Map of Orenburg in detail with streets, houses and districts


Area - 124 thousand km 2 (0.7% of the area of ​​Russia). The length of the region from west to east is 760 km, from north to south - 445 km. The total length of the borders is 3,700 km.

It borders in the west with the Samara region, in the north-west - with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the north - with the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the north-east - with the Chelyabinsk region, in the east and south - with Kazakhstan. Thus, it is a border region. The length of the border with Kazakhstan is an impressive 1876 km. Transit freight and passenger traffic between Russia and Central Asia passes through the Orenburg region.

Geographically, the Orenburg region is located on the southeastern edge of the East European Plain, in the Southern Urals and in the Southern Trans-Urals. The border between two parts of the world – Europe and Asia – passes through its territory.

Absolute heights range from 40 to 668 m. The highest point is Mount Nakas on the ridge of the same name. Part of the region is mountainous. The Guberlinsky Mountains are especially impressive. The chalk deposits found here are also interesting.

Main rivers: Ural, Sakmara, Ilek, Samara. The main river of the Orenburg region, crossing most of the region's territory from east to west, is the Ural River. Its length within the region is 1164 km. It is worth noting that due to the arid climate, the rivers here have little water.

The largest reservoir in the Orenburg region is Iriklinskoye on the Ural River. Its area is 235 km 2, volume is 3257 million m³. It was created to operate the powerful Iriklinskaya State District Power Plant. Krasnochabanskoye (54.6 million m³), ​​Chernovskoye (52.7 million m³), ​​Kumakskoye (48.0 million m³), ​​Elshanskoye (23.6 million m³) and Ushkottinskoye (10.0 million m³) reservoirs were also created. The largest natural reservoir is Lake Shalkar-Ega-Kara (9600 hectares).

The territory is located in the steppe zones of the Trans-Volga and Turgai regions, the forested Southern Urals, and the pine-birch forest-steppe of Western Siberia. But steppes still predominate. In summer, the rich smell of steppe grasses heated by the sun reigns here.

To preserve the steppe landscapes located at the junction of the Russian Plain, the Ural Mountains and the Turgai Plateau, the Orenburg Nature Reserve was created in 1989. Its area is 216.53 km2.

There are few forests in the region - 697.4 thousand hectares, or 5.6% of its territory. The most famous and valuable is the Buzuluksky pine forest. It has the status of a national park.

The salt lakes of Sol-Iletsk with reserves of healing mud are extremely popular. They have great health value.

The climate is sharply continental, which is due to the distance from the oceans and seas. Winters are cold and long, and summers are warm. The differences between day and night temperatures are significant. The annual precipitation rate is less than 350 mm, only in mountainous areas (the vicinity of Kuvandyk) - up to 480 mm.


During the Great Patriotic War, many enterprises in the Orenburg region were evacuated, which gave impetus to the development of industry. The discovery of the Orenburg gas condensate field (the largest in Russia) in the 1960s provided great economic prospects. In the 1950s, the virgin steppe lands were actively plowed and agriculture developed.

Currently, gas, oil, energy, metallurgical, and machine-building industries are developed here. The subsoil is rich in hydrocarbon raw materials, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, gold, non-metallic minerals (asbestos, coal, rock salt, raw materials for the construction industry). Every year, the region produces over 3% of oil, gas and gas condensate from the all-Russian level, and produces over 16% of copper and 24% of zinc concentrate.

The largest enterprises: OJSC Orenburgneft, OJSC Orenburggazprom, OJSC Orsk-nefteorgsintez, OJSC Orenburg Minerals, OJSC Ural Steel (Novotroitsk), OJSC Yuzhuralnickel (Orsk), LLC Orsk Light Metal Structures Plant , Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur Plant LLC, Gaisky GOK OJSC.

The Orenburg region also makes a significant contribution to Russian agriculture. 4.9% of all Russian agricultural land is located here. More than 3 million tons of grain crops are grown annually, including more than 1.5 million tons of wheat.

One of the brands in the region is Orenburg down scarves. They owe their fame to the quality of the source material - the down of Orenburg goats. It is elastic, lightweight, and has low thermal conductivity. Orenburg Cossack women adopted the experience of knitting scarves and shawls from the Kazakhs and Kalmyks. The local down knitting craft became widely known after the World Exhibition of 1862, where the medal-winning products of the Orenburg Cossack woman Marya Uskova were presented.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Orenburg. The Orenburg region includes 489 municipalities: 13 urban districts, 29 municipal districts, 447 rural settlements. The largest cities: Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Buzuluk, Buguruslan, Gai.

The population of the Orenburg region, according to Rosstat, is 1,963,000 people. Population density is 15.87 people/km2. The share of the urban population is 60.57%.

The annual budget of the Orenburg region for 2021 is 106 billion rubles.

Churches, cathedrals and temples

Orthodox Saraktash Convent of Mercy

Address: Saraktash village, st. Pushkina, 77 Phone: 8 (35333) 6-12-32 and Website: Cost: children - 50 rubles, adults - 100 rubles. per excursion Opening hours: excursions by arrangement

The Saraktash monastery is called the Vatican of the Orenburg region. The largest Orthodox complex in Russia was founded in 1990 on the basis of the Intercession parish. That year was special for this place.

  1. The icon of the Mother of God was updated: printed at the end of the 19th century, the image darkened so much that the outlines of the Mother and Jesus became indistinguishable. Then it was decided to replace it. But a miracle happened: a few days later the faces of the saints brightened. And then gradually the whole icon.
  2. After long negotiations, the building of the former Church of Semeon of Verkhoturye, where the kindergarten was located, was returned to the church.
  3. A young priest, Nikolai Stremsky, arrived in Saraktash. At that time the monastery owned only a small prayer house.

By the way, Nikolai’s father’s family is the largest in Russia. He has 72 adopted children.

Holy Tikhvin Mother of God Convent (Buzuluk)

Address: Buzuluk, st. Sergo, 1 Phone: 8 (35342) 2-33-15 Website:

“The chosen vessel,” said the great elder Seraphim when he saw the peasant girl Euphemia Ovsyannikov. After such a blessing, she dedicated herself to the Lord and founded a women's community, which later received the status of a monastery.

During the years of Soviet power, its churches were used as a power plant and warehouses. The cells turned into cells of a transit prison, where prisoners were tortured and shot. In one of them, the locally revered schemamonk Maxim suffered martyrdom.

After the Great Patriotic War, the monastery began to be revived: the All Saints Church was opened. In 2000, it was transformed into the Tikhvin Convent.

Catherine's Church in Tugustemir

Address: s. Tugustemir, st. Tserkovnaya, 5

The Church of the Great Martyr Catherine was built by titular councilor Viktor Zvenigorodsky in memory of his wife, who died of consumption. Bricks for construction were made three kilometers from the future temple in a neighboring village.

According to legend, they were delivered to the construction site in an unusual way: they were passed along a chain from hand to hand.

The facade of the temple was decorated with 12 plaster apostles. A bell tower 43 meters high was built nearby. During the Soviet period, the temple was closed and partially destroyed.

