Memorial complex "City Creators" Tolyatti

Sights of Togliatti. The most important and interesting sights of Tolyatti - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

  • New Year tours
    to Russia
  • Last minute tours
    to Russia
  • Tolyatti, st. Revolutionary, 19
    the very best

    Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Tolyatti

    Tolyatti, st. Revolutionary, 19

    In the Avtozavodsky district of Tolyatti, among the blocks of ordinary “dormitory” high-rise buildings, the Tolyatti Transfiguration Cathedral rises majestically. The 63 m high temple is visible from afar; it is the largest not only in the city, but in the entire Samara and Syzran diocese.

  • Togliatti, Yuzhnoye Highway, 137

    the very best

    Technical Museum of JSC "AVTOVAZ" named after. K. G. Sakharova

    Togliatti, Yuzhnoye Highway, 137

    Among all the Togliatti attractions is the AVTOVAZ Technical Museum named after. K. G. Sakharov occupies a special place. It was created relatively recently, but immediately became an integral part of the city. Indeed, where else but in Tolyatti - the pride of the domestic automotive industry.

  • Tolyatti, st. Sovetskaya, 89/38

    City Museum Complex "Heritage"

    Tolyatti, st.
    Sovetskaya, 89/38 The history of Tolyatti, like many other Volga cities, is inextricably linked with the Volga and with the development of hydropower in the USSR. Back in 1937, Samarlag was organized for the construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station, but by 1940 the construction was curtailed. Construction of the hydroelectric power station began in the new location in 1950.

  • Tolyatti, pl. Svobody, 2

    Puppet theater "Pilgrim"

    Tolyatti, pl.
    Svobody, 2 The history of the Togliatti “Pilgrim” began in 1973, when Roman Renz, director of the puppet theater from Kuibyshev, gathered specialists and actors from Omsk, Orenburg, Saratov and organized a professional troupe in Avtograd.

  • Tolyatti, st. 40 Years of Victory, 10

    Museum historical and local history complex "Museum of Courage"

    Tolyatti, st.
    40 Let Pobedy, 10 Togliatti Museum of Courage performs several functions at once. He collects, preserves, and also studies information about the heroes of the past, their fearless exploits and glorious deeds. In addition, the museum acts as a modern communication platform and builds a productive dialogue with the visitor.

  • Togliatti, 21st quarter

    Monument of Devotion in Tolyatti

    Tolyatti, 21st quarter
    In 1995, a dog settled next to the busy Southern Highway. Dozens of townspeople saw a German shepherd in the same place every day. People fed her and even built a kennel, but the dog ran along the side of the road in any weather, peering at the cars passing by.

  • Togliatti, microdistrict Port

    Monument to Tatishchev

    Togliatti, microdistrict
    Portovy On the banks of the great Volga, in the southern part of Tolyatti, there is a monument to the founder of the city Vasily Tatishchev - a statesman, historian, geographer, philologist, economist and ethnographer of the 18th century. In 1737, he founded the fortified city of Stavropol, which later grew into the motor city of Togliatti.

  • Tolyatti, st. Nagornaya, 1a

    Holy Resurrection Monastery in Tolyatti

    Tolyatti, st.
    Nagornaya, 1a From time immemorial, the Orthodox faith has been a part of the national culture and a unifying factor in Russian society. After the most severe persecution of Soviet times, a revival of church life occurred throughout Russia, and Tolyatti did not remain aloof.

  • Togliatti, Samara region.

    "Mourning Angel" in Tolyatti

    Togliatti, Samara region.
    The poignant monument “Mourning Angel” is located under the canopy of old trees in the City Garden. The sculpture in the form of a man with wings is dedicated to people who suffered from Stalinist repressions from Stavropol-on-Volga, Stavropol region and Tolyatti.

  • Togliatti, Stepan Razin Ave., 93

    Stagecoach Theater

    Togliatti, Stepan Razin Ave., 93
    “Stagecoach” appeared on the cultural map of Togliatti in 1992. Initially, the institution was conceived as an amateur theater with a small team. But the performances staged here for children and youth were so loved by the townspeople that Stagecoach received municipal status.

