26 sights of Svetlogorsk that are worth seeing

Svetlogorsk (formerly Rauschen) is a small green city in the Kaliningrad region. However, dozens of unusual attractions fit into the small area of ​​the Baltic resort. We’ll tell you what’s interesting about the places that all tourists want to see. We have compiled a list of 20 attractions of Svetlogorsk that can surprise you. You can see all this on your own even in 1 day.

Map of Svetlogorsk attractions with a ready-made route for one day. Click on it to download and print in high quality.

Lake Quiet

Previously, Cat Creek flowed on the site of the lake. The pond was dug by the Knights of the Teutonic Order about 800 years ago. On its shore was the largest water mill on the Zemland Peninsula. The pond was named Melnichny in her honor. Today swans and ducks live in Lake Tikhoe. The pond is surrounded by recreation and entertainment areas. Every day (except Mondays) the gray-haired Lake Keeper Andreas appears at the observation deck at 14:30. He conducts free tours for everyone.

On the shore of the lake you can see 3 centuries-old linden trees. One of them has the status of a “Wildlife Monument”.

The best attractions in the vicinity of Svetlogorsk:

Lake Quiet

Lake Quiet

The lake, or rather the pond, which was previously called the Mill, appeared during the time of the Teutonic Knights, who made a dam on the stream. A water mill worked here.

Today the lake is one of the popular recreation centers for citizens and tourists. Ducks and swans swim across the pond, and those interested can take a ride on a catamaran. There is a rope park nearby. At 14-30 every day, except Monday, its gray-haired caretaker Andreas comes to the lake. For those interested, he will tell you everything about the lake. Near the lake grows a linden tree, which is a natural monument, 450 years old.

The lake is a good place to take a walk, ride a bike, ride a catamaran, or visit the rope park. It is located between Kaliningradsky Prospekt on the sea side and the Svetlogorsk forest.

Address: Tikhoe, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region.

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Yantarny quarry (village Yantarny)

This is the only place in the world where sunstone is mined in an open pit on an industrial scale. In 2008, an observation deck for tourists was opened at the base of the quarry. From here, from a height of 50 m, you can see how work is carried out at the mining site. A larger image of the work is displayed on a nearby screen.

The tourist complex consists of:

  • recreation areas;
  • shopping pavilion;
  • amber wood;
  • amber pyramids.

The pyramid was built from 700 kg of amber. It is hollow inside and they sell amber products in it.

You can get pieces of sunstone yourself by becoming a participant in the “Prospector” attraction. A rare fishery that can’t be found anywhere else, it’s worth a look since you’re here. And the range of amber products sold here is the best. The observation deck is located slightly southeast of the village. Amber.

Address: Yantarny, st. Balebina, 1, Kaliningrad region.

Opening hours: daily

Paid entrance

Official website: www.ambercombine.ru

Wild beach of Svetlogorsk

Wild beach of Svetlogorsk

Behind the Promenade and the children's camp "Ogonyok" to the east of the city beach there is a wild beach. The narrow strip of sand has been washed away in places and the surface is pebbly. The infrastructure here is completely absent. Only nature and the sea. There are also few people here and a number of sections of the beach are occupied by nudists.

A visit is recommended if you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the resort. To get to the beach, you need to go east from the Promenade.

Address: Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region.

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Curonian Spit

Curonian Spit

A unique sand spit separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. Covered with sand, which has formed dunes in places, and forest. The maximum width is 4 km, the minimum is 400 m. The length is divided almost in half between Russia and Lithuania. 52 km belong to Lithuania, 46 km belong to the Kaliningrad region.

The spit manages to combine the territory of modern resorts and areas of untouched nature. The third most visited national park in Russia is located here. The Curonian Spit is the pride of the Kaliningrad region. There are more than 30 tourist centers, campsites and hotels in the villages of Lesnoy, Morskoye and Rybachye. There are equipped beaches.

On the spit, sand dunes, a dancing forest formed by the winds, and beautiful sandy beaches deserve attention.

You can get to the spit by car, taxi or bus. The Curonian Spit Park is open all year round. The distance to the checkpoint on the spit from Svetlogorsk is 33 km. The cost of visiting is 300 rubles. per person. For a car payment is 150 rubles + 300 rubles. from each passenger

Address: Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad region.

