Khadyzhensk city, Krasnodar region: reviews of those who moved to permanent residence

The Krasnodar region is famous not only for its sea; Khadyzhensk, for example, is known for its balneological resort significance. Tourists come here not only to relax, but also to improve their health. A warm temperate climate, mineral waters, lots of greenery, beautiful mountains and developed infrastructure make this southern city of Kuban an ideal choice for a great vacation.

In outline

Despite this, as old-timers say, the city has always been lively and cheerful, bright and flourishing.

The large Adyghe village of Khatukaevites “Khydyzhyy” (Khadyzhi) in 1864 was renamed the village of Khadyzhenskaya. Kuban Cossacks lived here, who came from ruined steppe villages and villages, immigrants from the Don, the Urals and Ukraine. At the very beginning of the last century, mineral healing springs and oil deposits were discovered near the village. The extraction and processing of “black gold” began to develop especially quickly. This led to rapid population growth. And by the beginning of 1950, by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the village was given the status of an urban settlement.


  1. 12 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2021
  2. [ Results of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census]
  3. Meretukov K. Kh. Adyghe toponymic dictionary. Maykop: Adyghe branch of the Krasnodar book publishing house, 1981.
  4. 1 2 3 Azarenkova A.S., Bondar I.Yu., Vertysheva N.S.
    The main administrative and territorial transformations in Kuban (1793-1985). - Krasnodar: Krasnodar Book Publishing House, 1986. - P. 271. - 395 p.
  5. [ Settled census results. 1926 In the North Caucasus region]. Rostov-on-Don: North Caucasus Regional Statistical Office, Census Department, 1929]. Retrieved August 19, 2013. [ Archived from the original on August 19, 2013].
  6. 12345678910111213 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Khadyzhensk
  7. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  8. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  9. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  10. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  11. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  12. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  13. [ All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1, table 4. Urban and rural population by gender in the Krasnodar Territory]. Retrieved January 2, 2015. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2015].
  14. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  15. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  16. [ Population estimate as of January 1, 2014 for municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory]. Retrieved April 27, 2014. [ Archived from the original on April 27, 2014].
  17. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  18. [ Manshina N.V. Sheveleva I.M. Krasnodar region. Journey for health. - M.: Veche, 2008. - 288 p.]

Living conditions

The city of Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory), reviews of those who moved confirm this, has a well-developed infrastructure. All conditions have been created to live, work and relax. There are pharmacies, public and private, shops, including chain stores, restaurants, cafes, saunas, bars and budget canteens. There are beauty and massage salons.

The Armavir–Tuapse railway line runs through the city. The main station, Khadyzhenskaya, is located outside the city, in the village of Stantsionny (4 km). The city has a station for local electric trains (platform 1811 km), and a bus station. Every day buses leave from it to Sochi, Krasnodar, Maykop, Goryachiy Klyuch, Armavir, etc.

Social infrastructure

Khadyzhensk has well-equipped schools and kindergartens. There are also enough additional education institutions for children, sports schools and stadiums.

You can find a wide variety of reviews about the city (Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory) from those who moved. But there are still more positive, grateful and enthusiastic people.

In the Khadyzhensk area there are bottling plants for such popular mineral waters as Arzni, Essentuki 17 and Essentuki 4. The medicinal composition of each of them is unique.


2468↗8500↗20 164↘20 000↘17 856↘17 811↗18 998
↗19 100↗20 000↗20 200↘19 900↘19 700↗21 286↗21 300
↘20 900↘20 800→20 800↗20 900↗21 104↗21 579↗21 600
↗21 735↗21 958↗22 246↗22 430↗22 733

see also: Category:Born in Khadyzhensk

Climatic features

The Krasnodar region is considered one of the warmest regions of Russia. Residents of the middle zone who come for permanent residence in Khadyzhensk especially appreciate this.

The climatic conditions of the city are influenced by the geographical location. The city of Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory) is located in the foothills of the North Caucasus, on its western side, in the valley of the Pshish and Khadazhka rivers, and is surrounded by a huge forest area. During a drought, the shelter is ten centimeters deep. During rainstorms, the river level rises several meters. The water is almost always at a comfortable temperature.

