To Old Crimea yourself - what a tourist needs to know about the city of Crimea and how to prepare a trip

Greetings, friends!

It is quite easy to underestimate Old Crimea. Especially if you drive it tangentially while traveling around Crimea. I confess, for a long time I also sinned with this, passing by the town on Chapaev Street. But not everything is so simple.

Perhaps Old Crimea on the map of Crimea will not attract your attention as a substitute for the neighboring resorts of Feodosia, Sudak and Koktebel, but it will be able to diversify your vacation.

Especially if you know that:

  1. It was once called Solkhat and was the center of the Crimean ulus of the Golden Horde.
  2. A native of Old Crimea became Sultan Baybars, the ruler of Egypt, and a film was even made about him.
  3. And somewhere on the outskirts there is the grave of Mamai, who fled here after the defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo and was killed on the orders of Khan Takhtomysh.

Catherine II spent the night here in a palace specially built for her and left a fountain and a road sign of the same name in memory of herself.

Have I convinced you to come here at least for a day and scout out the situation? Then let's look at the holiday conditions and prepare the trip!

Where is

Old Crimea is located in the eastern part of the peninsula, in the direction Simferopol-Feodosia. Look at the Map of Crimean resorts.

On the northwestern side, the city is covered by the Agarmysh , and in the south by the mountain ranges of the Karasan-Oba . The Churuk-Su River passes through Old Crimea, but more like a stream, it completely dries up in the summer.

Before the construction of Tavrida, the route from Kerch to Simferopol passed directly through the city. Now it has remained a little to the side and is practically indistinguishable at a speed of 100 km/h.

Distances to main landmarks:

  • Simferopol Airport – 120 km
  • Crimean Bridge – 120 km
  • Sudak – 35 km
  • Feodosia – 28 km
  • Alushta – 110 km

A little about the city...

Old Crimea fully lives up to its name. The city is indeed very ancient, as evidenced by numerous finds made on its territory. The earliest of them date back to the Neolithic era. During construction work in the city center, household items from the 5th-4th centuries BC were found. e. The heyday of Old Crimea occurred in the thirteenth century, when the Golden Horde ruled the peninsula.

The city has a long and centuries-old history. An interesting fact is that the settlement changed its name 21 times. Once upon a time it was Crimea, Solkhat, Levkopolis, etc. For the first time, the Kizil-Koba tribes settled in this territory, which was replaced by representatives of the Tauri, and then the Scythians. Archaeological finds allow historians to say that Old Crimea was part of the Bosporan kingdom. In the fourth century the city was destroyed by the Huns. Life in the village was revived only after the arrival of the Genoese in the 8th-9th centuries. They created a city which they called Salkhat. After the arrival of the Armenians, the village received the name Surkhat. And the Tatar conquerors renamed the city in their own manner, making it Crimea, since it was surrounded by a ditch. In Tatar, ditch is kyrym.

The wealthy population on the eastern coast of Crimea attracted the attention of the Golden Horde. After the conquest of the lands by the Tatar-Mongols, the city became the residence of the governor of the Crimean Khan. While the construction of the palace in Bakhchisarai was underway, Salkhat served as the capital. After the Crimean-Turkish War, the city was deserted, and its population scattered across the peninsula, and some moved to Turkey.

By the end of the eighteenth century, the city was completely rebuilt in a modern way. Straight streets and merchant houses appeared in it. Currently, the seaside town attracts the attention of tourists with its attractions. Old Crimea is located on the Kerch-Simferopol highway. Its population is 10 thousand people.

How to navigate the city

The town, with a population of about 10,000 people, feels more like a countryside.

Along the long streets there are colorful low-rise houses of various colors and architectural forms, from “whitewashed huts” to cottages and mini-castles. The city's roads are completely broken in places.

2 central streets:

  • st. Chapaeva - a bypass along which cars rush that do not enter the city, there is also a bus station
  • st. Lenina is the central street of the city, along which all life passes

On the map below I have indicated the main directions, and circled the Bus Station, the market and the PUD store.

To understand the essence and the matter of what awaits you in Old Crimea, I suggest you look around a little in the center on Yandex Panorama . I chose the intersection of Lenin and Kalinin streets as my starting point. For me, this is the conditional center of the city.

