The city of Velsk on the map of the Arkhangelsk region, a detailed map of the city of Velsk with streets and house numbers


Velsk is the center of the timber and wood chemical industry (timber industry enterprise, timber transshipment base, etc.). Also in the city there is an asphalt concrete plant, meat and dairy plants, a bakery, a poultry factory (it burned down on February 25, 2015), lemonade is produced and artesian water is bottled.

There is a modern gas turbine thermal power plant (put into operation in the spring of 2003, operating on the basis of two GT-009 gas turbines operating on natural gas) with a capacity of 18 MW.


(Arhangelsk region)

OKATO code:
City since:
1780 City of district subordination (Velsky district of the Arkhangelsk region)
Velsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
90 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Velsk

Social sphere, attractions

The area of ​​land within the city limits as of January 1, 2009 is 26,500 thousand m², including built-up land - 9,340 thousand m², the area of ​​green spaces excluding undeveloped forests - 3,940 thousand m². There are about 130 streets and alleys in the city[17]. The main thoroughfare of the regional center, passing through it from north to south, is Dzerzhinsky Street (formerly Vologodskaya Street), which crosses Lenin Square (formerly Torgovaya, and then Svobody)[18].

On the territory of the city there is a central district hospital[19], a clinic, a state inpatient social service institution, a psychoneurological boarding school, a district dental clinic, an interdistrict blood transfusion station, and a branch of the regional center for disaster medicine.

The city has 5 secondary educational institutions, 3 institutions of primary vocational education, 2 institutions of secondary vocational education (Velsky Agricultural College[20], Velsky Economic College[21]), four branches of universities, a center for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction.

The additional education system is represented by a children's art school, a children's and youth center, a children's creativity center, and a children's sports school.

Velsk is remarkable in terms of history, culture, and tourism. Monuments of local significance are widely represented in the city: buildings of civil architecture, administrative, cultural and educational significance. The most valuable from the point of view of preserving the architectural heritage is the historically developed central part of the city, which still plays the role of the city center. The main square of the city is represented by the buildings of the court, the prosecutor's office, the local history museum[22], the tax office, and the cultural center.

The city of Velsk is the administrative, industrial and cultural center of the Velsk district of the Arkhangelsk region. Located on the left bank of the river. Vel , at the confluence of the river. Vaga . The distance to Moscow is 740 km, to Arkhangelsk - 566 km, to Vologda - 240 km.

The area of ​​land within the city limits as of January 1, 2009 is 26,500 square meters. m. The population of the city in 2011 was 23,820 people.

The city of Velsk is one of the oldest cities in the Russian North.

In 862, Novgorod pioneers appeared in the Vazhskaya Valley. Having chosen places along the banks of rivers, among magnificent pine forests, they began to cut down houses, began ploughing, and gradually pushed the Finno-Ugric hunters and fishermen into the depths of the taiga. The yellowed parchment of an ancient manuscript with intricate Slavic script - a charter from the Novgorod prince Svyatoslav Olgovich - reports on the collection of tribute from the settlement of Vel in 1137. From this year it is customary to count the city's chronology.

After a stubborn struggle with Novgorod, the Moscow state annexed the lands along the Dvina and Vaga at the end of the 15th century. Since 1550, the Velsky Pogost began to be called a posad.

Later, Tsar Fedor granted all these lands to Boris Godunov , and under Vasily Shuisky they were the patrimony of his brother Dmitry. The annual income from land according to Vaga reached 3,200 silver rubles. In 1613, the Zemsky Council condemned the Vazhskaya land to the patrimony of Prince Trubetskoy, it began to be called palace, and the peasants - appanage.

The townspeople were engaged in farming, carting, and gardening. In 1765, potatoes appeared for the first time in Velsk , “earth apples”, only half a pound, sent from the Verkhovazhskaya Town Hall with the obligation of “everyone to give an account of his harvest.” But the main occupation of the Veliki residents was tar smoking, the beginning of which dates back to the 16th century. And when Velsk received the title of a city in 1780, on its coat of arms, in the lower half of the shield, a barrel of tar was depicted on a golden field as a sign that the inhabitants of this city were engaged in a noble trade in it.” The resin was used for export abroad.

City merchants traded mainly with Arkhangelsk, selling rye, oats, flaxseed, flax fiber, and resin there. Fish, leather, and dishes were sold throughout the district and in the city. Every Thursday and Sunday were declared trading days in the city. Fairs were also held in Velsk The Afanasyevskaya fair was especially large, attended by merchants and townspeople from Moscow, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Verkhovazhye, Galich, Shenkursk, and Kargopol.

The Moscow Highway was the life-giving thread for the city. Goods were transported along it, mail was sent, roads and inns opened along it, which provided additional income for resourceful people. At an inn near Velsk Mikhailo Lomonosov walked, hiding from the freezing wind .

