In 1913, a rural hospital was moved to Kalachiki from the village of Kulikovskoye.

Before the revolution, the village was part of the Kulikovo volost of the Tyukalinsky district of the Tobolsk province. On December 5, 1919, by decision of the Sibrevkom, an independent Kalachinsky district was separated from the Tyukalinsky district, which included 16 volosts. Since 1925 - a village, regional center, since 1943 - a settlement. Since December 1952 - a city of district, since 1963 - of regional subordination.

Coat of arms of Kalachinsk: in a silver field with an azure tip, an ear located inside a horseshoe, below accompanied by the date “1795”, all figures are gold; in the green chapter is the name of the city, executed in gold, accompanied below by a black lattice belt, symbolizing the Trans-Siberian Railway. The horseshoe symbolizes the Siberian Highway, its role in the development of Kalachinsk.

In the 1920s, one of the first machine and tractor stations in Siberia was created. According to the “List of Populated Places...” of 1928, the village had schools of the first and second levels, an agronomic center, a library, a hospital, a medical station, a consumer society shop, mills, and a postal and telegraph office [2]. In 1939, a district plant was opened (production of consumer goods). During the Great Patriotic War, a mechanical plant from Melitopol was evacuated to Kalachinsk and reconstructed after the war. The main activity is the repair of agricultural machines and the production of auto-disposal units for livestock farms, tractor trailers, and spare parts. In the 1950s, the Omsk geophysical office of the Zapsibneftegeology association was opened.

In the early 2000s, a mechanical plant, a ceramic wall materials plant, a shoe factory, a weaving factory, and food industry enterprises operated in Kalachinsk; there were eight schools, a vocational school, a cinema, a palace of culture, six libraries, a regional museum, and three hospitals; The regional newspaper "Sibiryak" was published. In the Kalachinsky district, grain and fodder crops are grown, cattle breeding, and poultry farming are carried out; Brick clay deposits are being developed.


  • 1912 - 165 households, 781 people [3]
  • 1926 - 1043 farms, 4243 people [2]
  • 1959 – 19 thousand people [4]
  • 1970 - 20.8 thousand people [4]
  • 1989 – 25 thousand people [4]
  • 1998 – 26 thousand people [4]
  • 2005 - 23.9 thousand people [4]
  • 2010 - 23.5 thousand people [5]


There is no information about which parish the village belonged to in the first years of its existence. At the end of the 1880s, within the Tobolsk (since 1895 - Omsk) diocese, a parish was formed at the Church of the Intercession in the village of Resurrection, to which the village of Kalachiki was assigned. No later than 1900, a wooden chapel was built here in the name of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul, assigned to the Resurrection Church of the Intercession. There is no information about the fate of the chapel building after the establishment of Soviet power in the village; it was probably demolished. Perhaps by 1917, an independent parish was opened in Kalachiki: according to the PSTGU database, this year the priest served here as a priest. Philip Grigoriev.

In the early 2000s, a large brick church was built in the city of Kalachinsk in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which was under the jurisdiction of the Omsk bishop until June 2012, when it became the cathedral of the newly established Kalachin diocese.


  • Resurrection of Christ, Cathedral
  • Peter and Paul, chapel (mentioned 1900 - 1914)


Kalachinsk: maps

Kalachinsk: photo from space (Google Maps) Kalachinsk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Kormilovka31 (36)Z
2Gorkovskoe37 (50)WITH
3Okoneshnikovo40 (40)SE
4Nizhnyaya Omka48 ()NE
5Rostovka64 ()Z
6Omsk77 (86)Z
7Tauride79 (125)SW
8Tatarsk89 (98)IN
9Ust-Tarka (Novosibirsk region)91 (131)NE
10Sargatskoe93 (196)NW
11Novovarshavka98 (132)YU
12Luzino99 ()Z
13Cherlak101 (122)YU
14Azov107 (112)Z
15Krasny Yar107 (134)Z
16Pavlogradka115 (181)SW
17Bolsherechye115 (232)WITH
18Lubinsky120 (150)Z

a brief description of

Located on the left bank of the river. Om (tributary of the Irtysh), 88 km east of Omsk. Railway Kalachinskaya station. Road junction.

Territory (sq. km): 25

Information about the city of Kalachinsk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It was first mentioned in the 1795 census as the village of Kalachiki (there were 14 households and 130 inhabitants), founded near Lake Kalachiki. Primary is the name of the lake, which is a metaphor due to its shape.

Since 1830, the village was populated by unauthorized migrants from the European provinces of Russia: Vyatka, Penza, Kaluga, etc.

In 1838, the Siberian Highway was built near Kalachinsk, and in 1895, the Trans-Siberian Railway. highway.

