Simeiz. Sights, interesting places, photos, recreation, entertainment

Simeiz is a small village located near Yalta, which is surrounded by picturesque landscapes with the lost ruins of medieval walls. In ancient times, the Taurian tribes lived here - these people left behind numerous cultural monuments scattered throughout the Crimean peninsula.

In the Middle Ages, the Taurus fortification was transformed into a fief by the Byzantines, who built a monastery here. It was then that the place began to be called Simeiz. The next owners of these lands were the Genoese, who built a fortress; its ruins can still be seen today.

Impressions and advice from a mother who visited Simeiz with a small child.

Places close to Simeiz that will be interesting to visit: Alupka, Koreiz and Miskhor, Livadia, Yalta, Massandra

In the 18th century, after the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia, the village began to belong to the Simferopol district, and only in 1921 it was assigned to the Yalta region. Health resorts began to appear here - sanatoriums, the main specialization of which was consumption. During the war, part of the population was killed by the invaders, some went to the mountains with partisan detachments, and the village was badly damaged. In the post-war period, the resort actively developed, new health resorts opened their doors. In the 50s of the last century, Simeiz began to enjoy great popularity among nudists who came here from all over the Union to soak up the wild nudist beach. Now it is an interesting climatic resort with picturesque nature and pebble beaches.

Where is the village

Simeiz is a village with many attractions, located on the southern coast of the peninsula, 25 km west of Yalta, near the city of Alupka. Its area is about 3 square meters. km, the population is 4 thousand people.

Exact geographical coordinates: 44024'00“N. 33059'25” E.

You can get here using the following routes:

  1. By plane to Simferopol airport. Flights depart from Moscow Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports, from St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.
  2. For residents of the Krasnodar Territory and surrounding areas, it is more convenient to travel through the Crimean Bridge to Kerch (by bus).
  3. The Kerch ferry service operates; those wishing to get to Crimea can use its services.

The railway and bus routes through Ukraine are currently closed: only Ukrainian citizens have the right to cross the Crimean-Ukrainian border at the Chongar and Kalanchak checkpoints.

Simeiz is one of the most popular resorts in Crimea, so it’s easy to get to the village from any major city on the peninsula.

For example, you can choose the following routes:

  • from the bus station at the railway station in Simferopol by bus to Simeiz. During the holiday season, buses run twice an hour. This is the easiest option for those arriving by plane;

    You can get to Simeiz from the Simferopol bus station

  • by bus or trolleybus from Simferopol to Yalta, then by buses No. 42,107 or 115 to Simeiz (every 20 minutes);
  • by bus or train from Kerch to Simferopol, then from any bus station through Yalta to Simeiz (for those arriving via the Crimean Bridge);
  • by bus or train to Sevastopol, then by bus to Simeiz (for tourists who want to see Sevastopol along the way);
  • owners of their own vehicles can try the route along the coast: Kerch - Feodosia - Sudak - Alushta - Yalta - Alupka - Simeiz, mountainous sections of the road, replete with sharp turns, sharp descents and ascents, are a serious test for the driver and passengers: this must be taken into account;
  • Taxi or private transportation services: those interested are waiting at the airport, at the railway station, at all bus stations in the capital of Crimea and other cities of the peninsula.

Weather in Simeiz, best time to travel

The Mediterranean climate of Simeiz is ideal for vacationers: the Crimean mountains protect it from cold winds, and the sea, being a powerful heat accumulator, warms it in the cold months and softens the summer heat.

The holiday season starts in May, when the air warms up to 26°C, but the water is too cold for swimming until mid-June (17-19°C). The peak of the season is in July and early August: at this time there is usually no rain, the sea is calm and serene, the water temperature reaches 24-26° C, the air temperature can rise to 34° C.

Sometimes the wind blowing from the shore “blows away” the surface layer of warm water and its temperature drops by 10 degrees. Such cleaning benefits the coastal waters, and it usually takes 2-3 days for the sea to warm up again.

The end of June and July in Simeiz is a time of resort bustle, an abundance of music and noisy attractions.

Vacationers can enjoy exciting excursions, cozy coastal restaurants, and all types of water activities.

The velvet season lasts from mid-August to the end of September - the best time for pensioners and vacationers with small children, when most of the tourists leave and the coast becomes quieter and more spacious.

