Sights of the city of Spassk, Penza region

This term has other meanings, see Spassk.



Coat of arms
A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Penza regionPenza region
Municipal district Spassky
urban settlement Spassk city
Coordinates 53°56′00″ n. w. 43°11′00″ E. d. / 53.93333° n. w. 43.18333° E. d. / 53.93333; 43.18333 (G) [ (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 53°56′00″ N. w. 43°11′00″ E. d. / 53.93333° n. w. 43.18333° E. d. / 53.93333; 43.18333 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Based 17th century
First mention 1663
Former names 1663-1673 Bogdanovo, 1673-1679 Bogdanovo-Spasskoye, 1679-1925 Spassk-on-Studenets, 1925-2005. Bednodemyanovsk
City with 1779
Population ↘7175[1] people (2016)
National composition Russians, Mordovians and others
Confessional composition Orthodox and others
Names of residents Spaschans, Spaschanin
Timezone UTC+3
Telephone code +7 84151
Postcode 442600
Vehicle code 58
OKATO code [ 56 206 501]
Official site []




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- a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Spassky municipal district of the Penza region.


In 1648, a wild field was discovered in Meshchersky (Shatsky) district.
Since this land did not belong to anyone, it was transferred to the Novo-Spassky Monastery as an patrimony according to a charter. In 1663, the village of Bogdanovo was founded here. Its first settlers were monastery and runaway peasants. According to the 1669 census the population was 315. At the end of the 18th century, 3,005 people lived in Spassk, according to the first All-Russian census of 1897 - 6,439.

Around 1673, the village began to be called Bogdanovo-Spassky after the Church of the Savior located in it. In 1675, a bazaar opened here.

Bogdanovo-Spasskoye was located in the Kadomsky district until 1673, and in the Shatsky district of the Azov, then Voronezh province until 1779.

On September 16, 1779, the Tambov governorship was formed with 15 counties, including Spassky. By decree of Catherine II, the village was renamed the city of Spassk

At that time, there were already several cities in Russia with this name: in the Ryazan and Kazan provinces (and later, in 1917, Spassk-Dalny appeared in the Far East). A decree soon followed in which the name of the local river Studenets was added to the name of the district center of the Tambov governorship, and the city was called Spassky-on-Studenets

There were no industrial enterprises in Spassk. There were small semi-handicraft establishments: 7 breweries, 14 salotopes and 3 taverns.

1923 - Spassky district was transferred from the Tambov province to the Penza province and enlarged due to the Narovchatsky and Kerensky districts annexed to it. Its territory then amounted to 8,466.3 km².

In 1928, after the abolition of provinces and districts, Bednodemyanovsk

becomes the center of the Bednodemyanovsky district of the Mordovian district of the Middle Volga region. Since 1939, part of the Penza region.

Chapter 1 “In a wild field between two Liplyaevs”