Summer temperatures do not rise above 24-27 °C. Winter here is mild, there are practically no big minuses (-5...-2 °C). The warm period lasts from early April to mid-November. Winter is short, only 65-70 days. Snow rarely lasts longer than two days.

Alpine meadows, valleys and mountains

The unique beauty of these places is mesmerizing. The mountains here are still small, stunningly vast valleys of lowland rivers, fast mountain streams carrying huge boulders, and as far as the eye can see - forests with centuries-old pines, firs and yews.

The forest approaches the very borders of the city, and its paths rise into the mountains, revealing the mesmerizing delights of alpine meadows. The forest in the valleys consists of ash, linden, hornbeam, maple, oak, wild jasmine, Caucasian rhododendron, hazel (hazel). The forest in the foothills is made up of tall beeches. There is no undergrowth here, but only dry leaves and branches, half-rotten trees littered with winds. The beech forest (huge trunks and branches intertwined at the top) is an eerie silence, dampness and twilight.

The southern slopes of the mountains are home to centuries-old pear, apple, chestnut and wild grape trees. By the way, the chestnut in the foothill forests of Khadyzhensk differs from the Black Sea one in taste and size. And its wood is used in numerous woodworking workshops to make beautiful and durable furniture.

Naturally, the city of Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory) itself is surrounded by greenery, the air is filled with freshness and the aromas of flowers. Breathe here freely and easily: there are many oak and beech alleys in the absence of industrial enterprises and a large number of cars. The city has cozy thickets of boxwood, yew, pine and huge meadows of Crimean roses. By the way, she is not only beautiful. Decoctions and infusions of its petals have healing powers.

