Novovoronezh is a satellite city of the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant

Novovoronezh is a satellite city of the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant

Address of the city district administration of the city of Novovoronezh: Novovoronezh, st. Kosmonavtov, 4 Phone: (47364) 2-59-50 Email Website:

Atomograd Novovoronezh, which is the administrative center of the urban district of the same name, is located on the left bank of the Don River, 50 kilometers south of Voronezh and borders on the Kashirsky, Ostrogozhsky, Khokholsky and Liskinsky municipal districts. The total area of ​​Novovoronezh today is more than 46 square kilometers, and the population is 31,617 people.

The official symbol of the city district is the coat of arms, which in the language of symbols and allegories reflects the historical, natural and economic features of Novovoronezh. In this sense, the eagle holding the heraldic figure of a besant in its paws is an allegorical atom, as if emphasizing that the atom is tamed and serves peaceful purposes, for the benefit of man. And the five stars at the head of the honorable figure remind of the events of the Great Patriotic War, when the defense line of the 141st Infantry Division passed through the territory of modern Novovoronezh...

Memorial Star of Glory

The history of modern Novovoronezh began in 1957, when, in connection with the construction of one of the first industrial nuclear power plants, the workers' settlement of Novo-Gresovsky was founded, which was renamed Novovoronezhsky in the same year. Moreover, until 1959, the village under construction, as well as the future nuclear power plant, which began to be built in 1958 5 kilometers from the site, were classified objects. And only in August 1959, the country and the whole world learned about the construction of a nuclear giant on the Don, which unfolded in the vicinity of Novovoronezh.

Then, in 1959, the Levorossoshansky district was renamed Novovoronezhsky, and the village of Novovoronezh became its administrative center. And it remained in this status until the abolition of the Novovoronezh region in 1963.

And in the spring of 1960, the construction of the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant was declared an All-Union Komsomol shock construction project by the decision of the Komsomol Central Committee. And we must remember that this status in the USSR was given to the most significant national economic objects. And over 1,000 young men and women, who arrived in the early 1960s on Komsomol vouchers to build the country’s first-born nuclear power industry, replenished the population of the future nuclear city, became its first inhabitants and at the same time its first builders.

Construction of Novovoronezh NPP

In their honor, in 2013, this monument to the first builders of the city was opened in Novovoronezh, which is a stylized belfry in the form of an arch on a pedestal, which is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the heroic work of those who built the city and the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant.

Monument to the First Builders

The history of Novovoronezh is inextricably linked with the development of nuclear energy in the country, which has become the leading and city-forming industry of the city. Novovoronezh NPP is the world's first industrial nuclear power plant with pressurized water power reactors (VVER). And with the launch of the station’s first power unit with a capacity of 210 MW on September 30, 1964, the countdown began in the history of the formation of industrial nuclear energy not only in the USSR, but also in a number of countries in Eastern and Central Europe. In total, five power units with VVER reactors were built and put into operation at the Novovoronezh industrial site.

The first and second power units

Together with the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, its satellite city Novovoronezh also grew, which was given the status of a city of regional subordination by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated March 23, 1987. Like all nuclear cities of the Soviet Union, Novovoronezh has always been a monofunctional city with a special regime of economic activity. And the bulk of the working population is engaged in production activities, one way or another connected with the Novovoronezh NPP. And therefore, the development of the nuclear power plant strategically determines the development of the city.

In 1964 and 1969, power units No. 1 and 2, which were the first to supply current to the country’s power system and were the first to reach the end of their lifespan, were decommissioned one after another in 1984 and 1990. At the same time, specialists from the Novovoronezh NPP, for the first time in the history of Russian nuclear energy, carried out modernization, which made it possible to extend the service life of first-generation nuclear power units. And currently, power units No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 are in operation at the Novovoronezh NPP, the total electrical capacity of which is 1834 MW.

Fifth power unit

However, in the 2000s, it became clear that the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, the first in the country’s energy system, was outdated both morally and physically. And therefore, in 2008, when the city district of Novovoronezh was formed, construction of a new nuclear power plant with a design capacity of 2,400 MW began at the industrial site. Called Novovoronezh NPP-2, it will in the future be expected to replace the existing Novovoronezh NPP.

