Sights of Alushta that are worth seeing on your own

Alushta as a resort

The discoverer of Crimea as a resort, the outstanding Russian doctor Sergei Botkin, even considered summer Alushta a more comfortable place than Yalta. The mountains surrounding Alushta are lower than those in Yalta. Thanks to this, the city air does not stagnate, thereby moderating the heat. However, for the same reason, winter in Alushta is colder.

Alushta, like the whole of Crimea, became a mass resort, accessible not only to the nobility, under Soviet rule, especially after the war. Now in the summer, up to a million holidaymakers are added to the 35 thousand local residents. A comfortable swimming season with sea water temperature not lower than 230C, in addition to summer, also covers September.

Panorama of Alushta

Alushta pebble and sandy beaches occupy a coastal strip 80 km long. In the central part of the city, closed beaches of sanatoriums and boarding houses predominate. Several free municipal beaches, where you can sunbathe and swim for free, are concentrated in the city area called “Professor's Corner”. But you will need to pay for using the shower, sun lounger and changing cabin (100–150 rubles). At paid municipal beaches, this amount is paid at the entrance.

Climate and ecology of Alushta

The city is located on the very shore of the Black Sea, in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula. It is closed from the land by several mountains, but not as a continuous massif, like Yalta, but by separate peaks. So, in the east there is Mount Demerdzhi, in the north is Chatyrdag, and in the west, near the sea, is the extinct volcano Kastel. Between these mountains there is a constant movement of air currents that bring fresh air and constant winds to the city.

View of Mount Chatyrdag

Thanks to this, summer in Alushta is not at all stuffy. The climate here is subtropical, with very mild winters and hot summers. The holiday season, which is the time when you can swim in the sea, lasts here from the beginning of May to the end of October. Usually at this time the sea water is within +17 degrees.

However, the location of the city sometimes makes its own adjustments to this state of affairs. After all, there are many currents around Alushta, and water is often carried into the sea by the shoreline. This makes it cleaner than other cities on the coast, but creates certain inconveniences for lovers of warm water. It is not at all uncommon for the water to be around +13 degrees in July, in the heat of the day.

The air temperature usually does not change like that, in winter it is about +3 degrees, in the coldest and windiest month - February, and in summer +25, on average. There is a lot of sun in Alushta; according to weather forecasters, it pleases residents and guests of the city about 2321 times a year. Precipitation here is not very frequent, but quite heavy. In the memory of city residents, there is even one flood that happened here in 1997.

There are strong storms here that leave behind destruction of the embankment, and real hurricanes. Fortunately, such occurrences are not that common. In addition, Alushta is located in an earthquake-prone area. And from time to time its residents are frightened by a possible earthquake, similar to the one that happened in the 20s of the 20th century and brought significant destruction to the South Coast, most of all in Yalta. It’s good that such fears have no real basis yet.

The environment in the city is quite good. Although I must admit that before it was still better. A headache for city residents is the city landfill, to which they strive to dump garbage and other waste from all over the South Coast. Residents even organize pickets and rallies so that city authorities solve this problem. This fall, the landfill even burned for a long time, releasing many carcinogens and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. The fire was difficult to extinguish and was directly linked to waste disposal problems and landfill overload.

The Alushta landfill is on fire. Photo by dimon (

In addition, Alushta residents are very concerned about the state of wastewater treatment facilities in the city. After all, all the waste is discharged into the sea, which does not add to its purity. The city has several rivers flowing into the sea, one of which is Ulu-Uzen. As well as a reservoir located in the village of Izobilnoye and supplying the entire city with water.

There are many lakes around Alushta, both natural and artificial. They contain fish and fishing is allowed. Also on the slopes of Chatyr-Dag is the Alushta Nature Reserve, which has a unique spring. It is called Savlukh-Su and is very rich in silver content in the water. This water is called Monastyrskaya because a monastery is located near the source.

Park "Crimea in miniature"

The sights of the Crimean peninsula in a significant (25-100-fold) reduction can be seen in the Alushta park “Crimea in Miniature”, opened in 2012.

Entrance to the park "Crimea in Miniature"

For the convenience of tourists, the layouts are grouped by city. For example, in the park area of ​​Yalta there are models of the Swallow's Nest, Livadia and Massandra palaces, Yasnaya Polyana castle, an Armenian church, and Chekhov's house-museum.