The sun no longer bakes, but simply warms, allowing you to stay on the beach all day. All entertainment venues continue to operate, but the former noise is no longer there.

At this time, a “fruit boom” begins, when figs and grapes ripen in the gardens, and a little later - persimmons, prices drop to minimum levels. In October the sea is still quite warm, but it becomes cool on the shore. Mid-autumn is the time for excursions and hikes, when berries ripen in the mountain forests and the first mushrooms appear.

November is the rainiest and most unpleasant month; in winter the temperature does not drop below zero, but the weather from December to the end of March is characterized by severe storms, dampness and fog. Snow is an extremely rare phenomenon, but it does happen sometimes.

What to see in Simeiz

If you don’t want to swim or sunbathe or the weather is not conducive to a beach holiday, a tour of the village will help you have an interesting time, where you can find a lot of interesting things.

Religious buildings of Simeiz

Although the Taurus, Byzantines, Genoese, and Ottomans lived on the territory of modern Simeiz at different times, no ancient temples, mosques or cathedrals have survived to this day, but believers will be able to visit those rebuilt in our time.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Construction of the temple began in 1997, and in May 2008 it was consecrated, since then services have been held here.

The territory of the temple is gradually expanding; in recent years, a belfry has been built and consecrated, bells have been hung, and in 2011 an oak iconostasis was installed. The church is located on Gorky Street, 37, admission is free.

Juma-Jami Mosque

Construction of the mosque began in 1913, but the revolution prevented the completion of construction. For several decades, the unfinished building served economic purposes: at various times it housed a rest home, a kindergarten, and a police station. In 1994, the mosque again acquired the status of a religious building. The building was completely restored in 2010 and has been welcoming believers since then.

The mosque is located at Sovetskaya Street, 5, open from 9:00 to 16:00, admission is free.

Museums of Simeiz

Simeiz, whose attractions are numerous, is a small village with no museums on its territory. However, tourists can go to Alupka (less than 7 km).

Vorontsov Palace

The palace is located at the foot of Ai-Petri - a Gothic mansion built in the 19th century with a perfectly preserved interior and a picturesque garden spread over an area of ​​40 hectares. This is a great place for walking and learning about the history of Crimea. Entrance to the territory will cost approximately 300 rubles.

The Vorontsov Palace is part of the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve and, if desired, you can explore several more buildings and exhibitions that are part of it.

Amet Khan Sultan Museum

The museum is located on Yaltinskaya Street, 22, its exhibitions are dedicated to the life of the military pilot, twice hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan.

Sokolinoe village

60 km from Simeiz is the village of Sokolinoe, where the cultural and ethnographic center of the Crimean Tatars “Kokkoz” was recently opened, which will be interesting to visit for those interested in the history of the indigenous peoples of the peninsula. A charming atmosphere of the Middle Ages has been created on the territory of the center, giving you the opportunity to be transported to the heyday of Tatar culture.

In Sokolin you can see the Yusupov Palace, the Ali Bey Mosque, and the Kutlerov Mosque.

You can also visit museums located near Simeiz:

  • Chekhov's dacha and Chekhov's house-museum (Yalta);
  • Chersonesos (Sevastopol);
  • Kara-Tobe (Saki);
  • Mikhailovskaya battery (Sevastopol).

Those interested can:

  • go to the Nikita Botanical Garden (the village of Nikita near Yalta);
  • go on an excursion to the village of Gaspra, located near Simeiz, where you can admire the Swallow’s Nest castle, which has become an architectural symbol of Crimea;
  • take a bus trip to Sevastopol - a city whose list of attractions is endless.

Monuments in Simeiz

Unfortunately, most historical monuments did not escape the destructive influence of time and are now in a deplorable state.

Limena-Kale Castle

An ancient defensive structure on Mount Koshka, erected at the beginning of the 13th century and intended to protect the population of the village from the Mongol-Tatars, who at that time carried out their first raids on Crimea.

The fortress and buildings inside the wall are well preserved and will be of interest to history buffs.

Genoese Temple

From the place where the Limena-Kale castle is located, Mount Panea and the ruins of a Genoese temple located on it, built at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th centuries, are clearly visible.

