33 attractions of Bakhchisaray that are worth visiting

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The climate of Bakhchisarai in Crimea is continental - winters are mild, summers are hot. The weather in this area is changeable; winds often blow during the day, but in the morning and evening, on the contrary, it is calm. The flows of mountain and steppe air intersecting on the territory of Bakhchisarai in Crimea create a concentrate of coniferous phytoncides and evaporation of essential oils of steppe herbs, which gives the local air a powerful healing effect.


Bakhchisaray was founded at the beginning of the 16th century. Although settlements in its vicinity existed even earlier. Thus, during the time of the Golden Horde, not far from modern Bakhchisarai there was a cave city of Kyrk-Er (now Chufut-Kale), and at its foot was the settlement of Salachik. It was Salachik that was chosen by the Crimean khans as the first capital of their state.

Khan's Palace

In 1503, Khan Sahib I Giray founded a new residence and called it Bakhchisarai (translated from Tatar as “palace garden”), around which the new capital grew. By the 17th century, Bakhchisarai had become one of the largest cities in Crimea.

In 1736, the capital of the Crimean Khanate was burned by Russian troops. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Bakhchisarai remained an important trading center of the peninsula until the end of the 19th century. Then its value began to fall. Modern Bakhchisaray is a provincial city with a rich history, which is the center of Crimean Tatar culture.

Population of Bakhchisarai

According to the latest statistics, the city's population is 27 thousand people.

If we consider which nationality is more represented in quantitative terms, we get the following picture:

  • 49% Russians;
  • 25% Crimean Tatars;
  • 23% Ukrainians;
  • 3% - other nationalities: Jews, Karaites, Belarusians, Germans, Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, Chechens, Moldovans, Gypsies, etc.

City population at the festival

After the collapse of the USSR, the demographic situation left much to be desired. If anyone has not slowed down the birth rate, despite the crisis and the almost complete lack of cash payments, it is the Crimean Tatars. Their task was to fill Crimea with representatives of their nationality as quickly as possible after returning from deportation. As can be seen from the statistics, they succeeded.

As for the jump in the birth rate in the last 2-3 years, this is largely due to the laws adopted by the Ukrainian government. Payments for the birth of children were increased. The benefit for the 3rd child is $11,538, spread over 6 years. A family with 3 children was considered to have many children. Benefits: 50% payment for utilities, first in line for free trips to sanatoriums, free travel on public transport. State reforms to provide for families with children had a positive tendency to increase the birth rate.

If we talk about migration processes, then in Bakhchisarai, due to certain difficulties in getting a job, many men and women of working age leave for Russia, Europe and Turkey. Crimean Tatars are looking for employment options in Turkey. The work is no different from that of the Slavs in Europe: caring for children and elderly people with disabilities. Therefore, a significant part of the working-age population is outside the city, and the majority of residents are pensioners and young mothers with children.

People of retirement age who previously lived in Simferopol, Sevastopol and the northern regions of Russia are buying apartments and houses in Bakhchisarai, as the city is quiet and peaceful.

Over the past ten years, a friendly atmosphere has developed in the multinational region.


Bakhchisaray is famous for its traditional cuisine. Popular dishes of Crimean Tatar cuisine:

  • Chebureks and yantyki with cheese or meat
  • Pilaf, shish kebab, lagman (thick soup with meat) and manti (similar to large dumplings)
  • Khash - meat soup
  • Yufkhash - tiny dumplings
  • Bakla shorbasy - lamb soup with beans
  • Silkme - usually lamb with vegetables
  • Samsa in tandoor with meat and kubete (meat pie)
  • Sweets: baklava, sherbet, Turkish delight


can you go with children in Bakhchisarai Fountain of Tears in Bakhchisaray, Bakhchisaray Miniature Park, Sphinxes of Churuk-Su,

What can you see in Bakhchisarai for free? Catherine's Mile, Ismi Khan Jami Mosque, Church of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God, Eski-Dyurbe Tomb, Takhtali-Jami Mosque

4 main attractions of Bakhchisar that are definitely worth a visit? Khan's Palace, Lariches Historical Museum,


Khan's Palace

Khan's Palace.
Palace Square Khan's Palace is the most important attraction of Bakhchisarai and a unique monument of Crimean Tatar architecture. The construction of the palace began in the first half of the 16th century. In 1736 (after the capital of the Crimean Khanate was burned by Russian troops), the palace was restored by architects from Istanbul. The modern appearance is the result of historical reconstruction carried out in the second half of the 20th century. Currently, the Khan's Palace is also undergoing large-scale reconstruction.