This chapter will discuss the history of the settlement, which in the 18th century became the district town of Spassky. This has been written about repeatedly by different authors, but there are some discrepancies regarding the time of the settlement, the ownership of this land, and the origin of the name of the village. When the public local history museum was created, its organizers F.S. Davydkin, A.S. Miroshkin, with the financial support of the district authorities, requested documents from various archives of the country. Photocopies of the document on the allocation of land to the Novospassky Monastery were sent from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA). But at that time, due to an incorrectly read text (cursive writing from the 18th century), inaccurate coverage of these events occurred, which resulted in the pages of the regional newspaper, and later books. Only in 2008, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexey Vladimirovich Sirenov studied the text of this document and prepared it for publication. The essence of the matter is this. The history of the emergence of the city of Spassk is connected with the Novospassky Monastery of Moscow, founded in the 14th century. The monastery in Kozlovsky district had land, which in 1647 was needed for state needs. Soon the monastery found unoccupied land for itself in the Shatsky district of the Zamokshansky camp and turned to the king with a request to allocate this land to him. Boyar Gleb Ivanovich Morozov, brother of the then all-powerful boyar Boris Ivanovich Morozov, educator of the young Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, joined the petition. The wife of Gleb Ivanovich was the famous schismatic Feodosia Prokopievna, depicted by the artist V. Surikov on the canvas “Boyaryna Morozova”. In 1654, the tsar sent a letter to Shatsk, in which he ordered that wasteland to be described, measured and reported to the Local Order, which was in charge of allocating land. But for some reason the land was not assigned to the Novospassky Monastery. 6 years later, the monastery, represented by “Archimandrite Joseph and cellarer Elder Gerasim and the brethren,” again turned to the Tsar with the same request and with the petition of G.I. Morozova. A royal letter was again sent to the governor Grigory Speshnev in Shatsk. According to the salary books, it turned out that the land in the area of ​​​​the village of Drakino was registered with Risanka (Ruzanka) Bogdanov, but in Porumbor (Mordovian Pimbur) there were no land owners. Zhdanka Bogdanov was also listed in the salary books, who owned land in the area of ​​the village of Potma (all named villages are now located on the territory of Mordovia) and rented it out to the Odlovsk Mordovians. The land that the monastery asked for, “a wild field lies later in the estate and patrimony and was not given to anyone for rent.” The boundaries of the land allocated to the monastery on the western and eastern sides ran along the Studenets and Sukhoi Liplyai rivers, on the northern side along the Partsa River, and on the southern side along the road connecting Narovchat and Kerensk. This road ran along the current border of the fields with. Dubrovki via Sheldais. The territory of the possessions of the mentioned Mordovians was located at a considerable distance. On October 11, 1662, the tsar’s letter ordered the Shatsk governor, now Pavel Khvostov, to send a nobleman and a clerk to measure the wasteland in a wild field. The choice fell on Ivashka Frolov, clerk of the hut, who measured the land, taking as witnesses “local and outside people, elders and kissers and peasants, how many people are suitable.” And on the “river on Parts, between two Liplyaev,” the clerk Ivashka Frolov with witnesses measured that land and measured “in the field for 200 quarters, and in two for the same, and hay cuttings for 400 kopecks, and palace estates and animal release and substitution of places." The entire field was 8 versts in length, 0.5 versts across on one side and 1 verst along the Partsa River. In the measuring book of Frolov Fr. This measurement was carried out in October and November with witnesses - clergy and peasants of the villages of Styazhkino, Ustye, Nikolskoye, Semivrazhki (all villages, except Ustye, are now located in the Republic of Mordovia). “And they, the Mordovians of the village of Drakina and the village of Porumbor, did not go to that wild field and did not show any fortresses and did not argue about that wild field in those tracts...” the clerk wrote in the document1. Ivashka Frolov most likely stopped in the village of Ust-Partsy, which had existed for about 12 years. It belonged to the landowners Lopatins, Rogozhins, Lachinovs. It is unlikely that Frolov and the priests of the surrounding villages measured the territory in autumn weather; most likely, the document was drawn up from the words of witnesses and signed by them “from the comfort of their hut.” This is confirmed by the fact that repeated measurements and land surveying showed completely different areas. On November 28, 1662, by royal decree, the measured land was granted to the Moscow Novospassky Monastery. Its representatives, having received the long-awaited document, assigned a clerk and servants to the new location, who chose a place for the future village at the “source” on an elevated area and named it Bogdanovo. “Istochina” is the Kaka (Kakova) river, the right tributary of Studenets, which flows into it at the village. Lipleyka. The dissonant name of the river translated from ancient Mordovian means “sedge, reed”. Here it should be said about the origin of the name of the new settlement. Of course, the servants of the monastery, who were here after the land was allocated, could not even imagine naming the village after the unknown to them from Potminsk Zhdanka Bogdanov, located 40 versts from this place. Of course, it is named Bogdanov after the Old Slavonic male name Bogdan, which means “given by God.” Monastic employees had to resolve many issues: the allocation and removal of timber to the huts and the monastery courtyard; identifying families to be resettled and removing them from villages belonging to the monastery; allocation of land for arable land, its cultivation and sowing; allocation of hayfields, pastures and much more. It must be said that by the time the village of Bogdanova was settled, some settlements in the Spassky Territory already existed. Within the territory of the current region, villages and hamlets along the Sheldais River were already populated, the villages of Abashevo and Ustye already existed, and in 1663 land was allocated on the site of today’s villages Lipyagi and Koshelevka. The land allocated to the monastery was in a place safe from nomadic tribes, because... in the southeast of the state, a serif line had already been built, passing through Kerensk, Verkhniy and Nizhny Lomov. In the spring of 1663, axes began to clatter: new huts were being cut for the first settlers. A monastery cell was built ahead of time, where the servants stayed, and then a monastery courtyard, in which the clerk lived. During the year, the monastery resettled 60 families in the village of Bogdanovo. Replenishment with new residents occurred later, but at a slower pace. At the same time, arable land was also developed to feed new settlers and livestock. By decree of the sovereign, Temnikov scribe Vladimir Novoseltsev and clerk Pyotr Zinoviev “were ordered to go to Meshchersky district in Zamokoshny (Zamokshansky) camp to the estate of the All-Merciful Savior of the New Monastery ... to register in the courtyards of peasants and peasants and their children and brothers and neighbors, neighbors and backbenchers, with fathers and from the nickname and from which estates those peasants and peasants from villages and hamlets were transferred to that land, and that land against the refuse books, arable land and hay and forest and all kinds of land, to describe and measure according to the order, which was the order given to them, the scribes, from the Kazan Order palace right into the truth, and that in that estate there will be peasant and bobyl households and people in them by name, and arable land and hay and forest and all sorts of land, and then everything was ordered to be written in books separately, and those census books were ordered to be sent to the great to the sovereign in the Local Order...” In this case, bobyli are peasants who do not own property (livestock, equipment, etc.), working as farm laborers. According to historian V.O. Klyuchevsky, the peasants who moved to the southeastern lands were poor. Landowners, in order to pay less taxes to the state, enlisted some of the peasants as bobyli (farmers), since in the 17th century they did not take taxes from them. The entire document on the population census and new land survey in the village of Bogdanov, “Extract from the books of Meshchersky district,” was first published in “Izvestia of the Tambov Scientific Archival Commission” in 1887 and reprinted in the book by N.I. Zabrodina “Notes of Local Lore” (pp. 122-139). The population census in August 1669 recorded 77 households in the village of Bogdanov, in which 315 people lived. Only males and a few widows who were heads of families were considered. The duty of the resettled residents was to plow the land allocated to the monastery, receive income from it, and send the necessary products to the monastery. The social composition of the village was heterogeneous. It consisted of peasants (34 households, 166 people), peasants (43 households, 149 people). The families were large, some of them numbered only 7-8 male representatives, among them nephews, brothers-in-law, and stepsons of the owner, since only strong male hands could raise virgin soil. The so-called neighbors, i.e., also settled in a number of courtyards. families that did not have their own yard, but helped the main owner. This arrangement existed in order to pay less taxes, since taxes were taken from the “smoke”, i.e. from the hut. Finally, there was one beggar, Makeika Yakimov, who “feeds on the name of Christ,” and a lonely, Russified Swede, Yakushka Ievlev, who was a neighbor in the Bobyl family. The new residents of the village of Bogdanova were transported by the monastery mainly from the village of Zakolpya, Vladimir district, with numerous villages, and many peasants and peasants ended up in these villages from exile. In particular, several families fled to Zakolpie from the village of Ust-Partsy from the landowners Lopatins and Shmakovs, from the village of Fedorovka in Verkhnelomovsky district from the landowner Fyodor Meshcherinov. There were fugitives from Shatsky, Nizhnelomovsky, Saransky, Alatyrsky, Temnikovsky and other districts. Peasants and peasants fled both from the landowners and from state-owned villages. The peasants tried to get into the monastic villages, since at that time the monasteries could not tax the peasants more than what was required by law. Only some of the monasteries, upon petition to the sovereign, could change the existing taxation order. Despite the strict punishments for sheltering fugitives, the monastery, apparently, was not afraid of this, relocating the Ustinsky peasants (12 households) to the village of Bogdanovo, next to their former place of residence. In total, runaway peasants and peasants made up 35 households. By 1669, there were already two monastic villages: Deryabkino, where there were 55 courtyards, and Khomutovka, which had 1 monastery courtyard, i.e. the village was just being populated. It was inhabited by people from the village of Khomutovki, Kozlovsky district, the young inhabitants of which were converted by the state into dragoons, and the rest were transported to monastic villages and villages of the Vladimir district, later resettled to new places. It was they who founded the village of Khomutovka, calling it by its former name. There was no timber in the allotted territory, so a special order ordered the monastery to “enter the large Vodovskaya and Chuuskoi and Olanbor forests for the mansion and firewood forest with the Mordovians of the village of Zarubkina and the village of Glushkov, and cut down the mansion and firewood forest for them, peasants and peasants, remove the side trees." For huts and firewood, the monastery residents cut down forest in the area of ​​the villages of Barancheevka, Chiush-Kamenka, and Tatar Sheldais (Lyambur). A mill was built on the Studenets (Wet Lipljai) River. In the village of Bogdanov, which later became known as Spasskoe after the temple, a wooden Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior was built. Fortunately, its description has been preserved2. The church was most likely cut down in 1663-1664. The church clergy was composed of priest Timofey Ivanov, sexton Arseny Fedorov, mallow maker Pelageitsa Semenova, sexton Vasily Abramov. The temple and the clergy were allocated 20 quarters of land