Novovoronezh NPP-2

Having delivered the first electricity on August 5, 2021, after mastering 100 percent of the capacity and carrying out acceptance tests, in 2017 the innovative power unit No. 6 of the AES-2006 project with a capacity of 1,200 MW was put into commercial operation. Nowadays it is the most powerful unit in the Russian nuclear energy industry, and the first nuclear power plant unit in the world built using “post-Fukushima” safety technologies.

Sixth power unit

Today, work on the construction of the station continues, and the new nuclear facility, or more precisely, its cooling towers, which are huge towers more than 170 meters high, designed to cool waste water, have already become symbols of the city. By now, being the highest objects of this type in Russia, in this parameter they surpass the cooling structures of the previous record holder - the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant - by 20 meters.

Cooling towers of NV NPP

It remains to be added that the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant is a source of electrical energy, supplying 85 percent of the Voronezh region. In addition, since 1986, the station has supplied the city of Novovoronezh with heat at half its volume.

Urban district city of Novovoronezh

In 1957, in connection with the construction of one of the first industrial nuclear power plants, the workers' settlement of Novo-Gresovsky was founded, which was renamed Novovoronezhsky in the same year. The status of a city of regional subordination was assigned by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated March 23, 1987. Novovoronezh has the status of an urban district. The current area of ​​Novovoronezh is 46.13 square meters. km., population – 31,617 people. Novovoronezh is located 50 km away. from the regional center, on the banks of the Don River. The urban district borders on the Kashirsky, Ostrogozhsky, Khokholsky and Liskinsky municipal districts. The forest area within the urban district of Novovoronezh is 1069 hectares.

Novovoronezh is a monofunctional city with a special regime of economic activity. The leading and city-forming industry is nuclear energy, represented by the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant, a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. On September 30, 1964, the first power unit of the station with a capacity of 210 MW supplied current to the country's power grid. In the period from 1958 to 1981. 5 power units were built at the Novovoronezh site; in 2021, innovative power unit No. 6 produced the first current; power unit No. 7 is under construction. Also in the urban district, enterprises technologically related to NV NPP and food industry enterprises carry out production activities; construction industry.

In the urban district of Novovoronezh, a high level of living comfort is maintained; All social services are provided to the population. The construction of apartment buildings and individual residential development is underway.

A network of educational institutions has been developed, represented by 10 preschool institutions; 4 secondary schools; 4 institutions of further education and the institution of the Federal State Educational Institution “Novovoronezh Polytechnic College” - a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

On the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Medical Unit No. 33”, full medical care is provided to residents: medical examinations, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and provision of emergency medical care.

Employment rates are consistently high. The sphere of urban entrepreneurship is developing successfully; In the urban district of Novovoronezh, 786 small and medium-sized businesses operate, incl. 566 individual entrepreneurs. In the urban district, the city of Novovoronezh is listed as 106.35 km. public roads of local importance.

The main cultural institutions of the city are the Palace of Culture, the House of Children's Creativity, the Uran cinema, the library, the Park of Culture and Recreation with attractions. Sports institutions are represented by the following facilities: Sports and Wellness Center, Ice Arena "Ostalnaya", Stadium "Start", Martial Arts Center.

City events are covered on the pages of the newspaper “My City” and in news releases of the cable television channel.

In the urban district of Novovoronezh there are eleven investment sites with a total area of ​​25.81 hectares.

The Novovoronezh City Duma is elected once every 5 years and consists of 24 deputies. From 2015 to 2021 The City Duma of the 6th convocation is working.

The urban district of Novovoronezh has a favorable environmental situation. Annual monitoring of the state of the environment in the territory is carried out by federal specialized organizations; the results of control activities are reflected in the public report of the Novovoronezh NPP. - History in detail



In 1957, in connection with the construction of one of the first industrial nuclear power plants, the workers' settlement of Novo-Gresovsky was founded, which was renamed Novovoronezhsky in the same year. On September 30, 1964, the first power unit of the station with a capacity of 210 MW supplied current to the country's power grid. The Novovoronezhsky settlement grew, accepted new residents, increased the number of enterprises and institutions, turning into a modern and comfortable city, comfortable for living, with a developed social infrastructure. The status of a city of regional subordination was assigned by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated March 23. 1987. Today Novovoronezh has the status of an urban district. The current area of ​​Novovoronezh is 46.13 square meters. km., population – 32,145 people.