Opening hours: daily

Entrance: 300 rub. per person, for a car payment is 150 rubles. + 300 rub. from each passenger

Creative Park "Muse"

At the end of 2021, the Muse Park appeared in Svetlogorsk on the shore of Lake Tikhoe. It has forested walking paths over 6 km long, an amphitheater for concerts and celebrations, children's and sports grounds, a place for exhibitions, beautiful sculptures, gazebos and swings. There is Wi-Fi on the territory, a rope park and a boat station are located nearby, and signs help you find your way around.

Lenin Street

The main street of the Svetogorsk resort, Lenin Street, runs past the station. To get to the center of the resort, you need to exit the station building and go left. The road to the right leads to Otradnoe, a suburb of Svetlogorsk. There is a house-museum of Brachert, a local sculptor.

Lenin Street runs parallel to the seashore, and smaller streets run off from it in different directions. As a rule, such streets are downhill. On the map everything looks harmless, but in Svetlogorsk be prepared to overcome ups and downs all the time.

Lenin Street is like a watershed: on one side the streets go down to the sea, on the other - to Lake Tikhoe.

The steepest descents from Lenin Street are towards the sea. There are seven serpentine staircases and one funicular in the form of cup-shaped cabins for two. The funicular is located almost immediately behind the station, just walk forward to the center. The cost of one journey is 50 rubles. Height difference – 34 m.

The streets going down to Lake Tikhoe are less steep, however, it is what the locals call “down there”. “Where does the bus to Zelenogradsk stop?” “Below,” the local resident will answer and wave towards the lake.

Model of medieval Königsberg

The open-air project includes more than 500 elements. It is based on a model of a castle and 3 medieval cities. Bridges, ditches, private and public houses, fortifications - the detail is amazing. The layout can be viewed for free. Nearby there is a park dedicated to Hoffmann, the main storyteller of Svetlogorsk and the Kaliningrad region.


You will quickly have time to see all the sights of Svetlogorsk in 1 day, since it is a small city. Free time can be devoted to visiting local museums, which will introduce you closer to the history of the city and its famous residents. It will be especially interesting to learn the details of life in Svetlogorsk when it was part of East Prussia, a province of Germany.

In the tourist information center on Karl Marx, 7a there is an exhibition “Hall of the History of Tourism” , introducing the resort town. Here you can also book a tour and buy souvenirs. Nearby, on the street. Gorky, 4a, there is a museum “Wheel of History” , dedicated to the history of Rauschen-Svetlogorsk. From the exhibition you can learn how people lived, worked and rested here at different times. If you walk a little along Hoffmann's Storyteller Lane, you can see miniature model of Königsberg

Model of Königsberg Photo: © Anastasia Simanovskaya

Marine Exhibition Center in the building of the Yantar Hall theater is part of the structure of the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean . The ethnographic exhibition “People of the Sea” about the peoples of Southeast Asia is presented here, and temporary exhibitions are housed in the Maritime Art Gallery.

The Hermann Brachert House-Museum is located in the village of Otradnoye, 3 km from the center of Svetlogorsk. This was the country house of the family of a German sculptor, where Brachter lived in 1933–1944. The halls contain letters, photographs, and elegant and expressive works of the sculptor.

In the forest area near Otradnoye there is also an amber perid park . This is an open-air entertainment complex where the whole family can go. There are attractions, themed areas and a variety of wooden figures.

Exposition at the Maritime Exhibition Center Photo: © Leonid Sikorsky

Sculpture “Duality of the Inner World”

German writer Ernst Hoffmann is the author of the fairy tales “The Golden Pot”, “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”, “The Lord of the Fleas” and other fantastic works. Writer, composer, artist and... lawyer. Hoffman is a vivid example of the contradiction and struggle of a dual inner world. He was a talented creator and a successful Prussian official. The sculpture is located next to the model of Konigsberg. If you are looking for unusual sights to see in Svetlogorsk, this is the place for you.

Evangelical Church of Seraphim of Sarov

The Lutheran Church is unusual in that it is an Orthodox church inside. The decoration of the temple was done by the architect Goering; I advise you to definitely go to the church to appreciate his famous creation - the carved wooden altar. Next to the Temple there is a chapel in memory of the worst tragedy - the plane crash that crashed onto the building of the Svetlogorsk kindergarten. In that disaster, 35 people died, only two of those in the kindergarten survived.