At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, there were 5 churches in the city. The city square was decorated with 2 cathedrals - Trinity, consecrated in 1756, one of the first stone churches in Povazhye, and Preobrazhensky , consecrated in 1913. During the years of Soviet power, the Trinity Cathedral was destroyed. Preobrazhensky - reconstructed, now it houses the district House of Culture.

Numerous fairs and markets were held on the central square of Velsk In addition to resin, rye, oats, flaxseed, flax fiber, fish, leather, and dishes were in great demand among foreign and Russian merchants. The Afanasyevskaya Fair was especially crowded.

Noble people visited the county town very rarely. But in 1858, its residents had the privilege of welcoming one of their most dear guests - Emperor Alexander II . Going along the postal route to Arkhangelsk, the sovereign made two stops - on the territory of the Velsky district and in the city itself.

Since the 80s of the 19th century, Velsk has become a place of political exile. During the years of reaction that followed the defeat of the revolution of 1905-1907, several hundred political exiles served their sentences Velsk At different times, P. G. Smidovich, a prominent figure in the revolutionary movement in Russia, and P. A. Blyakhin, the author of the famous book “The Little Red Devils,” were in exile in the city.

In 1929, Velsk became a regional center as part of the Northern Territory (since 1937 - as part of the Arkhangelsk region).

During the Great Patriotic War, Velsk shared the fate of small Russian rear towns where the labor front line passed.

In 1942, a railway was built Velsk

Modern Velsk is a cultural, historical and industrial center of the south of the Arkhangelsk region. It has a favorable transport, economic and geographical location. The federal highway connecting Arkhangelsk with Moscow passes through Velsk . Railways provide transport accessibility from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda, Komi, Karelia.

Today Velsk is the center of the timber processing and wood chemical industries. The city has a machine-building plant, meat and dairy plants, and a bakery.

Recently, the appearance of the city has changed significantly. New buildings, residential buildings, shopping centers are being built. The hallmark of the city can be called the station building , which opened its doors in the summer of 2004.

The territory of the municipality "Velskoye" includes federal roads: Moscow - Arkhangelsk ( M-8 ), regional roads: Konosha - Velsk - Shangaly.

The railway tracks of the Northern Railway Branch pass through the territory of the Velskoye municipal district. There is a railway station in the city.

Near the city of Velsk there is a sanatorium "Sosnovka" . The mineral waters used for treatment are extracted from a well 350 meters deep and belong to sodium chloride brines with a high bromine content. Velsk has still preserved the architecture, color and leisurely way of life of a small historical Russian city, which attracts tourists tired of the bustle of the city.

The most valuable from the point of view of preserving the architectural heritage is the historically developed central part of the city, which has retained its functional significance as an urban center to this day. The main square of the city is represented by public buildings: the Court building, the Prosecutor's Office, the Museum of Local Lore , the Tax Inspectorate, and the House of Culture.

Monuments of local significance are widely represented in the city - buildings of civil architecture, administrative, cultural and educational significance.

museum of local lore in Velsk in 1919 . True, at first it was more of a storage facility for exhibits; there were no full-time employees in the museum. Over the course of its 80-year history, the museum has been moved from one premises to another several times. Only in 1987, the former mansion of the merchant-resin merchant Sobolev became its permanent location.

The museum is located in the old part of Velsk , the layout and architecture of which retain the special flavor of the northern Russian provincial town, attracting the attention of tourists. From Naberezhnaya Street, a favorite place for city residents to hang out, there is a beautiful view of the Vaga River and the outskirts of the city. The only cult monument that has survived to this day is the existing wooden church in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God (consecrated in 1796).

Since 1943, a state factory stable, created to improve small breeds of horses, and a hippodrome Velsk On holidays, the city hosts spectacular horse racing.

Telephone code: +7 81836

Official website of the State Enterprise Administration:


The climate of Velsk is temperate continental.

  • Average annual air temperature - +2.7 °C
  • Relative air humidity - 77.7%
  • Average wind speed - 1.5 m/s

[td] Climate of Velsk

IndicatorJan.Feb.MarchApr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.November.Dec.YearAbsolute maximum, °C8,59,415,127,130,934,635,235,628,222,211,07,635,6Average maximum, °C−9,5−7,50,17,714, 920,322,719,513,15.5−2.9− 7.16.8Average temperature, °C−12.4−10.9−4.22.79,514.817.314.48.92.7−4.8−9.52.7Average minimum, °C−16.3−15. 2−8.9−−0.1−7.6−12.9−1.8Absolute minimum, °C−44.5−38.7−32.2− 22.2−7.8−2.71.6−2.2−8.2−20−33.9−38.9−44.5 Precipitation rate, mm383541495467767965564541645Source: [ Velsk, Russian Federation]. Archive of climate data. [ Archived from the original on May 15, 2012].

Museum of Local Lore named after V.F. Kulakova

The date of creation of the museum is 1919. At first it was simply the collection and preservation of ancient objects of the peasant V.F. Kulakova. The museum's collection includes more than 18,000 real exhibits . Local residents consider this museum the main custodian of the history of Velsk and the Velsk region. The museum often hosts master classes, evenings, and art studios.

