TOP-29 - what to see in Salsk, Rostov region

Geographical position

Salsk is located in the southeast of the Rostov region on the Sredny Yegorlyk River. The city is surrounded by plains, and the altitude above sea level is only 29 m. The nearest city is Proletarsk, 29 kilometers away.

The climate in Salsk is dry and steppe. The amount of precipitation is 540 mm per year. Their maximum occurs in the summer. In June, 58 mm falls. The average annual temperature is +10.3˚С, ​​in January - -2.7˚, and in July - +24˚. Thus, summers are quite hot.

Where to go in Salsk with children

Children will love the entertainment centers of Salsk. All of them are decorated in their own way and attract visitors with bright posters.

Cinema "Salsk-Cinema"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 8.

Cinema, also known as the Palace of Culture. R.V. Negrebetsky, occupies a monumental building in the classicist style, decorated with a pediment with a row of marble columns. The spacious rooms are decorated with marble tiles, the ceilings are decorated with stucco, and the halls are illuminated by stylish chandeliers.

The complex has several cinema halls. On Premiere Days, the cinema is especially popular. Posters and figures of cartoon and movie characters are installed in the lobby. Visitors buy popcorn and head to the session. After watching, it’s a good idea to visit a cozy cafe that sells cakes and fast food.

Cinema "Premier Film"

  • Address: st. Stanislavsky, 103.

Another popular cinema in the city invites tourists to watch the latest cinema, try ice cream at a local coffee shop and play slot machines. The cinema has two halls: “blue” and “red”. Both are equipped with the best audio and visual equipment and offer a comfortable environment.

Children's park

  • Address: st. Apricot.

A new site has been built on Apricotovaya Street. In the middle of the green north there are towns with slides, rope courses, sandboxes and carousels. The grass surface merges with a special one that is safe for children.

Parents can relax in the relaxation area. There are circular benches in the shade of trees. In winter, a small skating rink is opened in the Children's Park, making this place relevant regardless of the season.

Amusement park "BamBasTik"

  • Address: st. Stanislavsky, 103.

"BamBasTik" occupies part of the entertainment center. Its main attraction is a play area with a ball pit, pipes, slides, rope courses and obstacles.

The best time to visit BamBasTik is during the New Year holidays, when the Christmas tree is being installed, the garlands are turned on, and the balloons are inflated. They often come here to spend children's birthdays, and every time the children leave BamBasTik with wide smiles.


  • Address: Traktovaya street, 1B.

The entertainment center is located in the open air. This is a homemade labyrinth created from scrap materials: barrels, slate, boxes, wooden fences. Visitors are given toy machines with squeaks.

“Sly Fox” offers several game options: strategies, traps, shooting games. Participants are divided into groups and fight for a prize. This is a good place for a children's party. There is a kebab restaurant nearby.

See also the sights of other cities of the Rostov region - Shakhty, Volgodonsk, Azov, Taganrog, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Bataysk, Novocherkassk

Tourists love Salsk for its large selection of entertainment, cozy atmosphere and sunny climate. This little town will provide a memorable vacation in the Rostov region, full of vivid impressions.

Economics and transport

The greatest importance for Salsk is the production and processing of agricultural products. The railway industry is developed, and there are enterprises in the fuel and energy complex.

Salsk is an important road and railway junction in the region. There is a bus station. Long-distance trains pass through Salsk. There is a train station.

Intracity transport is represented by buses, minibuses and taxis.

There are several cultural facilities in Salsk. A large number of hotels have been built. The city has many branches of famous Russian banks.

Population of Salsk

In 2021, this city had 58,179 inhabitants. According to this indicator, it is in 286th place among the cities of the Russian Federation.

The population dynamics of Salsk show slow growth in pre-Soviet times, rapid growth in the Soviet period, and again slow in the 90s of the 20th century, and then a gradual decline from 2000 to the present.

So, in 1939, only 11,400 people lived here, in 1986 – 62 thousand, in 1998 – 64,700 people, and in 2017 – 58,179 people.

The population of Salsk is dominated by women. There are 54.3% of them in the city. Men, respectively, 45.7%. Salsk

Sal monuments and sculptures

The sculptural compositions of Salsk are decorative and memorial in nature. They reflect the history, culture and values ​​of the city.

Memorial Ensemble "Bow"

  • Address: Svobody Street.

In April 1913, a funeral meeting was held in Salsk in honor of fellow countrymen who died in the battles of the First World War. Residents gathered at the mass grave of soldiers and solemnly unveiled a monument - a wooden stele of a pyramidal shape.

During the Great Patriotic War, soldiers who died in the battles of 1942 and 1943 were buried in the same mass grave. At the end of the war, a plaster sculpture of a soldier was erected on this site.

The mass grave acquired its modern appearance after reconstruction in 1967. A marble stele seven meters high was installed on an artificial embankment. At the top there was a bronze bas-relief with the profiles of two soldiers: a warrior of the First and Second World Wars. At the foot there is a bowl with the Eternal Fire.

