City Builder. The city is convenient for living!

Settlement passport

The city of Stroitel is located 22 km north of the regional center - Belgorod, in the southwestern part of the Central Chernozem region, in the watershed of the Don and Dnieper basins.

Stroitel is the center of the Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region. Yakovlevsky district is one of the youngest in the Belgorod region; it was formed on January 12, 1965.

Within the boundaries of the city administration there are 1823.93 hectares of land. The administrative subordination of the administration of the city of Stroitel includes four settlements: the city of Stroitel - 1725.28 hectares, the Zhuravlinoe farm - 43.0 hectares, the Redina Dvory farm - 31.65 hectares, the Zhdanovo farm - 24.0 hectares.

Agricultural land, including 7,774 summer cottages, amounts to 594.1 hectares, the area of ​​3,037 garages is 7.35 hectares.

In accordance with the new law on local self-government, which came into force on January 1 of this year, 4 districts were formed in the urban settlement “City Builder” and 15 deputies of the city assembly were elected. At the organizational meeting of the city meeting, deputies from among their members elected Vladimir Mikhailovich Sudzhansky, deputy director of the Western Association branch of the operational gas industry, who works on a voluntary basis, as the head of the urban settlement.

Our town

City Stroitel (Belgorod region)

Yakovlevsky district is located in the center of the western part of the Belgorod region .
It borders with Rakityansky, Borisovsky, Belgorodsky, Korochansky, Prokhorovsky and Ivnyansky districts. The length of the region from north to south is 25-35 km, from west to east – 55 km. The center of the Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region is the City of Stroitel , the district itself was formed in 1965.

From the center of the district - the city of Stroitel - to Belgorod is 22 km. The area is crossed by two national highways and two railway lines.

The development of the Yakovlevskoye deposit, for which the city of Stroitel , was very difficult. First, the lack of technology stood in the way of its development, then - finance. For a long time, the unique deposit was simply “frozen.” Today the situation has changed dramatically.

The city of Stroitel is one of the most prominent industrial, cultural and social centers in the Belgorod region.

The relief of our region is a vast plain, cut by wide valleys of rivers and streams, a dense network of gullies and ravines, overgrown with shrubs and flowering herbs. Vast black soil fields alternate with outcrops of clay and bald spots of snow-white chalk.

The upper reaches of the rivers Seversky Donets (with the tributaries Lipovy and Sazhensky Donets) and Vorskla (with the tributaries Vorsklets, Penka), flowing into Psel, pass through the territory of the region.

The natural vegetation of the Yakovlevsky district is characteristic of the forest-steppe zone of the Central Black Earth Region.

Population of the district: 57,774 inhabitants (2010)

There are 86 settlements in the region.

The Yakovlevsky district includes 3 urban and 14 rural settlements.

Every year our area becomes even cleaner, more elegant, more comfortable, and greener. As part of the implementation of the “500 Belogorye Parks” program, the construction of springs in the settlements of the region continues, and the reconstruction of parks is underway. of the Yakovlevsky district , the Marshalkovo natural park, is getting prettier every day . There are already pedestrian paths, a ski slope with a lift, a children's playground, lighting, a mini-zoo and a swimming pool.

Yakovlevsky district is one of the most prominent industrial, cultural and social centers in the Belgorod region. We have the Yakovlevsky mine - one of the most powerful city-forming enterprises in the region. The Yakovlevsky mine is a development prospect not only for the region, but for the entire Belgorod region . The Yakovlevsky district and its center - the city of Stroitel - became the third iron ore “capital” of the Belgorod region . Stroitel is one of the most prominent industrial, cultural and public centers in the Belgorod region. The development of the Yakovlevsky mine and rich mineral reserves gave a powerful impetus to the development of the city and the entire Yakovlevsky district . Today it is a region with a developed infrastructure, the basis of the economy of which is formed by enterprises in the mining industry, construction and building materials, mechanical engineering, agricultural processing, and the production of meat and dairy products.

The district has 23 secondary schools, two vocational schools and a pedagogical college, 21 preschool institutions, and a regional children's and youth sports school.

