Blagodarnoye, Blagodarinsky district, Stavropol province.

This term has other meanings, see Grateful (meanings).

FlagCoat of arms
45°06′10″ n. w. 43°25′31″ E. d.HGYAOCountryRussiaFederal SubjectStavropol TerritoryUrban district BlagodarnenskyHistory and geographyFounded1782Former namesSoldatskoyeCity since 1971Area
  • 24 km²[2]
Center altitude160 mTime zoneUTC+3:00PopulationPopulation↘30 333[1] people (2021)Density1263.88 people/km²NationalitiesRussian, Gypsies, Armenians, Turks and othersConfessionsOrthodox and othersKatoykonimThanksgiving, BlagodarnenetsOfficial languageRussianDigital identifiersT telephone code86549Postal code356420OKATO code07210501000OKTMO code07610101001OtherWikimapia.orgSee. mapCity Day3rd Saturday of Grateful




Media files on Wikimedia Commons


- city[3], administrative center of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory.


  • 1 Title
  • 2 Geography
  • 3 Climate
  • 4 History
  • 5 Population
  • 6 Abolished urban settlement, the city of Blagodarny
  • 7 Infrastructure
  • 8 Upbringing and education
  • 9 Enterprises
  • 10 Transport
  • 11 Media
  • 12 Russian Orthodox Church
  • 13 Sports
  • 14 People associated with the city
  • 15 Objects of archaeological and cultural heritage
  • 16 Monuments
  • 17 Notes
  • 18 Literature
  • 19 Links


Until 2012, the city was part of the Stavropol diocese.

Since June 7, 2012, the city of Blagodarny has been the center of the Blagodarny church district of the Diocese of St. George.

The Saints

  • sschmch. Andrey Kovalev, served as a psalm-reader in the Church of Cosmas and Damian in 1895-1896


  • Alexander Nevsky
  • Vladimir Equal to the Apostles
  • Cosmas and Damian
  • New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church
  • Peter and Fevronia


One of the first researchers of the history of Blagodarnoye, priest Vasily Andreevich Belogradsky, in his essay “The Village of Blagodarnoye”, published in the “Collection of statistical information about the Stavropol province” for 1868, provides information about its two names:


, appropriated by one of the regional leaders of the Caucasus, and
, hitherto stubbornly held by nomadic neighbors - Kalmyks and Trukhmyans.

— V. Belogradsky “The village of Blagodarnoye[4]

The second of these names, according to Belogradsky, was also pronounced “Saldutskoe”

In the book by Anton Ivanovich Tvalchrelidze “Stavropol province in statistical, geographical, historical and agricultural relations” (1897) there is another option - “Soldutskoe”
At the same time, the author of the publication about - Kalmyks, Turkmens and Nogais - this name “was given to all Russian settlements without distinction”

The origin of another name is “Grateful”

- is associated with a historical legend, which, for example, is described in the above-mentioned essay by Belogradsky:

The government ordered the placement of retired family soldiers, about 20 families, in this very place. (...) The settled soldiers really liked living in this place, because there was a lot of water (a river flowed nearby with fish), forests were abundant, the pastures were luxurious, and agriculture was satisfactory. Therefore, when the regional chief arrived to visit the new residents of Buffalo, they met him with bread and salt and, as a token of their gratitude for delivering a good life, presented him with some gift; but the boss told them: “I don’t need your gifts, gentlemen, servants, live to your health. And because you are grateful, let your village be called Grateful.”

— V. Belogradsky “The Village of Blagodarnoye”[5]

This legend was later reflected in the symbolism of the Blagodarnensky municipal district.

Administration of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory

  • Coat of arms and flag of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory
  • Honorary citizens of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory
  • Thank You - Heroes of the Soviet Union
  • Thank You - Heroes of Russia
  • Memorable dates
  • Memory Wall
  • Calendar of memorable dates in the military history of Russia

“The Land of Blagodarnenskaya is grateful and fertile”

According to legend, the first settlement appeared in the early 60s of the 18th century, although Blagodarny’s birth date is officially recognized as 1782. Initially the settlement was called Soldatsky. The Kalmyks and Turkmen who roamed these lands called it Soldutsky (Soldus). Among the people there were two names. The first residents were retired soldiers whom the government settled at the site of the guard post. The legend says that when the governor-general was passing by, the residents presented him with gifts, to which he replied: “I don’t need your gifts, gentlemen, servants, live to your health. And because you are grateful, let your village be called Grateful.”

