TOP 25 - what to see in Georgievsk, Stavropol Territory

TOP-3 - what to visit in Georgievsk in 1 day

The first thing tourists should do is visit the sights that reflect the historical splendor of Georgievsk. These places are the symbols and pride of the city. You can see them in one day.

St. George's Fortress

  • Address: Shosseynaya street.

The fortress was founded in 1777 on the Azov-Mozdok defensive line and became its largest outpost. Hundreds of soldiers and Cossacks from Khorp settled in the fortress. The defensive complex included a headquarters, a garrison, administration buildings, a church and outbuildings. Wealthy residents built houses in the fortress, while less wealthy people settled in settlements on the banks of the Podkumka River.

In 1779, the Kabardians besieged the St. George Fortress. In September of the same year, Russian troops under the command of Major General Fabritian surrounded the enemies and defeated them. Losses among the Kabardians numbered 500 people.

The most significant event occurred in 1783, when the Treaty of Georgievsk was concluded in the fortress, according to which Irakli II recognized the voluntary entry of Eastern Georgia under the protection of the Russian Empire. Three years later the fortress was abolished. It was transformed into the district town of Georgievsk.

Today, only one brick wall remains of the majestic fortress that laid the foundation for Georgievsk. The building is regularly restored and protected as a historical monument. In addition to the wall, original gunpowder warehouses and the Church of St. Nicholas have been preserved.

Church of St. Nicholas

  • Address: Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 17.

The church was built in the early 1780s on the territory of the St. George Fortress. This is a wooden building, cruciform in plan, on a stone foundation. The architectural composition is typical of Orthodox architecture of the 18th century: the rectangular building is completed by a shester with the same hexagonal drum and a golden spherical dome.

The bell tower is made in a similar style, which forms one whole with the refectory. The building is decorated with pediments, false windows and columns. The interior decoration is based on a wooden iconostasis. The carvings decorating it smoothly merge with the wall paintings. In 1837, Emperor Nicholas I visited the temple.

St. Nicholas Church is the oldest Orthodox church in the Stavropol region. This is the only religious building that escaped destruction in the 1930s. Today the temple is recognized as one of the most significant attractions of Georgievsk. He acts and actively participates in social and educational activities.

Memorial sign in honor of the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Georgievsk

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya street.

The monument was erected in 1983, when the city celebrated the 200th anniversary of the signing of the St. George's Highway. The authors of the project were artists N.N. Chkhenkeli, A.A. Bakhtadze, I.G. Zaalishvili.

The monument is a stone stele symbolizing an unrolled scroll. The text of the St. George's Tract is engraved on it. On the reverse side, the stele is decorated with a relief depicting swords, a shield and the dates: 1783-1983. A monumental rotunda with four high columns rises above the monument.

Safonova dacha

On the right bank of the Podkumok River is the country house of Ilya Ivanovich Safonov, a famous Russian military figure, father of the outstanding pianist and conductor Vasily Ilyich Safonov.

This place is included in the obligatory “what to see in Georgievsk” program not only because the building is a significant object of Art Nouveau architecture. Safonov's dacha is also a state nature reserve where you can go for a walk and enjoy nature. The May lily of the valley, listed in the Red Book, grows on its territory.

Cultural recreation in the city of Georgievsk

A highlight of the excursion will be a visit to St. George’s theaters and museums. These establishments are firmly connected with the life of the city.

People's Drama Theater

  • Address: st. Lunacharsky, 41.

The theater occupies the former building of the People's Assembly, built at the end of the 19th century. This is a two-story brick building with expressive design of window niches and rustication on the lower floor. The People's Assembly was abolished after the Bolsheviks came to power.

In 1924, the building was occupied by the People's House, which served as a cultural and educational center. In the 1930s, the headquarters of the Caucasian Artillery Regiment was located here. During the Great Patriotic War, signalmen and telegraph operators were trained in the People's House, who then went to the front.

During the German occupation, the Nazis placed their barracks in the building. By the time the city was liberated, the structure was in disrepair. After the restoration in 1961, the Drama Theater opened there, and so began a new life for the ancient building.

Today, children's parties, public events and youth gatherings are held here. Concerts dedicated to military topics, as well as performances by famous musicians and singers, are especially popular. The theater hosts creative clubs for children and adults.

Palace of Culture

  • Address: st. Chugurina, 12/46.

The Palace of Culture in Georgievsk opened its doors in 1977. It is located in a building in the style of Soviet constructivism. Unlike the People's Theatre, the Palace of Culture cannot boast of a rich history.

His asset is the painstaking work and spirit of creativity inherent in the team. At the Palace of Culture, clubs are open for all age groups. The classes are aimed at developing creative independence, aesthetic education, a healthy lifestyle and self-expression of city residents. In addition, the recreation center conducts social and educational programs and work with youth.

Citizens and tourists love to attend performances, concerts and master classes that are organized at the Palace of Culture. Various competitions and folk festivals are also popular.

Museum of History and Local Lore

  • Address: st. Lermontova, 78.

The museum was founded in 1967 on the initiative of St. George local historians and veterans. Initially, its exhibition was exclusively military-patriotic in nature and covered the military and revolutionary history of Russia.

In the 1980s, the profile of the museum expanded to include local history. Botanists, zoologists, archaeologists and ethnographers were invited to work. Together they created an exhibition that reflects the diversity of history and nature of the Stavropol Territory.

A special asset of the museum is its documentary collection. It contains historical documents, photographs, letters, memoirs, identification cards and charters. Thanks to these papers, it was possible to recreate historical events and learn more about the heroes of the Civil and World Wars. No less valuable are the collections of books, paintings, records and banknotes.

In 2010, the museum moved to a new building, which in itself can be called an exhibit. This is a 20th century mansion that belonged to A.P. Douro. The building is distinguished by a corner tower topped with a dome. The museum occupies both floors. The exhibition is housed in five exhibition halls. In addition, there is an exhibition hall where temporary exhibitions are held.

Georgievsky urban district

Georgievsk - the “gate” of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

"So be it!"

The administrative center of the Georgievsky urban district is the city of Georgievsk. The history of this city goes back 240 years.

