The best holiday options in Tuapse in winter: excursions, travel, treatment, etc.

With the onset of winter, life in coastal cities comes to a standstill. But not in Tuapse. Even when resort activity declines, the port continues to operate, and tourists continue to come for new experiences.

In winter, the city hosts congresses, business meetings and seminars. People come here to improve their health, walk along the sea, learn the basics of equestrian sports, fish or visit natural beauty.

In Tuapse it is easy to breathe, relax inexpensively and have a pleasant walk. On sunny days, you can go for a beach picnic here, and on cold days, warm up in the warm pool and pamper yourself with relaxing treatments. And this is just the beginning of pleasant relaxation...

Read on to find out what else winter Tuapse offers tourists.

Tuapse in February. Photo:

Weather in Tuapse in winter

Tuapse is located in a humid subtropical climate zone, so the winters here are mild, with little snow, rather rainy and cloudy. The Black Sea, which acts as a natural heat reservoir, does not allow the thermometer to drop below 0, and the mountains protect the resort from cold winds.

The average daytime temperature of the season is +7-10 °C, nighttime temperature varies between +1-2 °C. Snow in Tuapse is a rare phenomenon, but even if it falls, it does not stay on the ground and melts quickly. It rains 7-8 days a month, and the sun has difficulty breaking through the leaden clouds.

The weather in the suburbs of Tuapse generally resembles a vest: a stripe is warm, a stripe is cold, here it’s calm and clear, there it’s windy, dank and damp.
In each of the satellite villages, in winter, its own microclimate is formed, and while in Olginka it is dry and the sun is shining, in Agoy there is ice, in Dzhubga it rains, and in Novomikhailovsky there is already a meter of snow. And this picture continues further. May be interesting: New Year in the south of Russia: where to go.

Snowy Tuapse. Photo:

Primorsky Boulevard with the pilot office building

The architectural building of 2003 became a landmark for the city. It combines a custom architectural form in the form of a blue glass sphere mounted on a 60-meter-high hexagonal tower and a functional Navigation Control Center. The uniqueness of the structure also lies in the engineering solution - the tower can withstand the load of a magnitude nine earthquake.

Sights of Tuapse: what to visit in winter

Tourists who decide to appreciate all the charm of a holiday in winter Tuapse have a lot of options for spending their time. According to the old resort tradition, people begin their acquaintance with the city from the embankment, which is called Primorsky Boulevard here.

The 400-meter promenade was reconstructed in 2014 and today it welcomes guests with cute benches, lanterns and flower beds. A specific symbol of the city also flaunts here - the port control tower, which, due to its resemblance to a round candy, Tuapse residents called “chupa chups”.

Seaport control tower. Photo:

Two more popular places for walks in Tuapse are Plane Tree Alley, located along Karl Marx Street, and the city park, reconstructed in 2015 according to plans from the early 20th century. Nearby are the house-museum of the artist A. A. Kiselev, the Museum of History and Local Lore and the Defense Museum.

Tuapse harbor stretches along the Black Sea coast with 19 berths where dry cargo ships and passenger liners moor. In the vicinity of the seaport, there are war memorials - the Hill of Heroes, the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame and the “City of Military Glory” stele.

Stele "City of Military Glory". Photo:

7 km from the city center is the famous Kiseleva Rock, near which the fabulously successful fishing scene from the film “The Diamond Arm” was filmed. The megalithic dolmen complex “Psynako”, or “Temple of the Sun”, located 15 km from the resort, near the village of Anastasievka, deserves special attention. Near the settlement of Beskrovny there are ruins of an ancient fortress that will interest lovers of antiquity.

Kiselyov's Rock. Photo:

Another worthy object to visit is the Mamedovo Gorge, which is reached by a picturesque path passing through a string of mini-waterfalls. Fans of eco-tourism can travel to the Altubinal farm, lost in the mountains above the Black Sea. In a settlement where there is not even electricity, there live about a dozen people who lead subsistence farming.

To admire the natural beauty, go to the Perun waterfall, whose height reaches 33 m. In summer, the cascade turns into a small stream, but in winter the seething stream looks most impressive. 30 km from Tuapse there is a hydrological natural monument - the turquoise-green Lake Khyzhi, the main attraction of the village of Maloye Pseushkho.

Lake Khyzhi. Photo:

Don’t miss the Tuapse observation decks - one is located above the wild beach of Cape Kadosh, the other is on the top of the Training rock. If you want to descend from “heaven” underground, visit the Honey and Bolshaya Krivenkovskaya caves, look into the Cossack Gap - an amazingly beautiful valley of hydrogen sulfide springs near the village of Georgievskoye.