In addition to Greater Yalta, attractions located in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Greater Alushta, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Bakhchisarai and Sudak are demonstrated. Models of some structures, of which only ruins remain, have been reconstructed. From them you can imagine what the fortresses of Aluston and Funa, for example, looked like after construction.

The park offers hour-long tours that tell about each of the fifty models. The park also has a children's corner with life-size wooden figures of cartoon characters. The miniature park looks especially impressive in the evening illumination.

Layout of "Swallow's Nest"

Address: st. Gorky, 7 (near the central embankment). Opening hours: from 9 to 20–23 depending on the month. A ticket for adults costs 500 rubles, and for children 3–12 years old – 300 rubles. Local residents are admitted free of charge.

Crime in Alushta

Crime in Alushta intensifies, like the rest of life in the city, during the season. Visiting tour performers rob, steal, break into cars and steal them. The rest of the time it is quite calm here, and apart from isolated burglaries and high-profile road accidents, the city has nothing to “boast” of in terms of crime.

Of course, here, like everywhere else, drunken fights and domestic murders happen, however, fortunately, this is rare, and over the past few years residents have heard nothing of the kind. True, sometimes business-related murders occur; recently, a businessman was shot in the village of Kiparisnoye. The killers have not yet been found.

Murder of a businessman in the village. Cypress

Dissatisfaction and discussion are caused by the large number of drug addicts and corruption among officials. Residents are trying to combat these phenomena in all available ways. But officials remain just as dishonest, which is why all the high-profile crimes in Alushta are connected precisely with the fact that someone is caught taking bribes or kickbacks and is removed from office.

There are also places in the city where major accidents often occur, for example, the ring near the bus station and the pedestrian crossing towards Oktyabrskaya are just such a place. Fortunately, the city authorities paid attention to this, and now there is an underground passage.

Ring at the bus station


Opposite the miniature park is the largest Crimean aquarium, which looks like a flying saucer. At its entrance, a crocodile smiles welcomingly at visitors.

Crocodile near the entrance to the Aquarium

The four halls of the aquarium are home to 250 species of fish, eight species of turtles, five species of crabs and three species of crocodiles. The first hall is stylized as a cave in which the “locals” live - the inhabitants of the Black and Azov Seas. In the second and third halls you can see freshwater animals. Among them are very dangerous creatures, a real meeting with which may well be the last. These are the aggressive Cuban crocodile, piranhas, moray eels and the most toothy of fish - hydrosinus vitattus.

The most colorful is the fourth hall with the marine fauna of the Red Sea and the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. However, some handsome men are very dangerous. For example, the zebra lionfish hides very poisonous spines in its fins, with which it infects unwary prey.

In the fourth hall of the Aquarium

Since 2015, the Alushta Aquarium has expanded its profile by opening the “Jungle World” on the second floor. In it you can see monkeys, raccoons, noses, lizards, snakes and many birds.

Address: st. Gorky, 4. Opening hours: from 9 to 19–21 hours. An adult ticket costs 600 rubles, and a child ticket (3–13 years old) costs 400.

Dolphinarium "Watercolor"

The leading artists of the dolphinarium are the dolphins Gena, Hector and Neptune. In addition to acrobatic stunts, they play water basketball, sing and even draw. They are complemented by dances of fur seals.

Entrance to the Dolphinarium

This dolphinarium not only hosts performances with the participation of dolphins and fur seals, but also dolphin therapy sessions. Pre-registration is required to participate. You can also take photos with dolphins and feed them.

During the show

Address: st. Gorky, 7D. Opening hours: daily, except Monday. Sessions start at 12, 15 and 18 o'clock. Ticket price – 900–1000 rubles. Swimming with dolphins costs 3.5–6 thousand rubles. For a photo taken on your smartphone you need to pay 500 rubles, and for a professional photo – 600–1000 rubles. A full ten-day course of dolphin therapy costs 30–50 thousand rubles, and a one-day course costs 4–5.5 thousand.

Natural objects

Valley of Ghosts

South Demerdzhi surprises with its stone exhibitions, more reminiscent of original sculptures, where not only bizarre shadows, but also the stones themselves seem to be frozen creatures from our and the other world.