All the attractions of the place are within walking distance, except for the Armenian monastery. Surb Khach is 5 km from the center.

Along the central street. Lenin has only one bus - . You can get to Feodosia by passing bus, and to Koktebel by taxi. Price 500-700 rub. one way. Here is one of the services -

PUUDgrocery store in Old Crimea

Natural beauty of the surrounding area

Photos of the sights of Old Crimea rarely adorn advertising products. But this is because there is no sea nearby, and accordingly, business people from tourism consider the city to be unpromising. Their opinion is not shared by those who prefer active recreation to seal lounging on the beach. In addition, if you know the route, then Koktebel is only 17 kilometers from Old Crimea.

Mount Agarmysh

  • GPS coordinates: 45.038889, 35.034722.

The massif, more than 700 m high, has long been used as a film set for director F. Bondarchuk. He can be seen in “9th Company”, “Inhabited Island” and some other films. Legend has it that one of its many cracks still hides the “queen’s necklace” – Marie Antoinette’s diamonds, acquired through fraud and then stolen by the Comtesse de la Motte. However, in Crimea similar stories are told about a dozen other places - it seems that the countess stole on an especially large scale.

To conquer the mountain you do not need any mountaineering training - the climb is quite simple. But you will need to be careful - there are many caves on Agarmysh (including so-called “wells”, which are very dangerous), and just cracks. In one of them (called the fox's tail), an underground printing house operated during the 1905 revolution, and during the war the partisans set up an ammunition depot.

More about the Agarmysh forest...

Ecopark “Kozya Balka” (Safari Ranch)

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.022880, 35.136193.

This is an establishment in the safari style that has been fashionable in recent years. The park was conceived as a refuge for antelopes, but as a result, a mass of all kinds of living creatures appeared in it, mainly ungulates. The area chosen for the park is quite unusual - there the steppe turns into a mountain range.

Animals in the park do not sit in cages, but live almost in natural conditions. Both children and adults will enjoy visiting Kozya Balka, but subject to the prescribed rules of behavior.

More about Safari Ranch...

Panteleimon's Source

  • Coordinates: 45.020523, 35.096796.

Legend associates the spring located outside the city with the name of a Christian saint, the patron saint of doctors. On this basis, the water from it is considered healing.

There is a chapel near the source, but it does not represent any architectural or historical value, since it was recently built according to a rather primitive design. The chapel that existed here since 1893 burned down.

You should not consider spring water a panacea for all ills - it is not so. But it’s clean and tasty, so it won’t hurt to stock up, especially if you have long excursions ahead.

Greene's Trail

Writer Green came to Old Crimea sick with tuberculosis, but still respected active recreation. He had a favorite route, which he used to visit his friend, M. Voloshin, in Koktebel.

The route is quite long - 17 km, and is recommended only for fairly experienced pedestrians (the terrain is rough, and overnight stays are problematic). But the trail is marked (in some places there is even an old road surface, because in the century before last, carriages could pass here), it is quite difficult to get lost, and the views from the route are beautiful.

You can also try to look for the place described by Greene in one of his letters as the abode of some kind of evil. However, the evil is unlikely to turn out to be too powerful, for the writer himself continued to walk here even after its discovery.

In addition to Green, Yu. Drunina and A. Kapler liked to walk along the trail. They say that it was during such a walk that these two came up with the idea to film Amphibian Man.

More about Greene's trail...

Starokrymskoye Reservoir and the Churyuk-Su River

  • Coordinates: 45.030910, 35.113887.

Near the city of Stary Krym you can find a reservoir - it is called Starokrymsky, after the name of the settlement. It was created artificially in 1957 to provide the necessary water supplies.

The reservoir is located on the Churyuk-Su River - where the waters of the Monastyrskaya River entered it. In addition to these two arteries, the artificial reservoir is also fed by the waters of the Bakatash gully.

Not to say that the Starokrymskoye Reservoir is a popular tourist attraction, but here you can sometimes take a walk, enjoying the beautiful panoramas of the Crimean foothills, go fishing, and be alone with yourself and the unique nature.

Lake Shah-Murza

  • Coordinates: 45.004543, 35.002592.