During the heyday of the Crimean Khanate, the palace occupied an area of ​​18 hectares and was surrounded by greenery. In its gardens and shady courtyards, numerous fountains gurgled and beautiful flowers bloomed. Currently the palace has an area of ​​about 4 hectares.

The facade of the palace is painted with fancy ornaments. Now the main entrance to the palace is the Northern Gate (one of the two surviving palace gates), which leads to Palace Square. They are made in the shape of an arch, over which a small watchtower is built. The Suite building is adjacent to the gate on the left. The gate and tower date from the first half of the 17th century.

Great Mosque

Palace Square was the center of this architectural ensemble. Most of its iconic attractions are located along its perimeter. During the time of the Crimean Khans, the square was covered with sand and was usually used for ceremonies and formation of troops. Now this space is paved with stone and diluted with plants.

One of the architectural dominants of Palace Square is the Great Khan Mosque, located east of the Northern Gate. This building was built in 1532 by Khan Sahib I and is one of the largest Muslim buildings in Crimea.

The mosque is also one of the most beautiful buildings of the Khan's Palace. Its walls are decorated with ceramics, and its architecture features two 28-meter minarets. The interior space is formed by a hall with columns. There is also a mihrab and Khan's lodge here. Interestingly, the main entrance to the mosque was from the Churuk-Su River.

Bathhouse Sary-Gyuzel

The Sary-Gyuzel Bath is one of the oldest structures of the Khan's Palace, dating back to 1532 and located east of the Great Mosque. The bath complex was built and planned in traditional Turkish style.

Khan's cemetery. Durbe

To the south of the mosque is the Khan's cemetery, founded in the early 16th century. About a hundred ancient tombstones have been preserved here and nine khans from the Giray clan are buried.

In the far corner of the gardens is the Dilyary-bikech durbe - the mausoleum of the beloved wife of one of the Crimean khans, built in the second half of the 18th century. The Fountain of Tears was originally installed here. Durbe is an octagonal structure with a lead dome.


Demir Kapi is the old main entrance for ambassadors and the oldest surviving part of the Khan's Palace. The portal was built in 1503-1504. in Venetian style and decorated with numerous decorative elements.

Falcon Tower

The Falcon Tower is a two-story structure south of the harem, built in the second half of the 18th century. Once upon a time, birds of prey were kept here. The tower has a height of 15 meters. The upper tier has a hexagon shape and is made of wood.

"Fountain of Tears"

“The Fountain of Tears” is the most famous fountain of the Khan’s Palace, glorified by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the poem “The Bakhchisarai Fountain”. It was made by an Iranian master in 1764. Initially, the fountain was located near the Dilyara dyurbe, and then was moved to the Fountain Courtyard. In its center, a flower is carved from marble, from which drops flow into the bowl, resembling tears. This is a symbol of the Khan’s eternal grief for his beloved wife.

Golden fountain

The Golden Fountain is another famous fountain of the palace, located at the entrance to the Small Khan Mosque and decorated with beautiful golden ornaments. It was created in 1733 from marble and was used for ablutions.

Summer gazebo

Other interesting buildings of the Khan's Palace:

  • Harem. Once upon a time it was an entire ensemble of four buildings, which included more than 70 rooms. By the 19th century, the buildings had become so dilapidated that it was decided to demolish them. A small outbuilding and a gazebo have survived to this day.
  • Summer gazebo. Intended for recreation, it was open and had one floor. In the 19th century, the Golden Cabinet was built on and stained glass windows were installed.
  • Divan Hall. This is the center of power of the Crimean Khanate, a hall intended for state meetings. In the center of the southern wall stood the throne of the khan, to the left and right of which there were sofas for his immediate circle. Along the walls, noble beys sat on benches. This room is one of the most beautiful in the Khan's Palace.
  • Small Khan Mosque. Used for prayers by khans and their relatives. The mosque was built in the 16th century.

