The best sights of Omsk with photos and descriptions

The sights of Omsk reveal the rich history of a relatively young and dynamically developing city.

A border fortress, the capital of the Cossack army and even a place of exile - in such guises he appeared at different times, leaving buildings, sculptures and other memorials as souvenirs, a list of which is posted on -omska-foto-i-otzyivyi-turistov-reyting-dostoprimechatelnostey-omska. The main attractions can be divided into several groups.


Architecture of Omsk

Among the main architectural attractions of Omsk, the ancient Omsk fortress . Every tourist strives to get here. The fortress was built at the beginning of the 18th century, and initially in a completely different place. In 1738, it was decided to build a 2nd fortress - it is this one that has survived to this day.

Here you can see:

  • Gaupvaha building;
  • Commandant's House (now the Dostoevsky Museum);
  • Irtysh Gate;
  • Kirch (now the Air Traffic Control Museum).

The Tara and Tobolsk gates of the fortress are especially well preserved ; they are the most popular among tourists. The Tara Gate also became famous for the fact that the great writer Dostoevsky walked through it to his long hard labor. The fortress is located in the central part of the city along Spartakovskaya Street.

Not only a significant architectural monument, but also a valuable religious building in Omsk is the magnificent Assumption Cathedral . It was built in 1898 , initially bearing the name of the Cathedral of the Resurrection. The inside of the temple was richly decorated, decorated with carvings, paintings and gilding.

Unfortunately, during the Soviet Union, the temple suffered a sad fate - it was looted and then blown up.

The building that we now have the joy of seeing was built quite recently - in 2005. But that doesn't make him any less attractive. The temple is truly very beautiful - both during the day and at night, because at night it is decorated with more than 100 lamps of amazingly pure white and blue tones. You can see this beautiful temple at st. International, 12.

Did you know? In general, there are about 100 architectural monuments in Omsk. And despite the fact that most of the city is occupied by an unremarkable private sector, there is really something to see here.

We recommend visiting:

  • Railway station (Lekonta St., 1);
  • The building of the Omsk Drama Theater (Lenin St., 8A);
  • Lyubinsky Prospekt;
  • Church of the Nativity of Christ (Komarov Avenue, 7 building 1);
  • Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel (Lenin St., 18a);
  • St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral (Lenin St., 27);
  • Mansion of the merchant Batyushkov (Irtyshskaya embankment, 9);
  • St. Nicholas Cossack Church (Truda Street);
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church (intersection of Rozhdestvenskogo and 25 Let Oktyabrya streets).

Architectural landmarks

The ancient buildings of the City Duma and the mansions of the merchant Batyushkov were built in the Russian Baroque style, with semicircular windows and decorative columns. The monumentality and level of preservation of the buildings inspires respect for the architects of that time.

The Omsk and Irtysh gates previously marked the boundaries of the fortress. They were destroyed and restored according to old drawings in our time.


The building of the board of the Omsk Railway was transferred to the university. Built in the neoclassical style at the beginning of the 20th century, it delights with its inviolability and severity of proportions. The sculptures on the facade serve not only as decorative elements, but also carry a semantic load, symbolizing the main parts of the continuous operation of the railway communication.

The Omsk Cadet Corps is located in a snow-white classical-style building. Built at the end of the 19th century, it is perfectly preserved and is one of the oldest buildings in Omsk. You can visit this object only on open days; the rest of the time you will only have to admire the architectural delights of the facade.

The fire tower was originally built of wood and served a strictly functional role in the life of the city. Later it was reconstructed, made of red brick with white trim and became one of the symbols of the city. There is no access to the inside of the tower, but the appearance of the building is also interesting.

City monuments

There are a lot of monuments in Omsk, each of them is unique and interesting in its own way. Undoubtedly, the most beloved and popular among local residents is the Lyuba monument . A beautiful bronze statue was erected in honor of the young wife of the Omsk governor Gustav von Gasfordt, who died at a very young age.

Did you know? Since no portraits or photographs of the girl survived, the sculptors, working on the statue, used the memories of the heroine’s contemporaries.

By the way, one of the main streets of the city, Lyubinskaya, was named in her honor.

Nearby is another famous sculpture - Monument to the Plumber . People affectionately call her “Stepanych”. The idea for the monument was brought from Bratislava, where the same statue was located. The bronze sculpture depicts a man wearing a hard hat and just leaning out of a sewer manhole. The difference between the Omsk plumber is his smile and good-natured dreamy look.

Did you know? There is a belief among local residents that if you hug a plumber tightly, you will not face any problems with your plumbing.

You will find these two monuments on the street. Lenin.

In Omsk you can also see the following monuments:

  • Monument to F. M. Dostoevsky;
  • Park sculpture “Dynamic balance or Scales of existence”;
  • Monument to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom;
  • Sculpture “Siberian Woman with Son”;
  • Sculpture "Don Quixote";
  • Light and musical fountain;
  • Sculptural composition “Children feeding penguins”;
  • Chapel-monument to victims of political repression;
  • Monument "Power";
  • Sign in memory of the foundation of the Omsk fortress;
  • Sculptural composition “The Birth of Happiness”;
  • Monument to the railway worker.

