When planning a vacation in Gelendzhik, reviews from vacationers will help you decide on a hotel, budget and organization
Coat of arms of the city of Kolpashevo[1] Emblem used by the administration of the Kolpashevo city (municipal) settlement, 2014. Image from the site
Bolotnoye (Novosibirsk region) OKATO code: 50206501 Founded: 1805 Urban settlement since: 1931 City
ADVERTISEMENT The Sochi coast is a huge mass of resorts for every taste. But the beaches of Loo are profitable
Siberian Federal District (SFO) is an administrative formation in Russia, formed on May 13, 2000
Irkutsk is one of the largest cities in eastern Siberia, considered a science city and having an ancient
The city of Stupino is located in the south of the Moscow region, 88 km from the Moscow Ring Road or in
Once in cozy Valencia, you will be surprised by the unexpected variety of attractions of this Spanish city. Almost everyone
In the ancient town, founded on the banks of the Iset in 1662, buildings from the 18th–19th centuries have been preserved.
History The founding date of Karasuk is considered to be the emergence of the village during the construction of the Altai Railway in