Excerpt characterizing Khadyzhensk

Throughout dinner, Anna Mikhailovna talked about rumors of war, about Nikolushka; I asked twice when the last letter from him was received, although I knew this before, and noticed that it would be very easy, perhaps, to receive a letter today. Every time at these hints the countess began to worry and look anxiously, first at the count, then at Anna Mikhailovna, Anna Mikhailovna most imperceptibly reduced the conversation to insignificant subjects. Natasha, of the whole family, most gifted with the ability to sense shades of intonation, glances and facial expressions, from the beginning of dinner her ears pricked up and knew that there was something between her father and Anna Mikhailovna and something concerning her brother, and that Anna Mikhailovna was preparing. Despite all her courage (Natasha knew how sensitive her mother was to everything related to the news about Nikolushka), she did not dare to ask questions at dinner and, out of anxiety, ate nothing at dinner and spun around in her chair, not listening to her governess’s comments. After lunch, she rushed headlong to catch up with Anna Mikhailovna and in the sofa room, with a running start, threw herself on her neck. - Auntie, my dear, tell me, what is it? - Nothing, my friend. - No, darling, darling, honey, peach, I won’t leave you behind, I know you know. Anna Mikhailovna shook her head. “Voua etes une fine mouche, mon enfant, [You are a delight, my child.],” she said. - Is there a letter from Nikolenka? Maybe! – Natasha screamed, reading the affirmative answer in Anna Mikhailovna’s face. - But for God's sake, be careful: you know how this can affect your maman. - I will, I will, but tell me. Won't you tell me? Well, I’ll go and tell you now. Anna Mikhailovna told Natasha in short words the contents of the letter with the condition not to tell anyone. “Honest, noble word,” Natasha said, crossing herself, “I won’t tell anyone,” and immediately ran to Sonya. “Nikolenka... wounded... letter...” she said solemnly and joyfully. - Nicolas! – Sonya just said, instantly turning pale. Natasha, seeing the impression made on Sonya by the news of her brother’s wound, felt for the first time the whole sad side of this news. She rushed to Sonya, hugged her and cried. – A little wounded, but promoted to officer; “He’s healthy now, he writes himself,” she said through tears. “It’s clear that all of you women are crybabies,” said Petya, walking around the room with decisive big steps. “I am so very glad and, truly, very glad that my brother distinguished himself so much.” You are all nurses! you don't understand anything. – Natasha smiled through her tears. -Have you not read the letter? – Sonya asked. “I didn’t read it, but she said that everything was over, and that he was already an officer...” “Thank God,” said Sonya, crossing herself. “But maybe she deceived you.” Let's go to maman. Petya walked silently around the room. “If I were Nikolushka, I would kill even more of these French,” he said, “they are so vile!” I would beat them so much that they would make a bunch of them,” continued Petya. “Be quiet, Petya, what a fool you are!” “I’m not a fool, but those who cry over trifles are fools,” said Petya. – Do you remember him? – after a minute of silence Natasha suddenly asked. Sonya smiled: “Do I remember Nicolas?” “No, Sonya, do you remember him so well that you remember him well, that you remember everything,” Natasha said with a diligent gesture, apparently wanting to attach the most serious meaning to her words. “And I remember Nikolenka, I remember,” she said. - I don’t remember Boris. I don’t remember at all... - How? Don't remember Boris? – Sonya asked in surprise. “It’s not that I don’t remember, I know what he’s like, but I don’t remember it as well as Nikolenka.” Him, I close my eyes and remember, but Boris is not there (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing! “Ah, Natasha,” said Sonya, looking enthusiastically and seriously at her friend, as if she considered her unworthy to hear what she had to say, and as if she were saying this to someone else with whom one should not joke. “I once fell in love with your brother, and no matter what happens to him, to me, I will never stop loving him throughout my life.” Natasha looked at Sonya in surprise and with curious eyes and was silent. She felt that what Sonya said was true, that there was such love as Sonya spoke about; but Natasha had never experienced anything like this. She believed it could be, but she didn't understand. -Will you write to him? – she asked. Sonya thought about it. The question of how to write to Nicolas and whether to write and how to write was a question that tormented her. Now that he was already an officer and a wounded hero, was it good of her to remind him of herself and, as it were, of the obligation that he had assumed in relation to her. - Don't know; I think if he writes, I’ll write too,” she said, blushing. “And you won’t be ashamed to write to him?” Sonya smiled. - No. “And I’ll be ashamed to write to Boris, I won’t write.” - Why are you ashamed? Yes, I don’t know. Embarrassing, embarrassing. “And I know why she will be ashamed,” said Petya, offended by Natasha’s first remark, “because she was in love with this fat man with glasses (that’s how Petya called his namesake, the new Count Bezukhy); Now she’s in love with this singer (Petya was talking about the Italian, Natasha’s singing teacher): so she’s ashamed. “Petya, you’re stupid,” Natasha said. “No more stupid than you, mother,” said nine-year-old Petya, as if he were an old foreman. The Countess was prepared by hints from Anna Mikhailovna during dinner. Having gone to her room, she, sitting on an armchair, did not take her eyes off the miniature portrait of her son embedded in the snuffbox, and tears welled up in her eyes. Anna Mikhailovna, with the letter, tiptoed up to the countess's room and stopped. “Don’t come in,” she said to the old count who was following her, “later,” and closed the door behind her. The Count put his ear to the lock and began to listen. At first he heard the sounds of indifferent speeches, then one sound of Anna Mikhailovna's voice, making a long speech, then a cry, then silence, then again both voices spoke together with joyful intonations, and then steps, and Anna Mikhailovna opened the door for him. On Anna Mikhailovna's face was the proud expression of an operator who had completed a difficult amputation and was introducing the audience so that they could appreciate his art. - C'est fait! [The job is done!] - she said to the count, pointing with a solemn gesture at the countess, who was holding a snuffbox with a portrait in one hand, a letter in the other, and pressed her lips to one or the other. Seeing the count, she stretched out her arms to him, hugged his bald head and through the bald head again looked at the letter and portrait and again, in order to press them to her lips, she slightly pushed the bald head away. Vera, Natasha, Sonya and Petya entered the room and the reading began. The letter briefly described the campaign and two battles in which Nikolushka participated, promotion to officer, and said that he kisses the hands of maman and papa, asking for their blessing, and kisses Vera, Natasha, Petya. In addition, he bows to Mr. Sheling, and Mr. Shos and the nanny, and, in addition, asks to kiss dear Sonya, whom he still loves and about whom he still remembers. Hearing this, Sonya blushed so that tears came to her eyes. And, unable to withstand the glances directed at her, she ran into the hall, ran up, spun around and, inflating her dress with a balloon, flushed and smiling, sat down on the floor. The Countess was crying.

