Map of Kopeisk in detail with streets, houses and districts

General information and history of Kopeisk

Kopeisk is a city in the Chelyabinsk region, forming the Kopeisk urban district. Officially founded in 1907, but the settlement arose at the beginning of the 18th century. In those days, lines of fortresses began to be built, including the Chelyabinsk fortress. Along with its construction, a settlement was formed near Lake Tugaikul, which later turned into the glorious city of Kopeisk. Most likely, the settlement would have remained a Cossack village, but geological survey work played a role here.

Kopeysk. Administration building

The first tons of coal were mined here in 1907; it was from that time that the history of the city began, uniting the destinies of generations. Architectural monuments, names of streets and squares of the city allow us to learn about the past, that the working class of the settlement took a direct part in revolutionary transformations in the Southern Urals.

Kopeysk. Obelisk

Currently, Kopeisk is the fifth largest city in the Chelyabinsk region. Its area is more than 35,500 hectares, and the population, as of the beginning of 2014, exceeds 141 thousand people.

Automobile highways

The following roads pass through Kopeysk:

  • M5 "Ural" is a highway that has the status of an object of federal significance. It is part of the European route E30 and Asian roads AH6, AH7. The total length of the route is 1879 km. The road passes through the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Mordovia, the Moscow region, the Penza region, the Ulyanovsk region, and Tatarstan. The road surface of the route is asphalt.
  • R254 “Irtysh” is a federal highway, the length of which is 1528 km. It is part of the European route E30 and the Asian route AH6. The route passes through the territory of the following regions of Russia: Chelyabinsk region, Omsk region, Novosibirsk region, Kurgan region. The road surface of route R-254 is gravel and asphalt.
  • E30 is a European route that passes through Russia, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland. Length - 5800 km.

Climate and ecology of Kopeysk

Kopeisk is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent, and it is worth noting its remoteness from the seas and oceans. The air temperature here depends not only on the air masses entering the territory, but also on the solar energy received.

General temperature characteristics allow us to classify Kopeysk as a zone of temperate continental climate. Winter here is long and cold (the thermometer can drop to -25 ... -29 ° C), summer is correspondingly short, but it cannot be called hot (the air in July warms up on average only to +18 ... +19 ° C).

As for the environmental situation in the city, it is worth considering that Kopeysk is an industrial city, within which there are many factories. The situation is complicated by the territorial proximity to a large industrial center - Chelyabinsk, where in calm weather you can even see smog. It is worth noting that calm in Kopeysk is observed quite often; it is at this time that emissions from enterprises accumulate in the immediate vicinity of them.

Car exhaust also does its dirty work, and the number of cars in the city is only growing over time. Of course, compared to Chelyabinsk, the environmental situation of Kopeisk can be considered quite satisfactory.

This is all that will remain after me

So much for the slogan “no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.”

We know more or less something about military doctors. But why were nurses ignored? And why is their feat less?

Maria Martynova was eighteen when she became a nurse at “sanitary flight” No. 704 of the Second Belorussian Front. “It happened that we were surrounded by enemy units,” recalled Maria Grigorievna, “and then the doctors had to go into battle. While some were bandaging the wounded, others were repelling the enemy..."

It was no easier for those who worked in the evacuation hospital.

Imagine a sixteen-year-old girl Tanya Feofilova . She ended up in the evacuation hospital for training, but she had to work like an adult: carry stretchers with the wounded, help during operations, not faint at the sight of blood, sleep two to three hours a day, nurse the “severe”...

Tanya Feofilova.

Population of Kopeisk

It is no secret that Kopeisk consists of workers’ settlements, each of which is home to about 10-12 thousand people. According to statistics at the beginning of 2014, the city's population is 141,878 people.

Kopeisk is a multinational city, the majority of residents are Russians, and Ukrainians, Tatars and Belarusians are also often found on the city streets. In general, the people of Kopeisk are very friendly, perhaps this is facilitated by the division of the city into villages, where everyone knows each other.

It is worth mentioning separately about the younger generation. The level of education of young people is high, because there are many schools, preschool institutions, and additional education institutions in the city. Data from the statistics department for 2011 allow us to say that about 35 thousand young people live in Kopeysk, which is about 25% of the city’s total population. A program called “Youth of Kopeisk” helps in the formation and strengthening of organizational, legal and economic conditions.

I'm under a spell

“...don’t be afraid for me. The bullets don’t kill me, it’s like I’m under a spell,” Vera Solonkina, a graduate of the Kopeisk School of Nursing, wrote to her family. She admitted that she dreams of meeting her dad, who is fighting somewhere nearby. She didn’t talk about her exploits.

