What to see on your own in Kolomna in one day

In the ancient city in the Moscow region there is something to see for lovers of ancient Russian architecture. Kolomna was founded in 1177, and even if you are not a professional architect, the atmosphere and flavor of Rus' during the era of the Moscow Principality will make an indelible impression.

Excursions from Moscow and other cities regularly depart here. What to see in Kolomna in 1 day on your own? If you are planning a trip to Kolomna by car and you only have a day to explore the city, don’t worry - we have put together a good walking route for 1 day, which will help you see the key attractions. Take a guide to Kolomna and feel free to hit the road.

The historical part of the city is not very large, all locations are located compactly, so walking around the city on your own will not take much time, and you will have time to see the main attractions of Kolomna in 1 day.

Kolomna Kremlin and monument to Dmitry Donskoy

The local Kremlin was built in 1525-1531; it is one of the best preserved Russian fortresses of that era. It is famous for the fact that in 1611, the wife of False Dmitry the First, Marina Mnishek, was imprisoned in one of the towers; the outbuilding was nicknamed Marinkin. According to urban legend, the woman did not die, but flew out the window, turning into a crow.

The Kremlin was built as a defensive structure against Tatar raids; its length was two kilometers. The structure was not completely preserved - some were damaged by battles, others were demolished by local residents after the walls lost their defensive function. Today on the territory of the Kremlin there are two convents, churches, bell towers, and Cathedral Square. There are also museums, monuments and sculptures inside the walls.

One of the famous monuments was erected in honor of Dmitry Donskoy in 2007; it is located directly under the Kremlin walls, not far from the Trinity Monastery. The twelve-meter pedestal depicts the prince on a horse, preparing for battle: it was in Kolomna that he gathered an army and led them to the Kulikovo field, where he defeated the Tatar army.

If you're lucky, you'll get to see a fight reenactment show, which is often held under the Kremlin walls. Near the Kremlin there is an observation deck “saucer” - from here you can clearly see the confluence of the Kolomenka and Moskva rivers. Here tourists relax and take photographs for memory.

There are many souvenir shops near the Pyatnitsky Gate of the Kremlin: here you can buy any memorabilia - from magnets with images of landmarks to forged products and the famous Kolomna rolls and kulebyak.

What to visit in Kolomna for free:

John the Baptist Church

John the Baptist Church

The oldest temple in the Moscow region was allegedly built in the 14th century. Over the many years of its existence, the church, made of rough-hewn white stone, was rebuilt several times; all that remains of the original building is the foundation and partly the walls of the quadrangle. The bell tower was added to the temple at the end of the 18th century.

With the advent of Soviet power, the church was closed. The building was in disrepair for a long time; restoration work was completed in 1969.

The church is surrounded by many secrets and legends. According to one of them, a small block in the wall with an image of a fantastic beast is the seal of Batu Khan.

For a long time, the main temple hall was decorated with the “Angel of the Desert” icon; now you can admire the relic in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Address: Kolomna, st. Gorodishchenskaya, 102 a

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 17:00

Free admission

Official website: https://ioanpredkol.gradblagokolomna.ru/

Church of St. Nicholas on Posad

Church of St. Nicholas on Posad

One of the oldest in the city. Since 1990, it has been transferred to the ownership of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

The snow-white temple was built with donations from local residents in the first half of the 18th century. The architecture is dominated by the Moscow patterned style. Brick carvings decorate almost the entire building, and the upper part is decorated with 105 kokoshniks. The temple is crowned with 5 bathing towers with crosses.

Address: Kolomna, st. Posadskaya, 18

Opening hours: the church is open during worship hours

Free admission

Assumption Cathedral of Kolomna

Assumption Cathedral of Kolomna

The temple is built of white stone. It is decorated with 5 domes; above the main entrance rises an icon of the Mother of God, made in a mosaic pattern. Inside there are several dozen wall frescoes that were restored by the best masters.

Now they appear in their original form. Here is an iconostasis created at the end of the 18th century.

The cathedral has a rich history. For many centuries, great commanders, including Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan the Terrible, came here to ask for God's help. During Soviet times, storage facilities were located here, but a few years ago religious services began to take place again.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 14

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 19:00

Free admission

Official website: https://cathedral.me/

Kuprin House

Kuprin House

The wooden building was built in the 19th century. It was never the writer’s property; the mansion belonged to his sister Zinaida Ivanovna. The woman was the wife of the local forester S. Nat. Currently, the old wooden house is for rent. The operating hotel welcomes everyone.