Today in the Yakovlevsky district there are 31 cultural institutions: the district Palace of Culture "Zvezdny" , 17 rural Houses of Culture, 11 rural clubs, a cultural and spiritual center, a House of Crafts, a cinema "Yunost", a library network with 32 branches, a cultural and Orthodox center where they work a family center, a Sunday school, a regional children's library, 3 art schools with 5 branches, two museums, including the only rural museum in Russia dedicated to the actor - the great fellow countryman Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin.

In the area there are four historical and cultural monuments of national significance, which are taken under state protection, and 25 historical and cultural monuments of local significance.

But the main wealth of the region is its talented, wonderful, famous fellow countrymen. Yakovlevskaya land is the birthplace of the great Russian actor Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin , academician of art architecture, artist and engraver Nikolai Efimov , no less famous graphic artist Stanislav Kosenkov and photographer Pavel Krivtsov .

Year after year, the area matures, becomes prettier, gains strength, grows with houses and churches, parks and flower beds - it lives and develops.

Map of Yakovlevsky district

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History and modernity

Unlike many cities, the year of which historians are still arguing about, the Builder’s birthday is absolutely known – February 18, 1958. It was on this day that a peg hammered by the pioneers into a snow-covered corn field marked the beginning of his biography. The rapidly growing workers' village of Stroitel was destined to become a city of miners developing the unique Yakovlevskoye iron ore deposit, the reserves of which are estimated at 9.6 billion tons with an iron content of 61% in the ore.

This deposit was discovered by the Oboyansk geological exploration party, which on May 13, 1953 lifted the first core of iron ore. In 1954, an iron ore expedition was formed, and at the end of 1957, the Belgorodrudstroy trust was formed. In mid-February 1958, a decision was made to begin construction of a residential village.

The legal status of the village and its name - Stroitel - were approved in 1960, at that time more than 2000 people lived in the village. At the first session of the Construction Village Council on June 16, 1960, Viktor Markovich Tkachev was elected the first chairman of the village Council.

The development of the Yakovlevskoye field, for which Stroitel was created, was very difficult. First, the lack of technology stood in the way of its development, then - finance. For a long time, the unique deposit was simply “frozen.” Today the situation has changed dramatically. Yakovlevsky mine, a branch of Metal-group LLC, is among the existing enterprises. In 2005, the first industrial batch of iron ore was delivered to the mountain. This year it is planned to extract 350 thousand tons.

The Yakovlevsky mine is one of the most powerful city-forming enterprises in the region; today the company employs 750 people. Last year, the enterprise replenished the regional budget by more than 11 million rubles. The Yakovlevsky mine is a development prospect not only for the region, but also for the entire Belgorod region. The Yakovlevsky district and its center – the city of Stroitel – became the third iron ore “capital” of the Belgorod region.

Stroitel is one of the most prominent industrial, cultural and public centers in the Belgorod region. The development of the Yakovlevsky mine and rich mineral reserves gave a powerful impetus to the development of the city and the entire Yakovlevsky district. Today it is a region with a developed infrastructure, the basis of the economy of which is the enterprises of construction and building materials, mechanical engineering, and processing of agricultural products.

Almost a third of the population of the Yakovlevsky district lives in Stroitel - 20,700 people. On December 15, 2000, the village was given the status of a city - a settlement of category II.

Yakovlevsky urban district

Unlike many cities, the year of which historians are still arguing about, the Builder’s birthday is absolutely known – February 18, 1958. It was on this day that a peg hammered by the pioneers into a snow-covered corn field marked the beginning of his biography. The rapidly growing working village of Stroitel was destined to become a city of miners developing the unique Yakovlevskoye iron ore deposit, the reserves of which are estimated at 9.6 billion tons with an iron content of 61% in the ore.

This deposit was discovered by the Oboyansk geological exploration party, which on May 13, 1953 lifted the first core of iron ore. And in mid-February 1958, a decision was made to begin construction of a residential village.

The legal status of the village and its name - Stroitel - were approved in 1960, at that time more than 2000 people lived in the village. And 40 years later it received city status.

In 2005, the first industrial batch of iron ore was delivered to the mountain. The development of the Yakovlevskoye field, for which Stroitel was created, was very difficult. First, the lack of technology stood in the way of its development, then - finance. For a long time, the unique deposit was simply “frozen.” Today the situation has changed dramatically. Yakovlevsky GOK is among the promising enterprises with ambitious development plans.

