Buinsky district: ancient mounds, the birthplace of Mao’s comrade-in-arms, the famous drama theater


07:00, 05/27/2018 13 Subject: Districts of the Republic of Tatarstan

Notes from scientists in the margins about the Buinsky district of Tatarstan

Employees of the Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies (ITER) of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Larisa Ainutdinova and Bulat Khamidullin continue to introduce our readers to Tatarstan. In today's column, written specifically for Realnoe Vremya, scientists talk about the southwestern border region of Tatarstan.

Description of the area

Buinsky municipal district is located in the southwestern part of the Republic of Tatarstan. The southern border adjoins the Ulyanovsk region, from the southwest it borders with the Drozhzhanovsky district, from the west - with the Chuvash Republic, from the north - with the Apastovsky district, from the east - with the Tetyushsky districts. The city of Buinsk is the administrative center of the Buinsky municipal district. Federal highways and railways pass through Buinsk, connecting the Republic of Tatarstan and the regions in the north and northeast with the southern and western regions of Russia. Natural resource deposits are characterized by small amounts of limestone deposits used for agricultural purposes and construction sand. The soil cover is mainly represented by leached chernozems. The population of the city is 19.8 thousand people.

Education, culture

  • Cinema
  • Youth Center
  • Active (after restoration) Trinity Church and 5 mosques
  • SPTU No. 83, 56. Medical School, Veterinary College
  • Buinsky branches of republican universities
  • Buinsky Drama Theater
  • 6 secondary schools, gymnasium No. 1, lyceum No. 2, school. No. 5, boarding lyceum No. 6 (school for gifted children), school. them. R.Z. Sagdeeva, school with teaching in the Tatar language named after. M. Vakhitova
  • Leisure Center
  • Buinsky Museum of Local Lore

Pages of the city's history

History of the city of Buinsk

Historically, Buinsk is the administrative center of the Buinsky district, the only city in the Trans-Volga zone with a population of more than 22 thousand people and is the economic, geographical center of the Trans-Volga zone of the Republic of Tatarstan. The date of the founding of the city is absolutely precise - on September 15, 1780, Catherine II issued a decree on the establishment of the city of Buinsk and the Buinsky district as part of the Simbirsk governorship, which was later transformed into a province. In December 1780, the “designated” city was given a coat of arms: “a silver sheep in a green field,” which was supposed to signify “the abundance of this kind of cattle” in the area. In 1800, a town hall was opened in Buinsk and the guardianship of the Simbirsk magistrate was removed; the magistrate in Buinsk was re-established in 1830. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city had two stone churches and a chapel, two wooden mosques, a women's gymnasium, a 4-grade city school, a men's primary school, a lower vocational school founded in 1889, and two madrasahs. In 1913, in Buinsky district there were 19 volosts, 324 settlements (of which 40 farms), in which more than 250 thousand people lived; The ethnic composition of the population was as follows: 43.6% Chuvash, 36.6% Tatars, 15.8% Russians, 4% Mordovians. There were 38,679 peasant farms in the district. In June 1917, the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was created in Buinsk, but its activities were carried out mainly within the city. In March 1918, a district executive committee of 32 people was elected and 10 people's commissars of internal affairs, national economy, finance, public education, justice, food, agriculture, trade and industry, labor and charity, and the military were formed. In 1920, most of the county - with a new administrative name - Buinsky Canton was annexed to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, formed instead of the Kazan province. Today the city of Buinsk is the regional center of the Buinsky district, a city of republican significance since 2002. Located 137 km southwest of Kazan.

