The best attractions and entertainment in Sukko: TOP 9

One of the small resorts where you can spend your annual vacation or summer holidays is the village. Sukko. The attractions and entertainment concentrated here will surprise you with their abundance and diversity: it will be interesting not only for adults, but also for small children. After the long-awaited swim in the waters of the Black Sea, you can purchase excursions from distributors or go in search of local beauties by car. We offer you an overview of the most popular attractions of Sukko with photos, descriptions and addresses/coordinates.

Lion's Head Castle

Address: pos. Sukko, Lion's Head Castle Phone: , Website: Opening hours: 10:30, 21:30 Tue-Sun, Mon-day off Cost: Morning performance - 300 rubles Evening performance: Adult ticket - 500 rubles, Children's ticket - 300 rubles. How to get there: From Anapa by bus No. 109 “Anapa-Sukko” to the stop “U Lukomorya” (the penultimate stop in the village of Sukko), then walk along the signs (to the right). Walk from Sukko along Sovetskaya Street.

High in the mountains you can see the battlements of the castle, decorated with knightly coats of arms. Despite the fact that the castle was built recently, it managed to revive the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

Here you can meet knights leisurely strolling around the castle grounds, get acquainted with the life and craft of that time, do archery with Robin Hood, visit a torture chamber, and also attend a knight's tournament.

Central Beach

The natural attractions of the village of Sukko are especially popular among tourists due to the unusually clean air.
The central beach of the resort is surrounded by dense vegetation, and you can smell the smell of juniper here. The fine pebble surface means you don't have to worry about placement. The main advantages of this recreation area are:

- Pure water. Most of the time it retains its natural azure color as well as transparency.

— Framed by rocks. Beachgoers will not encounter so-called “thrusts,” or rip currents, which pose a danger to inexperienced swimmers.

— Comfortable water temperature. Even in the dry season of August it turns out to be 2-3 degrees lower compared to neighboring resorts.

The beach has comfortable wooden paths that any tourists will appreciate. All garbage is regularly removed, which has been repeatedly noted by vacationers.

Central beach of Sukko. Photo taken from the site:

Lake Sukko

Opening hours: year-round Cost: free How to get there: From Anapa by bus No. 109 “Anapa-Sukko” to the stop “U Lukomorya” (the penultimate stop in the village of Sukko on Sovetskaya street), then walk 15 minutes (follow the signs)

Perhaps nowhere else in Russia will you find a lake in the middle of which cypress trees grow. The bark of these trees contains a large amount of resin, which saves them from rotting. These trees come from America; how the swamp cypresses appeared in this village remains a mystery of nature. There are equipped picnic areas on the shore of the lake; you can go fishing or go boating, swim in the warm water of the lake and swim between the trees.


The assortment of local souvenirs is probably no different from the assortment of other Black Sea resorts. In addition to magnets and consumer goods, local traders usually offer honey, churchkhella, Caucasian teas and herbs, wine, cognac, chacha, spices, soap, seashells, etc. It is worth paying attention to the woolen products that grandmothers sell at the local Arbat. There are some good and cheap clothes there. There you can also buy special swimming slippers, which can be useful on the pebble beach.

Shop “Krasnodar Tea” in the pedestrian zone

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Excursion and entertainment complex "African Village"

Address: pos. Sukko, ost. “By the Lake” Telephone: , Opening hours and cost: from May to September Every day at 20:00, except Tuesdays - 800 rubles Children under 5 years old - free Tuesday - closed. How to get there: From Anapa by bus No. 109 “Anapa-Sukko” to the stop “At the Lake” (the penultimate stop in the village of Sukko on Sovetskaya Street), then walk 10 minutes (follow the signs).

On the shore of the cypress lake there is an ethnographic complex where the group of African artists “Rhythms of Africa” holds theatrical performances. Among the huts there is an amphitheater, all the spectators of which, sitting at a table around the stage, become participants in the show. Songs, dances, Brazilian carnival, national food and drinks - all this can be seen and tasted in a three-hour show program.