Alexander Ivanovich often came to stay with a relative. He wrote several of his famous works while in Kolomna, including hunting notes. During his lifetime, Kuprin adored animals, and therefore residents of the house can move into rooms with pets.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 10

Opening hours: daily from 13:00 to 21:00

Free admission

Shevlyaginskaya basin

Shevlyaginskaya basin

An unusual monument in memory of the Kolomna water pipeline was opened in 2013 on Molochnaya Square. The city water supply system appeared in Kolomna in 1902 thanks to the honorary citizen of Kolomna - M. N. Shevlyagina. He became the first on the territory of the Moscow province. The interesting name “pool” was given to the speakers by local residents.

The cast-iron water tower rising on the square was created by modern craftsmen with utmost precision according to the drawings of the last century. It receives water from the city water supply. Following the tradition of our ancestors, during the grand opening of the monument, the water was blessed.

Address: Kolomna, Artilleristov proezd

Opening hours: 24 hours a day

Free admission

Church of the Epiphany in Gonchary

Church of the Epiphany in Gonchary

The beautiful temple was built in the first half of the 19th century. on the foundation of an ancient church built in the 16th century. Initially, the shrine was called the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, and since 1680 - the Epiphany Church.

This religious building was the only one on the territory of Kolomna in which services did not stop even during Soviet times.

Inside the cathedral, ancient frescoes have been preserved, miraculous icons and holy relics are kept. The uniqueness of the attraction lies in the fact that it was here that St. Philaret of Moscow was born. At different periods, the saint's great-grandfather, grandfather and brother served in the church.

Address: Kolomna, st. Goncharnaya, 8

Opening hours: the church is open during worship hours

Free admission

Official website: https://bogoyavlenie.prihod.ru/

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Church of St. Michael the Archangel

The temple was erected in 1700 on the site where a wooden church had stood for 400 years. The building was rebuilt according to the design of the capital's architect Shestakov in 1828. For a long time, no services were held in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, and the building housed one of the branches of the Local History Museum. At the beginning of the 21st century. reconstruction was carried out and since 2007 the temple has been operating again.

The largest church in Kolomna is made in the style of classicism. The rectangular temple is crowned with a rotunda with a semicircular dome. The main entrance is decorated with a beautiful snow-white pediment, and on both sides of the door there are 2 columns. The most magnificent view of the temple opens from the Kolomenka River.

Address: Kolomna, st. Civil, 71

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 18:00

Free admission

Mozgov's House

Mozgov's House

The building was erected in the 19th century. Together with the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross and the Lukovnikov House, it forms a complex of buildings made in the Empire style. Over the course of many years of its existence, the house constantly changed tenants; it was named after one of the most prominent owners.

The architectural monument allows you to return to the atmosphere of the past. There is a basement under the one-story building. The original layout has been preserved inside.

The living room is decorated with corner tiled stoves; double doors leading into the rooms correspond to the basic style. Sunlight enters the house through wooden window frames.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazhechnikova, 5

Opening hours: daily

Free admission

Tikhvin Temple

Tikhvin Temple

The church was erected at the end of the 18th century. Subsequently, it was completed more than once. In the middle of the next century the temple was expanded. The beginning of the new century was a difficult time.

Almost the entire interior of the building was destroyed, and several decades later large-scale restoration work began. New bells were raised above the temple, one of which was created in Voronezh.

The unique building will interest not only fans of history and architecture, but will also attract the attention of curious tourists who want to learn more about the development of the city.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazareva, 14

Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 19:00

Free admission

Official website: https://kolomna-sobor.gradblagokolomna.ru/xramy-prixoda/tixvinskij-xram/

Epiphany Staro-Golutvin Monastery

Epiphany Staro-Golutvin Monastery

On the eastern outskirts of the city is one of the oldest sights of Kolomna. The Golutvin Monastery has stood at the confluence of the Moscow River and the Oka since 1385. Its founders are considered to be Dmitry Donskoy and Sergius of Radonezh. The word “Old” appeared in the name of the monastery after the founding of the Novo-Golutvin Holy Trinity Monastery in the 18th–19th centuries.