No special reasons needed

There are not many healing mineral springs, entertainment, but they exist, monuments and historically important places attract people here not only as tourists, but also as future residents of the city.

In 1953, another attempt was made to explore for oil along the southern border of the city. Instead of the expected oil, a mineral water source began to flow from a well more than 500 m deep. From this period, Khadyzhensk became known as a balneological hospital. The water turned out to contain a uniquely high percentage of iodine - more than 0.400 g/l and bromine - 0.087 g/l. Alkaline sodium chloride water with the natural addition of iodine and bromine is used for drinking treatment.

And sodium bicarbonate-chloride water containing bromine and iodine, scientifically recognized as drinking water, is mineralized and bottled under the trademark “Khadyzhenskaya”.

There are several children's health camps, health centers and sanatoriums in the city. On Krasnoarmeyskaya Street there are two mineral springs for public use. One of them is located in a gazebo with benches. Anyone entering here is greeted by an inscription that can be read in the photo below.

The city of Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory) is called healing by reviews from those who moved here. New residents of the city write that all sorts of ailments were cured, and peace and tranquility appeared in their souls.

A few kilometers from Khadyzhensk a so-called “people's sanatorium” was formed. Treatment consists of taking barrel baths. Iodine-bromine water comes out of the ground. Recent research proves its uniqueness. Khadyzhans also take pride in the unique blue clay that can be collected along the banks of the Khadazhka River. In appearance, it looks like small pebbles of gray-green or gray-blue color.

Holidays in Kuban: balneological resort Khadyzhensk

Khadyzhensk is a balneotherapeutic foothill resort in the forest zone, located in the valley of the cold mountain rivers Pshisha and Khadyzhka in the foothills of the North-Western Caucasus. This small town is known for its moderately mineralized iodine-bromine waters with a uniquely high content of iodine and bromine, as well as sodium chloride alkaline water containing iodine and bromine.

The city of Khadyzhensk, Apsheronsky district, Krasnodar region, is located in the valley of the Pshish River, 25 km from the regional center and 120 km from Krasnodar. The population of the city is about 20 thousand people. Until 1864, on the site of the city there was an Adyghe village of Khatukaevites “Khadyzhi”, which translated from Adyghe means “valley of ancient graves”.


You can get to Khadyzhensk in three ways: by bus, by train and by car. It is best to get to Krasnodar, and from there go to the city of Khadyzhensk. From Krasnodar to Khadyzhensk buses run along two routes: one passes through the regional center of Apsheronsk (this bus runs more frequently), and the second runs along the Krasnodar-Dzhugba highway - go to the city of Goryachiy Klyuch, then about 50 km along a winding mountain road. Buses from Krasnodar depart from the Krasnodar-1 bus station several times a day. The journey will take about 3 hours. The current ticket price is 187.5 rubles.

You can also get there from Krasnodar by taxi. It will cost about 1500-2000 rubles one way. During the day you can leave the regional center of Apsheronsk both by hitchhiking (from the intersection of roads in the form of a circle) and from the station. The distance between Apsheronsk and Khadyzhensk is only 24 km.

The Khadyzhenskaya railway station is located 6 km from the town itself. The village of Stantsionny is located around it. Buses run between these settlements, and taxi drivers are constantly on duty (150-200 rubles). You can also take the train to Krasnodar-1 station (120 km from the city) or Goryachiy Klyuch station (50 km from the city), then by taxi or bus.


The city of Khadyzhensk is located in the intermountain basin of the foothills of the North-Western Caucasus, in the valley of the Pshish River. Deciduous forests covering the slopes of the mountains are closely adjacent to the city.

Thanks to the mountains surrounding it, the city has a special microclimate - it is warmer in winter and cooler in summer than in neighboring areas. The average annual air temperature in Khadyzhensk is +10 degrees, the average temperature in July is +24, in winter +4. During the year, 800-1000 mm of precipitation falls here, the largest amount in February and November. The driest and windless months of the year are August, September, October. Even in such unfavorable months as December, February, March, the sun shines 70-100 hours a month. Snow cover in winter lasts no more than 50-60 days.