Where is it: st. Baha 14

Sculpture “The Frog Princess”

The fabulous attraction appeared in Svetlogorsk in 2006. The frog princess sits in the park near the Svetlogorsk-2 railway station. The princess with a crown on her head is captured at the moment of her transformation. She is no longer a frog, but she has not yet managed to become a beautiful girl. As planned, the sculpture, the statue, reflects the miraculous transformation in the soul of a person who has learned the beauty of pure love.

Several legends are associated with the Svetlogorsk landmark. If your heart is pure and kind, then meeting the Frog Princess will turn out to be a great success. To fulfill your cherished desire, you need to “kiss” the beauty: first bring your index finger to your lips, then to hers. Rub the back of the sculpture next to the left shoulder blade - you will get unexpected money.

What to see in Svetlogorsk

City Park

Coordinates: 54.943827, 20.147255

No matter how you end up in Svetlogorsk (bus, train, excursion or your own car), the city will probably start for you with the park. The main entrance is directly opposite the train station and bus station. And it is there that the guests of Svetlogorsk are greeted by the sculpture “Frog Princess”, installed in 2006, promising happiness and good luck. True, for this you need to kiss her. But in the current conditions, it’s enough to stroke it, you can wear personal protective equipment.

Svetlogorsk mansions

Coordinates: 54.942108, 20.156428

Immediately behind the little mermaid, the historical center of Svetlogorsk begins, reminiscent of either a park or a real forest. It's almost like the German villa district of Amalienau in miniature. There are fewer streets and squares in the old town of Svetlogorsk than in the Kaliningrad quarter. But many of the villas have been restored (not all, some are still for sale) and look luxurious. Moreover, restoration in 90% of cases was just that: restoration. By some miracle we managed to avoid “European-quality renovation”. And when you find yourself in this park, where on every corner there are German half-timbered buildings, wooden (not plastic) glazing, or wrought-iron fences, you experience a culture shock.

As our guide said: “If anywhere to look for the heritage of Königsberg, then in Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk. But not in Kaliningrad, oddly enough.”

"Water tower"

Coordinates: 54.943279, 20.154499

The water tower is the “calling card” of Svetlogorsk / Fountravel.ru

The most recognizable symbol of Svetlogorsk is the “Water Tower”. Currently, the entire complex belongs to the Svetlogorsk Central Military Sanatorium. The “water tower” is like the cats of Zelenogradsk or the lighthouse in Baltiysk. If you have seen it, or even better, climbed to the observation deck with a dizzying view of the Baltic, then you have seen Svetlogorsk.

By the way, the tower building is authentic, it was built in 1907-1908. And only the sundial by sculptor N. Frolov appeared in 1978. But they fit so well into the general romantic style that they cannot be called a “remake.”

The most interesting city tour “Svetlogorsk - Little Switzerland” . In 2 hours you can see everything from the Water Tower and the former Kurhaus building to Central Park and the Frog Princess.

Organ Hall

Coordinates: 54.943028, 20.158166

Fans of classical music are unlikely to pass by the Makarov Organ Hall in the city square. It is located in the building of the former Catholic chapel Santa Maria Stella Mare. And it is famous for the fact that the organ was manufactured by the famous German company Hugo Mayer. More information about the concerts at www.organhall.ru.

Thomas Mann

Coordinates: 54.944986, 20.151797

Memorial sign in honor of T. Mann's visit to Rauschen / Fountravel.ru

This nice sculpture (authors L. Bogatova and O. Salnikov) was installed in Svetlogorsk in June 2003. In memory of the fact that Thomas Mann visited the former German Rauschen in August 1929. And it was at this resort that he completed his work “Mario and magician". You can find it near the organ hall.

"Amber Hall"

Coordinates: 54.945549, 20.158858

Yantar Hall, opened in 2015 as a concert hall in the resort town, has no shortage of famous guests. In the summer, Russian pop stars and foreign guests perform there. Since “Voting KiViN” from Jurmala actually moved there, “Yantar Hall” has acquired a touch of symbolism, which the “Dzintari” concert hall previously had. True, they say that the atmosphere in Svetlogorsk “is no longer the same.” But most vacationers are happy.