Small homeland of Burhan Shahidi (1894-1989)

The modern Buinsky district is the small homeland of a large number of famous people. You can write about the native of the village of Kiyat, Mikhail Nikolaevich Terenin - Simbirsk (1887-1893) and Vladimir (1893-1897) governor... You can write about the Sharaf brothers, natives of the village of Aksu, in particular, about Galimzyan Sharaf - deputy of the Millet Majlisi, chairman of the board of the creation of the “Idel-Ural Republic as a federal part of the Russian Soviet Workers’ and Peasants’ Republic”, a corresponding member of the Central Bureau of Local History of the USSR... You can write about a native of the village of Cherki-Grishino, the famous Tatar intellectual, artist and sculptor Baki Urmanche or, for example, about a native of Buinsk Vladimir Trusenev - an athlete, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, the first Soviet record holder in discus throwing, champion and prize-winner of the USSR championships, twice European champion, after whom the Buinsky stadium is named... There are also famous contemporaries of ours - for example, our colleague and friend Ramil Khairutdinov, a native of the village Cherki-Kildurazy, director of one of the institutes of the Kazan Federal University, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of science and technology and the State Prize named after. G. Tukay...

We decided to tell the readers of Realnoe Vremya about Burkhan Shahidi (Shakhidullin) - a man whom, unfortunately, many Tatars and Tatarstan residents do not know at all. Tell the story briefly, using materials from the “Tatar Encyclopedia”, publications of diplomat, orientalist Yulduz Khaliullin, as well as entrepreneur, author of the book “Borhan Shahidi. Tarikhta kaldirgan ezlar" by Rinat Mingaliev.

Although the Uighurs and the Chinese, in confusion, consider the birthplace of the “Uyghur” Burkhan Shahidi to be the Chinese city of Aksu in the Aksu region (now the Aksu urban district of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China) or the city of Kazan, Kazan province, in reality Burkhan was born in the village of Aksu, 30 km to northwest of Buinsk, in a Tatar family that, indeed, also had Uyghur ancestors. This Tatar village has been known at least since the time of the Kazan Khanate. In pre-revolutionary Russian sources it is often mentioned under the names “Belaya Volozhka” and “Kamyshenka”. Until 1920, the village was part of the Alkeevskaya volost of the Tetyush district of the Kazan province; there were good mektebs and madrassas here.

So, Burkhan Shahidi was born in the village of Aksu on October 3, 1894. After studying at a rural school (in a mekteb) in 1907-1909, he studied at the Muhammadiyah madrasah in Kazan, in 1909-1911 he worked in the bookstore of the Magarif publishing house, in 1911-1912 - as an accountant in Semipalatinsk in a merchant trade. Gabduldzhabbarovs (Yapparovs), whom I met at the Nizhny Novgorod fair. In 1912, on trade matters, he came to Urumqi (now a city district of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China), and in early March 1914 he became a citizen of China. At the beginning of 1922, Shahidi went to work for the governor (who in 1925 entrusted him with organizing the construction of an automobile plant), and in 1926 he was appointed minister of highway construction in Xinjiang province. In September 1929, Burkhan Shahidi went through the USSR to Germany, where in the fall of 1932 he successfully completed his studies at the University of Berlin and received a diploma of higher financial education.

In the 1930s-1940s, a native of Aksu held the position of deputy chairman of the planning committee of the Xinjiang government, then became the Chinese consul in the USSR, and even in 1938-1944 was imprisoned as a political prisoner. In 1944-1947 he served as governor of Urumqi, in 1947-1949 - a member of the Kuomintang government of the Republic of China in Nanjing, a member of the government of the East Turkestan Revolutionary Republic, and after the victory of the Communist Party of China, since 1949 - the position of chairman of the government of Xinjiang and a member of the Military Administrative Committee of the North-West of the People's Republic of China. In 1951-1954, Burkhan Shahidi was the Chairman of the People's Consultative Council (Parliament) of the XUAR of the People's Republic of China. He also served as chairman and then honorary chairman of the Islamic Association of China for a long time. Burkhan Shahidi combined his work in the government with the simultaneous performance of many other duties. In particular, he was the head of the Xinjiang department of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Society, established in 1949 in Beijing, as well as the rector of the Xinjiang Institute, and for a long time worked as Deputy Chairman of the National People's Congress of the first, second and third convocations.