  • Tolyatti, Lenina Boulevard, 22

    Togliatti Museum of Local Lore

    Togliatti, Lenina Boulevard, 22
    In 2012, the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore celebrated its 50th anniversary. During this time, it not only became the main museum of the city, but also gained popularity throughout the Samara region. To date, the museum collections have collected about 63,000 exhibits - various objects of art and documents.

  • Tolyatti, Lenina Boulevard, 22

    Tolyatti Art Museum

    Togliatti, Lenina Boulevard, 22
    The Togliatti Art Museum is an important center of the cultural life of the city, whose activities focus on informing, training, developing creativity and organizing leisure time for citizens. The museum halls host entertaining art competitions and educational programs.

  • Tolyatti, st. Vavilova, 2

    Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Tolyatti

    Tolyatti, st.
    Vavilova, 2 The Tolyatti Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has an amazing history. The red brick church in pseudo-Russian style was erected during the Soviet era - the atheistic authorities “compensated” the Orthodox for the destruction of the Trinity Cathedral, which disappeared forever in the waters of the Volga.

  • Tolyatti, Komsomolskoye sh., 2A

    Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tolyatti

    Togliatti, Komsomolskoye sh., 2A
    The small wooden Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Togliatti in 1995, but in the city it is generally accepted that its history dates back to the 18th century. The fact is that in the progenitor of Avtograd - Stavropol-on-Volga - there was a temple with the same name.

  • Tolyatti, st. Revolutionary, 3

    V. S. Vysotsky Center-Museum in Togliatti

    Tolyatti, st.
    Revolutionary, 3 For all fans of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Tolyatti has a special point of attraction, where they can get to know their favorite poet better, see the person behind the acting mask, and discover new facets in his life and work.

Despite the fact that Togliatti is a relatively young city (compared to its thousand-year-old neighbors) and cannot boast of a variety of ancient monuments, there is definitely something to do and something to fill your cultural leisure time with.
In Togliatti you can find several museums, from serious state ones to those founded by enthusiasts, theaters for children and adults, churches and monasteries, green parks and interesting monuments. It’s amazing that in the very center of the city a real pine forest has been preserved, turned into a beautiful city park with sculptures, attractions, picnic areas and cozy restaurants. Continuing the conversation about city attractions, it is impossible not to mention the monument of devotion, towering at the entrance to the motor city. A heart-warming story about dog fidelity adds to its charm.

Despite the fact that Togliatti is a relatively young city (compared to its thousand-year-old neighbors) and cannot boast of a variety of ancient monuments, there is definitely something to do and something to fill your cultural leisure time with.

What to see in Tolyatti in 1 day

What should a tourist who has arrived on a short visit see in Togliatti? Getting to know the city should include visiting the main attractions, including monuments, squares, cathedrals and other places worth visiting.

Monument to Vasily Tatishchev

The founder of the city, V.N. Tatishchev, was known as a highly educated and far-sighted man. According to his idea, the Stavropol settlement was built for the Kalmyks and the protection of Russian lands from nomadic tribes. In memory of the founding father, a monument was erected at the expense of the townspeople, which became a symbol of Tolyatti.

Address: Central district, forest park area.

Trolleybuses 1 and 7 run to the “Recreation Zone” stop.

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"History of Transport"

The metal sculptural composition was created at the end of the 20th century according to the design of the architect Yocheles and the artist A. Vasnetsov. On three pedestals there are installed: a balloon, a steam locomotive, a steamship. The elements of the composition are made by artistic forging, casting and welding.

Address: Revolyutsionnaya Street, Avtozavodsky district.

Buses and minibuses 19, 24, 62, 95, 99, 314, trolleybuses 18, 14 go to the “Shop of 1000 little things” stop.

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Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The log church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a prototype of a church built in 1744, which was flooded during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The wooden structure with blue overhangs, gilded domes and a belfry was consecrated in 2000. Today, on the territory of the church complex there are: a Sunday school, a library, a dining room, a priest’s house, and icon-painting workshops.

Address: Komsomolskoe highway, 2A.

Bus 11, minibuses 91, 93, 310 go to the Portposelok stop.

Opening hours: daily 8:00 – 18:00.