Blagodarnensky urban district is the oldest of the territorial entities, from 1900 to 1924 - a district of the Stavropol province, as a district has existed since 1924. Before the October Revolution, Blagodarnensky district was one of the largest in the Stavropol province and united six modern districts (Apanasenkovsky, Ipatovsky, Petrovsky, Arzgirsky, Turkmensky, Blagodarnensky). At that time it occupied an area of ​​11 thousand square kilometers. About 300 thousand people lived within the district, mostly Russians. The main occupation of the population was arable farming and cattle breeding. After the proclamation of Soviet power in the province at the beginning of January 1918, during the civil war, Blagodarny district remained surrounded by Denikin’s Volunteer Army for many months. Since July 1918, provincial authorities and executive committees of Stavropol, Medvezhensky and Aleksandrovsky districts have been located on the territory of the district.

During the period of complete collectivization in the Blagodarnensky region, instead of partnerships for joint cultivation of land, agricultural cooperatives were created. The unification of peasant farms was accompanied by administration. Not only peasants, but also “old communists” often refused to join collective farms for various reasons. In 1930, the Blagodarnenskaya MTS was created, and a year later it had 30 tractors. At the end of 1939, a regional food processing plant operated in the regional center, which had a bakery, sausage and confectionery shop. Changes were taking place in cultural life. By 1930, illiteracy had been eliminated in the village of Blagodarny, and in the second half of the 1930s it became possible to move to universal seven-year education.

In the early 40s, the Temp cinema theater operated in the regional center; the House of Pioneers opened its doors, where various clubs worked, performances were staged, and evenings were held.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of thanksgiving soldiers went to the front. At the end of July 1942, the Maxim partisan detachment was formed in the regional center. From August 16, 1942 until January 1943, the Blagodarnensky district was under German occupation, which was accompanied by arrests, beatings and executions of civilians. An underground organization operated in the village of Blagodarny. The Maxim partisan detachment, together with other detachments under the command of Alexei Grigorievich Odnokozov, was fighting the invaders in the Levokumsky and Achikulaksky districts at that time.

The territory of the Blagodarnensky district was liberated from the invaders on January 13, 1943. The next day, outside the village, one hole was discovered in the southwestern side of the village and four in the northern side; 187 corpses were found in them - the remains of 67 men, 102 women and 18 children. In total, during the period of occupation in the region, 223 people died at the hands of the invaders.

Many hundreds of front-line soldiers did not return from the battlefields. The Book of Memory of the Blagodarnesky District contains 7,411 thanksgiving people who did not return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Among them: Heroes of the Soviet Union Pyotr Karpovich Prilepa, Pyotr Mikhailovich Dyakov, Yakov Vasilyevich Bocharov. On June 24, 1945, thanksgiving participants took part in the Victory Parade in Moscow, among them I.P. Demchenko, V.A. Kobylin, V.S. Pachin, F.A. Khudokonov.

Immediately after the liberation of the area, restoration work began. A radio center and telephone communications began to operate throughout the area. Metalwork, blacksmith, wool, shoe and sewing workshops came to life. At the end of February, a creamery and a mill began operating in the village of Blagodarny. Over time, public utilities, educational, cultural and healthcare institutions were restored.

During the 60-70s, a qualitatively new milestone was reached in the development of the economy - the region had good economic indicators and became one of the most comfortable and prosperous. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarnoye was transformed into the city of Blagodarny.

Municipal formation Blagodarnensky municipal district was formed in November 2004. Blagodarnensky municipal district includes 14 municipalities: one urban and 13 rural settlements, which include 23 settlements. Fertile lands became the key to the successful development of agriculture. Currently, the main direction of development of the region's economy is grain agricultural production. The region is rich in mineral resources. On the territory of the region, deposits have been developed: gas (Mirnenskoye), oil (Vorobevskoye), limestone (Burlatskoye, Spasskoye), used as building materials. There is the largest deposit of clay and quartz sand in the North Caucasus.

One of the features of the region is powerful broiler production and processing of broiler meat. The visiting card has become the Blagodarnesky Meat and Poultry Processing Plant branch of the Stavropol Broiler Closed Joint Stock Company, which annually increases the volume of broiler meat processing. With the “Blagoyar” trademark, the company reached the global level.

SPKK "Giant" was awarded a gold medal for participation in the All-Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn" in 2009, 2010, 2012. In 2010, it received the status of a breeding farm for breeding Kazakh white-headed cattle.

There are 59 historical and cultural monuments on the territory of the Blagodarnensky district. Memorial signs were unveiled: in 2005 - “Thanksgiving - Heroes of the Soviet Union” and in 2008 - “Victims of Fascism” at the burial site of the executed civilian population during the occupation of the area during the Great Patriotic War.

Blagodarnensky district is the birthplace of the commander of the 46th Guards Taman Red Banner Order Suvorov, 111th degree aviation regiment E.D. Bershanskaya, heroes of Socialist labor B.V. Petrovsky, O.K. Gutseva, A.K. Plotnikova.

