What to see in Arkhyz in winter and summer - top 10 attractions

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September 20, 2020
The North Caucasus has become one of the main tourist destinations in 2021. This region is rich in attractions and resorts. We have already talked about the picturesque places of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, but we ignored one of them.

We are talking about Arkhyz. We tell you what to see there at any time of the year.

Lake of Love

The question of where Arkhyz is located will be resolved if you have an idea about Karachay-Cherkessia. The settlement is located in the most picturesque corner of this region. It is surrounded by mountains, waterfalls roar nearby, and green valleys lie below. The weather here is always wonderful and windless. People come here all year round.

Every year thousands of loving couples gather at the Lake of Love. The reservoir received this name because of its shape. Its contours are similar to the heart. A trout is splashing in the azure-colored water; it seems like you are about to catch it with your hands.

There is a belief that couples who visit here never separate. Their union is eternal.

To get to a natural monument, you will have to spend a lot of effort. It will be difficult for unprepared people. It is necessary to overcome more than 1000 km of mountainous terrain. But, believe me, you won’t regret it. The views will take your breath away and will remain in your memory for a lifetime.

Cold heart

Cold heart - this is exactly how the name of the Lake of Love sounds when translated from Karachay. It is unique and famous for its unusual shape.

The lake is especially popular among couples and newlyweds. Here they propose and simply declare their love.

There is a legend that in order to find your love, you need to swim in the waters of this lake. However, this is quite difficult to do. The water in the lake is icy.

This attraction of Arkhyz belongs to the Teberda Nature Reserve. There is an entrance fee here. And the climb to the lake is a long and winding path.

Astrophysical Observatory BTA

The building is located in Nizhny Arkhyz. It amazes with its scale. The observatory was founded in the second half of the last century. Today it is considered one of the largest institutions of this type in Russia.

To look at the starry sky through a telescope, you will have to sign up in advance or come as part of an excursion group. Here they give lectures for tourists and talk about the structure of the Universe. The pride of BTA is called a unique telescope; it is listed in the Guinness Book as the largest in the world.

BTA telescope

Address: Nizhny Arkhyz, Special Astrophysical Observatory Telephone: +7(87878) 46336 Opening hours: 9:00 - 15:00 Entrance ticket: 200 rubles

The largest optical telescope in Eurasia is located 17 kilometers from the village of Arkhyz. The special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences was built in the 60s of the last century in the valley of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River at the foot of Mount Pastukhov at an altitude of 2070 meters above sea level.

The large alt-azimuth telescope with a mirror diameter of 6 meters is certainly visible from afar and attracts tourists. There are also two small telescopes with a diameter of 1 and 0.6 meters, accessible not only to observatory workers, but also to everyone who wants to look at space.

For many years now, scientific employees of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been introducing tourists to the structure of the telescope, talking about their work and allowing them to look at celestial bodies.

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Mineral water production plant

The first thing Arkhyz is associated with is mineral water of the same name. There is a factory for its production in the village. Water is extracted from a well located at an altitude of 1500 km above sea level. The source is the glaciers of the North Caucasus mountain system.

Huge ice floes are melting and flowing deep into the Sarmatian Sea. Water is saturated with useful microelements and substances. It is then further processed downhole. You can also buy a bottle of the drink here.

Where is Arkhyz located?

When talking about Arkhyz, we mean the entire Arkhyz Gorge, which stretches from the plain and the village of Nizhny Arkhyz up into the mountains to the village of Arkhyz. The most convenient way to get here is by personal transport or with a tour.

For guests of the sanatorium-resort complex “Mashuk Aqua-Term” there are ready-made offers on the most interesting routes.

For tourists arriving in the Stavropol Territory, several route options can be considered. From Stavropol airport (230 km) or Mineralnye Vody (210 km). Next, order a taxi or tourist transfer.

Rock face of Christ

At the end of the last century, a carved image of Christ was discovered on a rock on the shore of Bolshoi Zelenchuk. The shrine immediately attracted the attention of pilgrims. They equipped a staircase along which they climb to a height of 150 meters in order to honor the holy face. Then the ascent was equipped with gazebos and observation platforms.