In addition to a concert hall with 2,000 seats, the building has a cinema, a conference hall, a restaurant and a branch of the Museum of the World Ocean. Address: st. Lenina, 11.

Area of ​​cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops

Coordinates: 54.943650, 20.156125

Most of the cafes, bars and restaurants in Svetlogorsk are located along Lenin, Oktyabrskaya and Kurortnaya streets. There are the most “Instagrammable” facades, windows, doors and panoramas at every step. The Central Square of Svetlogorsk is especially beautiful from this point of view (see photo). Most of the development there is new construction. But the modern half-timbered structure fits quite harmoniously into the appearance of the resort.

You can also go shopping there. Buy souvenirs from the Kaliningrad region (ceramics, amber, antiques, etc.).

Promenade of Svetlogorsk

Coordinates: 54.946509, 20.154385

Seven equipped slopes lead to the promenade, located 50 m below the historical center. Two of them are Rauschen's legacy. The rest, including the sanatorium elevator and cable car, were built during the Soviet era. The main staircase (it is often compared to Potemkin) leads to another symbol of Svetlogorsk - the sundial. They are lined with multi-colored mosaics and have a diameter of ~5 m. The divisions are marked with the signs of the zodiac. And the clock hand, located at an angle of 55° (the latitude of Svetlogorsk), shows the time with an accuracy of 15 minutes.

The guide told us that the arrow points to the North Star. What this means in practice, perhaps you will understand better than me.

The Svetlogorsk embankment stretches along the beach for just over 1 km. The coast there is not wide, rocky in places. In general, there are better beaches in the Kaliningrad region. But Svetlogorsk is famous for its infrastructure.

Cable car

Coordinates: 54.944607, 20.146676

Cable car in Svetlogorsk / Fountravel.ru

The cable car is one of seven equipped descents to the Svetlogorsk beach. Located on the right side of the Svetlogorsk-2 station, if you stand facing the building. It is known far beyond the city limits and is the No. 1 attraction, despite its age and some lack of modernity (outwardly it looks like a cable car in the center of Yalta). Many, not having time to arrive in Svetlogorsk, run to join the queue in order to quickly get down to the embankment. And queues there are now not uncommon.

The cost of one ride on the cable car is 50 rubles (disabled people and pensioners - 20 rubles). Subscription for 6 trips - 250 rubles, 10 trips - 400 rubles, 30 trips - 800 rubles. Children under 5 years old travel free of charge.

Alexey Kolokolnikov: “Interesting entertainment. The cabins are small and cute, quite old, but that only makes them more romantic; accommodates two people (160 kg). The sea view is very good. The speed is low, because of this a queue accumulates below for 5-10 minutes.”

Neighborhoods of Svetlogorsk

There are several places where it is worth going from Svetlogorsk for the day. To at least diversify your acquaintance with the Kaliningrad region:

  1. Pos. Otradnoye . It is famous for the house-museum of the German sculptor Hermann Brachert.
  2. National Park "Curonian Spit" . A symbol of a region where everyone should visit. Especially in spring and autumn, when the field station of the Fringilla ornithological station operates in the national park.
  3. Pos. Amber . Known for the Amber Plant and Blue Flag beaches.

And don’t forget about the village of Pionersky. Especially if you get tired of the busy beach in Svetlogorsk. It’s worth going there for a day to take a break from the crowds and enjoy the Baltic Sea and white sand in relative silence.

Hunting lodge (Lenina, 31)

The building appeared in Rauschen in 1926. It is lined with wooden cuts, and the former owner decorated the house with hunting trophies. Hence the unofficial name of the building – “Hunting Lodge”. The burgomaster of Rauschen, Karl von Streng, lived in it himself and at the same time rented out rooms to vacationers. Now the building belongs to the Military Sanatorium of Svetlogorsk. And in the Soviet years, films were shot here. Among them is “Little Red Riding Hood” with Evgeny Evstigneev. Therefore, residents and guests of Svetlogorsk often call the building the “House of the Astrologer.”