Municipal entities of the Blagodarnensky district, settlements included in the urban district

Name of municipalityPopulationNumber of voters
1.Alexandria Village Council39152943
2.Alekseevskoe village16601092
3.Khutor Bolshevik740544
4.Village Burlatskoye31942459
5.Elizavetinskoe village30002285
6.Kamennobalkovsky village council18991367
7.Krasnoklyuchevsky village council1251862
8.Village Mirnoye1208929
9.Village Sotnikovskoye42933341
10.The village of Spasskoye23521817
11.Stavropol village council17321192
12.Village Shishkino1443898
13.Aul Edelbay1216917 ​​of Blagodarny3172024 376

3. Structure and procedure for the formation of local government bodies

Representative body of local self-government: Council of Deputies of the Blagodarnensky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory, number of deputies - 42 people, term of office of deputies - 5 years.

The council of a municipal district consists of the heads of all settlements that are part of the municipal district, and of deputies of the representative bodies of these settlements, elected by the representative bodies of the settlements from among their members, two deputies from each settlement.

The organization of the activities of the municipal district council is carried out by the chairman of the municipal district council, elected by deputies from among its members at the first meeting by a majority vote of the established number of deputies of the municipal district council.

Head of the municipal district: is the highest official of the municipal district, elected by the council of the municipal district from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition, and heads the local administration.

The term of office of the head of a municipal district is 5 years.

The municipal district administration is an executive and administrative body.

The administration of a municipal district is headed by the head of the municipal district.

Control and accounting body: the control and accounting body is formed by the council of the municipal district and does not have the rights of a legal entity.

The chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts is appointed by the council of the municipal district for a period of 5 years.

Date of creation: 15-05-2021 10:10:55

Last change: 13-12-2019 15:58:44


The settlement was founded in 1762, but a later year of foundation is officially recognized - 1782[7]. According to popular legend, the village was founded in 1764[8]. Initially it was called Soldatsky[7].

In 1806, there were 39 houses in the village, in which 211 “revision souls” lived. The most rapid growth of the village began after the mass resettlement of peasants from Voronezh, Tula, Kharkov, Kursk and other provinces of central Russia to the Stavropol region.

At the end of the 19th century, the village of Blagodarnoye became the center of the Novogrigorievsky district of the Stavropol province. All district institutions were concentrated in it: the zemstvo chief and judicial investigator, the district police department, the district treasury, the postal and telegraph office, the Blagodarny district prison and others. In 1900, Novogrigoryevsky district was abolished and Blagodarensky district was created on part of its territory.

In 1902, 12,877 people lived in the village. The amount of allotment land was 46,000 dessiatines (of which 20,770 dessiatines were under crops); the number of cattle is 8614, sheep - 28,195[9]:15.

In 1918, the process of collectivization began in the Stavropol region, which did not receive sufficient development due to the civil war. After the final establishment of Soviet power, communes and artels began to be created in the region, organized by former Red Army soldiers[10]. In 1920, the Krasnoarmeyskaya No. 2 artel was formed in Blagodarny. In 1920-1921, reclamation partnerships No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 and No. 8 arose. In 1923, the Krasnoe Znamya, Blagodarenskaya No. 2 and handicraft artels were formed in the village. industrial artel "Mechanic". In 1924, the following commune was created. Karl Marx; artels “Krasnoarmeyskaya No. 1”, “Red Labor of the Proletariat”, “Worker”, “Krasnaya Nov”, “Dawn of the Proletariat”; agricultural partnership "Svoy Trud"; livestock partnership "Association"[11].

From 1920 to 1924 Blagodarnoe was a city. According to data for 1920, the Blagodarny volost of the Blagodarny district included: the city of Blagodarny (1,552 households, 12,291 residents), the Kazachya Balka farm (8 households, 54 residents) and others (4 households, 25 residents)[12]:13 -14. The area of ​​land in the volost was 46,199 acres[13].

On November 6, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the administrative division of the Stavropol province” was issued, which provided for the abolition of counties and volosts and the division of the province into districts and rural communities. In 1924, 12 districts were formed in the province, including Blagodarny, with the center in the village of Blagodarny, as part of the former volosts of Blagodarny district: Shishkinskaya, Alexandriyskaya, Elisavetinskaya, Burlatskaya, Spasskaya, Sotnikovskaya, Dovsunskaya, Serafimovskaya, Mirnenskaya, Alekseevskaya and Blagodarinskaya[ 14][15].

