“I remember how it all started.” Pages of Zhukovsky's history

General information and history of Zhukovsky

Anyone who loves and admires majestic airplanes and helicopters is familiar with the city of Zhukovsky, which is located in the southeast, 25 km from Moscow. After all, it is there that every odd year at the airfield of the Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromov hosts the MAKS air show - an international aviation and space salon. Many fans of steel birds dream of going there to see the legendary Russian “Vityazis” and “Swifts” up close, as well as the full power of Russian aviation.

At an airshow in 2011

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the site of the villages of Kolonets and Novorozhdestveno, they wanted to build a city in which the second Kazan station would operate. But the idea was not realized due to the outbreak of the war. And the city was destined to emerge and develop along a path associated with aircraft manufacturing. Here in 1933 the site was prepared for the grandiose construction of the Aerohydrodynamic Institute.

The institute gradually expanded, scientists and engineers came here to work, and houses were built for them. This is how the village of Stakhanovo appeared, named after the famous hardworking miner. And in 1940, the no less famous Soviet pilot and professor at TsAGI developed a project for the already mentioned Flight Research Institute, where research and testing of aircraft subsequently began.

Old Zhukovsky

Seven years later, Stakhanovo became the city of Zhukovsky, because the name of the founder of the science of aerodynamics suited the aviation city perfectly. In 1992, the Aerospace Exhibition was held for the first time, and in 2007 Zhukovsky received the status of a science city, although in essence it was such before. Now anyone can live in Zhukovsky, but not so long ago it was closed due to the secrecy of aviation enterprises.

Zhukovsky from above

Zhukovsky urban district

Science city Zhukovsky

Historical milestones

1933 - not far from the Kazan Railway, a construction site for the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) was approved and construction of TsAGI aerohydrodynamic tubes began

1938 – the workers’ settlement was named after Donbass miner Alexei Stakhanov

1940 – the project of the Flight Research Institute was approved, presented by TsAGI chief pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gromov.

1947 - in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, founder of TsAGI N.E. Zhukovsky By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated April 23, the village of Stakhanovo was transformed into the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region.

2004 – by the law of the Moscow Region, the city of Zhukovsky was given the status of an urban district, the city boundaries expanded by 400 hectares.

2007 – by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, Zhukovsky was awarded the status of “Science City of the Russian Federation”.

2008 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the National Aircraft Manufacturing Center” was signed

2016 – Zhukovsky International Airport was opened on the territory of the city district.


Zhukovsky is a relatively young city, but the territory on which today’s science city is located has a long history of the villages of Novorozhdestveno, Kolonets, the Musin-Pushkin estates and others.

An attempt to build a city on this territory was first made at the beginning of the twentieth century. According to the plan of the manager of the Moscow-Kazan Railway, Nikolai von Meck, the largest railway junction and the new Kazan Station-2 were to be located south of Moscow, in the area of ​​the Prozorovskaya platform (now Kratovo). In a short time, under the leadership of chief architect V.N. Semenov created a project for the first garden city in Russia for road workers and employees, organically integrated into the natural landscape. In 1913, the project was accepted for implementation. Construction was interrupted by the war and then the revolution.

In 1933, a construction site was approved for the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute in the area of ​​the Otdykh station of the Kazan Railway. At the beginning of 1935, People's Commissar of Heavy Industry G.K. Ordzhonikidze allocated the necessary funds, and in the spring the construction of wind tunnels for the new TsAGI began.

As time passed, TsAGI was built and developed, houses appeared for scientists, engineers and employees of the institute. In 1938, the village was named after the Donbass miner Alexei Stakhanov.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the first four-story houses appeared on Pushkin and Chkalov streets, and a school was opened. In 1940, TsAGI chief pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gromov presented a project for the Flight Research Institute - by that time there was a need to combine theoretical developments and flight tests. This is how the city-forming enterprises of Zhukovsky were founded.

On April 23, 1947, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village received the status of a city and the name - ZHUKOVSKY - in honor of the great Russian scientist, the founder of modern aerodynamics Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky.


Zhukovsky has a global reputation as the center of aviation science in Russia thanks to its scientific enterprises, development bureaus, and testing centers. The International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS), held in the city under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, occupies one of the leading places among the world's largest aviation forums.