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Museums, theaters

Tuapse offers tourists not only beach holidays and natural attractions, which invariably remain in the photos of vacationers.

The city has objects of cultural value:

  • House-Museum of A. Kiselev. This is the building from 1902 where the artist lived. Here is a collection of his paintings, which glorify the natural beauty of the surrounding Tuapse, as well as the master’s personal belongings. The composition clearly represents the life of the intelligentsia at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Museum of Local Lore named after. N.G. Poletaeva. It represents the world of flora and fauna of this region; archaeological finds and ethnographic exhibits are also exhibited here. The collection of shells that live on the coasts of Tuapse also attracts visitors.
  • Tuapse Defense Museum. The exhibitions are dedicated to the times of the Great Patriotic War. Here you can look at battle maps, war letters and much more that the descendants of warriors and the land have preserved.

  • Theater of the Young Spectator. The theater is not only for children; there are performances for adults as well. Fans of theatrical art will be delighted by real masters of their craft.

Tuapse resorts in winter

Each of the villages of the Tuapse region is beautiful in its own way and will interest one or another contingent of vacationers.


One of the most picturesque places in Tuapse attracts tourists with its majestic ridges, clean foothill air and diverse flora. In the vicinity of the resort, over 3,000 species of plants grow, including those listed in the Red Book, and next to the village there is a wonderful oak grove. Equestrian and leisure centers operate year-round in Lermontovo, where they teach horse riding and organize horseback riding excursions to local attractions.

Winter Lermontovo. Photo:


The picturesque resort is the epicenter of resort life in the Tuapse region, where many hotel and health resorts are located. In winter in Nebug you can visit the Aquamir dolphinarium, walk along the Path of Love, go to the Nebug waterfalls, go on a boat trip or go fishing.

Book accommodation in Nebug in winter


Thanks to its convenient transport links, Dzhubga is one of the most visited resorts in the Tuapse region. In winter, the village welcomes vacationers with bright sun, blue skies, deserted beaches, comfortable hotels and warm pools.

There are not many entertainment options in Dzhubga, but they do exist: the Nemo Dolphinarium and the Museum of the Whims of the Forest are open all year round. Near Dzhubga there are ancient dolmens, Colonel and Silver waterfalls, as well as Mount Hedgehog and Inal Bay.

Booking accommodation in Dzhubga for a winter holiday

Dolphinarium "Nemo" in Dzhubga. Photo: order-bus-yug.rf


The mountain village, surrounded by mountains, emerald meadows and forests, is famous for its healing climate and contrasting landscapes. The air in Agoy is saturated with the aromas of herbs and coniferous phytoncides, so it’s easy to breathe here, and if you’re not used to it, you’ll even feel dizzy.

Holidays in the village are quiet, contemplative and inexpensive. In winter, Agoy offers tourists hiking, visiting the giant oak tree, the Spider River waterfall, the Mouse Holes rocks, the Kadosh subtropical forest and the ostrich ranch.

Catalog of housing in Agoy for the New Year


A well-maintained resort with developed infrastructure is located 25 km from Tuapse, in a cozy bay. Dozens of sanatoriums and boarding houses, guest houses and hotels are concentrated in Olginka. In winter, tourists come here for health balneo treatments, walks along the wild beaches of the Agrisky Nature Reserve or a visit to the crocodile farm. Near the village there is a park of kinetic figures, and the observation deck offers a panoramic view of the bay.

Winter guest houses in Olginka

Winter Olginka. Photo:

Water activities

Tuapse (photos of the city and the beach, the sights leave a pleasant impression on vacationers of all ages) offers tourists a beach holiday - it’s not just swimming in the sea and sunbathing.

It offers a wide range of varied entertainment:

  • Walks on the sea on yachts and boats. Many routes have been developed both for quiet walks aimed at admiring the sea views and breathing clean air, and for fishing lovers.
  • Attraction Parachute. For those who like an adrenaline rush, air and water entertainment is offered. A man under a parachute is towed over the surface of the water.

  • Attraction Banana. Vacationers are taken for a ride at high speed on an inflatable banana attached to a scooter or jet ski.
  • Rental of high-speed water vehicles. This kind of entertainment will please fans of speed and thrills.