On August 8, 1948, the regional newspaper “Tribune of the Shocked Man” published the following message: “...The Executive Committee of the Blagodarnensky District Council of Workers’ Deputies made a decision to approve the resolutions of the general meetings of collective farmers with a request to rename the agricultural cooperatives: “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” into the collective farm named after Zhdanov (Village of Blagodarnoe), “Drummer of the Fields” “to the collective farm named after Andreev (Village Blagodarnoe)”[16].

On March 1, 1966, the village was the administrative center of the Bagodarnensky village council, which, in addition to Blagodarny, included the Novosadovy farm (abolished in 1969[17])[18]:9.

On September 9, 1971, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village of Blagodarnoye was transformed into the city of Blagodarny[19].

Until May 1, 2021, the city formed the abolished urban settlement of the city of Blagodarny



Blagodarny is a city, the administrative center of the Blagodarny urban district of the Stavropol Territory.

The city is located on the Mokraya Buffalo River (a tributary of the Kuma), 150 km from Stavropol. The total area of ​​the administrative territory is 3061 hectares.


The settlement was founded in 1762, but a later year of foundation is officially recognized - 1782. According to popular legend, the village was founded in 1764. Initially it was called Soldier's.

In 1806, there were 39 houses in the village, in which 211 “revision souls” lived. The most rapid growth of the village began after the mass resettlement of peasants from Voronezh, Tula, Kharkov, Kursk and other provinces of central Russia to the Stavropol region.

At the end of the 19th century, the village of Blagodarnoye became the center of the Novogrigorievsky district of the Stavropol province. All district institutions were concentrated in it: the zemstvo chief and judicial investigator, the district police department, the district treasury, the postal and telegraph office, the Blagodarny district prison and others. In 1900, Novogrigoryevsky district was abolished and Blagodarensky district was created on part of its territory.

In 1902, 12,877 people lived in the village. The amount of allotment land was 46,000 dessiatines (of which 20,770 dessiatines were under crops); number of cattle - 8614, sheep - 28,195:15.

In 1918, the process of collectivization began in the Stavropol region, which did not receive sufficient development due to the civil war. After the final establishment of Soviet power, communes and artels began to be created in the region, organized by former Red Army soldiers. In 1920, the Krasnoarmeyskaya No. 2 artel was formed in Blagodarny. In 1920-1921, reclamation partnerships No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 and No. 8 arose. In 1923, the Krasnoe Znamya, Blagodarenskaya No. 2 and handicraft artels were formed in the village. industrial artel "Mechanic". In 1924, the following commune was created. Karl Marx; artels “Krasnoarmeyskaya No. 1”, “Red Labor of the Proletariat”, “Worker”, “Krasnaya Nov”, “Dawn of the Proletariat”; agricultural partnership "Svoy Trud"; livestock partnership "Association".

From 1920 to 1924 Blagodarnoe was a city. According to data for 1920, the Blagodarny volost of the Blagodarny district included: the city of Blagodarny (1,552 households, 12,291 residents), the Kazachya Balka farm (8 households, 54 residents) and others (4 households, 25 residents): 13-14. The area of ​​land in the volost was 46,199 acres.

On November 6, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the administrative division of the Stavropol province” was issued, which provided for the abolition of counties and volosts and the division of the province into districts and rural communities. In 1924, 12 districts were formed in the province, including Blagodarny, with the center in the village of Blagodarny, as part of the former volosts of Blagodarny district: Shishkinskaya, Alexandriyskaya, Elisavetinskaya, Burlatskaya, Spasskaya, Sotnikovskaya, Dovsunskaya, Serafimovskaya, Mirnenskaya, Alekseevskaya and Blagodarinskaya.

On August 8, 1948, the regional newspaper “Tribune of the Shocked Man” published the following message: “...The Executive Committee of the Blagodarnensky District Council of Workers’ Deputies made a decision to approve the resolutions of the general meetings of collective farmers with a request to rename the agricultural cooperatives: “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” into the collective farm named after Zhdanov (Village of Blagodarnoe), “Drummer of the Fields” “To the collective farm named after Andreev (Village Blagodarnoye).”


225↘211↗779↗1064↗12 212↗12 877↗13 049↘12 715↗16 089↘14 900↗20 168
↗22 706↗27 828↗29 900↗33 300↗34 000↗34 300↘34 000↗34 500→34 500↘33 800↘33 600
↘33 300↘33 100↘33 026↘32 725↗32 728↘32 435↘32 148↘31 959↘31 720↘31 558↘31 293
↘31 100↘30 530↘30 399↘30 333

As of January 1, 2021, in terms of population, the city was in 497th place out of 1,116[48]cities of the Russian Federation[49].