After the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. Russia signed the beneficial Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty. In the spring of 1777, G. A. Potemkin addressed a report to Empress Catherine II, the Prince wrote:

“...gave orders to the Astrakhan Governor, Major General and Cavalier Jacobi, to personally inspect the position of our border, stretching from Mozdok to Azov, and to receive from him a correct description I dare... to overthrow the general opinion below about the establishment of a line at the mentioned distance. This Line will extend from Mozdok to the Azov province in the following places, where new fortifications will be built in the village, which is the approximate plan for this, namely: 1st - on the Kura, 2nd - on the Kura, 3rd - on Tsaluga (Zolke), 4th - on Kum, where the commander of the above-described fortifications must have his own apartment; 5th - on Tomuzlov, 6th - on Beybal, 7th - on Kalaus, 8th - on Tashla, 9th - on Yegorlyk, 10th - in the Main fortification from the Black Forest to the Don, where the apartment The second part should be given to the commander, since all of them are shown on the map presented with this... If this Line is awarded the highest approval by Your Imperial Majesty, then I dare to ask for the highest decree on the following.”

The description of the Line also indicated the number of troops in the field fortifications from Mozdok to the Azov province. Regarding the fortification on Tashla, i.e. Stavropolsky, it is said: “3 companies of the Kabardian regiment, 2 companies of the Dragunsky regiment, 100 Khoper Cossacks.”

Having familiarized herself with the report, Catherine II on April 24, 1777 wrote in her own hand on the Decree: “Therefore, be it.” The state plans of His Serene Highness Prince G. A. Potemkin, his vision of the future development of the North Caucasian lands formed the basis of this important document and laid the foundation for the creation of the Azov-Mozdok line as an integral part of all the southern borders of the Russian Empire.

St. George's Fortress was the strongest outpost of the first five.

Occupying an important strategic position, it controlled a large territory in the area of ​​the Kuma, Malki, and Baksan rivers. The main role of Georgievsk is the development of comprehensive friendly ties with the peoples of the Caucasus.

The construction of the St. George Fortress was led by Lieutenant Colonel Hermann von Fersen.

He was an energetic, knowledgeable commander. In the fall of 1777, construction was completed, and the regiment remained entirely in the fortress to winter. The first commandant of the fortress was Second Major Karl Rick.

This date is considered to be the founding date of the city.

At the beginning of 1779, the fortresses of the Azov-Mozdok line were inspected by the then commander of the Kuban Corps, A.V. Suvorov.

In a report to Prince P.A. On February 23, 1779, Suvorov reported to Rumyantsev that he had examined the Azov-Mozdok line “already built and settled.” In the same year Surovov A.V. I also visited the St. George Fortress.

Simultaneously with the construction of fortresses on the Caucasian Line, Cossack villages arose.

Near the fortress of St. George, two versts from the confluence of Podkumka with the Kuma, a Cossack village arose on its left bank. Over time, most of the village settled on hot springs and formed the Goryachevodskaya village.

A minority of the inhabitants moved to the right bank of the Podkumka, upstream from the previous settlement, forming the village of Novogeorgievskaya or Churekovskaya, named after the farmstead of the merchant A. Churekov, who also moved to the Goryachevodskaya village.

On July 24, 1783, the Treaty of Georgievsk - the Treaty on the voluntary entry of Eastern Georgia under the protection of the Russian Empire - was signed in the St. George Fortress.

The headquarters of the commander of the Caucasian Line, Lieutenant General P.S. Potemkin, was appointed as the place where the agreement was signed.

The treaty was to be signed on the part of Russia by P.S. Potemkin, and on behalf of the Georgian kingdom by princes I.K. Bagration-Mukhransky and G.R.Chavchavadze. On July 18, 1783, Georgian plenipotentiary representatives, accompanied by a retinue of 24 people, arrived at the St. George Fortress and were solemnly received.

In 1983, as a sign of friendship between the Russian and Georgian peoples, a stele was erected in the park on Goriyskaya Street.

There are two commemorative inscriptions carved on the stele. On the front side: “This monument is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the treaty of friendship between the peoples of Georgia and Russia. A true friend will help a friend, he will not be afraid of misfortune, he will give his heart for his heart, and love is a star on the way.”

From the back: “Here in Georgievsk, the ambassadors of the Georgian Tsar Heraclius II and the All-Russian Empress Catherine II signed a treaty of friendship in 1783. A fair tale is forever carved in stone like this: whoever does not look for friends is his own enemy.”

The Great Silk Road passed through the territory of the Stavropol Territory along two branches of the route: the northern steppe along the Kalaus River and the southern steppe along the Kuma River. There was a large settlement here called Madzhary (the area of ​​the modern city of Budennovsk), where several roads intersected from east to west along the Kuma River and from north to south from the arid Primanych steppes.

Center of the Caucasian Province.

In 1786, the fortress of St. George was transformed into the district town of Georgievsk of the Caucasian governorship.

From 1802 to 1822 Georgievsk was the center of the Caucasus province. Its role as an administrative and military center has increased. The surrounding villages, which exceeded the provincial city in population, fell only under administrative influence, and partly economic, but otherwise remained autonomous settlements. The rural economy was completely self-sufficient.

In 1806, a special resolution of the Caucasian provincial government “On taking measures to suppress the cholera epidemic” ordered all those traveling from Georgievsk to the Konstantinogorsk and Kislovodsk fortifications to remain in quarantine for 6 days, and that each of them should have a certificate from the medical council about their health.

On September 6, 1824, Infantry General Ermolov wrote a report to Alexander I on the need to transfer all regional government offices from Georgievsk to Stavropol.

On October 2, 1824, by Decree of Alexander I, all regional government offices were transferred to Stavropol. Georgievsk again becomes a district town (Georgievsky district) and gradually loses its former significance.

In 1825-1831, after several large raids by the highlanders, the government took a number of measures to strengthen the southern borders. Dozens of villages were founded in the foothills, including the village of Georgievskaya opposite Georgievsk in 1829. They were transferred to the Cossack class and became the villages of Alexandriyskaya, Podgornaya, and Nezlobnaya. Later, in 1848, the village of Lysogorskaya was founded between Georgievsk and Pyatigorsk. The abolition of serfdom had its own impact on the rural areas of Ciscaucasia. In the vicinity of Georgievsk there was not a single landowner's estate; all the villages represented communities of state peasants.