In 1919, Kalachinsky district was formed with its center in the village of Kalachinsky. Since 1944, the working village of Kalachinsk. Since 1952 the city.

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population7.9
Number of deaths, per 1000 population16.2
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-8.3
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.2069
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.18.8
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.7
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people0.6
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.8
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people4.1
Number of doctors, people.110
Number of nursing staff, people.405
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.3
Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.375
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.6
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.1.310
Number of registered crimes, pcs.1031
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.603
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.261
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.53.2
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area1.7
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments15
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.3.6
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.206.8
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.8205.8
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.6.8
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.55.7
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.2210.5
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.6
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.238
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.39
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %55

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


Factories: mechanical (produces spare parts for agricultural machines, tractor trailers, etc.), ceramic wall materials. Factories: shoe, weaving (jacquard carpets and bedspreads, terry towels, decorative fabrics).

Food industry enterprises: butter factory, meat processing plant, food processing plant, elevator, confectionery factory.

Grain and fodder crops are grown in the Kalachinsky district. They raise cattle, pigs, and sheep. Poultry farming.

Brick clay deposits.

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Kalachinsky Museum of History and Local Lore 646904, Omsk region, Kalachinsky district, Kalachinsk, st.
Lenina, 39 Telephone(s): (3812)2-22953 Kulikovo Museum of History and Local Lore 646927, Omsk region, Kalachinsky district, p. Kulikovo, st. 50 years of Komsomol, no. 3 Phone(s): (38155) 4-11-14 Website:

Architecture, sights

Kalachinsk is one of the most green cities in the Omsk region with streets and boulevards. The development is dominated by 2-3-story brick houses.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


XVIII century

The first exploration of the territory along the Omi River was carried out in 1755 by ensign Ukusnikov. In 1767, the head of the engineering expedition of the Siberian Corps, Major General Malm, first called the lake Kalachikami, which is a metaphor due to the shape of the lake.

The foundation of the village of Kalachiki was documented by the Revizskaya tale on January 26, 1795. At that time, 14 families numbering 130 people already lived in it. The date of foundation of the village is unknown exactly, approximately in 1783-1794 between the Revision tales.

The official founding date is the spring-summer of 1794. The first houses were built on the steep bank of the Om River, just below Lake Kalach formed by its old bed. The development of the village of Kalachiki proceeded slowly, since there were already small villages around or were newly established; there was never landownership in Kalachiki.

Kalachinsky district

The Kalachinsky district is located in the east of the Omsk region at the intersection of transport routes: the Trans-Siberian Railway: Moscow - Vladivostok, 74 kilometers long, and two federal highways.

An exciting weekend awaits you in the Kalachinsky district!

You will be able to visit the arboretum on an island in the middle of Lake Kalach, spend one day in the Shirvan Regiment, try on a uniform and witness a real battle, try excellent jam from different varieties of fruit in the Garden on Omi and learn its interesting history, as well as travel back in time and walk along the Siberian Highway and see much, much more.


  • Lake "Kalach". Kalach is the largest oxbow lake (floodplain) in the Kalachinsky district. The lake is inhabited by crucian carp and perch. Gave its name to the entire area.
  • Shirvan regiment. The Shirvan Musketeer Regiment was relocated to Omsk in 1745. To strengthen the eastern borders of the empire, five regular regiments were sent to Siberia under the command of Major General H. Kinderman. The regiments were located in Tomsk, Tobolsk, Irkutsk and Kolyvan. In Omsk, where the Headquarters of the Siberian Corps was located, the Shirvan Musketeers were stationed.
  • Memorial of Glory. A complex of memorial buildings in memory of participants in military operations and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (Kalachinsk, Kalinin Street opposite house No. 27).
  • Monument in honor of the founding of the city of Kalachinsk.
  • Puppet theater "Fairy Tale". The only rural children's theater in the region was opened in 1995. It is the first municipal puppet theater in Russia, which is located in a city with a population of less than 50 thousand people (Kalnina St., 3, 8 (381) 55 26 956;;6; 8 983 564 48 06, /club39225016,
  • People's Theater "Riddle" (Kalachinsk, Kalinina St., 25, 8 38155 22-930,
  • Military-historical club “Shield of the Fatherland” (Lenin St., 39; 8 (38 155) 22-787,
  • Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Yu.A. Gagarin (Kalachinsk).
  • Natural zoological reserve of regional significance "Forest Steppe". How to get there? Drive along the federal highway R-254 from Omsk, about 100 kilometers away. In summer, tourists are taken to the reserve in all-terrain vehicles, in winter - on snowmobiles, and the most active ones get from the highway to the reserve on skis.
  • Nursery “Garden on Omi” (Arkhipovka village, Arkhipovskaya st., 10,,, 8-951-407-27-48, 8-950 -798-03-41).
  • Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Kalachinsk, Semashko St., 21, Tel. 8-381-5521-157,, .html).
  • Church in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Voskresenka village, Pokrovskaya Square, 1, 8 (381-55) 21-157,
  • Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (Voskresenka village, Pionerskaya St., 16).
  • Center for Traditional Culture “Radovest” (Kalachinsk, Oktyabrskaya St., 42a; 8-381-55-23-616,, /
  • Inter-settlement cultural and leisure center (Kalachinsk, Kalinina St., 25; +7 (38155) 22045