The dimensions of the image are impressive: 140x80 cm. This is an example of rock painting. The icon is revered; hundreds of pilgrims come here every day. You can visit the place on your own. It's free. Climbing to Lik is considered one of the popular tourist routes in Arkhyz.

Northern Temple

The largest temple in the Northern Caucasus, dating back to the medieval period. The monastery dates back to the 9th-10th century. Historians suggest that it was founded in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, but this is not a reliable fact.

The structure is architecturally complex. Its dimensions:

  • length – 25.5 m;
  • width – 19.5 m.

The interiors are divided by three naves. The middle nave is slightly wider. There are also vestibules on the sides. Penitents and those who were just waiting for baptism gathered here. When laying, they used methods characteristic of Byzantine churches.

Sightseeing by car

Considering that there are several villages near Arkhyz and the following scattering of attractions, it is more convenient to visit these places by car. For those who do not have such an opportunity, excursion routes will be convenient.

Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement

Nizhne-Arkhyz, or Alan, settlement is the remains of an ancient city, located near the village of Nizhny Arkhyz on the right bank of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River. Its existence dates back to the 10th–12th centuries and, according to one version, it is considered Magas, the capital of the Alanian state. The most intact buildings are three Christian churches made of stone. Historians suggest that they have not undergone significant changes since their appearance in the 10th century. The small Upper (South) Church of Elijah the Prophet is still operational.

In addition to temples, the remains and foundations of urban buildings, burials, as well as a perfect circle with a diameter of 80 m, the significance of which remains in question, were discovered on the territory. A Turkic warrior stands intact - a stone stele with an oriental face. And these are not all the amazing objects of the settlement. Valuable archaeological finds from these places, which scientists managed to collect, were distributed to museums across the country. Part is in the local museum.

Read more: Nizhne-Arkhyz (Alan) settlement

Middle temple of the Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement Photo: © Julia Alisova

Museum of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the SAO RAS

The Archaeological Museum of Nizhny Arkhyz is part of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of Arkhyz. Its exhibitions are dedicated to the history of the Alans who once inhabited these lands and their neighbors. Little is known reliably about the Alans; they had no written language, and their only witnesses are archaeological artifacts.

The museum exhibits include hundreds of objects made of metal and wood: jewelry, combs, weapons, dishes and other household items. Clothes were recreated using particles of surviving woven items. Rich silk fabrics are often found: it is believed that the Silk Road passed here.

Read more: Museum of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the SAO RAS

Museum exposition Photo: © Official website of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Northern Administrative District of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Nizhny Arkhyz

Rock face of Christ

Opposite the Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement, on the left bank of the river, there is another attraction that surprises with its appearance. At an altitude of one hundred meters on the mountain slope of the Mytseshta ridge, a face appears in the rock - the image of Christ the Savior, considered not made by hands. Distinct facial features are painted according to the Byzantine tradition: large eyes, straight nose. The size of the image is 140 by 80 cm. There is no known information about its origin.

The place was opened to the public in the late 1990s. Not long ago, a metal staircase was brought up to the rock, and now everyone can see the face. The staircase is steep, consists of 526 steps, but has rest areas. It starts from the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands and the tourist market.

Read more: Rock face of Christ

Face of Christ in Arkhyz Photo: © olgazav59

Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Since 1966, the largest Special Astrophysical Observatory in Russia has been operating in the mountains of Lower Arkhyz. She studies interstellar media, the early Universe, the Sun, stellar evolution, and other cosmic topics. Excursions with visits to telescopes are held for everyone around the territory of the Northern Administrative Okrug.

Several telescopes are located on the upper scientific site, at an altitude of 2100 m at the foot of Mount Pastukhov, 17 km from the village. The largest of them is the Large Alt-Azimuth Telescope (BTA) with a mirror diameter of 6 m. Guests are accepted on weekends, on weekdays - only groups of 10 or more people upon prior request. Night excursions with the opportunity to admire celestial objects are carried out using small CELESTRON telescopes. In winter they usually start at 19:00.

Read more: Observatory in Arkhyz

SAO Planetarium

The planetarium of the Arkhyz Observatory is also located in Nizhny Arkhyz. Educational films are shown under the dome. One of them tells about the history of space exploration, starting with theories of the structure of the world created several centuries ago, and ending with the latest methods of studying celestial bodies. Another reveals in more detail the process of the emergence and improvement of telescopes. Sessions last 25–35 minutes. The planetarium is located at Nizhny Arkhyz, building 5 and accepts groups of 5 people or more.