In short, because this amazing place deserves a separate article , this mountain range with two peaks - South and North, is considered one of the most picturesque in Crimea. The view opens from the Angara pass itself.

An easy climb along the path and simply unrealistic landscapes make the walk pleasant and memorable. You will be able to rise above the clouds, see unique natural phenomena, and capture the conquest of the Crimean peaks in a photo.

The landmark is still the same village of Radiant. You can get there by regular bus and then walk for a long time, you can go in your own car or even horses from the Zolotaya Podkova .

But it’s better to do as we did “A Portion of Adrenaline in the Upper Demerdzhi” by renting a jeep on this site. This is not the first time we have done this and it turns out to be more comfortable and no more expensive than renting a jeep on the spot. Moreover, they will pick you up right at the Alushta bus station.

Waterpark "Almond Grove"

This water park, open from June to September, is part of the tourist complex of the same name. It also includes two hotels, private villas, a bathhouse, a sauna, a restaurant, a children's entertainment center and a private beach. The water park, embedded in a picturesque mountain slope, has a solid infrastructure. It consists of six swimming pools, 14 water slides, waterfalls, fountains and a jacuzzi. The longest slide is 140 m long. Attractions intended for children are safe.

Waterpark "Almond Grove"

Address: Professor's Corner, Embankment, 4A. Opening hours: 10–17. The entrance fee to the water park varies depending on the time of visit - from 10/13/15 hours. For an adult it is 1400/1200/1000 rubles, and for children up to 1.5 m tall - 800/600/400 rubles, respectively. Crimeans pay half as much. Travel: trolleybus No. 2.

Professor's Corner

After the fortress, you need to go to the trolleybus station and go out again to the monument in the form of a seahorse, only this time turn right, pass the Riviera Sunrise hotel and go out to the Professor’s Corner embankment. This is the most beautiful promenade in the city and the best beaches. There are ordinary beaches, and there are themed ones, for example, in the form of thatched huts.

There are many shops, cafes and good hotels along the Professor's Corner embankment. This is the best area to rent a hotel in Alushta.

Here you can walk, swim and relax. By the way, if you don’t want to walk with your feet, there are electric cars running along the embankment that will take you to any point on the beach for 100 rubles.

1.3 km from the beginning of the Alushta embankment there is the Professor's Corner bus station on Kosmomolskaya Street. On the right side there are two museums - the house-museum of A. Beketov and the house-museum of I.S. Shmeleva.

Aluston Fortress

The only historical attraction within the city are fragments of the Aluston fortress, built in the 6th century. Its founder is considered to be the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. His outpost was located on a 45-meter hill 210 meters from the sea and had important defensive significance. A city began to form around the built fortress. The next owners of the fortress were the Khazars. They, however, could not resist the Pechenegs, and they could not resist the Golden Horde raids, during which the fortress and city were destroyed.

During the rule of the Genoese, the fortress and the city were restored, but not for long. After new destruction by the Turks in the second half of the 15th century. Aluston fortress was never restored. Only at the end of the 19th century. At the expense of the philanthropist Stakheev, the tower that was threatening to collapse was strengthened. Only part of the fortress wall has survived to this day.

The current state of the monument is unenviable: it is surrounded on all sides by residential buildings. You have to get to the tower through private courtyards, asking locals who don’t really like it. There is nothing special to see: only the tower’s considerable age inspires respect.

Aluston Fortress Tower

Address: st. April 15th, 17A. Relatively close to the city is the Trolleybus Station, which is accessible by trolleybuses 1, 2, 53 and 59 and minibuses 5,6, 26 and 34.

Funa Fortress

Another fortress is Funa, located on Mount Demerdzhi (“Blacksmith”). This fortress was built in 1423 to defend the Orthodox principality of Theodoro, which briefly owned these lands. Over the course of subsequent history, the fortress was repeatedly destroyed by natural disasters and wars, after which it was restored. The last time this happened was in 1927, due to the famous Yalta earthquake. Slow restoration of the fortress continues to this day.

Ruins of the Funa fortress

Opening hours: 9–18. A regular ticket costs 75 rubles, and an excursion ticket costs 100. From the entrance to Luchistoye, a paved road leads to the mountain, at the foot of which the Podkova equestrian club is based.

House-Museum of A.N. Beketova

So, the next place to see in Alushta on your own is the house-museum of A.N. Beketova.