Cable car

The main attraction of Svetlogorsk is the long promenade along the Baltic Sea. You can go down to it by stairs or by cable car. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a funicular railway here. The Soviet authorities demolished the German building and in 1983 a cable car appeared in its place. It's worth a ride just for fun - you can admire the sea from the cabins. Moreover, this is the only cable car in the Kaliningrad region.

The price of a ticket for the Svetlogorsk cable car is 50 rubles (one way).

How to get to the Kaliningrad region

There are 3 ways to get to Kaliningrad from Moscow:

  • By plane
  • By car
  • By train

The easiest way to get from Moscow to Kaliningrad is by plane . Airways, Ural Airlines, Red Wings, Nordavia, S7, UTair, as well as Pobeda . We were able to easily find a flight with a departure at a convenient time and the price was quite reasonable - less than 30,000 rubles round trip for our entire group.

Historical bridge of Prussian Queen Louise. Located between the border crossings Panyamune - Sovetsk. Long queue at the entrance to the Kaliningrad region

The second method, using your own car, is suitable for those who are not looking for easy ways. You will need a Schengen visa, since the Kaliningrad region is an enclave surrounded on all sides by states that are part of the Schengen zone. It will be necessary to cross the border 2 times (that is, 4 times during the entire trip).

the option of a train at all due to the fact that the price of this type of transport at the moment is simply prohibitive. The cost of train tickets was 2 times more expensive than plane tickets.

Ultimately, we decided to get to the Kaliningrad region by car.

Sculpture "Ondine"

In the Baltic, mermaids were called undines. Meeting them did not bode well, especially for men. However, the sea maidens were so good that it was impossible to forget them. The sculpture of Ondine on the Old Promenade of Svetlogorsk is one of the most favorite attractions of tourists. It was installed at the expense of the Grand Palace Hotel, the entrance to which is located directly behind the mermaid.

High relief "Nymph"

On the Old Promenade of Svetlogorsk there is a beautiful sculpture of the Nymph. This is one of the symbols of the city. Its author is the German sculptor Hermann Brachert. In 1933, the famous master and art teacher was banned from working in his native country, as he openly criticized Hitler's policies. He moved to Rauschen and became a free artist.

The prototype of the nymph was a 17-year-old girl, Kete Tsigan. The sculpture was badly damaged during the war. They decided to restore the “Nymph” many years later. A sink with a mosaic that envelops the girl on all sides appeared at this time. Brachert did not sculpt it.

Stories, routes and tourist tips

It’s quite possible to get around Svetlogorsk on foot in one day, but to make sure you don’t miss the most interesting sights, read the stories of tourists. These materials can be a useful source of tips and advice for organizing your trip. Read the reviews of those who travel along the same route as yours in the Kaliningrad region, look at photo albums and draw up your action plan. For most tourists, Svetlogorsk leaves a pleasant impression, charming with quiet cozy streets with villas of the last century and a lively resort center.

  • Tatyana Kvichanskaya - material “Svetlogorsk. Usefulness" and photo album "Svetlogorsk"
  • Alexey Panin - story “The Amber Land of Russia”
  • Irina Dementieva - photo album “Glorious city on the Baltic seaside”
  • Tatiana Dudarenko - photo album “Bright bead in an amber necklace”

All tourist reviews about Svetlogorsk

Sculpture “Nymph” Photo: © Igor Chuchman

Kurzal Svetlogorsk (Oktyabrskaya, 36)

In 1901, a spa house with three dormitory buildings, a public area and beautiful towers appeared in Rauschen. The building received the status of a Kurhaus - the center of the city's resort life. During the Soviet era it fell into disrepair, but now it is being restored. They promise to return the lost towers to the Kursaal and restore its historical appearance. They will be used for their intended purpose. The Rauschen Kursaal, located next to the Veterok cafe, will again be the center of resort life and an important landmark of Svetlogorsk.

Former Kurhaus building

This former German hotel "Kurhaus" or spa house as they were once called, today it is abandoned, but is nevertheless a cultural heritage site. In Rauschen it belonged to the Prussian Kampf family, social evenings and concerts were held there, and the most famous person who vacationed in the Kurhaus was the writer Thomas Mann. It has completely retained its original appearance, despite the wooden structure.

