Makhachkala has become unattractive, Kaspiysk has overtaken Derbent, and the Nogai region remains a pole of demographic disadvantage

As of 2021, 3,110,858 people live in Dagestan. This territory is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the status of a republic. It is located in the North Caucasian Federal District and is part of the economic zone of the same name.

The region and its population live according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as its own constitution, which declares Russian as the state languages, as well as a whole group of indigenous languages ​​that have traditionally inhabited Dagestan throughout its history. They have official status; for example, they use Lak or Dargin here.

Current statistics

As for official statistics, according to them, 3,110,858 people live in Dagestan. It is interesting that the number of citizens of Chechnya and Dagestan is constantly growing, which is due to several parameters.

Firstly, religious and national traditions, which determine the large number of children in families. Secondly, by improving conditions in terms of access to medical care, improving the quality of education and the development of certain industrial sectors, such as oil and gas production.

Visitors to Makhachkala

In addition to the local population, visitors regularly arrive in Makhachkala. The capital of Dagestan is visited annually by a fairly large number of tourists. What attracts visitors to this place? Those who come here in search of work are attracted by the high salary level and the feeling of a large city. Travelers are attracted by the entertainment infrastructure (concert venues, gyms, etc.). Tourists are also impressed by the abundance of shops. The population of Makhachkala is quite diverse, but all these people are united by the Caucasian tradition - hospitality. Picturesque nature and national flavor will not leave tourists indifferent. After the impressions received and an unforgettable vacation, everyone will want to visit here again.

Data by year

Looking at population data for different historical periods, starting from 1847, here is the data provided by Rosstat:

  • 1847 – 755,615 people.
  • In 1897 - 571.154.
  • 1926 – 788.098.
  • In 1939 – 1,023,300.
  • In 1951 - 835.600.
  • In 1961 – 1,158,500.
  • In 1979 – 1,627,884.
  • In 1991 – 1.875.345.
  • In 1996 – 2,218,427.
  • In 2000 – 2,442,609.
  • In 2005 – 2,621,820.
  • In 2010 – 2,910,249.
  • In 2015 – 2,990,371.
  • In 2021 – 3,086,126.
  • And in 2021 – 3,110,858.

As can be seen from the data presented, for almost 170 years the population of this region has only increased. The decline was observed only during the 1890s, as well as in the post-war period, due to the losses incurred by the war during the Second World War.

Population gain or loss according to the census

The total and official population of the city of Makhachkala, how many people live in it as of January 1, 2022, the number of people in each individual urban district and municipality, further in the second table.

Year Growth/decrease population

city ​​of Makhachkala

2017↗592,976 people
2018↗596,356 people
2019↗601,286 people
2020↗603,518 people
2021↗604,266 people

Information about the republic

When considering the Republic of Dagestan, it is worth considering not only what population lives here, but also history, geographical features and other interesting facts and information about the region:

  • Thus, the total area of ​​Dagestan is 50,270 sq. km, which puts the region in 52nd place in the Russian Federation.
  • The population density is 61.88 people per sq. km.
  • Most of the population lives in villages – 54.69%. The rest are city residents.
  • The gross product per capita is 203.3 thousand rubles, which puts the region in 32nd place in the Russian Federation.
  • Ethnic diversity provides unique cultural riches. There are numerous museums, state theaters and philharmonic societies here.
  • From the point of view of historical events, the territory of Dagestan is divided into regions. The first settlements existed here 2 million years ago.
  • The rich historical period of the republic begins with the Paleolithic period and passes through the Middle Ages, rich in various events. In 1801, the population of the region, represented by the utsmiy, the ruler and the khan, turned to the Russian Emperor Alexander I for citizenship. Since 1802, a province was formed on this territory, which was called Caucasian. In May 1917, the 1st Mountain Congress was formed here after the autocracy was overthrown. The territory became part of the Union of Soviet Republics in mid-spring 1918.
  • Oil and natural gas production, agriculture, mechanical engineering, chemical and light industry are developed in the territory.