Alexey Nikolaevich Beketov is a famous architect who built the Villa “Marina” and the drama theater in Simferopol. Today you can visit his house-museum, take a walk in the fenced area (free) and go inside (entrance costs 100 rubles). For students entrance is 50 rubles.

Temple of All Crimean Saints and Theodore Stratilates

This temple was built in 1842 by order of Count Vorontsov and designed by the famous Odessa architect Toricelli. The appearance of this Alushta temple is very unique. Experts find in it similarities with English rural churches with an admixture of Gothic. The temple is named after the Roman military leader who preached Christianity among the pagans. Before the eyes of Emperor Licinius, he smashed many pagan idols, for which he was executed.

Unlike many other churches, after the establishment of atheistic power, the temple functioned for a long time, but several of its clergy were repressed. Attempts to close the temple were made in 1936 and 1938. In 1944, as part of the warming of relations between the state and the church, worship services resumed. In 1964, during Khrushchev’s persecution of the church, the temple was closed, the bell tower was destroyed, and the building was given over to a club.

The current appearance of the temple is the result of restoration begun in the 90s of the last century. It is slightly different from the original appearance. During the new consecration, Crimean saints were added to the name.

Temple of All Crimean Saints and Theodore Stratilates

Address: st. Khromykh, 14. Opening hours: 8–20. Directions: by trolleybuses 51 and 53 or minibuses 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 26 to the Sovetskaya Ploshchad stop.

House of merchant Stakheev

Alushta owes a lot to its generous patron of the arts - gold miner Nikolai Stakheev, who was the nephew of the famous Russian artist Ivan Shishkin.

The latter visited his nephew more than once in his Alushta mansion - one of the most beautiful in the city. It was built at the end of the 19th century. designed by architect Nikolai Krasnov, the author of the famous Livadia Palace. After the construction of the mansion, a park was laid out around it, integrated into the existing natural landscape. Therefore, old trees have been preserved in the park, in particular a 300-year-old plane tree.

House of merchant Stakheev

Nowadays, the Alushta Center for Children and Youth Creativity is located in Stakheev’s house, so it can only be viewed from the outside, combined with a pleasant walk in the park, which is now called Primorsky. At one time, artists Lyudmila Chursina and Oleg Dal and singer Maya Kristalinskaya studied in the children's center located in the building.

Address: st. Perekopskaya, 1 (at the intersection of the main streets of the city - Krasnoarmeyskaya and Lenin). Travel: by buses No. 4 and 7.

Caucasian captive

The next place to see in Alushta on your own is the house that was filmed in the film Prisoner of the Caucasus. After the temple we go to the house from the Caucasian captive along Krapivny Lane. You won't see anything special there, but you can look at the house itself. There are steps leading up to the house.

Palace of Princess Gagarina

Another beautiful creation of the architect Krasnov is located 14 km from Alushta, in the village of Utes.

Kutaisi military governor, Lieutenant General Alexander Gagarin, after the death of his first wife in 1951, married the Georgian noblewoman Taso (Anastasia) Orbeliani. Despite the large age difference of 24 years, the couple were happy, but not for long: Prince Gagarin died in Svaneti. After this, the inconsolable widow did not leave the house for a year, and then moved from Kutaisi to her husband’s modest Crimean estate, which he inherited from his first wife. During his lifetime, Alexander Gagarin planned to build a beautiful palace there to live together with Anastasia.

Having taken control of the estate into her own hands, the Dowager Princess spends most of her income on charity and caring for the sick in the hospital she founded. Having learned about the princess's dream to build a castle in memory of her beloved husband, her rich nephew gives his aunt a gift for her 70th birthday - funds for construction. In 1907, having realized her dream, the princess passed away. The palace, built in the village of Utes, became a monument to her beloved husband who had passed away.

After the death of the princess, the palace passed to her niece, and after the revolution it was nationalized and given over to a sanatorium.

Palace of Princess Gagarina

The palace looks like a fairytale castle with battlements, turrets, thin spiers with weather vanes, and window arches. At the entrance, which is guarded by two stone knights with shields, a sculpture of Anastasia Gagarina was installed to mark the 100th anniversary of her death.

Statue of Anastasia Gagarina

Now Gagarina's palace is occupied by a sanatorium, so it is only accessible for external inspection along with the surrounding park.

