Sudak, Crimea 2021. Beaches, hotels, what to see and food prices

TOP 8 - interesting places in the vicinity of Sudak

Sudak perfectly combines all the advantages of mountainous and coastal Crimea. Its location in an intermountain valley gives the city its unique climate with very sunny summers and easily tolerable heat. The beauty and convenience given to Sudak by nature have long attracted the attention of people - thanks to the successful landscape, the city itself appeared.

Sudak Bay

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.828030, 34.969682.

It is officially considered that it is limited by capes Rybachy and Peshcherny (in this case, Kapsel Bay and the bays of the New World act as secondary ones). However, Sudak Bay often refers to the water area between Cape Alchak and Mount Sokol. Accordingly, the only populated area on its shore is the city of Sudak.

The capes protect the bay well from most winds, and its depth does not exceed 50 m. For this reason, it has been used by sailors since ancient times as an anchorage. The convenience of the bay caused the flourishing of medieval Sudak (Surozh, Soldai). Today tourists admire it from the central embankment. The main city beaches are also located here.

Cape Alchak-Kaya

  • GPS coordinates: 44.834465, 34.993036.

It is one of the “limiters of the Sudak Bay, a protected area. The cape is a remnant of an ancient coral reef. In recent years, its outline is well known, because photos of the sights of Sudak (including the cape) are often used for advertising.

The cape is a protected area, but you can visit it. A walking hiking trail has been laid along the shore of this natural attraction; its beginning can be seen from the embankment. On the cape there is a unique Aeolian Harp grotto, in which the wind can cause strange sounds.

Grotto Aeolian Harp

  • Coordinates: 44.835280, 34.989062.

We’ll also take it out separately, because the place really deserves it, attracting not only tourists, but also cinematographers. The backdrop of this singing cave makes for unique photos, and the views from the local observation deck can captivate anyone.

Damn bridge

  • Coordinates: 44.831449, 34.988324.

In the area of ​​Cape Alchak there is a place that is worth mentioning separately - the so-called Devil's Bridge, which all city guests who love active recreation try to cross. Right along the rocks from here you can go down to the shore - it is rocky, but this makes the water unusually clean. Those who have a mask and scuba gear often flock here.

Mount Ai-Georgiy

  • Coordinates: 44.867359, 35.017949.

It rises above the city and is clearly visible from any point. The name of the peak is given by the monastery of the early Middle Ages that was located on it. Nowadays, the water of the spring gushing from the mountainside is considered healing and “holy.”

Mount Ai-Georgiy is easy to climb on foot, and from its top there are beautiful views of Sudak. Excursions on horseback, jeeps and even ATVs are also organized there.

Cape Meganom

  • Coordinates: 44.793654, 35.080412.

One of the most mysterious places in Crimea, and since ancient times. The Greeks believed that it was there that Hercules had to look for doors to the underworld in order to bring out the three-headed Cerberus. The cape is also notable for its visibility - although it is not very large, it can be seen from most peaks of the Crimean coast.

There are many beautiful wild beaches near Meganom. Experts believe that there is the cleanest water in Crimea. This place is highly appreciated by divers. They say that several ancient galleys lie at the bottom near it (no differently, their teams got to the next world especially quickly - fortunately the door is nearby). The cape is located at a distance from the city, but excursions are often organized there.

Kapsel Bay

  • Coordinates: 44.830966, 35.015219.

It is located behind Cape Alchak, and its name is not very good, as it translates as “lost place”. The coast of the bay is considered the driest place in Crimea. However, now a road has already been paved there, water has been supplied and several small hotels have been built. A festival of avant-garde art is also held here.

The shore of the bay is a series of small coves with pebble and sandy bottoms. Tent tourists stop there to rest. Car camping is organized. The bay is also appreciated by fishing enthusiasts - the fish bites well there.

Crab Rock (Crab Island)

  • Coordinates: 44.838176, 34.961258.

This is exactly a rock - a block of stone with an area of ​​​​several square meters and up to 3 m in height above sea level. It is located in the water at the foot of Fortress Mountain (the most famous peak in Sudak and the surrounding area). The name hints at the similarity of its silhouette to a marine arthropod.

Crab Rock is interesting because it is within reach of even the average swimmer. Therefore, young and not so vacationers from the beaches located near Fortress Mountain constantly swim there. This is a kind of Sudak sport.

