Bavly City Court - Republic of Tatarstan, Bavly

The implementation of federal policy at the level of constituent entities, the solution of regional social and economic problems in the Russian Federation is entrusted to the State Administration and other departments of regional administration in Bavly. The entrusted power is exercised through the approval of laws and other regulatory documents on behalf of the Russian subject. In accordance with federal legislation, state administrations are vested with authority within the limits of their competence, as well as within the framework of general work with federal and regional authorities.

The state administration in Bavly, as a regional structure of executive power, ensures regulation of financial, production and economic activities, and the social sphere within the entrusted region. Their activities and the execution of assigned tasks are based on decisions, legislative acts, and regulations approved by regional government structures, as well as at the national level.

Bavlinsky ROSP

Within the limits of its competence, each administration adopts normative documents that are subject to implementation by all subjects of the region.

Contacts and reception hours of the Bavlinsky City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan


Court opening hours

  • Monday - Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00
  • Friday and holidays from 8:00 to 16:00
  • Lunch from 12:00 to 12:45
  • Saturday, Sunday – closed

E-mail address

Business hours

Court reception office Reception of applications, complaints, statements of claim from citizens, their representatives, as well as representatives of legal entities. Office No. 6

  • Monday - Thursday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00
  • Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00

Reception employees have the right to provide advice on the following issues:

  • claim forms;
  • list of documents attached to the statement of claim;
  • procedure for accepting a statement of claim;
  • grounds for refusal to accept the statement of claim, return, or abandonment of the statement of claim;
  • payment, exemption, reduction of state duty;
  • the procedure for issuing copies of court documents, personal documents, material evidence, and writs of execution.

Visitors are received without prior registration on a first-come, first-served basis.

Court archive Familiarization with cases.

  • Daily from 8:00 to 17:00
  • Friday and holidays from 8:00 to 16:00

To get acquainted with the cases in the court archives, you must first submit an application, in which you indicate the information known to the applicant:

  • case number;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the parties (name of organization) - in civil cases;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the defendant - in criminal cases;
  • year of consideration of the case;
  • date and time of familiarization with the case.

Office Issuance of documents. Office No. 18

  • Monday - Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00
  • Friday and holidays from 8:00 to 16:00
  • Lunch from 12:00 to 12:45

Reception of visitors in the court reception and archive is carried out without prior registration in the order of priority.

Those citizens who have benefits in paying state fees when applying to a court of general jurisdiction with an application in accordance with Article 333.36 are accepted out of turn. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, somehow:

  • plaintiffs are disabled people of groups I and II;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War, combat veterans, veterans of military service seeking protection of their rights established by the legislation on veterans;
  • public organizations of disabled people acting as plaintiffs and defendants;
  • rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression - when addressing issues arising in connection with the application of legislation on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, with the exception of disputes between these persons and their heirs;
  • internally displaced persons and refugees - when filing complaints against the refusal to register an application to recognize them as internally displaced persons or refugees;

And also throughout the working day visitors from rural areas.


  • Court reception area,
  • Court archive, fax
  • Office,


BAVLY (Bauly), a city of republican subordination, the center of the Bavly district (in 1930-63, and since 1965). Founded 1658; since 1950 - an urban-type settlement, since 1997 - a city.

Located in the South-East of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the Bavly River (left tributary of the Ik River), 35 km to the South-East from the Bugulma railway station (Ulyanovsk-Ufa line). The Kazan-Orenburg highway passes through Bavly. The distance to Kazan is 369 km.

Population - 23 thousand people.

6 secondary schools, vocational lyceum.

Museum of History and Local Lore. 5 libraries: 1 – central, 2 – city, 2 – children’s. 2 mosques.

Oil and gas enterprises (NGDU Bavlyneft, cable, food (dairy, bakery) industries; building materials plant.

Court areas of magistrates

Judicial sections of justices of the peace of the Bavlinsky judicial district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Plot numberFull name of the Justice of the PeaceTelephoneAddress
1Shigapov Muslim Magsumovich+7 +7423930, Republic of Tatarstan, Bavly, Khadi Taktash street, building 28
2Gatiyatullina Svetlana Mirgarifovna+7 +7 +7423930, Republic of Tatarstan, Bavly, Khadi Taktash street, building 28


BAULY, republic of Karamagyndagy shәһәr, Bauly districts үзәге. Tatarstannyn, konyak-konchygysh chigenda (Kazannan 369 kilometer). Yk elgasyn sul kushyldygy Bauly suy buenda, Ulyanovsk-Ufa timer yulynyn Bogelma station 35 kilometer konyak-konchygyshtarak urnashkan. Bauls arkyls Kazan-Yrynburg car yula uza. 1658 elda nigez salina. 1930-63 years һәm 1965 eldan Bauly districts үзәге, 1963 eldan Bogelmә shәһәr Soviets Karamagynda, 1950 eldan - shәһәr tipndagy eshcheler bistese, 1997 dan - shәһәr.