Peasant farm "Horse Path"

Address: pos. Sukko, st. Central Phone: 0.8 Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun 09:00-22:00 Cost: small circle - 500 rubles per person large circle - 1000 rubles per person extreme route (trot, gallop ) - 1000 rubles per person. How to get there: along Tsentralnaya Street, to the end, to the “Horse Riding” banner, and to the right 100 meters.

Horseback riding gives you the opportunity to travel around the Sukko valleys and admire their beauty. At the farm, you can rent a horse and travel along one of the routes, look at the landscapes and enjoy communicating with these smart animals. There is an open petting stable on the territory where you can pet and feed horses and donkeys.

Diving center

Address: pos. Sukko, Varvarovskaya Shlit area, beach of the Shingari boarding house Cost: Trial dive - 1200 rubles. Trial dive for a child (up to 12 years old) - 1000 rubles. For professionals - 600 rubles. Diving from a boat to a sunken object (boat rental is paid separately) - 1,500 rubles. How to get there: from Sukko by bus No. 109 to the “Shingari” stop (2 km from Central Street along the road along the coast to Anapa)

Scuba diving and seeing the beauty of the underwater world is the dream of many. On the beach of the Shingari boarding house there are diver instructors who teach beginners how to dive into the depths of the sea and conduct excursions to sunken objects: ships from the Great Patriotic War, tankers and bombers.

Historical facts and development of the city

For a long time, Sukko has been considered one of the most colorful areas in the Anapa region. At the beginning of the 20th century. the territories were the property of Count T. M. Loris-Melikov. He acquired the estate in Sukko as a legacy from his famous parent, Count Mikhail Tarielovich Loris-Melikov. During the years of the Caucasus, and then the last Russian-Turkish war, he was one of the managers of the actions of Russian regiments in the Caucasus. In 1880-1881 M. T. Loris-Melikov was the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian state. Back in 1869, he acquired the property as a reward for his differences - 6,000 dessiatines in Sukko, where he created a personal estate, planted orchards and vineyards.

At the dawn of the 20th century, the estate, owned by the son of the famous count, became quite developed. The main manager of the estate was V. A. Merkulov, who tried to make his contribution to the social life of the city. By 1913, Count Loris-Melikov received permission to build his own small port estate, hoping to locate it in the lake currently called “Snake”. In addition, projects were being developed to lease these territories to foreign capitalists with the aim of forming a reputable resort in this territory.


Address: pos. Sukko (between Sukko and the village of Varvarovka (towards Anapa), located along the road) Opening hours: 09:00-20:00 Mon-Sun. Cost: adult ticket – 150 rubles. Children’s ticket – 100 rubles. How to get there: From Sukko (towards Anapa) by bus No. 109 “Sukko - Anapa”, not reaching 1.5 km to the village. Varvarovka

On the outskirts of the village there is a small park of ancient Greek culture.

Here you can get acquainted with the life of ancient Greece, visit a pottery workshop and make a souvenir as a keepsake, shoot with a wooden crossbow, take pictures in armor and have an interesting time.


Address: pos. Bolshoi Utrish Phone: 8-800-100-333-7 (toll-free), 8 (861-33) 60208 Performances start: 11.00, 15.00 and 17.30 Cost: Children from 3 to 5 years old - 200 rubles Children from 5 years old and adults - 800 rubles The box office opens 1 hour before the start of the performance. How to get there: From Sukko from the stop. "Recreation center Smena" by bus No. 109 "Anapa - Bolshoi Utrish" to the final stop "Bolshoi Utrish", then straight on foot 500 m

Five kilometers from Sukko, on the border with the Bolshoi Utrish Nature Reserve, there is the only dolphinarium in Russia located in natural conditions. Its inhabitants live in a sea lagoon with running water, in which they show the audience their skills. From the stands on the shore there are stunning views of the Black Sea and juniper forest.


