TOP 30 - what to see in Saki

Saki is one of the oldest resort towns in Crimea. It is located 21 km from Yevpatoria, on the shores of Lake Saki. Saki is known for its powerful balneological facilities - local mud and brine help to cure many diseases.

The history of Sak as a resort city began many years ago. The brine of the huge lake Sasyk-Sivash and its mud were highly valued by the doctors of their time. In terms of the content of useful microelements, the silt deposits of the salt lake are several times richer than the silt of the Dead Sea. Healing mud helps treat diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin and gynecological ailments. The health benefits of the resort were appreciated by the writer Nikolai Gogol in 1835, who suffered from colds and depression.

The water in the lake has a reddish-pink hue, just like the salt that was mined here in ancient times. The lake is huge - its area is more than 75 square meters. kilometers, but the maximum depth does not exceed 1.2 meters.

Lake Sasyk-Sivash

The city has a developed infrastructure for tourists in wheelchairs, which is why it is called the “capital of the disabled.” There are other salt lakes on the territory of Sak, the water, brine and mud of which are actively used by local sanatoriums. The lakes are located outside the city limits.

If Lake Saki is located in the central part of the city, then the Black Sea is about 5 kilometers from the center. You can get to the beaches by minibus in 10 minutes.

How to get there in 2021

Saki is located 38 kilometers from Simferopol airport. The flight Moscow - Simferopol lasts 2.5 hours. St. Petersburg - Simferopol - 3.5 hours.

Moscow → Simferopol from 3700 rub.

St. Petersburg → Simferopol from 5600 rub.

Then you can get to Sak by taxi, train (from the railway station) or bus (from the airport or bus station). The journey from the airport takes approximately 1 hour.

Simferopol → Saki from 75 rub.

You can get to Simferopol not only by air, but also by Tavria trains, which travel across the Kerch Bridge. Trains depart from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Trains make stops in Ryazan, Tver, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and other cities.

Moscow → Simferopol from 3198 rub.

St. Petersburg → Simferopol from 4995 rub.

Another option is to first take the train to Krasnodar and then take the bus to Sak. There are also direct buses from Moscow to Saki; passengers spend 28-29 hours on the way.

Rostov-on-Don → Saki from 1893 rub.

Nizhny Novgorod → Saki from 5603 rub.

Where to go in Saki for history lovers

Although photos of Sac attractions rarely make it into brochures, the small town has an interesting history. And fans of studying the past will find a lot of interesting things here - they will discover an unusual Crimea, which bears little resemblance to the Southern Coast.

Settlement Kara-Tobe

  • Address: Evpatoriya highway, 2A.

This is a relatively small but rich ancient settlement. Archaeologists call such multi-layered monuments - representatives of different cultures and peoples lived in one place at different times. Research into the settlement began in 1983, but was carried out irregularly, so that only about 10% of its territory has now been explored.

The city was built by ancient Greek colonists and depended on Chersonesus. However, it was later captured by the Scythians, who lived with the Greeks in a state of easily violated, well-armed neutrality.

Experts easily distinguish Scythian monuments from Greek ones - accustomed to nomadic life, they were poor architects and builders. A Roman treasure was also discovered during the excavations, and researchers speculate that the city fortress housed a Roman garrison in Roman times.

Church of St. Elijah

  • Address: per. Kovaleva.

The church building is interesting because it looks united, although in fact it was built in parts and by different architects. The bell tower (which was a separate chapel) was built in 1894 according to the design of A. Karapetov.

Its architecture was dominated by the antique style. In 1902, they decided to add the church itself to the bell tower, and the project was developed by H.V. Vasiliev. He managed to organically combine the existing and planned buildings into one ensemble. The church was consecrated in 1903.

Today, nothing remains of the original interior decoration (the church was used as a club for a long time, and then it stood abandoned). However, the appearance after the renovation carried out in 1990 was largely preserved.

Saki Museum of History and Local Lore (mud therapy museum)

  • Address: Kurortnaya st., 29.

The museum was created in 1909, but after the Great Patriotic War it had to be recreated - almost the entire collection was lost. However, today its funds are quite rich - the exhibition includes several departments dedicated to different eras in the history of the Saki region.