The term “science city” was first introduced in the city of Zhukovsky in 1991 during the creation of the “Union for the Development of Science Cities” movement to develop agreed positions on the most important issues of their life.

Zhukovsky became a platform for large-scale changes in the aviation industry. In 2005, a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of Russia, chaired by President Vladimir Putin, was held here, at which the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation was launched.

On January 29, 2007, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov signed a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On assigning the status of a science city of the Russian Federation to the city of Zhukovsky.” It is symbolic that this happened in the year of the 60th anniversary of the city and coincided with the Days of Science, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky.

The Rossiya TVK, created in 2008 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is located on the base of the airfield in Zhukovsky. Among its tasks is the development of airport, refueling and exhibition complexes. In 2016, the Zhukovsky International Airport was created in the city, which serves passengers, airlines, transport and logistics companies, aircraft, and also provides a full range of customs and warehouse services. The work of the exhibition complex is aimed at hosting the International Aerospace Salon and other events.

In November 2014, Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law “On National Research”. It united the largest institutes in the industry: TsAGI named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, SibNIA named after. S.A. Chaplygin, CIAM named after. P.I. Baranov, GosNIIAS and GkNIPAS.” The research center was organized to create and use innovations that will increase the competitiveness of the products produced by Russian organizations and the services they provide.

An important role in the development of the Zhukovsky science city is played by the aviation technology cluster, created in 2021 as part of the MAKS International Aerospace Salon. It united such large enterprises as TsAGI, LII, NIIAO, Dinamika, EMZ, NIK. The cluster will allow companies to intensively interact with each other, increase the efficiency of development, and create joint innovative products.


The most vibrant and long-awaited forum in our country, deservedly occupying one of the leading places among the world's largest aviation forums, is the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS), which is held in Zhukovsky on the territory of the Flight Research Institute. MM. Gromov every two years.

Since 1992, Zhukovsky has been demonstrating the world's achievements of the aerospace industry: advanced models of aviation technology - both civil and military, the latest developments. Top pilots and aerobatic teams from around the world perform breathtaking aerobatics in the air. In addition, MAKS includes an extensive business program, in which foreign experts, businessmen, pilots and engineers take part. At round tables and conferences, key issues of industry development are discussed, promising contracts and cooperation agreements are concluded, and experience is exchanged.

More than 800 companies from 33 countries took part in the XIV International Aviation and Space Salon. Exhibitors occupied 26 thousand square meters of exhibition space and 45 thousand square meters of open areas. MAKS 2019 was attended by about 600,000 participants and guests. The cost of signed contracts and agreements exceeded 250 billion rubles; the business potential of the event is estimated at 400 billion rubles.


Strategically significant enterprises of the city are organizations of the scientific and production complex: Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromov, Experimental Machine-Building Plant named after. V.M. Myasishchev, Research Institute of Aviation Equipment, Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. V.V. Tikhomirov, Moscow Research Institute "AGAT".

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 16, 2018, Zhukovsky retained the status of a science city for 15 years, confirming the high level of development indicators of the city as a science city. Thus, the share of workers employed at enterprises of the scientific and production complex is 40.28% of the total employed population (41,400 people). The volume of scientific and technical products is 31.45% of the total volume of products (works, services) of all economic entities located in the city.

At different times, 104 Heroes of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation and Socialist Labor lived and worked in Zhukovsky.


Residents of the city have a high level of education: 50% of the working population have higher education (in the Moscow region - 30%). Of these, 12 are academicians and corresponding members, 187 are doctors of science, 673 are candidates of science. 28% have secondary vocational education and 22% have secondary education.

Zhukovsky's general education system is one of the best in the Moscow region. Traditionally, our schools are included in the ranking of the most successful educational institutions in the region, and students win regional, all-Russian and international competitions. Thus, the ranking of the best educational organizations in the Moscow region based on the results of the 2017-2018 academic year (TOP-100) included several Zhukovsky schools: Lyceum No. 14, Gymnasium No. 1, schools No. 3, No. 9 and No. 10. In addition, the gymnasium and lyceum became winners of the competition for assignment of the status of the Regional Innovation Platform of the Moscow Region.

The city's higher and secondary technical educational institutions play an invaluable role in the formation of scientific personnel. Strela branch of MAI, FALT MIPT, Aviation College - these educational institutions, closely associated with the scientific and industrial complex of Zhukovsky, train young scientists, engineers and technicians in unique aviation specialties. Also, to improve the quality of secondary education, the Zhukovsky Technical School was created on the basis of Vocational School No. 61.


