Ancient and modern architecture of Omsk: photos of the most famous buildings, review of styles

Irtyshskaya embankment

Irtyshskaya embankment is a beautiful landmark of Omsk, and the best place in the city for walking. Here newlyweds take memorable photo sessions, couples and families stroll around. This is a must visit place! In addition, along the embankment there are several other Omsk attractions that you can visit during your walk. Among them is an architectural monument - the building in which the city registry office is located. This treasure of the city is located in its very center.

Modern city

Perhaps the most unusual building in the city is the Musical Theater. Built in 1981, the musical comedy theater was supposed to resemble a harp, a piano and a floating ship at the same time. However, the majority of townspeople and guests of the city see the architectural design as more of a springboard for skiers than musical instruments.

The red roof of the theater catches the eye from all aerial angles of the city, which attracts everyone's attention.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The next place you should definitely visit in Omsk is the beautiful Holy Assumption Cathedral. This building received the status of a unique monument of Russian architecture and was included in the list of the best churches in the world. The foundation of the cathedral was started by Nicholas II even before he became emperor. Inside the shrine are the relics of Archbishop Sylvester. The best time to visit this beautiful architectural landmark in Omsk is in the evening, when the facade of the structure is illuminated by many lights and gives it a truly majestic look.


An amazing island of nature in Omsk is the landscape natural park “Bird Harbor”. This island is home to more than 150 species of birds and 20 species of mammals. The island is a migratory zone for birds, where they stop during their migrations. The territory of the park is protected by the state, but is equipped for tourists. There are paths here, children's playgrounds and a mini petting zoo are laid out on the edge of the island.

Omsk is an unusual Siberian city that attracts tourists with its attractions and annually develops tourist destinations.

Monument to the plumber Stepanych

One of the most unusual sights of the city of Omsk is the monument to the plumber Stepanych, inaugurated during the celebration of City Day at the end of the last century. The same plumber Stepanych is made of bronze and is depicted leaning out of a sewer hatch. According to urban legend, if you hug the monument as tightly as possible, then your home will not see any worries in the relevant area. In addition, they say that on holidays a glass of vodka is placed in front of the plumber. Although even without that, Stepanych’s face is lit up with a smile all year round.

Omsk - past and present. presentation for a German lesson on the topic

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Local history in German lessons Natalya Anatolyevna Bovenko, German language teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 17”

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Project participants: Alekseenko Alexandra Bogdan Tatyana Balashova Anastasia.

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Goal: To develop in students a patriotic attitude towards their native land. Objectives: Use various sources to obtain the necessary information about the past and present of Omsk. Synthesize the information received into a presentation

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Am 18. April wurde OON, ein internationaler Tag der Denkmaler und Hustorischer stellen bestimmt. Fur uns ist es kein schlechter Anlass sich zu erinnern, dass unsere Stadt eine Geschichte von fast drei Jahrhunderten besitzt. Das bedeutet, dass uch hven nicht wenig Orte gibt, die man kennen und bewahren muss.

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Das ist der Theaterplatz früher Zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts richtete sich auf dieser Stelle die Polizeibehörde ein, nach der Revolution wurde dieses Gebäude zerstört. Zur sowjetischen Zeit, war diese Stelle des zentralen Teiles der Stadt besonders durch die Holzbauten geschmückt.

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Das ist der Theaterplatz heute Ende der siebziger Jahre haben sich die Behörden entschieden, die unansehnliche Fassade dieser Bebauung mit originellem Bau für das Theater der musikalischen Komödie zu ersetzen. Lange Zeit musste sich die Bevölkerung des reifen Alters an diese eigentümliche architektonische Lösung in Form “vom Segel” gewöhnen. So entzifferten die Kenner den gelegten Verfasser-Gedanken. Etwas symbolisches wird in diesem Flug des architektonischen Gedankens gesehen, der in die Realität in 1982 verwirklicht wurde.

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Das ist die Kadettenschule früher Die sibirische Kadettenschule (die erste Militärbildungseinrichtung in Sibirien) war zur sowjetischen Zeit das höchste und wichtigste militärische Bildungseinrichtung namens Frunse. Sacharow Andrejan Dmitrijewitsch (1761-1811), der russische Architekt, der Schöpfer eines der Meisterwerke der russischen Architektur. Er war auch der Schöpfer der Kadettenschule.

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Das ist die Kadettenschule heute Im Frühling 1999 wurde die Kommandobildungseinrichtung geschlossen. Ende August 1999 hat eine feierliche Wiedereröffnung der Kadettenschule stattgefunden.

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Das ist das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels früher Der Generalgouverneurspalast hat, im Unterschied zu anderen Gebäuden in Omsk der zweiten Hälfte des 19 Jahrhunderts, in vieler Hinsicht die äußerliche Gestalt und das Planieren erhalten. Der Bau verwirklichte sich unter Leitung "Architekt FFWagner" und Ingenieur KJLasarewas. In 1862 war der Bau fertig.

