Where to go in Penza: overview of the most popular entertainment, addresses, photos and reviews

  • August 30, 2018
  • Tips for tourists
  • Oleg Petrov

Where to go in Penza interests everyone who finds themselves in this city. There is enough entertainment and attractions that amaze even experienced travelers who have seen many cities and countries.

The most interesting places, attractions and favorite establishments that are definitely worth visiting in this city are discussed further in the article.

Penza city

When deciding where to go in Penza, you need to have at least a general idea of ​​this city. This is the center of the Penza region, which was founded in 1663. By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a fortress was built here on the southeastern outskirts of the state.

Subsequently, the city began to actively develop, especially in the 19th century, when many industrial factories and enterprises opened here.

During the Great Patriotic War, enterprises from the west of the country, captured by the Nazi invaders, were evacuated here. This was another impetus for the rapid industrial growth of the city. Now about 520 thousand people live in Penza, the population is constantly growing.


We continue to list the sights of Penza. What should visitors to the city see? This settlement is rightfully proud of its religious buildings.

The Assumption Cathedral traces its history back to the beginning of the last century. The picturesque temple was built of red brick. The building contains elements of pseudo-Russian and Byzantine styles. In the center of the architectural composition you can see a round tower topped with a dome. During Soviet times, the cathedral was turned into a military warehouse, but already in 1945 it was returned to the parishioners, having listened to numerous requests.

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery has existed since the end of the 17th century. It was created by order of Tsar Ivan the Fifth. In 1794 the monastery was rebuilt. During the Soviet era, he had to go through difficult times. The monastery was closed and the building was turned into stables. Restoration work began in the 90s and continues to this day.

It is impossible not to mention the same age as Penza - the Intercession Bishops' Cathedral. The temple lasted only two years, then it was burned down by nomads who attacked the city. Until 1765 it was rebuilt several times. Then it was decided to replace the wooden structure with a stone structure. In 1931 the temple was closed. For some time the building was occupied by a cinema, then it became completely empty. In the 90s, restoration work began, then services resumed.

Moscow street

Of the many places where you can go in Penza with a girl, the first one that comes to mind is Moskovskaya Street. This is one of the city's most popular attractions.

This is the main street located in the historical center. It is pedestrian, so it is often called the local Arbat. Here you can buy various souvenirs, paintings by local artists, or even order your own portrait, which will be completed in just a few minutes.

Moskovskaya Street appeared in the 17th century; it is almost the same age as the city itself. It received its current name in the 18th century, when the road to Moscow ran through it through the outpost of the same name.

This has always been the shopping center of Penza, and this is how Moskovskaya Street remains today. Here's where you can go for a walk in Penza. There is something to see here. In 1974, the famous huge cuckoo clock was installed. In Soviet times, similar watches were produced en masse in Serdobsk near Penza, so many tourists bought them when they came here.


What other interesting attractions are there in Penza, where to go? The Museum of Folk Art is a must-see for inquisitive tourists. Even the building in which it is located is of architectural value. It was built in the first half of the 19th century. The museum has existed since 1975 and was created to attract attention to traditional folk crafts. Among its exhibits are crafts made from textiles, wood and straw, works made from down and glass, ceramics and much more.

The local history museum also deserves the attention of city guests. It was created by members of the Society of Natural History Lovers. At the beginning of the last century, the doors of the museum opened to everyone. Its exposition contains exhibits of an archaeological, historical, artistic, and ethnographic nature. Currently their number is approaching 100 thousand.

The V. E. Meyerhold Theater-Museum is located in a house that once belonged to the famous director and actor. This is a picturesque wooden mansion built in 1881. Of course, the museum exhibits are dedicated to the fate and work of the star; now there are already more than 10 thousand of them. Performances are held here from time to time.

The V. O. Klyuchevsky Museum is another place that guests of Penza can recommend visiting. It has existed since 1991, located in the building in which the famous historian was once born and spent the first years of his life. The first part of the exhibition contains clothing, furniture, interior items, as well as archival documents and books. The second part includes Klyuchevsky’s scientific works, his autographs and photographs.

Fountain Square

On the same street is Fontannaya Square, popular among locals and tourists. Here's where you can go in Penza without money. Celebrations are regularly held here on holidays.