On the territory of the monastery ensemble rises the Epiphany Church, which houses the relics of Bishop Kolomna and the confessor Theodosius. The ancient temple in honor of Sergius of Radonezh also deserves the attention of guests.

Its main attraction is the main altar, on which 2 angels are installed, in one of them particles of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Savior are stored, and in the second - small elements of the Crown of Thorns.

Address: Kolomna, st. Golutvinskaya, 11

Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 17:00

Free admission

Official website: https://starogolutvin.ru/

Museum "Kalachnaya"

Coming out through the Pyatnitsky Gate of the Kremlin, you will see the Kalachnaya Museum nearby. Lush Kolomna rolls are the gastronomic symbol of the city; local bakers have been considered the best masters of their craft since ancient times, their products were sent to the capital and other cities. Today, the Kalachnaya Museum presents a delicious exhibition: be sure to try real kalachi with butter, baked according to ancient recipes from the 14th century. On a tour of the museum you will learn about the history of this famous delicacy, look at the process of preparing kalach according to a 17th century recipe.

Don’t forget to stock up on edible Kolomna souvenirs - the shop offers different types of kalachi: classic, festive, kulebyaka with goose, kalach in the form of a pretzel with spices and others.

Best hotels in Kolomna

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Bobrenevsky Bridge

Next along the route of an independent excursion around Kolomna is the Bobrenevsky Bridge across the Moscow River. You need to turn from Kalachnaya onto Zaitseva Street and walk to the river. The pedestrian bridge is famous for the fact that it is a drawbridge: it is moved to the side while barges and boats float along the river. But not everyone is able to watch the “performance”: there is no exact timetable for the divorce.

Where the overload occurs, there is an observation deck: from here you will see a marked level scale, where records of local spring floods are marked, the original monument to Vodovoz and the opposite bank of the river.

Kolomensky Posad

You can get here from the Pyatnitsky Gate of the Kremlin. Posad is a trade and craft part of the city, located outside the Kremlin walls. Previously it consisted of several small settlement streets and the Zhitnaya shopping area; today there is a park in its place. Several centuries ago, service people, townspeople, and merchants lived here. The Pastila and Kalach Museums are open on the territory of Posad.

A walk through Posad will introduce you to the atmosphere of an ancient Russian merchant town: merchant shops and houses on the central shopping street, a wooden embankment of the Moscow River with an original floating hotel. On Kolomensky Arbat you will see wooden houses with carved facades, on Posadskaya - the Old Believer Church of St. Nicholas of the 18th century with decoration from kokoshniks, on Pokrovskaya - the Intercession Church. Also here you will look at the churches of the Great Martyr Nikita and the Epiphany. Famous guests of the city walked along the streets of Posad at different times: Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, outstanding musicians, poets and writers.

Stories, routes and tips from tourists with photos

“How to explore Kolomna in 1 day on your own?” The answer to the question can be found in traveler reviews. Tourists talk about places that impressed them, share addresses of unusual attractions and contacts of the best tourist establishments. In the reviews you will find tips on organizing the route and find out what to do in Kolomna for 1 day at different times of the year. In their reports, tourists share photographs that can inspire their trip.

  • Stories from kasheev: “Kolomna in 1 day. The first attempt to embrace the immensity (photo + video)” and “Kolomna in 1 day. Attempt No. 2 to embrace the immensity (photo + video).”
  • A story from Maxim Ershov: “Three museums in Kolomna that I want to talk about.”
  • Photo album from Elena: “The first post-quarantine. Know and love your land: Kolomna.”
  • Photo album from Svetlana Aubekerova: “I could live here. Kolomna".
  • A story from Sergei Arkhipkin: “Traveling around Russia - Kolomna near Moscow.”

All tourist reviews about trips to Kolomna

Photo: © Svetlana Turner

Museum marshmallow factory

Kolomenskaya pastila is a must-have for tourists, because it has become a real brand of the city. Local products were supplied to the table of Empress Catherine II herself, and in Paris, at the dessert fair, pastille took the prize, glorifying her native Kolomna throughout the world.