To date, restoration work has not been completed.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Orsk

Address: Orsk, st. Stepana Razina, 100a Phone: 8 (35372) 6-60-51 Website: Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07:00-19:00

The temple has changed 3 locations throughout its history. It was moved twice due to floods until it was built on the mountain. But even here he did not stand for long - there was a fire. The building was restored, but this time made of stone.

Construction was timed to coincide with the visit of Nicholas II. The temple was created as a symbol reminiscent of this event.

But in 1934 it was dismantled, leaving only the bell tower, which was used for the needs of firefighters. It was revived in 1993.

Temple of the Archangel Michael

Address: s. Gorodishche Phone: Website:

The history of the temple begins with the construction of a wooden church in 1836, but it did not stand for 50 years - it burned down. In 1880, a new stone building was laid.

The whole village built, bricks were delivered to the construction site by hand. Young people even brought them to the future temple before the festivities. In Soviet times there was a grain storage facility, a tractor repair shop and warehouses.

  • Here is the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Quick to Hear.”
  • The temple contains the relics of Mary Magdalene, the Great Martyr Panteleimon, St. Seraphim of Sarov and many others.

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The oldest traces of human habitation on the territory of the modern Orenburg region date back to the Upper Paleolithic era: the sites of Labazy I and Labazy II in the lower reaches of the Buzuluk River in the north of the Kurmanaevsky region, the Idelbaevskaya site in the Mednogorsk region, the location of flint tools on the outskirts of the village of Novouzeli and in a ravine near the village of Internatsionalny in Matveevsky district, “Donguz plate” with an image of a deer on the Ilek plateau. The Starotokskaya site near the village of Ivanovka in the Krasnogvardeysky district belongs to the Mesolithic. The Staroyelshanskaya and Ivanovo sites date back to the Neolithic era. By the second half of the 5th - beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. include monuments of the Khvalynsk-Berezhnovskaya cultural group (Turganikskaya, Ivanovskaya sites, Ivanovo dune burial ground).

The settlements of sedentary pastoralists of the Srubna and Alakul archaeological cultures and metallurgists in the Kargaly mines date back to the Bronze Age.

In the XVII-XVI centuries BC. in the Trans-Urals, a whole network of fortified settlements with mound necropolises of the Sintashta type was created. Kurgans belong to the Sarmatian culture. The anthropomorphic “stone women” sculptures left on the territory of the Orenburg region by Turkic-speaking nomads in the 9th-12th centuries date back to the Middle Ages.

In the steppes of the Orenburg region, burial mounds of the Sarmatians and Scythians have been preserved. Archaeologists have also found gold items in them. The Filippovsky burial mound in the Ilek region became especially famous. Unique finds have been in museums in the USA, Italy, and Russia. In Orenburg, based on the find, a popular art object “Sarmatian Deer” was created.

Russians appeared in these places in the 1730s, when a decision was made to voluntarily incorporate the Bashkir and Kazakh tribes into the Russian state. To protect the southeastern borders of the country, a line of defensive structures - fortresses - was built. The Orenburg expedition, which set off from St. Petersburg in the summer of 1734, was led by I.K. Kirilov. P.I. participated in it. Rychkov was later a prominent scientist, the first corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Near the mouth of the Or River a fortress was founded, called Orenburg.

In the fall of 1736, Kirilov founded a whole chain of fortified settlements along Yaik, Samara and Sakmara (Borskaya, Buzulukskaya, Totskaya, Sorochinskaya, Tatishcheva, Berdskaya, Verkhneozernaya, Guberlinskaya, Verkhneuralskaya and others), which were supposed to protect the newly annexed lands from the raids of nomads.

After Kirilov’s death in 1737, V.N. took his place. Tatishchev. He did not approve of the choice of the site for the founding of Orenburg and ordered the fortress to be moved to Red Mountain (now the village of Krasnogor is located here). However, the new boss I.I. Neplyuev in 1743 moved the city to where the historical center of Orenburg is currently located.

Orenburg became a major administrative center, and the vast Orenburg province was created. The province included the lands of modern Northern, Central and Western Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk region, part of Tatarstan and Kurgan, Samara, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk regions, Perm region. Its area was 1525 thousand sq. km.

To develop the territory, settlers and exiles were sent, and the Orenburg Cossack Army was created. In the 1750s, the Iletsk salt mine arose, using the labor of exiles. In the 1750-60s, the Orenburg lands began to be developed by nobles who moved their serfs here from other estates.


Orenburg: maps

Orenburg: photo from space (Google Maps) Orenburg: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Nezhinka18 ()IN
2Pervomaisky26 (32)YU
3Sakmara29 (32)NE
4Perevolotsky63 (65)Z
5Krasnokholm67 ()Z
6Sol-Iletsk67 (75)YU
7Oktyabrskoe70 (65)NE
8Saraktash86 (105)IN
9Akbulak92 (123)YU
10Tulgan96 (120)NE
11Belyaevka99 (102)SE
12Novosergievka105 (104)Z
13Isyangulovo (Republic of Bashkortostan)111 (162)NE
14Alexandrovka112 (185)NW
15Ermolaevo (Republic of Bashkortostan)115 (121)NE
16Kumertau120 (129)NE

a brief description of

Located in the southern Urals, on the river. Ural, near the confluence of the river. Sakmara, 1478 km southeast of Moscow. Railway junction lines and highways.

The climate is sharply continental. Average temperatures in January are -16, July are +20. Precipitation is 300-450 mm per year.

Territory (sq. km): 917

Information about the city of Orenburg on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It was originally founded in 1735 as a fortress at the confluence of the river. Or in the river Yaik (modern name - Ural), hence the name Orenburg. In 1740, the city was founded in a new location - on Krasnaya Gora (downstream of the Yaik River) with the same name retained. The old city was called the Orsk Fortress (the modern city of Orsk). In 1743, the city was moved for the third time, to the west, to the site of the Berd fortress (founded in 1737). The city on Krasnaya Gora continued to exist under the name Krasnogorsk Fortress (now the village of Krasnogor, Saraktash district).

Orenburg is the “Orsk fortress”, although now it is located almost 300 km from the Or River. Hydronym Or from the Turkic or “ditch, ditch”, as well as “valley, ravine, channel, ravine”.

In the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. Orenburg is the main fortress of the Orenburg border line (abolished in 1862).

Since 1744, the center of the Orenburg province and also the province, since 1781 - the center of the Orenburg region of the Ufa governorate, at the same time the residence of the head of the Orenburg region. In 1796-1802 center of the Orenburg province, since 1865 again a provincial center.

Since 1748, the military and administrative center of the Orenburg Cossack army.

From October 5, 1773 to March 23, 1774, it was besieged by the army of Emelyan Pugachev.

In 1856, in the district city of Orenburg, Orenburg province, there were 12 churches, 1676 houses, 688 shops.

A special feature of Orenburg as an administrative center was the expansion of its role into territories to which it did not belong. In 1850-81. Orenburg is the center of the General Government. Until 1868, there were institutions in charge of border affairs and the administration of the Kazakhs of the Small Zhuz. Since 1868, the seat of the governor of the created Turgai region.

Orenburg was a place of political exile; poets T.G. served part of their exile here. Shevchenko, A.N. Pleshcheev, composer A.A. Alyabyev.