Address: pos. Utes, st. Gagarina, 5. Opening hours: 8–23. To enter the park you need to pay 250 rubles. Directions: by trolleybuses 52, 53 and 55 to the Kiparisnoye stop.

More about the city of Alushta

Alushta is a mystery of the nature of Crimea!
Alushta has always been valued, first of all, as a health resort with magnificent, healing air; the city is located on the southern coast of Crimea. One of the most beautiful cities on the peninsula greeted me with mountain ranges, shady streets, sandy beaches and a relaxed atmosphere. In my opinion, the main attraction of the resort is nature. There are many beautiful natural monuments worth visiting. Alushta is one of the most popular resorts during the velvet season of Crimea.

Babugan-Yayla mountain range

Babugan-Yayla mountain range!
Not only picturesque, but also the highest massif in the series of famous Crimean mountains. Babugan-Yayla is surrounded by beautiful forests inhabited by a variety of wild animals. The place is very romantic and quiet.

Alushta Reservoir

Alushta Reservoir!
Quite a large reservoir located southeast of Mount Chatyr-Dag. It is the main resource providing Alushta with water. Due to the fact that the reservoir is located at a fairly high altitude above sea level (160 meters), it offers a beautiful view of all the splendor of the Alushta Valley.

Often, tourists who come to Alushta begin their sightseeing from this wonderful place.

Dolphinarium in Partenit

Dolphinarium in Partenit!
Who among us doesn't love dolphins? These amazing creatures have always amazed people with their intelligence and friendliness.

The Dolphinarium in Partenit is the pride of the Big Alushta region. It is located on the territory, in an indoor swimming pool.

During the forty-five-minute performance, dolphins dance and perform a variety of tricks. After the performance, you or your child will be able to literally make their dream come true - ride a dolphin.

Alushta Dolphinarium!

Animals also participate in various rehabilitation activities, and if you wish, you can even buy a picture drawn by one of them. You can also visit the Almond Grove water park in Alushta.

Church-lighthouse of St. Nicholas

Church of St. Nicholas!
Architecture lovers will also find a lot of interesting things at this resort. One of the most beautiful buildings is this temple, the construction of which lasted two years - from 2004 to 2006.

This is not only one of the newest, but also the highest temples in Crimea, its height is 54 meters. Located near the village of Malorechenskoye, about a fifteen-minute walk from it.

The structure was erected in memory of the dead and living sailors and fishermen, in honor of the patron saint of the latter, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Church-lighthouse of St. Nicholas!

The temple, which symbolizes unity, is somewhat reminiscent of the bow of a ship pointing into the distance. The theme of the sea also prevails on the frescoes of the building.

Gazebo Vetrov

Gazebo of the Winds!
This romantic place is located on the territory of the most beautiful Crimean nature reserve, on the Gurzuf yayla of Mount Roman-Kosh, on the very edge of the cliff. The gazebo was built in early 1956, presented in the form of a stone column with a diameter of four meters, the floor is decorated with a mosaic that depicts the Wind Rose.

The gazebo is painted bright white and is clearly visible from the surrounding towns and villages. The building itself also offers a wonderful view. A great place for declarations of love and romantic meetings.

Holidays at sea, what could be more wonderful? Alushta is ideally suited for a calm, measured, comfortable holiday. Everyone who has visited this wonderful place agrees on one thing: the main attraction of Alushta is its nature. Not far from Alushta, on the territory of the hydrological Khapkhalsky reserve there is the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall. Another wonderful city is the resort on the southern coast of Crimea - Sudak.

The attraction of Alushta is its nature!

Valley of Ghosts

On Mount Demerdzhi, 12 km from Alushta, near the village of Luchistoye, the Valley of Ghosts is located. It represents dozens of bizarre stone figures, sculpted by nature itself through weathering and erosion from the inside of the rock by moisture.

Official entrance to the Valley of Ghosts

Independent travelers entering the valley through the official entrance purchase a ticket here for 60 rubles. In the photo to the right of the entrance gate on the banner you can see an episode of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, a number of scenes of which were filmed in these very places. Almost now, after passing through the entrance, the guide shows the “Varley boulders”, on which Nina sang a song about bears, and “Nikulin’s nut”, from which Balbes threw nuts at Shurik. Not everyone knows that during the planned fall from it, Nikulin broke his arm, because it was not the previously cut branch that broke off, but another one.