Excursion routes:

  • Weekend excursion “Siberian adventure of the Shirvan regiment”.

The excursion route will take you through the “portal of time” to the village of Kalachi in 1807, where recruitment was announced. Experienced combat officer Terentyev will conduct drill and combat training for recruits. Those who successfully pass the tests will take part in the episode of the Battle of Borodino of the military-historical club “Shield of the Fatherland”. The excursion is held every last Saturday of the month, subject to the formation of a group (from 10 to 20 people). Cost: 600 rubles (breakfast, lunch, city tour, blacksmith master class, visit to the military history club, participation in a battle episode. No transfer). Duration 6 hours. Applications must be submitted no later than 2 weeks in advance (8 (381) 5528 015, 8 (960) 9940 095,).

  • Walking and water tours “Summer. Kalachinsk. Alloy!".

One-day and three-day. Organizer: Kalachinsky Museum of History and Local Lore (Kalinina St., 16, 8-960-994-00-35, Svetlana Viktorovna).

  • Interactive excursion “Fabulous weekend”.

Every week, every Sunday from 11:45 to 13:15, the Skazka puppet theater welcomes guests in Kalachinsk. A game program, an exciting performance, a tour of the theater backstage and the theater museum awaits you. You will also try to control the doll yourself. The duration of the excursion is 1.5 hours. Cost: 130 rub./person. Registration and details by phone: 8 (381) 5526 956; 8 (381) 5526 988.

  • Bus and walking sightseeing tour of the city of Kalachinsk.

During the excursion, tourists will get acquainted with the history of the city of Kalachinsk, visit the place where the city began, see the main attractions, and receive information about all the prominent people associated with the history of the provincial town. At the end of the excursion, all guests will enjoy a soulful tea party with Kalachin rolls. Duration of the excursion – 2 hours 30 minutes. The number of excursion participants is at least 10 people. The route operates on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00. Ticket price: adults – 150 rubles, children – 50 rubles. To order an excursion for a group: no later than 24 hours in advance, call 8 (381) 5528 015 or send a request by email: [email protected]

  • Interactive excursion with elements of historical reconstructionMy beloved city of Kalachinsk...”.

On the excursion you will visit the historical reconstruction club “Shield of the Fatherland”, witness hand-to-hand combat, plunge into the era of the Patriotic War of 1812, hear a story about the unique nature and living creatures living in the Kalachinsky district and drink tea with kalachi! The route is valid: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10.15 to 12.30 Ticket price: adult – 100 rubles, children – 50 rubles. The duration of the sightseeing tour is 2 hours 15 minutes. The route is pedestrian. The program includes: an excursion, elements of historical reconstruction, tea drinking with rolls. To purchase a ticket or order a program for a group, you must call 8 (381) 5528 015 no later than 24 hours in advance or send a request by email: [email protected]

  • Memory route "Small town in the Great War".

An educational tour of the city’s memorial sites, reflecting the life of the city during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

  • "Orthodox Temples of the Kalachin region".

Pilgrimage route, bus and walking tour. Visit to the Temples of the Kalachin Diocese: Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Voskresenka, Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kalachinsk, Church of the Archangel Michael. Kulikovo, Lagushino Temple of Xenia of Petersburg. The duration of the excursion is 3 hours.

  • “New Year's charm of evening Kalachinsk” , bus and walking tour.

A fascinating evening bus and walking tour that will tell you about the New Year celebrations in Russia. You will learn how the holidays were held in Rus', about New Year's traditions, see the festive decorations of the city and be able to take a great photo. The group members will receive a compliment from the organizers - New Year's aromatic tea with rolls. The program starts at 17:30 at the Kalachinsky Historical and Local Lore Museum on the street. Kalnina 16, approximate end of the program at 19:30 in the museum premises. Cost of the excursion: adults - 100 rubles, children - 50 rubles. The excursion will take place in a group of at least 15 people. You can sign up for a tour by phone. 28-015.

  • Summer excursions to the private fruit nursery “Garden on Omi” of the Kopeikin family (Arkhipovka village).