Where is it: st. Oktyabrskaya 36

Sundial and New Promenade

The main sculptor of Rauschen was Hermann Brachert, and the main sculptor of Soviet Svetlogorsk was Nikolai Frolov. It was he who created the Zodiac Sundial on the boardwalk. They appeared in Svetlogorsk in 1974. The watch shows Moscow time, and the dial has a symbolic image of the zodiac signs. Try to tell the time and take photos of the clock from the steps leading to the boardwalk.

Facing the sea, turn right. This will take you to the New Promenade of Svetlogorsk. There are no attractions here yet. But there is a wide walking area with bicycle paths and dozens of benches.

Question answer

How to get to Svetlogorsk from Kaliningrad by bus?

Flight No. 118 departs from the South Station every 20-40 minutes (you can board at any stop on Leninsky Prospekt). Travel time to Svetlogorsk is approximately 2 hours.

When is the best time to go to Svetlogorsk?

The ideal time for vacation is the period from June to September. But if we do not forget that Svetlogorsk is still a medical resort, then the highest concentration of iodine in the air is formed only in September-October. Namely, the latter helps in the fight and prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases. This year, the velvet season in Svetlogorsk will open with the Street Cinema Festival (venue: the amphitheater on the descent to the sea near the Zodiac sundial). And throughout December, guests of the resort will enjoy New Year's mega-vacations.

Is it worth booking a tour or can you see everything yourself?

Svetlogorsk is not gigantic in size. A sightseeing tour lasts a maximum of 1.5-2 hours and includes not individual areas, but almost the entire city. Of course, you can easily see Svetlogorsk on your own. The only exception is people wanting to learn more about the history of the area. They certainly can’t get anywhere without a guide who knows a million interesting facts.

Which sanatoriums in Svetlogorsk are considered the best?

“Amber Coast” is a cardiological sanatorium with an amber therapy room. "Chaika" - general profile, including treatment of respiratory diseases.

What restrictions are there for tourists in Svetlogorsk 2021?

General restrictions apply in the Kaliningrad region. Walking tours must have a maximum of 15 people. And in order to get on the bus tour, you need to have a vaccination certificate or a negative PCR test.

How to get to the Voting KiViN festival?

In 2021, it took place on July 16-17 at the Yantar Hall. Most likely, the next dates will also fall in the middle of summer. Tickets for Yantarhall.rf.

Svetlogorsk, or “Sunny Resort”, as it is also called, is an amazingly beautiful place. Of course, the slopes to the sea there might not be so steep, and the prices a little lower. But the title of “flagship” of the Kaliningrad region cannot be taken away from him. And the location on the Amber Coast was the most “trumping” one, as geographers say. And the sanatorium and resort facilities are the most extensive - any tourism business worker will tell you this.


The Yantar Hall concert hall is a venue for concerts and festivals. There is a cinema inside, and on holidays there is a fair nearby. “Yantar Hall” began to be built in 2008 and was abandoned. However, in 2014, for political reasons, Russia needed a concert hall to host the New Wave competition. “Amber Hall” was completed in less than a year. True, the “New Wave” had already left Jurmala for Sochi by this time. But the KVN festival is now taking place in Svetlogorsk.

Central Park and the seashore

Photo: Gvozdovskaya Anna / Shutterstock.com
We go out to the central park and head to the sea - in Svetlogorsk there is a unique opportunity to look at its grandeur from the high shore. Walk along the paths along the sea or near the Yantar Hall building and rent recreational cars for children and adults; there are special bike paths for them in the park. Previously, Rauschen had several beaches and slopes to them: men's, women's, family. Unmarried men and women rested separately. There was an amazing atmosphere on the coast - a wide strip of sand, wicker beach baskets that protected both from the wind and the sun, baths on wheels. On the website of the Svetlogorsk Museum “Wheel of History” you can watch a unique short film “The Shore” with historical chronicles and photographs.

Park "Seasons"

The spacious green park “Vremena Goda” is one of the best places for walking in Svetlogorsk. There are dozens of paths in the larch-coniferous forest. There are also observation decks with views of the promenade and the Baltic Sea.

The sculpture “Sleeping Marie” appeared in the park in 2021. She portrays the main character of Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". The author was born and lived in Koenigsberg, so people in the Kaliningrad region love him very much.