The miraculous entrance to the Valley of Ghosts is called the Guardians of Demerdzhi and puts travelers passing through it in a mystical mood. After this, miracles really begin.

Guardians of Demerdzhi

Stone sculptures, especially under the rays of the sun and in frequent foggy haze, give a wide scope to the imagination of tourists, changing depending on the time of day. Readers will understand the emotions of travelers in this fantastic place by watching the video.

In the Valley of Ghosts

Having covered several kilometers, tourists reach a plateau with a wonderful view of Alushta and the sea.

It is known that travelers who spent the night here experienced hallucinations in the morning. As scientists have found, some types of local vegetation release substances that contribute to this at dawn. Other tourists claim to have clearly seen large moving ghosts in the valley. As it turned out, this is not a figment of fantasy. The Valley of Ghosts is the only place in Crimea where the Brocken Ghost phenomenon is actually observed.

Ghosts in the Valley

This is the observer's shadow on the surface of fog or clouds in the direction opposite to the Sun. It may appear to move due to density fluctuations in the cloud. So the name of the valley has good reason.

The Valley of Ghosts is an outstanding natural attraction of the entire Crimea. Therefore, excursions are organized to it not only from Alushta, but also from other Crimean cities. It is completely unforgivable, being in Alushta, not to visit the Valley of Ghosts. You can book an excursion from Alushta, for example, here and here.

An independent visit to the valley without a vehicle begins with a ride on minibus No. 107 from Alushta to the village of Luchistoye. This is followed by a half-hour walk on asphalt to Mount Demerdzhi. True, weary travelers can book more than just a walking tour at its foot. You can also rent a horse for 1,500 rubles. or a jeep with a driver for 3500–4000 rubles.

Enterprises and work in Alushta

Alushta is a resort city. Therefore, there is enough work here during the season not only for local residents, but also for numerous visitors to earn money. For the most part, this work is related to serving vacationers and selling various goods and services. Working at a waterfront retail outlet during the season, a salesperson can earn about $30 or more per day. Working in a cafe or restaurant, you can earn the same amount. Maids or administrators in health resorts and hotels receive wages ranging from $400 per season and about $300 in the off-season. There are quite a large number of hotels and boarding houses operating all year round in Alushta. These include the More boarding house, the Radisson hotel, and the Crimean Dawns boarding house.

View of the Raddison Hotel from the east coast of Alushta

Among the operating enterprises in the city, we can highlight a dairy factory, a bakery factory, an essential oil factory and, of course, the NPO Massandra winery.

Essential oil plant on the street. April 15

Massandra also includes a state farm, which grows a lot of grapes and peaches and provides work for at least 15% of Alushta residents, and sometimes also visiting workers. On a state farm, wages depend on meeting standards, but for a worker it is approximately $350 all year round. In addition, workers are provided with meals at lunch, a social package and, if necessary, a hostel.

Gate of the Massandra winery

The state farm is also good because it has branches in all the villages that are part of Big Alushta. This allows their residents to work without traveling far from home.

The main type of income for city residents is renting out housing in the summer and various types of trade. Therefore, it is very important for the well-being of the townspeople that the season be successful. Then there will be enough funds to survive the winter normally. In winter, after a successful season, a construction and renovation boom begins in the city, and work appears for various repairmen and finishers.

There is also a trolleybus depot in Alushta that services intercity trolleybuses, where you can work as a trolleybus driver with a salary of 350-400 dollars, a controller or dispatcher.

Jur-Jur waterfall

The deepest Crimean waterfall near the village of Generalskoye is formed by the Ulu-Uzen River. Jur-Jur falls from a height of 15 m with a water stream five meters wide. The name, associated with rushing water, has Armenian roots and literally means “water-water.” The waterfall actually gurgles, not rumbles.

Jur-Jur waterfall

At the top of the waterfall along the course, the river forms several cascading reservoirs with icy water, in which some daredevils dare to swim. 300 m above the waterfall there is a cave of the same name, 750 m long, with stalactites and stalagmites.

The most convenient option for visiting is an organized excursion from Alushta, which in a group will cost 1000 rubles. And an independent journey to the waterfall begins on bus No. 106 from Alushta to the village of Generalskoye. From the bus station you can get to the Khapkhal Nature Reserve, on whose territory the waterfall is located, by renting a private car or on foot. In the latter case, you will have to ask local residents.