All sights of Arkhyz

Gorbachev's residence

Gorbachev's residence stands on the banks of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River at the entrance to the village of Arkhyz. This is a low building, reminiscent of a small European castle. It was here that in the summer of 1990 negotiations between USSR President M. S. Gorbachev and German Chancellor He. Kohl took place, which resolved the issue of the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR, as well as the existence of the Berlin Wall. Today it houses the recreation center “Arkhyz” of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium “Zarya” of the UDP of the Russian Federation, but inside there is still much the same.

Visitors to the residence will be immersed in the era of 20-30 years ago. Lacquered cabinets and parquet flooring, colorful carpets and wallpaper, Soviet telephones and lamps - everything is original and has not changed at all since then. Some features of the house give away its high position: call buttons by the beds, a round table with a barbecue area and a hood, a room with billiards and a cinema. On the street, the log tables and chairs on which the agreement was reached were recreated from wood.

Read more: Gorbachev's Residence

At an altitude of 2240 m Photo: © Irina Isaeva

Arkhyz observation deck

To admire the mountain landscapes of Arkhyz from above, you don’t need to know how to ride. For those without skis, a walking ticket for the Milky Way cable car is sold. It rises from the village of Romantik to a height of 2240 m, where an observation deck is equipped on the southern slope of the Abishira-Akhuba ridge.

It offers a wide panorama of the Greater Caucasus Range, covered with snow. The highest mountains in it are Sofia (3637 m), Pshish (3790 m) and Dukka-bashi (3213 m), and the Gabulu plateau also lies directly opposite. For a memorable photo, it’s worth checking out the “Arkhyz” inscription, made of huge letters made from firewood. A snack with hot tea in the cafes located here will prolong the convenience of relaxing at altitude. One minus is that in winter the eco-trail going down through the forest to the village is closed.

Observation deck at an altitude of 2240 m Photo: © Official website of the Arkhyz resort

Elijah Temple

Known as the Southern Temple. This landmark is often seen in photos of Arkhyz. A monastery was founded at the monastery. The opening took place in the 80s of the 19th century. The icon of the Mother of God of Grebnevskaya was kept here. She was considered the patroness of the mountains and the people living here.

This place is revered in the Orthodox world. The relics of St. George were kept here. They were brought from Athos by wandering monks. The monks living in the monastery were engaged in weaving baskets, and the residents gave them food for this. With the communists coming to power, the monastery fell into disrepair, but now the temple is operating again and welcomes everyone.

Sofia lakes and waterfalls

If you are planning a vacation in Arkhyz in the summer, be sure to check out the route known as “Sofia Lakes and Waterfalls.” Mount Sofia is covered by a glacier. It's melting. It was the waters of this glacier that formed a group of lakes and waterfalls.

The route is considered a one-day route. But some tourists stay overnight, as the climb is not easy. Tour groups usually travel by horse and cart or bus. But this only makes the task half easier; the transport will have to be left at the foot of the mountains and continue on foot.

Barite Falls

The natural attraction is included in the list of beautiful places in Arkhyz. You can visit it for free and on your own. You will find a waterfall on the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Start the route from the north side of the village.

The barite waterfall is not considered full-flowing. But he is quite tall. The pool at the foot is not equipped. This does not bother tourists; they bathe directly in the streams of water. Note that the water cascades remain cold even in the hot season.

The route to the waterfall is impressive. Travelers walk through a picturesque forest. It is impossible to get lost here. Only one trail has been paved. From here they bring mesmerizing photographs as souvenirs.

Observation deck

If you want to look at the village from above and see it completely, climb one of the rocks. It is 2 kilometers away from the village. The journey will take less than an hour. Visiting is free.

The site is not equipped, but this does not stop guests of Karachay-Cherkessia. All residents know about the open area on the rock and will accompany the traveler if he is afraid to go alone. The views are stunning; a trip to Arkhyz will not be considered complete if you do not visit here.

Where to live

In Arkhyz you can find both large tourist centers or hotels, and houses.