After the war, Vera Petrovna’s relatives found an award sheet in the archives of the Ministry of Defense and read how in June 1944, as a twenty-year-old girl, Vera came under fire along with the division’s scouts and carried out ten soldiers and officers with personal weapons. And a couple of days later, on June 26, having come under artillery fire, under a hail of bullets and shrapnel, she rushed after the wounded commander and saved his life. For her feat, medical instructor Vera Solonkina received the Order of Glory, III degree.

Vera Solonkina.

The daily medical feat of the city of Kopeyka continued for four years. The trains arrived, the women of the city ran towards them. They were looking for their own. We were looking for friends. And then, no longer dividing into friends and foes, the Kopeis girls nursed the wounded. They donated blood, took care of them, pulled them out of the clutches of death.

Each girl has her own story, her own war.

And the nursing school still exists, although it is now called a technical school. And the exploits of Kopeis graduates did not end there. As director Irina Gracheva said, last year students again had to undergo a strength test. During the pandemic, the guys were the first to go to work in the red zones.

The changing doll is not a toy at all, but a model from Soviet times.

Photo: Sergey SELEDKIN

Districts and real estate of Kopeysk

Kopeysk Map

The city of Kopeysk consists of pre-existing settlements, the largest of which were the village of Novostroika, the village of Potanino and the village of Starokamyshinsk.

In close proximity to the New Building and the city center are the villages of Kadrovik, Gornyak, the village of the Brick Plant and the village of the Tsentralnaya mine.

In the southern part of the city there are the villages of Bazhovo and Zuevka, and in the north of Kopeisk, near the village of Potanino, there is the village of Kozyrevo.

To get to know each village of Kopeisk better, it will take a lot of time, so the largest and most interesting components of the city will be discussed below.

Village New building

The village of Novostroika is a residential area of ​​Kopeysk, located in the very center of the city. Of course, there are numerous shops, entertainment venues and cultural monuments here. At the same time, in the New Building you can find a large number of multi-storey residential buildings. The cost of a one-room apartment in this area exceeds 1.3 million rubles. This is a decent figure for a relatively small city, but this is the center, and besides, there is fairly clean air, trees, parks and public gardens, which adds additional attractiveness to the area.

Kopeysk center


Potanino is a village located in the northern part of Kopeysk, which was founded in 1892. At that time it was a railway station on the Chelyabinsk-Kurgan line, and the village received its name in honor of the merchant-contractor involved in the construction of the West Siberian Railway. Currently, about 6.5 thousand people live here.

Potanino is surrounded on all sides by expanses of water (a kind of “island” is formed thanks to lakes Second, Third and Shelyugino), so the popularity of the village is at its highest, which is proven by the cost of a one-room apartment of 1.2 million rubles; even a fair distance from the city center does not affect this . Both two-story residential buildings and 4- and 5-story buildings were built here.

Pos. Potanino

Gornyak village

The village of Gornyak is one of the largest districts of the city, located in the northern part of Kopeysk. The village includes three microdistricts: Severny Mine, the Severnaya Mine Village and Zlokazovo. The distance from Gornyak to the city center is 3 km. It is not difficult to guess that the village owes its origins to the development of the coal industry.

Nowadays, here you can find both new multi-story residential buildings and wooden “single-story” buildings that are not in the best condition. However, local residents find the area very attractive. A one-room apartment in a quiet and peaceful Gornyak will cost buyers 1-1.2 million rubles.

Pos. Miner


Bazhovo is a large village located in the southern part of Kopeysk. This settlement was formed as a result of the construction in 1938 of the Kamyshennaya substation, intended to service the mines of the village, as well as the opening of a leather factory in 1939. Currently, the population of the Bazhov territorial department is 11,500 people. The village is somewhat remote from the city center.

In the 2000s, active construction of paved roads began in the village, gasification of private houses began, and additional lighting was installed on some streets.

The bulk of residential buildings here were built in the 50s of the last century, and their condition today is quite decent, hence the decent cost of a one-room apartment of 1.2 million rubles. Of course, many residential buildings were built much later, which is why an apartment in them will cost a little more.

Bazhovo village


Starokamyshinsk is a working village of Kopeisk, located 9 km southwest of the city. The South Ural Railway runs along the eastern edge of the territorial department. The distinctive features of the village include convenient terrain, convenient transportation routes and convenient water supply. According to the 2004 census, 11,500 people live in the village.