Cape Khys-Kule-Burun

  • Coordinates: 44.839145, 34.961362.

Located in the western part of Sudak, it offers tourists and residents of the city beautiful, mesmerizing panoramas of the sea and the rocks buried in it. And nearby there is one of the most interesting Sudak beaches - Mojito.

Mount Falcon

  • Coordinates: 44.836125, 34.927762.

One of the most famous in the vicinity of Sudak, you can visit it either with a tour or on your own, but it is important that you have a knowledgeable person in your company. The maximum height of the mountain is 474 m, its second name is “Kush-Kaya”, that is, “Bird Rock” (probably due to the fact that there are many birds of prey in the vicinity). The views from Mount Sokol are breathtaking, as confirmed by reviews from tourists and travelers.

Devil's finger rock

  • Coordinates: 44.840015, 34.937077.

When going on a hike to Mount Sokol, many pass near the Devil's Finger - a rocky outcrop that stands out clearly against the background of the rest of the mountainous area. But visiting this place is recommended only with an experienced guide; in addition, you must have good physical training, since without it it’s easy to slide or fall into one of the crevices.

Zhara Beach

Located between the Riviera cafe and the Bistro dining room. This is a large sandy beach with many advantages. Changing rooms every 30 meters. There is a massage room. Rescuers are working.

It also offers an excellent view of Cape Alchak.

You can choose bright water activities - hydro scooters, catamarans and others.

There is a canteen on the beach.

Where to go in Sudak for history lovers

The city of Sudak is ancient, more than 1800 years old. Over these many years, it was part of different states and representatives of many nations lived in it. All of them left their mark on the appearance and traditions of Sudak. And today the rich city history is one of the main “lures” that attracts a huge number of tourists here.

Genoese fortress

  • Address: st. Genoese Fortress, 1.

The most famous, “standard” Sudak attraction, which is the calling card of the city. The fortress was built by Genoese colonists in the 14th century, although historians believe that some fortifications existed in its place earlier.

Khazar burials were discovered under the walls of the fortress - representatives of this mysterious people probably lived in this place. Legend says that Khan Mamai, who fled to the Crimea after the defeat on the Kulikovo Field, was killed in the Sudak fortress.

Today the fortress has been restored and is a museum-reserve. On its territory the annual theatrical festival of reenactors “Genoese Helmet” is held (at the end of August).

In the center, on a stone cliff, stands the Maiden Tower, which only the most desperate adventurers or victims of alcoholic drinks can reach. The reserve includes several thematic museums.

Historical Museum

  • Address: st. Ushakova, 1.

It is located in a building that is an architectural monument - the house of Baron Funk. The museum's exhibition covers the entire history of Sudak - from the Stone Age to the twentieth century.

It is clear that the archaeological department attracts the greatest interest, because Sudak has been well explored, and is also the birthplace of Soviet underwater archeology. Most of the materials date back to the Middle Ages.

The section dedicated to modern and recent history contains a lot of information about visits to the city by famous people, including His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin, writers L. Tolstoy, A. Green, M. Bulgakov. And what’s important is that the prices for visiting are very reasonable.


  • Address: Sudak Fortress.

It is located on the territory of the Genoese fortress, but does not quite fit into the concept, since it is located in a building of Islamic origin. The unfinished mosque was used at various times as a Catholic and Orthodox church, and now serves as an archaeological collection of a museum-reserve.

However, its architecture clearly shows features characteristic of Islamic religious construction. The dome and staircase to the minaret are characteristic of the mosque. Now there is a functioning mosque in Sudak, and there is no talk of transferring the museum to believers.

Ancient fountain in Uyutnoye

  • Address: Primorskaya st., 14.

This specifically Crimean structure is not a fountain in the modern sense, but an element of the city water supply system. Water was supplied to it using ceramic pipes. Now the fountain in Uyutnoye is not working due to damage to the pipes.

The fountain is a structure like a stone mini-castle. Local historians claim that its central panel at the beginning of the twentieth century was decorated with a relief depicting St. George the Victorious with a dragon (now the wall is smooth).

A slab with a recognizable Turkish carved ornament is mounted on the side. Experts believe that it was brought separately and not performed in Sudak.

Cape Meganom

Meganom is the name of both a cape, a peninsula and a mountain range, located between Sudak and Koktebel. Its highest point is 358 meters above sea level. Despite the desert landscape, many rare plants grow here and rare birds nest.