A fairly popular tourist destination in the vicinity of Old Crimea is this small reservoir, which is currently for rent. Here you can arrange interesting fishing, relax by renting a gazebo with a barbecue, barbecue, admire the most beautiful lake views and what the surrounding area hides. Shah-Murza.

So what if there is no sea. The light didn't hit him like a wedge! But there are mountains and caves, and the historical sights of Old Crimea are also very attractive to curious people! And if you have the desire and minimal physical training, you can walk to the sea along the Green’s path - combining two benefits.

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General information about Old Crimea

Old Crimea is also known under another name - Solkhat . Historians are of the opinion that the multinational settlement, which divided the city at that time into communities and neighborhoods, could have called it differently.

During the Golden Horde, Kyrym was a rich, beautiful city, a center of trade, and, as they also say, the residence of the Crimean khans. Numerous merchants and travelers staying here could not contain their admiration for the economic development and luxury.

Along with the Tatars, a lot of Armenians lived in the city of Solkhat, as evidenced by the numerous Armenian churches and four monasteries built in the surrounding area.

Since 1313, the state religion - Islam , mosques and Muslim schools have been built.

The city of Solkhat acquired a protective wall, and a wonderful, well-fed and rich life was in full swing inside. Towers and fountains, coffee shops and bath complexes, buildings for noble and ordinary citizens - this was the heyday and the best time for the residents.

But everything changes; the future fate of the city was influenced by the Turkish war and the endless change of authorities and masters.

In Soviet times, already in Old Crimea, sanatorium institutions, holiday cottages, and industrial establishments were built.

People honor and remember history, take care of attractions, receive tourists, and engage in agriculture and farming. Themed events, festivals and concerts often take place here. The most famous of which is “Greenland”.

Old Crimean antiquity

Due to the vicissitudes of the difficult fate of the Crimean Peninsula, not many ancient monuments have been preserved in the ancient Old Crimea. However, there are interesting places here - fans of antiquities will have a fun time in the ancient capital. The only thing is that the degree of preservation and research of many local monuments leaves much to be desired.

Uzbek Khan Mosque

  • Address: Khalturina street.

The building claims to be the oldest mosque in Crimea. It retains a portal with an inscription indicating that it was built in 1314, during the reign of Uzbek Khan (hence the name).

The mosque has a very simple layout and a gable roof, unusual for Muslim religious buildings. There is also a minaret, which one enters from inside the shrine and climbs up a spiral staircase.

Now the Islamic temple has been restored and is operational. But most interesting of all is it as a monument of ancient Muslim architecture. This kind of thing doesn’t happen at every turn in Crimea.

Detailed information about the Uzbek Khan Mosque...

Baybars Mosque

  • Address: Yuzhnaya street, Izyumovka village.

It is sometimes also called the “Sultan’s Mosque”. The building competes with the previous attraction on our list for the title of the oldest in Crimea (experts have virtually no doubt that the buildings are the same age).

The Baybars mosque was less fortunate - it is now a ruin without a roof and with partially preserved walls. But in these ruins everything is genuine, no modern reconstructions or “contrived” elements. And it is still possible to evaluate the layout and size of the mosque.

Surb Khach Monastery

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.000606, 35.062296.

This is an ancient Armenian monastery. It is the same age as the Uzbek mosque - founded in 1315. It was created by Armenians who fled to Crimea from Turkey from persecution (the Golden Horde, and then the Crimean Khanate showed respectable religious tolerance).

The monastery is now active (although it was closed during Soviet times), but the main, historical part can be visited by anyone for free.

You can see an ancient temple with architecture traditional for Armenian churches in Crimea, as well as an old refectory (where the dining room operates). The monastery complex is still being studied by archaeologists; professional restorers work in it.

More details about the Surb-Khach monastery...

Monastery of St. Stepanos

  • Coordinates: 44.984527, 35.068191.

Now it is an archaeological site. According to archaeologists who studied it in the 70s of the twentieth century, the monastery is the same age as the nearby Surb Khach, but lasted much shorter.

The monastery was destroyed either by an earthquake or by competition from a more conveniently located neighbor. However, the remains of the main monastery temple found and studied by scientists showed that it was larger and more luxurious than in Surb Khach.