in three fields, 30 kopecks of hay hay. The surveyors described in detail the boundaries of the monastery's possessions, as well as their neighbors: landowners of the villages of Ust-Partsy, Lipyagov and Koshelevki, the Tatars of the village of Sheldais (Lyambur), the Mordovians of the villages of Mordovian Pimbur and Russian Pimbur. The document mentions roads leading from Kerensk to Temnikov and Shatsk, from Narovchat to Kerensk. We bring to your attention fragments of a document that highlights the history of the emergence of the village of Bogdanova. Reading it requires some attention and even patience. But the reader can learn about the nature of the style of documents of the 17th century. An obedient letter from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the peasants of the village of Bogdanovo and its villages about the jurisdiction of their authorities of the Moscow Novospassky Monastery. May 12, 7182 (1674) From the Tsar and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich of all Great and Lesser and White Russia, the autocrat in the Shatsk district in the Zamokoshskaya camp on the Wild Field along the river along Partsa between two Liplyaev up to Polumboru and to the Liplyaevsky peaks and to the river to Polumbor to the village of Bogdanovo to the village of Deryapkino on Gremyachiy Stream, to the village of Khomutovka on the Partse River to all the peasants who live in that village and in the villages and will henceforth learn to live on that Wild Field in those tracts. They beat us, the great sovereign, with the brow of the All-Merciful Savior of the New Monastery of the authorities, Archimandrite Joseph and the cellarer Gerasim and his brothers, last year in the year 156 they took from us, the great sovereign, in the Kozlovsky district the village of Dobroye Gorodishche, the village of Krivets, the village of Khomutovo, the village of Borisovka, the village of Rakino, the village of Kalikino, the village of Lipovka, and in them there are arable lands one thousand six hundred and seventy four in the field, and in two, according to the same thing, and with all the lands of peasants and bobylskys, three hundred and twenty households, and in those taken in the villages and in the villages the peasants were built in the dragoon system, but instead of those deeds of estates, a residential and empty place in the Spasov Monastery, they were not given, but from those de fiefdoms and landowners in the same district, villages and villages were taken for us, the great sovereign, and instead of those villages and villages it was given to them in other places. And now they have found in the Meshchersky district in the Zamoskovsky camp, in the open lands of the wastelands, a Wild Field on the river on Parts between two Liplyaevs up to Polumbor and to the Leplyaevsky peaks, which the boyar Gleb Ivanovich Morozov beat with his forehead to us, the great sovereign, about that Wild Field. And that wasteland, the Wild Field, lies apart and has not been given to anyone and is not assigned to any lands. And we, the great sovereign, would welcome them, order that wasteland Wild Field to be given to the house of the All-Merciful Savior as a patrimony instead of their taken residential patrimony of the village of Dobroye Gorodishche from the village. And on the petition of their litter, our Duma clerk Semyon Zaborovsky, on the 6th day of August 170. We, the great sovereign, have granted: if the land is empty, order them to give them their lands against what was taken and to find out about that land truly. And in the dacha of the last year 171 it is written: last year, in the year 162, our great sovereign sent a letter in Shatskaya to the scribe to Ivan Lodyzhensky with fellow petitioner boyar Gleb Ivanovich Morozov. And they were ordered in the Meshchersky district in the Zamoskovsky camp to find the Wild Field wasteland along the river along Partsa between two Liplyaeks and Polumbor. And according to the investigation, that wasteland Wild Field will be on an estate and not given to anyone as a quitrent and not sold as an estate and not assigned to any other lands or Mordovian villages, and that wasteland Wild Field will be ordered to be described and measured in tithes, and the search and send measuring books to the Crossbreeding Order. And during the search, two hundred and forty-six people said that they know the wasteland of the Wild Field along the Partsa River between the two Liplyaevs up to Polumbor for two hundred years, there are lying apart, not given to anyone and not assigned to any lands, and no one owns that land. Yes, in the year 169, our great sovereign sent a letter in Shatskaya to the governor to Grigory to Speshnev at the request of the boyar Gleb Ivanovich Morozov, and he was ordered to find the Wild Field about the same wasteland and measure it according to the search, and send the search and measuring books in the Local Order. And during the search, two hundred and fifty-four people said: in the Meshchersky district in the Zamoskovsky camp there is a wasteland, a Wild Field on the Partsa River, between two Liplyaevs up to Polumbor, and according to that Wild Field there are two hundred four in the field, and in two of the same hay fields there are four hundred kopecks Yes, arable and unplowed undergrowth with bushes and oak groves and hay fields and hay fields in length between two Liplyaevs from the Partse River up to Polumbor and to the Liplyaevsky peaks for eight miles, and across for half a mile, and the Mordovians own that wild field, and there are no fortresses for that They didn’t say Wild Field and didn’t argue with anything about Wild Field. And in memory of the order of the Kozan Palace in the receipt book of the year 171 it is written: Kadomsky district of the village of Drakina near the Mordovians from Risanka Bogdanov from the comrades living with five for loose bread for five for rye and oats two rubles, and for the same transported bread money twelve altyn three dengi, and in which tracts that living arable land behind that Mordovian is written and the villages up to Polumbor of the Mordovians are not written in that receipt book, and in the same receipt book arable land and hay meadows were found behind the Kadom Mordovian on the river on Parts village of Vdalovo near Mordvin near Popyrya Rezebitov from the arable land from five and fifty kopecks of hay, that on the river on Parts the rent and duties are four altyns per money, the village of Ovdalova near the Mordvin near Egozy Kudashev from the arable land from about ten and fifty kopecks of hay on the river on Parts quitrent and duties six altyns two money, and to the Kadomsky district from the assigned Mordovians, who are assigned to the Mordovians x Kerensky village of Potma from Mumark Chevatov and from Zhdanka Bogdanov from the Shinkinsky lot of Kichimkov along the river along Partsa from arable land and from hay fields, which is arable land and hay fields Zdala, Mordva, Kadomsky district of the village of Drakina Mordva Moskalko and Baisco Momolaevs with the goods Redding ten altyn three dens, and for the dummy bread for osmina rye, for only oats, money is fifteen Altyn two dengy, and from the secreted bread of the osma half of the osma. money. And in the Kadoma Mordovian books of the pussy and the patrol of Othonias of Narmatsky and the sludge of Makar Vnukov, the 129th year of the village of Drakina and the villages of the Horm of Earth and that those villages of land and all sorts of lands and in which are not written in those books. And in the year 171, on the 11th day, on the drop by the Dyak Andreyan Yakovlev, our great sovereign, a letter in Shatskaya to the governor to Pavel Khvostov, was sent to Pavel Khvostov on the petition of the all-mall rescue of the new monastery of Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar Elder Gerasima, and was ordered in Meshcherskaya County in the Zamoskovskaya camp, a wild field along the river along the steam river between the two Lipyas, send the nobleman of good up to the twilight, and with him the sites of the lifting of the good good, and it is ordered to find, and the Wild Loading field along the river is ordered by two louds There will be no dispute up to the twilight, it is ordered to measure and refuse the house of the All -Merciful Savior of the New Monastery of the President Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar to the elder Gerasima to the estate with all the lands, and in the measured and refusal books, the Shatsky Congress of the Podpychy Ivashka Florova Florova in November in the year The 28th day was written refused the house of the All -Military Savior of the New Monastery of the President Archimandrite Joseph da Kelar to the elder Gerasima to the estate that they were given instead of their monastery estates of the Kozlovsky district of the village of good settlement from the village of Lipovka in the Shatsky district in the Zamoskovsky camp along the river along the Partsi between the two Lipyans up to the twilight and to the Lyopyaevsky peaks to the river of the half -armed, which was owned by the wild field in those tracts without dachas of the muzzle of the village of Drakina and the village of the Wild Two Two Two Two Two in the Field A in the same estate and under the estate and along courtyards of places both in the mudflows and to the production of the animal in those tracts of the plowed and unnecessary and the forest, and over the bushes and near the river of the Parza Powls in length between two Lipyas up to the half -sip and up to the Lipyaevsky peaks to the dwarming river for eight miles, and the transopur of the middle The wild field from wet licking to Sukhovo was licking half aversion, and from the village of a half -column near the river the steams a mile of the hay is four hundred kopecks, and the forest is a chorone and wood with rosemar with a muzzle of the scum. Yes, in 173, on July 22, on the 22th, the great sovereign of the All-Military Savior of the new monastery Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar was beaten by a brow of the Great Monastery, Elder Barlah Palitsyn Z brothers: In the past 156, in our year, the Great Sovereign, the decree was taken from them in the Kozlovsky district Their monastery villages of good settlement from the Council, and there were quarterly arable lands a thousand six hundred and seventy are in the field, and in two, peasants and beavers three hundred and twenty yards. In the past, in 171, we, the great sovereign, came to the house of an all-member Savior instead of the monastery estates taken in Meshchersky district in Zamoskovsky, the Izniy lands are empty, the wild field on the river on the Parts was upwards up to the twilight and up to the Lipyaevsky peaks, and according to The measure of the wild field on the wooden is in the field, and in the same two -hay mowing in four hundred, a pimple and a plowed and unprofitable to the forest with bushes and oaks has been overgrown and the animal release between two Lipyaev’s peaks by eight miles. And the de -wild field in those tracts and to the right extent like Rosphatza of the chain of solid arable land against their taken monastery estates and from the estate de and from the estate lands that of their monastery land is not dissolved, and the peasants de on that land settled from their monastery estates Seloing Zalpya and sat down and from the fuckers of the estate, and not described. And in our opinion, the Great Sovereign, the decree was sent to the dungeons to write and survey Volodimer Novosiltsov and Polishi Pyotr Zinoviev. And we, the great sovereign, would hardly enjoy the wild field in those tracts instead of their monastery estates to celebrate the Spatish Monastery in six hundred and seventy Chety for petitioners and that monastery estate from the estates and from the patrimonial lands to notice the peasants and beavers enter. And on their first petition of the Duma of our clerk, Dementia Bashmakov: we, the great sovereign, were ordered to swing the earth, and how to scare the land, and behind them to cope with the land against their lands taken for thousands of fit seventy -fel. And on October 12, on the 12th day, in fact, our Andreyan Yakovlev’s clerk was sent, the Great Sovereign, a letter in Temnikov to the scribe to Volodimer Novoseltsov and to the lifting of Peter Zinoviev on the petition of the Savior of the new monastery of Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar Barlam Bakin, and was ordered They at the Meshcherskaya district in the haste at the Zakoshskaya camp in the estate of the new monastery on the wild field on the river on the steam on the steam between the two Lipyas up to the twilight and to the Lipyaev’s peaks to go, and in that estate it was ordered to rewrite the courtyards in the yards of the peasants and the beavers and their children and the brothers and the brothers and the brothers and the brothers The nephews and neighbor and the subcuts