The latter have put contacts with tourists on a professional basis. A boy he “accidentally” met will tell you about the almost impassable road to the waterfall. In the meantime, his adult relative will advise not to ruin his own car and rent his all-terrain vehicle for the trip. The price of a round trip is 1500 rubles. A single person will be charged 500 and asked to wait for fellow travelers. The official price for entering the reserve is 100 rubles. A receipt will be issued as confirmation of payment, which must be kept. The fact is that at the height of the season, local Ostaps Bendery operate directly next to the waterfall, trying to get the same 100 rubles from tourists.

The most popular beaches of Alushta

Many guidebooks describe the beaches of Alushta as some of the best in Crimea. And there is some slyness in this. Indeed, they have a significant advantage - some of them are sandy, all are clean and well-groomed. However, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, Alushta beaches are not very picturesque. The entire coastline is divided into 50-meter sections by breakwaters that have clearly seen better days. Rusty fittings sticking out here and there, alas, are not uncommon in Alushta. There is not much greenery on the beaches either. Picturesque landscapes flash only in the distance, at a distance of 5-10 kilometers. And one more feature of the beaches in the central part of the city. The embankment in Alushta is designed so that after 4-5 o'clock in the afternoon it hides the sun, and the beaches are in the shade. Sunbathing becomes not very comfortable and even cool. So, which beaches of Alushta are considered the most popular among tourists and what to expect from each of them?

Central Beach

Central beach of Alushta
This small narrow beach is really located in the very center of the city, at the intersection of Parkovaya and Lenina streets. Because of this position, it is extremely popular among tourists - at the height of the season it is very difficult to find a “place in the sun”. Although, it should be noted that you cannot call it clean or beautiful - it will definitely not delight even the most unassuming tourists. The surface is mostly pebbles, in the area of ​​Lenin Street it is replaced by concrete slabs - many vacationers spread towels right on them and sunbathe. The water is usually cloudy. But the entrance to the sea is gentle - safe for swimming with children. True, you should be wary of breakwaters and reinforcement sticking out of them. As for infrastructure, it is well developed. Umbrellas and sun loungers are available for rent, and there are changing cabins. There are cafes, shops, and tour desks nearby. In addition, it is on the Central Beach that most of Alushta’s water activities are concentrated. True, there are no animators here - only rental points. Entrance to Central Beach is free.

Professor's Corner

Professor's Corner is the western district of Alushta (towards Yalta), where sanatoriums and holiday homes are located. Each of them has its own beach. Some are sandy, which cannot but please tourists. Entrance to them is paid, the amount varies everywhere, but, as a rule, not too much - 50-100 rubles. In some cases, it already includes the rental of a sun lounger for the whole day. A careless stretch of land stretches along the coastal strip of the Professor's Corner. It is designed in such a way that after 4-5 o’clock in the afternoon the beaches are in the shade and sunbathing becomes almost impossible. Tourists “move” to the sea or disperse to sanatoriums and hotels. As for the infrastructure, in the Professor's Corner it is up to par. For the convenience of vacationers, changing cabins and showers are equipped. At rental points you can rent not only a sun lounger, but also an umbrella, and sometimes a towel. There is also a lot of entertainment. Although, it should be noted, the beaches of Professor’s Corner are much quieter and calmer than, for example, Central. That is why they are considered ideal for family holidays.

Fishing camp

Beach - Rybachy Stan
Rybachy Stan is a very unusual beach 4 kilometers from the city center. Of course, it cannot be called wild, but as such there is no infrastructure here. And tourists often call it “an amateur” - it’s usually not crowded here. A distinctive feature of Rybachy Stan beach is that the coastal strip in this area is very narrow - even with a slight swell of water, things left on it will certainly be carried out to sea. Vacationers are located right on the piers - from them they dive into the water. Those who are not good swimmers will most likely not like to relax here. There are no umbrellas or sunbeds to speak of - you need to take a towel or mat with you. You can barbecue on the territory of Rybachy Stan, although you will have to bring a disposable grill with you. In addition, you can rent a boat from local residents and go fishing (of course, if the sea is calm). Or just fish from the pier for your own pleasure - you can also rent a fishing rod.