There are two museums in the city dedicated to this delicacy: the Pastila Museum Factory, located in a machine production facility, and the Pastila Museum in a small wooden house not far from the Kremlin.

You can get to the factory along Arbatskaya Street: go down to the sculptural composition “Shevlyaginskaya Pool” - you will see a museum nearby. The famous Kolomna pastila is made according to an old recipe - they will tell you about all the stages of preparation. This is a real museum-theater located in an ancient estate: here you will see huge ovens, cellars, and upper rooms. Stop by the local laboratory, cafe and souvenir shop and buy some marshmallows to take with you.

You can get to the factory on your own or as part of an unusual theatrical tour, where the guides are dressed in 19th-century costumes. The visit ends with tea and tasting.

Where to go in Kolomna and what else to see:

Kolomna Local Lore Museum

Kolomna Local Lore Museum

From its foundation in 1936 until 2005, it occupied the building of the Church of the Archangel Michael. In 2006, the museum's funds were transported to a magnificent merchant estate built in the mid-19th century.

The local history museum has more than 25 thousand exhibits introducing guests to the history, nature and culture of Kolomna. The walls of one of the exhibition halls are decorated with paintings by famous Russian painters Aivazovsky, Vasnetsov and Pimenov.

The pride of the Kolomna Local Lore Museum is its collection of archaeological finds dating back to the Bronze, Stone and Iron Ages.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazhechnikova, 15

Opening hours: daily from 10:30 to 16:30, from Monday to Tuesday and on the last Friday of each month, the museum is closed

Entrance: for adults – 40 rubles, for children – 25 rubles.

Official website: https://kolomnamuzej.ru/

Museum of Organic Culture

Museum of Organic Culture

One of the most visited places in the city, attracting the attention of fans of Russian art. The museum is located on the site of the former estate of the Ananyin family. Subsequently it belonged to the merchant Lvov.

In 2011, a decision was made to assign the building the title of cultural and historical monument. Inside there are several hundred paintings by contemporary artists working in certain styles that preserve the main traditions of the Russian avant-garde.

The exhibitions will allow you to get closer to the concept of organic culture. The building where the gallery is located is also interesting from an architectural point of view.

Address: Kolomna, st. Kazakova, 10

Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, from 12:00 to 18:00

Entrance: ticket price per person – 200 rubles.

Official website: https://museumart.ru/



The largest multifunctional sports complex in the Moscow region. On an area of ​​70 thousand m2 there is an ice arena, a gym and games room, a pneumatic shooting range, an outdoor stadium, a medical center for rehabilitation and prevention, a large swimming pool, an office space for the press center, a beautiful winter garden, a mini hotel and a cafe.

The ice arena is one of the most visited and fastest skating rinks in the world. International competitions have been held here several times, and Russian speed skating championships are held every year.

The stands can comfortably accommodate more than 6 thousand visitors. The Winter Garden is also of interest to tourists.

Address: Kolomna, emb. Kolomenki River, 7

Opening hours: You can purchase a ticket at the box office any day. On weekdays - from 8:30 to 20:45, on weekends - from 8:30 to 19:45

Entrance: visiting the pool - 180 rubles, skating - 200 rubles, rental - 120 rubles.

Official website: https://kolomna-speed-skating.com/

Museum of Military Glory

Museum of Military Glory

Located in Memorial Park, in an interesting building with a red facade representing the Victory Banner. The spacious exhibition halls display several exhibitions that introduce visitors to the military history of the city from different periods. Most of the exhibits were kept in the home archives of townspeople for a long time.

Particularly noteworthy is the diorama - an 82-mm mortar, the design of which was created by employees of the Kolomna Engineering Bureau. The pearl of the exhibition is the electronic Memory Book.

Address: Kolomna, st. Invincible, 1

Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday from 10:30 to 16:30. Sunday, Monday and last Friday of the month are days off

Entrance: 100 rubles, discount ticket – 50 rubles. Children under 6 years old – free

Official website: https://kolomna-memorial.ru/

Museum "Kalachnaya"

Museum "Kalachnaya"

The unusual and most “tasty” museum of Kolomna is located in a beautiful building erected in the first half of the 19th century. The founders tried to recreate in the hall a warm atmosphere corresponding to the life of the 19th – 15th centuries.