Now the monastery is a ruin. But even a person who is not a professional in archeology will be able to examine the remains of buildings on the surface of the earth and estimate the approximate location of the walls of the buildings.

Lead Mosque (Kurshun-Jami)

  • Address: st. Lenina, 18 / st. Stamova, 40.

Today these are ruins, from which the layout of the former mosque can only be roughly traced. But the structure is interesting because of the legends associated with it, as well as the facts discovered by archaeologists during its study.

Legend has it that lead was added to the walls of this building during construction for strength. Archaeologists have debunked it - there is nothing like it there. Most likely, the name appeared because of the roof that had collapsed long ago - lead was often used for this purpose in the Middle Ages (not knowing how harmful it was, especially in hot climates).

But archaeologists have found evidence that the mosque was originally a tekie (something like a monastery and a hotel in one) of wandering dervishes. And the tekki were built at the expense of a pious local rich lady.

City cemetery

  • Address: Rosa Luxemburg street.

The city cemetery of Old Crimea is itself quite old. But the main thing is that many famous people found eternal peace on it. The tombstone of A. Green, decorated with the sculpture “Running on the Waves,” attracts the most attention.

Tourists have a tradition of tying red ribbons to a tree near the monument for good luck.

In addition, the science fiction writer V. Okhotnikov, the poet V. Petnikov and the famous front-line poetess Yu. Drunina are buried here. There are signs along the alleys to help you navigate. The cemetery is included in the general excursion route around the city.

Assumption Church

  • Address: Oktyabrskaya street.

The history of this shrine, already Orthodox, is also interesting. The first Holy Dormition Church in Old Crimea appeared in 1825. Made in wood, it burned down and already in 1832 a new parish was built here. The church flourished, receiving parishioners - the family of Emperor Nicholas II even managed to visit it.

With the advent of Bolshevik power, a dark streak began in the life of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At first it was completely plundered, and in 1935 it was completely destroyed almost to the ground. Only in 1989, through the efforts of parishioners and ministers, the church was restored; today it welcomes everyone who wants to pray to God.

Zubair Jami Mosque

  • Address: Krasnoye Selo quarter.

Once in Old Crimea, you must also visit this Muslim shrine, named after the companion of the prophet S.A.S. Jalil Az-Zubair Bin Al Awwam. It is located in the western part of the city, on a slight hill. The building of the mosque looks pompous, although it itself is small. It is decorated with minarets - two small and one tall.

Climate and weather

Thanks to its unique location, Old Crimea retains a mild mountain climate. The city is protected from piercing winds, and the proximity of the forest and the sea softens the summer heat.

The area is famous for its healing climate and is excellent for people with pulmonary diseases. The average temperature in winter is +4.7 degrees, in summer + 26.8 degrees.

The most comfortable weather for sightseeing occurs in April-May and October-November. In summer it is quite hot here, and in winter there is frequent precipitation and zero temperatures.

Climatic characteristics of the area

The climate of Old Crimea is truly unique. Thanks to the surrounding mountains, which are covered with forest, the air here is clean, mixed with the steppe smell of herbs, and the close distance to both the Black and Azov Seas makes it also saturated with sea salts and iodine. The mountains are located in such a way that they protect the city from cold winds, so there is no strong wind here.

Precipitation falls very rarely, mainly in the form of fog.

July temperatures are not as high as on the southern coast of Crimea, but the level above 20°C remains stable in the town.

Winter is already heading towards sub-zero temperatures, but rarely goes below -4-5°C. As a result, the average January temperature is 1.3°C. During this period of the year there is snow on average for 50 days, longer on the peaks.

The number of days when the sun shines over Old Crimea is equal to neighboring Feodosia. All this makes the city an excellent place for the prevention and treatment of many common respiratory diseases and simply an irreplaceable place for recreation for heart patients.

Old Crimea is considered a city of long-livers precisely because of its unique climate.

How to get there

Across the Crimean Bridge by car

The new Tavrida highway passes by Old Crimea, where one of the exits leads. A total of 120 km of travel awaits you and no more than 1.5 hours on the road. This same road leads to Sudak, so if time permits, it makes sense to stop by Old Crimea for reconnaissance.

