Pereslavl-Zalessky: reviews of those who moved for permanent residence, attractions and photos

Reviews about Pereslavl-Zalessky are in demand among those who are planning to move to this city in the Yaroslavl region for permanent residence or visit it as a tourist. Recently, there have been more and more such requests, because this is an ancient settlement that is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Now this destination is becoming popular not only for tourism, but also for country life and permanent residence. More and more young people and representatives of the middle generation are coming here from the Far East, the North, even from capital cities and abroad. In this article we will tell you why this city attracts them, what its features and attractions are.

Reasons for moving

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Based on reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky, you can make a list of the main reasons why people move here. In some ways they are similar, in some ways they are different.

Someone is looking for a quiet and peaceful corner with classic Russian nature, which is famous for its natural beauty here. Some strive to develop their own business. The most attractive destinations, besides tourism, are the IT industry and industry.

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Others want to get permanent jobs in local businesses or construction companies. We are talking not only about guest workers, but also about active residents of other regions of Russia who strive to change something in life when the current state of affairs does not suit them.

The city has an attractive geographical location - only 140 kilometers from Moscow. Therefore, many open their own business, aimed at metropolitan residents.


The proximity to the capital has determined another popular destination among those who often visit this city. This is the construction of dachas within the boundaries of Pereslavl-Zalessky, in its immediate vicinity or in the Pereslavl region.

It is worth noting that the city itself is quite small. About 40 thousand people live here permanently. Moreover, by the beginning of the 2000s, approximately the same number existed in the area of ​​dacha farms. Of course, their owners were predominantly residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, where the level of earnings is much higher than in the Yaroslavl region.

On stream

Since then, at least several hundred temporary dacha and permanent buildings have been added every year. In reviews of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, many note that the industry for the construction of country houses has been put on stream here. So buildings grow like mushrooms after rain.

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Currently, in the city and region there are several dozen organizations that are engaged in the construction of private houses. These are not only dachas, but also permanent buildings in which you can live all year round. Among them are large companies, very small firms, as well as construction teams, mainly from the former republics of the Soviet Union.

Goritsky Monastery

Goritsky Monastery was founded at the beginning of the 14th century. Abolished at the end of the 18th century.

The Pereslavl Historical Museum has been located on the territory of the monastery for more than 90 years.

You can climb the bell tower. The main buildings of the monastery are the Church of All Saints and the Assumption Cathedral.

And this is what Pereslavl itself looks like. Village…

Only there are a lot of churches that are not village-style.

There is nothing else in the monastery itself, except for a rather mediocre museum.

Well, yes, there are also picturesque walls. That's all.

Accommodation options

Based on the reviews of those who moved for permanent residence to Pereslavl-Zalessky, one can get a full impression of what options for resettlement exist here today. As a rule, these are apartments in high-rise buildings, wooden houses, cottages and dachas. Townhouses are found in the Pereslavl region, but so far very rarely. This type of real estate has not yet gained popularity in the Yaroslavl region.

It is worth noting that the difference between a country house and a cottage for year-round use is often purely symbolic or conditional. In this case, it will be more relevant to talk about the materials that were used in construction, all kinds of structures, and insulation methods.

When a family moves from another region, it is not ready to invest in the construction of a high-rise building at the foundation stage or develop a house project. They need ready housing. This eliminates many household and economic problems. Let's consider each option separately.

Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia - reviews

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Informative. Nature is amazing! Temples cleanse you of all negativity! And there is no bustle or crowd, except at the Blue Stone.


Lunch at a cafe. We didn’t know the menu in advance, we paid and it was served to us. Dishes for a C grade. One thing pleased me - everything was fresh.

We were on a “one day trip”. We agreed in advance with the guide. Berendey's house, Lake Pleshcheyevo, monasteries, Peter's boat. The whole group liked it, and we were also with children. I recommend!!!


This weekend we went on vacation to Pereslavl-Zalessky, for us Muscovites it was an absolutely amazing discovery. Completely different, clean air, bright sun, Lake Pleshcheyevo, Boat of Peter the Great, ancient architecture, delicious fish, a museum of irons, teapots and steam locomotives - everything is simply extremely wonderful. And very low prices for everything. Now we will go there more than once, it’s a very high-quality and inexpensive outdoor recreation. I advise everyone to drive an hour and a half from Moscow, and you’ll find yourself in a fairy tale. The town of my dreams.