In a double-hearth Russian oven, built by modern craftsmen according to ancient drawings, the most aromatic and appetizing rolls in the Moscow region are baked. The dough for the famous pastries is prepared according to ancient Russian recipes, and in order to give the finished products a delicate light crust, the oven is heated only with birch firewood, cleared of bark.

During the theatrical excursion, visitors will learn many interesting facts about the history of the appearance of kalach, the secrets of the dough and see all the stages of preparation. After visiting the museum, guests should stop by the shop where you can buy freshly baked kalach.

Address: Kolomna, st. Zaitseva, 14

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Entrance: for adults – 400-500 rubles, for children – 300-400 rubles.

Official website: https://kolomnakalach.ru/

Museum "Kuznechnaya Sloboda"

Museum "Kuznechnaya Sloboda"

Numerous exhibitions feature wooden and forged objects that were created by talented craftsmen several centuries ago. Stored within the walls of the museum are dozens of types of all kinds of weapons, previously used armor of warriors and household utensils previously used by local residents.

Kuznets I.G. Lebedev is considered the founder of the museum. He was the first to begin collecting a collection of rare exhibits, traveling throughout the country. In the future, he furnished the mansion in the appropriate style and opened a museum that allows you to get acquainted with the culture of the Kolomna region.

Address: Kolomna, st. Grazhdanskaya, 84

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays

Entrance: 100 rubles, excursion – 1000 rubles.

Official website: https://xn--80aacmclulpbnb9aw7d8g.xn--p1ai/

House of Posad Crafts

House of Posad Crafts

The art workshop is located near the Pastila Museum. The venues host several permanent exhibitions and temporary ones.

Visitors have a unique opportunity not only to learn interesting facts about traditional Kolomna crafts, but also to attend master classes in pottery, toy making, or temporarily become a real blacksmith.

There is a forge in the House of Posad Crafts. In the souvenir shop, those interested can purchase memorable gifts made by the owners of the art workshop.

Address: Kolomna, st. Posadskaya, 12

Opening hours: on weekdays - by appointment, on weekends - from 12:00 to 18:00

Entrance: for adults – 150 rubles, for children – 100 rubles.

Museum-residence “Artkommunalka. Erofeev and Others"

Museum-residence “Artkommunalka. Erofeev and Others"

One of the most extraordinary and interesting museums in the city. Visitors have the opportunity to visit a real communal apartment, where the interior fully corresponds to the Soviet era.

The museum has several exhibition halls and a stage where modern interactive games and performances take place. An art residence is equipped in a separate room, where artists and writers live and create from time to time.

Address: Kolomna, st. October Revolution, 205

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Entrance: 200 rubles, excursion – 300 rubles.

Official website: https://artkommunalka.com/

Museum of Origins “This money is Kolomsk”

Museum of Origins “This money is Kolomsk”

The landmark is located in the Pyatnitskaya Tower. The opening of the museum was initiated by local historian and numismatist M. Amosov.

The museum consists of 2 levels. On the top there is a hall dedicated to the history and traditions of the Kolomna lands. Significant coins for Rus' are stored here in separate display cases: a coin of the Golden Horde, a Kolomna pullo, a coin of Vasily III, a pound of Uzbek Khan.

On the first level (basement) you can see items that were used as means of payment in Rus' in the 10th century. A collection of famous treasures and ancient piggy banks are also exhibited here.

Address: Kolomna, st. Zaitseva, 14

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Entrance: 200 rub.

Museum "Secrets of Kolomna mead"

Museum "Secrets of Kolomna mead"

Kolomna has been considered a beekeeping center since ancient times. Visitors to the interactive museum will learn all about the valuable qualities of honey, the secrets of preparing ancient Russian drinks, the main ingredient of which is honey.

Guests will enjoy a fascinating and interesting excursion “Secrets of Kolomna mead”. Tourists will learn not only the secret of the name mead, but will also see all the stages of preparing a truly Russian drink, and will also become participants in a luxurious feast. Those interested can walk through the forest with a beekeeper and learn to distinguish real honey from fake.

Address: Kolomna, st. October Revolution, 182 A

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 19:00

Entrance: for adults – 300 rubles, for children – 250 rubles.

