What to see in Sochi Olympic Park in summer and winter

The Olympic Park in Sochi gained enormous popularity among tourists immediately after its opening. On an area of ​​more than 200 hectares there are many modern sports facilities, attractions and museums.
  1. general information
  2. How much does it cost to enter the Olympic Park in Sochi?
  3. Sochi Olympic Park: how to get there by public transport or private car By bus
  4. By train
  5. By taxi
  6. By personal car
  • What to see in Sochi Olympic Park: architecture, attractions, museums
      Ice skating rink (Iceberg training arena)
  • Trampoline
  • Sochi Automuseum
  • Exhibition complex "Museums of Sochi"
  • Amusement park "Sochi Park"
      Fountain "Olympic Flame"
  • What to see in Sochi Olympic Park in winter
  • Conclusion
  • If you decide to visit the Olympic Park in Sochi for the first time, you need to think through your visit program in advance. In this review, we have collected the information that is necessary to plan a trip to the Olympic Park in Sochi: photos and descriptions of the most interesting attractions, public transport routes, cost of visiting. In addition, you can always look at the diagram of the Olympic Park in Sochi to visualize the location of sports facilities, museums and attractions.

    general information

    Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 24:00 Admission is free (you only pay for visiting each specific attraction or museum)

    Address: Imeretinskaya Bay (Trostnikovaya St.), Adler, Sochi Website: https://Olympic-park.rf/
    A curious fact that surprises many travelers who decide to visit the Olympic Park in Sochi is the address that points to Adler. There is no mistake here: the southernmost resort on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus falls within the boundaries of the so-called Greater Sochi. It is here, in the Imeritinskaya Valley, that the Olympic Park is located.

    How much does it cost to enter the Olympic Park in Sochi?

    The question that worries tourists planning to visit the Sochi Olympic Park is the cost of entry. Fortunately, everything is simple here: access to the park is absolutely free . However, excursions and visits to attractions are paid separately.

    By looking at the location of Sochi Olympic Park facilities on the diagram, you can quickly find the necessary attractions.

    Since the territory of the park is quite large, you can move around it not only on foot, but also in other ways:

    • using bicycle rental in Sochi in the Olympic Park;
    • By booking an excursion to the Sochi Olympic Park, you can explore its sights while riding in comfortable and silent electric cars.

    Bicycle rentals operating in the Sochi Olympic Park offer many different models, including electric ones, as well as those equipped with special child seats. The cost of renting a bicycle is from 120 to 200 rubles per hour.


    The Winter Olympics in Sochi took place in two regions - a mountain cluster ( Krasnaya Polyana ), whose slopes served as the site of a battle among skiers, snowboarders, jumpers and bobsledders, etc. and in the coastal cluster on a flat surface, where competitions in figure skating, curling, hockey and other “stadium” sports took place. For this part of the competition, the land is flat with a large area and undeveloped. The best place turned out to be the Imereti Lowland, where the Olympic Park was erected.

    In the winter of 2014, this was the city center. Several huge intricately decorated squares, giant stadiums located near them and tens of thousands of people. All this resembled some kind of surreal anthill. The Olympics are over, but all this beauty remains. Some buildings function as before. Children's sections have been opened somewhere. They created unusual, really cool museums, a track for Formula 1. They installed bicycle rentals all around and the Olympic Park took on a new life.

    Today the Olympic Park is one of the most popular places in Sochi. This is understandable: there are museums, free concerts, an awesome fountain and you can ride bicycles here. And the largest fountain in the region is located right there.

    Sochi Olympic Park: how to get there by public transport or private car

    After we figured out where the Olympic Park is located in Sochi, it’s worth talking about how to get to it.

    By bus

    How to get from Sochi to the Olympic Park ? The fastest and most reliable way is to use one of the commuter buses that regularly run along the coast.

    • The most convenient option is a bus or minibus 124C. They depart from the Sochi bus station and proceed past the circus, then through Maly Akhun, Khosta and, finally, Adler. The bus covers the distance from Sochi to the Olympic Park in about an hour and a half.
    • Bus 125p runs from City Hospital No. 4 through the railway station and bus station. In this case, the final destination will be the “Selsovet” stop.
    • Bus 125, going from the shopping and entertainment center through the railway station.

    You can get from Adler in the following ways:

    • By bus or minibus 124C.
    • By bus 57 from the railway station.
    • By bus 117 (final stop - “Selsovet”).

    By train

    Most Lastochka trains depart from the Tuapse railway station and follow along the entire coast to the final station, Olympic Park.