a large number of canteens in Sukko , many of which are open, again, only during the swimming season. Two good eateries (“Dining room on”) are located at the beginning of Central Street , in neighboring buildings (houses 1a and 1zh). They work not only in summer. The average bill is about 300-350 rubles. Opening hours are from 8am to 8pm and 11pm. The assortment includes dishes suitable for small children (cheese cakes, casseroles, omelettes, boiled vegetables). One of the dining rooms has high chairs for children and a corner with slides and a dry pool with balls. Here are the prices in canteens for some dishes: borscht - 60 rubles, noodle soup - 60 rubles, solyanka - 130 rubles, vegetable salad - 50 rubles, Olivier - 70 rubles, chicken chop - 80 rubles / 100 g ., French meat – 150 rub./150 gr., beef cutlet – 90 rub., pasta – 40 rub., mashed potatoes – 50 rub., dumplings – 60 rub./150 gr., sausages – 30 rub./ pcs., tea, coffee – 25 rubles, compote – 20 rubles.

Dining room on Central

Children's corner in the dining room on Central

An important advantage is the presence of bar counters , where you can order alcohol, pizza, and sometimes rolls and sweets. Prices are humane: a glass of draft beer (such as “Novoross” or “Czech”) - 70-80 rubles, pizza - from 300 rubles. By the way, in such canteens there is also chacha on tap. 100 ml cost only 70 rubles.

The highest density of cafes and canteens is on the pedestrian street on the road to the sea; everywhere they offer grilled dishes - meat, fish, vegetables. However, in our humble opinion, the most delicious kebab in Sukko is in the Old Khutor cafe (Utrishskaya, 20). Be sure to try the catfish kebab there. The average bill is about 600 rubles. There is also a small children's corner. Local residents also recommend visiting the Nirvana cafe-bar (Tsentralnaya, 25).

Pedestrian zone

Cafe “Old Farm” on Utrishskaya Street

Menu of a street cafe in a pedestrian area

Kuban wines on tap are sold everywhere in the village , as well as chacha, cognac, brandy, and port. The cost of a liter of wine varies mainly in the range of 150-200 rubles, a liter of brandy – 350 rubles, chacha – 500 rubles. The assortment is pleasing: in addition to grape wines, they offer cherry, raspberry, peach, dogwood, etc. Liquor stores may only have “leftovers” at the end of the season, so it’s best to taste before purchasing so that the fortified wine does not turn out to be a diluted alcoholic beverage.

Shop “Kuban Wines” in the pedestrian zone

By the way, enogastrotourists (in other words, travelers who like to sip wine and have something to eat) need to know that on Bolshoi Utrish there is a marine farm for breeding mussels and oysters . The farm is located in Zmeinaya Bay, on the territory of the yacht club. Here you can buy live shellfish (mussels - 300 rubles / kg, oysters - 150 rubles / piece) - an excellent addition to wines. You can read more about the farm here.

In stores , prices are close to Moscow, local ones are cheaper (for example, Krasnodar tea, Arkhyz water), imported ones are more expensive (for example, shampoo, shower gel). Here, for example, is the price of vegetables and fruits in tents and stores in September: cucumbers – 65 rubles, potatoes – 40 rubles, onions – 35 rubles, tomatoes – 60-90 rubles, oranges – 100-120 rubles, apples – 80 rubles, carrots – 40 rubles, figs – 350 rubles.

Products for the child can be purchased at the supermarket at the beginning of Central Street near the dining room (building 1a): they sell Frutonyanya baby food, Dino cottage cheese, Arkhyzik and Agusha baby water. A wider selection of baby food and diapers can be found in pharmacies and shopping centers in Anapa.

Water used sparingly in Sukko. It is not recommended to drink even boiled water from the tap; it is better to buy it in 5-liter bottles. Apparently, this is not without reason, since in canteens and cafes the water in washstands often had a specific smell.

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