The museum contains archaeological artifacts. There are old documents and photographs, but the main part of the exhibition is devoted to the history of spa medicine, mud treatment and specifically the Saki mud resort. The museum building is also a landmark - it is an architectural monument, the house of Princess Panina.

Artesian Observatory

  • Address: Resort Park.

The word "observatory" is usually associated with astronomy. But in Saki everything is different. An observatory for monitoring the quality, level and flow of artesian waters was created in 1897 by N.A. Golovkinsky, a famous person in Crimea. The need for it arose in connection with the drilling of artesian wells in Saki during the construction of the Resort Park.

In 1926, the observatory was converted into a mud observation and research station, as evidenced by the inscription on the decorative rotunda in the Resort Park. Monitoring the condition of healing silt and groundwater in Sakam is now more necessary than ever.

Church of St. Luke

  • Address: Resort Park.

At the entrance to the Pirogov sanatorium you can find another Orthodox shrine of Sak - the Church of St. Luke. It is recommended to go here to find peace of mind and tranquility, because the atmosphere and the parish ministers contribute to this as much as possible. The territory is also surrounded by stunningly beautiful natural surroundings.

Estate of Ferdinand Matveevich Schlee

  • Address: Saki district, Chebotarka village.

In the village of Chebotarka, Saki region, you can find an interesting historical object - the palace-estate of F.M. Schlee. True, today practically nothing remains of the former grandeur of this estate, built at the end of the 19th century in the neo-Baroque style. Time has not been kind to this architectural monument; for the most part, only the walls remain.

Be sure to read: Palaces of Crimea

Yangyi Jami Mosque

  • Address: Evpatoriya highway, 80G.

Not only Christian believers live in Saki, but also Muslims - Crimea has always been famous for its harmonious combination of different cultures, religions and nationalities. The Yangy Jami Mosque was built in the city for followers of Islam. As an object of architecture, it is beautiful, made in an unusual style. But not every tourist can visit its halls.


The beaches in Saki are sandy and pebble, the sea water is clean.
The entrance to the water is convenient and gentle, so Saki is often chosen for families with children. The sandy beach of Central, located behind Lake Saki, is considered the busiest. Also popular are the Solnyshko beach, New beach, the beach of the Priboy recreation center, and the beaches in the villages of Novofedorovka and Pribrezhnoye. All of them have the necessary infrastructure for recreation: showers, toilets, changing cabins. On the coast, both adults and children will find a lot of entertainment: surfing, diving, water slides, trampolines, catamarans. Beach in Saki

Places of interest in the area around Saki City

Saki is located in the steppe zone, noticeably inferior in beauty to the mountainous Crimea. But the nature of the steppe can also work miracles, and their true fans will find something to see in the vicinity of the city.

Saki Lake

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.121378, 33.557110.

The main attraction of the resort, the source of its popularity and fame, is Lake Saki. It has an estuary origin and is quite large by Crimean standards - the area of ​​the water surface is 10 square meters. km. But the depth in it is insignificant, and only in places exceeds 1 m.

The lake is divided into sectors for the extraction of healing silt (some sectors are kept untouched in order to renew reserves of valuable medicinal raw materials).

The salinity of its water is higher than that of the Dead Sea. The shores are not landscaped, but relaxing near the lake and trying to arrange “therapy” right on its shore is not prohibited. You just have to bring fresh water with you to wash away the silt and excess salt.

Lake Sasyk-Sivash

  • GPS coordinates: 45.184301, 33.517968.

Another healing estuary lake near Sak attracts attention with its unusual water color. It is home to special types of microorganisms that have adapted to life in conditions of extremely high salinity. When they multiply en masse, they color the water bright pink.

Sasyk-Sivash is not a nature reserve; anyone can visit it. True, there are no special amenities on the shore, but due to the shallow water (the depth of the lake is less than a meter), you can swim in it as early as May, and many people willingly do so. Tourists also use the local silt for cosmetic or “medicinal” purposes.

Mikhailovskoye Lake

  • Coordinates: 45.184301, 33.517968.

The lake is fundamentally different from the group of Saki lakes, because it is not salty or estuary, and the extraction of healing mud is not organized on it. We are talking about an ordinary body of water in which there are a lot of fish.