    It should be noted that trains do not run very often, so it is important to find out the schedule for the current day in advance so as not to get into a difficult situation. Up-to-date information about the Lastochka train "Sochi - Olympic Park" (schedule, ticket price and terminal stations) can be obtained using the Yandex.Schedule service.

    By taxi

    Since the distance from Sochi to the park is quite large, the cost of ordering a taxi usually exceeds 1000 rubles. You can get from Adler airport to the entrance to the park much cheaper: the cost of the trip will be approximately 500–600 rubles.

    By personal car

    From the A147 highway, which runs along the coast, two streets lead to the Olympic Park: Triumfalnaya on the north side and st. Champions in the east. Two parking lots are available: one is free and located near the park entrance; the other, paid, is located opposite the Fisht stadium.

    Where to eat.

    Throughout the park there are small stalls with various tasty things - ice cream, cold drinks, popcorn and sweets. You can pay by card. Prices are the same as everywhere else in Sochi, a little more expensive than in the store.

    Stall with sweets and drinks.

    There is a cafe near the station - Adler Burger. Fast fast food, quite tasty. Lunch for two cost about 1000 rubles.

    During our trip through the park, we did not come across any cafes or restaurants. So you need to know in advance where you will eat. All establishments are located outside the territory.

    What to see in Sochi Olympic Park: architecture, attractions, museums

    First of all, the Sochi Olympic Park is famous for its sports facilities, access to which is only available during competitions. However, you can enjoy their external architectural appearance at any time, so we will briefly list the main objects:

    • Fisht stadium;
    • "Big" ice palace;
    • speed skating stadium "Adler Arena";
    • ice palace "Iceberg"
    • ice palace with the telling name “Shaiba”;
    • curling-.

    Of great interest for family holidays are the various attractions and museums that are abundantly presented in the park.

    Ice skating rink (Iceberg training arena)

    Opening hours: floating, current monthly schedule is available in the group in contact or on the skating rink’s website Cost of tickets to the skating rink in Sochi (Olympic Park):

    • Children under 10 years old: 200 rub.
    • Children from 10 to 18 years old: 250 rub.
    • Adults: 300 rub.
    • Skate rental: 300 rub.

    The price indicated is for 1 session lasting 1 hour 20 minutes.

    The all-season skating rink of the Iceberg training arena holds regular public skating sessions, where everyone can skate on the perfectly smooth ice on which the best Russian figure skaters conduct their training. This is an excellent place to teach young children figure skating: in the indoor arena you will not encounter cold winds, and you can rent skates starting from size 27.

    The main thing you need to know before visiting the skating rink in the Sochi Olympic Park is the opening hours. The schedule of sessions for the current month can always be found in the group in contact.

    Location : Olympic Park, next to the Iceberg Ice Arena
    Phone: (available from 10:00 to 22:00) Website: https://katoksochi.ru/ Contact group: https://vk.com/sochikatok


    Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 22:00 Ticket price:

    • Children (up to 7 years old) On weekdays: morning - 250 rubles, evening - 350 rubles. On weekends and holidays: morning - 350 rubles, evening - 450 rubles.
    • Adults and children over 7 years old: On weekdays: morning - 300 rubles, evening - 400 rubles. On weekends and holidays: morning - 400 rubles, evening - 500 rubles.

    The price indicated is for 1 hour. Classes with an instructor (from 800 rubles), group classes (from 600 rubles) and subscriptions for multiple visits to the center are also available.

    Trampoline is an opportunity to have fun and improve your physical fitness. Few people think that such an attraction is not only interesting entertainment, but also a good workout for the body.

    At the Sochi trampoline center in the Olympic Park you will find:

    • 10 trampolines;
    • 2 foam pits;
    • climbing wall

    Individual and group training, a special fitness program are available, as well as the opportunity to order a children's party.

    Location : Olympic Park, Adler Arena
    Phone: +7 Website: https://zvezdnuy-sochi.ru/

    Sochi Automuseum

    Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 22:00 Ticket prices:

    • Children under 7 years old - free
    • Children from 7 to 12 years old and large families - 250 rubles.
    • Adults and children over 12 years old - 500 rubles.
    • Photo and video shooting - free of charge

    The automobile museum of the Sochi Olympic Park displays many carefully restored Soviet cars from various eras, including quite rare exhibits. The Sochi Automuseum is an excellent place for a family holiday: children will be able to see in person the cars that have become part of our history, and adults will experience a pleasant nostalgic feeling when they see Soviet Muscovites and ZILs from their youthful memories.

    : Olympic Park, Mezhdunarodnaya Street, 12
    Phones: +7 help desk +7 for inquiries regarding excursions Website: https://sochi-automuseum.ru/

    Exhibition complex "Museums of Sochi"

    The Sochi Museums exhibition complex consists of several small exhibitions.