Orenburg was a major center of trade between Russia and Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In Orenburg there were the Exchange Dvor (built in 1749-54) and Gostiny Dvor, border customs (abolished in 1868).

Industry (mainly flour milling, lard processing, tanning and oil pressing) began to develop with the construction of the Samara-Orenburg railway in 1877.

In 1905, the Orenburg-Tashkent railway was built and the main railway workshops were opened. The city becomes a major trade and distribution center for livestock and meat (city central slaughterhouses were opened in 1894, and the export of fresh and frozen meat began in 1880), the so-called. Siberian ghee, lard, leather, wool, goat down. The sawmill and woodworking industries are developing.

In 1920-25 Orenburg is the capital of the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (since 1935 - the Kazakh SSR). In 1925, the capital was transferred to Kzyl-Orda, Orenburg became part of the RSFSR.

Since 1934, the center of the Orenburg region. In 1938-57. was called Chkalov after the pilot V.P. Chkalova (1904-38).

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population14.2910.110.810.5
Number of deaths, per 1000 population9.312.513.313.313.4
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population4.9-3.5-3.2-2.5-2.9
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.0.2851558341056168262
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.14.418.118.517.919.4
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.217135130125125
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people32.817.71818.519.7
Enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions (at the end of the year), as a percentage of the number of children of the corresponding age, %64.565.6
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.92104107103104
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people74.978.171.462.654.6
Number of doctors, people.46205590553956835546
Number of nursing staff, people.95219036919090899028
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.3131292726
Number of hospital beds, thousand units10.
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.6569738897
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.12.914.21515.315.5
Number of registered crimes, pcs.591015348130481159514825
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.28097532682546343633
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.96510883125611453916244
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: mining (at the end of the year), pcs.23
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: manufacturing (at the end of the year), pcs.228
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (at the end of the year), pcs.57
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of mining (in actual prices), million rubles.7844.6
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of manufacturing (in actual prices), million rubles.20192.6
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (in actual current prices), million rubles.30436.4
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.1363232026913845
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area229.4147.6145.2204.1258.2
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments1547161420342775
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places10800000
Commissioning of educational institutions, places1591736185100
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0000120
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift49022049241120
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.38182922
Number of trolleybus routes, pcs.1312116
Length of operational trolleybus lines (at the end of the year), km61.5110.8109
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.165.9108.8116.975.523.9
Number of passengers transported by trolleybuses per year, million people.5647.864.942.916.6
Number of telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.70.9131.2112.5155.3171.4
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.41.893.292.3117.8133.4
Number of payphones of the city telephone network (including universal ones), pcs.10001029
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.8133.713179.419355.737368
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.14949246113446967745
Index of physical volume of retail trade turnover, % compared to the previous year110.6127.9
Index of physical volume of public catering turnover, % compared to the previous year106.5133.4
Number of stores, pavilions (at the end of the year), pcs.170161
Sales area of ​​shops, pavilions (at the end of the year), sq.m.35214.928707.5
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.0.1481686.32963.95194.98527.3
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.0.330995534.89258.515459.2
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.0.041275.3387.4582.5870.1
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.0.073506723.51038.11577.4
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.20643907794918652.8
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %6.911.362.8

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.
  2. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2005. p. 235
  3. Transport in Russia: Statistical collection. Goskomstat. - M:, 2003. pp. 112, 122
  4. Transport in Russia: Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2005. pp. 119, 129
  5. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. 2006. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2006. p. 239

Culture, science, education

Medical Academy. Institutes: pedagogical, polytechnic and agricultural.

Faculties of the Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow Commercial Institute, Moscow Law Institute, Samara Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, branch of the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics.

Theatres: dramatic theater named after M. Gorky, musical comedy, puppet theaters. Philharmonic.

Museums: local history, fine arts. Planetarium.

The historian and ethnographer P.I. lived in Orenburg. Rychkov, worked as a writer and lexicographer V.I. Dahl. In 1955-57. Yu.A. studied here. Gagarin.

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Museum of the History of Orenburg 460014, Orenburg, st.
Naberezhnaya, 29 Telephone(s): (3532) 77-6725 Orenburg Governor's Museum of History and Local Lore 460000, Orenburg, st. Sovetskaya, 28 Telephone(s): request. ex.buro Website:

Orenburg Regional Museum of Fine Arts 460014, Orenburg, st. Kashirina, 29 Phone(s) Website:

Architecture, sights

The historical core of the city is located within the fortress of 1743 (the remains of the city gate have been preserved).

Among the architectural monuments are Gostiny Dvor (1749-54), a caravanserai (1836-42, architect A.P. Bryullov).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Route 56: TOP 5 places to stay near Orenburg

Lake "Razval"

By the way, 150 meters from the entrance to the resort there is a colony “Black Dolphin”, the fame of which is far beyond the borders of the Orenburg region.

Accommodation prices in Sol-Iletsk are quite affordable: you can find accommodation from 1,000 rubles per day, both in the private sector and in small hotels. You can, of course, also get a ticket to a sanatorium. You will have to pay for entry to the area adjacent to the lake; for an adult on weekdays it costs 100 rubles, on weekends – 200 rubles.


here it confidently holds a high bar -
4G “flies”
even in a crowd of tourists.

Bukobai yars. Photo:

They occupy an area of ​​135.8 hectares.

“On the one hand, there’s nothing special - all around is our native Orenburg steppe, and we’re standing on some ravines. But in other way. There is some kind of atmosphere there, you look at these stones, faults and weathering and you understand that nature did it all. I was especially struck by the weathered stones of bizarre shape. There are failures somewhere and, perhaps, there will soon be a new collapse in one place or another. Most likely, these holes will eventually disappear over time. Therefore, I advise everyone to visit them. Moreover, they are located not so far from Orenburg. Yes, and more. It's great to be alone there. You just stand there, and there is silence around. Having got used to the city noise, it becomes somehow uneasy. And this place is different from ordinary nature - the silence was perfect, you couldn’t even hear the birds. So for lovers of meditation and simply for people who want to take a break from everything, you should go here,” Ekaterina said on the website

You can get to this object by car. Depending on the road you choose, let it take 1-1.5 hours from Orenburg to the point. Yary is located 3.5 km east of the village of Mikhailovka on the Bukabay River. There is no direct public transport to the natural monument.

red mountain

Red Mountain. Photo by Ivan Sotnikov

All objects are made of wood: houses, churches, mills, wells, etc. True, the buildings are gradually deteriorating, but those who wish can still have time to look at this unique place and take photographs from unusual angles. As a rule, not a single visitor leaves here without posting several photos with the hashtag #redmountain, fortunately, there are no problems with communication here - MTS allows you to post both photos and videos without any problems.

Today, travel and entry to this place is free and free. The complex is open to tourists all year round; it often becomes a venue for cultural events. Currently, the territory houses a small museum, a cafe, a sauna, a Russian bath, a celebration hall, gazebos, a hotel complex, and a descent to the river for swimming and fishing.

Landscape park in the village of Luna

Mount Grebenskaya (Grebeni)

View from Mount Greben. Photo by Sergei Kutimsky

From the height of the mountain there is a beautiful view of the surrounding area, the Sakmara River, and several nearby villages.