Cyclones and anticyclones occur on winter and spring days. Cyclones are accompanied by precipitation - rain in summer, snow in winter. Anticyclones are accompanied by clear, frosty weather in winter and dry and hot days in summer. In winter, Khadyzhensk is much warmer than in neighboring settlements - Apsheronsk, Neftegorsk or Goryachiy Klyuch. In summer it is much cooler. The mountains surrounding it on all sides, covered with dense tall forests, protect the city from cold winter and hot summer winds. The cold mountain water of the rivers Pshish, Tusheps and Khadazhki also has a very strong effect on mitigating the summer heat.

Khadyzhensk successfully combines climatic and hydromineral factors, which provide favorable conditions for the development of a resort and the treatment of patients with a wide range of indications throughout the year.


In 1953, a decision was made to create a balneological resort in Khadyzhensk. Based on iodine-bromine waters, the hydrotherapy center quickly gained fame due to the effective treatment of radiculitis, polyarthritis, eczema, general atherosclerosis, hypertension, heavy metal poisoning, scrofulosis and many other diseases.

In addition to these chloride-sodium waters with an admixture of bromine, from the other sources of the Pshisha Valley, mineral waters such as Borjomi and Essentuki, as well as some others, are of particular value, the development of which is a reliable basis for the development in Khadyzhensk of a balneological resort of national importance, with a multifaceted therapeutic profile.

The most favorable time of year for treatment in Khadyzhensk is the period from April to November. After November, the arrival here of patients suffering from hypertension, neuroses, vegetative-vascular disorders, and vascular sclerosis is undesirable.


There is only one sanatorium in Khadyzhensk so far. It is called "Mineral". The sanatorium offers a high level of service and maintenance.

Mineral ” is a small sanatorium, designed for only 100 beds, but meets the requirements of both unpretentious and very discerning tourists. Guests are offered comfortable rooms: single and double (junior suite and suite) with all amenities. All rooms have: TV, refrigerator, bathroom (bathrooms are equipped with imported sanitary ware). The cost per person per day for accommodation in a double standard room is 2160 rubles. The price includes: accommodation, 3 meals a day, treatment as prescribed by a doctor.

The main medical profile of the Mineralny sanatorium is diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system and metabolism, gynecological, respiratory, and skin. Treatment and diagnostic facilities: general mineral baths, four-chamber baths, heat therapy (paraffin), therapeutic massage, exercise therapy with exercise machines, inhalations, gynecological irrigation, oxygen cocktail, magnetic therapy, pump room for taking mineral water inside. Dental, cosmetic, electrophototherapy, laser therapy, diagnostic rooms (ultrasound, ECG, laboratory).

The sanatorium offers additional services: a library, gyms for individual and group classes, a billiards room, a tennis court, a sports ground, and recreation areas among green spaces.

Address: 352671, Krasnodar region, Khadyzhensk, st. Germanenko, 2. Phones: (86152) 4-12-77, 4-10-37, 4-16-46.

In the summer, a children's sanatorium and health camp " Nadezhda " also operates in Khadyzhensk. It has been operating since April 2002. The camp is located in favorable natural and climatic conditions on a landscaped area.

Living conditions: dormitory building for 80 people, medical building with isolation ward, heated swimming pool, cultural and entertainment building, tennis court with special coating, five meals a day, dietary meals. The cultural and entertainment program for children includes excursions to the sights of the Absheron and Goryacheklyuchevsky districts (ostrich farm, caves, highlands, waterfalls, mountain rivers and much more).

Sanatorium-resort treatment includes comprehensive medical and wellness programs, physiotherapy and physiotherapy, balneotherapy (mineral baths in the Mineralny sanatorium), massage, oxygen cocktail, inhalations and more. Cost of the tour: 19,500 rubles. The camp operates only in summer. However, in the coming years, it is planned to reorganize the camp into a sanatorium of the highest category, where children will be able to combine preventive treatment and health improvement all year round along with studying according to the school curriculum.