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Das ist das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels heute Der Palast hat auf dem Jahrhundert viel Ereignisse erlebt und hat nicht wenig Veränderungen erprobt. Ab 1985 nimmt das Gebäude des ehemaligen Generalgouverneurspalastes folgenden Namen ein «das Museum der darstellenden Künste im Namen. M.Wrubels.” Heute be suchen viele Menschen das Museum, um sich dort unter anderem die schönen Gemälde anzuschauen.

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Das ist das Tarski Tor früher In 1959 wurden "Tarskije Vorota", laut der Verfügung des städtischen Leiters Koluschtschinski jener Zeit, abgerissen.

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Das ist das Tarski Tor heute In 1991 war das Tor auf der vorigen Stelle neu aufgebaut. Mit jener Zeit hat die neue Etappe der Wiederherstellung der historischen Gestalt des zentralen Teiles der Stadt angefangen.

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Analysis of survey results

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Statue "Lyuba"

One of the city's most popular attractions is the Lyuba Statue. It is located not far from the monument to the plumber Stepanych, beloved by townspeople and tourists. Today, capturing yourself in a photo next to “Any” is a mandatory ritual for all city guests. A statue was erected in honor of the wife of one of the governors of Omsk, who suffered a difficult fate - being separated from her family, her lover, not marrying for love and living a short life, dying at a young age from tuberculosis.

Mansion of merchant Batyushkov

Perhaps, among the most popular attractions of Omsk, the mansion of the merchant Batyushkov stands out. Today this building is recognized as an architectural monument, but it owes its popularity not only to its status. Within the walls of the mansion is the Omsk registry office, which makes the place even more important for city residents. The building also houses an exposition of a museum center dedicated to the events of the Civil War at the beginning of the last century. His collection was created literally bit by bit. In addition, you can visit the museum for free.

Museum of History and Local Lore

Those who love history should go to the Museum of History and Local Lore in Omsk, which is one of the very first museums in Siberia and Russia as a whole. Visitors will be able to appreciate several interesting exhibitions, each of which is represented by exhibits from the field of culture, history or art. In addition to the main exhibitions, the Omsk Museum of History and Local Lore exhibits unique exhibits of its kind. Among them there are representatives of this region - a mammoth skeleton and ancient outfits, as well as exhibits from other regions of Russia and even countries - battle banners of the Caucasus and lion figurines donated by Chinese friends.

Museum of Military Glory in Omsk

It will be no less interesting to visit the Museum of Military Glory in Omsk, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the period of the Great Patriotic War. Its opening was timed to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of the victory. The museum is divided into several halls housing hundreds of exhibits. Here visitors are presented with objects from different years of the war and its events. A special place is given to exhibits of such high-profile and significant events as the battles on the Kursk Bulge, for Moscow and the capture of Berlin. The museum will allow its guests to learn about this war, as they say, “from the inside.”

Omsk Academic Drama Theater

Perhaps one of the best Omsk attractions is the Academic Drama Theater. The façade and architecture of the building allowed it to become not only one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, but also to receive the title of an architectural monument of Russia. A lot of effort was made to bring this theater to the public: several theater buildings that burned down or were demolished, years spent building and finishing the modern Omsk Academic Drama Theater. But in the end, this enterprise was completed successfully, and today the theater has become the center of many celebrations, festivals and, of course, performances. Undoubtedly an interesting place to visit in Omsk.

Sports arena

Speaking about culture, it is worth remembering sports. This important component of the life of residents of the city of Omsk is reflected in the ultra-modern Arena-Omsk building. This multifunctional sports complex was built in 2007 and accommodates more than 10 thousand people.

The building is notable for its entirely glass front facade; the structure has the shape of a parallelepiped. This sports “house” has hosted more than one large-scale sporting event.

Omsk is very rich in architectural monuments, museums, statues, unusual buildings, fountains and parks. It is impossible to describe them all in one article. But you can be sure of one thing: when you come to this young millionaire, you will have something to do! Here everyone can find an interest for themselves, be it sports or history, a museum or contemporary art.

The city has collected all possible styles of architecture: modern, classicism, baroque. The architecture of old wooden Omsk differs sharply from modern buildings. Over time, the new displaces the past, and city buildings from different centuries become confused. But the city administration is trying to preserve history in monuments and not “eclipse” historical objects with modern glass and high-rise buildings. The architectural monuments of Omsk are amazing and diverse; Omsk residents are deservedly proud of their city and its history.

Tara Gate

When thinking about what is worth seeing in Omsk, you cannot lose sight of the Tara Gate, preserved from the fortress line that once fortified the city. The structure is a reconstruction of the original, which was dismantled in the middle of the last century. The Tara Gate was restored only thirty-two years later on the anniversary of the city. It is also worth noting that when recreating the monument, the designers made some changes to its appearance, therefore the modern architectural monument is not an exact copy of its original. One of the urban legends says: if you walk through the gate and make a wish, you can be sure that it will certainly come true.