There is a lot to see.


A village is a village.

As part of our trip with my father, we visited the glorious city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, which lies on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyeva in the Yaroslavl region. Once upon a time it was the capital of an appanage principality, but today it is such a large village. We drove to the Zapadnaya Hotel from home in no more than 2 hours, driving along the M8 Kholmogory highway, driving around cities such as Pushkino and Sergiev Posad along the way. The road was simple. The city itself surprised me with its absolute provincialism. It has one central street, on which we even saw traffic jams. But on this street there really are old wooden village houses. Of course, there are also modern houses, high-rise buildings, and all kinds of production. But overall the city looks kind of sleepy. Moreover, in the evening and at night there is no street lighting - only on the main street, but if you move a little to the side, it’s completely dark. I'll show you a few photos that I found interesting. For example, here is a cool fountain (not working) right on the banks of the Trubezh River: Let's go further towards Red Square. There we will meet numerous interesting buildings. For example, a branch of Yaroslavl University: Or this school: In general, there are many similar buildings here made of old red brick. For example: One of the guides told us that after the revolution, churches were blown up here and bricks were collected for the construction of similar houses. But somehow I don’t believe it. The Bolsheviks blew up churches not for economic needs, but because of their misanthropy and Russophobia. There's a lot here. We walked along the main street to the Goritsky Monastery, trampling all our feet. We visited the Iron Museum, there is also a Museum of Ingenuity nearby, but we didn’t go. Somewhere there is the Teapot Museum and other similar museums. You can also visit the arboretum, Russian park and many churches. There is a special conversation with churches here. They say that Pereslavl-Zalessky is the place where the number of churches per capita is the highest. It seems that this is really so - there are a lot of churches and temples. But many are abandoned or converted into museums. I was also struck by the strange provincial illiteracy: We saw a huge number of such absolutely illiterate inscriptions, stylized as pre-revolutionary spelling. It is sad. In general, it’s a beautiful, quiet town that can be explored on foot in one day, which is what we did. If you go along the Golden Ring, spend one day on it.



interesting excursion


not detected;

We had a one-day excursion there in winter! I will say right away that there are not many attractions here, but the main one is the first boat of Peter the Great, because it was in this place that he began to build his fleet! Here is a copy of the first boat, the original St. Petersburg! When our group was brought on an excursion, they first took us around the temples and showed more precisely how wonderful they are and when they were built! I agree with the tour guide, the churches are unusual and beautifully made!

In one cathedral I was able to take a photograph of the ceiling, which I really liked, what a painting, and most importantly, that it was many years old!

There is a monument to Alexander Nevsky in the city

In the city there is a monument to Peter the Great which points to the shipyard

The anchor was removed from the first ship (I only have a photo of me and the anchor left) A beautiful painted anchor is just a sight for sore eyes

Also, the cannon was removed from the first ship and stands near the museum

Peter the Great rode on this lake for the first time, what a landscape opens up from here on the lake! I really liked it!

Next we had an entertainment program with a game of Russian folk games!

When we were getting ready to leave, there was some kind of march

In general, the city is good for one-day excursions, but even better excursions while passing through! The views are beautiful. Wonderful buildings! I advise everyone to visit this beginning of Russian shipbuilding!



A city with a huge history, located near Moscow


Traffic jams on the M8 highway

Pereslavl is a magical city of the Golden Ring of Russia with countless cathedrals, monasteries, churches, as well as many interesting stories and legends. The miraculous Blue Stone of the pagans, Lake Pleshcheyevo and its second bottom, the Amusing Flotilla of Peter I, museums of steam locomotives, irons, teapots, cunning and ingenuity, the royal fish vendace, and simply beautiful streets, this has the whole of Pereslavl. In addition, Pereslavl is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky! I highly recommend, especially if you want to learn mysterious and enigmatic stories, visit the Holy places of the Yaroslavl land and just take a break from the bustle of Moscow and other large cities of our country!