During archaeological work, it was established that the temple was erected on the foundation of a church that had previously stood here, from which only fragments of the mosaic floor remained. Moreover, on the same section of the rock there was an earlier building dating back to approximately the 9th century.

Simeiz Observatory

An evening walk around Simeiz is usually combined with a visit to the observatory located on Mount Koshka. The observatory was built at the end of the 19th century by industrialist Maltsev. The gigantic domes and the observatory telescope itself are amazing, which at the time of installation (20s of the last century) was considered the largest in Europe.

Over the years of its existence, the Simeiz Observatory has managed to make a significant contribution to science. Today the observatory is considered a historical monument, but, nevertheless, research work continues here and even a scientific center has been created. Since not all resort villages can boast of this fact, the observatory is a source of pride for the residents of Simeiz.

Architectural structures of Simeiz

Simeiz (its attractions attract vacationers and travelers), with its mild climate and healing air, attracted wealthy people who left behind beautiful buildings that are still admired today for their perfect forms.

Villa Dream

The villa was built in 1911 according to the design of the technician-engineer Pomerantsev; for several pre-revolutionary years its owner was a certain Shleya Nadezhda Izmailovna. In 1920, a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients opened in the villa, and in this capacity it existed until the 90s. last century. With the collapse of the USSR, the sanatorium closed and the building fell into disrepair.

“Dream” is located at st. Sovetskaya, 64, entry into the building is prohibited due to its emergency condition, but its external inspection is necessarily included in any tour of the city.

Villa Ksenia

The villa is located next to the “Dream” (Sovetskaya St., 33). The building was built in 1913 for Countess Chuikevich, who never had the chance to live here. The villa was created in the best traditions of medieval modernism and resembles a fairy-tale castle.

Today the building is abandoned and is a haven for homeless people throughout the southern coast. However, the abandonment even benefited the villa: thanks to the occasional human voices and flashing lights, it gained the mystical fame of the local “haunted house.”

Don’t miss the most popular article in the section: Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts: cities and towns.

Villa Selby

The history of the villa began in 1913, when the Moscow nobleman Leonov bought a plot of land here to build a building intended as a wedding gift for his daughter. By the end of 1914, the villa was built; in 1915, the newlyweds settled here and lived until 1923, after which they moved to France.

The building was empty for a short time; in 1927 it housed a sanatorium, so the building was preserved, although it lost its interior decoration. Today Villa Selby is one of the buildings of the sanatorium named after. Semashko, you can find her at st. Lugovskogo, 6. Entrance to the territory of the institution is prohibited, but viewing the villa from the street is not prohibited.

Natural attractions of Simeiz

Tourists who prefer active recreation can try their hand at climbing one of the nearby mountain peaks, and those who are not particularly keen on extreme sports can be recommended to admire several nearby natural monuments.

Mount Cat

If you look at the mountain, the peak of which rises 254 m above sea level, from the eastern side of the village, then no explanation is required for its name, the outlines of a gigantic beast crouched to the ground in a hunting pose are so clearly visible.

After looking at the “cat” from afar, you can climb up to its “ear”: a fairly convenient, not very steep, path leads here from the highway. From the top of the rock there are beautiful views of the surrounding area of ​​Simeiz. An excursion to Mount Cat can be combined with a visit to the Limena-Kale Castle.

Rock of Panea

The rock is located in the western part of the village, between Mount Koshka and Rock Diva. It is known that there was once a settlement on it, but to this day only the ruins of the fortress walls have survived.

The rock received its name Panea (Most Holy) because medieval builders considered it an ideal place to build temples. It was here that the Genoese temple stood, now turned into ruins.

Simeiz Park

The park is located near the Diva rock. The reserve, which contains more than 200 species of plants, covers an area of ​​19 hectares. Tourists here will find amazing landscapes, cozy corners and healing air filled with the aroma of pine and cypress trees.

Near the park - founded in the 50s. last century, a cypress alley, nicknamed the alley of Apollo, because it is decorated with numerous sculptures of this ancient Greek god.

Modern objects in Simeiz, interesting to visit

Simeiz, whose attractions are not limited only to ancient buildings and natural landscapes, has interesting modern places for recreation and entertainment.