Since 1830, it has been a transport hub—the “gateway” of the KavMinVod.

The construction and opening of the Vladikavkaz Railway in 1875 led to the beginning of economic recovery. The railway passed through the southwestern part of the modern Georgievsky district. In the village of Nezlobnaya, one of the largest railway stations in the North Caucasus was created, which served as a transshipment base for the entire Kuma Valley. Its freight turnover at the end of the 19th century was the largest on the Vladikavkaz Railway. At the turn of the century, the territory of the current Georgievsky district consisted of densely populated valleys of Kuma and Podkumka (8 villages and villages) and a complete absence of permanent population in the rest of the territory.

At the same time, by Decree of Catherine II, several postal routes were opened on the Azov-Mozdok defensive line. The main one went from Mozdok to Stavropol and further through the village of Donskaya to the Don to Cherkessk. The highway to Astrakhan departed from it. The tracts were called Circassian and Astrakhan, respectively. The first one was the busiest in the entire North Caucasus with intermediate postal stations every 15-20 versts. With its opening, the Cossacks of the village of Donskoy were assigned additional duties, no less severe than military service. A postal route to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody passed through Georgievsk, connecting the Caucasus with the center of Russia. Many followed the postal route for treatment, for official and creative purposes.

Development and formation.

The beginning of the 19th century was the heyday of Georgievsk. The city becomes the center of the silk industry. During these times, a medical board, parish and district schools were opened in Georgievsk.

At the beginning of the 19th century, famous bazaars and fairs were held annually in Georgievsk - the spring (Nikolskaya) was held on May 1, the autumn (Pokrovskaya) - on September 20, and the winter (Evdokimovskaya) - on February 20.

At the end of the 19th century, the number of industrial enterprises and handicraft workshops increased in Georgievsk. The population of the city has increased. Small private factories are emerging in Georgievsk: brewing, leather processing, brick production and lime burning.

One of the brightest figures in the history of the city was the mayor - Alexander Gavrilovich Golovin.

Born in 1866. Alexander Gavrilovich's social activities began on January 1, 1896, when he was elected mayor; after a 4-year term, in 1900 he was elected for the same term a second time. Over the years, under the leadership of Golovin, the following buildings were built: the city and police department building,

Orphan's court, public bank,

a men's and women's school, a city hospital, a water supply system was expanded, a new boulevard was built, and much more.

Alexander Gavrilovich was also involved in public affairs - he was the chairman of the Poor Benefit Society and the Orphans' Court, director of the prison committee, honorary trustee of the men's city school, and honorary justice of the peace.

The house in which Golovin lived has survived to this day. He lived modestly and unpretentiously. The building is one-story. Made of brick, wooden partitions. There is a front entrance with a porch. On the façade of the porch there is a bas-relief of a lion's head. There is a small courtyard inside. The architectural style of the building is Russian Art Nouveau.

The fate of Alexander Gavrilovich is sad. On June 14, 1927, he was arrested. Sentence: 3 years in camps.

In 2021, in the area of ​​secondary school No. 1, on the initiative of entrepreneurs A. Leontyev and A. Rogozhin, a park was built, which was named after Alexander Golovin. The square has become a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of Georgievsk.

Georgievsk - twentieth century.

Georgievsk had to go through a lot at the beginning of the 20th century during the years of revolutionary upheavals and civil war. In the pre-war years, the city's enterprises underwent technical re-equipment, and new ones appeared: brick, canning, winemaking, and tire repair factories. The city was transformed and became a major industrial center.

During the years of the revolution and civil war, propaganda and military activities were carried out in the city by Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov, Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Ivan Kochubey and many other revolutionary figures of that time.

On November 16, 1917 and March 23, 1921, Sergei Mironovich Kirov spoke in the building of the People's House (now the Georgievsky City House of Culture), announcing the results of the work of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the X Congress of the RCP (b).

One of the largest railway stations in the North Caucasus was created in the village of Nezlobnaya.

Scorched by war.

Already on June 26, 1941, the largest plant in the city, the reinforcement plant, switched to round-the-clock operation. The products manufactured also changed - they began to make grenade bodies and mortar parts. In February 1942, almost two thousand evacuees from Leningrad arrived in Georgievsk. 450 of them are students of factory and vocational schools.

In the summer of 1942, a forced German offensive began in the Caucasus. On August 3, Voroshilovsk (Stavropol) was captured. The Georgievsk railway station was subjected to massive bombardment. The station and park tracks were out of action. The station building itself was destroyed, the oil storage facility was burned, and the water pump was bombed. The movement of trains in the south direction became impossible. On the 30-kilometer stretch Mineralnye Vody - Georgievsk, more than 30 trains accumulated, of which 12 were ambulances, carrying soldiers evacuated from Kavminvod hospitals. Drinking water and food for the wounded ran out, as did fuel.

The restoration work was headed by the head of the track, Soltan Khanaev. Through heroic efforts, the third track was restored and ready for trains to depart. The railway workers organized the movement, trains, maintaining a minimum distance, went to the south of the country, saving people, equipment, and property.

The Germans entered the city on August 9, 1942. They established their own rules, opened their own institutions, including the government. Some enterprises and artels have resumed their work. The occupation authorities reported that residents willingly went to their work, but in fact the main labor force was prisoners of two temporary camps for Soviet prisoners of war, located on Vygonnaya Street (now Ermolova Street).

On August 11, the Gestapo arrived in the city and settled in a mansion on Prodolnaya Street, 87 (now the headquarters of Stavropolregiongaz). Cars covered with tarps drove into the yard and brought in detainees. The Nazis committed outrages in Georgievsk. The small, cozy town shuddered from more and more atrocities committed by them, which began from the very first days of the occupation.

On August 27, 1942, the German authorities gathered several hundred Jewish residents at the commandant's office in Georgievsk, allegedly for resettlement to other areas, and transported them out of town in 26 trucks and 18 transports to sand pits and shot everyone. The Germans blew up the northern wall of the quarry, where the execution took place, and thus covered the bodies of the victims with a thick layer of sand and clay. In total, the Germans shot 830 civilians in sand pits. Among those shot were many children from infancy to 7 years old. Many of them lay clutching their favorite toys to their chests...