Nika Vorozhtsova

On the eighteenth of December I had a chance to visit the small town of Pereslavl-Zalessky , in the Yaroslavl region. I hitchhiked there with my friend, it was the first hitchhiking trip in my life. We met with a friend early in the morning at the Komsomolskaya metro station. Then we rose to the surface and went to the suburban ticket office of the Yaroslavl station , purchased tickets and boarded the train. Since the tickets were purchased to another station, well, yes, my friend decided to save money, he had to run pretty hard from the controllers. Adrenaline be healthy, I tell you, so even when we were already at the desired station ( Buzhaninovo ), I felt very tense. From the station we had to walk to the highway, then wait for the driver who would agree to give us a ride to our final destination. This is a lottery, not everyone is ready to transport strangers, and even for free. I had to wait and freeze, which was not enjoyable at all. Winter. Cold. However, we were lucky; about fifteen minutes later a man stopped near us and was heading to Rostov. He took us to Pereslavl.

Pereslavl is an ancient city. It was founded back in the 12th century. Once upon a time there was a Pereyaslavl principality here, and Pereslavl-Zalessky was a fairly large city. But then the XII-XIV centuries. Pereslavl an overgrown dacha village: most of the territory is occupied by the private sector, that is, wooden houses, with architectural monuments scattered between them. There is no architectural ensemble as such. I didn't like it at all. Among the more or less interesting attractions, I will highlight the following.

1. St. Nicholas Convent

The architectural monument was founded in the 14th century. The complex of monastery buildings was built over several centuries. The complex includes:

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Church of Peter and Paul

Annunciation Church



At the moment, St. Nicholas Convent is one of the main shrines of the city.

There is an abandoned area on the territory of the monastery, I don’t know if it’s possible to climb there, I climbed in.

2. Transfiguration Cathedral

Probably the most famous religious building of Pereslavl-Zalessky , an architectural monument of the 12th century. Excellently preserved! Now the cathedral functions as a branch of the city museum , entrance fee is 50 rubles. We didn’t go inside, so we admired the temple from the opposite bank. Maybe they did the right thing, because, as travelers write, there is nothing to see there.

3. Earthen ramparts

Landmark of the 12th century. The length of the ramparts is more than 2 km, and it is also very cool to walk along the ramparts. Now it’s free, but I don’t know, maybe they’ll introduce a fee for visiting.

Well, in general... that's it. Yes, there are still many churches and monasteries, however, in my opinion, they deserve less attention. So, take a quick look and move on.

There are also museums in the city. However, in museums like the Iron Museum (entrance 150 rubles ) or cunning and ingenuity there is absolutely nothing to do, at most you can walk around there for a few minutes, the shoe of Peter I is a complete disappointment. We also visited some small exhibition near the Vladimir Cathedral and studied the work of local artists. Everything is the same, a few minutes will be enough.

Museums, historical buildings, attractions are in poor condition, apparently no one cares about them.

A little about natural needs. If you want to eat, there are cafes and restaurants, they are concentrated mainly on Rostovskaya , Sovetskaya and Kardovskogo . The cuisine is predominantly Russian; compared to Moscow , the prices are, of course, pleasantly surprising. We visited the Zolotaya Rybka , where we got tea for 60 rubles . I'll give the city points for this.

in Pereslavl , which I regretted. I returned home late.

I didn’t like Pereslavl-Zalessky . Boring, dull, ugly. I have no desire to visit it again; I’d rather go to Vladimir or Kolomna . remember Pereslavl only for this poster.



It’s a calm, beautiful city, and the climate is pleasant, not hot, perfect for summer.



I was in Pereslavl-Zalessky in the summer of 2008, when I went on the bus tour “Sergiev Posad-Pereslavl-Zalessky-Suzdal-Kideksha-Vladimir-Bogolyubovo”. This city is as calm as Sergiev Posad. And the climate is just as pleasant, not hot, perfect for summer. What evokes associations with Sergiev Posad, however, there are no such places there as, for example, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And the nature, I would say, is picturesque. If I had a digital camera back then, I would have taken more photos. I generally like calm, picturesque places and just such a climate. I hope I will be able to visit there again, but next time I will go individually.


We went to the glorious and ancient town of Pereslavl-Zalessky for the May holidays. The trip left a somewhat ambivalent impression.