Geographical position.

Novovoronezh is located 50 km away. from the regional center, on the banks of the Don River. The urban district borders on the Kashirsky, Ostrogozhsky, Khokholsky and Liskinsky municipal districts. The forest area within the urban district of Novovoronezh is 1069 hectares. The flat terrain, the favorable location of the city near road transport arteries (the Voronezh highway and Voronezh - Lugansk with a bridge over the Don River) and the Voronezh - Liski railway line, favorable climatic conditions contribute to the economic and industrial development of the urban district; engineering and geological conditions are generally favorable for construction.


Novovoronezh is a monofunctional city with a special regime of economic activity. Its industrial complex is formed by 12 enterprises. The leading and city-forming industry is nuclear energy, represented by the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant, a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, which employs 19% of the economically active population. For the first time in the history of Russian nuclear energy, NV NPP specialists carried out modernization, which made it possible to extend the service life of first-generation nuclear power units. A total of 5 power units were built at the Novovoronezh site. Currently, power units No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 are in operation at the Novovoronezh NPP, with a total electrical capacity of 1834 MW. During the operation of the Novovoronezh NPP, more than 430 billion kilowatt-hours of electrical energy were generated. Also in the urban district, enterprises technologically related to NV NPP carry out production activities: the branch of JSC Atomenergoremont Novovoronezhatomenergoremont, the Novovoronezh Training Center Atomtekhenergo, the Novovoronezh branch of the FSUE Emergency Technical. There are food industry enterprises (JSC Novovoronezhkhleb, LLC Meat Processing Plant Novovoronezhsky); construction industry (FSUE Atomenergoproekt, CJSC Spetszhelezobeton, LLC Donatomstroy, CJSC Elektrostroymontazh, LLC Stroyengineering).


General information
In 1957, in connection with the construction of one of the first industrial nuclear power plants, the workers' settlement of Novo-Gresovsky was founded, which was renamed Novovoronezhsky in the same year. On September 30, 1964, the first power unit of the station with a capacity of 210 MW supplied current to the country's power grid. The Novovoronezhsky settlement grew, accepted new residents, increased the number of enterprises and institutions, turning into a modern and comfortable city, comfortable for living, with a developed social infrastructure. The status of a city of regional subordination was assigned by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated March 23, 1987. Today Novovoronezh has the status of an urban district. The current area of ​​Novovoronezh is 46.13 square meters. km., population – 31,493 people.

Novovoronezh is located 50 km away. from the regional center, on the banks of the Don River. The urban district borders on the Kashirsky, Ostrogozhsky, Khokholsky and Liskinsky municipal districts. The forest area within the urban district of Novovoronezh is 1069 hectares. The flat terrain, the favorable location of the city near road transport arteries (the Voronezh highway and Voronezh - Lugansk with a bridge over the Don River) and the Voronezh - Liski railway line, favorable climatic conditions contribute to the economic and industrial development of the urban district; engineering and geological conditions are generally favorable for construction.

Novovoronezh is a monofunctional city with a special regime of economic activity. The leading and city-forming industry is nuclear energy, represented by the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant, a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. For the first time in the history of Russian nuclear energy, NV NPP specialists carried out modernization, which made it possible to extend the service life of first-generation nuclear power units. In the period from 1958 to 1981. 5 power units were built at the Novovoronezh site; in 2021, innovative power unit No. 6 produced the first current; power unit No. 7 is at the final stage of commissioning. Currently, power units No. 4, 5, 6 with a total installed electrical capacity of 2640 MW are in operation at the Novovoronezh NPP.

Also in the urban district, enterprises technologically related to NV NPP carry out production activities: a branch of Atomtekhenergo JSC - Novovoronezhatomtekhenergo, a branch of Atomenergoremont JSC Novovoronezhatomenergoremont, Novovoronezh Training Center Atomtekhenergo, Novovoronezh branch of FSUE Emergency Technical. Food industry enterprises operate; construction industry.

