Sights of Essentuki: where to go and what to see in the city and surrounding area - photos, descriptions and addresses of all beautiful and interesting places

Mountain water resorts in Russia are not only intended for treatment, but can also enchant their guests with wonderful landscapes and natural beauty spots, as well as architectural and cultural monuments. We decided to tell you where to go, what interesting things to see in Essentuki, give a list of attractions with descriptions, addresses and photos of the city and its surroundings.

The settlement is a resort and belongs to the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Therefore, drinking galleries and pump rooms occupy a special position among entertainment - they are visited for inspection, for indications, and for prevention. The springs can be used not only for drinking. Their healing liquids fill mineral baths and are used for other hydro procedures. But it is interesting to see the buildings themselves where the keys are located, because many of them were built during Tsarist Russia.

It is also worth visiting the famous mud baths, several city parks, and taking a look at the monuments and architecture. The oldest churches can become examples of ancient Russian architecture.

During the trip, nature itself has a healing effect. The mild climate and fresh air currents are enriched with phytoncides, thanks to the widespread landscaping of the city and the abundance of park areas.

Sights of Essentuki

Essentuki is a quiet provincial resort town in the southern territory of the Stavropol Territory, part of the Mineralnye Vody group in the Caucasus, located at an altitude of 640 m above sea level, in the valley of the Podkumok River.
The town is very popular among tourists from near and far abroad, which is why today we will take a detailed look at the sights of Essentuki and its surroundings. Every year, thousands of people come to the sanatoriums and health centers located on the resort’s territory. Recreational-balneological and mud health centers specialize in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, liver, digestive tract, ENT organs, neurology, musculoskeletal system, endocrine pathology, gynecology, urology and skin.

What will the weather be like?

The weather forecast shows that August in 2021 will be the hottest month in Essentuki. The air temperature during the day is from +28 to +35°C, rains are rare, they are typical for the beginning of August. The city has many parks and green spaces, therefore, as both locals and tourists note, the heat in the city is not felt.

The nights are cold, especially at the end of August - the average temperature is +16°C. It's cool both in the morning and in the evening. Temperatures in the mountains are several degrees lower, and short-term rains are possible there. If you are planning an active excursion program and frequent walks around the city, take with you the following clothes:

  • dresses, T-shirts, shorts - for walking during the day;
  • hat, sunscreen, sunglasses;
  • trousers, a thick sweater and a windbreaker for the morning and evening;
  • a pair of comfortable shoes that can withstand hiking in the mountains.

Review of the trip from Anna, a teacher from Tambov:

“I thought that there was nowhere to swim in Essentuki - there was no sea, so I didn’t take a swimsuit. But in vain. I had to buy it. Firstly, my sanatorium had a good swimming pool. Some hotels also have swimming pools; entry there is not for guests - there is a fee. I also went to the beach near Lake Bolshoye, this is the White Coal station, not far from the center. There is nice sand, the lake is clean, there are sun loungers for rent. Nearby there are boat rentals and an excellent cafe with delicious food.”

Weather forecast in Essentuki for August 2021.

Flora and climate

In addition to the well-known mineral springs, the settlement is famous for the extraordinary nature of the Caucasus. From the central part of the city there is an immense panorama of the picturesque landscapes of Mount Beshtau, Mashuk and the peak of the city of Kislovodsk called the Big Saddle.

To the south of the area begin the foothills of the Rocky Range of the Greater Caucasus. Due to the abundance of mountainous terrain, the city is dominated by a mountain-steppe soft continental climate, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract.

People who come here to improve their health will undoubtedly appreciate the attractions of Essentuki and the city’s surrounding areas. Among the interesting places of the famous resort are many architectural forms and buildings, a variety of styles that can evoke the most vivid emotions. Therefore, in between treatments, immediately go on an excursion.

Trout farm, ostrich farm, Ring Mountain

Travelers with children will be interested in a busy outing, which takes place on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. It is called “Trout farm, ostrich farm, Mount Ring” (700 rubles, 4 hours). You can go to a trout hatchery, explore the unique natural monument Mount Ring, and visit an ostrich breeding farm.

Trout farming.

During your walk, you will try original trout dishes, feed the birds, and take beautiful photos against the backdrop of the majestic mountain. It will be a rich program!