Hulks -23 men keshe.

Oil һәm gas sanәgate (“Baulyneft” oil-gas chygaru idaәse, cable җITESHTERү factories, azik-tөlek sanәgate (сөт, ikмәк zavodlary) predpriyatolәre, tozuү materiallary combines Ashley.

6 urta mәktәp, һөнәri lyceum, 2 mәdәniyat yorty, tobәk tarihyn өyrәnү museum, district үзәк khastәһANәse, 2 mәchet, “Miras” halyk kәsәbәcheәre factories, printing house, music mәktabe, 4 kitaphanә bar: 1 -үзәк, 2 - shәһәr, 2 balalar kitaphanәse .

XYIII-XIX Igenchelek, terlek үrchetu, umartachilyk belen shөgyllәngәnnәr.

The names of such famous figures of literature and art as Sirin Batyrshin, Fanis Yarullin, Mirgaziyan Yunusov, Rashit Akhmetzyanov, Musagit Khabibullin, Rafael Mustafin, Hans Sayfullin, Ildus Akhmetzyanov and others are associated with the Bavlinsky land.

Territorial jurisdiction

Isergapovskoye rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • d. New Bavly
  • With. Isergapovo

Kzyl-Yarskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • village Starye Chuti
  • Ubad.Yakty-Elga village
  • With. Kzyl-Yar

Novozarechenskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • village Izmailovo
  • p. Novozarechensk
  • Tally-Kul village
  • With. Dmitrievka
  • With. Nikolashkino

Popovskoye rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • With. Verkhnyaya Fominovka
  • With. Popovka

Potapovo-Tumbarlinskoye rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • d. Galkino
  • Dubovka village
  • Votkin village
  • With. Vaskino Tuiraly
  • With. Potapovo-Tumbarla

Tumbarlinskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • Minnigulovo village
  • village Shamaevo
  • With. Tatar Tumbarla

Aleksandrovskoye rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • village Zirekle-Karan
  • village Murtaza
  • Tatarskie Tashly village
  • With. Alexandrovka

Crimea-Saraiskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • With. Crimea-Saray

Pokrovsko-Urustamak rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • Bakaly village
  • village Vaeshur
  • village Kit-Ozero
  • village Sharai
  • Pokrovsky village
  • With. Pokrosky Urustamak

Salikhovskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • With. New Chuti
  • With. Salihovo
  • With. Hansverkino

Tatarsko-Kandyz rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • With. Tatar Kandyz

Udmurtsko-Talinskoe rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • d. Bogaty Klyuch
  • With. Alekseevka
  • With. Udmurt Tashly

Shaltinskoye rural settlement of Bavlinsky district:

  • With. Shalty


The population of the district is about 37,404 people (2009), of which 23,098 people are urban residents and 14,306 are rural residents. People of various nationalities live and work in Bavly: Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, Russians, Udmurts, Chuvashs, Germans and other nationalities of Russia.

Population, people
13 31514 70616 07020 02522 93923 213

Powers of the court

    Article 118
  1. Justice in the Russian Federation is administered only by the court.
  2. Judicial power is exercised through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.
  3. Article 128

  4. The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and other federal courts are established by federal constitutional law.

Structure of public administration in Bavly

The administration is managed by the head. The name of the body and its forms of subordination are established by each subject in accordance with local rules and regional specifics. The authority's responsibilities include:

  • management of state property;
  • management of socio-cultural and economic construction;
  • development of development plans for subjects;
  • implementation of powers in the budgetary and economic spheres, including control of trade, everyday life, price structure, socio-cultural sphere, etc.

In their work, executive authorities in Bavly must interact and solve assigned tasks together with representatives of other authorities.

Information technology in court

Recently, the Bavlinsky City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan has actively introduced and developed new information technologies, deployed local computer networks, and increased the number of workstations. All this allows you to optimize all judicial processes, automate operations, speed up the exchange of information, and reduce paperwork.

At the moment, the subsystems of the State Automated System “Justice” are actively used in court:

  • "Courtwork and Statistics" version 24.1,
  • "Criminal record" version,
  • "Judgment Bank" version,
  • "Document flow" version 2.2",
  • "Kadry-P" version 3.4.1,
  • “Providing operation and maintenance” version 1.4,
  • "Internet portal 4.1".