On the shore of the cape there is an ancient lighthouse that is still in operation. It first began its work in 1895.

Meganom is considered a place of power and an anomalous zone; since ancient times it has been endowed with mystical properties. Esoteric lovers, as well as scuba divers and divers, often come to the cape. The place is also popular among tourists.

Where tourists can go for a walk in Sudak

Most tourists miss only excursions to museums and hikes in the mountains. They need a place where they can “see people, show themselves off.” Resort towns necessarily take this need into account - they have areas intended for social pastime. Sudak is no exception - there are also places to go there, just to take a walk or find a colorful restaurant.

Sudak embankment

  • Address: st. Embankment.

The center of any resort town, the center of its social life, the embankment in Sudak appeared relatively late - towards the end of the century before last. Nothing of its old buildings can be seen today - it was destroyed during the war.

But the new embankment is quite successful; In addition, in recent years it has undergone a radical reconstruction, got rid of the “shalmans”, but acquired small playgrounds and special benches for sunbathing.

The embankment stretches from Fortress Mountain to Cape Alchak. There are many hotels and restaurants on it, there are boat stations, diving training centers, and rentals. From the embankment you get to the city beach and several sanatorium beaches. Street artists and teenagers on roller skates thrive here.

Cypress Alley

  • Address: Cypress Alley.

This is Sudak’s “Arbat” or “Nevsky Prospekt”. A pedestrian street lined with cypress trees, about a kilometer long, connects the central Lenin Street in the city with the embankment. The alley is the center of Sudak’s nightlife; it is all built up with shopping, eating and drinking establishments. Thanks to her, the embankment is largely freed from all this.

Although most of the establishments of Cypress Alley are open only during the season, life on it never completely stops, since local residents also willingly walk along it on weekends. During the invasion of tourists, there are entertainment programs, shows and discos here around the clock.

Park TOK "Sudak"

  • Address: st. Lenina, 89.

The Sudak tourist and health complex is the largest health resort in the city, and its park is a monument to landscape design of the middle of the last century and a kind of Sudak botanical garden.

It was designed in the best traditions of Crimean palace parks (albeit under Soviet rule) - with shady neat paths, artificial ponds and an island, and symbolic grottoes.

The park is home to more than 200 species of various plants, including rare ones listed in the Red Book. Although the park belongs to the health resort, outsiders can also walk through it. This is a traditional place for photo shoots for special reasons or just because.

Lenin Street

  • Address: st. Lenin.

This is the local Tverskaya or Khreshchatyk. Lenin Street is the central street in Sudak, where the best shops, administrative buildings, excursion bureaus, representative offices of various companies and expensive hotels (not resort, but general purpose, like the Forum) are concentrated on it.

Tourists and locals (on weekends) stroll along Lenin Street just for fun. The city square overlooks it. Lenin, the Intercession Church and the market are also located here. Almost all local public life gravitates towards Lenin Street.

Sudak: TOP entertainment for children and adults

Sudak is not considered a specialized children's resort, but the conditions for relaxing with children are good. City beaches are convenient and safe for young tourists. Also, numerous entertainment awaits them in Sudak, and mothers and fathers walking their child will not get bored with him either.

Amusement park

  • Address: st. Embankment.

It is located between the embankment and Cypress Alley, that is, very convenient. The park is large and is designed for “children from 0 to 100”, that is, for the whole family. There you can not only ride on a carousel swing, but also just sit - there are comfortable benches, and the area is decorated with cute sculptures of animals and fairy-tale characters.

The park has three levels, each served by a separate ticket office. There are many attractions - from very childish to extreme. The modern idea of ​​entertainment is complemented by virtual reality pavilions and a rope park, where the child will not only have fun, but also get some serious exercise.

Don't miss: Excursions in Crimea

Water park "Sudak"

  • Address: st. Gagarina, 79.

Sudak water park was awarded the title “Best water park in Crimea”. On an area of ​​20 thousand square meters. m there is an artificial river with a countercurrent and waterfalls, several swimming pools and 4 sets of slides - from small ones for children to extreme ones with free fall elements.

What’s convenient is that there is no need to travel long to get to the Sudak water park; it is located almost on the embankment and not far from the city center. There is a cafe and areas for relaxing in the sun on site. During the day, animation programs are organized here, and in the evenings - foam parties.