A city with a rich history, many beautiful temples and monasteries have been preserved. For example, on Red Square in Pereslavl you can study the history of Russian temple architecture - there are so many beautiful examples of temples from different historical eras gathered there. I also really liked the ramparts on which the Pereslavl-Zalessky fortress stood in former times. The shafts are quite impressive in their height and width. They offer beautiful views of the city and Lake Pleshcheyevo. I also really liked the Goritsky Monastery - now the Pereslavl-Zalessky Museum.

There are many good restaurants and cafes in the city. Prices compared to Moscow are somewhat lower, which pleasantly pleases tourists from Moscow, who make up the main flow of tourists in Pereslavl. We just don’t advise you to visit a coffee shop on Red Square. The coffee shop itself is not bad, but there is such a flow of hungry tourists from buses that there is unnecessary excitement and even queues, which does not have the best effect on the quality and speed of service. There are other quieter cafes and restaurants nearby that are just as good.


— The roads in the town are very bad. You can fall into a very deep hole and get stuck, although it seems like you are driving along a city street and not through a swamp. In the evenings there is practically no lighting on the streets of the city, and for some reason deep canals were dug on the sides of many streets (even ducks swim there), so pedestrians are better off walking with a flashlight or returning home before dark;

— on the central street of Lenin, many houses are abandoned, rickety, etc. Almost every third of the house is for sale. This is a signal that city residents have very few prospects in life and many have to leave for large cities, since it is almost impossible to find work here. Although we came as tourists, we were still sad to see it. The city is quite dirty, there is a lot of garbage on the streets, and there are very few trash cans. This tourist center is definitely not pretty.

And we were also unable to walk from Lake Pleshcheevo, although we lived in a complex of town houses in close proximity to the lake. The road through the fields turned out to be impassable at that time. You would have to wear rubber boots.

I think it’s better in Pereslavl in the summer.



Beautiful lake


Almost only cons

Greetings for those who are thinking about staying here and living!!! Do not do that ! There is no medicine here! :( On holidays, no one works and you will have no alternative. Rudeness, rednecks in almost all government bodies, angry people offended by life! The only friendly people are the servants, and then most likely they are also visitors. Only the beautiful ones here temples, monasteries, the rest is all ruins! Well, the pebble works for tourists and then the entrance is paid


In the reviews of those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky for permanent residence, many admit that they initially set themselves the goal of buying an apartment. This is one of the most common options. In this case, the family has a personal space with all the amenities, but you need to understand that it is necessary to make allowances for local characteristics.

In Pereslavl-Zalessky, most houses have central heating, cold and hot water supply. Moreover, all networks are old, and, according to reviews, they often fail. So it is not surprising that residents have to go for several days without heat even during the winter months. In summer, hot water is completely turned off for maintenance work for at least several weeks.

Apartments with individual heating are sold in new buildings. Moreover, the quality of such housing is much higher than in Soviet-built houses. This is especially true for infrastructure and insulation.

Private houses

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In reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky, many write that they would like to buy a house in the historical part of the city. This is truly an enviable and attractive property in many ways. The city still has many small streets with unique historical views. But at the same time, the cost of housing in such areas is quite high, in this regard it is even inferior to apartments in new buildings.

In the center of Pereslavl-Zalessky, houses are predominantly wooden. You need to understand that such housing cannot meet modern quality standards in terms of layout, insulation and comfort.

At the same time, within the city there are already quite a lot of relatively new and modern cottages that have appeared in the last few decades. These houses are built extensively and thoroughly, so their cost is quite high.

Many people advise building a house in Pereslavl-Zalessky themselves. According to reviews, for relatively little money such a project can be implemented within the city limits or in a nearby village, at a distance of 10-15 minutes.

There are quite a lot of villages around the city, from which getting to Pereslavl-Zalessky will not be difficult. For example, the village of Yam is practically adjacent to the urban development. At the same time, it has mostly asphalt roads, and from the southern part of the city you can go straight to the ring road.


Having your own dacha in the Pereslavl region has long been a sign of good form. Most of those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky strive to build a small house for country living. In the reviews, they note that such housing should be chosen carefully and carefully.

Recently, companies have become more active and are building entire villages and lines of houses in open fields or in forests, where it is not so easy to lay communications necessary for comfortable living.

Therefore, many prefer to choose from those options that are part of various dacha societies and partnerships.