On January 1, 1943, the Southern and Northern groups of forces of the Transcaucasian Front went on the offensive. According to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, Georgievsk was liberated by the troops of the Transcaucasian Front of the Northern Group of Forces. A sad picture appeared to the eyes of the liberators. Colonel Grishaev, a participant in the liberation of the city, wrote: “The city greeted us with piles of ruins and smoking craters; in the southwest of the city there were stacks of aerial bombs.”

This was also reported by the secretary of the Stavropol CPSU (b) M.A. Suslov in a note to the secretary of the Central Committee G.M. Malenkov: “All new schools in Georgievsk were destroyed... The valve plant was blown up and put out of action - all the machines were taken out, equipment and raw materials were taken away "

From the report of the Izvestia special correspondent: “From house No. 87 on Prodolnaya Street in the city of Georgievsk, passersby shied away, cautiously crossed to the other side and hurried to hide in the nearest alley. The Gestapo was located in this house. Day and night the screams and groans of the tortured were heard here...

We walk through the rooms and basements where the Nazis tortured Soviet citizens. Before being executed in the basement, people were hung by their arms and hung for hours on their blue, swollen hands. On this table, fascist executioners tortured Soviet people. At night, the victims were taken to a sand pit outside the city or to a forest nursery.

Even those who lost the ability to move were shot. During interrogations, those who died were thrown into a pit in the Gestapo yard. Residents of neighboring houses more than once saw how the Nazis, using the light of flashlights, finished off people in this pit.

A crowd of citizens surrounded the grave. More and more corpses are being pulled out from under a thin layer of earth. Here is the corpse of a woman. Her face is broken, her whole body is bruised, her hands are swollen. She was suspended and hung there for many hours. Her last name will be identified. So far it is known that her name was Nina, that she was the wife of the commander of the Red Army. There is a three-year-old child nearby. The legs were broken, the chest was crushed, the skull was pierced with a blunt instrument.

Sobs are heard. It is relatives who find missing fathers, daughters, and wives. 68-year-old Elena Filippovna Kashevarova was also found in the hole. The Germans killed the old woman because her sons Georgy, Pavel and Ivan were in the Red Army...

Also lying in the pit are valve factory worker Ivan Bobylev and eight tortured Red Army soldiers. Excavations continue.

Red Army soldiers Dmitry and Leonid Shvildadze! Your sister Lyuba was abused by the Germans. Lyuba was starved and taken around the city twice a day with a wooden block around her neck.

The Nazis cut off the ears of a four-year-old child, the son of a mechanic Mikhailov, for removing a German helmet from a grave...”

Let us add that the murdered woman turned out to be Nina Iosifovna Borovikova, a 28-year-old teacher, and the child was her 4-year-old daughter Elfrida. Under the mother’s nails there are signs of torture, her fingers are broken and crushed.

Lyuba Shvildadze, 17 years old, was mutilated beyond recognition, her breasts were torn out, her nose was turned to one side. Eyewitnesses recalled that she was beaten with rifle butts and kicked. They heard her being asked: “Where are the partisans? Where is the husband?”, but she, gritting her teeth, remained silent. Then the fascist executioners nailed a block with a recess to the fence and clamped the girl’s head in this vice. And they kept her like that every day. Then, with a block around her neck, she, exhausted and tormented, was led along the street to intimidate the residents of the city. Unable to withstand the torture, she went crazy. And only then was she shot.

Ivan Bobylev's eyes were gouged out, his jaw was crushed, and his teeth were knocked out. The residents of St. George were also shocked by the death of the dashing grunt of the civil war, Pavel Poleshko. Kirov and Ordzhonikidze knew and appreciated him. Hadji Murat Muguev, the intelligence chief of the 11th Red Army, spoke about his amazing courage in his memoirs. Brigade commander Poleshko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner during the Civil War.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy, a famous writer, a member of the commission to investigate Nazi atrocities in the occupied territories, arrived in Georgievsk on July 10-11. First of all, A.N. Tolstoy visited the graves of victims of the fascist occupation. He witnessed horrific scenes of excavation of ditches and pits in which there were burials.

“Act on the atrocities of the Nazi invaders in the city of Georgievsk, Stavropol Territory” was signed on July 28, 1943.

In addition to the chilling evidence, there was this fact. Before the Germans retreated from the city, on January 9 and 10, by order of the head of the German hospitals, chief physician Gaiman, alcohol and soda were sold at the city market. As it turned out, the alcohol was methyl alcohol, and the soda was oxalic acid. Despite the fact that the rear units of our army stationed in Georgievsk, including the division’s medical battalion, provided all possible assistance, not everyone was saved. 714 people were poisoned, 270 were fatal, 50 townspeople were blinded.

These documents, compiled by A.N. Tolstoy in Georgievsk, appeared as evidence of guilt at the Nuremberg trials.

2,500 interrupted human lives - this is the total result of the Germans’ stay on our St. George’s land... 200 residential buildings were destroyed, more than 700 were damaged. The total material damage was estimated at 263.5 million rubles.

People began to rebuild their city, their homes, their businesses - their lives.

Residents of Georgievsk, often depriving themselves and their families, transferred their savings to the country's defense fund. Thus, for the construction of the “Stavropol Collective Farmer” squadron, the “Pioneer of Stavropol” aviation unit, the “Komsomolets Stavropol” armored train, and the St. George’s team donated 1 million 160 thousand rubles for a tank column! The creamery team collected 18,655 rubles in personal savings, 42,860 rubles in bonds, and transferred 23,615 rubles for unused vacations. And all this is for the construction of a squadron of “Workers of Stavropol” aircraft.

The youth of Georgievsk did not stand aside either. Boys and girls donated 95 thousand rubles to the defense fund, schoolchildren collected 530 tons of scrap metal and 6,700 kg of medicinal plants.

On the initiative of the head of the railway line, Khanaev, the St. George railway workers collected 150 thousand rubles for the construction of the LA-7 fighter plane “Georgievsky Traveler”. This aircraft was handed over to one of the best pilots of the 2nd Orsha Fighter Regiment of the Guard, Major Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Mayorov.