“In Berdy we found the old woman Buntova, who knew, saw and remembered Pugachev. Pushkin talked with her the whole morning, they showed him where the hut stood, turned into a golden palace, pointed to the ridges, where, according to legend, lies Pugachev’s huge treasure, sewn into a shirt, covered with earth and covered with a human corpse, in order to divert any suspicion and deceive treasure hunters who, having dug through the corpse, must think that it is a simple grave.”

Getting here is relatively difficult. A dirt road leads up to the mountain. It is suitable for both cyclists and motorists.

Natural attractions

Buzuluksky Bor National Park

Address: Koltubanovsky village, st. Pochtovaya, 3 Phone: 8(35342)3-76-25 Website: Opening hours: check by phone Cost: depending on the excursion 50-100 rubles

110 thousand hectares of forest in the shape of a triangle in the middle of endless steppes. Pines that are 300-350 years old have been preserved here. To grasp the one and a half meter trunk of such a tree, three or four people are needed.

There are 3 routes for tourists in the park:

  • "Ring" with a length of 25 km. Starts in the village of Koltubanovsky, includes a visit to the museum, as well as acquaintance with flora and fauna.
  • “Visiting the beekeeper” (8 km) - a route with tasting of herbal teas and varieties of honey.
  • “Confluence” is a 12-kilometer path, which can only be walked from May to September. It involves stopping at stations and taking quizzes.

Also, everyone can visit the Arboretum or run a cross-country race in the park.

Camel Mountain

Coordinates: 51°22'24″N 61°23'6″E How to get there: by car or from Vostochny village (20 min) or Svetly village (2 hours)

Not far from the mouth of the Ashesu stream in the steppe lies a stone camel. According to legend, in the distant past a tribe passed here in search of fertile lands. His journey was long. People and livestock died from dehydration and the scorching sun. Over time, only the camel remained, which, despite its lack of strength, stubbornly walked forward until it saw a river in the distance. Then he decided to lie down before the last jerk, but did not get up again - he was petrified in the same place.

There is another version according to which the camel came to measure its strength with the ridge of the Ural Mountains, but when it came to battle, it froze and turned into stone.

It is believed that the birch trees growing in the stones here are the souls of people who lived nearby.

It is best to visit the place in mid-summer, when part of the stream dries up and small lakes covered with snow-white water lilies form.

Iriklinskoye Reservoir

How to get there: by bus or by personal transport; the nearest settlement is Energetik village

Construction of a reservoir with an area of ​​25 thousand hectares started in 1949. It lasted 9 years in difficult conditions with a lack of equipment. And then it took another 8 years to fill it with water.

This is the largest artificial reservoir in the Southern Urals.

Orenburg Reserve

Phone: Website: Cost: depending on the excursion 310-3000 rubles. How to get there: bus/car; Administration building - Orenburg, st. Donetskaya 2/2; to the sites: “Burtynskaya Steppe” - village. Burtyk; “Aituar steppe” - Aitkar village; “Ashisayskaya steppe” - village Pervomaisky; “Talovskaya steppe” - Kurlin village.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve is divided into 5 territories: Talovskaya, Burtinskaya, Ashisaiskaya, Cis-Ural and Aituarskaya steppes.

To get acquainted with the protected area, 4 excursion routes have been created. It is better to come here in May-June to see the blooming of tulips and feather grasses.

A permit is required to visit the reserve.

Guberlinskie Mountains

How to get there: by personal transport from the village. Ishkinino (40 min)

The edge of the steppe, broken and cut by the Guberlei River, is called the Guberlinsky Mountains. They stretch along the riverbed and cover an area of ​​400 km2. The highest point is Mount Poperechnaya (450 m above sea level). Due to the peculiarities of the landscape, the mountains are located below the level of the steppe.

There are many springs here. Near one of them there is a sign with the inscription: “The Tsar’s spring was named in honor of the visit by the heir to the Russian throne, Grand Duke Alexander II. June 11, 1837 From the Cossacks of Novotroitsk.” A road leads here, which is named similarly to the key.

Kamsak Gorge

Coordinates: N50.87755° E59.36852° How to get there: by car or with a tour, the nearest settlement is Goluboy Fakel village (10 min)

The gorge is located at the place where the Kamsak River connects with Oryu. Here the rapid current of the Kamsak slows down and goes deep into the water, leaving the surface calm. On the left bank there are 10-meter stone pillars, which the residents of the Orenburg region called soldiers.

And on the right there is a cave-adit with a pipe leading to the surface. Scientists suggest that a hermit lived here in the 17th-19th centuries.

Reserve "Shaitan-Tau"

Address: administration - Orenburg, Donetskaya, 2/2 Telephone: 8(35323) 0-13-97 Website: Cost: depending on the excursion from 140 to 2600 rubles How to get there: by personal transport, or with an excursion ; the nearest settlement is the village of Yanybaevo (1 hour)

This is the youngest reserve in Russia; it was founded in 2014. Shaitan-Tau is a ridge whose name translates as “Devil’s Mountain.”

Locals say that this name is fully justified: strong winds always blow here, constant temperature changes, difficult terrain and instruments do not work.

But there is another name - “Dzyautyube”, which means “Fighting Mountain”. This is due to the fact that battles of nomadic tribes regularly took place on its elephants.

Kzyladyr karst field

How to get there: the nearest settlement is the village of Lugovskoy, 2 km away

The karst field stretches for 12 km and is a series of low mountains. Sopka Burkutbay (Mount Mayak), 306 m above sea level, is the highest point in this territory. The rocks consist mainly of gypsum, so a large number of karst sinkholes, grottoes, caves and underground lakes have formed here. Their sizes reach 15 meters in diameter and 20 meters in depth.

  • Plants and animals listed in the Red Book live here.
  • In the lakes on the banks of the river. Boorles are home to marsh turtles.
  • In the 4th century there was a settlement of the Huns on the territory.

One of the most famous places in the field is the Pigeon Grotto, so named because of the nesting birds there. There are a large number of springs on the territory, the largest of them are: Kzyladyrsky, Ashchiblyak, Vodopadny, Izumrudny, Devil's Bridge. The water in them is brackish.

Krasnaya Krucha

Coordinates: 51°28'27″N 54°12'6″E How to get there: by personal transport; right bank of the Dimitrovskoe reservoir, from the village. Krasnokholm —12 km (15 min)

Krasnaya Krucha is a cliff on the shore of the Dimitrovskoye Reservoir, which got its name for its unique color. Its height is about 18 meters.

Due to the influence of water and wind, brown sandstone is blown out, crumbles and splits into cracks. Therefore, here you can find steps, turrets and even small grottoes.

Where is Orenburg - Distance from Moscow.

Every person who has studied geography knows that the border between Europe and Asia passes through the Southern Urals, the details are not known to everyone, namely that it passes through the city of Orenburg, the capital of the Orenburg region.

In order to find out where the city of Orenburg is located, just open a world map and find the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the border of Russia and Kazakhstan is the Orenburg region, the Ural River. On it stands Orenburg, built on the spot where the Sakmara River merges with the Urals.