Crocodile farm and petting zoo

  • Address: Gagarin street.

The crocodile farm is an attraction of live exotics, where you can see not only foreign reptiles, but also tropical butterflies. You can touch almost any animal here (according to the recommendations of the staff).

There are no poisonous snakes among the “exhibits”. In addition to exotic animals, the exhibition also includes “peaceful” animals – raccoons, rabbits, goats, which can be petted and fed. The most serious drawback of the establishment is the price of services.

On topic: Is it worth going to Sudak?

Dolphinarium "Nemo"

  • Address: Kommunalnaya st., 9A.

The Dolphinarium in Sudak is small, but reviews from its guests note a large number of “artists” and an interesting program. It recently underwent reconstruction. The prices are not too low, but they are like that everywhere in dolphinariums.

Additionally, Sudak provides the opportunity to swim with dolphins, but this right is paid separately from the ticket to the show. It is important to take into account that in all dolphinariums the day off is Monday.

Kolkhoz Beach

Kolkhozny Beach is located near the Sudak water park. It has sun loungers, signature thatched canopies, and changing rooms. The main covering of Kolkhozny beach is sand. There are small inclusions of pebbles.

Covering: sand (quartz) and small pebbles.

Infrastructure: changing rooms, toilets, sun loungers. Doctors and rescuers are working. There is a rental of boats and catamarans, a cafe and the sale of drinks and ice cream.

Famous monuments and sculptures of the city of Sudak

As in any more or less large settlement, Sudak has monuments in memory of outstanding people and events. There are not many of them in the city (especially considering that one of the two local monuments to Lenin was recently damaged by vandals). But among the Sudak monuments there are also very interesting ones

Hill of Glory

  • Address: Resort Highway.

It is a monument and mass grave of Soviet soldiers who participated in the landing in Sudak in 1942 and then liberated the city in 1944. It looks quite typical for Soviet monuments of this kind - with nameplates and a monument in the form of a soldier holding a child in his arms.

In Sudak there is also a memorial sign to the soldiers of the Sudak landing at the embankment, where Cypress Alley overlooks it. Another one is installed on a rock near the village of Dachnoye (in fact, the Sudak region).

Monument to Stefan Sourozhsky

  • Address: Lenin street.

This bishop is considered the patron saint of Sudak. Although his biography consists entirely of blank spots, the Orthodox Church believes that he was the bishop of Sourozh (at the dawn of the Middle Ages). The monument is completely official - in classical proportions, and even installed near the city administration building.

Stela of the Novgorod-Kirillovsky regiment

  • Address: Eastern Highway.

It is dedicated to the military unit that was the first to enter the city after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783. It is a 12-meter column with a Russian eagle on top and cannons “from the time of the conquest of Crimea” at the foot. The monument was built with a donation from a prosperous Sudak businessman.

Monument to Tourist

  • Address: st. Lenina, 73.

A new monument to Sudak, made of metal by a master blacksmith. Appeared in the city in 2015. The master of artistic forging, D. Levin, immortalized a tourist in the style of “backpack and ice ax,” not a “mattress person,” riding on a comfortable excursion bus.

The sculpture is made in human height and stands on the general level. In Sudak, a belief has already appeared that the lens of the Tourist’s camera is capable of making wishes come true. As usual in such cases, it is supposed to be rubbed.

Beaches TOK Horizon

Entry is by pass only. But the territory has been cleaned up and therefore it is worth choosing a vacation for Sudak in TOK Horizon in 2022!)

The beach is sandy. There is a lot of free space. Sun loungers are installed, there are paths to the sea. The entrance to the sea is convenient. There are buoy barriers in the water.

There is a terrace above the beach, partially equipped with a canopy, for those who do not want to get burned.

By the way, if you are afraid of getting burned, then read my article about what to take to the beach!

The most beautiful temples and churches in Sudak

Sudak is a city of many cultures. Accordingly, there are also many religions and denominations in it. There were times when there were violent conflicts between them, but they passed. Today, religious tolerance flourishes in Sudak, and monuments of various cults adorn the city.

Church of the Intercession (Church of the Intercession)

  • Address: st. Lenina, 27.

The church is ancient (founded in 1819, completed in 1843), but the main part of its decoration is modern, created after 1996. During Soviet times, the church was used as a home for pioneers, which is why religious paintings were removed. The bell tower was also demolished.