In the urban district, the city of Novovoronezh is listed as 106.35 km. public roads of local importance. In the urban district of Novovoronezh there are eleven investment sites with a total area of ​​25.81 hectares.

Local self-government system

The Novovoronezh City Duma is elected once every 5 years and consists of 24 deputies. From 2021 to 2025 The City Duma of the 7th convocation is working.

The head of the administration is appointed to the post of municipal service of the head of the administration of the urban district of the city of Novovoronezh based on the results of voting by deputies of the city Duma for the candidates presented by the competition commission.

Education system, medicine, culture, sports

In the urban district of Novovoronezh, a high level of living comfort is maintained; All social services are provided to the population. The construction of apartment buildings and individual residential development is underway.

A network of educational institutions has been developed, represented by 10 preschool institutions; 4 secondary schools; 4 institutions of additional education (including a children's art school for 400 places and a sports school) and the institution of the Federal State Educational Institution "Novovoronezh Polytechnic College" - a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (number of students - 576 people). In school education, the average USE scores in the urban district of Novovoronezh are higher than regional indicators. A large percentage of graduates enter higher education institutions in large Russian cities and the capital.

There is an Educational and Training Center in the city, where Russian and foreign specialists in the field of thermal and electrical energy production undergo unique training. The invaluable experience accumulated by Novovoronezh nuclear industry specialists, who were more than once the first to operate nuclear power plant head units, is passed on to colleagues around the world.

On the basis of the Clinical Hospital “Medical Unit No. 33”, full medical care is provided to residents: medical examinations, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and provision of emergency medical care. There is a clinic for 600 visits per shift and a hospital for 205 beds.

Sports and cultural institutions are reconstructed every year: in 2012 and in 2021. The Palace of Culture was renovated, in 2014 the Start stadium was opened after a large-scale reconstruction, by 2015 all 4 school stadiums were modernized, in 2021 a standard sports development ground for preschool children was built on the territory of the reconstructed kindergarten No. 5 (in 2021 the site was included in the series, all kindergartens are currently equipped according to this project), in 2021 a Martial Arts Center and a new kindergarten were built in the Northern microdistrict, and in 2021 the “Ostalnaya” ice arena was opened. The share of the population systematically involved in physical education and sports in 2018 was 41%.

The main cultural institutions of the city are the Palace of Culture, the House of Children's Creativity, the Uran cinema with two halls, the library, the Park of Culture and Recreation with attractions. For the active recreation of citizens, the sports complex often hosts competitions, a swimming pool and sections. In the House of Children's Creativity and in the Palace of Culture there are clubs and studios for children of various types, the youth theater "Fariartos", an art studio, circles of decorative and applied arts, the People's Circus "Cascade", the choreographic group "Smile". The Palace of Culture hosts visiting performances of theaters in Voronezh and other cities.


Employment rates are consistently high. The sphere of urban entrepreneurship is developing successfully; In the urban district of Novovoronezh, 808 small and medium-sized businesses operate, incl. 588 individual entrepreneurs. Trade in food products, household and industrial goods is carried out both by branches of large companies and by private entrepreneurs.

Public utilities

The number of multi-apartment residential buildings in the urban district of Novovoronezh is 226. The housing stock of the city is managed by AtomTeploSbyt LLC, Stroyinvest 1 LLC, West 1 LLC and 2 HOAs: Semerka and TSN HOA Stargorod. Every year the city actively participates in the program of capital repairs of housing and replacement of elevator equipment. The production and distribution of utilities is carried out by the following organizations: MUP "Gorelektroseti", MUP "Akvaservis", LLC "AtomTeploElectroSet".


The urban district of Novovoronezh has a favorable environmental situation. Annual monitoring of the state of the environment in the territory is carried out by federal specialized organizations; the results of control activities are reflected in the public report of the Novovoronezh NPP.


City events are covered on the pages of the newspaper “My City” and in news releases of the cable television channel.

Official website of the municipality:

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