Night club "Jerzy"

The only night establishment in Simeiz that opens in the evening and stays open until the morning is located in the park.

You need to go through the central alley, to the left of it you will find a building with turrets. Due to its exclusivity, “Ezhi” is very popular among both local residents and visitors.

Beaches of Simeiz

All beaches in the village are free, admission is free, with the exception of areas belonging to sanatoriums.

The most popular among tourists are:

Village beachIts main advantage is small pebbles and convenient entry into the sea. It offers a full range of beach services, from boiled corn to a banana boat ride.
Frigate BeachLocated at the eastern foot of the Diva rock. This is the best place for those who like space. The path to the beach runs along a cypress alley and through a section of the park planted with pine and juniper trees: a great walk that will benefit the whole family
Coral BeachLocated on the western side of “Diva” in a secluded cove: very beautiful, but covered with large pebbles
At the Assol HotelThis is a section of the coast near the hotel in the eastern part of the village. It is spacious, but is not one of the official beaches, so you can’t count on trestle beds and sun loungers. The beach is covered with large stones
Wild beachThis is also a local curiosity, since here, at the edge of civilized beaches, nudists begin their possessions. Fans of nude culture will be interested in coming here. The beach is located near the Diva rock, and if you go a little further – to the Swan’s Wing rock, you can not only enjoy a tan “à la naturel”, but also snorkel, exploring the underwater world on this section of the coast

Markets, shops, pharmacies

Every holiday-goer has a desire or need to visit local retail outlets.

Works for them:

  • Simeiz market on the street. Sovetskaya, where you can buy dairy products, Yalta onions, fruits and Crimean pickles prepared according to local recipes;

  • a wine shop where you can taste and buy Simeiz wines;
  • grocery store "Ulyanovsky" on the street. Sovetskaya, 35 with a standard set of products;
  • Alexa clothing store if you need any of the items;
  • The Med-Service pharmacy is located at Sovetskaya, 32 (the only one in the village).

Here, as in all resort villages, the general rule applies: the closer to the sea, the higher the price and lower the quality.

Crimean Hollywood

Rock Diva served as a natural backdrop for filming episodes of the science fiction film “Amphibian Man” based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Belyaev. Directors Vladimir Chebotarev and Gennady Kazansky shot the film in the 60s. At first there were plans to do this in the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic, but there was only enough money for the Black Sea. The problem was that the Black Sea has extremely scarce living creatures. I had to do a combined shooting using an aquarium with fish.

The diva also appeared in the detective film by Stanislav Govorukhin “Ten Little Indians” based on the novel of the same name by Agatha Christie. According to the script, at the very beginning of the film, a boat with guests leaves the pier in Gurzuf, sails past an unnamed rock in the open sea, and then moored to the Diva rock. The stairs leading to the top of the cliff were useful for filming. Guests supposedly used it to ascend to the house on the island.

These places appeared in many Soviet films

The action of the musical film comedy “Chapiteau Show” takes place in Simeiz. The film directed by Sergei Lobanov starred actors Pyotr Mamonov, Vera Strokova, Alexey Podolsky and others. The main characters Princess Vera and the Cyberwander communicate against the backdrop of the Simeiz beach and bus station. Another meeting of the heroes takes place in the Simeiz cafe, and the banquet takes place in the restaurant of the Simeiz hotel. A pedestrian street can also be seen in the film. The film "Tentee Show" was released in 2012.

Episodes of the comedy “The Personal Life of the Queen,” which was released in 1993, were filmed on the Semeiz beach. It involves such stars as Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, Natalya Gundareva and Leonid Kuravlev. An episode of the film “New Adventures of the Elusive” was filmed on the pier. In it, Yashka the Gypsy jumps from the pier. But the real jump was performed by an understudy from local residents. But he was no longer jumping from the pier, but from the Diva cliff.

When, in 2005, a typical southern town was needed for the Russian-French comedy “Poor Relatives,” director Pavel Lungin chose Simeiz. And the territory of the Simeiz Astrophysical Observatory temporarily became the Wizard’s Island in the children’s film “The Secret of the Iron Door.” The wizard's house was built on the coast of the Blue Bay near Mount Cat.