Dachas intended for partial or permanent residence are an excellent opportunity to spend weekends in nature in comfortable living conditions. Most of these holiday villages have all the necessary infrastructure, which includes electricity, gas, and even in some cases running water. Of course, the roads in such settlements leave much to be desired, only if local residents do not monitor them and constantly repair them.

Boat of Peter I

Lake Pleshcheyevo is famous for the fact that here Peter I built his amusing flotilla - the first Russian navy.

The flotilla included about 100 different ships, fully equipped and armed with artillery. Only the Fortuna bot has survived to this day.

The quality of life

Those who moved for permanent residence to Pereslavl-Zalessky note in their reviews that life here is not as attractive and problem-free as it might seem to a tourist who came for a couple of days to see the sights. There are many problems in the city that are being solved with great difficulty.

For example, these include a crisis that has long been evident in the housing and communal services sector, an overflowing solid waste landfill, problems with street cleaning, and a lack of places in schools and kindergartens.

Moreover, if you are looking for a quiet place, which is also located almost within walking distance from the capital, then this is the best option. This is noted in reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky by many who moved here.

Hotels and inns

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a famous ancient city that annually attracts a large number of tourists. The first mentions of him in chronicles date back to 1152. Due to the fact that the settlement is included in the Golden Ring of Russia, about 300 thousand tourists visit it annually.

Tourists who stay for at least a couple of days must stay in hotels. By the way, this is the best option for those who are planning to move here for permanent residence, but have not made a final decision. In a few days spent in the city, you can try to feel like a local resident, understand whether you really like it here, and learn more about the problems here.

In reviews of hotels in Pereslavl-Zalessky, visitors often admit that they prefer the Azimut Hotel. This is a large international hotel chain that has its own representative offices in 28 cities in Russia, Germany and Austria. Works in mid-price rooms. It is considered one of the most dynamically developing brands in this business area.

Today it is a large hotel operator that originally appeared in Russia, but has long gone beyond its borders. The hotels have a unified reservation system, uniform service standards and a common corporate culture.

Photos of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky: Photos Weather Map Hotels

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This collection contains 102 photographs of Pereslavl-Zalessky, its views, houses and attractions, which were taken by local residents, tourists and photographers. All photos of Russian cities and attractions are presented in high quality, we hope that this will help you get to know them better.

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Room rates

This hotel offers standard rooms. True, it’s not easy to move into them. Due to their low cost, they are booked in advance.

Therefore, the slow traveler has a superior room with a balcony for 2,500 rubles for two per day. A junior suite with a balcony will cost 500 rubles more; a two-room junior suite will cost 3,500 rubles.

There is also a very fashionable option. This is a spa cottage for 7,000 rubles per night for two guests. You will have your own house with one bedroom, a kitchen area, a spacious living room and a sauna.

The room has all the necessary amenities, including everything you need to use the Finnish sauna.

The hotel positions itself as a 4-star hotel. In reviews of Azimuth in Pereslavl-Zalessky, tourists note that they are generally satisfied with the service provided here. The hotel is new, located on a huge and well-kept area. The courteous staff tries to help resolve any issue.

Tourist interest

Most often you can find positive reviews from tourists about Pereslavl-Zalessky. Visitors note a large number of amazing sights, the opportunity to get acquainted with the ancient history of the country in more detail, learn about the once great city, which, having been founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, was to become the capital of North-Eastern Rus'.

Tourists definitely come to the local Red Square in the very center of the city, not far from the city rampart. It has existed since the 12th century, at that time it was here that the assembly regularly met.

During Soviet times, wooden buildings located along the perimeter were demolished. According to the new project, the main axis was directed from Sovetskaya Street towards the Transfiguration Cathedral, and pedestrian paths appeared.

What to see

Pereslavl is a small city on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152. Now it is considered one of the centers of Orthodox culture. Nine ancient churches and five monasteries have been preserved here: Goritsky, Nikitsky, Feodorovsky, Nikolsky and Trinity-Danilov.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery stands practically at the entrance to the city. Since 1918, the state historical, architectural and art museum-reserve has been located here. Its collection contains a collection of wooden sculpture, monastery sacristies and items of noble life. The museum-reserve includes the Assumption Cathedral, Goritsky Monastery, several churches, travel gates, a gatekeeper's chamber, a religious school and a belfry.