Unusual monuments of Omsk

Anna Penkova

Unusual monuments of Omsk

My fellow countrywoman Lada posted very beautiful photographs of Omsk with comments . And I want to introduce you to some monuments of Omsk . Of course, in our city, like in any other, there are many monuments dedicated to famous people, the memory of fallen soldiers , and historical events. But there are unusual monuments in Omsk , and I want to introduce you to some of them.

Monument "Power"

was installed in 1997
(V. A. Trokhimchuk)
. It is dedicated to the founder of the city, I. D. Buchholz. The reliefs around the circumference of the ball depict scenes of the development of the territory of Siberia by Russian pioneers.


According to established tradition, a marathon called the “Siberian International Marathon” Omsk.

In 2003, a monument to the marathon runner .
The names of the winners of each annual marathon are carved on the pedestal of this monument , and a cup with a figure of a marathon runner (as on the monument )

each winner receives.

In 2010, a monument was inaugurated Omsk , which is called “The Birth of Happiness”

The photo shows the second version of this monument ; the first was broken and stolen by vandals. The administration of Omsk , without waiting for the end of the investigation, ordered a second version of the monument , which remains in the same place to this day. Newlyweds are very fond of visiting this composition, and this is understandable, because we all wish the bride and groom to be visited by a stork as soon as possible.

In 1999, one of the most unusual monuments Omsk - “The Scales of Being”
(A. N. Kapralov)
. According to the author, the staircase symbolizes ascension, the throne of power, and the cross the severity of the path and decisions made. And all together this forms a kind of scales of existence, with which a person weighs and makes decisions in life.

The throne is specially skewed, since government is never ideal.

Monument to Lyubov (S. Noroshev, I. Vakhitov)
is located on Lyubinsky Prospekt and is dedicated to Lyubov Fedorovna, the wife of
Omsk Gustav von Gasford. Lyuba was more than 30 years younger than her husband. She lived in Omsk for no more than a year . Literally upon arrival, she fell ill with consumption. And day by day she got worse. Therefore, she could not walk for a long time, but she had enough strength to sit on a bench. Therefore, people retained in their memory the image of a poor girl who was fading away every day.

Not far from Lyuba you can see another monument of the same authors -
Monument to the Plumber (popularly known as “Stepanych”)
. Near this
monument , someone is almost always photographed.
Come to Omsk and you will see a lot of interesting things!

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City museums

One of the most popular museums in Omsk is the Literary Museum named after. Dostoevsky , located on the street. Dostoevsky, 1, in the ancient house of the commandant of the Omsk fortress. The famous writer often visited this house while he was serving exile in the Omsk prison, since the last commandant was patronizing and friendly towards Dostoevsky.

Did you know? It was here that the writer began work on the immortal “Notes from the House of the Dead.”

The museum has several departments.

  1. One of them tells about the sad years of Dostoevsky’s life in Siberian exile.
  2. The second section is dedicated to writers born in Omsk.

Also in the museum you will learn about the history of the creation of the museum, about Decembrist writers, writers, front-line poets and much more.

Also in Omsk you can learn a lot of new things by visiting:

  • Museum of Fine Arts named after M. A. Vrubel (Lenin St., 3);
  • Museum of History and Local Lore (Lenin St., 23);
  • Historical and cultural complex “Ancient Siberian” (Sovetov St., 45, Bolsherechye village);
  • Museum of Kondraty Belov (center of Omsk);
  • Art Museum named after A. N. Liberov (Dumskaya st., 3);
  • Omsk Regional Expo Center (Partizanskaya St.);
  • Museum complex of military glory of Omsk (Taube St., 7).

Historical places and cultural monuments of Omsk

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The city of Omsk is one of the largest cities in Russia. Tourists and guests from neighboring countries regularly come here to get to know the culture and memorable places not only of the city, but of the entire country.

The symbol of the city is the Tara Gate, which was built at the end of the 18th century. This gate led to the fortress where the convict prison was located. In 1959, these gates were demolished, but were restored for the 275th anniversary of the city; so they became a symbol of the city. Once upon a time, Dostoevsky passed through these gates every day, therefore, today everyone dreams of seeing this memorable place.

Tara Gate in Omsk

A delightful cultural monument is the Assumption Cathedral, which is located on Cathedral Square in the city center. This monument is the greatest cultural value of the past, although it was built at the end of the 19th century. However, the peculiarity of this place is that details and forms from the 16th and 17th centuries were used in its construction. The architect Virrich wanted this place to become not just a temple, but a cultural heritage of the city, therefore, he used the design of past centuries.

Walking around Omsk, you will probably see a statue of a girl in a beautiful fluffy dress, tilted slightly forward. This statue is located in the city center, and it was created in honor of the governor’s wife. The girl's name was Lyuba, however, her fate was sad, since she died very young, immediately after marriage. No photographs of Lyuba have survived, so the sculptor created this creation based on the memory of people who tried to describe the girl’s appearance to him. The first grove was even named in honor of Lyuba - Lyubinskaya Grove.