One of the main attractions of the city is the light and music fountain, which was installed back in 1977. He still continues to delight everyone who sees him.

It is also worth paying attention to another remarkable object on Moskovskaya Street. This is a huge thermometer installed on the wall of one of the houses at the intersection with Maxim Gorky Street. The building itself was built in 1911 as an apartment building, and the thermometer appeared on it already in Soviet times. This is the best option where a tourist can go in Penza.

The easiest way to get to Moskovskaya Street is by public transport, going to the “October Cinema” or “Children’s Library” stop.

Local "Arbat"

Where to go in Penza? Guests of the city should definitely visit Moskovskaya Street. The history of this place began in the 18th century. It was here that the first stone houses were built. In the past, the street was always filled with people. Merchants were everywhere, trying to sell their wares.

Now Moskovskaya Street is just as crowded. It is not for nothing that it is compared with the capital’s Arbat, because it is a favorite place for walks among the city’s population and tourists. On the street there are various cultural institutions, shopping centers, banks, and hotels.

Museum of one painting

Another famous place in the city is the Museum of One Painting. This is a unique museum where people come to devote their attention to just one work of art. By tradition, only one painting is exhibited here, which makes each exhibition very unusual.

This museum appeared in 1983. It is worth noting that the exhibition hall is intimate, for a maximum of 40 people. One visit lasts about 45 minutes. During this time, guests are shown a slide film about the author of the work, his biography, and the time in which he lived. Only after this the curtain opens, behind which a picturesque masterpiece is presented.

The idea of ​​exhibiting only one work of art in the museum was invented by Georg Myasnikov, an employee of the Penza regional committee, who contributed with all his might to the opening of this museum. This is exactly the place where you can go in Penza for new experiences. The museum is located at: Kirova Street, 11.

Where in Penza can you have a good rest? TOP 10 nightclubs from 1pnz

Recently, the number of nightlife establishments in Penza, as they say, is growing by leaps and bounds.
That is why representatives of the 1pnz portal have prepared a list of the most popular clubs in the city for readers. At the end of the review, local hosts and DJs recommended the best parties and clubs that they themselves enjoy. In Penza, new clubs are constantly opening and old clubs are closing. It often happens that a person who is far from club life, who once decided to go to a “party”, is lost in choice and remains at home. To prevent this from happening again, the 1pnz correspondent prepared a list of the most popular Penza nightclubs for readers, and also talked with DJs and presenters of the city so that they, in turn, would share their impressions of various nightlife establishments with Penza residents.

REC "Kvadrat"

There are several dance floors operating on the territory of this entertainment center. The establishment is located at 124B Pobedy Avenue. You can call the Kvadrat Center at the following contact number: 25-27-25.

RC "Emerald City"

In addition to a place where you can dance, the establishment also houses a hotel, sauna, restaurant, bowling alley, karaoke bar and much more. “Emerald” is located at 1G Stroiteley Avenue. Contact phone number: 20-88-56.

Rush Club

According to the club representatives themselves, “Rush” is a progressive and young institution, where an atmosphere of positivity and drive always reigns. Rush employees prepare a special show program for their visitors every week, involving a variety of artists. The club is located at 15 Chekhov Street, and you can call the establishment by phone 55-32-17.

BARSUK only MAN`s club

The men's club "Badger" is located in the area of ​​the Penza bus station (6B Lunacharskogo Street). You can ask any questions you have regarding the operation of the establishment by calling 76-66-69.


Recently, the establishment has been located at 71 Revolyutsionnaya Street. Visitors to “Iguana” can enjoy two dance halls and karaoke. Citizens can contact the club administration by calling 99-00-00.

Paradise Male Strip Club

“Alcohol, themed parties and performances by Russian striptease stars - this is Paradise,” says the establishment’s official website.

This strip club is located at Kirova Street 55A. You can call “Paradise” at 21-23-03.

Shikana Entertainment Center

If a resident of Penza has a desire to go karting, then the entertainment center is ready to fulfill this whim. Among other things, the establishment has a karaoke bar, cocktail bar, bowling alley and much more. “Shicana” is located at Nasosnaya Street 3. Contact phone numbers: 49-20-19 and 49-23-10.

Dj bar "Sacvoyage"

The establishment is located at 71 Moskovskaya Street. Penza residents can ask any questions regarding the work of “Sacvoyage” by calling 52-10-10.