For this reason, reviews recommend it specifically to fans of float and sinker. On Lake Mikhailovskoe they can indulge in their favorite activity in civilized conditions. There is a rental of fishing equipment and boats, equipped parking lots, small guest houses and hotels, and shops of the appropriate profile.


You can take a walk in Saki along the park named after.
Pushkin and in the Resort Park, where more than 80 species of trees and shrubs grow. Be sure to take a photo near the sculpture of the brontosaurus, which is a symbol of the city - even depicted on the coat of arms. Kara-Torbe, Saki

Near Saki in the village of Pribrezhnoye there is an open-air museum called Kara-Torbe. This is the site of excavations of an ancient settlement of the Greeks and Scythians. Visitors can see the remains of an ancient fortress built in the 2nd century BC, and artifacts found in this place: jewelry, dishes, tools. Also in Saki you can visit the museum of local lore and history of mud therapy, and the St. Elias Church.

People often travel from Saki to Yevpatoria. Here you can look at the Karaite kenas (synagogues), stroll through the Old City, and also visit the local dolphinarium and zoo. You can also take excursions to other Crimean places from Sak: go to Gurzuf, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol, climb Ai-Petri.

St. Elias Church, Saki

Population of Sak

Crimea is a multinational region. And Saki was no exception. More than 60% of the population is Russian, 25% are Ukrainians and 6% are Crimean Tatars, as well as Belarusians, Moldovans, Poles, Armenians, Jews, Karaites, and Greeks. Nationalities coexist well with each other. The residents of the town are smiling and good-natured.

At the moment, the city's population is about 24 thousand people, but in 2006 there were more than 26 thousand people. The outflow occurs due to the mortality of the elderly population and the movement of young people to large cities of the peninsula. As in any resort town in Crimea, there are problems with year-round, well-paid work in Saki, which is why young people are moving to larger and more developed cities. The influx of population occurs due to the rural population that moves to Saki, and people with disabilities. They prefer to buy apartments in Saki, since the city is ideally suited for the needs of people in wheelchairs. In addition, the city’s sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Saki is still a city where there are more middle-aged people. From 25 to 60 years. Many return to Saki closer to old age. A green, quiet town created for a leisurely life.

Sakchans are very good-natured and most of them are intelligent. Among the population there are many former researchers, medical workers, and people of creative professions. Citizens who swear and brazenly drink alcohol can only be found in the courtyards in the evening. These are young people, but other than making noise, they will do no harm and will even apologize.

There is no higher educational institution in Saki, but only a vocational lyceum (former vocational school) and a veterinary technical school. However, among the population, the majority have higher education. And mostly medical. This is due to the specifics of the city, because Saki is the oldest balneological resort in Crimea. People with vocational education make up more than 40% of the population. There are also many specialists in the tourism and agricultural industries.

Good to know

  • The resort was founded in 1827.
  • The name of the city, according to one version, comes from the Persian name for the Scythians - “Sakas”, who lived on the territory of the city in ancient times.
  • Saki produces Crimean mineral water, which is not inferior in quality to Essentuki.
  • Anyone can swim in Lake Saki for free. If you plan to take mud baths yourself, it is better to take water with you, which you can use to rinse off later. It is also worth checking contraindications with your doctor.

Saki mud

Tens of thousands of years ago, the bowels of the earth were still shaking, mountains were born, volcanoes were dying, brontosaurs and trilobites inhabited land and water, but even then the processes of creating a miraculous balm began. Under the influence of the hot sun, salty sea, air, and the activity of bacteria, this gift of nature was created - the healing Saki mud. Saki mud is a complex organomineral complex containing organic substances of an active nature, mineral salts, living microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, algae... According to scientists and biologists, with the correct biochemical regime of the Saki Lake ecosystem, mud formation continues to occur today. The total reserves of medicinal mud of the deposit are huge and reach 4.5 million cubic meters.

What else should you visit in Saki?

As in any city, there are places in Saki that do not fall into any typical tourist guide category, but are considered popular, symbolic and even sacred. Such attractions in Sak impress with their diversity. The city united paleontology, military aviation and Chinese medicine into a single complex. There is no need to talk about mineral water supply.