The Church of the Intercession is central in Sudak. Her painting will be of interest to those interested in contemporary religious art. Also here on October 14 (the church holiday of the Intercession is considered the Cossack holiday) the Sourozh Cossacks take the oath. This is a very bright and solemn spectacle.

Lutheran Church in Sudak

  • Address: Primorskaya st., 13.

It was built by German colonists (the settlement was located on the site of the modern village of Uyutnoye) in 1887. The building is designed in the Gothic style.

After the revolution, the church building was used for cultural institutions, and German settlers were deported from Sudak after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War.

Now the church houses an art exhibition (a branch of the Sudak Fortress nature reserve) and religious services of evangelists are held.

Temple of Saint Paraskeva

  • Address: Primorskaya st., 11.

The small church is located near the church in the village of Uyutnoye. A small building made of roughly processed stone with almost no decoration (with small carved rosettes) is interesting because it is one of the oldest monuments of Christian architecture in Crimea. Some experts believe that it could have been built in the 10th century.

The church has now been restored, but its interior frescoes have long been lost. From time to time services are held here, but most of the time the church is closed, so you can only explore it from the outside. However, due to the loss of the original decor, the inside is not that interesting.

See: Sights of Crimea

How to get there

The nearest international airport and railway station are located in Simferopol. Buses and minibuses run from the capital of Crimea to Sudak. Anapa airport is also relatively close. A little further (about 385 km) is the larger Krasnodar International Airport. You can get from the Kuban capital to Sudak by bus.


Where else should you visit in Sudak?

And in the city of Sudak there are interesting places of unknown destination. They simply exist - because it happened or someone wanted it that way.

Motor ship "Prince Bagration"

  • Coordinates: 44.825354, 35.037806.

A specific landmark that shows how not to treat historical values. The river ship, built in 1912 and sailing along the Volga until 1991, was sold to Crimea with the aim of turning it into either a floating hotel or a restaurant. But as a result, it ended up on the shore in Kapsel Bay (not far from Meganom), slowly rusting.

“Prince Bagration” is visited mainly by principled fans of exploring abandoned places. They say that the preservation of the ship is even better than one might expect - the upholstery, some of the furniture and even the piano have been preserved. The security of the facility is “fake”, and anyone can get inside (it is not life-threatening).

Lenin street graffiti

  • Address: st. Lenin.

In 2021, the “City of Graffiti” program was launched in Sudak, and as part of its implementation, artists from Belarus Y. Kuzmin and G. Kashtanov decorated the central city street with portraits of Vladimir Vysotsky and Leonid Gaidai.

The images on the blank walls of houses are made with photographic precision and impeccable craftsmanship. Also, one of the houses on the main street is decorated with graffiti in a “cartoon” style (either Cinderella or the Little Mermaid...).

Since the Graffiti City program is supported by the city government, similar images can be found on other city streets.

The locations and content of the images are consistent throughout and do not cause any complaints (this is not “Vasya was here” with errors, but really art). Perhaps in the coming seasons a new street art tour will appear in Sudak.

Easter Island heads

  • Coordinates: 44.836557, 35.001105.

To the east of Sudak, on the road to the village of Mindalnoe, near the Alchak-Kaya beach, you can find the most famous attraction of Easter Island, lost in the Pacific Ocean. To be more precise, a copy of it. Here tourists can see the heads of the idols looking into the distance. The object is very colorful and harmoniously fits into the appearance of the seaside coast.

But in general, Sudak is a typical Crimean resort, where peoples and traditions, past and future, new tourists and old-timers mix. It was visited by pirates, colonialists, saints, writers, scientists and paratroopers, and now grapes are grown here, beer is brewed and methods of underwater archeology are improved. Consequently, in the future we can hope for an increase in the number of attractions in Sudak. Crimea will benefit a lot from this!

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Beaches of Kapsel Bay

In Kapsel Bay, between capes Alchak and Meganom, there are several small and cozy beaches covered with small pebbles and sand:

  • Miami;
  • Teddy bear;
  • South coast;
  • Lagoon.

There are usually seasonal cafes nearby. There are awnings installed in some places, and in the Laguna there are dive centers, kayak rentals and SUP surfing. In one place near the water there are outcrops of medicinal blue clay!

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