National composition

According to the results of the 2010 population census, the following nationalities lived (nationalities less than 1%, see footnote to the line “Others”)[50]:

Russians26 81781,95
Total32 725100,00



  1. ^ abcde Resolution No. 63-p
  2. ^ a b Federal State Statistics Service (2011). “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    . Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. ^ abcd Law No. 37-kz
  4. Law No. 88-kz
  5. "On the Calculation of Time". Official Internet portal of legal information
    . June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2021.
  6. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal service objects ( postal Search for objects
    ) (in Russian)

  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004).
    “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal districts, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers and rural settlements with a population of more than 3,000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census 2002
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The current population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, negative phenomena, urban settlements and rural district centers” [All-Union Population Census of 1989: current population of union and autonomous republics, Autonomous regions and districts , territories, regions, districts, towns and villages performing the functions of district administrative centers. All-Union Population Census of 1989 [All-Union Population Census of 1989]
    Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics [Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 - via Demoscope Weekly

The abolished urban settlement of the city of Blagodarny

Abolished on May 1, 2021[20][21][21].


Until 2021, the official symbols of the urban settlement were the coat of arms and flag[52][53], developed with the participation of the Union of Heraldists of Russia by a team of authors consisting of: I. F. Tikhenko (coat of arms idea), K. F. Mochenov (heraldic revision), R E. Nazarov (artist), G. A. Rusanova (design), K. V. Perekhodenko (substantiation of the symbolism of the coat of arms)[54][55].

In 2021, the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory recommended that settlements that had lost the status of municipalities transform their coats of arms into emblems[56].

Head of city administration

  • 2011-2015 - Svetlana Anatolyevna Lobkareva[57].
  • 2015-2017 - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Tormosov, head of the city[58].


  • Leisure. Abolished at the beginning of 2014[59]
  • Intersettlement centralized library system[60]
  • Museum of History and Local Lore named after Pyotr Fedorovich Gribtsov[61]
  • Kolos Stadium[62]
  • Central district hospital[63]
  • Boarding house for the elderly and disabled[64]
  • District House of Culture
  • Cemeteries: closed - Chapaevskoye
    (in the central part of the city), with an area of ​​30,000 m²,
    (southwestern part), with an area of ​​29,000 m²;
    open - Melnichnoe
    (southern outskirts), with an area of ​​100,000 m², and
    (northern part), with an area of ​​80,000 m²[65]

Upbringing and education

  • Kindergarten No. 2[66]
  • Kindergarten No. 3[67]
  • Kindergarten No. 5[68]
  • Kindergarten No. 7[69]
  • Kindergarten No. 9[70]
  • Kindergarten No. 28[71]
  • Kindergarten No. 29[72]
  • Kindergarten No. 30[73]
  • Special (correctional) primary school - kindergarten No. 1[74]
  • Secondary school No. 1 named after Maxim Gorky[75]. Opened on September 30, 1911 as a pro-gymnasium[76]
  • Secondary school No. 6[77]
  • Secondary school No. 9[78]
  • Secondary school No. 15[79]
  • Evening (shift) general education school[80]
  • Agrotechnical College[81]
  • Children's art school[82]
  • Children's and youth sports school[83]
  • House of Children's Creativity[84]. Opened January 23, 1940[85]
  • Center for Additional Education for Children[86]
  • Children's health and educational (profile) [87]
  • Orphanage (mixed) No. 16 named after M. N. Pokrovsky[88]
  • Social rehabilitation center for minors "Harmony"[89]

People associated with the city

The list of examples in this section is not based on authoritative sources devoted directly to the subject of the article or its section.

Add links to sources whose subject matter is the topic of this article (or section) as a whole, and not individual elements of the list. Otherwise, the section may be deleted. This mark was set on February 26, 2021


  • Anastasia Pavlovna Bednenko (1924-1971) - tractor driver of the Krasnaya Zvezda collective farm in the Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol Territory. Hero of Socialist Labor (04/08/1971). Knight of two Orders of Lenin (01/11/1957; 04/08/1971), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (06/26/1952). Honorary resident of the city of Blagodarny (2014)[94][95].
  • Bocharova Evdokia Davydovna (1913-1982) - Soviet pilot, commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. The only woman awarded the Order of Suvorov. Graduate of Blagodarny secondary school No. 1.
  • Boris Kuzmich Elisov (1926, Blagodnoye village - 1989) - Soviet law enforcement official, colonel general of the internal service. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Nina Nikolaevna Morozhenko[uk] (nee Semyonova; 1928-2009) - Soviet astronomer, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, scientific secretary of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
  • Petrovsky Boris Vasilievich (1908-2004) - Soviet and Russian surgeon, scientist and clinician; health care organizer and social activist. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Minister of Health of the USSR (1965-1980). Until 1916, he lived with his family in the village of Blagodarny, Blagodarny district, Stavropol province.
  • Ryazantsev Sergey Vasilievich (born 1973) is a Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Head of the Center for Social Demography and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Until the age of 17 [ source not specified, 1976 days
    ] he lived in Blagodarny.
  • Sidelnikov Andrey Nikanorovich (1895, village of Blagodarnoye - 1983) - Soviet military leader, lieutenant general, Honorary Citizen of the city of Blagodarnoye.
  • Dineikin Grigory Ivanovich [uk] - director of the Severodonetsk thermal power plant (CHP) of the Voroshilovgrad region, deputy minister of energy and electrification of Ukraine. People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 2nd convocation.
  • Svetlana Valentinovna Klimenko (born 1937) is a Soviet and Ukrainian biologist.
  • Tikhenko Igor Fedorovich (born 1961) - poet, bard, artist. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Author of the first coat of arms of the city of Blagodarny (1999)[96][97][98][99].

