What to see in Volgograd in 2 days on your own

Hero city. Mouse Woof visited a city where the number of culinary shops and canteens exceeds all conceivable norms per square meter, a city of those who like to nibble a Kiev cutlet right on the go, a city where the guys from the tram made a metro and a city where you are imbued with a very bright spirit of patriotism. What came of it, how long it takes to visit Volgograd and our route - see below. Don't forget to like, share and save all the stories from Gav the mouse to your wall! Go!

Railway station. Path to the center

We arrived by train at the main railway station of the city of Volgograd. Our goal, a gallant victory, will be ours - to see the city center, walk along the embankment, visit Mamayev Kurgan and the Stalingrad panorama. To imbue, so to speak, before May 9, with the spirit of the military victories of our grandfathers.

Getting from the station to the center of Volgograd is easy: you just need to go straight. Where do mouse eyes look? So let’s wiggle our mustaches and hit the road!

Already in front of the station I was greeted by a famous monument called “Round Dance”. All films about Stalingrad have it. Who watched “Enemy at the Gates”?

Fountain “Round Dance” during the war

In general, he is quite strange - children dance around the fucking crocodile! It turns out that everything is according to the fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky: the children ask the crocodile to return the swallowed sun. After its destruction during the war, the monument was restored, and then removed in the fifties, as it did not correspond to Soviet ideology. And only in 2013 he was returned back.

Crocodile, bring back the sun!

A small replica stands in front of the “mill,” a destroyed house where the command for the defense of Stalingrad was located during the war. The building has remained in ruins since those years. You can read about it here.

Go ahead. My path lies through a small square and the Alley of Heroes. Along the way there is a small museum. Museum in the basement. Basement in a supermarket. And the supermarket in the yard. That is, we enter from the yard and find ourselves...

Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad"

The Battle of Stalingrad Museum consists of eight thematic halls, as well as a triumphal and panoramic hall. If you thoughtfully walk through the halls of the museum and read and peer at all the exhibits, then you should set aside a separate day or at least 3-4 hours to explore the museum. Many exhibits related to the defense of Stalingrad are collected here. Personal belongings of battle participants, photo chronicles, uniforms, weapons and shells.

In darkened halls behind glass stands, orders and medals, identity cards, letters and documents of those distant, but so vivid in the memory of generations, are displayed. Here you become imbued with the tragic events that unfolded in Stalingrad in 1942-1943.

These are the cameras that photojournalists used to record historical chronicles.

The museum also widely displays personal belongings, uniforms and orders of the fascist invaders.

Camera “Welfa” trophy N.I. Shatalova.

In the halls of the museum, military weapons of the Soviet troops and fascist invaders are exhibited. This weapon has survived to this day in a variety of forms - from surviving rifles to guns mangled by shrapnel.

One of the main exhibits demonstrating the battles for Stalingrad is an interactive map of the city of Stalingrad. Through projection the city comes to life. An instant air raid and the city is already on fire. This action is well captured in our video, which is at the end of the article.

The exhibit that influenced the very name of the museum is a panoramic canvas located on the top floor of the museum. A circular panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad entitled “The defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad.” The canvas, measuring 16 meters in height and 120 meters in length, was painted in oil by masters of the studio of military artists named after M. B. Grekov. The canvas depicts the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad - Operation Ring. This canvas is the largest painting in Russia.

The museum complex is not limited to museum exhibitions. Outside the complex is the Gerhardt Mill building. These ruins are like a symbol, like a living memory of the days when fierce battles for Stalingrad took place. They decided not to restore the ruins, but also not to demolish them - as a living reminder to descendants.

The history of this mill goes back to 1899. The family of entrepreneur Gerhardt received a contract for the construction of a flour milling complex. The building was quickly built and put into operation, and it remained in operation until the fire of 1907. The mill building burned down completely and a new building was built in its place. It was built using a new technology for Tsaritsyn - a reinforced concrete frame with brick cladding. During Soviet times, the mill was nationalized and became mill No. 4.