and the Zakhrebetnikov from the Fathers and the nicknames, and who were the peasants and the peasants and the sprouts from the villages and the rangers of the land were transferred to that land, and describing the peasants and beavers and the Earth, the Wild Field in those tracts in the same way to measure in ten And to dissolve, yes, those described and measured books are ordered to send in the estate order behind the hands, and in the described and measured and boundary books of Volodimer Novosiltsov and the lodging Peter Zinoviev, on the age of 21, it was written: the estate of the All-Lost Savior of the new monastery village of Bogdano , the village of Deryapkin on Gremyachych with a stream, the village of Khomutovka on the river on the steamer and villages of Bogdanov and two villages of monastery peasants plowed six hundred and eighty in the field, and in the same way and by the translucent and ladder and forest there was a thousand three hundred three hundred and three -aids with a third -year Poynov’s intercosure and on the ends and along the end of the field and along the oaks and near the rivers and near the river, the pairs along the dry and on the wet lick, the jacket, too, and on the cache, three hundred thousand kopecks, and the villages of Bogdanov and the villages of Deryabkin and the villages of Khomutovka are peasants and bobings Enter in Bolshoy in the Vddovskaya and in the Cheur and Lanbors Forest for the Choron and Forest Forest with Mordovia together the villages of Zarubkina and the villages of Glushkovs, and to chop them, the peasant and bobbles, the inheritance and wood of the brothel trees, and the village of Bogdanov and arable land and arable Sennous mowing and all sorts of lands on the tracts were written, and which the Novodevichy monastery argued the land of Gavrilo Loginov and the clerk Artemyev man Kozlov Kozlov Kozlov Kondrashka Lyakhov by the Lyopyaevskiye Iduchi to the Lipyaevsky, dry peaks along the Norovchatov road, and Vasilyevskaya was the same, and in the land, and in that land was the same. they are in general a reference to third -party people, and in a skask, the alleged links and the removal of third -party people on the Norovchatov road is robbed by that land to the Spassion land, and it arrived in those boundary books in that wasteland by a wild field in excess of their estates thousands of sites of seventy three hundred and forty -three Cheti and those crossing the clarians according to our, the great sovereign, by decree and according to the signature petition behind the stream of our Deman Dementy Bashmakov, is ordered to be behind the Spanish monastery instead of their monastery estates thousands of sites of seventy fountains, and uninhabited, and faces and all kinds of signs and all signs of according to The tracts between Sukhovo and Mokrovo Lipyaev, the Hall, too, are educated. And just behind the Spaty Monastery in that patrimony of arable land and the shift two thousand trinati in the field, and in the same hay of three, eight thousand six kopecks of peasant and Bobyl two hundred and fifty yards. And now they beat us, the great sovereign, the Savior of the new monastery of the authorities Archimandrite Joseph da Kelar Varlah Bokin Z Brothers. In the past, in 156, according to our great sovereign, the decree was taken from them from the house of the All-Merciful Savior of the New Monastery on us, the great sovereign, in the Kozlovsky district, the village of Dobroe Gorodishche from the village of six hundred and seven fits in the field, and in two in the same way The same, peasant and Bobyl three hundred twenties. And in our opinion, the great sovereign, by decree and according to the signature petition against that of their house old monastery residential estate, they were given to them in the house of a all -member Savior in the Shatsky district in the castokshansky become an empty land and a wild field for two thousand trinuttens. And on that de -field, they built the village of Bogdanovo with villages, and the peasants de They, in that village and villages, transferred their monastery estates from their nun, and the Great Sovereign, a complained letter to that new -populated estate to the village of Bogdanovo, was not given . And we, the great sovereign, would have to enjoy them, to command them on that new settlement in the village of Bogdanovo with villages and to give our, great sovereign, a letter, according to which they will have to possess it to the now. And we, the great sovereign, were saved by the new monastery, that on the new, Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar Varlam Bokin, they granted the brothers: they ordered them to give our estate to the village of Bogdanovo to give our, great sovereign, an obedient diploma. And you would all, the peasants who live in that village of Bogdanov and in the villages and henceforth on that wild field in the same tracts will learn to live the Savior of the New Monastery of the Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar Barlam Bokin Brothers or henceforth from them in that monastery other authorities They would, they listened, plowed arable land on them and they paid the quitters to them. Written in Moscow of the 7182th Maia on the 12th day. The document gives abundant food for thought. It should be noted that it is dated to the chronology "from the creation of the world." The beginning of the year in the XVII century was in September (before Peter I), therefore, in order to transfer to modern chronology, it is necessary to add the number 7, for example 7156, etc., and take away 5508 to the mentioned three numbers in the text of the year, and take away from this figure, and take away from this figure, If events took place in January-August, or 5509 in September-December. The document allows you to find out the administrative affiliation of the village. At first it was Meshchersky district, Zamoskovsky camp, later - Shatsky district, Pokokshansky camp. The Mordovian villages of Dokino, Vosadalovo, Potma, which were mentioned in the document, then belonged to the Kerensky district. Mordovian male names are interesting (rice, Zhdanka, Eleza, Moskalka, Baisco and others), as well as the size of the germ. For 5 quarters of the plowman of land (about 7.5 acres - 8.2 hectares) and 50 crooks of hay (about 5 acres), the muzzle paid in 1663 a fragment and duties of 4 altyn with a money, i.e., 12.5 kopecks. The area of ​​the land allotted by the monastery in the current calculus was about 6 thousand hectares, from it by 1669 more than 1 thousand hectares of the Land were plowed. The mentioned "Lyopyaevsky peaks" are the sources of the rivers of dry and wet lipyas, the left tributaries of the river. Parians. Another name is wet - a student. When surveying between the Novospassian and Novodevichy (s. Dubrovka) monasteries and possessions of the clerk Artemy Kozlov (village Kozlovka) were disputes along the boundary line. It has not yet been established whether they were resolved peacefully or there was a lawsuit that the light would be shed at the time of the founding of the village of Dubrovka. In the XVII century, the peasants had no surnames and were written by the name of the fathers, so it is difficult to conclude whether the descendants of the first settlers were preserved in the city. However, the scribes were given the task of finding out the nicknames (or street names) of families, which later became surnames. Among the peasants were Lomakins, Lopyrev, Voronov, Tolkunovs, Vorobyov, Budycins, Kiselev, Kurbatovs, Destovs, Butler and others. It is not known whether the current residents by the name of Lomakina have a direct relation to those peasants, but in the 19th century Lomakin participated in the "Vinn Riot". In the XVII century, the peasants lived here, in the 19th century, the Old Believers of the butler lived in Spassk, and in 1926 an employee of the orphanage led the windshord orchestra and led a circle of fine art. The village was at the intersection of many roads, actively developed, and trading was established in 1675. Archimandrite of the Novospassky Monastery Makarii beat the king Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich about the opening of a weekly bargain in the village for the purchase of all kinds of goods. He explained to the sovereign that the nearest cities of Shatsk, Kadom, Lomov were distant from the new estate, and to buy food and salt in those cities to the peasants in the business season, "The peshopot was repaired in the driveways." Interests are of goods in goods in the last quarter of the XVII century. 4 pounds of flour (pood - 16.38 kg) cost 30 kopecks.; Pood of cow oil - 60 kopecks., Four -year -old bull - 1 ruble, sheepskin coat - 40 kopecks, sheep - 18 kopecks, shirt and ports - 12 kopecks, 100 three -pounded (6 m) logs, 13 boards and 100 nails cost 7 rubles . The main monetary unit was a penny and its part: money - 0.5 kopecks., Pisoshka - ¼ kopecks., Altyn - 3 kopecks, hryvnia - 10 kopecks., Poltina - 50 kopecks, half -sex - 25 kopecks. In August 1675, a tsarist letter was signed, which pointed out: “... In the estate that they built on the wild field the village of Bogdanovo to be auction and trade all kinds of goods, to oppose wine and tobacco ... And trade for two days, on Tuesday and Saturday, on Saturday, on Saturday, And the customs fee from all sorts of corrupt goods and from bread, and from salt, and from horses, and from any cattle, and from shops, and from the onbar, a quitter from all kinds of officials of people to choose to the monastery. ” The opening of the bargain and the collection of duties were the main task of the monastery authorities. In a letter of complaint, it was explained that no one has the right to trade in the village without the permission of the monastery, and the Tselniki and the faithful heads did not have the right to take the customs fees from the sellers, and they did not just have the right - they threatened them cruel for that punishment. Alexey Mikhailovich favored the church hierarchs, and they actively used it. The monastery had a decent income from the trading institution. The king signed an obedient letter to all the peasants living on the monastery land, that they were “the Savior of the New Monastery of the authorities, Archimandrite Joseph and Kelar Barlam Bokin with the brother ... Listened, they plowed the arable land and they paid the monastery’s income.” After 3 years, the population of the village was rewritten again. There are already 131 yards and 450 male people. In addition, there were still 4 courtyards belonging to the Konyukhovs, 16 courtyards of monastery cubs, in which 46 people lived, and the service 2 yards, they have 7 male people. Only 153 yards, 507 male residents4. So, the chronology of events on the allocation of the Earth to the Novospassky monastery is as follows: 1647 the monastery lost land in the Kozlovsky district and after a while turned to the king with a request to allocate unoccupied land in the Shatsky district. The boyar Gleb Ivanovich Morozov joined the petition. 1654, King Alexei Mikhailovich was sent to Shatsk a letter, in which the wasteland chosen by the monastery was commanded to describe and measure. 1661 The re -tsarist letter in Shatsk to the governor Grigory Speshnev according to the petition of the boyar G.I. Morozova about the measurement of the wasteland. On October 11, 1662, the royal letter was again sent to the Shatsky district of the governor Pavel Khvostov at the next request of the monastery. It was ordered to send a nobleman and a daring to measure an empty field and refuse his monastery to the estate. October-November 1662 was sent by a congress of the hut, the clergy Ivashka Frolov, who measured the land “200 quarters in the field A in two more”, i.e. Only 600 quarters with sown mowing and grazing for livestock. The document on the award of the land was signed by the sovereign on November 28, 1662. On July 22, 1665, the monastery again addresses the tsar with a request to dissolve the allocated land from neighboring estate and local land, so that henceforth there are no complaints about this land, and describe peasants and beavers. On October 12, 1668, the royal letter in the Temnikov to the scribes Vladimir Novosiltsev and the lifting of Peter Zinoviev, in which it is ordered to rewrite yards and the entire population, measure the land in tithes and dissolve. 21 August 1669, Vladimir Novosiltsev and Peter Zinoviev, more accurately measured the monastery land: 680 quarters in the field, a move and forest 1333 quarters with a trembling, harsan pile 38,600 kopecks. Only 2013 quarters - 343 quarters more than it was in Kozlovsky district. 1670 The Novospassky Monastery was given a discharge from measured books. 1674 The monastery addresses the king with a request to write an obedient letter to all the peasants living on monastery land, which was done. June 19, 1675, the final design of the royal complained letter.