  • The Arkhyz resort is an all-season tourist complex with ski slopes, an ice skating rink, and lifts. On its territory there are the Hotel Complex “Romantic” and “Vertical”.
  • Tourist base "Alan" with wooden houses with panoramic windows.
  • Nice chalets of the Kulrashe complex, rooms - from 2,000 ₽, chalets - from 7,000 ₽.
  • On the central Lenin Street there are two large hotel complexes: “Grandshale”, rooms from 3,600 ₽ in summer, and “Energetik”, from 700 ₽ “Economy”.
  • Rooms in the Sosnovy Bereg chalet houses, from 1,530 RUR per room in the summer.

Alan settlement

The open-air museum will allow you to get acquainted with the period of existence of the Alanian kingdom. It was founded in the supposed location of the capital of the ancient state - the city of Meuse. The protected area occupies an impressive area. It is better to rent a car or bicycle for a walk, otherwise you will not have time to explore the entire territory. A visit will be the answer to the question of what you can see, the most interesting things in Arkhyz.

Objects worthy of attention include:

  • ancient temples (one church is active);
  • stone figure of a Turkic warrior (pictured);
  • solar calendar in the form of a stone circle.

Signs lead to attractions. The walk can be done either independently or as part of excursions in Arkhyz. The food stations are not yet equipped, so take a couple of sandwiches with you.

What to do in Arkhyz?

In Arkhyz there is something to see for the curious tourist. But we will name the three most striking reasons to come to this region.

No. 1. Historical value

The location of the village plays an important role in this. Firstly, this is an area whose development began in ancient times, despite the fact that the founding date of Arkhyz is quite recent - 1922. The Great Silk Road passed through this area, and here was the territory of the medieval state of Alanya. Therefore, in Arkhyz there is something to see from the remains of ancient cultures.

For example, parts of the large medieval Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement, located near the modern village of Nizhny Arkhyz, which is 26 kilometers from Arkhyz itself.

No. 2. Leisure

A curious tourist will be interested in these places in terms of active recreation. Arkhyz is a famous ski resort, and the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River provides the opportunity for water rafting.

No. 3. Natural beauty

There is plenty to do here for those who want a relaxing holiday. You can choose a trekking route of any complexity and walk, enjoying the pine forest and impressive views that open from different points of the village, enjoy the fresh mountain air, and in the evening have a gathering around the fire.

Cable cars

Currently, guests of the region can use one of 4 cable cars. The highest station operates at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters. The cable cars are open all year round. Occupancy depends on the season.

The lifts are popular in the winter season. With the onset of cold weather, fans of alpine skiing come here. Tourists who are interested in information about which Arkhyz attractions are most popular in summer can take advantage of excursion offers. In this case, they offer programs during which the guide talks about what is visible from above.

There are observation platforms at the top. From here you can see the tops of the oldest glaciers and mountain slopes. The views are mesmerizing. Impressive footage is brought back from these places.

Ski paradise

In winter, there are eight trails at Arkhyz. In the future, six more will be added to them on the Northern Slope. Currently, the total length of the routes is 24 kilometers. The longest reaches 4370 meters. The ski range includes “green”, “blue”, “red” and “black” slopes. This means that the conditions are suitable for skiers of any level - from beginners to professionals. The slopes are divided into four skiing areas.

Ski paradise

On the Northern Slope there is the Northern Lights lift with ten-seater gondolas. It is divided into three sections, serves six routes and is capable of lifting up to 2,500 people per hour. The lower station is located on the main square of the Romantic village. On this section there is the longest Arkhyza route, which belongs to the “blue” category. Its length is just under 4.3 kilometers, and the elevation difference is more than 800 meters. There is also a “black” track 2318 meters long with a drop of 544 meters.

The second zone is called the Milky Way. Eight-seater gondolas are used for lifting. In one hour, the cable car can lift up to 2,400 people up the mountains. The length of the line is 2354 meters. The delivery time for skiers to the final station ranges from 6 to 15 minutes. There are two routes on this section: the “blue” one, 3 kilometers long with a vertical drop of about 600 meters, and the “red” one, 1.7 kilometers long with a vertical drop of 485 meters.