This is how our day went in Svetlogorsk. To be honest, I was fascinated by him. Zelenogradsk has many advantages, but in terms of picturesqueness I would put Svetlogorsk in first place. There is some incredibly light sunny atmosphere, large green spaces and hills, pine air, wonderful houses, each with its own face. Perhaps, on my next visit to the Kaliningrad region, I will take a hotel in Svetlogorsk.

If you are traveling out of season and beach holidays are not your priority, if you are not afraid of uphill and downhill climbs, then perhaps Svetlogorsk will be your best option for a holiday in the Russian Baltic. The city itself is beautiful, and there is a lot of interesting things in the surrounding area: Yantarny is 20 km away, Baltiysk and the Baltic Spit are 50 km away, and the Pionersky resort is 6 km away.

The small beach is the main reason why recently many people prefer to relax in Zelenogradsk rather than in Svetlogorsk. We can only hope that over time the city authorities will somehow solve this problem, reclaim a piece of sand strip from the sea, and increase it artificially (they promise by 2022).

In any case, come for a walk around charming Svetlogorsk at least for a day, on your own or with a tour.

List of excursions in the Kaliningrad region

Hotels in Svetlogorsk

Svetlogorsk: apartments for daily rent

The best car booking service in the Kaliningrad region is the Myrentacar aggregator.

Flights to Kaliningrad


Level.Travel launched the sale of tours to Goa and Thailand

Flights to Thailand are already available on December 2, and to Goa on December 29 (currently available only from Level.Travel). Promotional codes for purchasing tours will be valid until December 31 :

  • LT-HAPPY-TH for 5000 ₽ – for tours to Thailand, from two adults;
  • LT-HAPPY-IN for 3000 ₽ – for tours to Goa (India), from two adults.

From December 6, Level.Travel is launching a promotion with interest-free installments for 120 days. There is no need to pay when booking a tour! Promotion period: 06.12.21 – 19.12.21. ______________________ I organize my trips using these sites:

  • flights - Aviasales
  • hotels – Booking and Hotellook
  • travel insurance – Cherehapa
  • taxi/transfer - KiwiTaxi or intui.travel
  • car rental - Myrentacar, Economybookings and Rentalcars
  • excursions – Tripster and Sputnik
  • tours – Travelata and YouTravel.Me


Kirch Rauschen (Mayakovsky, 14)

Until 1928, there was not a single Catholic church in Rauschen, so believers had to go to services in Königsberg. This was corrected by Pastor Stoff, who bought the plot and built a church with his own money. During Soviet times, the building was turned into a warehouse, then into a gym. And in 1992, the Rauschen church was given to the Orthodox Church. Now this is the Church of the Holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.

Monument to Ivan Pavlov (Gagarin St.)

The most controversial sculpture in Svetlogorsk. Nobody knows when it appeared or who its author is. Moreover, there is a legend that in fact the sculpture does not depict the famous Russian academician, but his German colleague Robert Koch. Scientists have a portrait resemblance. Koch visited Rauschen, but Ivan Pavlov never did. Be that as it may, the plaque on the sculpture says that the monument depicts a Soviet, not a German scientist.

Nearby is the Old Doctor Hotel - the former Tannenhov (Spruce Yard). It was built in 1912 as a rest home for the medical staff of Mercy Hospital.

Where and what to eat

The cuisines and offerings have a wide variety. Therefore, it is worth understanding the best options for excellent recreation and food:

  1. "Fisherman's House" The establishment is based on three main cuisines: Mediterranean, European, seafood. The menu has a wide range of dishes, including for vegetarians. An open view of the Baltic Sea and clean air give a special atmosphere.
  2. "Royal Baker" The cafe menu includes fast food and European cuisine. There is a menu for vegetarians, as well as a variety of drinks. Suitable for a quick snack or breakfast. A wide variety of baked goods will appeal to lovers of bakery products and sweets.
  3. "Local". The restaurant offers Eastern European, European and Central European cuisine. There is a specialized menu with gluten-free dishes.

Larch Park

The entrance to Larch Park is decorated with sculptures of Sphinxes. Tourists often make wishes by placing their hand on the head of one of the creatures. However, legends say that the Sphinxes should not be disturbed. Therefore, it is better not to touch them, but just take a photo next to them.

