Map of Meleuz in detail with streets, houses and districts

Meleuz on the map of Russia, geography, nature and climate

Looking at the position of Meleuz on the map of Russia, you can see that the city is located at the western foot of the Urals, at the confluence of the Meleuz and the Belaya , on the left bank of the latter. The distance from here to Ufa is 225 km, to Orenburg 156 km.

On the satellite map of Meleuz you can see that the city is located in the steppe region. The city's vegetation consists mainly of typical weeds. There are practically no territories occupied by sedate meadows or deciduous forests.

Geography[edit | edit code]

Climateedit | edit code

The climate is moderate continental, with cold winters and hot summers.

  • Average annual air temperature: + 4.6 °C;
  • Relative humidity: 72.0%;
  • Average wind speed: 3.9 m/s;

Flora and vegetationedit | edit code

According to the natural zoning of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the city of Meleuz is located in the Pre-Ural steppe region, mainly on the left bank of the river. White. The city's vegetation cover is mainly represented by various types of ruderal habitats. A relatively small percentage of the urban area is occupied by natural phytocenoses. Among such areas, the most common are cenoses of aquatic, coastal-aquatic, and forest vegetation of the river floodplain. Belaya and its oxbow lakes, as well as the floodplains of small rivers - Meleuz and Karana. There are practically no areas of floodplain meadows. The territories occupied by steppe meadows and steppes, as well as broad-leaved nemoral forests, are extremely small and are mainly distributed on the right bank of the river. White.

The flora of Meleusa includes 633 species of vascular plants from 81 families and 354 genera, 165 species are adventitious, of which 14 species can be classified as invasive species. 10 species listed in the Red Books of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, 10 endemic and 3 relict species growing in preserved areas of natural vegetation were noted.

Sights of the city of Meleuz

Monuments and memorials in the city that are worthy of attention:

  • Walk of Glory and a monument with an installed Eternal Flame - a monument to the soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945);
  • memorial complex “ Fighters of the Revolution for Soviet Power ”;
  • marble stele in honor of internationalist soldiers who died in the line of military duty in local armed conflicts in Afghanistan.

Other attractions in Meleuz and the surrounding area:

  • Kuperlya waterfall and a karst bridge 27 km from the city (the remnant of the destroyed roof of the Kuperlya underground river bed, about 4 m wide and 35 m long);
  • The huge Nugush reservoir;
  • Copper smelter named after. Pugacheva and the Resurrection Church in the village of the same name;
  • Partisan Museum and Literary Museum named after. D. Bulyakova ;
  • Central Square (Vorovskogo Street), cultural park "Slava" and park named after. Gagarin.


Meleuz: maps

Meleuz: photo from space (Google Maps) Meleuz: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Kumertau22 (27)SW
2Ermolaevo28 (35)YU
3Salavat46 (47)WITH
4Mrakovo52 (70)SE
5Ishimbay55 (59)WITH
6Fedorovka55 (60)NW
7Tyulgan (Orenburg region)68 (98)YU
8Sterlibashevo71 (85)NW
9Oktyabrskoye (Orenburg region)72 (92)SW
10Sterlitamak75 (77)WITH
11Sharlyk (Orenburg region)79 (146)Z
12Isyangulovo93 (135)SE
13Starosubkhangulovo101 (249)IN
14Alexandrovka (Orenburg region)106 (183)Z
15Kyrgyz-Miyaki107 (135)NW
16Krasnousolsky110 (120)WITH
17Sakmara (Orenburg region)114 (188)YU
18Tolbazy117 (116)WITH

a brief description of

Located at the western foot of the Southern Urals, on the left bank of the river. Belaya, at the confluence of the river. Meleuz, 205 km south of Ufa.

Territory (sq. km): 32

Historical sketch

Founded as a village in the second half of the 18th century. At the end of the 1780s. - postal station on the road Ufa - Orenburg. Since 1863 the village, the center of the volost. Name by river Meleuz; The hydronym is presumably from the Iranian mal “still water” and the Turkic uguz “river”.