Interesting facts about Orenburg

Fact 1. The site for the construction of Orenburg was moved three times, since the first two were considered inconvenient. Moreover, for the second time, they even managed to build a fortress in the chosen place, which was then not moved, and it grew into an independent city, called Orsk. And Orenburg itself, in the place where it stands now, emerged from the Krasnogorsk fortress, but was later renamed in honor of the Or River.

Fact 2. The decision to build Orenburg, which was supposed to become a border fortress, was made after the Kazakh Junior Zhuz, a union of three tribes, wished to become part of the Russian Empire. The elders pledged to pay taxes and protect the borders of the country, in return demanding that Catherine I build them a powerful fortress.

Fact 3. In Soviet times, Orenburg was called Chkalov for 19 years, in honor of the famous pilot. They even erected a huge 13-meter monument to him here, although Valery Chkalov himself had never been here. But this is not an exceptional case - party leader Kalinin, after whom Kaliningrad was named, also never visited this city.

Fact 4. The Orenburg flag and coat of arms depict the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called. This cross was given to the townspeople by Catherine II in gratitude for holding the city during the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev, while many other cities went over to the side of the rebels.

Fact 5. In the Russian Empire, Orenburg was for a long time the main trading center connecting the European part of our country with Central Asia. A huge amount of goods passed through it, mainly meat, fresh and frozen, wool, down, leather and oil. In 1881, the first condensed milk production plant in Russia was put into operation here.

Fact 6. Until the end of the last century, the city day was not celebrated here. More precisely, they celebrated, but only on round dates, and this event switched to an annual basis only at the end of the last century. Orenburg City Day is celebrated either on the first weekend of September or on the last weekend of summer.

Fact 7. Of all the large Russian cities, the environmental situation in Orenburg remains one of the most favorable. The number of environmentally harmful industries here is small, and in terms of green space per capita, this city ranks second in Russia.

Fact 8. Modern Orenburg is located on both banks of the Ural River. And since this river is used more often than other geographical objects as a border between Asia and Europe, we can say that part of Orenburg lies in one part of the world, and part in another. There is even a corresponding sign on the bridge across the Urals. However, a number of scientific societies draw the European-Asian border not along the river, but along the Ural Mountains.

Fact 9. Soon after its founding, Orenburg became famous for its special down scarves, which are made from the soft down of local goats. Orenburg downy shawls are now widely known not only in Russia, but also in other countries, and they are considered symbols of our country along with Tula samovars and gingerbread cookies, Dymkovo toys from Kirov, Khokhloma painting, Gzhel and nesting dolls.

Fact 10. Orenburg weather is famous for its unpredictability and sudden temperature changes.
Here you never know what kind of winter it will be like - sudden thaws may occur, or frosts may come, the record for which here reaches -43.2 °C. Spring and autumn are short here, and meteorological winter and summer last 4 months a year. Did you like the article? Share with your friends!

Geographical location of Orenburg, climate

The Orenburg region is a border region; the border with Kazakhstan stretches for 1876 kilometers. To answer the question of where the Orenburg region is located, you need to know its borders. The region borders the Samara and Chelyabinsk regions, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

Orenburg, the capital of the region, is a beautiful city. The geographic coordinates are: 51.7727 degrees north latitude, 55.0988 east longitude. Knowing these coordinates it is easy to get an answer to the question of where Orenburg is located on the map.

The Europe-Asia pedestrian bridge crosses the Ural River. Orenburg is the link that connects these two parts of the world; it has a developed railway network, an airport with international and local lines.

The climate in the capital is moderately continental, sometimes changing to sharply continental, so the city experiences sudden temperature changes. In summer, which begins in June and ends at the end of August, the heat in some places reaches up to +42 degrees.

Winter begins in November, when the first snow falls, and ends in April; temperatures can drop to -49 degrees in some months. Steppes where sheep graze and forest-steppes are located around the city, which is why Orenburg became famous for its down scarves.

History of the creation of Orenburg, development

Orenburg, a city that changed its location three times. There are no other cities like this in the country; this is the only one. The foundation of the city began with a settlement that was named after the Or River.

The city was built for the second time in 1738 below a river called Yaik. The city acquired a permanent place where the Sakmara River merges with the Ural River, the place where the Kazakh and Bashkir lands united. The fortress and city were built to protect the southeastern borders of Russia.

Orenburg was approved by Empress Elizabeth I as the center of the Russian Cossacks. The city also became the center of trade and economic relations with the states of Central Asia.

In the city, in addition to barracks and weapons depots, a customs office and a trading premises called Gostiny Dvor were built. April 1743 is considered the year the city was founded.

Two interesting facts:

  • For five years from 1920 to 1925 Orenburg was the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Nineteen years from 1938 to 1957 the city of Chkalov, then again received its former name.

During the Tsarist reign, Orenburg was the outskirts of the empire, and therefore served as a place of exile for people disliked by the Tsarist regime. After the revolution during the Civil War, bloody events took place in Orenburg.

During the war, the city became a safe, reliable rear area, to which the factories of the central part of the country moved along with the people. During Soviet rule, the city lived a quiet provincial life, until an oil field was discovered nearby in the seventies of the 20th century.

This gave impetus to the economic development of the capital of the Orenburg region. After the collapse of the USSR until the beginning of the 21st century, the city’s economy did not develop, but the situation improved thanks to the Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg enterprise, which provided jobs for the townspeople and raised the city’s budget.

Currently, Orenburg has become a well-maintained green city, where modern architecture coexists with historical buildings.

Orenburg is the administrative center of the Orenburg region. It is located on the banks of the mighty Ural River.

2. Like many other cities, Orenburg arose several centuries ago to protect and guard the borders of the Russian Empire, when the need arose to have a powerful fortress here.

3. A number of Kazakh elders voluntarily expressed a desire to join the Russian Empire. They took upon themselves the obligation to protect Russian borders and trade caravans, and in return they demanded that a fortress be built for them, which was done. In 1734, a package of government documents was developed on the founding of a fortress city at the confluence of the Ori and Ural rivers.

4. On June 7, 1734, Empress Anna Ioannovna signed the “Privilege for Orenburg.” And although the construction site of the main fortress of the region was later moved twice due to various inconveniences of the location downstream of the Urals, the name of the city, established by the Privilege, has been preserved to this day. In connection with this history of its founding, Orenburg is called a traveler city.

5. Simultaneously with security, the city was supposed to serve as a center of economic interaction with the peoples of the East, which, first of all, implied trade.

6. And the Orenburg Cossacks not only guarded the borders of the Russian state, but also engaged in trade. Soon Orenburg became a merchant city and the largest intermediary between Russia and Central Asia. In winter, convoys loaded with frozen fish and Iletsk salt went to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

7. In 1744, Orenburg became the center of the huge Orenburg province, stretching from the Volga to Siberia, from the Kama to the Caspian Sea. In those years, no one imagined that in the future Russia would grow so much that Orenburg would be far from any border.

8. Over time, the state border moved further, and Orenburg from a border outpost turned into a vast city, while maintaining its special charm.

9. Now Orenburg has transformed from a border fortress into a prosperous city. It is one of the thirty largest cities in Russia, and continues to grow at a rapid pace.

10. It is not known exactly where the name of the city came from. But most researchers agree that it means “fortress on the Or River.”