Culture is also developing harmoniously in Zhukovsky. Unique amateur and professional creative groups enjoy constant love from the audience, and their participation in the most prestigious competitions and festivals is accompanied by recognition of the high skill of the performers. Currently, the cultural sector of the urban district is represented by 9 municipal institutions and 1 municipal enterprise “Park of Culture and Leisure”.

The cultural and leisure center of the city is the Palace of Culture. Its activities are aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of leisure services provided, and the formation of moral and spiritual values. There are 33 club formations in the recreation center, which cover more than 1000 people.

The true pearl of the city is the Zhukovsky Symphony Orchestra, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary. The orchestra has been led by People's Artist of Russia, Honorary Citizen of the city, Professor Sergei Skripka for 45 years. The city hosts the international festival "Euroorchestra", in which more than 20 orchestral and choral groups take part.

The park of culture and recreation is a favorite leisure place for residents and guests of the city. He twice became the winner of the annual review-competition “Parks of the Moscow Region”. In 2014, the victory was awarded in the category “For a creative approach to creating recreational areas for the population,” and in 2015 – “Best transformation of a park.”

The Strela Theater, under the direction of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Natalya Stupina, has been producing performances for 35 years and works in the traditions of the Russian realistic theater school. The Strela building, unique in its cultural value, was restored while preserving its historical appearance. Since 1991, the Experimental Music and Drama Theater has been operating in Zhukovsky under the direction of Alexander Aisin. The unique style of the theater is revealed in an organic combination of words, music, plastic arts and modern technologies.

The Museum of the History of the Conquest of the Sky contains unique collections of pilot uniforms from the beginning of the twentieth century, documents and personal belongings of pilots from various eras, badges and medals. Visitors can learn to fly an airplane on a flight simulator installed in a mock-up IL-2 cockpit.


Zhukovsky has a modern high-tech healthcare system. The city clinical hospital is a multidisciplinary treatment and diagnostic complex, including a hospital, antenatal clinic and outpatient departments. The Moscow Regional Cardiology Center and the Regional Vascular Center operate on the basis of the hospital. The hospital has modern diagnostic and treatment equipment and qualified specialists.

A modern children's clinic was opened in the city, a children's consultation and diagnostic center was built, and an oncology department with beds for chemotherapy appeared. A comprehensive overhaul of the main building of the hospital is expected.

The clinics of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “LII im. MM. Gromov" and FSUE "TsAGI named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky", Central Hospital for the Examination of Flight Test Staff (TsBELIS). The highly qualified staff of the clinics not only successfully provide services to the employees of these city-forming enterprises, but also conduct scientific work.


Zhukovsky is a regional athletics center, the birthplace of famous athletes. The baton from the world famous Ekaterina Podkopaeva, Oleg Protsenko and others was picked up by Yuri Borzakovsky, Andrey Epishin, Dmitry Bogdanov. The honor of the city was also defended by Elena Slesarenko, Tatyana Lysenko, Tatyana Firova, Yulia Chizhenko and many other athletes. Olympic champion Yuri Borzakovsky is the head coach of the Russian athletics team. The largest competitions in this sport are held in Zhukovsky: the Russian Athletics Championship, the Russian Cross-Country Championship, the Moscow Region Athletics Championship, and the Znamensky Brothers Memorial track and field competition.

Honored coaches of the USSR and Russia in athletics worked and work in the city: Nikolai Pudov, Vyacheslav Evstratov, Alexander Polunin, Lyubov Miroshnichenko, Ivan Vodolaga, as well as honored coaches of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics Nina Shibaeva, boxing Viktor Bystrov, badminton Vladimir Degtyarev and table tennis Yuri Gazaryan.

The main sports institution of the city district is the Sports School. It consists of 12 departments: athletics, table tennis, football, badminton, shooting, sambo, aerobics, tennis, figure skating, hockey, rhythmic gymnastics, adaptive physical education. The total number of employees is more than 1000 people. Two departments of the Center for Children and Youth Sports - athletics and tennis - have the status of a specialized school of the Olympic reserve.