In 1972, the first Russian ambassador to Iran, I.O., was reburied on the territory of the complex. Kolomiytseva. Later, the grave of Hero of the Soviet Union B.I. was added to the complex. Terentev - a resident of Salsk.

An alley with a brick path leads to the memorial park. Along the way, visitors are greeted by granite steles with portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union who lived in Salsk.

Monument to Soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War

  • Address: Old Cemetery.

In the old cemetery there is a mass grave of soldiers who died in Sal hospitals from wounds. In the 1960s, a concrete monument with a memorial inscription was erected above the burial. This monument was dismantled in 2009 and replaced with a sculptural composition.

It depicts a Soviet soldier with orders on his chest, who laid a wreath on the grave of his comrades and gazed into the sky, full of sorrow. Of the 300 soldiers buried here, only one was identified - Lieutenant B. Braude. The rest remain unknown.

Monument to I.O. Kolomiytsev

  • Address: st. Lenina, 29.

Ivan Kolomiytsev was a native of the village of Vorontsova (former name of Salsk). During his school years, he became involved in political activities, attending revolutionary circles. In 1917, the young man joined the Bolshevik Party. A year later he was recommended as head of the diplomatic mission to Persia.

Kolomiytsev managed to establish connections in the country's business circles. The government, meanwhile, continued to insist on the "private" nature of the mission, which caused a wave of mistrust and campaigners were attacked as a result. Kolomiytsev escaped and returned to Moscow.

In 1919, he again left for a diplomatic mission to Iran. On the way to his destination, the young man was captured by the White Guards and shot on the island of Ashurada.

In 1988, in Kolomiytsev’s homeland, a bust was installed in his part. The young man is depicted in a business suit, with his arms crossed over his chest. The author of the project was M.A. The thing is. It is interesting that the granddaughter of Ivan Kolomiytsev, who is a candidate of technical sciences and works at the Institute of Steel and Alloy, came to the opening of the memorial.

Monument to General Markov

  • Address: st. Lenina/st. Forge.

Sergei Leonidovich Markov was a lieutenant general of the Russian Imperial Army, as well as one of the organizers of the white movement in the southern part of the country.

Markov showed particular courage in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars, for which he was twice awarded the title of hero. Sergei Leonidovich died in 1918 during the second Kuban campaign. The Bolsheviks blew up the observation post where he stood on duty.

The monument to the hero was opened in Salsk in 2003. The ceremony was timed to coincide with the 85th anniversary of Markov’s death. Architect Alexey Begunov, as well as sculptors Vladimir and Danila Surovtsev, depicted Markov in a military uniform, with orders on his chest. He seems to be walking around the city, leaning on an elegant cane.

On the pedestal, lined with black marble, a bas-relief of the banner of the White Movement stands out. At the foot there is a metal plate with the names of the project participants.

Monument to the Victims of the German Occupation

  • Address: Promyshlennaya street.

One of the oldest monuments in Salsk. It was installed in 1947 in the quarries of a brick factory. During the years of occupation, the Nazis shot Soviet soldiers and civilians at this place.

When the burial was opened, many of the bodies were mummified. The monument is a stele made of concrete and marble. It is crowned with a red five-pointed star.

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers

  • Address: Alley of Labor and Military Glory.

The monument to veterans and fallen heroes of local conflicts was erected on Freedom Square in 2015. The monument is designed in such a way that when viewed from above it resembles a cross, and from the height of human growth it takes on the features of an unusual composition.

Two granite steles symbolize the walls of the gorge, between them there is a beam with through silhouettes of soldiers. Not far from the monument there is a stele with the names of 24 Salchan soldiers who fell in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Monument to Firefighters

  • Address: st. Kirova, 15.

In the picturesque park of Kirov Street there is a monument to the Soviet era. It is a stone slab with a carved portrait of a fireman carrying a little girl out of the fire. The slab rises on a stone pillar, which in turn is mounted on a round pedestal. In the center there is a marble tablet with the inscription of dedication.

Monument to Police Officers

  • Address: Budyonny street.

The memorial complex is dedicated to the police officers who died during the Chechen campaigns. In the center of the composition of this Salsk landmark is a metal sculpture of a sword stuck into a stone. A narrow path leads to it, on both sides of which there are steles with portraits of police officers.

The monument is located on a busy street, surrounded by a platform with cypress trees. The area is kept in perfect order. Every year on the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, a solemn meeting is organized here, and townspeople lay flowers at the foot of the memorial.

Monument "Mother and Child"

  • Address: stop "Maternity Hospital".

The sculpture is located near the Salsky maternity hospital. A young woman throws back her hair, and in front of her stands a small child with his hands raised to the sun. The sculpture symbolizes the beginning of a new life and a happy childhood for a child, which is given to him by a loving, caring mother. Part of the composition is a flower bed, in the center of which it is installed. Cypress trees and flowering shrubs provide the perfect backdrop for Mother and Child.