The city of Blagodarny is the administrative center of the Blagodarny district of the Stavropol Territory, forms the municipal formation of the urban settlement of the city of Blagodarny . The city is located along the banks of the Mokraya Buivola River, 150 kilometers east of Stavropol.

Its first inhabitants were retired soldiers whom the government settled on the site of the guard post. Gradually the population grew, the first district schools, a post office, a telegraph office, a hospital, a pharmacy, a prison were built, and large bazaars were held.

Initially the village was called Soldatsky. The Kalmyks and Turkmen who roamed these lands did not put up with education and called it abusively - Soldutsky (Soldus). Among the people there were two names. Once, the legend says, the general governor of the region was passing through the village. The residents presented him with gifts, to which he Fr.

Becoming the economic, cultural and administrative center of the eastern part of the province, Blagodarnoye received the status of a district center in the last quarter of the 19th century.

At the beginning of the 20th century. Thankful became the center of peasant unrest. The greatest wave of peasant uprisings occurred in 1905-1907. A peasant committee was created in Blagodarny.

On September 9, 1918, a front-line congress began in Blagodarny, which marked the beginning of the unification of partisan detachments and the creation of units of the Red Army.

On June 2, 1924, the village of Blagodarnoe became the administrative center of the district.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of thanksgiving soldiers went to the front. At the end of July 1942, a partisan detachment was formed in the regional center; the regional committee appointed the secretary of the district party committee, A.G. Odnokozov, as its commander. From August 16, 1942 until January 1943, the Blagodarnensky district was under German occupation, which was accompanied by arrests, beatings and executions of civilians. An underground organization was created and operated in Blagodarny.

In 1970, a brick factory with a capacity of 12 million pieces per year was put into operation in Blagodarny. At the regional association "Selkhoztekhnika" a car painting and running-in shop and a bus workshop began to operate. The fixed assets of industrial enterprises increased by 40 percent in the second half of the 60s.

On September 9, 1971, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Blagodnoye was transformed into a city.

Phone code: +7 86549 City website:


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Blagodarnoye, Blagodarinsky district, Stavropol province.

From the history of the village of Blagodarnoye Vladimir Puzikov.