Official website: https://medovusha.ru/

Private gallery “Museum of your favorite toy”

Private gallery “Museum of your favorite toy”

A unique museum opened in the city in 2014. Its founder was a local resident and collector, Irina Kulikova. The owner collected the teddy bears, dolls, and games presented in the exhibition hall for several years.

The oldest exhibit is a doll made in 1890. The remaining toys were made by craftsmen of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. In the museum you can see Teddy bears created by Kulikova. It was these funny animals that gave the founder the idea of ​​opening a Museum of her favorite toy.

Address: Kolomna, st. Posadskaya, 11

Opening hours: Thursday - Friday - by appointment, Saturday - Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00

Entrance: ticket – 250 rubles, excursion – 800 rubles.

Official website: https://www.kolomnatoy.ru/

Estate of the Lazhechnikov merchants

Estate of the Lazhechnikov merchants

The building, built at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, houses one of the many branches of the city local history museum. The exposition of the exhibition halls is dedicated to the famous writer I.I. Lazhechnikov.

Museum guests will be treated to a fascinating excursion in the form of an interactive performance. In Part I, visitors will learn interesting facts about the life and activities of the owner of the estate, and in Part II - the secrets of preparing the famous Kolomna delicacy - pastila.

Address: Kolomna, st. October Revolution, 192 A - 194

Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday from 10:30 to 16:30. From Monday to Tuesday and on the last Friday of the month the estate is closed

Entrance: 100 rub.

Museum of Flax and Life of Russian Women

Museum of Flax and Life of Russian Women

Numerous exhibitions located in a two-story building present rare items collected by Kolomna native N. Ryabtseva. First, the woman became the owner of a small flax store, after which she decided to open a museum that anyone can visit.

During the excursion, guests will see items of home textiles and will be able to touch ancient spindles, spinning wheels and other types of weaving equipment. Several dozen folk costumes are collected within the walls of the museum.

Address: Kolomna, Square of Two Revolutions, 1

Opening hours: daily from 9:30 to 19:00

Entrance: without a guided tour – 150 rubles, with a guided tour – 250 rubles.

Museum-Estate “House of the Samovar”

Museum-Estate “House of the Samovar”

Numerous exhibitions present a private collection of the Burov family's everyday life. The excursion will give you the opportunity to get to know Russian culture better, visit a real Russian hut and learn more about samovars, their differences and methods of use.

Within the walls of the museum there are collected about 4 hundred different types of samovars, in addition, visitors will get acquainted with other ancient objects. These include various kitchen utensils. In one of the rooms there is a traditional Russian stove.

On the territory of the complex there is also a decorated cafe, where you can try dishes prepared according to family recipes.

Address: Kolomna, st. Posadskaya, 11

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00, on weekends - until 19:00

Entrance: for adults – 400 rubles, for children – 200 rubles. Up to 7 years – free

Official website: https://domsamovara.ru/

Ozerov's House

Ozerov's House

The cultural center occupies a beautiful building in the classicist style, considered one of the most perfect monuments of civil architecture in Kolomna. The landmark was named in honor of the Honorary Citizen of the city, merchant of the 1st guild A. S. Ozerov, who was the last to own the mansion.

The first exhibition was held in 1980, and to date there have been more than 800 of them.

There are permanent exhibitions in the Ozerov House: The Epic Cycle (works by K. Vasiliev), Here is the Russian Spirit (wooden sculptures by A. Leonardov), an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the artist M. Abakumov.

Address: Kolomna, st. Krasnogvardeyskaya, 2

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 20:00

Entrance: 100 rubles, discount ticket - 50 rubles.

Official website: https://www.domozerova.ru/

Pastila Museum

Pastila Museum

In 2008, an unusual museum opened its doors, where anyone can learn the process of preparing the popular sweet and even try it. It is located on the site of a former merchant shop, which was built in the 18th century.

The museum complex includes a production workshop and laboratory, a gift shop and a garden. Museum staff introduce visitors to the methods of preparing different types of marshmallows. Recipes for sweets have been passed down from generation to generation, but their technique has never changed.

At the end of the tour, guests will have tea and tasting. After visiting, everyone can buy souvenirs and take photos.

Address: Kolomna, st. Posadskaya, 13a

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Entrance: for adults – 400 rubles, for children – 300 rubles. On weekends the cost increases by 100 rubles.