Resort "Arkhyz"

The Sputnik lift is a chairlift. It can lift up to 1,800 skiers per hour. The length of the cable car is 859 meters. It takes passengers to the upper station in 6 minutes. There are two “green” slopes in the ski area. Their length, respectively, is 880 and 920 meters with a height difference of 118 meters. There is also a “blue” track about 600 meters long with a drop of 60 meters.

The list of ski areas is completed by “Moon Express”. There is a six-seater chairlift with a capacity of 2,400 people per hour. The chairs are protected from wind and rain. Its length along the slope is 2122 meters. The ascent takes seven minutes. Skiers have three slopes at their disposal - two “blue” and one “black”. The length of the “blue” trails is 2287 and 2905 meters with a height difference of 536 meters. The length of the “black” route is 1460 meters with a drop of 380 meters.

In the village of Romantik, located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, there is an open-air skating rink in the winter. Its length is 40 meters, width – 20 meters. The riding session lasts one and a half hours. The skating rink is open during the day, and on Fridays, Saturdays and holidays also in the evenings.

The resort has a children's club "Arkhyzenok"

The resort has a children's ski club "Arkhyzenok". For children aged three years and older, skiing lessons are organized in groups of five to eight people. The training course lasts two to three days. The School of Ski Instructors is intended for training adults. Skiers and snowboarders of the same level of training practice in groups. There is no way for a beginner to get into a group for professionals or vice versa.

Equipment rental points operate in the tourist villages of Romantika and Lunnaya Polyana. Their arsenal includes more than 2 thousand sets of ski equipment. Convenient electronic queuing system. The advantage of local rental is the ability to take equipment at one point and return it at another. This is important when you use different ski areas.

Lake Seven Colors

At an altitude of 2.5 km there is a beautiful lake with a magical name - Seven Colors. In guidebooks with the sights of Arkhyz with photos and descriptions, it is always mentioned. The reservoir is considered almost the most beautiful on the entire planet. Take some time to look here.

The natural reservoir got its name because of the color of the water. In sunny weather it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The color effect is achieved due to the reflection of the surrounding landscape in the water and the minerals that are located at the bottom. During the warm season, all guests of the region come to the valley of the Bolshaya Dukka River to appreciate the beauty of the extraordinary lake.

Lakes of Arkhyz

Arkhyz is a land of lakes. There are a lot of them here, they are all different and each is beautiful in its own way. Many do not have names, but there are natural reservoirs that are especially beloved and often visited by tourists.

Lake of Love

It is located at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level. To see this miracle of nature, you need to climb winding mountain paths to it.

Lake of Love is visited by couples in love who want to make a declaration of love, give an engagement ring, or have a romantic date by the unusually shaped heart-shaped reservoir. It is especially beautiful here in spring and summer, when the clear water of the mountain lake is surrounded on all sides by lush greenery.

In the Karachay language, the lake is called Suuk-Dzhyurek, that is, “cold heart” due to the fact that the water in it is icy even in the hottest weather. There is a belief that in order to find your soul mate, you must certainly plunge into its clear water. Tourists throw coins and rings at it for luck.

Lake of Love is located on the territory of the Teberda State Biosphere Reserve and you need to pay to enter this territory. It will also be interesting to look at another body of water.

Sleeping Lake

It is of glacial origin and is found near the village of Arkhyz. It was once fed by glacial streams. But due to climate change, the sources dried up, and the lake became just a swampy clearing with thickets of reeds.

That's why they called him the Sleeper. At the beginning of summer, the surface of the lake is covered with pale pink flowers of the water trefoil. From here you can enjoy a panoramic view of the mountain peaks and ridges of Morg-Syrty, Cheget-Chan and Abishir-Akhub.

No less impressive than the lake itself is the road to it, passing through relict forests of centuries-old pines and Caucasian fir, known for its medicinal properties, huge boulders covered with moss, and the ruins of ancient structures for the defense of the Alanian state.

Lake Belkau-Kol

Like the previous two, it is located on the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Moreover, tourists are prohibited from accessing it according to the rules of the reserve complex. A regular ticket to the reserve gives you the right to visit only Cossack Waterfall and Sleeping Lake.