To provide quick and convenient access to various information resources related to the activities of the Bavlinsky City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, an “Information Kiosk” was installed on the ground floor in June 2010. For user convenience, the Kiosk is equipped with a touch screen.

Since 2006, the Internet site of the Bavlinsky City Court has been successfully operating on the single portal of the State Automated System “Justice”. Information about pending court cases and the texts of judicial acts are posted in a timely manner and are available to every user 24 hours a day online. The availability of information on the site is checked every morning and evening. The court also has access to the Internet and uses its own e-mail.

Source: official website of the Bavlinsky City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan


The Bavlinsky district is called the south-eastern gate of the Republic of Tatarstan or its “Far East”. Here the republic meets the dawn every day. On these hills the borders of two republics and two regions of Russia met. The region borders the Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg and Samara regions. Through this crossroads, where merchant caravans wandered along ancient routes, now there are noisy traffic flows to Ufa and Samara, to Orenburg and further to Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Geographical location and natural resources:

Located within the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland. The amplitude of fluctuations in absolute heights is from 90 to 340 m. The Ik River with its tributaries Verkhnyaya Kandyz, Kandyz, Dymka and others. The soils are predominantly leached, carbonate and typical chernozems. Forest cover 16%. Reserves of oil, gas, limestone, dolomite, sand and gravel mixture, clay. Area 1222.8 sq. km.

History of the area:

The historical roots of the area go back to the 17th century, when in 1658 the pioneers received a charter from Tsar Alexei, in which they were enrolled in the Bashkir estate and received the right of Tarkhanship.

The legend says that the name - the designation of the region - “Bavly” was formed from the word “Bally” after the name of the river “Bally elga” - “Honey River”, flowing at the foot of the Bavly hills. They say that wild bees nested in the trees along the banks of the river.

The large outflow of the Prikazan Tatars to the Bavlin area accelerated the process of development of the region. Even large and protracted Tatar-Bashkir uprisings could not slow down the pace of transformation of the Bavlinsky land. The decree of Vice-Governor Aksakov of 1741 contributed to the thorough consolidation of people in the Bavlin space.

In the 19th century, there were four water mills in Bavly. For a long time the village was considered a volost center, then, without changing anything in its appearance, it was considered a regional capital. Since January 1950 it has been an urban-type settlement, and since September 1997 it has been the city of Bavly.

More details in the section “History of the area”

Population of the area:

Total 37.7 thousand people.

Tatars - 63.07%
Russians - 19.89%
Chuvash - 6.24%
Udmurts - 6%
Mordovian-Erzya - 1.18%
Bashkirs - 0.56%

Other nationalities - 3.06%

The basis of life of the Bavlinians:

The industry of the Bavlinsky district is more than a hundred years old.

Even before the October Revolution of 1917, 2 distilleries and 4 machine and tractor stations operated here. The oil industry began with the powerful, first gusher of Devonian oil in Tatarstan in 1946. Today, the oil industry personifies the appearance of the entire region and determines its future.

The agricultural sector is the main component of the region's economy. Agricultural land covers 72.9 thousand hectares, incl. arable land 58.2 thousand hectares (1997).

There are 57 agricultural enterprises with various forms of ownership here. The share of Bavlinites in the national Karavai of the Republic of Tatarstan is significant. The Bavli people are also famous livestock breeders.

Industry and economics

In the Bavlinsky district there are rich deposits of oil and natural gas.

Among the industrial enterprises of the region and the city, the main part is occupied by oil workers. These are NGDU Bavlyneft, Bavlinsky workshop of ACBPO EPU, OJSC Bavlynefteprodukt, CJSC Aloil, drilling workshop of Almetyevsk UBR, as well as branches of OJSC Tatneft enterprises.

In addition to the oil field, other industries are developed in the area, these are: OJSC "Bavlinskaya MSO", forestry enterprise, Aleksandrovsky alcohol, OJSC "Bavlinsky PATP", OJSC "Bavlinsky bakery", Gorset, Bavlinsky PTS, State Unitary Enterprise "Kommunalshchik", State Unitary Enterprise "Bavlyvodokanal" , Gas Service, Road Administration, Agrokhimservice OJSC, Bavlinskaya PMK Melioration OJSC, as well as a number of other enterprises.


The agro-industrial complex of the district is represented by 18 agricultural enterprises and 54 farmers. The main cultivated grain crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas, buckwheat, and millet. They grow grains, legumes, potatoes, and vegetables. Cattle and sheep are raised. There is a goose farm.

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