Radisson Hotel Beach

This hotel beach is considered the best in Alushta. True, in order to get there, non-Radisson guests will have to pay a considerable amount - 1000 rubles. It will include the opportunity to use an umbrella, a sun lounger, and also relax in the pool. There is a 50% discount for children. The beach itself is large-pebble. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the water is almost transparent, which is very rare for Alushta. They really take care of cleanliness and order here - there are trash bins around the entire perimeter. Algae is removed every day. The infrastructure is at its best, European level. Modern sunbeds and umbrellas, showers, changing cabins. No hint of the resort's Soviet past. To ensure that guests do not get bored, animators work. Competitions are constantly held, including teams gathering to play volleyball. The local cafe offers national Crimean dishes and a standard set of European snacks.

Children's Beach

Children's Beach, Alushta
Located in the city center, near Naberezhnaya Street, and belongs to the Children's Creativity Center. It itself is small, sandy and pebble. At the same time, surprisingly, it is much cleaner than the neighboring Central. In addition, there are much fewer vacationers here. Although there are also fans near this beach, and there is a lot of infrastructure on Detsky, no matter how surprising this may be, given the location in the city center. There are no rental points for umbrellas and sun loungers - you need to come with your own towel or mat. You can hide from the sun only in the park adjacent to the beach. There is no organized entertainment either. Vacationers often form teams themselves and play volleyball. True, you won’t be able to celebrate victories and defeats - the nearest cafes are on Central. That is why many vacationers bring with them not only towels, but also food, having impromptu picnics right on the seashore or in the park.

Stone mushrooms

In the valley of the Sotera River near Alushta there are stone formations in the shape of giant mushrooms, unusual for the Crimean nature. Their caps are made of hard rock, and the rest is made of crushed stone mixed with earth and clay. The proximity of heterogeneous rocks is a sign of glaciation that took place in ancient times. Over time, the aboveground part is subject to air and water erosion, forming a remnant similar to a mushroom stem.

Stone mushrooms

Until 1983, there were three large mushrooms in the valley, several meters high, but the tallest one, called the “Valley Guardian,” fell. It is possible that not without human intervention. Attempts to push or swing the frame of the mushroom, especially in wet weather, can destroy both the mushroom and the tourist. The formation of rock mushrooms continues today: at the turn of the century, three small mushrooms were discovered growing.

If you climb up from the valley of mushrooms, you can see the Geyser waterfall. The name is explained by the fact that the water flow, rushing down, hits the stone bowl with force, forming something like a geyser.

Stone mushrooms are located one and a half kilometers from the Alushta-Sudak highway. The most convenient option to get there is with an excursion from Alushta. When visiting on an independent basis, take a bus from Alushta heading to Sudak or the villages of Rybachye or Privetnoye, you need to get to the “16th kilometer” transport stop (landmarks - the overpass or the Vodaeda cafe). Opposite it is an old house, from which the road to the stone mushrooms begins, which will take about 20 minutes. Having risen to a wide clearing, you should go down to the river and walk along its bed along a well-trodden path, following the signs.

The best excursions - prices and reviews

Guided walking tour

A 2.5-hour walk through the resort of Alushta is an excellent opportunity to discover the city from a new side and learn interesting facts from its colorful, centuries-old history.

  • The cost of the tour is 3000₽ . The maximum number of participants is 10 people.

Full hike of moderate difficulty

An individual excursion involves climbing the mountains and visiting the most beautiful locations of Southern Demerdzhi - from the mysterious Valley of Ghosts to the Sunny Glade.

  • The cost of the tour for groups of up to 10 people is 7800 RUR . The duration of the excursion is 8 hours.

Private jeep tour

As part of the 2.5-hour excursion program, tourists will go to the foot of South Demerdzhi , visit the Valley of Ghosts and the places where the famous films “Hearts of Three”, “Sportloto 82” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed.

  • The cost of the tour for groups of up to 6 people is 4000₽ .

Outgoing group excursion

The program of the 11-hour bus trip to the resort of Sudak and the village of New World includes an acquaintance with the most striking sights : the Genoese fortress, the Golitsyn trail, the Golitsyn grotto, etc.

  • The cost of the tour is 1700₽ per person. Additional expenses: visit to the fortress – 200/350 RUR (child/adult).
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