The city also has other sections and military sports clubs, an ice arena, a health and fitness complex with a swimming pool, outdoor skating rinks, sports grounds and areas for workout classes. Many sporting events are held - for example, a night bike ride, the Movement festival, health days, passing GTO standards, and sports competitions. The Parafestival is a unique event for people with disabilities who compete in races on wheelchairs and handbikes, paragliding and hot air ballooning.


The city is actively improving courtyards - new playgrounds, parking lots, benches and trash cans, and street lighting are appearing. Urban spaces are also being transformed. The embankment of the Bykovka River on Fedotova Street has been improved: residents have a modern, beautiful walking area with sports and children's playgrounds, a dog walking area, a summer cafe, and recreation areas. The areas near the Palace of Culture and the monument to N.E. have been improved. Zhukovsky, square "28th quarter". On the pedestrian street Garnaev there is a number of sports facilities - volleyball and basketball courts, tennis courts, a skate park and a children's car park have been built. Mayakovsky Boulevard is decorated with busts of 16 great aircraft designers - the architectural complex opened in Zhukovsky was named “Creators of Russian Aviation”.

Along with the monument to the MiG-21 aircraft, located on Gagarin Street, a new attraction has appeared in Zhukovsky. Recently, a Tu-144 monument aircraft was installed in the city, which became a symbol of the great achievements of Russian aviation science. It is located at the intersection of Tupolev Street and Tupolevskoye Highway.

Big changes are also taking place in the field of road construction: municipal and regional roads are being repaired and new ones are being built. The city built an access road from the M5 Ural highway, the Gudkova-Bazhenova road, connecting two microdistricts. Currently, Tupolev Street is being reconstructed, which will be expanded to 4-6 lanes. A 712-meter-long tunnel will appear under Gromov Square.

Important investment projects are being implemented in Zhukovsky, including the Zhukovsky industrial park, which will occupy an area of ​​122 hectares, and the industrial park “Center for Innovative Economy” with an area of ​​343 hectares. In addition, the Center for Prototyping and Additive Technologies has been created, which will produce parts based on 3D printing for various industries, and the TsAGI Technopark, which will be part of the system of innovative infrastructure sites in the Moscow region.

Zhukovsky Airport is entering a new phase of development: the construction of a modern cargo terminal is being completed, and the design of additional infrastructure is beginning. In 2021, the passenger terminal will be expanded from 17 to 40 thousand square meters. meters, new aircraft parking spaces will appear. It is also planned to build a hotel, a business center and expand the range of services provided to passengers on the territory of the airport.

Zhukovsky opens up wide opportunities for investment and the creation of high-tech industries. Innovative projects that are being implemented in the city will provide new jobs, increase revenues to budgets of all levels, thereby strengthening the economy and scientific and production potential of the science city and the Moscow region.

Climate and ecology of Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky is located in an area favorable for life. The climate here is moderate, winters are mild (-10ºС average temperature in January), and summers are not hot (+18ºС average temperature in July). The city is easy to breathe thanks to the numerous trees, coniferous and deciduous, and it is immediately noticeable that it is very green. The Moscow, Pekhorka and Bykovka rivers flow near the city, as well as many lakes.

Zhukovsky is surrounded by forests - this saves it from environmental threats. And of course they exist: car exhausts; smog blown by the wind from Moscow; and also the close proximity of the airfield and industrial enterprises. And for many, the biggest environmental disadvantage that is difficult to combat is the constant noise from airplanes.

Zhukovsky became the center of attention of various environmental organizations in connection with the cutting down of a natural monument - the Tsagovsky forest. This situation causes hostility among many citizens to the city’s calling card - the MAX air show, because it is for the construction of a more convenient route for travel to the venue that perennial trees are mercilessly cut down.

The rivers flowing nearby, unfortunately, are not clean. The Lytkarinsky quarry is said to be the cleanest for swimming, but it is not very convenient to get to. And in areas of the city close to industrial zones, the soil also has a significant share of pollution. The most favorable zones are those that are located far from factories and airfields, and close to natural sites. Fortunately, there are many such places in the city.

Population of Zhukovsky

The number of city residents has not yet grown significantly, this can be noted by the small number of new buildings, compared to other cities in the Moscow region. This is probably influenced by the aviation specifics of the city and fairly high housing prices. At the beginning of 2014, the number of city residents was about 107.5 thousand people, and over the course of ten years it increased by only 8 thousand.