Other sights of Bakhchisarai

Ismi Khan Jami
Ismi Khan Jami is a small ancient mosque in Bakhchisarai, built between the 16th and 17th centuries with donations from the khan’s niece.


Orta-Jami is one of the main mosques of Bakhchisarai, built in the second half of the 17th century. Located near the Khan's Palace.

On Ismail Gasprinsky Street there is another ancient Takhtali-Jami mosque, built in the early 18th century.

Chufut-Kale is a medieval town located 3 km from Bakhchisarai on a rocky base. Known under the name Kyrk-Er, under which it was first mentioned in 1254.

It is believed that the settlement here was founded in the 5th - 6th century during the Byzantine Empire. In the Middle Ages, there was a city called Kyrk-Or, which was controlled by the Golden Horde and was the center of the principality of the same name. During the heyday of the Crimean Khanate, the city was considered one of its most powerful fortresses. Kirk-Or was abandoned in the 19th century. Fragments of walls and gates, ruins of mosques, mausoleums and old houses have been preserved here to this day.

Assumption Anastasievsky Monastery

The Assumption Anastasievsky Monastery is an ancient cave monastery, presumably founded in the 6th or 7th centuries. Located near Bakhchisarai in the Mariam-Dere gorge. The Assumption Monastery is one of the religious centers of Crimea and includes as many as five churches.

Syuren Fortress

The Syuren Fortress is an ancient structure dating back to Byzantium. The ruins of the wall, fragments of the main gate and a powerful 13-meter defensive tower have survived to this day.


Eski-Kermen is another ancient cave fortress city, second in popularity after Chufut-Kale. It was built in the 6th century as a Byzantine fortification on a rocky plateau. During its heyday, Eski-Kermen was home to several thousand inhabitants. To this day, cave temples with fragments of frescoes and several hundred caves used for residential and economic needs have been preserved here.


Kachi-Kalyon is a cave city that existed from the 6th to the 18th centuries. Built on a massive rock.


Tepe Kermen is a cave city founded by the Byzantines in the 6th century. It existed for eight centuries, reaching its peak in the 12th century. Built on the slopes of a 544-meter mountain and has several levels.

City infrastructure

In addition to the railway connection, the city has a bus station, from where buses depart throughout Crimea and to nearby cities of continental Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Melitopol, Nikolaev, Odessa. The Bakhchisaray district unites towns and villages that are located on the Black Sea coast: Peschanoye village, village. Angular, s. Beregovoe. You can get to the sea either by personal transport or by buses and minibuses. Time from 30 to 60 minutes. The distance is approximately 15-20 km.

Utility companies in the city operate in working mode and ensure timely supply of water, gas, and electrical energy. Prices are regulated at the level of deputies sessionally.

Residents, in order not to overpay for services, install meters for water and gas. The inadequate price during the heating season of about $100 for a 3-room apartment is solved by providing an individual heating system in the apartment, then the cost of gas according to the meter will be about $20-30 per month.

A family of 4 pays about $100 for all utilities in the winter, with individual heating and all meters without strict savings.

An enterprise that practically does not provide quality services in the city is the housing office. Yes, street cleaners clean the courtyards, but the entrances remain the responsibility of the local residents. Cleaning up courtyards and arranging children's playgrounds also falls on initiative groups of concerned residents. Those who want to make sandboxes, swings and benches for children take care of their children themselves. Roofs in houses are leaking, sewerage is leaking, and the housing office responds to letters from residents with unsubscribes rescheduling repairs.

City. View from above. Photo by Oleg (https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/olegcustom/)

Food prices largely depend on the harvest. It happens that you can go out into the courtyard of a high-rise building and pick cherries, cherries, apricots, walnuts, peaches, apples for compotes, jam, for freezing.

For example, food prices: a 50 kg bag of sugar - about 40-50 dollars, flour - 15-20 dollars.

The condition of the roads leaves much to be desired. Minor patching of sections of the road does not solve the problem as a whole. True, there are no traffic jams in the city. From public transport: buses, minibuses and taxi services. At night, minibuses do not run; you have to use a taxi service.

The number of kindergartens does not cover the needs of city residents. Schools cope with the load, but in the lower grades there is a system of two shifts.

