What to see and where to go in Serpukhov. We are looking for the most interesting things!

  • City attractions objects: 2
  • Cafes and restaurants
    facilities: 68
  • Theater
    facilities: 2
  • Museum
    objects: 4
  • Nightclubs
    facilities: 6
  • Cinema
    facilities: 4
  • Entertainment centers
    facilities: 5
  • Parks of culture and recreation
    facilities: 1
  • Travel company
    sites: 42
  • Recreation
    facilities: 8
  • Baths and saunas
    facilities: 13
  • Billiards, bowling
    facilities: 4
  • River walks
    objects: 1
  • Hotel
    facilities: 7
  • Palaces of culture
    objects: 6

Bird's eye view (05/12/2015)

A new attraction was officially opened in the Pitomnik park


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Holidays in Serpukhov are not much different from holidays in other large cities of the Moscow region, however, they have a unique flavor, which is more than represented in the interiors and design of expensive and pretentious restaurants, as well as more affordable and simple bars and cafes in Serpukhov. There is an opportunity to watch a play in the theater, go to a park or similar places where recreation is possible even with small children.

An original way to spend time in Serpukhov could be a trip to the bathhouse or swimming pool for active recreation, just Serpukhov clubs or bowling alleys - for those who like to have fun and it’s very noisy, and if you want to just sit in a pleasant environment, then the Serpukhov restaurants and cafes that are in the city will seem unsurpassed a huge amount for every taste and budget.

In order to successfully choose which holiday may be suitable at a certain moment, it is worth going to the website “serpeika.com”, where in the appropriate section information is presented, sorted both by age and hobbies, and by types of establishments. This resource will save a lot of time when choosing a vacation spot.

Shrines prayed for centuries

Vysotsky Monastery

Prince Vladimir the Brave, with the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, founded a monastery in Serpukhov.

This happened in 1374. After the outstanding victory on the Kulikovo Field, the glorious Prince Vladimir, returning to his native land, buried his comrades who died in the battle on the territory of the Vysotsk monastery, and over this mass grave he erected a Cathedral of white stone in honor of the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the 16th century, the religious and architectural ensemble on Vysokoye was replenished with the Sergievsky and St. Nicholas churches, a gallery around the Conception Cathedral and a chapel were built - an extension for additional services in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

In 1840, a bell tower of three tiers was built there.

In the middle, on the second tier, the Three Hierarchs Church opened in honor of Saints John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great. Previously, there were as many as 14 bells in the bell tower. One of them - the largest - weighed 721 pounds, which is about 12,000 kg! Subsequently, all the bells disappeared; only 5 of them were found.

Another temple is located nearby - the temple in the name of All Saints. It was erected with charitable money from the then famous industrialist N.N. Konshina. The family tomb of the Konshin family was equipped on the lower floor, and divine services were held on the second floor.

Many shrines are kept in the monastery. Read more about the history of the monastery, its churches, and icons in this article.

Among all the shrines of the Vysotsky Monastery, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” is especially revered.

Unfortunately, the Prototype was lost in time, but, painted again and consecrated in the temple, the icon shows people its healing power.

It especially helps people get rid of the craving for drinking, smoking, and drug addiction. Many grateful words from parishioners are recorded in a special book. And the fact that the icon is decorated with precious jewelry in gratitude for the healing speaks for itself.

Vladychny Convent

There is also a convent in Serpukhov - the Vvedensky Vladychny. The Mother of God herself pointed to the place chosen for the construction of a temple in Her honor - in the city of Serpukhov, among a pine forest. It was founded back in 1360.

In 1378, a magnificent icon “The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Holy of Holies” was painted especially for this holy monastery, the image of which was seen in a vision by the Monk Varlaam, the founder and first of the rectors of the church.

This icon, one of the main shrines of the monastery, was always in the Cathedral Church and was revered as healing and miraculous.