Monument to MiG-17

  • Address: Pervomaiskaya st., 20.

Not far from the Park of Culture and Recreation, a monument to the MiG-17 fighter was erected during the Soviet years. The authentic plane is placed on a pedestal and seems to soar into the air. The monument is gradually deteriorating, but does not lose popularity. Tourists do not miss the opportunity to take pictures under the mighty wings of the MiG-17.

Monument to ZIL

  • Address: Aerodromnaya street.

At the exit from Salsk there is a monument to the famous ZIL. After leaving service, the car was restored and placed on a pedestal with a commemorative plaque. On the road side, the pedestal is decorated with a poster with the words: “Have a nice trip! Safe roads!

Salsk employment center vacancies

The number of available vacancies in Salsk is quite large. As of mid-2021, jobs in this city are varied, but mostly non-engineering. Salaries, as a rule, are not large. Most often – in the range of 11 – 15 thousand rubles. Above 15,000 rubles are relatively rare; the maximum was 26,000 rubles. Thus, in Salsk there are many available vacancies in different areas of work, but you won’t be able to make good money from them.

You can get a job on a rotational basis in remote corners of our country. Salaries there range from 68 to 172 thousand rubles.

Low wages may be the reason why demographic indicators have deteriorated in recent years.

Unique architecture of the city of Salsk

Since ancient times, Salsk has been decorated with majestic houses built by talented architects of different times. These buildings, without a doubt, can be called masterpieces of architecture.

The building of the former hotel "Salsk"

  • Address: Lenin street.

In 1926, the main hotel of the city was built on Lenin Street. The two-story building attracted attention with its stepped attic, crenellated cornice, molding, and especially its round corner tower.

At the peak of its cone-shaped roof a weather vane with a horse rotated. Currently, the building no longer accommodates tourists. Its first floor is occupied by various shops, and the second floor by offices and offices.

Former railway station building

  • Address: Privokzalnaya street.

In the 1950s, an impressive eclectic building was built at Salsk station. It was decorated with a double pediment with dormer windows, a keystone framing the windows, marble columns with antique capitals and a clock above the main entrance. The building served as a station until 2018. Today, it is replaced by a building occupied by offices and shops.

Reviews from residents

Those who have visited this city or lived there for a long time generally give negative reviews about it. The most significant is, of course, the problem of low wages and employment. Many people also complain about the population itself. Especially local women. The third common cause of dissatisfaction is dirt and debris. Some write about excessive summer heat. Indeed, in recent years, summer in the south of the European part of Russia has become abnormally hot. Moreover, this region is traditionally hot.

One of the advantages of living in this city is the low prices. From the reviews it can also be understood that the main reason for the deterioration of the demographic situation is the migration of residents to other cities associated with dissatisfaction with the quality of life in Salsk.

Positive reviews are mainly found among those who, by the will of fate, left this city a long time ago and live in other countries or regions. Most likely, this is due to a feeling of nostalgia.

Active leisure: entertainment in Salsk

The development of sports in Salsk is facilitated by numerous complexes focused on various types of active recreation.

Sports and fitness complex "Salsky"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 41.

The Salsky sports and recreation complex hosts training sessions for local sections in karate, football, basketball and martial arts. Tourists attend football matches, which are organized in a large playing hall with stands. Athletes from Russian cities, as well as from other countries, come to the competition.

In addition to the gym, the complex has a gym club. New generation exercise equipment is installed in a spacious room with mirrored walls. Both one-time training sessions and the purchase of a subscription are possible. If desired, you can use the services of a professional trainer. The infrastructure of the complex also includes showers, locker rooms, a medical office and a cafeteria.

Lokomotiv Stadium"

  • Address: st. Budyonny, 101.

A huge football stadium is located in the central part of Salsk. It was founded in Soviet times and continues to be popular among citizens and tourists. Recent renovations included replacing the bleachers, football surface and running tracks. The field hosts matches between Salsk football teams, as well as athletics competitions. Health Days and sports events are no less popular.

Swimming pool "Residence Plato"

  • Address: st. Tchaikovsky, 143.

The outdoor swimming pool at the Platon Residence is a popular recreation spot. It is famous not only for its sports programs and recreational activities, but also for its entertainment shows. The infrastructure of the attraction complex includes a restaurant and an outdoor stage.

Concerts of invited singers and musical groups are regularly held here. Foam parties and animation shows are organized for children. Swimming lessons are also held here. Tourists vacationing in Salsk in the summer should keep an eye on the pool poster so as not to miss interesting events.

Basketball court

  • Address: st. Karl Marx.

You can play basketball on Karl Marx Street. The open area is equipped with everything necessary: ​​rings, shields and is surrounded by a high mesh fence. There is also a training court with horizontal bars and parallel bars. This is a great place for youth sports.

Don't miss: Sights of Rostov-on-Don and Beautiful places of the Rostov region

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