Simeiz can be called “Crimean Hollywood”

In 1985, an episode of the military drama “The Drummer’s Tale” directed by Eduard Dmitriev was filmed in Simeiz. Starring Lev Durov and Semyon Farada. The Simeiz film epic ends with a short film called “The Last King of the Simeiz Beach.”

Interesting places to relax with children

The most attractive place for both children and their parents is the beach and the sea, and a child will also be interested in visiting a water park, where he will find a lot of entertainment. Older children can be invited to go up to the observatory.

Dreamwood Amusement Park

In search of new experiences, you will have to go to Yalta (half an hour by minibus) and take part in exciting quests, team games, competitions, and educational programs. There are also several interesting attractions here.

Glade of Fairy Tales

From Yalta you can go to the famous Glade of Fairy Tales - a place where you can meet your favorite fairy-tale characters and even chat with the real Baba Yaga, who lives in a hut on chicken legs.

Simeiz Water Park

The Blue Bay water park is located just behind Mount Koshka, you can walk to it or take one of the commuter buses passing through Katsiveli (a village located near Simeiz).

The recently built miracle of the beach and entertainment industry is considered one of the best water parks in Crimea. Its main highlight is the purest sea water in the pools, which is renewed daily. Vacationers will find a unique wave pool, attractions for all age groups, from children to pensioners, from lovers of relaxing swimming to extreme sports enthusiasts.

The entrance price depends on time and age: for adults - 1000 rubles. (for the whole day), 900 rub. (from noon to evening), for children, respectively - 650 rubles. and 550 rub. (2014 prices).

A carefree corner of Russia

Hotels in Simeiz: “Ligo”, “Blue Bay”, “Chaika”, etc. - this is an ensemble of architectural architecture, thanks to which in the era of its dawn, Simeiz was considered the main resort village of Crimea. In this status, it supplanted Yalta, Alupka, and Alushta.

The founder of modern Simeiz was the Maltsov family. In the 20s of the 19th century, the famous industrialist Ivan Akimovich Maltsov acquired land in the southern part of Crimea next to Vorontsov’s estate. At that time it was a small village consisting of 10-15 families of fishermen. The industrialist began large-scale construction and began growing grapes and rare plants. He ordered plants from all over the world and planted them on his estate, trying to surpass Vorontsov.

Route for exploring Simeiz on your own for 1-2 days

Simeiz (its sights can be explored in a couple of days) excursions traditionally start from the ring - the usual gathering place for participants in walking excursions.

The inspection route may be as follows:

  1. From the roundabout, walk a few meters along the street. Soviet and explore the Juma-Jami Mosque.

  2. Go to the villas “Ksenia” and “Dream”.
  3. Along the Avenue of Apollos, look at the sculptures and fountains decorating it, take a walk in the park, and then head to the beach.
  4. Explore the Panea and Diva rocks: they are located nearby. Those who wish can climb to their peaks and admire the ruins of the Genoese temple on the rock of Panea.

It is recommended to finish the first part of the excursion here, and continue the next day by going along the route:

  1. Mount Cat and Limena-Kale Castle. Having descended from the mountain, you can explore the Taurus burial grounds - dolmens.
  2. Admire the wild beach.
  3. Go to the water park for some fun entertainment. On the territory of the water park there is a cozy cafe where you can relax after a long walk.

The only things better than mountains are mountains

Since 1984, Mount Koshka has the status of a natural monument of national significance. It is located between the villages of Simeiz and Blue Bay. On the northeastern slope, archaeologists discovered the ruins of a settlement that dates back to the 5th millennium BC. This means that people lived here 7 thousand years ago! Near the mountain there is a grave monument, which is the largest in Crimea. At the top of Koshka, the remains of the Limen-Isar fortifications have been preserved. They were built several thousand years ago.

Mount Cat is composed of limestone and has a height of 254 meters. Elephants are almost devoid of vegetation. There are cliffs and karst growths on them. There is a stone ridge up to seven meters high. It is dissected by a crevice overgrown with bushes and trees. The flora is represented by tree-like juniper, blunt-leaved pistachio, hornbeam, fluffy oak and Crimean pine. In scientific language, all this is called a landscape reserve.