  1. Kerch - intersection near the village of Sadovoe: 110 km and a little over 1 hour drive
  2. From the intersection to Stary Crimea through the village of Pervomaiskoye it is 10-12 km and up to 15 minutes by car.

Towards the railway don't even look at the roads. Any of your maneuvers will need to be performed through the railway. station in Feodosia. Read more about how to get there here.

  • Route Moscow - Crimea in detail
  • Routes around Crimea
  • Autoguide for Crimea - will always help out

From Simferopol

If you arrive at Simferopol airport, then to get to Old Crimea you will need 2 bus stations at the airport itself and the Kurortnaya and Central bus stations in the city center. I wrote how to navigate between them in this article.

All routes to Feodosia are suitable for you. And quite a few of these depart per day:

  1. Up to 20 flights depart from the airport during the season from 5:10 to 18:40. 2 hours on the road and 350 rubles for travel
  2. In addition to flights from the airport, 20 more flights depart from Kurortnaya airport. The last one departs at 19:20. 1.5 hours on the road and 300 rubles for the journey
  3. The latest flight departs from the Central Bus Station of Simferopol at 20:30. During the day, both passing and private buses leave for Old Crimea. The ride takes 1.5 hours, tickets cost up to 300 rubles.

useful links

  • Buses around Crimea - website for purchasing tickets
  • A/c "Old Crimea" - official website
  • Bus schedule through Old Crimea

If you don’t want to bother with transfers and squeeze together on the bus, it’s simple - order a transfer for your arrival or rent a car. The distance from the airport to the city is 110 km.

We trusted and liked Myrentacar . Here is our latest car rental experience with them.

House-Museum of A. Green

What to see in Old Crimea? The multinational city is interesting from the point of view of architecture and museums. There are quite a lot of the latter in Old Crimea. Guests have the opportunity to visit Green's house museum. The famous writer lived here with his wife since 1930. The location was not chosen casually. Since the writer suffered from tuberculosis, the local climate could ease the course of the disease. Therefore, the couple purchased a house in Old Crimea by selling a gold watch. It was this city that became Green's last refuge. He has been here for the last two years, during which he has not stopped working on his works. I didn’t have time to finish writing my last novel because I was working on it while seriously ill.

And only many years later a museum was opened in the house, thanks to the efforts of the writer’s wife. Now the house is one of the attractions of Old Crimea. By visiting it, you can learn a lot of new things from the writer’s life, as well as see his personal belongings.

Hotels and accommodation

The most important institution in the city is the “Old Crimea” sanatorium, which has been operating since 1916. Both Alexander Green and Osip Mandelstamp were patients here. surgeon and scientist, N. M. Amosov, worked here . The memorial plaque tells about the merits, work and life of the scientist.

If you don’t get treatment here, then at least come and look at this incredible Stalinist Empire architecture.

Tourists can rent a room in a private house or a separate apartment during their vacation. Since housing here is not in great demand, prices are reasonable: 1000 - 1500 rubles per day.

If you want civilization with parking and well-groomed territory, then here you can find several hotel complexes. For example, Villa Crimea with very decent rooms right in the center at a price of 2500 rubles/day.

Please note that it is better to book accommodation in advance and contact the hosts directly to confirm your reservation. 99% that you will be asked to make an advance payment.

  1. How to rent housing in Crimea today
  2. Apartments, apartments and rooms for daily rent
  3. Houses and guest houses for rent


Most of the houses in which the local population lives are private houses. In many you can rent a room, and there is no fixed fee; the price for one type of housing may vary, but in any case it is much cheaper than the cities of Crimea located on the sea coast.

There are also several private hotels and hotel complexes in the city, which are distinguished by comfortable rooms and reasonable prices. There are such services as a sauna, billiards, a children's playground, and there are even hotels with a swimming pool.

You can also rent a hunting lodge or a summer cottage entirely, which is convenient for a large family and doesn’t put a big strain on your pocket. Such houses are in very good condition, because their owners are in most cases wealthy people who live in other cities and come here only occasionally. At a time when the owners are not at home, housing is rented out at a very affordable price.

Shops and restaurants

There are plenty of shops, shopping centers, and pharmacies in the city. There is a market with food and mixed goods, and not far from it there is a cheap supermarket “ PUD ”. They are both indicated by red circles on the map above.