World cafe "Planet"

This establishment is a unique place where chefs prepare popular dishes from around the world. And every Friday and Saturday “Planet” turns into a nightclub with interesting parties, where the top club music always plays. The cafe is located at 67B Stroiteley Avenue. Contact phone number: 22-88-68.

Harat's Pub

The establishment is located at 6 Belinskogo Street. Residents can ask any questions they may have by calling 39-58-06.

Now let's find out which dance floors Penza DJs and showmen recommend visiting.

DJ Alexander Kurgansky recommended that city residents go to such places as: the world cafe "Planet", the art hookah bar "Smoke", the entertainment center "Kvadrat", "AutoBusCafe", "Shalash Lounge", the hookah bar "Nargillia" and the cafe "Mint Lounge" "

“Recently, in my opinion, one of the best Penza clubs, Dobro, closed. And among the recently opened establishments, I would highlight the art hookah bar “Smoke” and “Shalash Lounge,” says Alexander. “Also, I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to my Valentine’s Day party, which will take place at Paradise.” A special guest from Volgograd “Nord Grand” and my good friend Dmitry Elizarov will play at the event. If you really want to know what a good party is, you definitely need to attend this party!”

But DJ Vladimir Borisov spoke much more skeptically about the night dance floors of Penza.

“In my opinion, there is not a single decent establishment left in the city. I heard that the Number 60 bar will open soon, where I hope there will be something good. But at the moment the situation is such that in every Penza club there is an abundance of bad taste and vulgarity, which cannot be said about many other cities. It seems to me that any reasonable person, after a visit to a local nightclub, will choose a different leisure option next time,” the Penza resident expresses his opinion. – I don’t take discos for 20-year-old teenagers into account, but I speak based on my age. And I’m already 31.”

DJ Roman Kazantsev practically repeated the words of the previous respondent.

“To be honest, now I don’t see any truly interesting and stable establishments. Me and my friends, by and large, have nowhere to go, so I do my own projects. But this is solely my opinion,” says the musician.

Ilya Arkhipov , in turn, agreed with his colleague’s opinion.

“I cannot recommend a single Penza club. All the establishments that I liked closed, and nothing new has appeared for a long time,” says the DJ. – As someone who has worked in the restaurant business for a long time, of all the establishments in the city, I would prefer a half-empty bar on a weekday, when it is not very noisy and you can chat with the bartender. There are many such places in Penza, and bar prices are approximately the same everywhere.”

Presenter Ilya Ternovoy spoke about his food preferences and expressed the opinion that the Penza mentality is not able to accept the atmosphere of a decent nightclub.

“I’ll say right away that I am a picky person. In my opinion, there are not many good establishments in Penza. The recently opened “BeerVille” pleasantly surprised me with the highest quality of beer. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth it! I also like to eat tasty and quickly, and I managed to find a good alternative to McDonald's in the same Suvorovsky shopping center. This place is called “Bubble bar&cafe,” says the showman. — As for nightclubs, this is not for me. I’m not a “party animal” and the local clubs, to put it mildly, leave much to be desired. I remember there was one where you could often see me, but, unfortunately, it closed. We are talking about Qosmos. The “trick” also lies in the fact that worthy establishments may open, bringing a good idea to the masses, but the city, unfortunately, is not the same!”

Penza showman Mikhail Khromov turned out to be less talkative and did not criticize the city’s nightlife. Among the clubs that the presenter advised his fellow countrymen to go to were the following establishments: “Hookah Place”, “Autohouse cafe”, the world cafe “Planet” and various hookah bars.

Photo: weburg.net

Belinsky Park

This park is located on Karl Marx Street, 1. By public transport, the best way to get here is to stop “Gymnasium No. 1” or “DS Rubin”.

This is one of the oldest parks in all of Russia. Its history began back in 1821 during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. Construction of the park lasted until 1836. During its existence, it changed several names, only in 1911 it became a park named after Belinsky, part of the centenary of the birth of the famous Russian literary critic. A monument to Vissarion Grigorievich was erected at the entrance, and his bas-relief appeared on the gate.

There have been many celebrities who visited Penza. By the way, this is where you can go in Penza in the evening to have a good time. Today, part of the park’s territory is occupied by the educational buildings of the local pedagogical institute.