The isolated rocks that separate Mount Cat from the sea deserve attention. The rock that stands further into the sea is called Diva. Its height is 51 meters. It was once part of the Crimean mountain range. The rock is composed of limestone. The steep southern slope has long been favored by rock climbers. A hundred years ago, a staircase was built on the gentle northern slope, and an observation deck was installed at the top. The Diva and Mount Cat are depicted on the coat of arms of Simeiz.

The decoration is free-standing rocks in the sea

The name Diva is believed to be derived from the ancient Indo-Aryan word "diva", meaning "god". Or from “jiva” - soul. From a certain angle, the rock resembles the silhouette profile of a girl. According to legend, this was a woman who was turned into stone for her evil deeds. Nevertheless, the rock is very picturesque and has served as a subject for many artists. The famous Russian marine painter Lev Lagorio depicted her in the painting “Rocks Monk and Diva” in 1890.

The second rock is called Panea. She is located between Cat and Diva. The name comes from the Greek word “panaya” - “holy”. The height of the rock reaches 70 meters. The northwestern and western slopes are almost vertical cliffs. They go steeply into the sea and are therefore inaccessible. But in ancient times there was even a road built along the eastern slope. Its traces leading to horizontal platforms have been preserved.

Archaeological finds on Panea indicate that the Tauri lived on the mountain. This is evidenced by fragments of characteristic ceramics. After the Taurians there was a monastery with residential buildings and fortifications. Scientists date it back to the 10th century. Then the Genoese settled here, leaving behind the remains of fortress towers and walls. The fortress operated in the 15th century. Panea is a real archaeological layer cake.

Archaeological finds indicate that in ancient times Tauris lived in these places

Alas, all the buildings were heavily damaged by a strong earthquake that occurred in 1927. Then the entire southern slope of Mount Cat was destroyed. The same blow of the elements almost to the ground demolished the Monk rock, which stuck out of the sea between Diva and Panea. The destruction of the rock was completed by a severe storm in 1931.

Hotels in Simeiz

In addition to sanatoriums and holiday homes, guests of Simeiz will find hotels, inns, and guest houses. The private sector also makes a significant contribution to the accommodation of visitors: renting housing here is not a problem - future tenants are waiting at the bus station and at the roundabout, there will be no need for a long search. If tourists prefer to stay in hotels, they can book a room in advance.

Hotel "Ligo Morskaya"

By choosing a hotel at the address: Lugovskogo, 18, you can stay in an old estate surrounded by a magnificent park. The furnishings of the rooms are modern: there is a comfortable bathroom, a balcony, a TV, and a refrigerator.

The nearest beach is about 800 m. Price per day is from 1200 rubles. for 2 people in a standard room.

Guest House Artas

Luxurious and expensive hotel located on the street. Baranova, 2P near the coast in a quiet, secluded place. Comfortable rooms with all imaginable amenities, excellent service, polite, attentive staff. Price per day - from 3100 rubles.

Guest complex Aquapark 3*

The guest complex is located on Sovetskaya Street, 80, not far from the water park (120 m) and from the observatory (500 m). The nearest beach (Coral) is about 1 km. The rooms have everything you need for a family holiday with children. Price per day - from 3300 rub.

Guest House Davita

Address: st. Krasnomayakskaya, 18. The guest house is aimed at accommodating married couples with children, located near the Coral beach, cypress alley, Simeiz Park, and Koshka Mountain.

The rooms have a TV, refrigerator, air conditioning. There is private parking next to the hotel. Upon request, residents are provided with ironing facilities and laundry services. Price per room - from 2900 rubles.

You can try your luck in the private sector: this is what most tourists do. Prices here are much lower - a family of 3 people can stay in maximum comfort for only 1000 rubles. per day, but it is advisable to call the owners in advance: the relevant information can always be found on the Internet.

Simeiz Park

The park in Simeiz is famous for its cypress alley, in the center of which there are copies of sculptures of ancient Greek gods.

In general, Simeiz Park is excellent in everything - a large juniper grove, collections of all kinds of trees and shrubs, flower beds, neat paths and fabulous lanterns.

You can go out to the observation deck, equipped in the Greek style, and enjoy the mountain scenery, or relax in a wooden gazebo, among fragrant evergreens.

There was also a monument to Lenin . Only here he looks more like Ilya Muromets than a grandfather with a beard.