Today, almost half of the population of the Yakovlevsky District lives in Stroitel - more than 24 thousand people. The city has become one of the most prominent industrial, cultural, social and tourist centers in the Belgorod region.

One of the points of attraction for residents and guests of the district has become the Rose Park, opened in 2012. The main entrance is decorated with a massive arch and a wrought-iron fence resembling plant shoots. Hundreds of rose bushes of different varieties are planted on an area of ​​6 thousand hectares. There is a birch grove, a children's playground with attractions, a recreation area and a light and music fountain.

Not far from the Rose Park there is a well-known landmark of the Builder throughout the region - the Marshalkovo Park. The tract attracts tourists from all over the region. Even in the photographs you can feel the extraordinary energy of this place.

“Marshalkovo” has landscaped paths, benches, areas where you can have a picnic, a spring with a gazebo and two ponds. There is a beach on the shore of one of them, and a large wooden bridge creates a special atmosphere. For children, the park has a wooden town with its own ship and a mini-zoo.

Last year, another recreational area appeared in the city - Sretensky Park. The square in its place was founded almost 30 years ago. Then, in the 90s, trees were planted by schoolchildren and employees of local enterprises. The green corner of 4 hectares was loved by the townspeople, but it looked outdated. Now the updated Sretensky Park is one of the Builder’s calling cards.


The municipal housing stock of the city is 310.5 thousand square meters. m, it is home to 15,941 people. In the cooperative housing stock, which amounts to 15.1 thousand square meters. m, 467 people live, 1,602 people live in 445 cottage-type houses. 159 individual residential buildings are under construction. In general, there is no poor housing in the city without public amenities.

The problem of water supply is pressing for the Builder. It was improved by the construction of two water intake wells, for which 1 million 200 thousand rubles were spent.

The city's social infrastructure is very diverse and allows it to satisfy all the needs of citizens. It includes: a central regional hospital, four pharmacies, a pedagogical school that trains teachers and preschool teachers; a vocational school that trains construction specialists; three secondary schools; four kindergartens; central district library; editorial office of the regional newspaper “Pobeda”; branch No. 3906 of Sberbank of Russia; branch of the Belgorod branch of Vneshtorgbank; ten consumer service enterprises; service point for cable television and Internet networks: the district Palace of Culture “Zvezdny”, commissioned in September 2004; cinema "Yunost" with an auditorium for 600 seats; teleworkshop, funeral service bureau; Northwestern interdistrict electrical communication center; 15 catering establishments; 70 stores, three markets.

Telephone communications are widely developed in the city. There is an automatic telephone exchange for 5100 numbers and an electronic station Si 2000 for 1200 numbers. Owners of personal computers have the opportunity to use the services of the global computer information system “Internet”.


The role of the city as a base for the development of iron ore deposits, together with rich reserves of natural resources, determined the leading sectors of its economy - construction and production of building materials. One of the first enterprises in the city, an industry leader, is Yakovlevostroydetal LLC, which produces products for large-panel housing construction. In 2005, the enterprise doubled the production of expanded clay concrete stones and introduced 25 new types of products for large-frame housing construction. JSC Teploizolyatsiya more than doubled the production of mineral wool products. Among the construction and installation organizations of the city are ZAO Belgorodvodstroy-9, PMK Belgorodskaya, ZAO Belgorod SMU Soyuzshakhtoosushhenie, industrial and commercial Shakhtospetsstroy, Mekhkolonna-105.

Currently, the city is working to implement a number of investment projects:

— $110 million has already been spent on the construction of the Yakovlevsky mine, which plans to produce 350 thousand tons of iron ore this year; — repurposing of the Belgorod Engineering Center (formerly Belgorod Experimental Mechanical Plant).

Every year, new enterprises are created in the city - at the facilities of Yakovlevostroydetal LLC, a new plant for the production of 30 million pieces of ceramic bricks per year is being prepared for launch - Belkeramika LLC. Industrial batches of finely dispersed chalk were produced by Branch No. 1 of Spektrmel CJSC. BelMiG LLC is engaged in the production of compound feed.

Small and medium-sized businesses play a significant role in the life of the city - today more than 1,800 people are employed here. The output of goods and services in the small business sector in 2005 amounted to more than 300 million rubles.

During the period of formation of small businesses in the city and region, small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs created a network of modern trade, public catering, and personal services to the population. A shopping, entertainment and bus stop complex is being built in the city on 5 Augusta Street by private business.