Address: Krasnodar region, Apsheronsky district, Khadyzhensk, st. Kirova, 141. Phones: (86152) 4-92-97, 8-918-389-82-43.

private hotels in Khadyzhensk . Thus, tourists are welcome all year round at the address Krasnodar region, Apsheronsky district, Khadyzhensk, lane. Tolstoy, 6. A private hotel with 20 beds offers organization of recreation during vacations, vacations, and weekends. Phone for inquiries: 8-918-515-00-32.

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Khadyzhensk is one of the wonderful places for recreation and tourism in Kuban. In the foothills of the region there are many protected natural areas: the subalpine plateau of Lago-Naki; Guam Gorge with a river canyon and a narrow-gauge road running along the bottom of the gorge; karst Azish caves - an underground kingdom at a depth of 37 m with a fantastic accumulation of stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates; Wolf Gate gorge, Samur Lake and others.

Pshish is the first major left-bank tributary of the Kuban, which does not originate on glaciers. It originates on the western slope of Mount Shessy (1884 m) and, after traveling a 258-kilometer path, flows into the Krasnodar reservoir, located slightly lower on the right bank of the Kuban. In the upper part, the Pshisha valley has the appearance of a gorge, squeezed by ridges of medium height. Their steep slopes are cut by side cracks of tributaries and covered with oak and beech forests. In its middle course, the Pshish reaches a zone of gently sloping foothills overgrown with oak, and its lower reaches are located on a foothill forest-steppe plain.

Forests starting at the very outskirts of Khadyzhensk go deep into the mountains, to alpine meadows. In the vicinity of Khadyzhensk there are oak, maple, ash, hornbeam, linden, silver poplar with an undergrowth of wild jasmine, ozhin, hazel and Caucasian rhododendron, called rededa by local residents. There are also beech forests here. On the sunny, southern slopes of the mountains there are huge groves of centuries-old pears, apple trees, cherry plums, chestnuts, and wild grapes. Local chestnut, unlike the Black Sea chestnut, is larger and more spreading. Coniferous trees, boxwood, and bear nuts also grow here. In many places, euonymus, mackerel, dogwood, Caucasian ivy, and ornamental liana grow among fruit trees.

The grass cover of alpine pastures, forest glades and river valleys is represented by more than 600 species of grass. In mid-summer, in the high-mountain meadows there are up to 200 species of grasshoppers, crickets, praying mantises, sharp-headed bugs, striped beetles, horse beetles, horseflies, and longhorned beetles. In the forests there are many birds (thrush, woodpecker, cuckoo, magpie, black-headed jay) and animals (bear, wild boar, roe deer, wild goat). Pshish is rich in fish. Here you can find perch, bystryanka, podust, barbel, spikefish, Caucasian chub, catfish, gudgeon and others.

As the Caucasian Knot correspondent was told in one of the travel companies in the Krasnodar Territory, today Khadyzhensk is the most popular among people whose goal is not just to relax in the Kuban, but to receive full-fledged treatment: “Those who want to receive consultations and undergo high-quality treatment in natural conditions, especially people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system, gynecological diseases, very often choose the Khadyzhensky sanatorium. Many of the resort's visitors come there more than once. These are people who value silence, nature and peace. And those who want an active holiday, the sea or skiing, of course, will like other resorts in Kuban.”

Rest for the soul

Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory), reviews of those who moved to permanent residence define this very accurately, it has many advantages. It is located in a mountain bowl. The city's borders are centuries-old beech and oak forests. Generous nature also took care of tourists. What is Belaya Krucha worth! These are indescribably beautiful cliffs of ancient white stone surrounded by virgin forest. Or the Guam Gorge. Here, through the narrow, breathtaking mountain (sometimes very narrow) gorges, you can ride a trolley, if you have the courage. And Mount Gaiman, which looks like the back of a dinosaur that they want to lasso, also attracts tourists.

And more recently, in the forests surrounding Khadyzhensk, mysterious inscriptions were discovered on bare areas of rocks. As it turned out, there are no analogues in the world. And there are so many caves around the city, and rocks, and waterfalls!