A healing park with magnificent nature

The city center is incredibly beautiful, there are historical and cultural sites and many public gardens. The main attractions are located in the Healing Park, as well as on the streets adjacent to it. The 60-hectare central park divides the city into 2 parts: resort and residential.

There is a mineral well here, as well as arches, gazebos, colonnades and various architectural structures that make the place look like a fairy-tale forest. That is why this forest park ensemble is a favorite place for most tourists.

The territory with picturesque virgin nature is divided into the upper Victory Park and the lower Medical Park. Both parts are connected by a staircase, which is built in a cascade with numerous vases, arches, terraces and fountains.

Royal Upper Baths

The mineral baths located in Victory Park are recommended for normalizing the activity of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

St. Nicholas Church

A two-altar sanctuary in the style of wooden architecture, built by the Cossacks. Near the temple, a stone cross 4 meters high was erected, as well as a monument to the Cossacks (the founders of the village of Essentuki), who gave their lives for the fatherland during the years of genocide.

Drinking galleries

Healing springs mentioned above. Galleries No. 4 and 17 with mineral waters are located at the entrance to the lower park, in the form of stone buildings in the classical English style with the presence of Moorish and Byzantine elements.

Weeping Grottoes

One of the most beautiful ancient places among all the attractions of Essentuki. Here you can observe an extraordinary phenomenon: natural water seeps from the base of the grottoes, which turns into large drops. They flow down and form a lake. Then the water is absorbed into the soil and, passing through several layers of soil, turns into mineral water, known to us as “Narzan”.

Gazebo "Oreanda"

An interesting historical observation deck with majestic architectural columns, located at the foot of the hill in the upper park. The gazebo offers a magnificent view of the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, Elbrus. A telescope is located here so that guests can conveniently view the long Caucasus mountain range and the surrounding area of ​​the Black Sea coast.

Profitable offer

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It is located in the same Resort Park not far from Pump Room No. 3.

Summer garden

The park area was laid out and landscaped not so long ago. Landscape designers tried to combine modern conveniences with pristine nature and its non-man-made creations, so they did not remove centuries-old trees and the main area of ​​planting, but only enlarged it and supplemented it with flower beds. The location of the park is such that in good weather you can see the slopes of Elbrus from here. It is located near the Gallery of Mineral Springs. Inside there is everything you need for a pleasant pastime - fountains, lighting, benches and paths arranged in interesting routes.

Drinking gallery of spring No. 17

Perhaps the most valuable among similar pump rooms, since the seventeenth water is very famous all over the world. At one time, Count Vorontsov himself invited the eminent architect Upton to design the building. Among the features, it should be noted marble - as one of the main building materials, several stained glass windows inside, stucco molding and sculptural compositions. The gallery is located in the Resort Park.

Museum of History and Local Lore named after V.P. Shpakovsky

If you are tired of constant walking, even to the most amazing and beautiful places, it’s time to go to Kislovodskaya Street to see museum samples collected over several centuries. Clothes, household items, and furniture of nobles of the 18th and 19th centuries are presented here. One of the unique exhibits is a set of silver coins. The entire collection is presented in six rooms and is concentrated on the second floor.

Singing Fountain

It is located on Theater Square and becomes an even greater decoration of the city in the evening, when the sound and multi-colored lighting are turned on. Jets of water burst out under different pressures from holes located on the same level with the asphalt, so visitors, especially children, love to run between the jets in the summer heat . You can simply admire the light music while sitting on the benches from afar.

Rio de Caucasus

This is a large temple complex, in the center of which is the majestic Orthodox Church of Peter and Paul. An alley leads to it, decorated on both sides with statues, lighting, and hedges. On the dais is an architectural composition in the image of Jesus Christ. This zone got its name for its resemblance to the famous monument in Rio de Janeiro. For young parishioners there is a small petting zoo on site. In order to visit the spiritual center of Essentuki, you need to go to its outskirts, to the Borgustan highway.

Honey Falls

A protected place of amazing beauty is located in the village of Kommunstroy. Therefore, it is better to take an excursion program if you do not have a personal car. There are beautiful views not only next to the river bursting out of the gorge, but also all around.

Ring Mountain

The rock had many caves at its base, but the amazing whims of nature made it impossible even for architects - they left only an oval opening in the form of a ring on a hill. According to legend, if you stand in the formed opening, you can get a great charge of energy, vitality, and also become more successful in love. You can see it in Kislovodsk from the southern spur of the Borgustan ridge.