11. It is known that the place for Orenburg was moved 3 times. On the site of the very first Orenburg fortress there is now the city of Orsk, and on the site of the second - Berdsky town.

12. The site where Orenburg was laid out for the third time is now its historical center.

13. Once there was a majestic cathedral here, but in the 30s of the last century it was blown up by the Bolsheviks. Now there is a park with a fountain on this site.

14. It is curious that the coat of arms of Orenburg appeared 9 years before the city itself was founded. It was captured on the document that sealed the agreement on the construction of the fortress.

15. During the years of Soviet power, the number of residents of Orenburg increased six times. And now more than 560 thousand people live here.

16. Representatives of more than 100 different nationalities live in the Orenburg region and its capital.

17. From 1973 to 1978, the director of the Orenburg gas processing plant was Viktor Chernomyrdin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 1992 to 1998.

18. Musa Jalil’s childhood and youth are connected with Orenburg. He was born in the village of Mustafino, Orenburg region, studied at the Khusainiya madrasah in Orenburg, and worked as an instructor for the Orenburg provincial Komsomol committee. In 1996, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birth, a monument to the outstanding Tatar poet was erected on Postnikov Street in Orenburg. The author is sculptor Kadym Zalitov (Kazan).

19.For a long time, Orenburg served as a place of exile for many political prisoners, including famous poets and composers. Composer A.A. suffered the hardships of exile here. Alyabyev, poets A.N. Pleshcheev and T.G. Shevchenko.

20. Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko visited this city several times. The last time in the solitary cell of the main Orenburg guardhouse was 15 days (from April 27 to May 12, 1850) - after the denunciation of warrant officer Isaev and the arrest of the exiled poet. Now, in the premises of the former guardhouse, the Memorial Museum of T.G. Shevchenko.

21. Orenburg is the only city where, on the initiative of the literary critic L.N. Bolshakov On March 27, 1993, the Taras Shevchenko Institute was created, which became a structural research unit of Orenburg State University.

22. Now, although the Taras Shevchenko Institute has ceased to exist in its previous format, the scientific research base that was created over the past years is fully used in different directions.

23. The Orenburg region is a kind of geographical bridge between Asia and Europe. It lies on the border not only of parts of the world - Asia and Europe, but also at the junction of natural zones - forests and steppes, mountains and plains.

24. From October 5, 1773 to March 23, 1774, Orenburg was besieged by the army of Emelyan Pugachev, that is, rebel troops besieged Orenburg for six months, but the townspeople withstood the siege.

25. For this resilience, after the defeat of the Pugachev rebellion, Empress Catherine II gave the city the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, which can now be seen on both the Orenburg flag and the coat of arms. Catherine also renamed the Yaitsky Cossacks to the Ural Cossacks, the Yaitsky town to Uralsk, and the Yaik River to the Ural.

26. Among all Russian cities, Orenburg ranks second in the number of parks and squares.


27. Orenburg is widely known even outside of Russia thanks to local craftsmen who create amazingly soft and warm down scarves from the fluff of a special breed of goats.

28. Unique animals were bought by entrepreneurs from other countries, but goat wool lost its properties after just a couple of years of the animals’ life in a foreign land.

29. Real fame for the Orenburg down scarf came back in the 19th century. After all, such scarves have been produced by hand for a long time. Village needlewomen began to receive international awards. And in 1939, a factory of down scarves opened here.

30. Overseas merchants came to the distant Russian province for the down of the famous goats. Foreign companies tried to establish down production in Europe and even South America. Goats were taken thousands of kilometers away, but already 2-3 years after the relocation, the goats lost their best properties and brought fluff, not much different from the fluff of ordinary goats. It turns out that only the frosty Ural climate was good for Orenburg goats.


31. Orenburg downy scarf is one of the symbols of Russia. Who doesn’t know the song “Orenburg Down Shawl”. The author of the text is Bokov V.F., composer Ponomarenko G.F., performer Lyudmila Zykina.

32. Products made from Orenburg down - shawls and webs - are especially delicate and soft. The down of Orenburg goats is the thinnest in the world: the thickness of the down of Orenburg goats is 16-18 microns, that of Angora goats (mohair) is 22-24 microns. At the same time, this down is very durable - stronger than wool.


33. A. S. Pushkin visited Orenburg in 1833, here he collected materials for the “history of Pugachev” and “The Captain's Daughter”. In honor of this great event, a monument to A.S. Pushkin was erected on the banks of the Ural River, where the poet loved to visit.

34. A. S. Pushkin’s guide on the Orenburg journey was an official on special assignments under the governor, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the author of the famous “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.”

35. In the period from 1938 to 1957, Orenburg bore the name Chkalov, in honor of the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov, although Chkalov not only was not born and did not live in Orenburg, but had never even been to this city.


36. In honor of the 50th anniversary of his birth in 1954, a bronze sculpture of V.P. Chkalov six meters high on a seven-meter pedestal was installed on the Boulevard (embankment of the Ural River, the so-called “Belovka”).

37. During the Great Patriotic War, 44 different enterprises important for the defense and economy of the Soviet Union were evacuated to Orenburg.

38. The Ural River flows near Orenburg, the right bank of which is in Europe, and the left bank is in Asia. Both banks are connected by several bridges, so within one day you can visit two parts of the world of our planet many times.

39.On the pedestrian bridge in Orenburg across the Ural River there is a symbolic sign of the border between Europe and Asia. True, modern geographers draw the border between Asia and Europe in a completely different place.


40. Orenburg residents claim that for lovers to have a future happy marriage, it is enough to take a photo under the Elizabeth Gate on the Ural embankment. The gate, installed at the end of the 18th century, is a symbolic passage from Europe to Asia.

41. It is known that Leo Tolstoy also visited Orenburg for a short time. On September 4, 1876, Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, traveling around Russia, sent a telegram from Samara to his wife, in which he said that he would probably take a trip “along the newly opened railway line to Orenburg.” On the railway to Orenburg, Tolstoy was one of the first passengers.

42. But little is known in detail about his trip. Leo Tolstoy did not leave any letters about Orenburg, except for the remark “very interesting”. The writer also did not leave a single note about this trip.

43. A record-breakingly large cake in the shape and colors of the Russian flag was baked in Orenburg.

44. In 2003, Maurice Druon and his wife spent four days in the Orenburg region. He met the Governor of the Orenburg region Alexei Chernyshev, met with the creative intelligentsia of the region, teachers and students of universities, visited the Institute of Arts. Rostropovich and at the invitation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Ukraine Viktor Chernomyrdin visited the Black Spur.


45.The famous Soviet musician and composer Mstislav Rostropovich is an honorary citizen of Orenburg.

46. ​​In 1941, the family of the outstanding Russian cellist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich was evacuated to the city of Chkalov (Orenburg).

47. The house in which the Rostropovich family lived during the evacuation in 1941-1943 has now become the museum-apartment of the Rostropovich family. The museum has been operating since November 14, 2001.

48. The first cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin studied and graduated from a flight school in Orenburg.

49.This is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Air Force. After the collapse of the USSR, the school closed in 1993.

50. In Orenburg, Yuri Gagarin married Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva. The wedding took place on October 27, 1957.