Sights of Omsk - briefly

Omsk is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It has the status of a major scientific, cultural, sports and industrial center. It is located at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers.

Sights of Omsk

Monument to the plumber
The memorial to the plumber Stepanych is an unusual sculpture for ordinary tourists, located in the central part of the city. The hero of the monument is made extremely naturally and the size of a real person.

Stepanych climbs out of the hatch right in the middle of the street and leans on the metal lid and at the same time enthusiastically follows the “flow” of city life.

Assumption Cathedral

It was first erected on the territory of Omsk at the end of the 19th century.

century. The building could not “survive” the period of religious repression during the Soviet era and was demolished on its orders.

For a long period of time, a city park was located on the site of the cathedral. IN 2005

year, a decision was made to reconstruct the cathedral. The construction process proceeded very quickly, and within two years the temple was restored and suitable for services.

Tara Gate
Also known as part of the city's fortress XVIII

Reconstruction of the original memorial began in the 50s
of the last century and ended only in

The new gate was by no means a copy of the previous ones due to the architects taking significant liberties during the reconstruction process. From the original fortress of the city, only a few entrance gates and buildings remained; other structures were deformed or collapsed by the 20th century


Buchholtskaya Square
Located next to the river station. The square is named in honor of General Ivan Buchholz, who expelled nomadic tribes from the site of the future Omsk by order of Tsar Peter I, where a fortress was soon built.

Today Buchholz Square is decorated with many landscaped lawns and alleys. In the middle of the square is the “Powers” ​​monument, depicting many different stages of the development of the square in Siberia.

Irtyshskaya embankment

The main walking street of Omsk and one of the favorite places of city residents. Was built in the middle of XX

Due to lack of attention and maintenance, the condition of the embankment has deteriorated significantly. At the beginning of the 21st
century, the street was renovated and transformed into a beautiful sight.

Tourists can enjoy a walk along the graceful alley, rollerblade along the embankment, rent a bicycle or relax on the steps leading up to the Irtysh.

Valikhanova Street

The historical part of the city is where the pedestrian street of Chokan Valikhanov, a famous historian, scientist, ethnographer, folklorist, traveler and educator, is located. The alley was partially reconstructed in 2014

year and became a pedestrian zone, considered the local “Arbat”.

Many abstract architectural forms, flower beds and forged lanterns decorate Valikhanov Alley. At the very end of the street you can visit the observation deck overlooking the Irtysh River.

Omsk Musical Theater

It was built in the middle of the last century. At first, comedy scenes dominated the performances. The actors' performances were incredibly successful, as a result of which the Omsk theater was awarded various state prizes many times.

IN 1981

year, the stage was moved to another building - a modern architectural style, reminiscent in its shape of a ship's mast and a ski slope.

Vrubel Museum

The Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel Museum is the real pride of Omsk. The gallery includes collections of various genres of domestic and foreign art from ancient times to the modern era.

The works are located in the building, which is the former governor's palace, erected according to the design of F. Wanger. The gallery is one of the largest repositories in Russia, with more than 24

000 works of art.

Pushkin Library
The library named after A.S. Pushkin was founded at the beginning of the last century and has been operating for more than 100

years. During this time, over 3.5 million different books and publications have accumulated on its shelves.

Despite the fact that lovers of works are increasingly using the Internet, the library is visited annually by about 200

thousand readers.
All specimens are located in a huge monumental building of the late 20th

Museum of History and Local Lore

The Omsk Museum of History and Local Lore houses not only its own exhibitions, but also serves as a place for displaying collections from the capital and St. Petersburg, large cities of Siberia and foreign countries.

The museum began its activities in 1878

year and until today it is considered one of the oldest in Siberia. The institution constantly participates in international festivals, taking high places and receiving awards.

Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel

A tent-type chapel, built at the beginning of the last century. Erected in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Russian-Japanese War and in honor of Tsarevich A. Romanov.

The original structure was destroyed in 1927

year, and in
the 90s
it was restored to its original location with the help of surviving pre-revolutionary photographs.

Jubilee Bridge

While walking around Omsk, it is worth going to the Yubileiny Bridge, which connects the two banks of the Om River. The bridge offers a beautiful panorama of the city and Omsk port, and is also one of the favorite places for walks among residents and guests. It is noteworthy that previously two others were located on the site of the modern Jubilee Bridge. On days of celebration of the most significant events, the Jubilee Bridge is closed to car traffic, making it at the complete disposal of walking residents. According to local legend, under this landmark of Omsk there are several entrances to underground caves. What is inside these them, and where these entrances are, of course, no one knows, and true information about their existence has not been received. However, the legend nevertheless exists to this day.

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