Vakhrushevo village

The village of Vakhrushevo, founded in the 30s of the last century, received its name in honor of V.V. Vakhrusheva - People's Commissar of the Coal Industry. Vakhrushevo is the northern point of the city; it is separated from the center by a distance of 10 km. Old-timers call this area “Podzemgaz”, since during the Great Patriotic War it was planned to establish underground gasification in the village.

Currently, about 4,500 people live here. In Vakhrushevo there is a mechanical plant and a branch of the Kopeisk hardware plant. Also today, the construction of residential buildings has begun in the village. It is worth adding that this is a very green area of ​​the city; there is also room for garden plots.

Infrastructure condition

The functioning of the Kopeisk housing and communal services complex is rated “good” by local residents. The city is industrial, perhaps that is why problems arising with the supply of heating, water or electricity are given due attention. Of course, emergency situations are also observed here, but such problems are localized quite quickly.

Unfortunately, the cost of utilities cannot be called low. Thus, owners of average one-room apartments in Kopeisk pay about 3-4 thousand rubles monthly for their housing. But all this is not so scary, because in neighboring Chelyabinsk this figure is much higher.

Currently, the city continues to actively develop. As you know, the condition of roads is one of the main problems in Russia, but the road surface in Kopeysk will pleasantly surprise guests of the city, because considerable sums of money are allocated to solve this problem. The most important thing, of course, is that these amounts are used for their intended purpose.

Communist Avenue

Traffic jams in a small city consisting of villages are out of the question. The main means of transportation in Kopeysk is road transport: the number of cars in the city exceeds 30 thousand (trucks - 2900, cars - 27500). About 450 buses travel along city routes, and a network of city taxis is also developed.

It is worth mentioning separately about the education sector of Kopeisk. The city has 30 schools, 50 preschool institutions, 12 institutions of additional education for children, 3 vocational schools, 3 secondary specialized educational institutions and 3 representative offices. It is safe to say that thanks to these institutions, the younger generation of Kopeisk receives a decent education.

Enterprises and work in Kopeysk

Until the 90s of the last century, the key sector of the city's economy was the coal mining industry. Coal production is carried out at the Komsomolskaya, Kapitalnaya and Kapitalnaya mines.

Mechanical engineering is also developed in the city - the largest manufacturer of salt and coal combines is the Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant. Also within the city limits is the Plastics Plant, an important supplier of artillery shells for the Russian Army.

Large enterprises in Kopeisk include Soyuz Polymer OJSC, a plant specializing in the production of polyethylene film, and Kopeisk Pipe Insulation Plant LLC, an enterprise producing pipes with anti-corrosion coating.

Products of the Kopeisk Machine-Building Plant

The bulk of the employed population works at large enterprises in Kopeisk. Currently, the average salary is about 17,000 rubles. The maximum salary (more than 30,000 rubles) goes to workers in the “manufacturing of finished metal products” and “metallurgical production” industries, and workers engaged in wholesale trade, motor vehicle trade and financial intermediation receive more than 20,000 rubles.

The situation on the labor market can be called stable. The unemployment rate usually ranges from 0.8 to 1.3% of the city’s working population.

It remains to add that over the past few years Kopeysk has turned into a city with a diversified economy. In total, about 1,000 industrial enterprises operate on the territory of Kopeisk, and the number of private enterprises exceeds 7,000.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Kopeisk is presented in the form of a French shield. On the red field there is a black obel threaded through a golden laurel wreath. Its leaves are turned towards the direction of the sun. An object made of precious metal symbolizes glory, reward for success, and honor. The instrument is depicted on top of a silver pillar located along the vertical axis of the coat of arms. He embodies the coal adit. The color scheme of the field indicates the Order of the Red Banner awarded to the city.

The artistic composition is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 1001. Adopted by Resolution of the Kopeysk City Council of Deputies dated July 10, 2002 No. 289.


The crime situation in Kopeysk is quite calm. The crime rate is not high, because this is not some metropolis where it is not difficult to commit a crime and hide in the crowd. G

The city consists of workers' settlements, geographically distant from each other at a considerable distance (from 3 to 10 km). The population of each village does not exceed 15,000 people, therefore, many residents know each other. However, a city cannot exist without crime, therefore, even in quiet Kopeysk there is a place for crime.

Thus, the most common crimes are related to drug trafficking. There are also cases of car thefts, robberies and burglaries in the city. Of course, so-called domestic crimes often occur as a result of a quarrel between cohabitants.

But all these are trifles if we compare the crime situation in Kopeysk with the crime level in larger cities, for example, in Chelyabinsk.

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