Assumption Cathedral

The Assumption Cathedral is the main monastery church; construction began in the 1750s, but the project was never completed. The cathedral looks massive, its wide arched windows are especially impressive. Inside there is stucco molding and paintings in the Baroque style. Be sure to climb the belfry, which offers a good view of the city and Lake Pleshcheyevo, and also take a good look at the 17th-century passage gates.

An entrance ticket to the museum complex costs 50 rubles*. There are currently seven exhibitions, all of which can be viewed for 350 rubles*. An hour-long excursion for a group of up to five people costs 1,000 rubles*. The complex is open every day except Monday from 10:00 to 17:00.

If you don't want to hire a tour guide, listen to three audio guides on the mobile app or website. Information and QR codes are located on the territory of the complex, but if you don’t find it, here’s a hint: the audio guide “Pereslavl Museum-Reserve” will tell you about some objects from the exhibition, “Walk through the museum” - about architectural monuments, and “Luxurious view of Pereslavl-Zalessky from the bell tower of the Goritsky Monastery" - about what objects can be seen from the bell tower, as well as about the layout of the city.

Not far from the monastery is the Dendrological Garden . More than 600 plants from Europe, America, Siberia, China, Japan and other places are collected here. The garden has children's playgrounds, gazebos, bicycle rentals, a cascade of ponds and many quiet paths for long walks.


Entrance ticket costs 100 rubles*, bicycle rental costs 100 rubles per hour*. In summer, the garden is open daily from 10:00 to 20:00, in autumn and winter - from 09:00 to 19:00.

Red Square is the city center. It was here that the sovereign’s court with the prince’s chambers was once located, where the commander Alexander Nevsky was born in 1220.

Red Square

Here the townspeople gathered for a meeting, the newly-minted princes took the oath, and the regiments from here went to war.

There are several ancient buildings on the square, but, in my opinion, the most interesting from an architectural point of view are two: the Transfiguration Cathedral and the tented church of Metropolitan Peter.

The Transfiguration Cathedral was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152. This is the only surviving of the first five white stone churches of North-Eastern Rus'. Many Russian princes were baptized here, including Alexander Nevsky. The cathedral is now closed for restoration.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The tented church of Metropolitan Peter, built in 1584, stands nearby. It is known for its unusual architecture: the church was built in the form of a regular equal-armed cross, which is crowned with a head in the shape of a cut onion. However, you can now go inside only on rare church services or during patronal feasts.

Tent Church of Metropolitan Peter

Rybnaya Sloboda is an old fishing district that looks like a city on the water. This picturesque place is often called “Russian Venice”. I found nothing here from Venice, but a lot from the Netherlands. Almost every house has a small dock, a long boat and a gazebo by the water.

Rybnaya Sloboda

In the 18th century, Rybnaya Sloboda was distinguished by its own system of streets, two of which ran along the banks of the Trubezh River, and alleys descended to it. The shore was the common territory of the so-called “towpath” - a space for hauling and drying nets. Once upon a time, the fishermen of the settlement supplied vendace and smelt to the sovereign's table. Until the mid-1950s, the river was navigable: in addition to fishing boats, barges with peat and coal moved along it.

While walking around the area, you will see several cathedrals: the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the provincial baroque style, the Church of the Sign, and at the very end of the street, on the banks of Lake Pleshcheevo and the Trubezh River, the Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.

Trubezh will take you to the main natural attraction of the city - Lake Pleshcheyevo. In winter, you can reach it directly along the river, and locals ride cheesecakes and skates here, and play hockey. In the warm season it is pleasant to walk along the embankment. Lake Pleshcheyevo is part of the national park of the same name. In the summer, people go boating, have picnics, kitesurf, and just walk near the water. In winter, they go ice skating and kite riding - they are rented at several kite schools on the shore.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

In the warm season, I recommend visiting Alexander Mountain - this is the best observation deck on the northern side of the lake. Combine a walk with a visit to the active Nikitsky Monastery, located nearby. A kilometer away there are steep hills: it is believed that on one of them was the predecessor of Pereslavl - the city of Kleshchin.

Sovetskaya and Rostovskaya streets are the very center with old buildings, shops and cafes. From the bridge over the Trubezh River there is a beautiful view of the water and the city. Here is the 18th-century Simeon Church, built in the provincial Baroque style. The building, decorated with platbands, stucco moldings and pilasters, is called the pearl of Rostov Street.