It is noteworthy that the so-called landscape style was taken as the basis for the construction of the park. That is, the natural landscape of the oak grove that existed in this place was preserved as much as possible. According to traveler reviews, it is pleasant to walk here at any time of the year, in any weather.

In addition, there are many attractions open here. Now you know where you can go in Penza in the summer, where it will be fun. There is a cafe here, even a cable car. You can usefully spend your leisure time in a planetarium or botanical garden. For lovers of hiking, there are health trails that pass through the most beautiful places in the park with the purest springs. If this is your first time in this city and you don’t know where to go in Penza, choose this route.

Palace of Pioneers

Perhaps the most iconic place for giving love in a car in Penza. It was... until the fashion came to put up barriers and fence off everything and everyone. Moreover, the barrier was installed not even by the Palace of Pioneers, but by residents of nearby cottages, who apparently oppose love in cars.

Well, that's not the point. Let's tell you about this wonderful place. It is located on a high point in the city and gives people a view of the city center, Pushkin Street, and in the spring there is also an assortment of cherry blossoms on the mountain. The place was a favorite among motorists because it had direct access. That is, you could park your car right in front of the slope and enjoy the view of Penza at night.

Every evening, about a dozen cars gathered in this abode of love pleasures in the fresh air, despite the fact that the paths there are narrow and, if you arrived early, it was not easy to leave. But that didn't stop people.

Then, with the installation of the barrier, only the platform above remained, from which there was no longer such a luxurious view, which was the reason for lovers of auto romance to go to other places.


In any city where there is a circus, it is the main attraction for tourists and locals. In Penza, the circus is located on Plekhanov Street, 13.

Few people know, but this city is considered the birthplace of the Russian national circus. The first stationary circus appeared here back in 1873. It was founded by local entrepreneurs and artists, the Nikitin brothers.

Today the circus successfully tours throughout the country, regularly delighting viewers with new programs in Penza itself.

Apple orchard in Arbekovo

A wonderful place that still exists. In Arbekovo, behind the pond near the 6th city hospital there is an apple orchard. From there you have a good view of Lyadova Street. And due to the fact that the garden is located on a hill, this view takes on quite a large scale. At the moment, construction is already underway in the part farthest from the dam, but the part closest to the hospital has not yet been touched. In addition, there are several entrances for cars, but be careful - the roads there are not ideal.

As we see, love in cars is an endangered species in Penza, so for now, take advantage of those open and accessible areas of the city that will give you and your significant other a romantic experience.

traffic light tree

The place where you can get acquainted with original ideas in Penza is the square in the area of ​​Oktyabrskaya and Suvorov streets. There is a very unusual art object here - the Traffic Light Tree.

It appeared after new traffic lights began to be installed en masse in the city. It turned out that there was simply nowhere to put the old ones, so they were combined to create a modern work of art. According to reviews, this is one of the most unusual objects that will surprise even experienced travelers.


Due to its difficult accessibility, it is not particularly popular among the entire city, but those who live at the GPP and Mayak know these places well. Particularly noteworthy now are the places where the dachas end on the road to the pontoon bridge. From there you have a beautiful view of the lights of the embankment and Sputnik. The places there are not crowded, so except for the same romantic couples, no one will stop you from loving each other.

"Seventh heaven"

The trampoline is ready to give visitors a good mood all year round. It is located on Volodarsky Street, 27.

Here you will be given an excellent opportunity to have fun while keeping yourself in excellent physical shape.

It is only worth noting that there are so many people interested that it is best to sign up in advance. This is what regulars of the center advise in reviews, so that later it doesn’t turn out that all the trampolines are occupied.


A men's night club with the original name BARSUK is open in Penza on Lunacharsky Street, 7b. This is a very original place where you can go in Penza for a birthday, but only if you are going to celebrate it with a purely male company. Because girls are not allowed here. Therefore, people often come here with friends to celebrate their bachelor party.

This is a place where everyone can enjoy the beauty of ideal female bodies. Erotic shows are held here every day, with the participation of dancers with whom a professional choreographer works. If you want to know what real erotic theater is, then be sure to go here. Judging by the reviews, this is one of the best entertainment venues in the city.