51. In Orenburg, in the house where Valentina’s family lived, on April 12, 1971, the Apartment Museum of Yuri and Valentina Gagarin was opened.


52. In Orenburg, an avenue and an airport were named in honor of the astronaut and a monument was erected.

53. Many famous people are also associated with Orenburg: Russian statesman Sergei Witte, strongman, circus performer Alexander Zass, Soviet animator director Harry Bardin, Soviet songwriter Alexei Fatyanov, Soviet songwriter Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, founder of a German student group Resistance "White Rose" Alexander Shmorell, People's Artist of the USSR Lev Durov, Soviet and Russian poet, playwright, songwriter Yuri Entin, Soviet composer and songwriter Ian Frenkel.

54.And also Soviet state and party leader Georgy Malenkov, Soviet and Russian theater and film actor Leonid Bronevoy, Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Martynyuk, Soviet and Russian poet, novelist, screenwriter Yuri Ryashentsev, family of the first president RF Boris Yeltsin, Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Larisa Guzeeva, Soviet and Russian singer, lead singer of the group “Tender May” Yuri Shatunov.

55. Every year they began to celebrate the city day in Orenburg only at the end of the 20th century. Before this, only anniversaries were celebrated here.

photo from open sources


1. Museum of History, located in a 19th century building made of red brick, built in the style of a European castle. There are collected exhibits showing the history of the formation of the city, the Orenburg region from ancient times to our era.

2. In the thirties of the 19th century, a local history museum was founded. Throughout its existence, it was disbanded more than once, and the exhibits were distributed among organizations.

After the restoration of the building in 94 of the 20th century, the museum was opened. Collections telling about the nature of the city and region, historical documents and objects are exhibited here. The cultural heritage and life of the peoples who lived and continue to live in this region.

3. The Museum of Fine Arts occupies an old mansion from the 19th century, where the City Duma met. The foundation of the museum began in 60 of the 20th century with an artistic exhibition of works by local resident Pavlov, the Itinerant artist. Then the museum's collection was constantly replenished.

Monuments erected in the city

1. The monument, where Pushkin and Dal stand side by side, was erected for the 255th anniversary of the city; two representatives of Russian literature stand on the pedestal. Both of them provided an incentive to improve the Russian language.

Alexander Sergeevich, after visiting Orenburg, created the story “The Captain’s Daughter,” a work that is known to every Russian. V.I. Dal, known as the compiler of an explanatory dictionary, worked for several years as a military doctor in Orenburg.

2. The monument to Yuri Gagarin, the first man to fly into space, was opened on April 12, 1986. Yuri Gagarin graduated from the local flight school and received a diploma with honors.

The monument depicts the figure of an astronaut dressed in a spacesuit, his arms raised up. Behind there are two steles that identify a rocket making a space flight.

3. Monument to the Cossacks of Orenburg, installed in the park in the 7th year of the 21st century. The monument is dedicated to the Cossacks who defended the eastern borders of the Tsarist Empire of Russia from external enemies. The sculpture represents a Cossack warrior sitting on a horse.

4. The monument to Chkalov, the famous pilot, has been located on the embankment of the Ural River since 1954. The bronze figure was cast in the capital of the USSR and then installed. The most grandiose monument in Orenburg, the height of the pedestal is 7 meters, and the standing figure of the pilot rises 6 meters.

5. Elizabeth Gate, given to the city by Elizabeth the Russian Empress. The stone gate was supposed to symbolize the transition from the European part to the Asian part of the world.

The design of the gate consists of two powerful pillars with niches containing sculptures of angels; a lintel with a bas-relief is installed between the gate supports. Since 2008, after restoration, the Elizabeth Gate received its original appearance.

Cities and villages


They say about Orenburg that it is a thrice-conceived and once-born city. The fact is that the first two places that were chosen for the foundation of the settlement turned out to be unsuccessful. The city stands on the banks of the Ori River, which at one time determined its name.

True, during Soviet times he was called Chkalov in honor of the test pilot. There is even a six-meter statue of him in the city. Only Valery Pavlovich himself has never been to Orenburg.

Local buildings amaze with their architectural diversity. Among them there is even a medieval castle. It is also worth taking a look at St. Nicholas Cathedral, which is the only one in all of Orenburg that survived the Bolshevik era. There is also something for young tourists to do - they can ride along the 6-kilometer children's railway.

  • “National Village” is a pedestrian street where traditional dwellings of Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Russians and other residents of the Orenburg region coexist. Here you can get acquainted with the life and cuisine of each nationality.
  • The pedestrian bridge over the Ural River is a bridge connecting parts of Orenburg, and at the same time Europe with Asia. During an intercontinental walk, you will be reminded of the invisible border by the symbolic border pillars installed here.
  • , the Elizabeth Gate was the meeting point between Europe and Asia, and today it is a symbolic place for lovers. Those who want to live a happy married life come here to take photos.
  • The Orenburg Fortress is known to everyone who has read “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin. The writer came here in 1833 to obtain material for his work. By the way, his guide was V.I. Dal. Only parts of the structure that witnessed Pugachev’s uprising have survived to this day.
  • The clock tower adorns one of the central streets of the city. Every day at 12:00 and 17:00 the chimes ring here. At the same time, various melodies are played, including “Orenburg Shawl”, “Farewell of the Slav” and the city anthem. And from the windows of the clock various characters connected with the history of Orenburg look out: Pushkin, Shevchenko, Pugachev, a craftswoman with a scarf, a soldier, etc.

More interesting things about Orenburg and its attractions.


Sol-Iletsk is a salt-packing city that supplies all of Russia and part of the world with its products. A place where one of the attractions is a pink building with dolphins at the entrance, which is called “Black Dolphin” and is a prison for especially dangerous criminals.

This is the city that saved the country from a watermelon shortage in 2007. A place where any tourist can get dirty with mud, lie in salt water and swim in fresh water in a couple of hours.

  • Lake Razval is like the younger brother of the Dead Sea: just as lifeless and unusual. This is 7 hectares of healing water: tourists and locals say that it cures skin diseases, asthma and osteochondrosis.
  • Lakes Tuzluchnoe and Dinino. People come to these ponds for black healing mud , which helps get rid of diseases of bones and tendons, nervous disorders and rheumatism, ulcers and scars, and also improves immunity.
  • Bukobay yars are spherical natural sculptures with a diameter of about 70 cm. They are said to have a special energy. Whole groups come here to meditate. Here you can also see a tectonic fault 10 meters deep.

Temples and mosques

During Soviet times, 40 churches were destroyed, those that survived:

1. St. Nicholas Cathedral, illuminated in the spring of 1886, with one dome, has cathedral status. After reconstruction in the last century, the building was well preserved. In the cathedral there is an icon of the Mother of God of Tybynskaya, in front of which pilgrims pray.

2. Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built in the 21st century in the Byzantine style. The main dome is crowned with a 31-meter-high cross. The interiors are decorated with frescoes and mosaics.

3. Husainiya Mosque, one of the beautiful mosques out of seven in operation. The opening of the mosque took place at the end of the 19th century; the complex also includes a madrasah. Combines Russian, Muslim and European architectural traditions.