But there are not many catering establishments here and, naturally, most of them are located along the highway on Chapaeva Street.

If you are supporters of Tatar cuisine (there is practically no other cuisine here), then pay attention to 2 cafes in the area of ​​the bus station “ Aile ” and Zengin . There are people who come here specifically to eat. You should like it. A little further there is another good cafe Halal .

If in the center, then the best cafe can be called “Gunesh” . It is considered a fast food cafe, so it is open until 21:00.


Among the interesting places and attractions of Old Crimea, tourists should pay attention to the Armenian monastery with the beautiful name Surb-Khach. It is located three kilometers from the city, at the foot of Monastyrskaya Mountain. Historians believe that the ancient complex was built in the fourteenth century. The monastery appeared thanks to Hovhannes Sebastatsi, who saw a sign, after which he decided to begin construction work.

Surb-Khach, according to experts, is a striking example of Armenian architecture. On the territory of the monastery there is an ancient church, the architectural style of which is very reminiscent of Armenian churches of the 12-13 centuries. The appearance of churches on the peninsula was associated with the mass migration of Armenians. In the shortest possible time, 9 temples and 4 monasteries were built. But only Surb-Khach has survived to this day.

The first temple building was erected in 1358. Subsequently, it was rebuilt and changed several times. Over time, the temple became a place of pilgrimage, to which Armenians came from all over the peninsula. In 1778, the clergy left the church. The restoration of the ancient monastery began only in the eighteenth century. Later, all the monks were disbanded, and a pioneer camp was located within the walls of the monastery. Now the building has been restored and is open to tourists. Outsiders are not allowed into the active part of the temple, but you can see it from the outside and walk through the ancient buildings on the territory of the monastery.

What to see in Old Crimea

First of all, in my opinion, it is necessary to honor the preserved ancient buildings with your visit.

  1. Mosque of Khan Uzbek . A tall minaret, tombstones, inscriptions in Arabic, carved oriental patterns - all this in the very center of the city.
  2. Baybars Mosque . Almost ruins of a once great building. Despite this, excavations are still taking place there.
  3. Armenian monastery Surb-Khach . The only survivor of 4 temples, and restored in the 80s.
  4. Source and chapel of St. Panteleimon . Rebuilt in 2001, the chapel is still in use today and services are held here.

You can also visit the sites of once great buildings, but which have become ruins by our time: the ruins of the Caravanserai, the ruins of the Surb Stepanos monastery, the Catherine Fountain, the remains of the Kurshum-Jami mosque.

More about the sights of Old Crimea in this article.

To Crimea via Kyrym

During archaeological excavations in the city center, scientists found fragments of ceramic products that were made in the 4th century BC. This means that in Crimea there was a civilization that is the same age as Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists attributed the next material layer to the Middle Ages. This does not mean that there was no life in the settlement for several thousand years. It’s just that artifacts from this period have not yet been found. It is believed that at the beginning of the new era these lands attracted the attention of the ancient Greeks. Written sources claim that the settlement then bore the name Kareon.

The Greeks were replaced by a large Armenian colony. Trade flourished with the Bosporan kingdom and Asia Minor. Then, in the Armenian style, the settlement was renamed Solkhat. Wealth required protection. In 1100, the city acquired a defensive moat and fortress walls. At the same time, several temples were built under the protection of the walls. Remains of the fortifications of that time can now be seen on the northeastern outskirts of the city.

In the 13th century, the Mongol-Tatars began to occupy the peninsula. Steppe Crimea became part of the Golden Horde. New owners have appeared in Solkhat. They built houses, shops, and inns. By order of Khan Batu, a palace was erected for him, and a little later a majestic mosque was built - the oldest in Europe. The maximum flowering occurred in the 14th century. At that time the city already bore the Tatar name Kyrym. Gradually this name spread to the entire peninsula, which in those days was called Tavrika.