Central Soviet

This is the most densely populated district of Makhachkala. Almost 209 thousand people live there.

The Sovetsky district has the most developed infrastructure in the capital. Schools, kindergartens, universities, stadiums, hospitals, shops and other cultural and social organizations are open. There are four industrial enterprises.

Most of all city attractions are located in Sovetsky:

  • Mount Tarki-Tau 720 meters high. From the observation deck at the top there is a view of the Caspian Sea and Makhachkala.
  • Makhachkala lighthouse, built in 1852
  • Lenin Square, on which the buildings of the Government, Administration and Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic stand.
  • Temple of Prince Vladimir, built in the so-called “Dagestan style”.
  • The puppet theater is the only one in the Republic.
  • Sheikh Shamil Mosque.
  • Mount Anzhi-Arka.
  • Several theaters, including the first Russian theater in Dagestan by Maxim Gorky and the Kumyk theater by Salavatov.
  • Numerous monuments. The military and Soviet ones are especially interesting.
  • Museums. Among them are the multimedia “Russia - My History”, the Museum of Fine Arts and the “Dagestan Village”.
  • State Philharmonic.
  • Juma Mosque, accommodating up to 15 thousand people. It was built inspired by the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.
  • Market No. 2.
  • Parks and squares, including the central city park of the Lenin Komsomol, opened in 1887 and occupying 30 hectares. The Walk of Fame, the Eternal Flame and other military monuments are interesting on the territory.

“Dagestan style” of the Church of St. Vladimir Equal to the Apostles
THIS IS INTERESTING. Market No. 2 is considered one of the main attractions of Makhachkala. They even take tour groups there. It is in many ways reminiscent of the bazaars in Turkey. You can find any products there and save money.

Sovetsky is the cultural and economic center of the city. The buildings here are mostly post-Soviet. Most of the housing stock is five-story panel houses. There are several new buildings.

Second market of Makhachkala


Along the avenue separating the Sovetsky and Kirovsky districts, there is a sleeping Separatorny, named after the plant of the same name. The area is quite lively and developed. Here is the most affordable real estate in the city. The average price is 22–28 thousand per square meter.

Akushinsky Avenue, on which the area stands, connects the entrance and exit from the city, so it is always noisy here. Another disadvantage is exhaust gases from traffic flow.

Akushinsky Avenue in Makhachkala

Oil workers town

A large residential area is located in the city center. Its main difference is silence, security and developed infrastructure. Nearby is the Lenin Komsomol Park and the historical center of the city. The development is mostly private. Elite cottages of large footage with adjacent land plots. The cost of 100 square meters averages from 10 million rubles. There are several modern high-rise buildings. Apartments there cost an average of 80 thousand per square meter.

Leninsky Komsomol Park

THIS IS INTERESTING. Residents of Makhachkala do not favor the territory along Akushinsky Avenue. In addition to the constant transport collapse, the area has many utility problems. Things are especially bad in the fall, when the rainy season begins. Each time the area is actually “flooded”.

Ethnic composition

Considering the ethnic groups that inhabit the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, it is worth providing the following data in the list:

  • The number of Russians in the republic is small and amounts to approximately 3.5%.
  • The most numerous is the Nakh-Dagestan group, which includes Tabasarans, Tsakhurs, Lezgins, Avars, Archins and others. In total, about 74% of the republic's population.
  • Peoples of the Turkic group also live here - the Nogais, Kumyks and Azerbaijanis. Their total number does not exceed 20%.
  • The least numerous are the peoples of the Iranian group, including the peoples of Mountain Jews, Ossetians and Persians, the total number of which does not exceed 1% of the population of the Republic of Dagestan.

Thus, it can be argued that the predominant nationalities of Dagestan in terms of numbers are the indigenous peoples of the republic. And they are followed by the peoples and nations of the territories adjacent to Dagestan.

Gender and age

Considering the distribution of residents of Dagestan by gender, it is worth noting that per 1000 men there have been the following number of women over the past 15 years:

  • 2005 – 1070 female residents.
  • 2012 – 1080.
  • 2015 – 1077.
  • 2017 – 1074.