Perhaps that is why there are much fewer tourists here than on other lakes of Arkhyz. But for a fee, you can agree with the rangers to approach the attraction and examine it in close proximity, taking photos that do not require a description.

Belkau-Kol is one of the most beautiful lakes in Arkhyz. It is located on the slope of the Morg-Syrty ridge at an altitude of 2265 m above sea level. “Lake with a saddle” - this is the translation of Belkau-Köl. Indeed, if you look at it from above, you can see that it is somewhat similar to a saddle.

On sunny days the lake has clear, bright blue water. There is trout in Belkau-Köl, but fishing for it, of course, is strictly prohibited. Reserve!

Dukka Lakes

These lakes are one of the main attractions of Arkhyz. Since they are located in the Dukka Valley on the slopes of the Arkasar ridge, they are also called Arkasar.

The reservoirs are a whole scattering of deep lakes. But of all of them, and there are more than a dozen of them, only one is called by this name and, along with the other two (Fairy Tale of the Caucasus and Rybka), is the most popular among tourists.

The first Dukki Lake opens up to travelers quite unexpectedly. The slopes around it are covered with dense rhododendron thickets. One stream flows out of it - the main Dukka source. This is what everyone who comes to these places usually sees.

But few people know that a little higher, behind the stone moraine, another rock circus opens, and behind it another. Here, at an altitude of 2.5 km, six more deep, icy, bright lakes lurk. They differ from each other only in size and shades of water. Almost all of them have no names, but each one can remain in the memory for a long time.

Dukka lakes are more accessible to tourists than others in Arkhyz because they are close to the road that runs along the Malaya Dukka River. Due to their location, they freeze later and thaw earlier, which helps extend tourist visits to this natural attraction, giving tourists the opportunity to admire the clear water for as long as possible, in which every pebble on the bottom is visible.

As the locals joke: after visiting the Dukka Lakes, you can see absolutely all shades of green - there are so many shrubs and medicinal plants here.

Sofia Lakes

They are the most popular to visit; they are located near Mount Sofia, one of the highest mountains of Arkhyz, which is why they have this name, although they are also called “Blue Eyes of Arkhyz” for their beauty.

Like priceless gems, three azure lakes rest in the desert rock circus of the top of Kel-Bashi. They are located at an altitude of 2830 m above sea level and are located very close to each other. The water in them is so pure that you can drink it.

Sofia lakes are deep. The depth of the largest reaches 17 m. Glaciers provide them with the purest drinking water and give them a rich bluish-greenish tint, which changes throughout the day depending on the lighting.

Sofia does not have separate names and is perceived as one unique natural attraction, a real pearl hidden in the Caucasus mountains.

These lakes are part of the Arkhyz Nature Reserve, so if you’re lucky, you can see animals there. For example, European bison, the last representatives of wild bulls in Europe, which are found here.

In order to properly explore the unique attraction created by Mother Nature and feel its atmosphere, it is better to come here overnight. There is a place to park a tent camp near the lakes.

Fedoseev Pass

This object also made it into the TOP attractions of Arkhyz. The pass is located near Moon Glade. A funicular will take you to the place. The landmark was named after the writer Grigory Fedoseev.

The pass is located at an altitude of almost 3000 meters. It won't be easy to climb unaccompanied. Tourists recommend using the services of experienced guides. Then the climb will not be so difficult.

From the height you will have views of the legendary Elbrus and other mountain peaks of the North Caucasus. There is also a monument to the writer in whose honor the object is named. Admirers of Fedoseev’s work often organize ascents here. Romantic people call the tourist route the main attraction of Arkhyz and the surrounding area.

Mountains, rocks and ridges

Abishir-Ahuba Ridge

It is the Abishir-Ahuba Ridge that reliably protects Arkhyz from the cold northern winds and creates its unique mild climate. Its shape resembles a boomerang.

The most favorable time to visit this ridge is when the snowfields melt and the lakes are freed from ice, of which there are more than fifteen on the slopes of Abishir-Akhub. The largest of them is Kyafar.

Usually the ice here melts in mid-summer. But even during this period, the night temperature at the top can drop to 0 degrees, and the water does not get warmer than +5. Consequently, only “walruses” can swim in mountain reservoirs.