Material traces of ancient history

Metals, flax, precious stones, slaves - all this passed through the Kyrym market in huge quantities. Alas, peaceful life ended with the advent of the new century. Military skirmishes and battles began again. There were too many people who wanted to capture the rich city. After liberation from the Horde, the Crimean Khanate was formed, and the capital was moved from Kyrym to Bakhchisarai. The city began to fade away.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Kyrym was renamed Levkopol. Almost all the indigenous inhabitants left it. Since the new name did not take root, the city began to be called Old Crimea. In the first half of the 20th century, it was chosen by creative bohemia. Alexander Green lived here, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Khlebnikov, Meyerhold visited. In a later period, Konstantin Paustovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Maximilian Voloshin came. The list goes on.

Ivan Aivazovsky painted the iconostasis of the Armenian church in Old Crimea

Ivan Aivazovsky painted the iconostasis of the Armenian church in Old Crimea. Alas, this masterpiece was destroyed during Soviet times. But the streets of the old city have been preserved in the paintings of such landscape masters as Konstantin Bogaevsky and Mikhail Ivanov. The tourist trail here is not overgrown even now.

Entertainment and leisure

In such a small town several museums are collected at once:

  1. House-Museum of A. Green . It is also called a nature reserve. It is from here that the “Green’s path” leads to Koktebel, along which he walked on foot to his friend M. Voloshin. A. Green lived here until his death; a monument “Running on the Waves” was erected on his grave.
  2. House-museum of K. Paustovsky . The writer often visited here, was a fan of Greene, and dedicated several works to him.

thematic museums in Old Crimea

  • Literary and Art Museum;
  • Historical and local history;
  • Ethnographic;
  • Museum of the Old Crimean Sanatorium.

You can also organize a walking exploration of the surrounding area yourself or take a walk all the way to Koktebel.

If you need more structured emotions, then take advantage of one of the sightseeing tours made from Feodosia.

Kozya Balka safari park in the neighboring village of Izyumovka. Antelopes, fallow deer, roe deer, deer, ponies, as well as various types of birds live here: from African ostriches to predatory eagles and falcons. More details here:

Along the Green Path and more

A popular walking route is the so-called Greene's Trail. It begins in Old Crimea and ends in Koktebel. The route appeared thanks to the romantic writer Alexander Green, who lived here for two years before his death in 1932. The writer often walked along the zemstvo paved road to visit the poet Voloshin, who settled on the seashore in Koktebel. In one of his letters to his friend, Green emotionally described this road. There was no need to even come up with a tourist walking route - it was already ready.

Greene's Trail

The old road appeared in a guidebook published in 1901. Then it was listed as a carriage pass. And even earlier, in 1825, diplomat and writer Alexander Griboedov passed through it. At the beginning of the 20th century, the road turned into a path. It was used by many famous writers and poets. Surely these walks were reflected in their work.

The modern Trail begins at the Paratroopers' Glade in Old Crimea and goes along the Osmanov Yar gully. From here you can see the mountains Kozyu, Sarytlyk, Skalki and Kara-Burun. In the Armatluk Valley there is a salt marsh on the way. Rare varieties of orchids are considered a real rarity here. From here the trail leads to Kara-Dag and goes to the road from Shchebetovka to Koktebel.

The route is crossed by small rivers Martyg-Dere, Baka-Tash and Churuk-Su. Behind the highway there is a large karst spring, which is nicknamed “Frog”. The total length of the route is 15 kilometers. There is also the New Greene Trail. From the Armatluk valley it goes to the left of the old zemstvo road.

Tourists willingly visit Mount Agarmysh. In these places, archaeologists found a site of primitive people who lived here 70 thousand years ago! But this is not the main reason for the pilgrimage of tourists. There are about two dozen karst caves in the mountain range. The “Bottomless Well” cave is a vertical shaft 42 meters deep. And in the Dragon Hole cave, archaeologists discovered an ancient sanctuary. Tourists also visit Monastyrskaya Balka, where there are waterfalls.

Of interest is the layout and architecture of Old Crimea as an example of an ancient multinational and multi-religious settlement. It’s worth taking a leisurely stroll through its ancient streets and visiting different areas. Here you can observe how the city changed from antiquity to the Middle Ages and then to modernity. Russian buildings of the 19th century are represented on the main street. In the eastern part there are ruins of a mint and a caravanserai.