Recreation areas

Orenburg ranks second in Russia in terms of the number of green areas.

1. The Frunze Garden history, which began in the 30th year of the 20th century. Unfortunately, when the war was going on, all the plantings of trees and other plants died. Then the plantings were restored 3 years after the end of the war.

A complete reconstruction of the garden was carried out in 73 of the 20th century, the square acquired a new look. After the open-air museum “Salyut Pobeda” with an exhibition complex was installed on the territory of the garden, the garden became a popular place for visitors. It blossomed and acquired the appearance of modernity.

2. City Park "Topol" is the most visited establishment of this kind. There are many attractions for every taste, and restaurants and cafes have also been built. The park has a cinema and concert venues. Many trees and flower beds create a green oasis.

  • In 2014, the largest cake in the shape of the Russian national flag was baked in Orenburg, weighing 650 kg.
  • Orenburg began to celebrate the city day after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

You can tell a lot about the sights of the city of Orenburg, but which city is actually better to see with your own eyes. Orenburg, by the standards of the entire Russian Federation with its enormous distances, is not so far from the capital.

From Moscow to Orenburg 1227 kilometers, if you go in a straight line. Therefore, having received information where Orenburg is located, you can plan a trip to this city if you wish.

Historical places

Museum-reserve of S. T. Aksakov

Address: s. Aksakovo, st. Aksakovskaya, 85 Phone: 8 (35352) 5-31-68 Website: Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00, Fri 10:00-21:00; lunch 13:00-14:00 Cost: children - 20 rubles, adults - 50 rubles; excursions from 150 rub.

The S. T. Aksakov Museum-Reserve is the estate where the writer spent his childhood and part of his youth. In the 1940s, its territory was given over to a machine and tractor station for housing and vegetable gardens for workers. As a result, some buildings were destroyed and some alleys were lost.

Currently, the house and outbuildings have been restored. The property also includes a pond with fishing facilities, a chapel and a park. The museum conducts:

  • 18 excursion programs;
  • Aksakov Readings;
  • theatrical registration of marriages.

Complex "Red Mountain"

Coordinates: 51.827104, 56.372055 Address: Saraktashsky district, village Vasilyevsky Telephone: Website: Cost: 50 rubles. from the car, 10 rubles. per person How to get there: by personal transport or minibus; the nearest settlement is Tatarsky Saraktash (10 min)

On the right bank of the river. Sakmara is the Red Mountain. Its second name is Saraktash, which means “stone sheep.” This is explained by the fact that one day travelers from afar mistook the large stones with which the mountain was strewn for a flock of sheep.

There is a fortress at the top. Red Mountain owes its appearance to the filming of the film “Russian Revolt” based on “The Captain’s Daughter” and “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” by A. S. Pushkin. All the buildings in the complex are wooden: houses, mills, churches, wells.

After the work was completed, the film set turned into an open-air landscape and ethnographic museum. At its base there is a hotel complex and a restaurant.

Landscape Park Luna

Coordinates: 53.067520, 54.541233 Address: Sharlyk district, Luna village Opening hours and cost: by agreement

The park, located in a small village, was created by local residents. It is located on the shore of the lake and is designed in the style of Novgorod Rus'.

At the entrance there is a large carved gate, behind which one can see wooden houses, gazebos and a mill. The mill, by the way, performs a purely decorative function, but its blades spin in windy weather.

The area is private, but tourists are welcome here.


(Orenburg region)


City of regional subordination Center:

Orenburg region
Orenburg district, Orenburg region

Urban areas, population as of January 1, 2000
Subordinate urban-type settlements, population as of January 1, 2000
The city was formerly called
Telephone codeHelp phone
Orenburg. Nearest cities. Distances on the map (road), km, direction
1Sol-Iletsk (Orenburg region)75 (. )YU8Ishimbay (Republic of Bashkortostan)195 (. )WITH
2Kumertau (Republic of Bashkortostan)116 (131)WITH9Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan)214 (238)WITH
3Meleuz (Republic of Bashkortostan)135 (. )WITH10Buzuluk (Orenburg region)222 (240)NW
4Kuvandyk (Orenburg region)154 (. )IN11Abdulino (Orenburg region)227 (367)NW
5Sorochinsk (Orenburg region)158 (174)NW12Novotroitsk (Orenburg region)227 (267)IN
6Mednogorsk (Orenburg region)174 (. )IN13Gai (Orenburg region)230 (308)IN
7Salavat (Republic of Bashkortostan)182 (207)WITH14Baymak (Republic of Bashkortostan)230 (. )NE

Airports near Orenburg

The nearest airport to the city of Orenburg is at a distance of 1.1 km. This is Orenburg Airport (IATA code - REN) and civil airlines fly to it. You can purchase a ticket to this airport using the search form below.

There are also other civil airports near Orenburg to which flights can operate. To find the cheapest air tickets to this city, we recommend that you also check the cost of air tickets to these airports:

  • Aktyubinsk (IATA code - AKX, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Ufa (IATA code - UFA, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Orsk (IATA code - OSW, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Oktyabrsky (IATA code - OKT, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Beloretsk (IATA code - BCX, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Magnitogorsk (IATA code - MQF, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Bugulma (IATA code - UUA, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Uralsk Ak Zhol / Podstepny international (IATA code - URA, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Neftekamsk (IATA code - NEF, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Begishevo (IATA code - NBC, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Izhevsk (IATA code - IJK, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Kurumoch (IATA code - KUF, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Atyrau (IATA code - GUW, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)
  • Perm (IATA code - PEE, distance to the city - 1.1 km.)

Bus station

There are two bus stations in Orenburg - a suburban one on Tereshkova Street, 10k1 and an intercity (central) one on Elevatornaya Street, 2. From the suburban bus station, buses go to nearby settlements - Aschibutak, Beregovoy, Vyazovka, Zarechye, Ostrovnoye, Repino, Chebenki, Chkalov, etc. .

From the intercity bus station, flights are carried out in 9 main directions, among which there are international ones to Kazakhstani cities:

  • Orskoe. Buses to Orsk, Gai, Novotroitsk, Novoorsk, Mednogorsk and other intermediate settlements.
  • Sharlykskoe. The main directions are Kazan, Matveevka, Naberezhnye Chelny, Samara, Buguruslan.
  • Ufa. Buses to Ufa with stops in intermediate settlements.
  • Buzulukskoe. Routes to Buzuluk, Buguruslan, Saratov, Togliatti, Izhevsk, Sorochinsk and other cities.
  • Alexandrovskoe. Routes to the villages of Aleksandrovka and Yafarovo.
  • Tyulganskoe. Buses to Magnitogorsk, Repyevki, Troitsk, Tyulgan, Tugustimir, etc.
  • Sakmara. Routes to the villages of Grigorievka, Kr. Zhitnitsa and Nikolskoye.
  • Ilekskoe. Buses to Yasnaya Polyana, the village of Kardailovo and the Kazakh city of Uralsk.
  • Aktobe. Buses to Kazakhstan's Aktyubinsk (Aktobe) via Akbulak.

Here is a list of all airports near Orenburg

IATA codeAirportDistance (km.)
URAUralsk Ak Zhol / Podstepny international434.5

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