A replica of the Crocodile fountain is installed next to the Gerhardt mill. Unlike the replica, which is located on Station Square, this replica exactly repeats the fountain captured in Evzerikhin’s photographs.

Basement of the captivity of Marshal Paulus. A tree that survived the war

Cost for adults is 50 rubles, entrance for schoolchildren and students is 30 rubles. WWII veterans and mice – free.

...to the basement museum of the captivity of Marshal Paulus. His exact address is pl. Fallen Bortsov, 2/TsUM basement.

Yes, it was here that our troops captured the German General Paulus. Museum workers have completely restored the interior of the place. The museum is small, but very interesting. For those interested in history, I recommend it. Moreover, it is inexpensive, and you can walk through the entire museum in 30 minutes.

Here he is a prisoner... Brrr....

This is Christmas... For a prisoner.

After the museum, the dungeon for the general, we returned to the streets of Stalingrad and went out onto the central street to the Alley of Heroes.

Notice the tree on the left where everyone is crowded. This is not just a tree...

This is a poplar that survived those times of bombing and hostilities and is still growing.

Admiring such patriotic symbols, I became a little emotional. And, as usual, I felt like I wanted cheese. In general, it was time to have a snack!

Attractions and activities in the surrounding area

Water park "XXI century"

Address: Volzhsky, Lenin Ave., 326 Phone: Website: https://aquapark-21vek.rf Opening hours: 10:00-22:00 Mon-Sun Cost: price list is on the website How to get there: by minibus No. 246

The water park was opened in 2006 and has summer and winter areas. It is ready to receive guests all year round.

This is an ideal place to relax: a variety of slides and pipes, swimming pools for various purposes, a jacuzzi, a sauna, attractions, trampolines, cafes and bars.

Museum of Russian Fairy Tales

Address: Kirovets, st. Lenina, 16 Phone: Website: museum-russian-skazki.rf Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00 Sat-Sun Cost: price list is on the website

Construction of the Russian fairy tale museum began in 2005. Now it is a place where every guest can find himself among the heroes of fairy tales; even excursions are conducted in poetic form.

Visitors will visit characters familiar from childhood in Lukomorye, in the Royal Chambers, in the Far Far Away Kingdom and other sites. All figures are made in life size.

In winter, the museum hosts an interactive excursion for children and adults with the rescue of Grandfather Frost from the insidious Baba Yaga. After the program, everyone will receive a sweet gift, listen to a fairy tale and drink delicious tea with Emelya.

Volzhskaya HPP

Coordinates: N48 49.386 E44 40.902 Address: Volzhsky, Lenin Ave., 1a

The Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station is considered the largest in Europe. The structure was built in 1961 and supplied energy to the entire Lower Volga region, Donbass, and also united the energy systems of the south and central part of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the station, after a while a modern city grew up instead of a village.

The best time to visit the hydroelectric power station is considered to be the period of the spillway, which demonstrates all the power and beauty of the Volga.

Fast food in Volgograd style

Volgograd residents are so harsh that they gobble up... Kiev cutlets and pancakes


You might not believe it, but this city has a very unique fast food scene. There is no makzhrak sparkling on every corner or CFS. No. Kiev cutlets and pancakes are held in high esteem here! Moreover, this food can be consumed both in a restaurant and while running on the way to work.

Kiev-style cutlets can rightfully be renamed Volgograd-style cutlets

Here you will find a large number of shops where you can buy this delicacy. Quite edible and tasty, so try it too. Everything is prepared right in front of the visitors.

If you need to fill your tummy thoroughly, I advise you to go to some culinary store.

The choice in culinary options is huge!

There are many of them in Volgograd. I’ve been to several: “Limb Sweets”, “Volgograd”, “Island of Taste”... And for anyone who wants to drink coffee at home, I recommend the “Cappuccino” coffee shop. Naming, as they say, counts.

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