As always, economic progress is the locomotive of social progress. If residents have a job, it means there is well-being and prosperity in their families. And when people have a good salary - and in Stroitel it increased over the past year from 4275 to 5330 rubles - then their demands for comfortable housing and the improvement of their city naturally increase.


The Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Belgorod is the tallest building in the city of Stroitel. Built in 2011 in honor of the saints of the Belgorod land, who shone forth during the persecutions of the 20th century. Construction took eight years.

The Rose Park was opened in 2012 on an area of ​​6 hectares. About 800 species of rose bushes are planted on the territory. There are also birch, blue spruce and fruit trees. In the center of the park there is a light and music fountain. The main attraction of the park is an 8-meter forged rose. The entrance gate is also decorated with hand-forged rosebuds.

Marshalkovo Park is the main park in the city of Stroitel. In terms of the number of green spaces, the park is more reminiscent of a forest. There is a spring with drinking water and a swimming beach on the territory. Marshalkovo is the most popular vacation spot among city residents.

Construction and landscaping

Every year the “capital” of the Yakovlev region - Stroitel - grows, becomes prettier, and improves its amenities, justifying its deeply symbolic name. Last year, 350.6 million rubles were disbursed under the capital construction, repair and improvement program in the city.

The appearance of the city is still determined by new buildings. The townspeople have one of the best children's clinics in the region and a wonderful Palace of Culture.

In 2005, a 6-story hospital building with 150 beds and a clinic for 600 visits per shift was put into operation. The new building not only provides comfortable conditions for doctors and patients, but also an opportunity to make the central district hospital a branch of the regional clinical hospital, and, therefore, the opportunity to receive medical care from the best specialists at the most modern level. It is on the basis of the Yakovlev Central District Hospital that an interdistrict surgical center will be created.

A large amount of work was completed on the construction of the stadium, the fencing of the stadium and tennis court was installed at a total cost of 2 million rubles, the construction of stands for 840 seats and a canopy over them was completed. A modern surface was installed on the stadium's running tracks, for which 6 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget. Along the perimeter of the stadium, a 4000 sq. meters of lawns. The total costs of constructing the stadium in 2005 amounted to 10 million 95 thousand rubles.

Using the funds collected from the charity marathon “Belogorye to the Creators of the Great Victory,” the Walk of Fame was landscaped and busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union were installed.

In 2005, construction began in the regional center of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Belgorod, and a shelter for girls with 20 beds. Construction of a cultural and spiritual center is underway. 978 thousand rubles were spent on finishing its facade in 2005, work continues this year.

94% of the city’s streets – which is 32.78 km – have improved coverage. Another 2.17 km of roads are unfinished construction in the Zhuravliki microdistrict of individual housing construction. In 2005, more than 42 km of paved roads were built in the region, of which 14.7 km were built in Stroitel.

The builder, like the region as a whole, has always been distinguished by the high pace and scale of housing construction. Last year, 269 apartments with a total area of ​​more than 11 thousand square meters were commissioned in the city. m. and more than 7 thousand sq. m. m of individual housing, which in the district, as well as throughout the region, is becoming a priority. One of the first public sector housing cooperatives in the region was created in the region to finance the construction of individual housing. Today there are already more than 80 people there. The region has become a kind of “testing ground” for the region to develop lending mechanisms for individual developers, including within the framework of the national project “Affordable Housing”.

Under the program for the elimination of dilapidated housing, residents of houses subject to demolition were resettled - No. 22, 24 on the street. Mira and No. 2 on the lane. Southern.

In 2005, more than 67 million rubles were allocated for the improvement of the city, which is more than three times more than in 2004. Just one figure: 4.4 million rubles were spent on the construction of sidewalks in the city alone. In 2005, Stroitel installed paving slabs on more than 10 thousand square meters. m. 19 thousand square meters were updated in a single color scheme. m of facades of residential buildings.

Last year, 860 trees and more than 100 thousand flowers were planted in the city. The builder is decorating 15 thousand square meters. m of lawns. Especially picturesque lawns distinguish the central square of the Builder. After the completion of the construction of the second stage of the fountain complex last year, it took on its completed form.