The district party conference held on April 19-20, 1925 decided to rename the city of Spassk to Bednodemyanovsk

in honor of the poet Demyan Bedny (1883-1945). The poet himself did not visit here, but, nevertheless, he carried on a lively correspondence with the workers. On September 18, 1925, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, signed by M.I. Kalinin, adopted a resolution to rename Spassk, Penza province, into the city of Bednodemyanovsk, and, accordingly, the volost and district.

In 2003, the heads of local government of the district took the initiative to rename the city and district to Spassk and Spassky, respectively. Subsequently, this initiative was supported by the representative bodies of the district, then the Penza region, and finally the State Duma of the Russian Federation. On October 13, 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law “On the renaming of the city of Bednodemyanovsk, Bednodemyanovsk district, Penza region, into the city of Spassk.” The law was adopted by the State Duma on September 21, 2005 and approved by the Federation Council on October 5, 2005. Bednodemyanovsky district was also renamed Spassky.

Spassky district

SPASSKY DISTRICT was formed on July 16, 1928 under the name Bednodemyanovsky District as part of the Mordovian District of the Middle Volga Region. In January 1929 it became part of the Penza district of the Middle Volga region. Liquidated 10.2.1932. Restored in January 1935 at the expense of the territories of the Narovchatsky and Kerensky districts of the Kuibyshev Territory (region). In 1937 it was transferred to the Tambov region. In February 1939, it was separated from the Tambov region into the Penza region. In 1963, the district was annexed to the Nizhnelomovsky district. 3/3/1964 restored at the expense of the territories of Nizhnelomovsky and Zemetchinsky. districts. The center of the district is the city of Spassk (from 1925 to 2005 - Bednodemyanovsk).

Located in the northern part of the Kerensko-Chembar Upland. For 1998 - pl. 6933 sq. km, 28 settlements.

The soils are podzolized and leached chernozems. The terrain is steppe. Forest cover 2.6%.

Industry: butter factory, feed mill in the village. Dubrovki. In the region there is 1 collective farm, 3 state farms, 4 partnerships, 3 associations of peasant farms, and a forestry. The area of ​​farmland is 63,704.9 hectares, of which 54,666.8 hectares are arable land, 23 hectares are fallow land, 560.5 hectares are perennial plantings, 119 are hayfields, 8335.6 are pastures. Plowed land is 79%.

There are 10 large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises registered in the district, and 2 small ones. The priority direction for the development of agricultural production is farming. Field farming is dominated by the production of grain and industrial crops. Of the total sown area, grains occupy 80.7%, including wheat - 43%, industrial crops - 2%, the main industrial crop is sugar beet.