    Address : Olympic Park, st. International Phone: +7(988)241-01-80 Website: https://zvezdnuy-sochi.ru/

    Electrical Museum of Nikola Tesla

    • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 19:00. The first session starts at 11:00, the last at 19:00. Every hour there is another session.
    • Cost of visiting: adults - 350 rubles, children - 300 rubles.

    Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Museum

    • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
    • Cost of visiting: adults - 300 rubles, children - 200 rubles.

    Mechanical Museum of Leonardo da Vinci

    • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
    • Cost of visiting: adults - 300 rubles, children - 250 rubles.

    Robotic Dinosaur Exhibition

    • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00.
    • Cost of visiting: adults - 300 rubles, children - 250 rubles.

    "Sanki" - luge center

    The modern “Sleigh and Bobsleigh Complex” (there are no more than 20 of them in the world) for 9 thousand spectators will host competitions in luge, skeleton and bobsleigh. The track is certified and listed for international competitions. It is the longest and safest in the world. Two kilometers of the track take athletes 130 meters down. The Luge and Bobsleigh Complex is a training center for Russian luge athletes with five starting zones at different heights. It has an unusual "timber ribs" architecture and is built on a permanent basis.

    Amusement park "Sochi Park"

    Opening hours: the current schedule is available on the amusement park website Ticket prices:

    • Children under 5 years old: free
    • Children from 5 to 12 years old: 1200 rub. (free entry on birthdays)
    • Adults: 1500 rub.

    One of the best children's amusement parks in Europe offers many interesting attractions for children of all ages, as well as a visit to the dolphinarium.


    Address : Olympic Avenue, 21


    Website: https://www.sochipark.ru/

    Fountain "Olympic Flame"

    Cost of visiting: free Opening hours: from 19:00 to 20:00 The current schedule is always available on the official website.

    The singing fountains in the Sochi Olympic Park are the venue for colorful shows that are worth seeing with your own eyes. The jets of 264 fountains soar to a height of 70 meters to the music of classical orchestral works by Russian composers. A visit to the Olympic Cauldron will be a wonderful end to a busy day.

    Address : Sochi Olympic Park (see map above) Website: https://Olympic-park.rf/16-poyuschie-fontany.html


    The Russian Hills springboard complex is the center for ski jumping competitions for Olympic athletes. Here, at the junction of two ridges, athletes are protected from side winds, and the jumps blend harmoniously into the surrounding mountain landscape. The new Esto-Sadok railway station made it possible to quickly reach the venues of the Olympic competitions. The Russian Hills complex is designed for 10 thousand spectators. The main and training jumps are located here. Next to the ski jumps, the Gorki Gorod facility and the media village center dominates.

    Springboard "Russian roller coaster"

    What to see in Sochi Olympic Park in winter

    A question that becomes especially relevant during the winter holidays for all visitors to the Olympic Park in Sochi: what to see in winter. In fact, the time of year has virtually no effect on the range of available entertainment: almost all of the listed facilities operate year-round. The exceptions are:

    • Singing Fountains;
    • water attractions of Sochi Park (depending on specific weather conditions, other attractions may be disabled).

    Complex "Laura"

    The Laura complex of OJSC Gazprom is a ski complex of international importance for competitions in biathlon, cross-country skiing and Nordic combined. It is located at an altitude of 1450-1600 meters above sea level on the ridges and slopes of Mount Psekhako next to Krasnaya Polyana.

    The Laura complex includes two separate stadiums, a shooting range, training areas, two different trail systems for cross-country skiing and biathlon with separate start and finish areas. The stands of the biathlon complex are designed for 9,600 people.

    Ski and biathlon complex "Laura" has its own additional Olympic village for 1100 people, almost Alpine, to provide athletes with accommodation at the same altitude with competition venues and the best conditions for adaptation.
    An artificial lake, snow cannons and stationary snow guns are used, if necessary, to provide additional snow to the slopes so that the snow is “sporty”, fast and light. The Laura complex is a new ski resort in Russia in the Sochi mountain cluster. The “Laura” cable car of OJSC “Gazprom” with closed cabins will take you to the competition areas in 15 minutes.

    Winter weather in the Russian resort city of Sochi is very changeable due to the mixture of alpine climate in the mountains and subtropical sea climate on the Black Sea coast, as well as the difficult terrain. 32 new weather stations have been installed in Sochi (20 of them on cell towers) and information on weather conditions is received every 10 minutes.

    Skiers and biathletes compete in the mountains at an altitude of over 1,100 meters, and the ski slopes are located at around 2,000 meters above sea level.

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