The city's status as an aircraft manufacturing center and a science city also influenced the social composition of its residents. A significant part of the residents here are associated with aviation. Dozens of Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and Socialist Labor have lived and worked in Zhukovsky since Soviet times. Here, most of the boys (and also girls) dream of becoming pilots. There is even a legend among residents that if you count all the arches in the old houses of the city (and there are especially many such buildings with arches in Zhukovsky) and go through one of them, you will definitely become a pilot.

At the Eternal Flame

Pilots here are especially valued, respected and proud of them. The city is ideal for those who want to work in this field. There is scope for the development of aviation-related scientists. In general, the level of education in Zhukovsky is considered one of the best. The city is small, but has many professional and higher education institutions. And Zhukovsky’s secondary schools have always been at their best.

Car sharing

Photo: © Zhukovsky International Airport

Something between public transport and a personal car. Car sharing gives a certain freedom of movement and at the same time eliminates the need to maintain the car.

The only car sharing operator is represented in Zhukovsky - Bumerang.

Before you rent a car for a short term, you need to register in the system, which will take some time, so this must be done in advance.

Choose a free car from those available in the Zhukovsky parking lot, take a parking card from the salon. Go to the information desk in the terminal and reset your card (a couple of minutes on foot). Leaving the parking lot is carried out using a canceled card.

Districts and real estate of Zhukovsky

The city of Zhukovsky originated as an aircraft manufacturing city, and therefore a significant part of the city is occupied by the main city-forming enterprise - the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI). The structure of the city was also influenced by the fact that it was originally built along the Kazan Railway, and one of its borders now runs exactly there.

Zhukovsky Map

Zhukovsky is divided only into small microdistricts, some of them are simply called by numbers (for example, microdistrict 6). Now the city is being built up with new buildings, and microdistricts 5 and 5A consist almost entirely of new houses. And there are also various places in Zhukovsky to which residents have given their unofficial names. For example, they are called by the location of any organizations or enterprises at this place (Hospital Campus). Also, individual territories are named after some streets: Latskovo (Latskova St.), Gudki (Gudkova St.).

The central part of the city is considered to be the area where the pedestrian Mayakovsky Street, popularly called “Broadway,” runs and, accordingly, young people enjoy strolling along it in the evenings. At one end of the street there is the Palace of Culture and a monument to N.E. Zhukovsky. True, the view that opened from Broadway to the Palace of Culture has deteriorated significantly due to the new high-rise building, which now looks so inharmoniously from behind the roofs of the Palace.

Mayakovsky Street in Zhukovsky. In the background behind the cultural center is “Monster”

Residents of Zhukovsky do not like this high-rise building and call it a “monster”. But the apartments in this building are some of the most expensive in the city. And you will have to pay more than 130,000 rubles per square meter. This is all because of the convenient location of the house, because it is located in the very center and belongs to the “business class” housing category.

And if you walk in the other direction, you can reach the beautiful Meteor sports complex, which has a good stadium and well-equipped rooms and grounds for practicing various sports. Next to Meteor there is a Culture and Recreation Park, quite spacious and green. It is also traditionally considered one of the most popular places for walking.

Meteor Stadium

Next to the park is the notorious Tsagovsky forest, which is called the second Khimki forest. It is also mercilessly cut down for the construction of a road, not paying attention to the protests of local residents and Moscow activists. People still continue to organize pickets and rallies, but the logging is already in full swing.

Deforestation of the Tsagovsky forest

There, nearby, you can walk along the “Triangle” between Garnaev, Tupolev and Amet-khan Sultana streets or shop at the Navigator shopping center. If we move east from Broadway, we will find ourselves in the recreational area of ​​the city. There is a hospital town and several large sanatoriums here. In the same area you can shop at the city wholesale and retail market or at the Zhukovsky Passage shopping center (the same market, but in a nice building). This part of the city, like the area next to the Park of Culture and Recreation, is planted with many trees, coniferous and deciduous. There is also a children's health camp "Kratovo", not far from which there is the picturesque Kratovo Lake and the tracks of the children's railway.

Toy railway

If you move north of Broadway, you can get into the Zhukovsky production zone. There is a heating plant there, which supplies the city with heat and hot water; there is a Bakery Factory next to it; further on is the territory of the former house-building plant; as well as Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant and other enterprises.

There are few houses in this area, and most of them are dilapidated housing, there are old two-story and five-story buildings, and it is unprofitable to build new houses here due to the close distance from various production facilities.