At the beginning of the 17th century, with the money of Boris Godunov, the monastery was completely rebuilt: the main Vvedensky Cathedral was expanded, and a temple was built in honor of the Holy Great Martyr George.

A church in honor of St. Theodotus of Ancyra appeared above the Holy Gates, and the monastery was completely surrounded by a stone wall with towers. According to legend, in front of the icon of St. George's candle lit up by itself, warning the monks of impending disaster.

Later, the Church of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and Senj was built - a beautiful tent-shaped canopy - over the monumental tomb of St. Varlaam.

Many holy relics are kept in the monastery churches. Read this article in great detail about everything.

Here, in the women’s monastery, there is also a copy of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, famous for its miracles of healing.

Many believers come to Her to pray and ask the Most Pure Virgin for help in getting rid of the craving for drunkenness and other addictions that prevent a person from being happy. And help miraculously comes! This is evidenced by the numerous rich decorations that grateful healed people bring.

Temple of the Old Believers

The first building of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - an Orthodox church of the Old Believers - was built at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1912, a new church building was built with the money of the Serpukhov merchant of the 1st guild and the owner of the local factory, Anna Vasilievna Maraeva - a woman of amazing destiny.

When her daughter received a serious injury while riding a horse, from which she later died, Anna Vasilievna gave all the money that was intended for her daughter’s dowry to the construction of a new church.

The church was built. To this day, a beautiful old iconostasis and an icon of the holy martyr Anfisa, that was the name of the deceased girl, have been preserved there.

Over time, the number of parishioners decreased greatly, and the temple was given to the historical and art museum. Now there are excursions about the history of the temple and its collections. And services are held only 2 times a year. Read all the details about this ancient place of worship here.

After Green Noise. Where to go for the children of Serpukhov in the summer?

Many or few?

This summer, 1,278 summer health centers will operate in the Moscow region, designed for 146,287 children
,” reports the regional Rospotrebnadzor. In total, 77 country stationary camps, 5 country sanatorium-type camps, 24 children's sanatoriums, 9 tent camps and 1,163 summer health institutions with daytime stay will operate in the Moscow region. At first glance, it's great.

But wait for the kids to happily pack their suitcases. This very figure 1,163 are school camps that operate only in June, and usually only children up to a certain age stay in them. Seniors can only be taken to school day camp in handcuffs. From September to May in school and in the summer back to school? The older ones, of course, dream of a completely different vacation.

Helping hand for drowning people

In addition, the first deputy chairman of the government of the Moscow region, Olga Zabralova, said that this summer over 350 thousand children in the region from 7 to 15 years old will be able to relax in the camps. 8 thousand boys and girls in difficult life situations will go to camps in Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Families and other preferential categories can apply for free trips. About 1.5 billion rubles have been allocated from the regional budget for this children's health campaign.

What can I say, this is also great and honorable. Exactly the minimum that the state is obliged to give to its subjects - orphans, disabled children, large families, social units going to the bottom... Well, and to encourage the talented and gifted future of the country. After all, among those who will go to the camp under the preferential system - and young athletes, Olympic athletes, dancers, singers and other boys and girls, whom not only God noted with their talent, but also their adults with certificates and medals.

All is promising for the high flyers

Now let's imagine a completely different situation.
Your children are like children. The stars are missing from the sky. Cups are not placed on shelves. Dad, of course, is trying. Mom too... Summer has come. And prices for trips have risen faster than children. This year, for example, the cheapest trip to the camp is promised to cost 26 thousand rubles, and the most expensive will cost 49,900 rubles.
However, we found prices even higher. But Rospotrebnadzor statistics claim that the cost of one camp shift per child will cost parents an average of 34.9 thousand rubles in 2017. Last year this figure was 27.9 thousand rubles. What if there are two children? Hey, loving grandparents?