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Garibaldi Castle

In a modern city there are places to go to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. The main attractions of Tolyatti are complemented by the Gothic Garibaldi Castle. The tourist complex includes: a hotel, a winter garden, a swimming pool, baths, a cafe, an observation deck, and a park area. The castle was built with typical Gothic towers with spiers, large stonework, stained glass windows, sculptures of knights and gargoyles.

Address: Khryashchevka village, Rechnoy lane, 8.

Bus 320 goes to the Khryashchevka stop.

Opening hours: daily 7:00 – 22:00.

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Transfiguration Cathedral

The majestic cathedral was erected in 2002 with the assistance of AvtoVAZ. The 62-meter-high temple for 3,000 people amazes with its exterior and interior decoration. The floor of the cathedral is paved with marble mosaics, the doors are decorated with elaborate carvings, and the halls are illuminated by chandeliers.

Address: Revolyutsionnaya street, 19.

Buses and minibuses 13, 19, 24, 93K, 95, 100, 131, 137, 314, 331 pass through the stops “House of Byta Orbita”, “Store of 1000 Little Things”, “Preobrazhensky Cathedral”.

Opening hours: daily 9:00 – 18:00.

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Memorial complex "City Creators"

The composition, consisting of a sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and an arched wall with a bell tower, was installed on the central square of Togliatti in the early 2000s. The memorial complex is a memorial site designed to immortalize the people who created the city.

Address: Central Square.

Buses 40, 167, 275 and trolleybuses 1, 7 run through the Gorsad stop.

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Holy Resurrection Monastery

The monastery was created by expanding the Holy Resurrection Parish. The monastery is located in a historical place that survived the flooding of the old city. The community has two churches - the Resurrection of Christ, and Silouan of Athos.

Address: Nagornaya Street, 1A.

Buses and minibuses 11, 91, 93, 310 go to the Portposelok stop.

Opening hours: daily 8:00 – 20:00.

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Monument of Devotion

The popular place is located near a busy highway. For 7 years, a dog sat here on the side of the road, waiting for its owner. The townspeople, amazed by the animal’s loyalty, after his death took the initiative to build a monument, which became a symbol of devotion.

Address: South Highway, 25.

Buses and minibuses 2, 12, 20, 73, 95, 99, 108, 124, 172, 303 pass through the “21 block” stop.

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Zhigulevskaya HPP

An atypical tourist spot includes a hydroelectric power station and the Kuibyshev reservoir. The length of the Zhigulevskaya power plant building is 730 m with a width of 100 m. In addition to its direct purpose, it provides water supply, navigation, and flood protection. You can visit the hydroelectric station only as part of an excursion group by appointment.

Address: Zhigulevsk, Moskovskoe highway, 2.

Buses 15, 146, 540 go to the Zhigulevskaya HPP stop.

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Table: how to get to the city of Tolyatti

Point of departureAirplaneTrainBusAutomobile
MoscowTogliatti does not have a private airport, but just 50 kilometers from the city there is Kurumoch Airport, owned by the city of Samara. Planes from Moscow land at Kurumoch more than twenty times a day. Flight time: 1.5–2 hours. Ticket price: from 3600 rubles. Two trains depart daily from Kazansky Station to Tolyatti. Travel time: 17–19 hours. Cost of the trip: from 1200 rubles. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there is one flight to Togliatti. Travel time: about 17 hours. Ticket price: from 1700 rubles. Distance between cities: 987 kilometers. Travel time: 10–11 hours. Route: M5.
Saint PetersburgThere are about five daily flights from St. Petersburg to Kurumoch. Flight time: 2.5 hours. Flight cost: from 16,200 rubles. The only train to Togliatti departs from Moskovsky Station once every two days. Travel time: 40 hours. Ticket price: from 3200 rubles. There are no direct flights.Route length: 1692 kilometers. Approximate travel time: 17–24 hours. Routes: M10, M5.
SamaraBoth cities are served by Kurumoch Airport.You can get from Samara to Togliatti by passing trains. Travel time: just over 2 hours. Cost of the trip: from 730 rubles. Buses depart every 15 minutes starting at 6 am. The last flight departs at 20:45. Travel time: approximately 2 hours. Ticket price: from 180 rubles. Route length: 73 kilometers. Travel time: 1–1.5 hours. Route: M5.