But a little further from the Heating Plant, microdistrict No. 2 already begins, a large area of ​​which is occupied by the building of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, or rather the Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering. Next to it is Vocational School No. 49, where they used to train special mechanics for subsequent work at TsAGI, but now they simply graduate mechanics and electricians.

Residential buildings in this microdistrict are not in the best condition - they are mainly four-story buildings built as dormitories. But you can buy a room there for just one million. But more often than not, rooms there are rented out rather than sold.

Typical house of the second microdistrict

Moving from here closer to TsAGI, we will find ourselves in microdistrict No. 1, which is more comfortable and suitable for housing. Here housing is represented by five-story buildings of no worse quality, as well as nine-story buildings; apartments in them are often sold with good repairs. Due to the fact that the houses are located in close proximity to TsAGI and the main thoroughfare of the city - Gagarin Street, apartments here are sold at a slightly inflated price, from 80,000 per square meter and more.

Next is microdistrict No. 4 and the area that residents call “Kolonets” - there is a very large choice of housing here, there are five-story buildings, nine-story buildings, and high-rise buildings. In this area there are many shops, a business center, and you can go to the movies or play billiards at the Vzlyot entertainment center.

Almost on the outskirts of the city there is an MZhK - a youth residential complex consisting of new buildings. The complex has its own clinic, and an apartment can be purchased under the “young family” program. And nearby is microdistrict No. 6, where the large and multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex “Aviator” is located. Although the area belongs to the outskirts, it is quite comfortable for living. A river flows nearby, and further on there are areas of private houses, so it is ecologically clean and calm.

MZHK in Zhukovsky

And a little further, microdistricts No. 5 and No. 5A are being built, which have the largest number of new buildings. Apartments here are being sold at a tremendous speed, because the houses are new, and their prices are not the highest. For example, an apartment in a building under construction can be purchased from 60,000 rubles per square meter. And next to microdistrict No. 5 there is Vorontsovsky Park, in which the construction of Vorontsov’s estate, a unique historical architectural monument, is still preserved.

Estate in Vorontsovsky Park

Transfer and taxi from Zhukovsky airport

There are a lot of taxi aggregators that can be called using a smartphone: Uber, Yandex.Taxi, Gett, Maxim and others. Orders are made the old fashioned way: by calling the control room, at the information desk in the terminal.

You can get from the airport to any point in Moscow and the Moscow region by ordering a transfer. Various options are available in terms of comfort class and capacity: from compact runabouts to minibuses for a group.

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Other directions
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Village named after TelmanZhukovsky Airportfrom 2210 p.show
Ramenskoye Railway StationZhukovsky Airportfrom 2210 p.show
RamenskoyeZhukovsky Airportfrom 2210 p.show
Molzhaninovsky DistrictZhukovsky Airportfrom 2340 p.show
LyubertsyZhukovsky Airportfrom 2340 p.show
MytishchiZhukovsky Airportfrom 2340 p.show
KotelnikiZhukovsky Airportfrom 2340 p.show
State Farm named after LeninZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Moscow Eastern Administrative District Moscow DistrictZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Moscow Southern Administrative District Moscow DistrictZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
RumyantsevoZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Kursky railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
KrasnoznamenskZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Moscow Central Bus Station (Shchelkovsky Bus Station)Zhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
KratovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Zheleznodorozhny Moscow regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Paveletsky railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Kyiv railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
VnukovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
DomodedovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Kazansky railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Moscow North-East Administrative District Moscow DistrictZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Leningradsky railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Moscow SEAD District MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
Belorussky railway station in MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2600 p.show
SZAO District MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2730 p.show
Vnukovo AirportZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
SAO District MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
Verkhnee Akatovo Moscow regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
KlimovskZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
BalashikhaZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
Bristol Moscow regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
ZAO District MoscowZhukovsky Airportfrom 2860 p.show
PodolskZhukovsky Airportfrom 2990 p.show
KrasnogorskZhukovsky Airportfrom 2990 p.show
Otradnoe Moscow regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 3120 p.show
Svetlye Gory Moscow regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 3120 p.show
PushkinoZhukovsky Airportfrom 3250 p.show
KhimkiZhukovsky Airportfrom 3250 p.show
Moscow South-Western Administrative District Moscow DistrictZhukovsky Airportfrom 3250 p.show
Eastern Railway StationZhukovsky Airportfrom 3250 p.show
IkshaZhukovsky Airportfrom 4420 p.show
ObninskZhukovsky Airportfrom 4810 p.show
VoronovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 4810 p.show
VladimirZhukovsky Airportfrom 5200 p.show
BalabanovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 5850 p.show
MaloyaroslavetsZhukovsky Airportfrom 5850 p.show
IvanovoZhukovsky Airportfrom 7150 p.show
Spas-KlepikiZhukovsky Airportfrom 8190 p.show
TulaZhukovsky Airportfrom 9750 p.show
KalugaZhukovsky Airportfrom 9750 p.show
Yaroslavsky railway stationZhukovsky Airportfrom 9750 p.show
DzerzhinskZhukovsky Airportfrom 11050 p.show
KostromaZhukovsky Airportfrom 11050 p.show
Kostroma railway stationZhukovsky Airportfrom 11310 p.show
Tutaev Yaroslavl regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 14040 p.show
Nizhny NovgorodZhukovsky Airportfrom 15600 p.show
Bolshoye Kozino Nizhny Novgorod regionZhukovsky Airportfrom 20800 p.show