And if income is neither here nor there

Someone is lucky to have adoring relatives... But we will toughen the situation: so that it’s like in life, and not like in the movies. Let's say there are no grandparents. Dad? We cross it out. Children - one or two. It’s not even significant anymore. Because mom works, of course, like hell. No holidays or weekends. Maybe even two jobs. And, oh shit! Her income is above the minimum by which it is determined whether a family is benefited or not. 100 rubles higher or 2000, what's the difference!

Because we remind you once again: children’s holidays in summer camps have become 7 thousand more expensive this year. And if the mother is not the chief accountant, not an oil worker or a top manager, then her children are left with rest in the yard, a work team for those who are older, and... complete freedom while alone at home - risky and desperate. And an organized vacation - with counselors, clubs, a swimming pool or the sea - is somewhere in my dreams. By the way, we looked at the prices for summer camps near Serpukhov. And we barely found these camps. Material on the topic: Children's Day program in Serpukhov

After “Noise” - silence

In mid-May, the Serpukhov district administration, according to the official website, held a meeting dedicated to organizing children's recreation. Most of the issues discussed concerned security. Representatives of the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor and other supervisory authorities addressed the audience. This is an echo of last summer, when a terrible disaster happened in the popular and oldest camp - “Green Noise”. A tree fell on the child and the boy died. A criminal case was opened against the director of the camp, which was recently dismissed by the city court.

But even in winter, after the January shift, the camp with almost half a century of history curtailed its activities in the Serpukhov region and was closed. Parents of children who went to this camp, despite the summer tragedy, tried to somehow influence the outcome through public opinion and leave the camp. Why? Because many Serpukhovites literally grew up in the “Green Noise”. Because the camp is close to Serpukhov, and it was possible to come and visit the child. Because many people liked the team and the atmosphere.

I wish only good things for the Serpukhov region, they had a single camp that always took first place... alas, but a tragedy can happen anywhere, there is a forest in every camp, trees fall everywhere. And I can tell the parents - the team will continue to work, let them come to our website and the VKontakte group. As soon as we find a new base, the children will be able to come to us again. After all, they were going to the team, and not just for the sake of the place

,” Anna Sheremetyeva, the ex-director of the former “Green Noise”, told us over the phone then..

Despite everything, Green Noise's biggest patriots expected the situation to somehow change by this summer. The support group went to court hearings. Someone was ready for the camp to open, if not in the Serpukhov region, then at least somewhere else. However, already in March, an appeal appeared in the official Green Noise group on VKontakte:

Alternative - for the very wealthy

Today, only commercial children’s camps and school June camps remain in the Serpukhov region. This is stated on the administration's website. . All of these commercial camps are located in the area of ​​​​the village of Avangard, at a holiday home for both children and adults. We looked at this year's prices. They start from 40 thousand rubles for 13 days.

14 days of children's joy already cost 52,500. And sometimes 12 days cost more than 50 thousand rubles. After all, in these less than two weeks, the organizers promise communication with “native speakers”.

That is, these are camps for some very focused parents, whose aspirations are to invest in their child everything that is possible and impossible, regardless of the holidays: English, tennis or “improving professional skills in various competencies”... Rest for a great future and high parental aspirations. We dug into the prices of last season's Green Noise. They certainly weren't short. In 2021 they looked like this:

But this is for a 20-day shift. Even if we add another 7 thousand to last year’s cost, by which the price of a children’s holiday has increased, it still turns out to be at least a little cheaper than in an “elite” one with a tennis racket and English-speaking mentors. But, alas, there is currently no alternative to the lost camp in the Serpukhov region. And parents who have found the means and opportunity to send their children on an organized vacation will have to pack their bags seriously for a long journey.

There was no place for children in the area with “oxygen resorts” and park hotels. Just children, not elite ones, who expect relaxation and joy from the summer with their parents, and not improving their skills for certain sums. In addition, in a foreign land you can run into the unexpected. Last year, for example. An illegal camp opened and operated in the Naro-Fominsk region. The inspectors did not immediately discover this.

Read also: Getting ready for the beach season: top shopping in Serpukhov

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