Also, the center of Pereslavl is surrounded by a ring of earthen ramparts. Its total length is over two kilometers, height is 10-12 meters. People walk along the rampart, looking at the sights and various houses with vegetable gardens.

Pereslavl Kremlin

Judging by the reviews of the attractions in Pereslavl-Zalessky, the main one is the Kremlin of the ancient Russian city.

It appeared in the 12th century. At that time, double wooden walls with towers were located along the entire crest of the rampart. Later, the Kremlin was rebuilt several times. It was often captured and robbed, including during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols.

In the middle of the 18th century, the wooden walls were dismantled due to their uselessness and dilapidation. Today here you can see the earthen ramparts, the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century, the Church of Peter the Metropolitan of the 16th century, and part of the surviving buildings of the Bogoroditsko-Sretensky Monastery, built in the 13th century.


Trubezh River. Walk along the embankment

Well, I went a little overboard with the word “embankment”. The banks of the river cannot be called an embankment in the full sense of the word. This is usually something encased in granite or at least reinforced concrete. Here we are dealing rather with the river bank. After walking along both banks, I seriously began to think about leaving everything and settling in one of the houses in this picturesque place. I haven’t seen such peace and regularity of life for a long time, especially, as real estate specialists usually write, “within the city.”

The walk along the embankment began, oddly enough, from the Transfiguration Cathedral. It is in this place that there is a convenient passage across the earthen rampart with stairs, and a little further to the left of the cathedral there is a pedestrian bridge over Trubezh.

The Trubezh River is small. Tall trees grow along the banks on both sides, forming a long green corridor above the water surface. Silence and tranquility - these words can easily convey the atmosphere reigning on the river. We were lucky - during the shooting the weather was warm and almost windless, so the surface of the water was almost calm.

While we were crossing the bridge, a couple of boys swam along the river in kayaks:

And then, as if emphasizing the tranquility of the picture, a duck with ducklings swam by:

The streets adjacent to the river are also discreet in their decoration, but there is something about them that makes us, residents of high-rise buildings in a big city, kindly envy the locals.

But here our journey along the river ends. We are approaching the magnificent and almost endless Lake Pleshcheevo. In one of the previous reviews I already mentioned it and even showed some photos. If you're interested, look through: Sin Kamen and Lake Pleshcheyevo. But this was a view from the other side. And now we are looking at the lake from the south, where the Trubezh River flows into the lakes.

To be completely objective, then in the direction of travel you need to move to the left bank of the river. It will offer much more majestic views of the lake. However, you can also see something interesting from the right bank.

This is the Church of the Forty Martyrs. I think I will write a separate article about churches and monasteries, but for now I just want to show what a wonderful view opens from the right bank of the river. If you come even closer to the water, then without the coastal trees you can see this:

The majesty of this view cannot be conveyed by photography. Here you need to stay, stand, admire the space and the neat church, standing right at the mouth of the river on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo.

If you turn a little to the right, you can see more of the lake’s water surface:

It looks a little like the sea, although the opposite shore is still visible. I admit honestly, this is where the possibilities for contemplating the spaciousness and splendor of the church end and we must somehow move to the other side of the river. It’s still not possible to go further along the right bank - there is a Ministry of Emergency Situations base there and there is a high blue fence.

However, even for these few pictures it was worth walking to the mouth of the river along the right bank. I highly recommend repeating this trick - you won’t regret it.

Then you will have to go back a little and cross the river on an iron bridge. Moving along the left bank you find yourself in a very beautiful place. This is a kind of observation deck from which a magnificent panorama of Lake Pleshcheyevo opens:

Beautiful, is not it?

It is on this optimistic note that we end today’s photo walk through the center of the ancient city. Of course, we haven’t looked at everything, so I will be glad to see you as visitors to other pages of this site dedicated to the sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky . There will also be a lot of photographs and descriptions .

Railway Museum in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Sin Kamen and Lake Pleshcheyevo.

Let me take my leave here and express the hope that you did not get tired reading my story and saw something new and interesting.

Of course, not a single photograph will convey the special atmosphere that reigns in Pereslavl-Zalessky. Therefore, if you were planning to go here, but for some reason you kept postponing the trip, be sure to do it. I'm sure you won't regret it!

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