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City infrastructure

Zhukovsky has everything you need and in sufficient quantity for a comfortable life: transport, shops, hospitals, schools, etc. The main thoroughfares of the city - Gagarin Street, which flows into Tupolev Street, as well as Chkalova Street - are maintained in excellent condition. And the rest of the roads are of quite tolerable quality; they become worse closer to the outskirts and industrial zones. Traffic jams in the city often occur due to the fact that residents of neighboring Ramenskoye who travel to Moscow join Zhukovans.

Also, during the MAX air show, travel is made difficult by the fact that some streets are blocked and, in addition, cars from all over the region, as well as from other cities, gather in the city. But to solve this problem, a highway is being built through the Tsagovsky forest. Also, drivers who come to the air show complain that there are not enough signs in the city and it is difficult for those who come here for the first time to find the desired entrance/exit and get their bearings.

Adding to the problem is the fact that one of the city’s borders is completely crossed by a railway, and in order to enter Zhukovsky from this side, you have to stand in a traffic jam before crossing.

Different areas of the city differ in terms of amenities and housing and communal services problems. It's worst for those who live close to the businesses. For example, on Zavodskaya Street there are old two-story houses that belong to dilapidated housing. And across a narrow road, literally a few meters from the houses, a manufacturing enterprise has opened, the noise and pollution from which torment the residents. However, new buildings are built with a pre-thought-out infrastructure.

One of the new courtyards. Photo by impo-ssc (https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/impo-ssc)

The situation with public transport is also quite tolerable. Buses and minibuses run regularly around the city; you can also get to Moscow (Vykhino station) by them. It is also possible to travel by train from the Otdykh platform to the Kazansky railway station; the entire journey will take about an hour. It’s just important not to confuse the Otdykh platform with the Ilyinskaya platform, because they look the same, and you can get off earlier by mistake.

Bus stop in Zhukovsky. Photo by impo-ssc (https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/impo-ssc)

What Zhukovsky can really be proud of is the provision of hospitals and good educational institutions. Health care facilities are mainly concentrated in the Hospital Town, where there is a flight personnel examination hospital, a city hospital, a maternity hospital and a clinic. Such security is, of course, related to the aviation focus, because the health of pilots must be constantly monitored. Therefore, good sanatoriums have also been built right within the city.

The quality of secondary schools has already been mentioned, and higher education institutions in the city are represented by the faculties of the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, as well as branches of other Moscow universities. There have always been enough kindergartens in Zhukovsky, but due to the fashionable baby boom, there was an acute shortage of places. However, this situation is typical for the entire Moscow region.

How to get from Zhukovsky airport by public transport

Regular connections to Moscow are provided by buses and trains, and each of the possible options involves at least one transfer. Let's consider the first option in detail.

By bus

Every day, bus No. 441 leaves from the stop near the passenger terminal to the left of the exit. It goes to the Kotelniki metro station (the end of the purple Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line). By metro you can get to almost any point in the city, and with a transfer to electric trains and high-speed trains you can also get to settlements near Moscow.