1795 First census of settlers Tsarina Catherine II signed the Imperial Decree on December 22, 1782, according to which the peasants of the central provinces of Russia received the right to resettle to the Caucasus. Retired soldiers also became settlers. They were given money for their own needs: buying a horse, a cow, building a house; Single men were allowed to marry prisoners. The Soldatskoye settlement was founded in 1782 by retired family soldiers. The number of families is also mentioned - twenty. This is an indisputable fact. By 1785, when the Caucasian governorship opened, 14 villages had already been formed from the settlers. Including: Mikhailovka, Pelagiadskaya, Nadezhda, Vysotskoye, Alexandria, Grateful, Pokoinoe, Fedorovka, Obilnoe, Gentle. Odnodvortsy - free peasants from the Penza governorship - arrived in the village of Blagodnoye. The GASK in fund 49 stores case No. 2293 entitled “Caucasian Chamber of Criminal and Civil Courts. Gor. Georgievsk." In the file is a certificate of the population census of Blagodarny. The census was carried out in 1795. The authenticity of the document was certified by the elder Simon Teplishchev and the zemstvo clerk Ivan Karandin. 33 households were recorded, in which there were 137 people. There were 84 men living there, but only 53 women. Pyotr Davydov, Yegor Bashev, Leonty Balandin, and Nester Kharkov had numerous families. The following people lived without families, as homeless people: Manuylov, Fedoryakov, Altukhov, Kalyazin, Saprykin, Popov, Gladyshev, Sedykh. The names of the first settlers are still heard today in our city! G. Prozritelev wrote: “... From a review of the affairs of the Stavropol Treasury Chamber, it is clear that they (the first settlers) owned the original construction of water mills, ponds, wells, orchards, and the construction of other economic establishments in the remote steppe, which revived the region. The Odnodvortsy were literate, and in that remote and remote time one could even find a civil book in their families, which is a rarity among the urban population of Russia. Their families have inherited various interesting manuscripts.” *** 1830 Farms Residents of large villages were allocated to farms. The main occupations of the farmers were arable farming, cattle breeding and transportation. Farms were formed, as a rule, near rivers, streams and in tracts without official permission from rural communities. General A.P. Ermolov paid special attention to the head of the Caucasus region to ensure that farmsteads “were not allowed or tolerated near the borders of the line, since they served as bait” for attacks by neighboring mountain peoples. Despite the prohibitive measures, the process of forming farmsteads continued almost non-stop. In the census conducted by the Caucasian regional government for the 1830s, the following farms were listed near the village of Blagodarny: Ivan Dmitriev (merchant of the 3rd guild) on the river. Buffalo - 1 yard; Zdvizhkov Ermil Trofimovich (merchant of the 3rd guild) on the river. Buffalo - 1 yard, 4 souls; Kavyazin near the river Buffalo - 1 yard, 8 days; Kukhareva at r. Buffalo - 1 yard, 6 days; Sumsky Nester on the river. Buffalo - 2 yards, 10 days; Shcheptina at the river Buffalo - 2 yards, 11 souls. The issue of farmsteads was repeatedly considered in the 1830s by the Caucasian Regional Council. As a result, small farms were liquidated, and the largest ones were transformed into settlements. *** 1868 Novogrigoryevsky district On December 9, 1867, Alexander II signed the Decree “On the transformation of the Caucasus and Transcaucasian regions.” In pursuance of the Tsar's Decree, the Novogrigorievsky district was formed in 1968. It included the Petrovskaya volost of the Stavropol district, the Medvedskaya (Gofitskoye) and Praskoveyskaya volosts of the Pyatigorsk district and part of the Kizlyar district. The village of Blagodarnoye became part of the Novogrigorievsky district as part of the Medvedskaya volost. In addition, under the control of the volost there were the following villages: Alexandriyskoye, Vysotskoye, Elizavetinskoye, Medvedskoye, Orekhovskoye, Sotnikovsko-Burlatskoye, Spasskoye, Sukhaya Buivola, Shishkinskoye. The district center did not yet exist at that time. District administrations were distributed among 3 camps, which were subordinate to provincial departments. There were 9 zemstvo chiefs; forensic investigators - 3, in the villages of Blagodarny, Praskovey and Petrovsky. *** 1873 Bentkovsky about Grateful In 1874, edited by I. Bentkovsky, the 6th edition of the collection “Stavropol Province. List of populated places according to information from 1873.” In this collection, villages were first called villages. Joseph Vikentievich Bentkovsky served as a full member and secretary of the Stavropol Provincial Statistical Committee. He wrote that in 1873 the district center of Novogrigoryevskoye was the village of Praskovya, and the center of the Blagodarny volost was the village of Blagodarnoye. From Praskoveya to Blagodarny – 72 versts. The district police department was located in Praskovey; there were 1115 households, residents: 4125 males and 3889 females. Our village had almost 2 thousand fewer residents. In Blagodarny: households – 810, male residents – 3,137 people, female residents – 2,894 people. Populated by Orthodox Great Russian (Russians) and Little Russians (Ukrainians) people. In the village there were: two churches, one public school, three public grain stores, three drinking houses, one tavern, 15 shops. There are two fairs: on the day of the Holy Trinity and Nikolaevskaya - on December 6th. A market was held weekly. On the Mokraya Buivola River, four water mills were built, with estates attached to them. Gorbunov's estate was located six miles east from the center of the village and consisted of one courtyard; 7 people lived in it. Bentkovsky noted our landmark - Mount Gorbunov. Its height above sea level is 678 English feet. 1 foot = 30.5 cm. Four versts from the center of Blagodarny to the west on the Mokraya Buivola River was the Ryltsev estate, then, two versts later, the Sumsky (Little Russian) estate. 