Every year, enterprising holiday organizers come up with more and more new entertainment. Tuapse is visited by more than 1 million tourists every year. The city attracts people not only with its beaches, but also with its rich history and beautiful natural attractions, which invariably end up in the photo albums of people vacationing here.

Author: Soboleva Svetlana

Article design: Vladimir the Great


The Tuapse region allows you to spend your leisure time in an interesting and varied way. While relaxing here, you can easily organize a rich excursion program.

Trekking along the Indyuk mountain range

A car-pedestrian excursion of medium difficulty level passes through a volcanic massif with an altitude of over 850 m above sea level. m. The area with a rich history is “stuffed” with grottoes, caves, stone idols and moraines. Along the route there is the Syr rock, where climbers train in cloudless weather, the Stone Sea and cliffs, from where you can look the “abyss” in the eye.

At the end of the excursion, travelers will see the main points of the route - three mountains: Turkey, Turkey and Turkey. Beyond the peaks, the trail goes east and then southeast past the Tooth Rock, and then into the Dvubratsky Canyon. A mountain stream gurgles along its bottom, sometimes turning into a waterfall. The path leading through the canyon leads the group to the “forked” mountain Two Brothers.

Mountains Turkey and Turkey. Photo:

Hiking to the canyon of the Bashenka River

The trekking excursion takes place along two canyons of the Bashenka River, adjacent to each other. The first is quiet and shady, surrounded by tropical forest and overhanging rocks. The walls rushing upward create delightful corridors 2-20 m wide.

The second canyon is light, with wide snow-white plumes, polished to a shine by Mother Nature. There are also small but picturesque waterfalls and natural swimming pools, one of which is heart-shaped.

Canyon of the Bashenka River. Photo:

Ethno-yard "Nart"

The cultural and ethnic center is located in the village of Aguy-Shapsug, near the Kolikho ridge. The Shapsug community, a branch of the Adyghe ethnic group, one of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, has long lived here.

On the territory of the complex, a typical Adyghe farmstead has been recreated, with a master’s house, a guest hut, outbuildings - a stable and a barnyard. The local museum contains archaeological finds, national costumes, wax figures from different eras

After the excursion, the Shepsugs organize a feast at which tourists are treated to authentic dishes. Those interested can take part in master classes, learn folk dances or attend a concert of a local ensemble.

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Ethno-yard "Nart". Photo:

Treatment and recovery in Tuapse

In the Tuapse region there are about 200 sanatorium and resort institutions that can simultaneously accommodate 300 thousand people. Local natural healing resources are very diverse, from a healing microclimate and good ecology to medical equipment. People come here for wellness all year round, but in winter you can afford all the same procedures, but only twice or even three times cheaper.

The medical staff of health resorts will help cope not only with the patient’s main illness, but also with related problems. In Tuapse, they treat the entire range of genitourinary diseases, allergies and skin diseases, neuroses and arthritis, pathologies of the digestive system, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

The sanatoriums offer rejuvenating spa treatments and detox programs. For recovery, eno-, ozone-, magnetic-manual and physiotherapy, thermal hydrogen sulfide waters, and other traditional, folk and alternative methods of treatment are used.

Procedures in Tuapse sanatoriums. Photo:

Bus station building

If you manage to get to Tuapse by intercity bus, you should definitely pay attention to the bus station building, built more than 100 years ago in 1913. This version of the pseudo-Moorish style will be of interest to architecture connoisseurs.

Where to rent a house in Tuapse in winter

Many hotels in Tuapse operate year-round and in winter offer services at very modest prices. The private sector in the city itself is represented, for example, by the Leto Hotel, where a double “junior suite” will cost 2,500 rubles per day.

In the suburbs of Tuapse, the cost of housing is much lower: in Agoy, a three-bed “comfort” in the “Kolibri” guest house will cost 1,300 rubles per day, and for a “standard” in the “Sixth Lagoon” guest house you will pay 300 rubles. A four-bed room in the Alexander estate (Shepsi) can be rented for 1000 rubles.

Accommodation in the Oleniy Ruchey guest house (Dzhubga) with a heated pool will cost 2,000 rubles per day for a double room and 2,500 for a triple. In Lermontovo, for 3,500 rubles you can rent a separate cottage in the Ural Teremok complex. A double standard room in the Rafael guest house (Olginka) will cost 900 rubles per day in December.

Guest House "Kolibri"

Winter in Tuapse is a great time for recreation, excursions and walking. Silence, solitude and cloudy weather give this resort a special charm that is difficult to put into words.

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