Official website: https://kolomnapastila.ru/

Museum "Kolomensky Gramophone"

Museum "Kolomensky Gramophone"

It was no coincidence that the original museum appeared in Kolomna, because the All-Union Gramophone Factory was opened here in 1933. The opening ceremony of the museum took place on May 1, 2021 and was timed to coincide with a historical event - on this day in 1934 the first 10 gramophones were assembled.

The museum's collection includes not only portable gramophones created in the workshops of the Kolomna Gramophone Factory, but gramophones, music boxes, phonographs created by masters from different countries. During the tour, visitors can enjoy the sound of the exhibits.

Address: Kolomna, st. Lazhechnikova, 3a

Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00, Saturday – from 10:00 to 19:00, Monday and Tuesday – days off

Entrance: for adults – 200 rubles, for children – 100 rubles.

Official website: https://xn--80ajbkfdbgjlfcbim2aw1b.xn--p1ai/

Pastila Museum

Since 2009, the Museum of Lost Taste “Kolomenskaya Pastila” has been carrying out a difficult task - restoring the authentic taste of an ancient delicacy that became a symbol of the city in the 18th and 19th centuries. The issue was taken seriously: based on old archival records, recipes from the past were painstakingly recreated. The delicious marshmallow contains baked local apples, nuts, berries and other natural fillings. Today, the unique collection of the museum includes over thirty types of delicacies with different tastes.

The main difference between the museum and the museum marshmallow factory is that here, in an open production facility, you can see all the stages of manual preparation of sweets. Guests are also invited to take part in interesting interactive programs and thematic performances, stop by the museum shop and take home a delicious souvenir.

Kuznechnaya Sloboda

In the collection of the museum dedicated to blacksmithing and folk crafts, you will see several thousand specimens. The collection of almost 700 exhibits includes the most beautiful modern works of masters - forged, wooden, as well as ancient military armor from the pre-Mongol era. You will also see a blacksmith’s workplace and get acquainted with the process of creating things from metal using forging.

Here you can see household and household items that are no longer in use: cast iron irons, scales and teapots. Do you want to give your loved ones an unusual gift? Take a look at the shop at the museum - there are a lot of interesting things there. One of the entertainments for tourists is ordering a master class on making a horseshoe. You can take your self-forged product with you.

Secrets of Kolomna mead

Another gastronomic museum of the city is dedicated to honey and beekeeping - this tasty and healthy product has been produced in Kolomna for a long time. The exhibition was housed in a 19th-century mansion with cellars that used to be called “medovushi” - an ideal place for storing barrels of honey and intoxicating drinks based on it.

When you take a theatrical excursion to the reconstruction of ancient Medovushi, you will plunge into the atmosphere of that time: you will be greeted by a guide dressed as a mead maker, a “housekeeper” and a “beekeeper”. They will talk about honey production, interesting facts, and rituals associated with it. An unforgettable experience awaits you here - you can try yourself as a mead maker and cook real sbiten under the strict guidance of a guide. At the end you will taste excellent local honey of different types.

The best attractions in the vicinity of Kolomna:

Bobrenev Monastery

Bobrenev Monastery

A few kilometers from the city lies the oldest monastic monastery in this region. The exact date of construction of the building is unknown; it was presumably built at the end of the 14th century by order of Prince Donskoy. Subsequently, several more churches made of stone and outbuildings appeared around the monastery.

An amazing place that helps you forget for a few hours and completely immerse yourself in an atmosphere of peace. The building is not only an important church building, but is also considered a valuable historical and architectural monument.

Address: Kolomna urban district, village of Staroye Bobrenevo

Working hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00, Monday - day off

Free admission

Official website: https://bobrenev.ru/

Lazhechnikov Estate

Here in the 18th century lived the famous merchant-writer, founder of the Russian historical novel genre, author of the work “The Ice House”. The ancient manor is fenced with a gate and there is a small park inside. Today it is a cultural and museum center where the legacy of I. Lazhechnikov is kept.

In the house you will see recreated interiors of old Kolomna - colorful peasant huts, luxurious merchant halls, as well as costumes, furniture and household items from the 18th-19th centuries. Themed evenings, events, silent film screenings based on the writer’s novel, and theatrical tea parties with the famous Kolomna marshmallow are regularly organized for guests.

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