7 people lived in them. Then, a mile from Sumskiye to the west was the Kovyazin estate, which consisted of 2 courtyards, in which 5 people lived. There were farmsteads around our village. Including: Berezutsky, Korgintsev, Kuleshov, Medvedev, Nechaev. *** 1883 About the construction of wells Residents of the village of Blagodarnoye experienced great need due to a lack of drinking water. The Wet Buffalo River became quite full in the spring, thanks to the melting of snow, but the water in it was salty and not suitable for drinking. Rural society did not give up hope of finding good sources. Wells were built in various places, in lowlands and on the slopes of gullies and ravines. There is information that “...their depth is different: in low places it is 2 fathoms, and in high places it is up to 10 fathoms.” Some wells have not yet been filled in and can be found on city streets and in courtyards. On August 21, 1883, the district police officer of the village of Blagodarny sent a letter to the Stavropol provincial government (Fond 68, no. 113), in which he wrote: “...According to the act drawn up by the commission on August 17, 18 and 19 to find healthy water in the village of Blagodarny, I have the honor to present here water in four bottles taken from the so-called rural stream in Blagodarny, for scientific research and in the future do not leave me to know.” On September 1, 1983, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Provincial Administration sent water for analysis to the medical department with the following direction: “... The Stavropol branch of the Provincial Administration, forwarding four bottles of water taken from a rural stream in the village of Blagodarny, has the honor to humbly ask the medical department to investigate this water scientifically and inform this department about the result of the research. The said water is intended for consumption by residents of the village. Grateful and the cost of research will be charged to the account of the said society.” We do not know the test results. *** 1900 Blagodarinsky district On October 12, 1900, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol provincial government sent letter No. 9852 to the district village of Blagodarinsky about the renaming of Novogrigoryevsky district to Blagodarinsky. We present its contents: “...The provincial government has the honor to forward a copy of its decision dated October 7, about the implementation of the Supremely approved on June 10, 1900, Opinion of the State Council on the formation of the Praskovey district in the Stavropol province and on the renaming of the Novogrigoryevsky district to Blagodarinsky . Signed by: Vice Governor, Advisor and Clerk - Ostapenko. Department 3. Table 7." So, initially our district was called “Blagadinsky”. *** 1914 Gulbishche in Blagodarny In August 1914, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, prohibition was introduced in the Russian Empire. Everywhere, including in the district village of Blagodarny, vacations and the sale of strong drinks were prohibited. The mobilization of militias was hastily carried out in all villages of the district. The chairman of the Blagodarinsky zemstvo council, Maltsevsky, without the permission of the police, gathered all the employees of the council at the walk. The excise official Katkovsky ordered the trading establishments to release Maltsevsky for the party: a bucket of vodka, a bucket of wine and a bucket of beer. The drinks were received by the council employee Fedorov. In front of the common people and the mobilized, the zemstvo employees drank it all and got drunk to the point of disgrace. Marchenko (his position is unknown) made speeches. The peasant of the village of Petrovsky, Ivan Pavlovich Efimov, outraged by the behavior of officials, on August 6, 1914, informed the Stavropol governor about their indecent behavior. He wrote: “...The temptation for the people was great. The men say: “People shed blood in war, and Maltsevsky organizes a carnage with Marchenko. They don’t give the peasants vodka, but Maltsevsky is allowed to go on a promenade.” The wives of the militiamen scolded the zemstvo employees and even wanted to beat them. Peasant Ivan Efimov." *** 1915 About watering vegetable gardens In fund 67 there is file No. 226 “Stavropol provincial presence for zemstvo and city affairs. 1915 – 16.” It stores the petitions of the Blagodarinsky district zemstvo council to the Governor and the highest government institutions and officials of the Stavropol province for the indicated years. As you know, the Mokraya Buivola River, flowing within the boundaries of the village of Blagodarny, was low in water. The Zemstvo Assembly, by its decision, prohibited residents from watering their gardens and petitioned the highest official. From the letter: “...To His Excellency Mr. Governor of the Stavropol province. April 24, 1915. In pursuance of the resolution of the fifth Extraordinary Blagodarinsky District Zemstvo Assembly on the issue of prohibiting taking water from the Buffalo River for watering gardens, the district administration, presenting a copy of the report of the administration and an extract from the journal of the said resolution, has the honor to humbly ask Your Excellency to satisfy the procedure for using water from the Buffalo River for watering vegetable gardens, following the example introduced in the city of Stavropol.” There is no resolution from the governor on the decision made on the document. *** 1915 Flood In the summer of 1915, a severe flood occurred in our district as a result of heavy rains. A powerful disaster hit the village of Blagodarnoe. In file No. 218 of the GASK fund No. 67 there is a certificate “On flooding in Blagodarinsky district. 1915" We present its contents: “...Losses in the villages are accounted for in Blagodarnoye - 140,779 rubles, where the flood washed away 180 residential premises alone. Killed: 2 horses, small livestock - 27 heads, birds - 2,017 pieces, washed away - 28,921 measures of bread. One man drowned. In total there were 4 casualties in the district. 309 residential premises were damaged.” May 14, 2011 Grateful Vasily Sokolov-Cheprasov. Vladimir Puzikov. © Copyright: Vladimir Puzikov, 2011 Certificate of publication No. 21105140439 In the photo: a deep well on Shkolny Lane in the city of Blagodarny.


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