There are no higher educational institutions. Only the middle level: construction college and vocational school, teaching construction specialties.

Cultural life: 2 libraries that hold competitions, writers’ evenings; The House of Culture hosts touring artists.

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How to get there

It’s easy to get to Bakhchisarai from any city in Crimea:

  • a bus departs from Simferopol from the Zapadnaya bus station every half hour, travel time is 30 minutes;
  • from Sevastopol from the bus station, regular buses depart every 20 minutes, travel time is 40 minutes;
  • There are also regular buses from Yalta to Bakhchisarai in Crimea, but you will have to spend more time - 3 hours; it will only be faster by private car through Ai-Petri.

If you want to get to Bakhchisarai from mainland Russia by car, then after crossing the Crimean Bridge you just need to drive, without turning, along the Tavrida highway, and after 270 km (a little more than 3 hours of travel) you will be there.

We hope that our article helped you understand where Bakhchisarai is located in Crimea, what you can see here and how to get here. Bakhchisarai is not a popular resort like Yalta or Yevpatoria, but this is its charm. Due to the short distance from the sea, there are few tourists here, which allows you to fully enjoy the indescribable atmosphere and charm of this “garden-palace”. You can safely stay here for a few days in order to have time to explore the city itself and its surroundings without haste, or you can go on an excursion to Bakhchisarai from neighboring cities. If you wish, you can even combine a visit to Bakhchisarai with a beach holiday, especially if you have a car and don’t mind spending about 20 minutes on the road to the sea. In any case, you definitely need to see this city, where else can you find such an amazing Crimean Tatar flavor.

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Restaurants and shops

So, for purchasing fresh vegetables, fruits and meat, we have already marked them on the map. The city's 2 main supermarkets PUD and "Korzina" are located a little further down the street. Frunze in the New Town.

Simple sunflower seeds-beer-sausage shops are scattered throughout the city.

But there are no problems at all with catering in Bakhchisarai! There are a large number of cafes, restaurants and sweet shops, from which you will have to choose at random. Because delicious national Crimean Tatar dishes are prepared everywhere.

Opposite the Khan's Palace is Lenin Street with numerous cozy establishments. There are already barkers waiting here who will definitely take advantage of your confusion and obediently lead you along. I'll try to orient you a little.

Best cafes

  1. If you need an inexpensive but good-quality dining room, then drop by Gurman (Simferopolskaya St., 1) not far from the railway. station.
  2. Delicious coffee, desserts, wine tasting - you’ll find it in Guzel . Very attractive interior and interesting presentation. It is located right next to the parking lot before the ascent to the Assumption Monastery.
  3. Devlet-Saray is a large restaurant with a beautiful courtyard, designed to accommodate large groups. Delicious, reasonable prices. Located next to Guzel.
  4. Hosh Sefa is a small Tatar cafe on the road between the Khan's Palace and Devlet Saray. Tasty, inexpensive, fast.
  5. Le Cafe Pushkin is probably the only restaurant in Bakhchisarai tailored to European cuisine. But here, too, there are traditions. Located opposite the Khan's Palace. Prices are more expensive than other places, but portions are larger! And yes, there are no usual barkers)
  6. Aliye is one of the oldest and most trusted establishments in the city. I don’t know if they’ve lost their grip or not, but it wasn’t bad before. The prices are cheap, but the portions are small. So get more. Located next to the Khan's Palace.

Tips and tips

If you are in a hurry, you can drop in and buy chebureks for the road at the Crimean Chebureks cafe opposite the Khan’s Palace. They are smaller in size than regular ones and very tasty and fresh. I recommend.

Also, based on a tip, I recommend visiting the Digermen coffee shop.

They say this is where the best coffee in Bakhchisarai is brewed. But, most importantly, they have an 18 sq.m model of the medieval Bakhchisarai! Somewhat reminiscent of the Gezlev model in a similar coffee shop Dzheval in Evpatoria. Here is their website: degirmen.com.ua

Friends and advice. Please note that in almost all cafes in Bakhchisarai you will not see high prices. But there is a downside - the portions are quite small. So, before ordering, pay attention to neighboring tables and plate sizes.

By the way, about another worthy place for tasting local cuisine at the end of the article !

Where to stay for vacation?