From the end of the 19th century. significant trade and craft center. Since 1938, a working settlement of Meleuz, a city since 1958.


JSC "Minudobreniya" Factories: reinforced concrete structures, building materials. Woodworking plant. Food industry enterprises (sugar factory, dairy canning plant, etc.).

In the Meleuzovsky district, grain crops, potatoes, sunflowers, and vegetables are grown. Fruit farm.

Main enterprises

Culture, science, education

Museum of History and Local Lore (founded in 1967).

Universities of the city

Moscow State University of Technology and Management (Meleuz branch)
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Meleuz branch)

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Resurrection Art GalleryLiterary Museum named after. D. BulyakovaMeleuzovsky Museum of History and Local LorePartisan Museum of History and Local Lore

Architecture, sights

26 km from Meleuz, in the village of Voskresenskoye, there are preserved: a monument of industrial architecture, the Voskresensky Copper Smelter (founded in 1745), and the Resurrection Church (1783).

Natural monuments: Kutuk karst tract (a system of 36 caves, including the Sumgan cave with a total length of passages of 8200 m, a depth of 126 m - one of the deepest in the Urals). Kuperlya karst bridge (the remnant of the destroyed roof of the Kuperlya underground river bed - width about 4 m, length 35 m).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


  1. Pospelov E.M.
    Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary: About 5000 units. M.: Russian dictionaries, Astrel Publishing House LLC, AST Publishing House LLC, 2001. p. 267
  2. Ch.
    ed. Gorkin A.P. Geography of Russia: encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. pp. 352-353
  3. Ch.
    ed. Lappo G.M. Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. p. 256

Main Streets of Meleuz

Looking at the map of Meleuz with street names, you can see that the city has a large number of streets, avenues, squares, and parks. Let's look at the main ones.

Smolenskaya street

This long street starts from the intersection of the street. Burangulova from st. Lenin and passes through the entire Meleuz. It intersects with the street. Tsyurupy, st. Oktyabrskaya, st. 50 years of VKLSM, st. Beregovoi and more. At its beginning there is a branch of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management in Meleuz.

st. Lenin

This street runs perpendicular to the street. Smolenskaya. It runs through the Memorial with the Eternal Flame, the Park of Glory and the State Museum of History and Local Lore. St. Lenina starts from st. Lesokombinatnaya and ends at the intersection with the street. State Farm. It also passes through the Meleuz River and such streets as: Yuzhnaya, Dokovskaya, Slavnaya and Promyshlennaya.

Beregovaya Street

This street starts from st. Spiridonov and ends at the intersection with the street. Smolenskaya. The street intersects with the street. Sinitsyna, st. Vorovskogo, st. Pushkina, st. Spiridonova, st. Gagarina and st. Parkovaya.

Pervomaiskaya street

This small street runs parallel to the street. Smolenskaya. It starts from the street. Lenin and ends at the intersection with the street. Tsyuryupa. The street passes through it. Oktyabrskaya and st. Bauman, and next to it is the Park of Glory and the Central Children's Library.

Boulevard of Glory

This small section of the city is located between the street. Vokzalnaya and st. Lenin, next to the Meleuz Railway Station. The Khimik stadium is located nearby.

In total, on the detailed map of Meleuz with houses you can count more than 6533 different buildings.


  • JSC "Meleuzovsky Mineral Fertilizers"
  • OJSC "Meleuzovsky Reinforced Concrete Plant"
  • LLC "Meleuzovsky Brick"
  • LLC "Meleuzovsky Woodworking Plant"
  • CJSC Meleuzovsky Milk Canning Plant
  • LLC "Meleuzovsky Meat Processing Plant"
  • OJSC Meleuzovsky Sugar
  • OJSC "Meleuzovskaya Construction Company"
  • Bashkir poultry complex named after Mazhit Gafuri
  • Ecotech-Meleuz LLC
  • Meltik LLC
  • OJSC "Ecoline"
  • JSC "Vodokanal"
  • Meleuzovsky branch of State Unitary Enterprise "Bashtopsbyt"
  • LLC "Cereal Company "Klen""
  • Meleuzgaz, branch of OJSC "Gaz-Service"
  • JSC "Meleuzovsky Heating Networks"
  • OJSC "Meleuzovsky Metal Structures Plant"
  • LLC "Meleuz VNZM"


Buses and minibuses are the only form of public transport in the city. The routes cover the entire city. The price of the trip, depending on the route, is 10-15 rubles.