Where to go for a tourist in Togliatti interesting places

There are places to go in Togliatti for those who like to have fun. The city has an amusement park, a water park, large shopping centers, and restaurants.

Victory Park

The construction of a large park in Togliatti marked the 40th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. On the territory there is a memorial with a burning eternal flame, memorial plaques with the names of soldiers who died for their homeland, and military equipment.

Address: Yubileinaya Street, 49.

Buses 15, 138D, 159, 13 go to the “Park Pobedy” stop.

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"Fanny Park"

The park was founded by AvtoVAZ in 1980. Since its foundation, cultural events, concerts and colorful performances for children have been held here. The park is regularly modernized, new entertainment areas are created. On the territory there is a petting zoo, a water park, and an exhibition of exotic butterflies.

Address: Frunze street, 16A.

To the stop "Children's Park" goes to bus 23, minibuses 326, 126.

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 21:00.

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Shopping center "Park House"

On the territory of a large shopping center there are stores of popular brands, fast food cafes, restaurants, a cinema, a children's park, and play areas. Park House is a popular place among city residents for shopping and leisure.

Address: Avtozavodskoe highway, 6.

Buses and minibuses 95, 116, 172, 211, 239, 320 pass through the Park House shopping center stop.

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 22:00.

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Park of Culture and Recreation

The park in the central part of the city attracts with its quiet, calm atmosphere. Paved paths, benches and a children's playground are ideal for family walks.

Address: Liza Chaikina street, 36.

Trolleybuses 21, 24, buses 41, 42, 42D, 84 run to the Park stop.

Opening hours: daily 9:00 – 18:00.

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Museum of K. G. Sakharov

A major exhibition of equipment was founded in 2001 with the assistance of the vice-president of the AvtoVAZ plant K. G. Sakharov. The museum's exposition includes cars, military equipment, submarines, and spacecraft.

Address: Southern Highway, 137.

Buses 5T, 11T, 23, 37, 72 and minibuses 126, 190, 305 go to the “5th insert” stop.

Opening hours: daily 8:00 – 20:00.

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Museum of Local Lore

There is a lot to see in the Togliatti Museum of Local Lore. Its collection includes over 60 thousand exhibits. Among them are rare coins, furniture, and household items that tell about the life and development of the city.

Address: Lenina Boulevard, 22.

Minibuses 126, 93K, 326 pass through the “Museum of Local Lore” stop.

Opening hours: Tue., Thu.-Sun. 10:00 – 18:00, Wed. 10:00 – 21:00.

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Art Museum

The gallery was founded in honor of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the city. The museum fund houses a collection of 9 thousand paintings, drawings and sculptures. Most of the exhibits represent contemporary art.

Address: Lenina Boulevard, 22.

Minibuses 126, 93K, 326 pass through the “Museum of Local Lore” stop.

Opening hours: Tue., Wed., Fri.-Sun. 10:00 – 18:00, Thu. 10:00 – 20:00.

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AvtoVAZ Museum

Rare models of domestic cars are displayed in the indoor hangar. Some were released in a single copy. For the plant's anniversary, a unique car with the names of employees was presented.

Address: 121 South Highway.

Buses 9T, 28 and trolleybuses 13, 14 go to the “Training Center” stop.

Opening hours: Tue.-Sat. 10:00 – 17:00.

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Puppet Theater "Pilgrim"

What the city's cultural life is famous for is its performances at the Puppet Theatre. The country's leading artists performed on its stage. Little visitors can enjoy colorful performances and take a master class on making dolls.

Address: Freedom Square, 2.

Buses 22, 73, trolleybuses 96, 108, 328 pass through the “Freedom Square” stop.

Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 – 18:00, Sat.-Sun. 10:00 – 18:00.

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Drama Theater "Wheel"

The theater, created in 1988, delights citizens with new productions. The stage features classic performances and modern interpretations of familiar plays.

Address: Leningradskaya street, 31.

Buses and minibuses 2, 12, 73, 96, 314 go to the “Theater Wheel” stop.

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 20:00.

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Museum complex "Heritage"

The exhibition is dedicated to the time of construction of the hydroelectric power station and the flooding of the old part of the city. The settlers took with them the necessary things, many of which are presented in the museum.