There were also individual contributions. The father of three front-line sons, 70-year-old Ignat Akopovich Kasparyan, contributed 1,380 rubles and 1,570 rubles in bonds from his personal funds for the construction of a tank column. Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. Stalin wrote: “Accept my greetings and gratitude from the Red Army, Ignat Akopovich, for your concern for the armored forces...” (03/07/1944). Mill worker N.I. Stolyarov, the father of two fighting sons, contributed 2,400 rubles to the defense fund and also received Stalin’s gratitude.

On January 14, 1943, they began to restore the destroyed water pumping station. By spring, a quarter of the city was supplied with uninterrupted water. Construction of a new pumping station has begun.

On January 15, 1943, they began to restore production at the meat processing plant. Within six months, meat products worth 300 thousand rubles were produced for military units. 100 thousand hides were sent to the tannery for processing.

Bakeries were the first to be restored. They baked up to 10 tons of bread per day. The bakery was completely destroyed; restoration began on January 20, 1943.

The work of the cannery was gradually improved, where restoration work began on January 27, 1943. Already in June, the brewhouse began processing tomatoes grown in the fields of the region. A newspaper of that time wrote: “...It seems incredible that all this was built almost by women alone. Each of them is probably the mother or wife or fiancee of a front-line soldier. Let the modest story about their work bring joy to the soldiers.”

Mills No. 1 and No. 3, a winery, and a regional food processing plant were restored and put into operation by the summer of 1943, as well as, which in September had already exceeded the plan by one and a half times.

Telecommunications institutions were severely damaged. By the spring of 1943, it was possible to establish the operation of seven telephone sets, one radio amplifier, which transmitted a signal to 15 radio points, and one speaker, near which St. George’s residents gathered on the street to listen to Sovinformburo reports.

Particularly important was the restoration of the valve plant. There was little that resembled an enterprise there—heaps of ruins. But the deadlines were set as short as possible. The fact that an employee of the design bureau, Dmitry Danilovich Yaroshenko, during the occupation, risking his life, took about 20 kg of technical drawings from the plant helped to speed up the revival process. Master Ivan Veniaminov, Leonty Dronov, Grigory Paskanov, Boris Beletsky, Evdokia Chesnokova, Raisa Popova restored production from the ruins. The majority of career workers went to the front, and the main burden fell on the shoulders of old people, women and yesterday's schoolchildren. The future holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor N.S. Simonenko came to the plant as a 15-year-old boy. The young learned from the old masters and adopted experience. After being wounded, he returned home from the front and headed the restoration of the foundry shop N.F. Baidalin; already in November the shop produced the first cast iron. Fuel for the cupola furnace was prepared in the forest by teenage girls. Before light in the morning they went into the forest and returned in the dark. They also cleared basements and carried bricks. Many machines then stood in the open air, the workers burned fires to somehow warm up. They worked 14-16 hours a day. To say that we were very tired is to say nothing... We ate poorly, sometimes we didn’t have enough strength to walk home, we slept in the workshop. But they didn’t complain: it’s not easy at the front either.

The creamery was quickly restored. The first stage of the enterprise went into operation in September 1943. In 1944 - 1945 The plant built new workshops. In 1945, the plant produced 350 tanks of vegetable oil for the front and the civilian population.

The newspaper “Stalin's Word” wrote: “Home front workers work tirelessly, labor collectives take on increased obligations. Among the best are the enterprises of Georgievsk - a nail factory, a wine factory...”

There was no need to stir up people's enthusiasm. Everyone understood that, no matter how great their personal shocks and losses, the war was still going on, and the front was waiting for help from the rear.

The city authorities also paid attention to the social sphere.

On May 1, 1943, the kindergarten opened on the street accepted 50 children. Oktyabrskaya, more than 100 children of soldiers who died at the fronts - an orphanage. A number of city organizations took patronage of orphans in 1945. In 1944, there were already 450 children in kindergartens and nurseries. To help weakened children, a children's sanatorium with 40 beds was created in 1943.

Timurov's teams helped the lonely ones. In 1944, there were already 18 of them. They chopped wood, brought meals to homes, and dropped off and picked up children from kindergartens. In April 1943, the FZO school opened. She trained plasterers, carpenters, masons, blacksmiths, mechanics, and carpenters. In the spring, classes began at the Zootechnical College and the College of Agricultural Mechanization.

The hotel began operating in March 1943.

In the series of most important tasks, the turn came to the improvement of the city. They cleared the sidewalks, filled in the holes, and removed the bricks. The facades of the houses were whitewashed. On Sundays, townspeople planted 7 thousand trees and shrubs. Everyone was obliged to work at least four days during the year on the restoration and improvement of the city.

The war was still going on, but more and more people were filled with joy from the feeling of close and inevitable victory. In April 1945, the Udarnik cinema was allocated film equipment, canvas for the screen and calico for draping windows from the region.

And the repertoire is already different: the comedy “Hearts of Four”, the historical film “Ivan the Terrible”.

The repertoire of the St. George Drama Theater, which opened in the victorious spring of 1945, includes “Dog in the Manger” by Lope de Vega. Chervinsky’s play “Somewhere in Moscow” is also being performed.

The war moved further and further to the west. And the residents of our city, like the country, lived with the same worries. They worked their butts off, grew old before their time, and lost their health. And the words of the song were not an exaggeration: “If my native country lived, there would be no other worries...” Remembering today the events of those terrible years, I want to bow deeply to all the heroes - both those who fought and those who worked in the rear. Both those who came and those who remained on the battlefields died from bombing or from the clutches of the invaders. They did everything possible for us to live today. And so that they can never forget about their unparalleled feat. Let this grateful memory not dry up in anyone - neither in us, nor in our children and grandchildren.

In memory of the residents of St. George who did not return from the battlefields, the “Fire of Eternal Glory” memorial is located in the center of the city, on the granite slabs of which the names of their fallen compatriots are carved.

Georgievsk is a city of friendship.

Georgievsk is one of thirteen cities of the former Soviet Union, awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples for success in economic and cultural construction.