Mount Mashuk

One of the most famous peaks, sung by Lermontov in poetry. Not only climbers can conquer it; there are several easy walking routes along it for lovers of active recreation. During the excursion, we recommend using the services of guides for the ascent.

Notable places in the vicinity of Essentuki

Despite the young age of the city, in addition to the central park, there are other attractions of Essentuki. These are all kinds of architectural buildings and museums built in the traditions of the Russian Empire.

Mud bath named after Semashko

The physiotherapeutic outpatient clinic is located in the building of a former military hospital and is a historical and cultural value. The mud bath carries powerful energy inside and out and can truly be considered a temple of health.

The facade of the building is decorated with bas-relief, and in the area around it there are figures of the gods of ancient Greek and Roman mythology, and you might think that you are somewhere in Greece or Italy. The courtyard is decorated with stone lion statues in Roman style. The inside of the room is decorated with large windows and stained glass windows.

The treatment area and relaxation rooms are located on the ground floor. For treatment, unique sulfide needle mud is brought to the infirmary from Lake Tambukan, which is located in the protected environs of Essentuki. Heating of the mud is ensured by the operation of boiler rooms located in deep basements, because it will have a healing effect at a temperature of 40⁰.

As for organizing recreation for guests of Essentuki, the main motto of the hospital is relaxation of patients. For maximum comfort, the men's and women's areas are separated. And the windows overlook a spruce grove with the aroma of fresh pine needles, which is beneficial for the respiratory tract. There are also quiet alleys for walking.

Tsander Institute of Mechanotherapy

Another name is the Zander Institute of Medical Gymnastics, named after the Swedish doctor Gustav Zander. It is a small, architecturally interesting building with a wooden frame in the Art Nouveau style. Pink brick structures, corner towers and domes on the roof give the impression that you are next to a fairy tale tower.

In 1902, it was here that an apparatus for performing therapeutic machine gymnastics was invented. The health value of this equipment lies in a number of useful functions.

Using simulators, you can correct the curvature of the spine, stretch the spine, massage the legs and arms using powerful vibrations, and bend and straighten various joints. The device provides varying degrees of load, so both adults and children can do the exercises.

In addition to its beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, mechanotherapy has a positive effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, metabolic disorders, as well as the functioning of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Over the period of its hundred-year existence, the Tsander Institute of Mechanotherapy was visited by Prince Golitsin and his wife, Stanislavsky K.S., Shalyapin F.I., Komissarzhevskaya V.F., Taneyev S.I. and other famous personalities. Gymnastics machines to this day help improve people’s health and are still considered unique.

Walking around the city

If we talk about personal general impressions, then they are very contradictory. On the one hand, it’s a typical resort town with a nice park, on the other, you don’t even need to go a couple of blocks from the center to understand that life is like a zebra.

However, this looks like the sanatorium that recently had a fire.

If we ignore social rhetoric, then Essentuki is a city more for treatment than for recreation. The medical park is relatively small (unlike Kislovodsk), and the city itself is quite compact, but there are sanatoriums and boarding houses at every turn.

How to get to Essentuki?

In order to organize treatment and recreation in Essentuki, you first need to get to the administrative center of Mineralnye Vody. If you came here by train, a regular train runs daily from the railway station on the route “Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk”. You need to get off at Essentuki station; travel time is 50 minutes.

If you are flying to Mineralnye Vody by plane to get to your holiday home in Essentuki, we recommend that you contact the taxi counter, which is located at the exit from the terminals. Due to the fact that the cities are located only forty kilometers from each other, ordering a car will cost a small amount of 600 to 800 rubles. Travel time by car will be about 40 minutes.

Jeep trip to Bermamyt

Extreme sports enthusiasts, you are welcome to the “Jeep trip to Bermamyt”! This is an individual 7-hour tour costing 8,000 rubles for a company of up to 8 people. You will be invited to appreciate the beauty of the majestic Elbrus, the Monakhi rocks and the main Caucasian ridge.

Secret places await you on Bermamyt, which can only be reached by jeep.

The trip to the mountains is made in a jeep, which will take you to hard-to-reach but extremely picturesque places.

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