Address: Sovetskaya street, 39.

To the stop “Magazin Rubin” is served by minibuses and buses 22, 91, 108, 142.

Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. 10:00 – 18:00.

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Museum-attraction “Inverted House”

The museum is an inverted hut on chicken legs. This unusual attraction is a place worth visiting for both adults and children.

Address: southern highway, 6.

Buses 5T, 12, 21, 77, 167 pass through the “19th Quarter” stop.

Opening hours: Sat., Sun. 10:00 – 20:00, on weekdays – by appointment.

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Youth Drama Theater

Previously it was a Youth Theater. It changed its status, becoming a youth drama theater. The core of the troupe consists of young artists. The repertoire includes works of domestic and foreign drama.

Address: Liza Chaikina street, 65.

Trolleybuses 1, 8, 24 and minibuses 102, 127, 143 go to the “Youth Theater” stop.

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 19:00.

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Togliatti Philharmonic

The Philharmonic is located in a modern building equipped for holding concerts, performances, festivals and presentations. The Tolyatti Philharmonic Society occupies an important place in the cultural life of the city, being a partner and organizer of concerts and musical programs.

Address: Pobeda Street, 42.

Buses and minibuses 12, 21, 124, 131, 211 run through the “Arts Square” stop.

Opening hours: daily 10:00 – 19:00.

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The grand opening of the monument, headed by the mayor of Tolyatti Sergei Zhilkin, took place on September 2, 1998. Tatishchev’s descendants, sister and brother Nikolai and Maria Zhestkov, also came to the celebration. The monument was consecrated by the Bishop of Samara, Bishop Sergius.

Togliatti residents love the monument to Tatishchev very much; this place has become popular for walks and wedding photo sessions. At one time, unlucky youth painted it heavily with different colors, but today it has been cleaned, and it again stands in a decent form. Now this monument is a real symbol of the city, and it can be found on booklets, labels, postcards and even travel tickets.

The monument to Tatishchev (Tolyatti) has the following address: st. Komzina 1-A.

Beautiful places in Togliatti that are worth visiting

There is something to visit in Tolyatti for people who are partial to art and who appreciate the history of the country. Among the main cultural attractions are museums and theaters that are worth visiting.

Tolyatti embankment

What every Volga city is famous for is its embankment. In Togliatti it unites Avtozavodsky and Komsomolsky districts. Near the embankment there is a river station, excursion tours along the Volga are organized.

Address: Sportivnaya street.

Buses 13, 28, 36 and minibuses 118, 214 go to the Naberezhnaya stop.

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Fedorovskie meadows

Where can you go if not to Fedorovsky Meadows to enjoy the beauty of pristine nature? The country's famous Grushinsky Festival is held here every year. Famous places especially attract citizens and tourists in the summer.

Address: Fedorovka village.

Buses 40, 42D and minibuses 134, 142 run through the “School No. 12” stop.

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Annunciation Skete

The main attraction of the village of Fedorovka is the church complex of the Annunciation Skete. Built by order of the landowner Bakhmetov in the hope of healing his wife Varvara, the temple was consecrated in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Varvara. For a long time it was called by local residents the Varvarinsky Church. Nowadays, the Annunciation Church stands out with triangular pediments, protrusions reminiscent of kokoshniks, and golden domes.

Address: Fedorovka village, Kooperativnaya street, 27A.

Bus 40, 42 goes to the nearest stop.

Opening hours: daily 7:30 – 18:00.

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The idea of ​​origin

The desire to build a monument to Tatishchev has been brewing among the city authorities for a long time (since the early 90s). Even a sculptor (A. Kuznetsov) was appointed, financial assistance was provided by Avtovazbank. Clay and reinforcement were also purchased. But the ensuing crisis ruined all plans. The clay model looked like an equestrian statue, and Tatishchev had a letter in his hands.

As time passed, the project revived again, and a competition was even appointed, where Kuznetsov’s competitor was revealed - the sculptor Pronyushkin. His project represented Tatishchev standing near the globe.