For the purpose of “financial recovery” of agricultural entities in the region, an agricultural production cooperative “District Agro-Industrial Association “Spassk” was created, which included 7 members of the cooperative and 9 associate members. The total area of ​​cultivated land in the SPK RAO Spassk is 16,094 hectares.

The industry is represented by large and medium-sized enterprises: State Unitary Enterprise "Spasskaya Gorelektroteploset" and State Unitary Enterprise "MTS Spasskaya". Small enterprises: Snezhok LLC, Abashevskaya Ceramics CJSC, Spasskoye Agropromenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise, printing house.

There are transport companies: State Unitary Enterprise “Spasskoye ATP” and LLC “Nazavtotrans”. Much attention is paid to the development of small businesses. Empty spaces are allocated for rent for the organization of stationary trade. The municipal unitary enterprise “Spasskoye Agency for Entrepreneurship Development” was created. This structure will provide advisory services on obtaining preferential loans for the development of business activities and the organization of personal subsidiary farming.

The Ural highway (Moscow - Chelyabinsk) runs through the area.

In the region there are: an agricultural technical school, where 600 students study in three specialties: economics and accounting, agricultural mechanization, electrification and automation of agriculture, vocational school No. 9, where 320 people study. by specialties: accountant of agricultural production, operator for veterinary treatment of animals, beekeeper, cook - confectioner - seller of food products, tractor driver - agricultural production operator.

There is 1 hospital with a clinic, 18 paramedic and midwife stations, a health center, a pharmacy, 16 pharmacy points, 20 secondary schools, 16 public libraries, 19 club institutions. Since 1928, the regional newspaper “Vestnik” has been published.

On the basis of the regional branch of the Museum of Folk Art (Spasskaya Secondary School No. 1) a large exhibition hall of Abashevo toys has been opened. In the village of Abashevo, a laboratory-workshop has been organized for the creative revival of Abashevo pottery.

There are 10 historical monuments in the district, among them in the district center is the Alley of Heroes with busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the district, the house where the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad V.P. was born. Kochetkov; 16 architectural monuments (buildings of the former Noble Club, a former primary school, several churches in the villages of the region); 2 archaeological monuments.

The life of Heroes of the Soviet Union D.P. is connected with the area. Ivanova, A.F. Levina, V.F. Shishkova, F. Ulyanova, I.M. Alyapkina, F.G. Korobkov, full holder of the Order of Glory S.T. Karabanov, Heroes of Socialist Labor P.P. Agapova and M.D. Kulikova, master of Abashev toys Timofey N.T. Zotkin, writer A.S. Novikov-Priboy, participant in the uprising on the battleship Potemkin A.M. Kolbyakova, crew member of the revolutionary cruiser Aurora M.I. Demin, a number of prominent scientists.

In the Bronze Age before the beginning of our era, the territory of the region was inhabited by tribes of the Srubnaya archaeological culture, at the beginning of our era - by the ancient Mordovians, around the 8th century - by the Burtases, who lived alternately with the Mordovians-Moksha until the end of the 14th century. A certain cultural influence was exerted on these tribes by the Vyatichi Slavs, who from 1129 became part of the Ryazan principality, the Murom (Finno-Ugric people, close in language to the Mordovians), the Polovtsians and the Volga Bulgars (a multi-ethnic community dating back to the Western Huns). The Burtas principality, being a vassal of the Volga Bulgaria, had its fortresses here along Moksha and Vada, against the Ryazan principality and the Polovtsian tribes of the Wild Field. Two major roads passed through the area. One of them in the 16th-17th centuries was known locally as Vadovskaya - one of the directions of the road from Kiev to Bulgar through the Vadovsky Gate (in the area of ​​the villages of the Vadinsky district Yaganovka, Penki, Butyrki), through the village of Barancheevka in the Spassky district, along the Sheldais River on Narovchat and Alatyr. Another ancient road, Mokshanskaya, connected Narovchat with Temnikov (via Sheldais; further in the area of ​​the village of Dubrovka there was a turn to present-day Spassk, from there to the city of Temnikov). During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the Burtases turned out to be tributaries of the Mongols. Their weakened tribes, together with the Moksha Mordovians, in 1380 supported Prince Oleg of Ryazan, who sided with Mamai during the Battle of Kulikovo. In 1395, the army of the Central Asian ruler Tamerlane passed through the land of Spasskaya, looking for Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh in the Narovchatka land to reprisal him. Not finding Tokhtamysh, who fled to Tyumen, Tamerlane set fire to the Golden Horde cities and villages, killed people or took them captive. Tamerlane's goal was to weaken the Golden Horde as much as possible. The plague that began at this time, the spread of which was facilitated by the huge number of unburied corpses of people and livestock, completely devastated the territory of the region.

The revival of life began here a few decades later. Mordovian beekeepers began to walk along old overgrown roads from the area of ​​Alatyr and Temnikov to Zamokshanye, to the groves of the upper reaches of the Vorona and Khopr for wild field honey. From them they learned about the fertile, forgotten region in Moscow. Interested in increasing capital for the construction of fortresses, monasteries and temples, the palace and monastic authorities founded a number of settlements on the Moksha River, and with the founding of Upper and Lower Lomov, as well as Kerensk, they turned their attention to the sparsely populated lands of the present Spassky district. In 1654, the leadership of the Moscow Novospassky Monastery turned to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to give the monastery empty land between the Mokry and Sukhoi Liplyai rivers. The tsar instructed the Shatsk governor to study the issue and give the requested lands to the monastery on the condition that no one owns them. It turned out that they were claimed by the Mordovians, who were granted them by the king. This seemed to be true, but the Mordovians did not keep the documents for the land, and the Shatsk authorities wrote to Alexei Mikhailovich that the local area of ​​the wild field was illegally owned by the Mordvinians of the villages of Mordovian Pimbur and Drakino. Therefore, the king granted it to the Novospassky Monastery. On the site of the Mordovian village of Zhdanki Bogdanov, the Russian village of Bogdanovo was founded (Godin V.S., Miroshkin A.S., pp. 3-4). The monastic peasants were transferred to it. They were joined by hundreds of people running away from the landowners, as well as peasants. In the same 1660s, the villages of Deryabkina and Khomutovka were founded. At first, the tsarist authorities did not persecute the fugitive peasants, since they were needed for the construction and repair of fortresses, ramparts, growing grain and livestock products for the service people of the above-mentioned cities. At the same time, land salaries were distributed to the nobles who served on the Lomov and Keren defensive lines. All this contributed to the rapid influx of free and involuntary labor population from the central districts of Russia. Having a convenient location on the Temnikovskaya road (which was used to travel to Moscow), the village of Bogdanovo-Spasskoye became a trading center for the newly emerging villages. Of no small importance for the rise of Spassk was the qualified clergy sent from the Novospassky Monastery. Trade and industrial fame and spiritual potential played an important role in 1780 when Spassk was appointed a district town of the Tambov province. It is no coincidence that the city’s coat of arms, established at that time, depicted a beehive with bees and an Orthodox cross. The intensive activity of the clergy to spread Christianity led to the fact that almost all Mordovians and Tatars left the territory of the region. Currently, only 9% of Mordovians and 1% of Tatars live among the population.

Population of the region (excluding the city of Spassk): in 1926 - no information, 1939 - 28650, 1.1.1946 - 17152, 1959 - 13240, 1970 - 11041, 1979 - 8825, 1989 - 7294, 1996 - 7345, 2006 - 6 191 inhabitants .


The Transfiguration Cathedral was built in Spassk in 1810 at the expense of the Spassk merchant Timofey Samgin,[17] closed in 1929. In 1967, the cathedral was blown up[18].