Bench swings are installed in Larch Park. Tourists and locals love to relax here.

Makarov Organ Hall

The Catholic chapel with the beautiful name “Mary, Star of the Sea” was built in Rauschen with the money of the clergyman Stoff in the 1930s. During the Soviet years, the building fell into disrepair. It was used as a warehouse and then abandoned. Then the site was bought by the famous Russian composer and pianist Andrei Makarov. The musician hired Lithuanian restorers and returned the chapel to its historical appearance. Then a German organ was brought in. Today the Makarov Organ Hall is an important landmark of Svetlogorsk and a functioning concert hall.

Where to stay for the night

Below we will consider options for a comfortable “night” rest.

Guest complex "Sosny"

Communication with staff takes place in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English. Free parking, Wi-Fi, various leisure options, and beach towels are provided. Family rooms available. Breakfast is not included.

Lazur Hotel

The hotel has 3 stars and is suitable for staying alone, with a family or with a group. Russian is used to communicate with staff. The rooms have free Wi-Fi. Lazur Hotel is famous for its convenient location and decent level of service.

Park Hotel Green House

The picturesque hotel provides free Wi-Fi and private parking. In addition, there is a sauna, table tennis and a conference room on site. Family rooms are available. The hotel will be a smart choice not only for accommodation, but also for business and business negotiations.

Water and mud bath building with water tower

The tower was responsible for the water supply to Rauschen. The water came from the Mill Pond (now Lake Tikhoe). The mud bath is a place for therapeutic and health procedures: from massage to mud baths. Today it belongs to the Military Sanatorium of Svetlogorsk. There is an observation deck on the water tower, from which you can see the central part of the city. True, the entrance to it is now closed.

Which station to go to: “Svetlogorsk-1” or “Svetlogorsk-2”

We didn’t think about this question before the trip, and when we bought a ticket for the train at the railway ticket office, when asked by the cashier: ““Svetlogorsk-1 or Svetlogorsk-2?” They answered - “To the final one,” that is, to Svetlogorsk-2.

However, later, looking at the map, I thought that it would be more logical to build a route around Svetlogorsk from the Svetlogorsk-1 station. From there, walk 700 m through the forest to Lake Tikhoe and from the lake you can begin to get acquainted with the resort. But that’s how it happened, that’s how it happened.

Pump room with mineral water

Svetlogorsk is famous for its medicinal mineral water. In the center of the city there is a small pump room with a tiled roof. It was opened in 2010. The pump room belongs to the Svetlogorsk military sanatorium. Previously, everyone received water, but now it is bottled only as prescribed by a doctor. If you want to try the local mineral water, go to the store for a bottle of Tilsit, Amber Land or Zelenogradskaya.

What excursions to take

The following selection of proposals is presented for review. Since visits to popular and less popular places are limited, you should consider only suitable options:

  1. Excursions to the Curonian Spit from Svetlogorsk. The famous spit with the best guides. Top 1 to visit!
  2. Rauschen: one day of a traveler of the 20th century. The visit will last 2 hours, accompanied by an experienced, certified guide. During this time, each participant will learn more about the ancient and centuries-old folklore intertwined with other peoples.
  3. Svetlogorsk: find out in 2 hours, fall in love forever. The group is led by guide Stanislav, who will tell you everything, going into the smallest details. The format allows you to ask any questions, to which the specialist gives a detailed answer.
  4. Tales of Svetlogorya. Will give unforgettable emotions for people of any age. Guide Pavel will introduce tourists to the architecture, show more than 1,200 species of plants and unique combinations of natural treasures of the seaside resort. This will allow you to delve deeper not only into the historical issue, but also to get acquainted with the rich and unique nature.

If you want to purchase excursions from Svetlogorsk, we advise you to use the online service Sputnik8.com.

Central square of Svetlogorsk

At the intersection of Kurortnaya and Lenina streets there is a small square with many small attractions. It is surrounded by modern houses, stylized according to the German architecture of Rauschen. They house shops and cafes. On the square you can see a lovers' bench with a back in the shape of hearts. Then throw a coin into the decorative fountain. Admire the apple tree with amber apples. And also consider the model of Kneiphof Island (now Kant Island in Kaliningrad).

Best hotels in Svetlogorsk

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