And if you drive a little away from the city, you can explore the Lago-Naki plateau and Mount Fisht. It’s better to see the city of Khadyzhensk in the Krasnodar Territory for yourself. Photos do not convey even part of the sensations that fill the soul.

The Regional Council for Sports and Tourism has created a base in the city that is developing routes for excursions and hikes to memorable and historical places in the region. One of the popular ones begins in Khadyzhensk and six days later leads travelers to the resort town of Ashe. 77 picturesque kilometers introduce tourists not only to the flora and fauna, but also to the historical value of these places.

Khadyzhensk attractions photo

The city is intended for a relaxing holiday or treatment for various diseases. There are no significant attractions on the territory of Khadyzhensk. But this does not mean that lovers of adventure and active recreation will be bored. If you want to see natural or architectural monuments and have fun, then you should choose one of the excursions in the region.

Buying a tour or cooperating with other tourists will not be difficult. So, what can you see while relaxing in Khadyzhensk?

Kaverzinsky waterfall photo

You can see this attraction by driving 46 kilometers. When you're on vacation, distance means nothing compared to the experiences you can get. The waterfall is located on the Tambov Shchel stream and falls from a height of 12 meters.

It's certainly not Niagara Falls, but if you've never seen a waterfall in the real world, it's an impressive sight. You can get to the attraction by following the Goryachiy Klyuch and Don highway. You only need to drive along it for 5 kilometers.

If you team up with other tourists, you can take a taxi. The car will take you there and take you back. You can also take a bus if you want to explore the surrounding area.

In addition to the Kaverzinsky waterfall itself, there are other smaller waterfalls. One of them falls from a height of 2 meters, the second - from 6 meters. A convenient staircase leads to the Kaverzinsky waterfall right next to the water. If you climb it, you can see the surroundings from above, admire nature and explore the University Cave, which is located nearby. You will bring back a lot of photos and a good mood from the excursion.

Mount Fisht photo

One of the places where you can experience vivid emotions while riding a helicopter. Getting to the attraction from Khadyzhensk is about 60 kilometers, but it’s worth it.

Climbing the mountain is quite difficult, and if there is no physical fitness and desire to test yourself, then a helicopter ride will be relevant. Naturally, going up on horseback or on foot will be more interesting and cheaper.

Here you will meet people, have a nice walk, look at the surroundings from observation platforms, and take bright photographs. There are numerous grottoes and caves on Mount Fisht. When you're lucky with the weather, you can see the Soaring Bird, White Star, Cross Tourist and other grottoes.

Moreover, you will encounter underground rivers, waterfalls, and inaccessible rocks. Such adventures broaden your horizons, excite your consciousness and fill you with joy. Despite the distance and time spent on the road, it’s definitely worth going here.

Mount Chugush photo

Another natural attraction that will delight adventure lovers. Translated into Russian, the name of the mountain means Top of the Earth. Indeed, the peak of the mountain goes far into the sky; the height here is more than 3200 meters above the sea line.

But it’s not even the height that is considered dangerous. On the territory of the mountain there are about 10 glaciers, inaccessible rocks that attract travelers. The trek feels like climbing Everest, only it’s cheaper and much safer.

The adventure will require preparation, so it would be a good idea to take a couple of rock climbing and mountaineering lessons. The instructors will tell you how to behave in the mountains and give you the basic skills you will need.

Climbing the mountain is done only with a guide and equipment. Some sections on the way to the top will have to be passed with a rope and equipment. You will go around a stone ledge, which climbers among themselves call the gendarme.

The trip will give you more impressions than the sea. In ordinary life, few people manage to relax so brightly, so you need to take everything you can from your vacation. When getting to the ascent point, focus on the village of Krasnaya Polyana.

This is where real adventure and adrenaline begin. The hike is not suitable for couples with children and people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system. The climb requires physical fitness and endurance and is classified as difficulty level 1B.

Mount Bolshaya Chura photo

You can get to the ascent site from Krasnaya Polyana. If we talk about the distance, then from Khadyzhensk it is about 80 kilometers. Mount Bolshaya Chura can be seen far away; its height is about 2500 meters above sea level. It is covered with haze and glaciers.