Postal Troika Museum

In the city of Togliatti, on Revolutionary Street, in the most ordinary post office, occupying the second floor of the building, a small, but no less interesting, exhibition was located. The collection of this historical museum tells the story of a general retrospective of the improvement of postal services over an entire era; at the exhibition you can see both equipment from the last century and new office equipment that is directly related to the post office. In the museum you can also look at rare stamps and postcards with envelopes, as well as purchase something for your personal collection.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the city's population was almost 600 people. The city was considered a resort. It also grew a local variety of onion, which is why it was called the “onion city.”

Now the population of Togliatti exceeds 700,000 people. In terms of population, it is among the top 20 cities in Russia. The first settlers of Togliatti were baptized Tatars, and now representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in it.

The city's population almost doubled in the 70s. 19th century during the construction of the automobile plant, which became a city-forming enterprise. At this time, a new district appeared in Tolyatti - Avtozavodsky. Now it is the largest region of the Volga region. The city also has Komsomolsky and Central districts.

The city's population is larger than that of Montenegro or Iceland.

Tolyatti Art Museum

The founding date of the museum is considered to be 1987. The Art Museum borrowed its first exhibits from the art gallery; today the collection consists of more than ten thousand objects of artistic and historical value, paintings created by famous Soviet and post-Soviet classics are considered especially valuable. The museum regularly organizes private exhibitions, exhibits from museums from all over the country, as well as competitive works. In addition to works by local artists, children's drawings from competitions, here you can admire art objects from the Soviet era, as well as Chinese graphics.

Monument to Devotion

Like any city, Togliatti has its own legends. One of them was illustrated in a bronze monument on Yashin Street. A statue of a dog, created through donations from citizens, stands on the side of the road in an ordinary area, among high-rise buildings. This touching monument was erected in honor of a dog who survived a car accident and waited for his owners at the scene of the accident for five years. This is Tolyatti’s answer to Hachiko. The first film from the city's film studio was dedicated to a dog named Verny.

Kuneevsky forest

The territory has the status of a regional reserve, separating two urban areas. In the “Stavropol Pine Forest” there is an amazing variety of plants and animals, including Red Book plants. The Kuneevsky forest is loved by local residents; in winter, tourists and local residents have access to ski trips, which they willingly attend, keeping in mind the rules of behavior in the recreational area. In the warm season, tourists love to arrange photo sessions here, riding horses, enjoying the unique tree and shrub landscape of the reserve.

Assumption Church

The temple, erected at the end of the last century, immediately became one of the main attractions of Tolyatti architecture. The reason for this was the similarity with the chapel on Prechistenskaya Embankment, as well as the appearance of the church, similar to a wooden house from a fairy tale. Visiting guests love to take memorable photos against the backdrop of the Assumption Church, because it is impossible to ignore this small architectural miracle.


The city was founded in the mid-18th century. Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev, a Russian engineer and political figure from the time of Anna Ioannovna.

At first, the future city of Togliatti was called Stavropol. To distinguish this city from Stavropol in the Caucasus, it began to be called Stavropol-on-Volga. However, contrary to the generally accepted opinion. This name has never been official.

And on August 28, 1964, the city was renamed Togliatti in honor of the General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party Palmiro Togliatti, who died on August 21, 1964 during a trip to Crimea.

In the 90s, a referendum was held to return the city to its former name, but less than half of the residents came. And the majority of those who came voted “against”. Also, the city was not affected by the “fashion” for renaming streets. Almost all streets have retained their former names.

The original purpose of the city was protection from nomads.

Automotive capital

Zhiguli cars are produced in Tolyatti. The name comes from the Zhiguli Mountains, which are located on the opposite bank of the Volga. The city hosts various motorsport competitions.

The car production plant (AvtoVAZ JSC) was built in 1966. It was a joint project with the Italian concern FIAT.

Industry in Tolyatti is not limited to automobile manufacturing. The chemical industry is developed: the city is home to the world's largest ammonia production plant.

But there are also disadvantages: the presence of large-scale production in the city does not have the best effect on its ecology. The noise in the city exceeds the established sanitary standard of 55 dB.

After the economic crises of 1998 and 2008. Many enterprises in the light and food industries, banks, and construction organizations went bankrupt. Now Tolyatti is included in the list of Russian cities with the most difficult socio-economic situation.

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