You can get to the Abishir-Ahuba ridge by cable car from the Romantic tourist village.

Gabulu Plateau

The Gabulu Plateau is a little-known attraction of Arkhyz, so tourists do not visit it as often as it deserves. Why? It's simple - Gabulu offers the best view of the surrounding area.

In addition, the plateau is a great place for ski slopes. The snow does not melt from it five months a year. And when it does melt, the mountain range is covered with motley grass meadows, which in itself is extremely beautiful.

Fedoseev Pass

This pass is named after Grigory Fedoseev, a famous writer and surveyor. It is located at an altitude of 2880 m above sea level. It offers a magnificent view of the Arkhyz highlands. There is also a monument to a cultural and scientific figure erected here, in whose honor the place is named.

Beech forests

From what to see in Arkhyz in autumn, we will highlight the rich beech forests located on the territory of the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve. At this time they are unusually beautiful. The foliage is painted in golden, crimson, purple colors. The forest background makes for great shots.

The beech forest is considered a natural monument. Some trees are 200 years old. They reach a height of almost 30 meters. And even an adult man cannot grasp a beech tree. The trunk diameter exceeds 3.5 meters.

If you are in the upper reaches of the Kizgych, pay attention to the fir trees. The age of trees is determined by their height. Some specimens grew up to 60 meters. Experts believe that they are more than 7 centuries old.

In the forests of the region, like nowhere else, you can feel the grandeur and power of nature. The sights of Arkhyz in autumn are just as attractive as in summer or winter. Don't delay your trip. You won't have to regret it.

Dead Lake

You will find a reservoir in the valley of the Kizgych River. This is the last lake in the group. Natural reservoirs were formed due to the melting of glaciers. There is a hiking trail to Dead Lake that passes through the protected area. Along the way, be sure to meet representatives of the region’s fauna and see ruins preserved from the time of the Alanian kingdom.

The chain of lakes located here was discovered by the researcher of the North Caucasus N. Dinnik. He suggested that the reservoirs are over 10 thousand years old. Over time, the water in the reservoirs began to dry up, and now many lakes are swampy. Dead, or as it is also called Sleeping Lake, is a swampy clearing. In summer it is full of rare flowers.

Where to eat deliciously?

Well, according to tradition, for all guests of the village, we have selected the best restaurants and cafes where you can eat tasty and inexpensive food in Arkhyz. All establishments have positive reviews and good ratings among experienced tourists. We also made a selection based on comfort; you can easily come in the evening and relax with the whole family in a calm atmosphere.

  • Cafe Khizhina well st. Lenina 8 is rightfully considered the best establishment every year. We recommend having lunch here and be sure to order the kebab. The average bill for one adult is 900 rubles.
  • A small and cozy establishment - Mariv Ski Restaurant on Khubieva 21. It is immediately clear that the owners give their preference to each guest, a very good attitude. And the view of the mountains from the panoramic windows will be a huge plus. You can taste all combinations of Caucasian cuisine. The average bill for one is 900 rubles.

Video review of interesting places

A visit to Arkhyz is possible at any time of the year. Select the period according to your personal preferences. In winter people come here to ride the mountain slopes, but in summer tourists are offered a lot of entertainment. They can go rafting, rock climbing, cycling or horseback riding. Whatever you choose, be sure to take the time to explore the local attractions.

* The author of the title photo is Yuri Budaev.

Things to do

Arkhyz is an all-season resort where you can find various entertainments. The most popular winter holiday is skiing. Hiking in the mountains is available, but some routes are limited due to snow. Horseback riding and tours are organized as winter ends, with the first taking place in March-April. In addition, in cold weather the possibilities of civilization are especially pleasant: hot pools, baths and spa services in cozy hotels.

Ski resort

Arkhyz became known as a ski resort literally ten years ago. cable cars for the ascent : three gondolas and four chairlifts. The maximum lift height at the moment is 2840 m, several higher roads are still in the project.

One of the cable car lines of the Arkhyz resort Photo: © Official website of the Arkhyz resort

There are a dozen trails for skiing with a total length of 27 km and a height difference from 60 to 825 m. They are equipped with an artificial snowmaking system, some with evening illumination. Every year a Snowpark is created with various figures for skating. Other necessary infrastructure is also presented: rentals, a ski school, cafes, toilets, hotels, a first-aid post.