Burkhan Shahidi was born in the village of Aksu, 30 km northwest of Buinsk

In the mid-1960s, Burhan Shahidi was relieved of all his posts and kept under house arrest. In the spring of 1966, the “cultural revolution” began in China, and therefore in the fall of 1967 he was taken into custody and kept in solitary confinement until July 1975, when he was released on the condition of being in Urumqi under the supervision of state security agencies. From February 24 to March 8, 1978, the first session of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) was held. Among the session participants was Burhan Shahidi. In the fall of 1978, he became a member of the CPPCC VC on a permanent basis and resumed his scientific activities. In 1979, on the initiative of Burkhan Shahidi and a group of specialists, the Society of Turkologists of the People's Republic of China was created, and its first leader was a native of the Kazan province. On March 28, 1980, by a resolution of the CPC Committee of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Burhan Shahidi was completely rehabilitated and reinstated in the party. At the third session of the Fifth National People's Congress of China, Burhan Shahidi was elected a member of the Committee for Amendments to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and was unanimously elected vice-chairman of the CPPCC.

Burkhan Shahidi devoted the last 10 years of his life to scientific activities; he died on August 27, 1989. With honors befitting his status, he was buried in the cemetery of the city of Urumqi...


The region is predominantly agricultural.

The main cultivated crops are spring and winter wheat, rye, barley, peas, and sugar beets.

In 2007, Buin residents were among the first to complete the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops with an average yield of 44.1 centners per hectare, the gross harvest exceeded 200 thousand tons, and more than 100 thousand tons of grain were delivered to grain collection points.

Agricultural enterprises:

LLC AF "Niva" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 6 tel. (84374) 3-11-06

LLC AF "Druzhba" 442442, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Mokraya Savaleevka village tel. (84374) 4-55-25

LLC AF named after Chernov 422455, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Alsheevo village tel. (84374) 4-72-10

LLC AF "Avangard" 422422, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kazansky tract st., 14 tel. (84374) 3-20-67

Vamin-Bua LLC 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya st., 5 tel. (84374) 3-11-71

Kommuna LLC 422413, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Lenin St., 1 tel. (84374) 4-12-44

LLC "Bola" 422414, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, village Bik-Uteyevo tel. (84374) 5-01-10

LLC "Tinchali" 422422, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, New Tinchali village tel. (84374) 5-14-21

LLC "Runga" 422440, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Runga village tel. (84374) 5-26-10

LLC "Bua" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, R. Luxemburg st., 138a tel. (84374) 3-12-32

LLC "Churakovo" 422431, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Churakovo village tel. (84374) 4-15-12

LLC "Cherken" 422411, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Cherki-Grishino village tel. (84374) 4-32-10

OPH "Kiyatskoye" 422405, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Kiyat village, tel. (84374) 4-62-16

District enterprises

OJSC "Sugar Plant" 422432, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 6 tel. (84374) 3-15-61

Branch of Russian Standard Vodka LLC "Buinsky Distillery"

422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Obezdnaya str., 2 tel. (84374) 3-24-90

CJSC Akhmametyevsky Electromechanical Plant 422412, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Loschi station tel. (84374) 3-14-48

LLC "Buinsky Machine-Building Plant" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 240 tel. (84374) 3-14-61

branch of OJSC "Tatarstan-Sete" Buinsky butter and cheese plant 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya str., 5 tel. (84374) 3-11-71

CJSC "Virage" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kazansky tract st., 14 tel. (84374) 3-20-41

CJSC "Buinskaya inter-farm construction organization" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya str., 9b tel. (84374) 3-26-40

OJSC Buinskaya PMK-6 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 110a tel. (84374) 3-17-89

OJSC PMK "Buinskaya" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Gagarin str., 42 tel. (84374) 3-10-92

OJSC Buinskaya PMK-5 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 8 tel. (84374) 3-16-82

OJSC Buinsk MPP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya st., 20 tel. (84374) 33-3-68

OJSC "Buinsk-Vodokanal" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 111 tel. (84374) 3-57-05

OJSC "Buinsky Heating Networks" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Oktyabrskaya str., 1 tel. (84374) 3-26-42

EPU "Buinskgaz" 422400, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Zelenaya st., 43 tel. (84374) 3-17-86


(Republic of Tatarstan)

OKATO code:
City since:
1780 City of district subordination (Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Buinsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
80 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Buinsk

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