Location: Lenin street - 39.

Famous people born in Velsk

today 003006009001200150018002100+1050 +1050 +1152 +1763 +2068 +2068 +1966 +1457 Wind speed, m/s Wind speed, mph Wind speed, km/h 1 2 4 2-5 4-11 7 -18 2-5 4-11 7-18 2-5 4-11 7-18 3-8 6-17 11-29 2-8 4-17 7-29 2-6 4-13 7-22 2-5 4-11 7-18 Total precipitation, mm No precipitation Other parameters Print…

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Grass pollen concentration, units/m3

Fri, 6 Aug → Thu, 5 Aug, today 003006009001200150018002100 2 1 5 11 4 3 4 7 Low1–4 Moderate5–20 High21–200 Very high>200

Wind, m/s, mph, km/h

Fri, 6 Aug → Thu, 5 Aug, today 0030060090012001500180021001 2 4 SW 2 4 7 W 2 4 7 W 2 4 7 W 3 6 11 W 2 4 7 W 2 4 7 N 2 4 7 NE Gusts — — — 5 11 18 5 11 18 5 11 18 8 17 29 8 17 29 6 13 22 5 11 18

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Baba Lida Museum

100 km from Velsk there is a very soulful village of Stroevskoye. The surrounding area is hilly. Not many people. The number of permanent residents is about 1143 people. And in this village there is a very interesting attraction - the “Museum of Baba Lida”.

This is an ordinary private house, where the mistress of the house receives visitors and shows a huge collection of antique household items, ancient costumes, tools, tools and labor items. She herself, in national costume, tells and shows everything, and after everything she organizes cooking master classes.

Sunrise and sunset in Velsk on Thursday 08/5/2021

DawnSunsetLength of day
04:03 +3 min20:31 -3 min16 hours 30 minutes -6 min

For reference, there are about 132 streets in Velsk.

  1. Directory of Velsk
  2. The shops

1 Bicycle stores 1 Clothing markets 20 Hypermarkets 4 Children's stores 6 Online stores 3 Book stores 18 Computer stores 2 Cabinet furniture 3 Alcohol and liquor stores 1 Lingerie and swimsuit stores 4 Household appliances stores 3 Children's furniture stores 1 Denim clothing stores 1 Stores for the future moms 2 Toy stores 1 Stationery stores 1 Leather and fur stores 1 Computer accessories and peripherals stores 8 Cosmetics stores 1 Kitchen furniture stores 13 Furniture stores 1 Hardware and hardware stores 3 Laptop and tablet stores 1 Large-size clothing stores 26 Clothing and shoe stores 59 Grocery stores 1 Stores of garden tools and equipment 2 Stores of workwear 1 Stores of sports equipment and equipment 3 Stores of tobacco and smoking accessories 1 Stores of televisions 2 Stores of fabric 2 Stores of household goods 11 Stores of household goods and household chemicals 1 Stores of tea and coffee 1 Stores of sewing accessories 1 Electric and petrol tool stores 17 Electronics stores 1 Electrical goods stores 1 Office furniture 1 Custom-made furniture 4 Furniture stores and showrooms 1 Mosquito nets 2 Vegetable stores 2 Orthopedic stores and salons 6 Hunting and fishing stores 1 Sale of computers and components 1 Sale of detergents and cleaning products means 1 Sale of telephones and equipment 1 Food markets 1 Fish shops and markets 8 Markets 4 Sports stores 107 Supermarkets 39 Shopping centers 1 Department stores 8 Supermarkets 1 Tea shops

Assumption Church

Most local people know this church as a cemetery. If you ask why, they simply answer: “It’s always been called that.” Operating since 1946. Young and old come to this church. The doors are open to both locals and tourists who want to hear about the history of the city.

A huge pear-shaped dome with a pentagonal altar is visible from afar. The bell tower was broken. But this did not affect the temple in any way. Thanks to the departure of parishioners and the attention of the authorities, the church continues to delight all believers to this day. It is located near the city center.

Location: South Slobodka street - 2

Horse breeding complex

Velsk is proud of the Khoroshevsky horse breeding complex. Here you can watch trotting races with testing of breeding horses. Even in winter you can come for a tour of the stables or for horse riding lessons. You can also just ride a horse through the beautiful surroundings. Horses can be fed carrots, sugar or bread. If an hour is very short, then there is a chance to purchase a subscription to the sports section.

"Velsky Forest" and "Velsk Khleboproduct"

The Velsk Forest and Velsk Hleboproduct enterprises opened their doors to guests and local residents. There is a chance to hear the history of the enterprise, see the equipment, and also follow the entire production cycle of the final product. You can also look at the workshops.

Location: “Velsky Forest” - Zavodskaya street, 25. Velsk Khleboproduct - Gagarin street 2B.

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