As a sign of this event, a Stela was installed in the park on Kalinin Street in 1984. The monument was made by the hands of craftsmen of the valve plant named after. IN AND. Lenin. The model of the Order of Friendship of Peoples was made by worker Nikolai Ivanovich Ryabinchenko. To cast the mold, milling machine operator Viktor Ivanovich Emelyanov from foundry shop No. 1 was sent to help master Viktor Yakovlevich Savin. The processing was skillfully performed by rotary turner Nikolai Kharitonovich Slepchenko.

The stele is made of marble, granite, metal. The weight of the model was more than 200 kg. Text of the memorial inscription: “For the successes achieved by the working people of the city in economic and cultural construction, noting their merits in the formation of Soviet power in the North Caucasus, in the fight against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War and in commemorating the 200th anniversary of the friendly Treaty of Georgievsk between Russia and Georgia, to award the city of Georgievsk, Stavropol Territory, with the Order of Friendship of Peoples,” Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 23, 1984. (signed by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Yu. Andropov and the Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR T. Menteshashvili).

In the 1960-1970s, Georgievsk was the largest center of mechanical engineering in the Stavropol Territory. This was the heyday of the city’s industrial enterprises: reinforcement, canning, leather, biochemical, brick factories, winery, mills, bakery, creamery, etc. The enterprises successfully supplied the territory of Stavropol with their products , Russia as a whole and even some foreign countries.

Since 1961, Georgievsk was designated a city of regional subordination, having the opportunity to create an independent city government and solve the most important problems of the municipal economy.

Georgievsk is modern.

Today Georgievsk has about 70,000 inhabitants; the district as a whole is home to more than 170,000 people; it includes 14 territories.

Georgievsky urban district today is a business, promising center in which industry, small and medium-sized businesses, and agriculture are actively developing.

Interesting facts about the city.

Georgievsk was visited by many outstanding people of Russia - military leaders, poets, writers, artists, scientists. The construction of the St. George fortress was inspected by the great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, began his career as a regiment commander in the city. Peter Ivanovich Bagration, Alexey Petrovich Ermolov visited Georgievsk; one of the central streets of Georgievsk, Denis Davydov, was named after him.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, Maxim Gorky, modern political figures stayed in the city: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Gennady Zyuganov, Ella Pamfilova , outstanding Russian artists - Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Alexander Lazarev, Stanislav Govorukhin. and etc.

“...I am already forever connected with Georgievsk,” wrote A.I. Solzhenitsyn. His father is buried in the “former” cemetery of “state councilors” in Georgievsk. His mother Taisiya Zakharovna found rest in another St. George’s cemetery. She spent the last years of her life in Georgievsk, with her brother Roman Shcherbak and his wife Irina, and died on January 17, 1944.

The great Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov visited Georgievsk 13 times. According to legend, or rather according to the memoirs of fellow traveler P.I. Magdenko, on May 12, 1841, M.Yu. Lermontov with his friend A.A. Stolypin followed through Georgievsk to his place of service in Temir-Khan-Shura. Having stayed in the city for the night at a hotel, Mikhail Yuryevich persuaded Stolypin to stop by for a few days in Pyatigorsk. Stolypin was categorically against it. As a result, Alexey Arkadyevich suggested tossing a coin. The fateful “tails” for Lermontov fell, and they galloped to Pyatigorsk. The great Russian poet fell from a bullet, but he was supposed to go to serve in Dagestan!

On the territory of the Georgievsky urban district there are: churches, cathedrals, temples, which are an architectural and historical landmark of the district.

St. Nicholas Church of the St. George Fortress is an ancient city temple. It was erected at the beginning of the 18th century. The church is considered a monument of wooden architecture. It is located in the historical center of the city, on the site of the former Nikolskaya Square. St. Nicholas Church is a cross-domed one-story building. At the top there is a bell tower. The temple building is made of wood, its foundation is made of stone. Cathedral of St. George. The height of the temple is 37 meters - perhaps the largest building in the city.

On the territory of the old cemetery, fifty meters from the Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, there is an open chapel over one of the graves. On a good-quality tombstone, crowned with a large oak cross with the inscription “Nun Eugenia,” a lamp glows, candles are burning, and fresh flowers lie. Here lie the ashes of an ascetic of piety of the twentieth century, a confessor, an old woman.

Mother said to many people: “When I die, and it will be difficult for you, come running to my grave, scream and cry, and I will help you.” And she added: “Those whom I did not know during my lifetime will also come to my grave. They will ask, and I will help them.”

Indeed, the burial place of the lonely holy fool woman was not lost and forgotten over the years, like many neighboring graves. Today there are almost no people left who personally knew nun Evgenia, but people come to her grave.

There is a balneological hospital in Georgievsk. It is located on the right bank of the Podkumok River in a picturesque forest area on the outskirts of Georgievsk with an area of ​​22.9 hectares with a magnificent landscape, favorable climate, and the presence of mineral springs.

The main types of services are provided: iodine-bromine baths, underwater massage showers, irrigation with mineral waters, circular, ascending and Charcot showers, mud therapy, physiotherapy, etc. Long-term medical practice confirms the exceptional effect of treating patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous, skin, gynecological, digestive and other diseases for an unlimited number of people.

The unique iodine-bromine mineral spring has no analogues in Russia.

In 2021, according to the results of a competition among municipalities of the Russian Federation, held by the Club of Municipal Sphere Leaders of the city of Georgievsk, it was recognized as the winner and received the diploma “100 Best Municipalities of Russia”

Prepared using materials from N. Ilyicheva, director of the Georgievsk Museum of History and Local Lore, and V. Shalmanov, priest of the St. George Cathedral.

Ancient architecture of Georgievsk

Tourists are especially impressed by cities that have preserved their ancient appearance. Georgievsk is among them. Mansions, dachas and industrial buildings, darkened by time, have not lost the beauty laid down by the architects of the past.

Leuzinger Malt Factory

  • Address: Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 54.

The impressive building is located on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street. It was built by the porter Rudol Leitzinger at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Here he opened a brewery based on Swiss recipes. Leitzinger went down in the history of Georgievsk as a generous philanthropist who donated huge sums for the development of the city.