As can be seen from the data presented, this number has remained virtually unchanged throughout the 2000s. But as for age, it is interesting not only what the number of residents is in the republic, but also how it is distributed among different age groups for 2021:

  • From 0 to 14 years – about 25%.
  • From 15 to 29 years old – 26.1%.
  • From 30 to 44 years old – 21.2%.
  • From 44 to 54 years old – 18.9%.
  • From 55 to 69 years old – 14.7%.
  • Over 70 years old – slightly more than 4%.

Marriages and divorces

If we briefly describe the statistics on divorces, the following data is given for the indicated population:

  • In 2021, the number of marriages in the Republic of Dagestan amounted to 14,748 units, which was 108% as a percentage of the previous period.
  • In 2021, during the month of July, 6,079 marriages were concluded, which is slightly lower than in the previous reporting period. But the decrease in the number of newly registered families is most likely due to isolation measures taken during the spread of coronavirus infection.

The final statistics for 2021 can clearly show how the figures for the 2 reporting periods compare.


As for migration flows, here is the data that can be given:

  • For 2021, the total number of arrivals was 45,686.
  • But those who left during the same calendar period amounted to 56,694.
  • Thus, speaking about migration growth, it is worth noting that the population of the Republic of Dagestan decreased by 11,008 people.

If we consider the same indicator for 2021 and how much of the population has arrived, departed, and lives in Dagestan today, then here are the indicators that can be provided:

  • The number of arrivals was 47,059 people.
  • The number of departures is 53,363.
  • Thus, in this calendar period, migration growth was negative, reducing the number by 6,304 citizens.

The emergence of this picture suggests that on average the population decreases by 10,000 people per year and represents a negative trend in terms of growth over the past 2 years. This indicates that people are trying to change, in the vast majority of cases, their material and social situation. After all, the population migrates most within the republic and on an interregional scale. This figure was more than 90%. But international migration is presented by the following figures for the same 2 years:

  • In 2021, 1,279 people left for other countries.
  • In 2021 – 3,010 citizens.

Population in municipal, urban areas

Makhachkala is located near the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, on a narrow strip up to 10 km wide of the low-lying plain of the western coast of the Caspian Sea between Mount Tarki-Tau and the sea.

The city is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The Cherkes-ozen (Talginka) and Tarnairka rivers flow through the city.

From northwest to south, the city is crossed by the October Revolution Canal. Lakes: Vuzovskoe, Ak-Gel, Gryazevoe.

The city's climate is arid, moderate continental.

Now we will tell those interested in the climate in the city of Makhachkala, what the average temperature was according to research over the past few years, the maximum and minimum values, as well as the average and norms of precipitation:

Climate of Makhachkala (weather, precipitation)

Abs. Max. 17,820,928,833,535,136,839,540,235,028,923,119,940,2
Avg. Max. 4,24,27,814,320,226,028,928,723,917,510,75,716,0
Avg. pace. 1,21,24,610,316,021,624,624,520,013,97,52,712,3
Avg. min. −1,5−1,41,97,112,617,720,620,516,610,64,50,09,1
Abs. min. −25,1−26,8−13,5−5,10,05,89,78,00,7−6,6−19,7−26,5−26,8
Norm of siege.332723173322212854434133375
Pace. water 3,32,34,39,515,020,223,424,421,516,110,35,313,0

Whether the population of the city of Makhachkala is decreasing or increasing, what is its official number according to the census as of January 1, 2022, in its municipalities, urban areas, we will learn about this later, when accurate information appears, for now we will present the currently available figures.

Founding date of Makhachkala: 1857

Time zone: MSK, UTS +3


As for forecast data, it is quite difficult to say unambiguously today how the situation will develop. This is due to the unstable economic situation caused by the spread of coronavirus infection. But in order for the dynamics of the region’s development to be positive, numerous programs are needed that are being implemented at the state and republican levels. For example, support for young families, programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, improving the quality of medical care and the level of education at different levels.

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