The central alley - Lenin Avenue, divides the park into 2 parts:

  • upper one with the villa buildings of the “ Red Mayak ” sanatorium and a children’s playground in the shade
  • the lower one is large, adjacent with stairs to the embankment.

Walking in the lower part is incomparably more beautiful. In addition, you can find interesting views with arches and blooming splendor.

But for mothers with strollers, the walking area will be limited by ubiquitous steps.

Where to eat in Simeiz

As in all coastal villages, in Simeiz vacationers will find many restaurants to suit every taste, most of them are located in the center of the village, on the main street.

The most popular establishments are:

NameAddressKitchen features
PhilibertSovetskaya, 78Mediterranean
ArzySovetskaya, 10DEastern European
SelyamSovetskaya, 60International
LambsSovetskaya, 27AEastern European
HabibiSovetskaya, 38Fusion (no strict rules)
Cafe "In-fat"Sovetskaya, 42Eastern, European, Chinese, Japanese
Cafe "Tarelka"Morskaya, 23European (only open at lunch)
Cafe "Grapes"Sovetskaya, 36European
Restaurant "Dendy"Lugovskogo, 18Russian

Each of the establishments boasts unique decoration and a cozy atmosphere.

Oriental restaurants are especially attractive to Russian tourists with their soft sofas and low tables, where you can take a break from the midday heat and even take a nap while waiting for the next culinary masterpiece. A visit to the restaurant will cost an average of 800 rubles. for 1 person, for 400 rubles. You can have lunch in the cafe.

Milyutinsky Park and boundary pillar

The territory between Alupka and Simeiz, where Pan Medvedchuk’s , is the Bobrov children’s tuberculosis sanatorium and Milyutinsky Park. It once belonged to the Minister of War of Russia under Alexander II, Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin.

Even before the creation of the empire of the Maltsov brothers, the Milyutin estate with a wonderful park and vineyards covering almost 50 acres had already been built on the territory of Simeiz.

Today little remains of its former greatness. The park is a pitiful sight, as is the estate itself.

A landmark for examining the remains of the estate can be the boundary post, which is located on Bobrova Street. Once upon a time it served as the border between the Milyutin estate and the lands of the Vorontsovs.

The border with the Maltsovs ran along a stream, which is located near the Simeiz wastewater treatment plant.

How to get around Simeiz

Simeiz is a small compact village, everything is nearby, so public transport is simply not needed here. Suburban buses and minibuses heading to Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Alupka stop at the bus station, which is located in the eastern part of the village, at the entrance.

The famous Simeiz ring is also located nearby - a round platform from which acquaintance with the resort traditionally begins.

Holidays in Simeiz also have their drawbacks, for example, those who:

  • requires service at the level of foreign 5* hotels. Capricious tourists are better off staying in Yalta and coming to Simeiz on an excursion;
  • still remembering the Ukrainian past of Crimea, he hopes to relax “cheaply and cheerfully”: it won’t work, the prices here are about the same as in Sochi;
  • awaits transcendental impressions and pleasures;
  • wants to relax with a small child during the peak season: the beaches are noisy, crowded, and in order to take a “place in the sun”, you have to get up at dawn. It is better to come by the end of August, when all these problems lose their severity.

Simeiz is a paradise for relaxation, so its unique attractions and climatic conditions cover many of the shortcomings.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Wild beach

It’s probably not correct to call the wild beach in Simeiz an attraction. But we decided to include it in the list due to its popularity. Crowds of tourists coming to Simeiz on vacation or just for a walk are always interested in him, probably even more than everything listed above.

The wild nudist beach in Simeiz is spread out into several parts. The first and most popular is located in the stones at the foot of the Parus rock. Behind it, towards Katsiveli (water park), is its second part along the coast almost to the border of the first “civilized” beaches.

In principle, sunbathers, wearing what their mother gave birth to, are not bothered by city beaches.

  • Photo of a wild nudist beach in Simeiz

Speaking about the sights of Simeiz, this list can be supplemented with a temple, dolmens, juniper groves, ancient mansions, the iconic “Ezhi” cafe-bar, a resort hall and many other places.

If you are too lazy to read about the sights of Simeiz, then you can just look at the photos in our gallery.

Maybe you have your own options, what else can I add? We look forward to your opinions and comments on the topic below.

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