The resort necessarily celebrates winter holidays: New Year, Christmas, Snow Day, Maslenitsa, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, as well as the opening and closing dates of the winter season. Bright performances by artists and animators, competitions, games, and refreshments are organized for guests.

Read more: Arkhyz ski resort

Hot pools

There are no natural thermal springs on the territory of Arkhyz, but the resort hotels have taken care of popular leisure activities. They offer an outdoor heated pool with mountain views - an interesting and beautiful pastime. The baths are open all year round; in cold weather, the water temperature is raised to +35 °C. The size of the bowls is usually 10–12 m. For residents, a visit, the use of sunbeds and towels are usually included in the price.

One of these options is the Allur boarding house in the village of Romantik. In addition to the warm pool, it has a sauna with a plunge pool, a relaxation room and a billiard room. The Arkhyz Royal Resort & Spa hotel is located not far from the cable car . Its Termal SPA complex has outdoor thermal and indoor pools. The second one is also not deprived of a panoramic view, equipped with sun loungers and relaxation areas for groups. In addition to them, guests can usefully spend time in the salt room or aroma sauna, visit the Finnish sauna, massage and cosmetology rooms.

Swimming pool "Sofia Peaks" Photo: © slavavrin

The Sofia Peaks Hotel is located more secluded, higher up the mountain slope of the Abishir-Akhuba ridge. Its warm pool is hidden among pine forests. Guests will also enjoy a cozy small barrel sauna or a spacious sauna with a shower, panoramic windows and a bar area.

Hiking routes in Arkhyz in winter

In addition to skiing, hiking is available in Arkhyz in winter. A snow-covered forest and fluffy snow is a real winter fairy tale that will resonate with everyone who cares about nature. Of course, due to the snow, not all interesting places in the mountains are accessible. The official eco-trail of the resort, running from the 2240 m station of the Milky Way cable car to the lower level, is closed to the public during the cold season. Sofia waterfalls, impressive for tourists in summer, freeze in winter and are hidden under snow.

But several places will be a good addition to your vacation. You can independently go to the rivers and waterfalls near the village of Arkhyz. In winter, they partially freeze, but they certainly create an interesting picture - bizarre ice icicles. Coming out at the end of Khubieva Street and heading east through a dense coniferous forest, after 2 km you will reach the Kazachiy waterfall . Heading south from the same street, after 1 km you will come to a large clearing - once the bottom of a reservoir, therefore called Sleeping Lake .

Cossack Waterfall on Google Panorama

Another direction for an easy walk is the confluence of the rivers Psysh and Kizgych , forming Bolshoi Zelenchuk. To find it, you need to leave the village of Arkhyz on the highway towards Romantik. After walking along it for 600 m, at the river bank, turn left onto the road and walk the same distance through the forest, sticking to the river. Transparent, low-water winter streams of water form a wide spill at the confluence.

You need to know that some places belong to the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve, and you may be asked to pay for entry.

The Arkhyz resort offers several ski routes accompanied by its guides. Depending on weather conditions, the route is made on foot or on snowshoes. Among the simple ones: a hike to the Smirnov Peak with a height of 2490 m, which has a good panorama of the Sofia Range and Pshish; or on the slopes of the Abishira-Akhuba ridge up from the station 2240 m of the Milky Way cable car.

Google panorama: landscape from the slopes of Smirnov Peak

The walk to Church Glade is an option of medium difficulty. From the clearing there is a panoramic view of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk valley and neighboring gorges. The path to Pastukhov Peak already takes about 10 km and passes with views of the valleys of the Zelenchuk and Marukha rivers along the Ukhum ridge. Another similar route is laid along the Dukka gorge and allows you to reach a clearing with a good view of the Arkasar ridge. to the non-freezing waterfall on the Belaya River and the icy Baritovy waterfall with a guide.

The climb up Mount Pastbishchnaya is characterized as difficult. It is worth noting that long, extensive and high mountain routes require some experience. An uninformed hiker who plans to go alone may be faced with deep snow, avalanches and generally difficult mountain terrain.

Arkhyz river in winter Photo: © Yulia Mikhailova

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