Entertainment in Penza is of interest to everyone who is lucky enough to be in this amazing city. This information will also be useful to those who are just planning to visit it.

Where can tourists with children go? The local zoo is the best choice in this case. On its territory there are now more than 200 species of animals, some of which are mentioned in the Red Book. The history of the zoo began in 1981, and since then it has enjoyed constant popularity.

What other entertainment in Penza might interest tourists? The A.V. Lunacharsky Theater is a place where you can go in the evening. It was created at the end of the 18th century, and in 2009 a new building was erected for it. The first play that was staged at the theater was written by Tsarina Catherine the Second.

Wake Park

Sura Wake Park will appeal to those who prefer active recreation. You can find it at the address: Ruseevsky Beach, 2. Fans of extreme sports and exciting recreation are always welcome here. This is where you can go in Penza in the summer, you will never regret it.

In the wake park, you will have the opportunity to appear on water boards (the same wakeboards) or their varieties, for example, SUP boards. Here everyone will be able to jump on a trampoline to their heart's content, watch a quality movie in an open-air cinema, find many cheerful friends, and get a charge of positive emotions.

There is always a special atmosphere here, because talented and interesting personalities gather in the wake park. Everyone can find something inspiring for themselves.

Excursions in Penza

What should those who don’t know where to go in Penza do? Of course, choose one of the many excursion programs that the city generously offers to its guests.

  • "Memorable places of Penza." This program is ideal for people new to the city. Participants will be able to see the most interesting places of the settlement, learn more about its architecture and history.
  • "Due to raids." The fortress city once served as a kind of border point, protecting the country from attacks by its closest neighbors. Those who are interested in events of the distant past and hot battles should definitely visit this excursion.
  • "Literary Penza". This program will appeal to those who love to read. Many famous writers were born and raised in Penza.
  • "Secrets of old Penza." Tourists who like to listen to ancient legends should definitely choose this program. They will learn how many secrets the picturesque city, located on the banks of the river, holds. Mysterious kidnappings, bandits in labyrinths, underground treasures, voices from underground - participants will learn many shocking facts.
  • "The Road to the Temple" This program is popular among tourists who want to learn more about religious buildings located in Penza.

Of course, this is just part of the exciting programs.

Roller rink "Olympic"

Another place for speed lovers is the Olimpiysky roller rink, which is located on Gagarina Street, 6, building 1.

In this place you will be able not to part with your favorite skates in any weather, and experienced instructors will definitely teach those who want to master them. Often people come here to rollerblade with the whole family, because both pensioners and preschoolers can master it. It turns out it's simple and completely safe. In addition, this roller rink has a specially installed safety surface, so it is almost impossible to get seriously injured.

The area of ​​the Olimpiysky roller rink is almost two thousand square meters, and the skating field itself is about 800 square meters. So 80 people can be here at the same time without interfering with each other.

“Olympic” in Penza is a unique platform where you can first go roller skating, then relax and refresh yourself in a cafe, and have an interesting and useful time with friends playing board games and game consoles. Until you get the strength to rollerblade again.

By the way, judging by the numerous reviews of regular visitors, this is a great place to have fun celebrating your birthday.


Veterok, this place is behind Veselovka and Dubrava, on Zelenodolskaya street. The houses end on the hill and offer a beautiful view of the pond, forests and fields. The sun sets just behind the forest - you can romantically hold hands at sunset, walk on the grass, take pictures with lonely trees on the slope, which are very popular with wedding photographers. There are roads in any weather. You only need to remember one thing - when the sun sets, the area will be plunged into darkness and neither forests nor fields will be visible, only houses behind this splendor.

"Svetlaya Polyana"

In the village of Chemodanovka near Penza there is the Svetlaya Polyana shooting complex, popular in the region. All competitions and test shooting here are organized under the auspices of the Regional Federation of Skeet and Bullet Shooting.

In a short time here you can master different types of sports shooting, including those that are considered Olympic disciplines. This place is popular for celebrations, corporate events and public holidays. On the territory of the complex there are four gazebos with a capacity of up to one hundred people. So, if you wish, you can usefully spend time here with colleagues or close friends.

Experienced instructors will immediately help you master hunting disciplines - sporting, knife throwing. Paintball competitions are often held here; if you wish, you can visit the pneumatic shooting range and practice marksmanship.

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