The malt factory building resembles a medieval tower under a massive dome with a drum. The facades are decorated with gables with jagged friezes, semi-columns, small turrets and dormers. This is one of the most memorable architectural sights of Georgievsk.

Azov-Black Sea Bank building

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya, 62.

The building was erected in the second half of the 19th century. The architectural appearance combines elements of strict classicism, romantic modernism and Slavic motifs.

It housed one of the 73 branches of the Azov-Black Sea Bank, which was one of the five largest commercial enterprises of the Russian Empire. Later it was replaced by Sberbank. Since 1990, a registry office has been operating in the building.

The building has been restored and does not look its age. It is decorated with attics with forged grilles and a magnificent frieze with lion heads. The main feature is the tower under the tent with a weather vane.

Sobolev Mansion

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya, 35.

Pharmacist Sobolev left his mark on the pages of the history of Georgievsk. In 1805, he laid out a Botanical Garden in the city, which at that time was called the Apothecary Garden in honor of the founder. Sobolev began growing relict plants, which contained species that were rare and not typical for the North Caucasus. The residents of Georgievsk supported Sobolev’s idea and helped him develop the garden.

Unfortunately, the garden planted by Sobolev did not survive to our times. Nevertheless, the mansion still adorns Oktyabrskaya Street. This is a one-story brick building, decorated with semi-columns, crenellated friezes, attics with turrets and a keystone. The carved folding doors have been preserved. Today this building houses residential apartments.

Mansion of merchant Tarasenko

  • Address: st. Lenina, 118.

At the beginning of the 20th century, merchant Tarasenko built himself an estate, which became the architectural pearl of Georgievsk. The stone building in the eclectic style was decorated with relief ornaments, rings and monograms. There are turrets along the perimeter of the roof.

The building was nationalized after the October Revolution. During the Second World War it was occupied by the Gestapo, and in peacetime by the city committee and district committee of the Komsomol. Today, the former merchant mansion serves the city's needs. It houses a branch of Stavropolregiongaz.

Safonova dacha

  • Address: st. Safonova Dacha, 1, Krasnokumskoe village.

Safonova's dacha is recognized as the brightest monument of Art Nouveau in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It belonged to Ilya Ivanovich Safonov, who built the Kislovodsk Philharmonic. In addition, he was the father of the famous conductor and musician V.I. Safonova.

The three-story mansion dates back to the 19th century. It is decorated with a hexagonal tower with a tent and spire. In memory of the conductor, there is a frieze of musical notes on it. In addition to this striking element, the building is decorated with rustication, friezes, patterned brackets and columns on the verandas.

Currently the mansion is empty. It is located in the department of Podukumsky forestry. There is a plan to turn it into a sanatorium, which would be an excellent impetus for the development of recreational tourism in the village of Krasnokumskoye.

Georgievsk on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

Georgievsk is a city in the southern part of the Stavropol Territory, 210 km southeast of Stavropol, with a population of about 70 thousand people. It is located on the Cis-Caucasian plateau at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level. The Podkumok River, a tributary of the Kuma flows through the city .

Area 25 km2. It is the administrative center of the Georgievsky district. It is considered part of the ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

The climate is dry, temperate continental, but unstable. The proximity of the mountains affects precipitation, its average annual amount is 518 mm per year. The least precipitation is in January, the most in June.

The average annual temperature is 9.7o, summer lasts long, the average July temperature is 22.4o, winter is relatively warm and short, the average January temperature is -2.2o.

Magnificent St. George's temples and churches

Georgievsk is a city of different cultures and nationalities. The churches existing there reflect the national flavor and spiritual values ​​of the people of St. George.

Cathedral of St. George the Victorious

  • Address: st. Builders, 2.

The Church of St. George the Victorious became the first cathedral of Georgievsk since the Resurrection Cathedral, which was destroyed in the 1930s.

Construction of the St. George Church took place in the early 2000s. The project implied a whole memorial complex with an adjacent park. Thanks to this, the green zone of Georgievsk has expanded significantly. The park took the place of an overgrown ancient cemetery. It is now a popular destination for outdoor recreation.

The cathedral is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. Five massive light drums are covered with golden bulbs. The facade is decorated with spinning wheels, kokoshniks, rusticated stone and friezes. The building's design also includes a bell tower located above the front porch.

Today the temple is operational, with a Sunday school, an Orthodox library and theological clubs open.

Armenian Apostolic Church of Surb Gevorg

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya street, 147A.

In 1793, the first Armenian Apostolic Church was built in Georgievsk. In the 1930s it was divided, giving one part of the premises for Orthodox services. During the German occupation, the ancient temple burned down.

Construction of the new temple lasted 15 years and was completed in 2011. The building is made of pink tuff. The facade decor amazes the imagination with its sophistication: the walls are decorated with bas-reliefs with views of the most revered Armenian churches in the world, the windows are decorated with forged grilles, the patterns of which combine vines, pomegranates and crosses. On the doors you can see carvings based on biblical motifs.

The modern temple is recognized as a cultural and architectural monument. In addition to worship services, it hosts various religious forums aimed at educating children and youth.

War memorials and monuments in Georgievsk

Georgievsk has survived many wars. Residents of the modern city do not forget about the exploits of their fellow countrymen, honor the memory of fallen heroes and erect monuments that bind generations in common grief and pride.

Mass grave of civilians shot by the White Guards

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya street.

The year 1922 was remembered by the residents of St. George for the brutal terror of the White Guards. In one day they shot dozens of civilians who supported the communist government. Those executed were buried in a common grave within the city.

In the 1930s, a stele was erected on this site. At its top is a globe with a red star and a communist banner. The memorial has been restored several times, but never replaced with a new structure. This is one of the oldest authentic monuments of Georgievsk.

Mass grave of Soviet soldiers

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya street.

In the 1940s, soldiers who fought for the liberation of the city from the Nazis were buried next to the burial sites of the victims of the White Guard terror. The tombstone on this grave is a granite wall with a bronze bas-relief of soldiers rushing into battle and a large date - 1945.

Nearby there is a stele with a memorial inscription and an engraved drawing of a soldier’s helmet and carnations. The Eternal Flame is lit at the foot of the stele. The memorial composition is completed by a number of granite slabs with the names of the soldiers who fell during the liberation of Georgievsk.