Panorama of the stop from Yandex.Maps:

The first flight departs from the airport stop at 06:06 on weekdays and at 06:16 on weekends and holidays, the last flight departs at 23:40 and 23:35, respectively. On weekdays there are three to five flights per hour, on weekends there are two flights with an interval of about 30 minutes.

The detailed schedule is presented below:

Photo: © zia.aero

Before your trip, always check the current schedule on the Zhukovsky website.

Route No. 441 is served by one of the branches of Mosgortrans and is not an express route. Along the way, he makes a lot of intermediate stops and gets to his destination - the Kotelniki metro station - in at least 1 hour. It is worth keeping in mind that the final travel time is largely influenced by the current traffic situation.

The bus moves along Zhukovskoye, Bykovskoye, Novoryazanskoye highways. The disembarkation point is a stop near exit No. 6 of the Kotelniki station.

The ticket price is 92 rubles when paying in cash, when paying with contactless bank cards, or with a Strelka transport card - 73 rubles 60 kopecks .

The price includes luggage provided that the sum of the dimensions does not exceed 120 cm. Otherwise, the fare is 34 rubles.

Enterprises and work in Zhukovsky

For many years, the main economic power of Zhukovsky was aviation research and production enterprises. They still do not lose their importance, although for several years they have experienced difficulties due to a sharp decline in the number of government orders. The situation is improving thanks to targeted federal programs and the own efforts of enterprise management, but it is difficult to accurately assess the future of Russian aviation today, and for many these assessments are not at all optimistic.

The main and oldest city-forming enterprises are, of course, TsAGI, as well as LII named after. Gromova. Fortunately, research and development are still ongoing, specialists regularly participate in conferences and seminars, and even salaries increase from time to time. Now the share of young specialists working at TsAGI is already 23%, but there are not enough middle-aged workers, since they left there in the crisis of the 90s.

FLI, home to Europe's longest runway, is also still conducting tests, training test pilots and organizing commercial air travel. If you love aviation, the option of getting a job in these enterprises should be very attractive, because there it is quite possible to receive a salary of more than 40,000 rubles.


The complex of Zhukovsky aviation enterprises, in addition to the two mentioned, also includes such organizations as: Experimental Machine-Building Plant named after. V.M. Myasishchev, Research Institute of Aviation Equipment, Center for Scientific and Technical Sciences, NIIP named after. V.V. Tikhomirova and others. The status of a science city helps Zhukovsky receive at least some government support for his enterprises.

However, in Zhukovsky you can find work not related to the aviation and defense industries. For example, there is a branch of Nestlé in the city. The service sector is also developed.

There are plenty of shopping centers, shopping and entertainment complexes, bank branches, etc. in Zhukovsky. There are many office centers in the city: several on Gagarin Street and among them “Business World”, “Orbita Plus”; trade and office on Amet-khan Sultana and "Tekhatom" on Latskova. Quite a few are among the city residents and those who work in Moscow, although getting there through traffic jams can be not very pleasant.

City information

Zhukovsky is located in the Moscow region, in the west of the Russian Federation. It has the status of a science city. The economy is represented by enterprises in the aviation and mechanical engineering industries, and research institutes. Equipment for military and civil aircraft is produced here.

The regional highway A102 passes through the settlement, connecting it to the capital. The Ryazan direction line of the Moscow Railway is located nearby. There is an airfield "Ramenskoye". There are vocational educational institutions, universities and their branches. A significant part of the population is employed in the capital. There are cultural institutions.


In the 90s, Zhukovsky, as was common in almost all Russian cities, had its own groups. But they did not gain much popularity, as they were suppressed by the larger and more active Lyubertsy organized crime group. Its leaders basically controlled all the commercial structures of the city, although there were few of them. And the Zhukovsky groups were more interested in hooliganism and robbery.

Now the city also does not have a horrific level of crime. Here he is the same as everywhere else, statistically average. Significant crimes are committed mainly in the real estate sector, but the average person cannot influence this situation in any way. And most of the crime news consists of robberies and fights, initiated by drug addicts and alcohol lovers. Among the recent incidents that are significant at the federal level are conflicts between environmentalists and representatives of the riot police, and in general, this whole situation with the felling of the Tsagovsky forest raises doubts among many about its legality.

In general, the city is relatively calm, although those who have recently moved should avoid walking through the dark streets of industrial areas and the forest.

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