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord, which is architecturally a four-pillar, five-domed church in the Russian-Byzantine style with a refectory and a multi-tiered bell tower, was built in 1841-1859 with the money of merchants V.V. Bundikov and N.G. Makov. It has the Predtechensky and Nikolsky side chapels and the Kazan Mother of God and St. Basil the Great in the refectory. Closed in the 1930s, from 1946 to the present time it is the only operating Orthodox Church of Spassk. Belongs to the Nizhnelomovsky deanery of the Penza and Kuznetsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.[17][19] On the wall of the church there is a marble plaque with the text: “Church of the Ascension, construction time 1830.”

On the central square of Spassk, the Chapel of the Ascension of Christ was recently erected, also belonging to the Penza and Kuznetsk diocese.[17]

In addition, before the revolution in Spassk there was a registered cemetery church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1867 at the expense of the Spassk merchant Efim Shcheglov, the Church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, built in 1860 by Efim Shcheglov on the third floor of the prison castle, the Edinoverie wooden St. Nicholas Church, built in 1883 with funds from the Synod and voluntary donations.[17]

Sights of Spassk

If you want to hear singing clay, learn the history of pottery in the village of Abashevo, and also get acquainted with the traditions of Russian national cuisine, go on an excursion to the Spassky district of the Penza region!

26 merchant houses, the Sheremetyev estate, 4 churches, as well as tombstones of the Old Believer - all this is part of the ensemble of the village of Poim, for the preservation of which the Poimsky Historical and Architectural Museum was specially created.

Forestry is located on an area of ​​approximately 14 hectares. And here you can find the flora of Western Europe, Siberia, the Far East, China, Japan and North America. There are about 100 species of shrubs and trees that were able to acclimatize in the conditions of the middle zone.

The museum-estate of the famous Russian critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky consists of three buildings: the house where the Belinsky family lived, the building of the Chembar district school, where most of the collection is located, and the former house of the merchant F. A. Antyushin.

The chapel in honor of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh was built in 1881 in memory of Emperor Alexander II.

Here, on the estate of E.A. Arsenyeva, grandmother M.Yu. Lermontov, the poet’s childhood and adolescence passed (1815-27); he came here in the summer of 1828 and in the winter of 1835-36.

Library named after V.G. Belinsky dates back to 1896. Today it is an informational and cultural institution. The book fund numbers 35 thousand books, readers - 3.5 thousand people, book circulation - 111 thousand.

A wooden church covered with brick. Built in 1999-2008 by reconstructing a Soviet-built building. A wide two-story quadrangle, completed with a decorative five-domed structure, with a three-tiered bell tower.

The museum was created on the basis of the collections of the natural history museum, antiquities and personal collections of residents of the Gorodishchensky district.

The settlement is quadrangular in shape, with an area of ​​100,000 sq.m. the defensive belt is a semicircle of two ramparts and three ditches connecting the edges of the ravines.

In the very center of the city, the Victory Obelisk proudly stands. The decision to erect it was made back in 1974, at the same time a granite stone was laid on Teatralnaya Street with an inscription about the future construction on this site of a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the Great Victory.

First of all, you need to understand that the monument to the pass in Zarechny is there for a reason. The city of Zarechny is a ZATO (closed administrative territorial entity). And getting here, both the residents and its guests, is possible only with this very pass.

The priority areas in the work of the International Exhibition Center are educational, exhibition, exhibition, and publishing activities. It is both a center for scientific documentation and an institution of cultural education: it organizes exhibitions, excursions, presentation programs, subscription classes, meetings with veterans and youth.

Stone, with chapels in the name of St. and miracle. Nicholas (right) and in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” (left). Built in 1826 at the expense of parishioners. Enclosed by a stone fence.

Near the obelisk there are 16 busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union and 2 busts of full Knights of the Order of Glory. A capsule containing lists of 7,504 names of Kamenets residents who died during the Great Patriotic War is walled up in the obelisk.

The museum building is included in the Code of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Penza Region and the city of Kamenka. Built for the school of the Russian Ministry of Education between 1911 - 1913, there were zemstvo and parish schools nearby at a distance of 10 to 50 meters from each other.

The estate of Count Voeikov is a palace building, the summer residence of Tsarevich Alexei, godson of V.N. Voeikov, with a park. The general plan of the estate initially consisted of three buildings (palace, northern building, stables).

“The Hill of Glory” is installed on the highest hill of the city and is dedicated to the memory of the fallen residents of Kuznetsk in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

The railroad played a significant role in the history of the city. Therefore, grateful residents erected a monument to the Steam Locomotive in the Zheleznodorozhnikov park. A powerful diesel locomotive, to which the carriage was attached, was installed on the rails. Many city guests consider it an honor to take a photo near this landmark.

In an ancient red brick mansion, built in the Art Nouveau style, is located the pearl of the city of Kuznetsk - the Museum of Local Lore, which is the main link between the past and the present.

The extraordinary beauty of the dome, three-tier bell tower and original Russian style greets all guests who decide to visit the “Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God”.

There are worthy shrines in Kuznetsk, but the main temple, undoubtedly, is the Cathedral of the Ascension of Christ the Savior. The snow-white church with green domes and a slender chapel fascinates and inspires certain thoughts.

Famous townspeople

  • Beglov, Pyotr Vasilievich (1923-2010) - participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, Hero of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Zhukov, Ivan Lavrentievich - Major General, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.
  • Korobkov, Fedor Grigorievich (1898-1942) - Soviet military leader, major general of aviation; Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Kochetkov, Vasily Dmitrievich (1923-1942) - guard junior lieutenant, [ Hero of the Soviet Union].
  • Moshkin, Pavel Nikolaevich (1883-1938) - Social Revolutionary, delegate of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly.


  1. 12 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021
  2. [ Poluboyarov Mikhail Sergeevich. The entire Penza region. Historical topography of the Penza region, 2007—2012]
  3. 123456789
    [ On the website “Penza Region: cities, towns, people”]. [ Archived from the original on February 4, 2012].
  4. 123456789101112
    [ People's encyclopedia “My City”. Spassk (Penza region)]. Retrieved June 18, 2014. [www.webcitation.org6QPt426Hn/ Archived from the original on June 18, 2014].
  5. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959]. [ Archived from the original on August 23, 2011].
  6. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012]. All-Union Population Census of 1970
  7. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  8. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  9. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  10. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  11. [ the+Penza+region.pdf All-Russian Population Census 2010. Number and distribution of the population of the Penza region]. Retrieved July 20, 2014. [ Archived from the original on July 20, 2014].
  12. Penza region. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2009-2014
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  14. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  15. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  16. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  17. 1234
    Penza is Orthodox. [ Orthodox churches of the Spassky region].
  18. Information from the stand installed on the central square of Spassk (see photo at the beginning of the article).
  19. Website "Temples of Russia". [ Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Spassk].