I. Aivazovsky. Old Crimea

Tatars traditionally settled in the northeastern regions. Small houses usually had two rooms with clay floors, separated by a kitchen. The walls were made of adobe. In the southeast lived the Greeks, who built two-story houses from Akmonai stone. The Armenian population was dispersed throughout the city, but gravitated towards the central part. Old Crimea is a real Babylon.

There were dachas on the western outskirts. Artists and poets lived here. Dachas were built in the Art Nouveau and Classicist styles, as well as in the pseudo-Moorish style. Old Crimea is famous not only for its ancient buildings, but also for... Red Square. True, instead of a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, there is a figure of Alexander Nevsky on it.

Reviews from tourists

Some may think that the town of Old Crimea is too quiet and unremarkable, but most tourist reviews paint a positive picture.

Holidays here are unique, more for enthusiastic and versatile people who are fascinated by the secrets of the historical past and the beauty of natural landscapes. The curly greenery and expanses of the steppe are simply breathtaking!

Moreover, there is a convenient transport interchange, so you can go to another city at any time. Local cafes warmly welcome visitors, feed them for slaughter, offering the best dishes of national cuisine. In addition, prices here are lower than on the coast.

Paustovsky House-Museum

Another attraction of Old Crimea is the Paustovsky House Museum, located on the same street as the Green Museum. It is worth noting that Paustovsky never lived in this city. Being a fan of Green’s work, he simply visited Old Crimea to visit the writer’s grave.

During his visits, Paustovsky stayed in different houses in the city. In one of them, a museum named after him was later organized, the exhibition of which includes household items and belongings of the writer.


Historical sites are far from the only attractions of the city. Not far from it, in the village of Izyumovka, there is the Kozya Balka ecopark and safari ranch. The park territory covers an area of ​​about four hectares. The steppe expanses are home to animals and birds, among which there are many rare representatives of the Crimean peninsula.

Guests can admire llamas, roe deer, ponies and horses. Children are most delighted by the beautiful ostriches; eagles and peacocks are no less interesting. After a long walk through the park, guests are invited to have a snack in a covered tent, watch a bird show and ride a horse-drawn carriage. The park is a great place for a family vacation.

Excursions in the surrounding area

For adult tourists, in addition to cultural and educational programs, it will be useful to get some fresh air on hiking trips to Mount Agarmysh .

From the top of the mountain there is a magnificent view, and if you take a guide with you, then you can find a deep “bottomless well” cave. You can also get close to no less exciting cave structures - Bear's Ear, Lomonosov, Komarinaya and others.

Not far from Old Crimea there is one of the launch sites for hot air balloon flights. Such extreme pleasure costs 7,000 rubles per person, but it’s also nice to watch multi-colored balls hovering above the ground for free.

You can also take part in horseback riding with an instructor, or learn how to ride ATVs in the mountains.

  • Hike along the Green's trail - Through the mountains to the sea (5 hours)
  • Wine tasting in an agrotourism complex in the village of Izyumovka
  • Sightseeing tour of Old Crimea and the main attractions - 3.5 hours

Safari Park

A great idea for those traveling with children would be to go to the Goat Balka Safari Ranch eco-park .

This park was previously intended to be a habitat for antelope. But then other ungulates were settled here - goats, deer, llamas, as well as various birds.

Visitors to the park walk in the open area among the animals, have the opportunity to feed them by hand, pet them and take unique photos. Take a couple of hundred rubles for food!!

A walk to the Goat Beam Safari Ranch gives an unforgettable experience. It is located in the village of Izyumovka, 4 km from Old Crimea.

Animals are both behind fences and roam free. There are tents, snack benches and observation decks for visitors.

  • Opening hours: 10.00 – 18.00, except Monday
  • Ticket price for 2021: 900/500 rubles . Children 3-10 years old.
  • Official website:

I read that on the last Friday of every month, all residents of Crimea visit the park at a discount:

  • May, October - 40%,
  • June, September - 20%,
  • July, August - 10%

Orthodox church

The Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin is another attraction of Old Crimea and the surrounding area. From an architectural point of view, the building is not of particular interest. But the legends and history of the temple are worthy of close attention. It is believed that the first chapel was built on this site in 1625. And only in 1784 work began on the construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin. Over the many years of its existence, the temple was rebuilt several times due to looting and destruction. Within its walls rest the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and Luke of Crimea.

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