Tourists who have given their preference to the Crimean peninsula are attracted to holidays in Bakhchisarai by its beauty, but there will be no problems with accommodation here. Numerous hotels and the private sector will offer their services, where you can rent housing without intermediaries at a competitive price.

Hotel "Bakhitgul", located in the central part of the city, is always happy to receive

guests, providing them with their comfortable rooms, which are equipped with everything necessary for their stay. Meals for guests are provided in a small home restaurant. There is also a cafe and a hookah courtyard. There is a swimming pool on the territory of the Bakhchisarai hotel. You can book a horseback ride around the area.

You can choose a cheaper accommodation option by staying at the Meraba guest house. All rooms, the interior of which is made in light colors, are equipped with climate control systems and equipped with household appliances. The kitchenette, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, allows you to eat yourself. You can even come here with pets.

At the small Efsane Hotel, all rooms have air conditioning, and some have kitchens. You can order breakfast delivered to your room. The atmosphere in the establishment is almost family-like, and the service is great. Here you can rent a bicycle and take a recreational walk around the city of Bakhchisaray. A holiday in Crimea here will definitely be successful!

Reviews from vacationers

Friends, the number of advantages is disproportionately greater, but you cannot do without disadvantages. So let's start with them:

  1. Slight neglect. I'm glad they took on the Old Town
  2. Shills and sticklers. Not everyone is accustomed to such methods of aggressive advertising.
  3. The infrastructure is weak. 1 minibus for the entire center, bus station and railway. The station is a bit far from the Khan's Palace, and there are not sidewalks everywhere.
  4. Far from the sea.

Basically everything. Then only applause.

  1. A city unlike any other in Crimea
  2. Incredible beauty, combination of mountains and valleys.
  3. Convenient location for exploring the surrounding area.
  4. Quality attractions
  5. Local flavor, authentic cuisine and architecture.

In general, whatever one may say, you simply must visit here. Let's hear in the comments what do you think about this place?

Fountain of Tears

You can get from Simferopol to Bakhchisarai by bus, train or taxi. To see the fountain, you need to transfer to public transport or use your navigator to enter the street address. Rechnaya, no. 133.

The architect who worked on the creation of the fountain was the famous Iranian architect of his time, Omer. The fountain was conceived as a reminder of the grief of Khan Crimea-Girey for his beloved concubine. She was a girl from Poland, a person of noble origin, Maria Pototskaya, named Dilyar Bikech in the harem. She was killed by an envious woman.

The marble slab reflects the emotional pain of loss, the water slowly flowing down the stone represents the stingy tears of a man. The snail carved on the structure represents the khan’s doubts about whether it is worth living without his beloved among friends, enemies and ill-wishers.

Assumption Monastery

Of course, we also visited the Assumption Monastery, the history of which is very interesting. According to legend, one shepherd drove his sheep to pasture into the Assumption ravine, and saw an icon of the Mother of God on a rock and a burning candle in front of it. What he saw shocked the shepherd, and he immediately informed his master about it. The icon was taken from the cliff and hung at home. However, in the morning, the icon stood in its original place. This happened several times. And then everyone realized that the Mother of God wanted to be in exactly that place. This is how the small temple arose. Over time, the territory of the monastery grew. During the war years there was a hospital there, then the monastery was closed. Since 1993, the monastery has been active, so when visiting this shrine, do not forget to dress appropriately.

Assumption Monastery

In the Assumption Monastery

Miniature Park

The Crimean Miniature Park occupies an area of ​​2.5 hectares, where you can see all the main historical objects of Crimea. It is one of the main attractions of Bakhchisarai. At the park site there are copies of temples, historical monuments, palaces, on a miniature scale of 1:25. This is the largest exhibition exposition in Crimea, where the sights of Yalta, Yevpatoria, Feodosia, Sudak, Gaspra and other coastal cities of the peninsula are collected. The Museum of Crimean Miniatures is an ideal place to visit if you don’t have time to visit all the tourist spots. Here are copies of the Livadia Palace, the Swallow's Nest, the Vorontsov Palace, Massandra, the Fog Bell of Kherson, and the Lighthouse Temple of St. Nicholas of Marliki. In the evening, additional illumination of all exposures is turned on.

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