An excerpt characterizing Spassk (Penza region)

“It was Sonya before,” thought Nikolai. He looked at her closer and smiled. – What are you, Nicholas? “Nothing,” he said and turned back to the horses. Having arrived on a rough, large road, oiled with runners and all covered with traces of thorns, visible in the light of the moon, the horses themselves began to tighten the reins and speed up. The left one, bending its head, twitched its lines in jumps. The root swayed, moving its ears, as if asking: “should we start or is it too early?” – Ahead, already far away and ringing like a thick bell receding, Zakhar’s black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. Shouting and laughter and the voices of those dressed up were heard from his sleigh. “Well, you dear ones,” Nikolai shouted, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with the whip. And only by the wind that had become stronger, as if to meet it, and by the twitching of the fasteners, which were tightening and increasing their speed, was it noticeable how fast the troika flew. Nikolai looked back. Screaming and screaming, waving whips and forcing the indigenous people to jump, the other troikas kept pace. The root steadfastly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking it down and promising to push it again and again when necessary. Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove down some mountain and onto a widely traveled road through a meadow near a river. “Where are we going?” thought Nikolai. - “It should be along a slanting meadow. But no, this is something new that I have never seen. This is not a slanting meadow or Demkina Mountain, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is!” And he, shouting at the horses, began to go around the first three. Zakhar reined in the horses and turned around his face, which was already frozen to the eyebrows. Nikolai started his horses; Zakhar, stretching his arms forward, smacked his lips and let his people go. “Well, hold on, master,” he said. “The troikas flew even faster nearby, and the legs of the galloping horses quickly changed. Nikolai began to take the lead. Zakhar, without changing the position of his outstretched arms, raised one hand with the reins. “You’re lying, master,” he shouted to Nikolai. Nikolai galloped all the horses and overtook Zakhar. The horses covered the faces of their riders with fine, dry snow, and near them there was the sound of frequent rumblings and the tangling of fast-moving legs and the shadows of the overtaking troika. The whistling of runners through the snow and women's squeals were heard from different directions. Stopping the horses again, Nikolai looked around him. All around was the same magical plain soaked through with moonlight with stars scattered across it. “Zakhar shouts for me to take a left; why go left? thought Nikolai. Are we going to the Melyukovs, is this Melyukovka? God knows where we are going, and God knows what is happening to us - and it is very strange and good what is happening to us.” He looked back at the sleigh. “Look, he has a mustache and eyelashes, everything is white,” said one of the strange, pretty and alien people with a thin mustache and eyebrows. “This one, it seems, was Natasha,” thought Nikolai, and this one is m me Schoss; or maybe not, but I don’t know who this Circassian with the mustache is, but I love her.” -Aren't you cold? - he asked. They did not answer and laughed. Dimmler shouted something from the back sleigh, probably funny, but it was impossible to hear what he was shouting. “Yes, yes,” the voices answered laughing. - However, here is some kind of magical forest with shimmering black shadows and sparkles of diamonds and with some kind of enfilade of marble steps, and some kind of silver roofs of magical buildings, and the piercing squeal of some animals. “And if this really is Melyukovka, then it’s even stranger that we were traveling God knows where, and came to Melyukovka,” thought Nikolai. Indeed, it was Melyukovka, and girls and lackeys with candles and joyful faces ran out to the entrance. - Who it? - they asked from the entrance. “The counts are dressed up, I can see it by the horses,” answered the voices. Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova, a broad, energetic woman, wearing glasses and a swinging hood, was sitting in the living room, surrounded by her daughters, whom she tried not to let get bored. They were quietly pouring wax and looking at the shadows of the emerging figures when the footsteps and voices of visitors began to rustle in the hall. Hussars, ladies, witches, payassas, bears, clearing their throats and wiping their frost-covered faces in the hallway, entered the hall, where candles were hastily lit. The clown - Dimmler and the lady - Nikolai opened the dance. Surrounded by screaming children, the mummers, covering their faces and changing their voices, bowed to the hostess and positioned themselves around the room. - Oh, it’s impossible to find out! And Natasha! Look who she looks like! Really, it reminds me of someone. Eduard Karlych is so good! I didn't recognize it. Yes, how she dances! Oh, fathers, and some kind of Circassian; right, how it suits Sonyushka. Who else is this? Well, they consoled me! Take the tables, Nikita, Vanya. And we sat so quietly! - Ha ha ha!... Hussar this, hussar that! Just like a boy, and his legs!... I can’t see... - voices were heard. Natasha, the favorite of the young Melyukovs, disappeared with them into the back rooms, where they needed cork and various dressing gowns and men's dresses, which through the open door received the naked girlish hands from the footman. Ten minutes later, all the youth of the Melyukov family joined the mummers. Pelageya Danilovna, having ordered the clearing of the place for the guests and refreshments for the gentlemen and servants, without taking off her glasses, with a restrained smile, walked among the mummers, looking closely into their faces and not recognizing anyone. Not only did she not recognize the Rostovs and Dimmler, but she also could not recognize either her daughters or her husband’s robes and uniforms that they were wearing. -Whose is this? - she said, turning to her governess and looking into the face of her daughter, who represented the Kazan Tatar. - It seems like someone from Rostov. Well, Mr. Hussar, what regiment do you serve in? – she asked Natasha. “Give the Turk, give the Turk some marshmallows,” she said to the bartender who was serving them: “this is not prohibited by their law.” Sometimes, looking at the strange but funny steps performed by the dancers, who had decided once and for all that they were dressed up, that no one would recognize them and therefore were not embarrassed, Pelageya Danilovna covered herself with a scarf, and her entire corpulent body shook from the uncontrollable, kind, old lady’s laughter . - Sashinet is mine, Sashinet is that! - she said. After Russian dances and round dances, Pelageya Danilovna united all the servants and gentlemen together, in one large circle; They brought a ring, a string and a ruble, and general games were arranged. An hour later, all the suits were wrinkled and upset. Cork mustaches and eyebrows were smeared across sweaty, flushed and cheerful faces. Pelageya Danilovna began to recognize the mummers, admired how well the costumes were made, how they suited especially the young ladies, and thanked everyone for making her so happy. The guests were invited to dine in the living room, and the courtyard was served in the hall. - No, guessing in the bathhouse, that’s scary! - said the old girl who lived with the Melyukovs at dinner. - From what? – asked the eldest daughter of the Melyukovs. “Don’t go, it takes courage...” “I’ll go,” said Sonya. - Tell me, how was it with the young lady? - said the second Melyukova. “Yes, just like that, one young lady went,” said the old girl, “she took a rooster, two utensils, and sat down properly.” She sat there, just heard, suddenly she was driving... with bells, with bells, a sleigh drove up; hears, comes. He comes in completely in human form, like an officer, he came and sat down with her at the device. - A! Ah!...” Natasha screamed, rolling her eyes in horror. - How can he say that? - Yes, as a person, everything is as it should be, and he began and began to persuade, and she should have occupied him with conversation until the roosters; and she became shy; – she just became shy and covered herself with her hands. He picked it up. It’s good that the girls came running... - Well, why scare them! - said Pelageya Danilovna. “Mother, you yourself were guessing...” said the daughter. - How do they tell fortunes in the barn? – asked Sonya. - Well, at least now, they’ll go to the barn and listen. What will you hear: hammering, knocking - bad, but pouring bread - this is good; otherwise it happens... - Mom, tell me what happened to you in the barn? Pelageya Danilovna smiled. “Oh, well, I forgot…” she said. - You won’t go, will you? - No, I'll go; Pepageya Danilovna, let me in, I’ll go,” said Sonya. - Well, if you're not afraid. - Luiza Ivanovna, may I? – asked Sonya. Whether they were playing ring, string or ruble, or talking, as now, Nikolai did not leave Sonya and looked at her with completely new eyes. It seemed to him that today, only for the first time, thanks to that corky mustache, he fully recognized her. Sonya really was cheerful, lively and beautiful that evening, like Nikolai had never seen her before. “So that’s what she is, and I’m a fool!” he thought, looking at her sparkling eyes and her happy, enthusiastic smile, making dimples on her cheeks from under her mustache, a smile that he had never seen before. “I’m not afraid of anything,” said Sonya. - Can I do it now? - She stood up. They told Sonya where the barn was, how she could stand silently and listen, and they gave her a fur coat. She threw it over her head and looked at Nikolai.

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