Participants of the excursion have an amazing opportunity to admire the fragrant blossoms of cherries and plums. Before purchasing fruit and berry crops, garden visitors can try different varieties of honeysuckle, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, plums, and cherries. Pre-registration is required (to agree on the type of transport) by phone. 8 (381) 5522 046, 8 (960) 9940 035 (Svetlana). Email Cost: 240 rub.

  • Excursion to the Ladybug eco-farm.

You will receive a lecture about goats and their species, a visit to enclosures, and a tasting of cheeses and milk. Duration: 2 hours. Cost: 250 rubles, children under 3 years old free. Make an appointment by phone: 8 (381) 5528 015, 8 (960) 994 0035 (Svetlana Vladimirovna).

Events and holidays:

  • Interdistrict festival Kalacha (July 9). It was held for the first time in Kalachinsk in 2015. This is a gastronomic festival dedicated to the traditions of national cuisine. At the festival you can taste kalachi baked using different technologies and recipes, of various sizes and even different shapes, as well as culinary and confectionery products in the form of kalach. In addition, guests of the holiday will enjoy a theatrical performance; fair and sale of bakery products “Kalachny Ryad”; master classes on baking kalachi and testoplasty (weaving from dough); as well as a delicious tasting “Tea drinking in Kalachin style”.
  • Orthodox festivals: Easter joy, Under the protection of the Virgin Mary, St. Nicholas the Winter. Creative groups and soloists enjoy participating in festivals dedicated to folk art. At the festivals, spectators are presented with exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, performances by folklore groups, and creative master classes for children and adults.
  • Rock festivals " Siberian Summer" and "Siberian Winter". Twice a year, rock festivals are held in Kalachinsk with the participation of youth groups from the city of Omsk and other regions of the country.
  • City Day (August 14-15). The bright morning decoration of the holiday - the art parade - will lead you to the site “On the wings of dreams to the city of happiness!” The best interactive art sites and a colorful festive program “Kalachinsk - the city of the young!” will carry you away into the extravaganza of the holiday. The children's show competition “Winged Fantasy” will reveal the talents of young residents, and the most talented ones in the song and dance marathon “Happy Concert” will talk about their love for the city, about the happiness of living and working in it. Mass dance flash mobs, theatrical congratulations and wishes will leave vivid impressions!
  • Tourist gathering of young families “Golden Autumn” (September 4).
  • Opening of the theater season at the Skazka puppet theater. A bright event, a festive program with interesting plots, a meeting with the history of the theater. Raising the “Theater season is open” flag. The entertainment program is interesting for both children and adults. Guests on this day will get acquainted with fairy-tale characters in the theater park, where play and entertainment areas and theatrical performances will unfold.
  • Motocross (August 15). Motorcycle cross competition dedicated to veterans of motorcycle sports in the Omsk region. As part of the motocross: an air show, a city picnic “Dinner in Kalachin style”, a competition of national dishes. The open air concert program “Free Summer Microphone” will support the festive mood.
  • “Theatrical Flora” (August 13-14). Exhibition of gardening and decorative arts. Puppet theater "Skazka" named after. G.A. Ponomareva.

Where to stay:

  • Omich LLC is a roadside service complex. 2 comfortable hotels, a cozy cafe, a modern service station, a grocery store and an auto parts store, a summer terrace, guarded parking (Kalachinsk, Chelyabinsk-Novosibirsk highway, direction to Novosibirsk - 899 km tel. 8(38155) 26-852, https ://
  • Leisure comfortable motel, cozy cafe, modern service station, grocery store, summer veranda, guarded parking (Territory 943 km 500 m of the M51 Baikal highway on the right when moving from Omsk, near the village of Ivanovka. tel.).
  • Hotel "Voskhod" (Kalachinsk, Lenin St., 508; tel. 8 (38-155) 22-537).
  • Hotel "Kalachinskaya" (Kalachinsk, Zavodskaya str., 5; tel. 8(381-55) 28-188,
  • Long rest room (train station, Kalachinsk, Vokzalnaya str., 35. tel. 8 (38155) 22-303).

How to get there: Travel through the Syropyatsky tract to the east of the region. The distance from Omsk to Kalachinsk is 88 km.

Interesting Facts

In 1960, film director Roman Karmen made a twenty-minute documentary about Kalachinsk, which was shown in all cinemas in the Omsk region and in Moscow.

Kalachinsk is the only city in the USSR in which DUKs (automatic disablers) were produced.

The city of Kalachinsk was visited by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin during a trip to Russia.

On April 29, 2008, the IV annual forum-exhibition of business circles of Omsk and districts of the Omsk region was held in the district House of Culture.

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