On one side the mountain is rocky and steep, on the other there is a gentle slope along which you can climb up. It is full of vegetation and trees. Most often you can find subalpine plant species here.

Climbing the mountain is done with a guide and equipment. The excursion will be remembered for a long time as a bright adventure.

Vorontsov caves photo

The attraction is located 96 kilometers from the city. It is worth setting aside 1-2 days to examine it. They say that ancient people lived in these meshcheras; traces of their life remain to this day.

Now groups of tourists come here. It is best to go here with a guide or guide. The total length of the caves is about 12 kilometers, Vorontsovskaya Cave occupies 4 kilometers.

There are comfortable stairs with railings and passages. The dungeon is quite cool, so it is recommended to wear warm and loose clothing and stock up on flashlights. If you are tired of walking, beaches and shopping, then a trip to the cave will be an interesting leisure activity.

Other entertainment

In the city you can rent a bicycle, ride around the surrounding area, or go to the nearest river. There is an opportunity to go fishing or go out into nature with a group.

In the city you can rent picnic equipment or go to one of the recreation centers. In addition, you can go to amusement parks and water parks that are located near the city and in the surrounding area.

On the territory of Khadyzhensk, every guest will find something to do and turn their vacation into an exciting adventure.

On the issue of real estate

Reviews about Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory, are quite common on local real estate websites. Its market in the city is actively developing. The number of people who want to breathe with full lungs and drink medicinal water instead of store-bought or rusty water from the tap is growing from year to year. More and more residents of unfavorable regions are making the right decision to buy a house or apartment in Khadyzhensk. Real estate agency websites offer a variety of housing options: from renting to purchasing. Depending on the square meters and area, the price can vary from hundreds of thousands to a million.

You can find a suitable hotel room in any of the agencies. We offer both economy class and luxury apartments. The rooms are designed for 2-4 people. Meals are paid separately. There is a guarded parking lot.

If there is a need for permanent housing, you can consider options for comfortable large apartments in two-story houses in the southwestern region of Khadyzhensk. People call it the Lukoil area. The Sotsgorod area is beautiful, but for some reason it is not popular. New townspeople prefer to buy houses in mountainous areas: st. Eastern, st. Khrebtova, etc.

Real estate prices in Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory, are significantly lower than the regional average.

Real estate agency specialists have many years of experience and a huge amount of groundwork, so they can easily select suitable housing.

Buying a property

In this small, mostly one-story town, a potential resident can buy a house or apartment. You can even buy a standard one-room apartment here for 400-500 thousand rubles. Private houses have equally unique affordability in terms of price.

They can be located directly within the city limits. You can find a decent option for moving at a cost of 300,000 rubles. True, for such a price you will need to take into account the potential lack of modern communications.

In this city you can also rent an apartment or a house. The cost of such an offer starts from 7 thousand rubles per month. Many residential properties are offered for rent both daily and long-term. Residents of the Russian Federation will only need to obtain temporary registration at their new place of residence.

Offers to purchase a private house in a resort town are more often the choice of those who plan to become the owner of a “distant” dacha. Moreover, the prices for such purchases turn out to be attractive and profitable.

This is convenient for those who prefer to move to other parts of the country for wages. And also in the Krasnodar region there live a large number of people who can work in the virtual space.

Buying real estate here is beneficial for those who plan to receive income from renting out housing during the holiday season. Often such owners come to the Krasnodar region quite rarely. Although this locality, if there is a permanent source of income, is also convenient for permanent residence.

Post Scriptum

Modern Khadyzhensk is the second city in the region after Apsheronsk. The population of Khadyzhensk, Krasnodar Territory, continues to work at various enterprises in the city, including the famous Khadyzhensky Machine-Building Plant. For many years, the plant has been producing equipment for gas and oil production industries.

The Cossack school, deservedly the best in the region, instills in children a love for their native land through the study of the culture and customs of their ancestors, who heroically developed and defended their native land.

The Mineralny sanatorium continues its health-improving work. Comfort and services here are equal to European ones.

Reviews from those who moved to the city of Khadyzhensk (Krasnodar Territory) (2015) are better than any advertisement.

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