The most beautiful building in the ensemble of the square is the Zvezdny Palace of Culture. It is designed in a high-tech style: the exterior walls are textured gray plaster, interspersed with blue glazing planes. The outline of the square is symbolically closed with red brick benches, the color of which is supported by the color of the row of shops and interspersed with red tiles in the paving of the square. The total cost of paving the area is 5 million 700 thousand rubles. Five parterre lawns with alpine slides near the district administration building repeat the paving pattern in their configuration. The northern line of the square is completed by a chapel in memory of internationalist soldiers.

In the evening, the city is given a special charm by the decorative lighting of the district administration building, the Walk of Fame, the monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, shops and cafes.

On the central street of the city - st. Lenin - lawns with an area of ​​6200 square meters have been laid out. m, a major overhaul of the roadway was carried out with the installation of curbstones and the organization of “pockets” for parking.

The city is implementing a comprehensive program for landscaping courtyards. Stroitel also has a role model - well-groomed lawns and a modern children's playground in the courtyard of house No. 10 on the street. Central. This positive experience will be extended to other city yards.

The efforts of the townspeople, their love for their hometown, which makes it more and more beautiful every year, are highly appreciated at the regional level. At the end of last year, the Builder became the winner in the regional landscaping competition, and its central square took second place. Now the city represents the Belgorod region at the All-Russian competition.

The principled position of the Yakovlevites: the solution of economic problems must be linked to the problems of preserving a favorable environment and natural potential. Today, everything is being done to ensure that every city resident and his guests enjoy visiting every corner of the regional center, fully working and relaxing in a comfortable and environmentally friendly environment. Last year, 65 sites were built in the city of Stroitel and 170 waste collection containers were installed. Solid waste removal is carried out in two shifts. Additionally, a garbage truck and a combined road vehicle (CDM) were purchased, which works as a sand spreader in the winter, and in the summer can water lawns, streets and sidewalks.

Within the administrative boundaries of the city there are nine water sources (mine wells) and one spring located in the Marshalkovo tract. Every year they are equipped under the “Springs and Wells” program.

Enterprises and organizations are actively involved in the work on environmental improvement of the regional center, which not only green their own territory, but also, during environmental cleanup days, restore order in a designated area of ​​the city. Not every city park can boast of such well-groomed and clean territory as in the industrial zone of the Yakovlevsky mine - the invariable leader of the regional improvement competition among industrial enterprises.

The successes of the Yakovlevites were also highly appreciated by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - the Yakovlevsky district became the laureate of the National Ecological Prize "EcoWorld" in 2005 in the nomination "Preservation of biodiversity and improvement of landscapes."

Builder on the map of Russia

You can find the city of Stroitel on the map and plot a route using your navigator using the coordinates (50.784551, 36.488686). In the north is the city of Oboyan, Kursk region, in the east is Korocha, in the west is the town of Rakitnoye, in the south is Belgorod.


Through the joint efforts of the legislative and executive authorities, a socially oriented budget was adopted. The city budget for 2005 was approved in the amount of 48 million 84 thousand rubles and financed in the amount of 47 million 919 thousand rubles.

More than half of the budget funds - 26 million 169 thousand rubles - were allocated to the needs of education, which has always been and remains one of the priority areas in the socio-cultural development of the city. It is impossible not to note the increase in the material and technical level of educational institutions in the regional center.

Last year, all three general education schools in the city underwent ongoing repairs; the following was spent for these purposes: for secondary school No. 1 - 552 thousand rubles; for secondary school No. 2 – 375 thousand rubles; for secondary school No. 3 – 480 thousand rubles.

School No. 1 spent 190.0 thousand rubles on the purchase of soft goods and equipment, school No. 2 – 180.0 thousand rubles, and school No. 3 – 217.0 thousand rubles.

The budget of kindergartens in 2005 amounted to 15 million 316 thousand rubles, the main items of expenditure are wages and food. 848.4 thousand rubles were spent on current repairs of preschool institutions, and 319.3 thousand rubles were spent on the purchase of soft equipment.

2 million 145 thousand rubles were allocated to pay for utilities in city schools, and 1 million 271 thousand rubles in preschool institutions.

In accordance with the regional program for providing educational institutions with high-quality water, since 2004, a centralized delivery of Rozhdestvenskaya table mineral water to city schools has been organized. In 2005, 33.4 thousand rubles were allocated from the district budget for these purposes.

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