Ancient pump room

  • Address: Kurortnaya street.

When laying the resort park in Saki, artesian wells were drilled (previously there were none in the city). During these works, mineral water deposits were also discovered. The old pump room installed in the Resort Park is also filled from one of them.

The water has the official name “Crimean” and is used in sanatoriums for treatment. In the pump room, anyone can dial it for free. But we must take into account: mineral water is not at all harmless. It should be used according to indications and in limited quantities.

Dinosaur Monument

  • Address: Alley Nadezhd.

The sculptural group, officially called “The Fight of the Brontosaurus with the Ceranosaurs,” is unique in the time of its appearance. Nowadays, no one is surprised by the extensive dino parks, but the Saki monument was erected in 1932. It is interesting at least because of the mystery: who and why came up with the idea to build such an installation in those years? Why dinosaurs and why in Saki?

The dinosaurs do not reach the real size (however, sculpting a real brontosaurus is a Herculean task, and a lot of space is required), but they are depicted with skill. They are located “in natural conditions” - in a small artificial lake.

Until recently, the group was neglected and looked unkempt. But now the dinosaurs have been restored, and they are like new again. This is a favorite backdrop for tourists to take photographs, and the Saxony complex (to which the monument now geographically belongs) allows everyone to access it without any problems.

Training airfield

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.090892, 33.595033.

It is located outside the city (otherwise it is simply not allowed), near the village of Novofedorovka, which was once a summer town. The airfield is considered the largest naval aviation training base in the CIS. You can’t get to the airfield itself (a military facility!), but that’s not necessary.

The huge training jump and signal towers can be seen from a great distance. Nearby there is also a small park with the Alley of Heroes (busts of famous Soviet pilots are displayed on it) and a monument in the form of a Soviet bomber.

Don't miss: Sights of Novofedorovka

Monument to Zhang Wei Lin

  • Address: Resort Park.

In the difficult year of 1991, a young Chinese professor who specialized in traditional acupuncture arrived in Saki. He believed it was possible to combine the principles of mud therapy with the effects of Chinese therapy.

Zhang Wei Lin lived in Saki for only 2 years and shared the fate of many who were unlucky enough to live in the former USSR in the “dashing 90s”: he was killed by criminals. The doctor was only 38 years old.

However, the method he developed turned out to be so successful that the doctor was able to help hundreds of patients during his short Crimean practice. It was they who took care of installing a monument to him - it was built in the Resort Park.

Monument "Bathing Girl"

  • Address: Resort Park.

This is probably one of the most resort monuments in the entire Saki region. It is located in the Resort Park, in the middle of a small bowl, which was probably used as a fountain. The locals have already given this girl a name - “Natasha”. The sad thing is that both the monument and its surroundings are now in disrepair.

The most colorful restaurants and cafes in Saki

When relaxing at a resort, it is important to eat tasty and healthy food. But often it will be interesting not just to have dinner, but also to relax and find yourself in a colorful environment.

Restaurant "Charivny Mlyn"

  • Address: st. Revolutions, 23.

This, probably the most famous public catering establishment in the city, is located in the center of Sak. The portions here are large, the dishes are very tasty, the staff is polite and friendly. The stylization of a Ukrainian hut makes this place also a kind of museum, immersing you in the past.

Cafe "Fairy Tale of the East"

  • Address: Kurortnaya street.

This establishment already offers more oriental dishes and dishes. Tourists especially praise the meat - the kebab here is truly incomparable, you can drive across the whole of Crimea to get it. The territory of the restaurant is also remarkably decorated, it even has its own fountain.

Restaurant "Caravanserai"

  • Address: Evpatoriya highway, 94B.

“Caravanserai” is another Saki restaurant with oriental motifs. The food there is very tasty, and the prices are average, and often even lower than that. The service staff works quickly, pleasant, soulful music plays, and the food served is impeccable.

Don't miss: Sights of Crimea and Excursions in Saki

The city of Saki is not a popular excursion route; numerous buses do not travel here, taking guests from other regions to explore local wonders. There's nothing you can do - the specialization is wrong. However, vacationers in Saki can easily provide themselves with a decent cultural program during their vacation - there are enough interesting places for this in the city and its environs.

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