A beautiful and unique building is the Omsk Drama Theater, which was built in 1905 in the Baroque style. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that this theater is one of the first theaters in all of Siberia. That is why the theater building was recognized as a cultural monument and the pride of not only the city, but the entire country.

Omsk Academic Drama Theater built in 1905

For those who like to visit museums and exhibitions, there is a museum of local history, a literary museum named after Dostoevsky, a museum of fine arts and others. Here you can get acquainted in detail with the history of the city and the whole country. The guides will tell you interesting facts from the past that will not leave you indifferent.

Tourists are impressed by visiting Omsk, because there are wonderful cultural places, beautiful landscapes and friendly people.

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Parks and natural attractions of Omsk

The city has many cozy squares and parks, so there shouldn’t be any problems with finding a place where you can go in Omsk to relax.

  • A valuable natural object is the Arboretum named after. G. I. Genze . It is located near the bus stop. "Starozagorodnaya Grove" has become a habitat for many different species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Here you can not only take a walk and relax, enjoying nature and fresh air, but also learn a lot of new things for yourself by booking an excursion.
  • One of the oldest and most beloved parks in Omsk is the Park of Culture and Leisure named after. 30th anniversary of the Komsomol . The park has an area of ​​79 hectares; it is here, among other things, that the Yunost and Red Star stadiums are located. If you and the people you are traveling with love football, we recommend going to this park and attending a football match. Then you won’t be tormented by the question of where to go in Omsk with friends, but will have a good and fun time. Moreover, the park also has many attractions, a sports club, a velodrome and several cozy cafes.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after. 30th anniversary of the Komsomol

In Omsk and its surroundings you can also visit:

  • Irtysh embankment;
  • Park named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory;
  • Nature Park "Bird Harbor";
  • Green Island Park;
  • Sovetsky Park;
  • Reservoir "Kornilovskaya Balka";
  • Lake Ebeity;
  • Lake Linevo;
  • Bor Chernoluchye;
  • Lake Ik.

What to see in Omsk in 1 day - the main attractions of the city

If you have a little time to explore Omsk, we offer you the optimal, from our point of view, list-route of what you can see here in one day:

  1. We suggest starting your journey around the city with the monument to the founders of Omsk - “Omsk Ball” , located near the River Station building. Nearby is an old cannon.
  2. If you go forward a little, you will see the Batyushkin House (aka Kolchak’s apartment). It is a center for studying the history of the Civil War.
  3. From here we move to the central beach, near which the Senkevich restaurant, . Near it is an iron tree .
  4. Then you can take a walk along Trukhachevsky Embankment . Follow it to the Ocean store, and then go up to the new square - Rotary Park. Next to it is the inscription “I love Omsk.”
  5. After walking around the park, go out onto the street. Lenin. Walking along it, you will come out to Palace Square . Here you can see the St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral, the building of the Cadet Corps and the Palace of the Governor General, which now houses the Museum. Vrubel.
  6. Nearby is also the Museum of Local Lore, the park named after. Fighters of the Revolution, Monument to Lenin, Musical Theater .
  7. Then we suggest crossing the river. Omka and end up on Lyubinsky Prospekt . Here you will see the Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel, the sculpture “Omsk Policeman”, the sentry of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, the sculpture of a photographer, the famous monument to the mechanic Stepanych and, of course, the statue “Lyuba”.
  8. Nearby are the Triangle and Salamander buildings .
  9. Then we suggest going to Dzerzhinsky Square . From there we move to the Drama Theater, and from here along the street. Lenin to Cathedral Square.
  10. It is here that you will see the Holy Assumption Cathedral .
  11. Next we move to the street. Spartakovskaya , where the famous Tara Gate is located. At the end of the street there is the Monument to Dostoevsky and the Resurrection Cathedral. Nearby are the Museum Complex of Military Glory of Omsk and the Exhibition Square.
  12. As a result, you will reach the Omsk fortress . On its territory we recommend visiting the Museum named after. Dostoevsky .

Where can you go in Omsk with children?

For tourists traveling with children, Omsk can offer the following attractions:

  • State Puppet Theater (41 Karl Marx Avenue);
  • Omsk Circus (Karl Marx Avenue, 43B);
  • Children's Zoo (Marshal Zhukov St., 109);
  • Alley of Fairy Tales (square on Serov Square);
  • Bolsherechensky Zoo (Bolsherechye settlement, Sovetov St., 67);
  • Entertainment complex "Atlantis" (K. Marx Avenue, 18);
  • Rotary Park;
  • Park named after 30th anniversary of the Komsomol .

Omsk Circus

We hope our story will help you plan your trip to Omsk correctly. And those who have already visited the city of Omsk and seen its sights can share their impressions, photos and descriptions of their favorite places in the comments to the text.

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