Monument to the fallen soldiers and citizens during the Great Patriotic War

  • Address: Station Square.

The monument was erected on the station square in 1949. It is a white marble stele with an engraved portrait of a Soviet soldier. His gaze is directed to the Eternal Flame. The place was not chosen by chance.

In 1943, soldiers killed in battle were buried here. The square in front of the memorial is the main venue for ceremonial rallies in honor of Victory Day. There are always fresh wreaths at the foot of the monument.

Memorial "Weapon of Victory"

  • Address: Central Park.

On May 9, 2001, the grand opening of a new war memorial, the T-34-85 tank, took place in Central Park. The tank is placed on a pedestal made of stone blocks. Artillery cannons are installed next to it.

The equipment is genuine; in 1943, these were the guns that took part in the liberation of Georgievsk. Every year on Victory Day, grateful descendants pay tribute to the memory of the liberating heroes by laying flowers at the foot of the “Weapon of Victory”.

Monument to St. George the Victorious

  • Address: Kalinina street.

St. George the Victorious is the patron saint of warriors, the great martyr, after whom the city is named. A monument to him was erected in 2021 during the celebration of the 240th anniversary of the founding of the city. The bronze sculpture is amazingly detailed.

The chain on the horse's harness, the dragon's scales, George's armor - everything was done as accurately and painstakingly as possible. The Monument to St. George is one of the iconic monuments of the city, as well as a symbol of its military glory.

Routes on the map of Georgievsk. Transport infrastructure

The city does not play a big role on a regional or national scale, but it is extremely important for the Kavminvod region as a transport gateway.

Passenger vehicles enter the city from five directions: from Pyatigorsk, Prokhladny, Mineralnye Vody, Shaumyansky and Prietoksky districts of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The following roads pass through the city:

  • R 263 (Georgievsk - Budennovsk - Kaspiysk);
  • R 285 (Minvody – Georgievsk (Podgornaya) – Zelenokumsk – Budennovsk – Neftekumsk – Kaspiisky).

The easiest way to get to the city is from Pyatigorsk (35 km). The bus station is located in the city center. It receives about 150 intercity and 300 commuter flights per day. All 10 public transport routes, which are represented by buses and minibuses, pass through the bus station, from there along Kalinin Street to Beryozka.

Georgievsk is a large railway junction at the intersection of three tracks:

  • western direction: Minvody, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don;
  • southern: Vladikavkaz, Baku, Grozny, Nalchik, Makhachkala;
  • eastern: Zelenokumsk, Budennovsk.

There are 15 suburban and 10 long-distance flights daily.

The nearest airport is located in Mineralnye Vody, 27 km from the city.

Children's entertainment in Georgievsk

A resort town cannot do without children's entertainment. In Georgievsk, tourists are offered a large selection of leisure centers and places for walks, where you can go with children and what is definitely worth seeing with your child.

Friendship Park

  • Address: st. Kalinina/st. Batakskaya.

Friendship Park is a modern open-air leisure complex. There is complete freedom for children here. On the territory of the park there are children's playgrounds with slides, sandboxes and swings, and cobwebs.

Some slide complexes are made of wood in the form of castles, others are bright structures with pipes and tunnels. Older children will be interested in riding scooters, rollerblades and bicycles. For sports lovers, there is a complex of trampolines and slides. The sports area also includes exercise equipment.

Interestingly, you can ride ponies and horses in the park. During the horseback ride, tourists will visit the park's attractions: fountains, sculptures, arches and picturesque alleys.

It is good to visit the park in the evening, when the garlands are lit and the fountains are illuminated. At this time, young people gather here and organize musical events and sometimes light shows.

Park of Culture and Leisure (Central Park)

  • Address: st. Gagarina/st. Oktyabrskaya.

Lovers of attractions should go to the Culture and Recreation Park. Attractions are its main asset. There is a Ferris Wheel, a gaming complex, an autodrome, a Solar System carousel and much more.

Sculptures of cartoon characters, as well as fountains and flower beds give the park a colorful look. For couples in love, a sculpture “Two Hearts” was installed. Young people fasten the locks on it.

In addition to entertainment, the Culture and Recreation Park pays attention to military-patriotic education. In the memorial area there is a monument “Weapons of Victory”, as well as monuments honoring the 75th anniversary of the Victory. It is a painting “Storm of Berlin” made from photographs of veterans.

Also be sure to see: Sights of the Stavropol Territory and What to see in Stavropol

Sports tourism in the city

One of the popular types of recreation in Georgievsk is sports. Tourists will be interested in visiting the city's recreation centers and sports courts.

Golovinsky Square

  • Address: st. Arsenalnaya/st. Pushkin.

There is a rental point for bicycles and scooters in Golovinsky Square. During the trip, tourists will visit local sculptures, fountains and enjoy live music.

The stadium "Trud"

  • Address: st. Oktyabrskaya, 94.

The sports complex includes two football fields, rows of stands, a rubber running track and two clay tennis courts. The stadium is the venue for city and regional competitions in football, tennis and athletics. Mass recreational events are also popular.

The Torpedo football team is the pride of the Stavropol Territory. Their home stadium is located in Georgievsk and is the oldest in the city. The football field is equipped with rows of stands and covered with natural grass. Residents of Georgievsk enjoy attending matches and cheering for their favorite team.

Volleyball club "Transgaz Stavropol"

  • Address: st. Kalinina, 152.

Transgaz Stavropol hosts training sessions for the volleyball team, as well as sections for beginner athletes. The complex includes a games room and a fitness court. Tourists and townspeople visit the club to watch competitions and cheer for the favorites.

Sports and recreation complex

  • Address: st. Mira, 8/71.

The activities of the FOC are aimed at developing a variety of sports: football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling and swimming. The complex has sections for children and adults. The gym is very popular, known for its quality equipment and excellent instructors.

You may be interested in interesting places in other cities of the Stavropol Territory: Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody, Lermontov, Nevinnomyssk and Essentuki

Life in Georgievsk is in full swing. Tourists come here wanting to relax and leave full of energy and impressions. The majestic history, beautiful views and vibrant entertainment of this city will not leave anyone indifferent.

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