  • 1-chemical plant
  • 2-bus station-GNS
  • 3-MATP-Karan
  • 4-Bus station-bus station

There are also routes operated by private entrepreneurs. Prices are lower than those of the State Unitary Enterprise "Bashavtotrans", but convenience and safety leave much to be desired.

  • 21-bus station-GNS-vehicle convoy-bus station (the route may change due to the availability of passengers)
  • 34-residential village
  • 34T-Karan-MATP
  • 40T-bus station-bus station

If you need to save time, you should call a taxi. The city fare is the same - 50 rubles; a trip to the outskirts may be more expensive. A taxi can be called by phone, the waiting time is on average 10 minutes, depending on the availability of cars. You can catch a taxi in the city, where they usually stand at the “Univermag” and “Uralochka” stops.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. ↑. Access date: October 17, 2021.
  2. Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated 02/21/97 No. 76-z “On the inclusion of the village of Tugaily in the Meleuzovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan into the city of Meleuz” (Adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the State Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on 01/28/1997)
  3. ↑. Access date: October 9, 2013.
  4. . Demoscope Weekly. Access date: September 25, 2013.
  5. . Demoscope Weekly. Access date: September 25, 2013.
  6. . Demoscope Weekly. Access date: September 25, 2013.
  7. .
  8. .
  9. . Access date: January 2, 2014.
  10. . Access date: August 20, 2014.
  11. . Access date: May 31, 2014.
  12. . Access date: November 16, 2013.
  13. . Date accessed: August 2, 2014.
  14. . Date accessed: August 6, 2015.
  15. (October 5, 2018). Date accessed: May 15, 2021.
  16. (July 31, 2017). Access date: July 31, 2021.
  17. . Date accessed: July 25, 2021.
  18. . Access date: July 31, 2021.
  19. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  20. (RAR archive (1.0 MB)). Federal State Statistics Service

Education[edit | edit code]

  • Branch of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K. G. Razumovsky
  • Data Center Meleuz Academy VEGU
  • Branch of the Ufa Polytechnic College
  • Meleuzovsky Multidisciplinary Professional College
  • Meleuzovsky Industrial College
  • Vocational school No. 137 at the Federal Institution "IK-7 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Belarus"
  • Vocational school No. 139
  • Bashkir Republican Training and Course Plant (BRUCK), branch of the State Unitary Enterprise "Bashavtotrans" of the Republic of Belarus in Meleuz
  • Children's art school
  • House of Children and Youth Creativity
  • Lyceum No. 6
  • Gymnasium No. 1
  • Gymnasium No. 3
  • Bashkir gymnasium No. 9
  • Secondary school No. 1
  • Secondary school No. 4
  • Secondary school No. 5
  • Secondary school No. 7
  • Secondary school No. 8

How to get there[edit]

Take the plane

There are no direct flights to the city. The nearest airports are the international airport "Central" in the city of Orenburg (distance 150 km) and international airport "Ufa" (distance 225 km).

By car

P240 passes through the city.

(Ufa-Orenburg), and its bypass branch connecting Meleuz with the main part of Bashkiria. To the east from Meleuz, a local highway leads to the Nugush Reservoir and the Bashkiria National Park.

By bus

There is a constant bus service with other settlements of the Republic of Bashkortostan. You can go to populated areas of the Republic of Belarus and neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, and there is also a transit flight to Aktyubinsk of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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