Sayansk refused to go into isolation - and there is still no COVID-19 there. As well as tests for it


Sayansk is the youngest city in the Irkutsk region. The beginning of its construction in 1970 is associated with the construction of one of the main domestic centers of the chemical industry. The main type of natural resources being developed is the Ziminskoe rock salt deposit, which serves as a raw material base for the production of chloride-sodium brines for the production of chlorine and caustic soda at the city-forming enterprise OJSC Sayanskhimplast. The enterprise's supply of salt reserves at the current level of production lasts hundreds of years.

In August 1985, Sayansk, which was considered a working village, received the status of a city of regional subordination. This event contributed to the creation of an independent economic base, the formation of local administrative structures, and the development of the social sphere.

In the spring of 2021, with the introduction of self-isolation in Russia in accordance with the decree of President Vladimir Putin on measures to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the mayor of the city Oleg Borovsky allowed city shopping centers, hairdressers and other small businesses to start operating. For this act, Oleg Borovsky was called “rebellious” and “rebellious” in the media3.

  • Sayan fort // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)
  • Sayansk // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)
  • Sayan City Komsomol Committee (Gorkom) (1985–1991)
  • Sayan City Party Committee (Gorkom) (1985–1991)
  • Sayansk Soviet. Photos by Edgar Bryukhanenko

Our town

The city of Sayansk is a single economic, historical, social, administrative and territorial entity and an integral part of the Irkutsk region.

Symbols of the city of Sayansk.

The city's coat of arms and flag are symbols of the municipality. The regulations on city symbols are approved by the City Duma and are subject to state registration.

Coat of Arms: In an azure field, a griffin argent, walking on an included scarlet extremity, encumbered with six gold rings, folded in an annular shape and connected by narrow bars of the same metal, between two pine cones, facing apart and also gold.

Rationale for symbolism: In the central part of the coat of arms of the city of Sayansk there is an image of a stylized figure of a mythological creature - a griffin, a winged animal with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. According to ancient Eastern mythologies, this creature inhabited the territory of Eastern Scythia (Siberia) and was assigned protective functions. It was a vigilant guardian of underground storerooms of gold and silver. The image of a griffin is the image of a strong, brave, vigilant and vigilant guardian of the natural resources of our region: table salt, as a raw material for chemical production, which gave life and development to the city and forest resources. Hence the stylized image of the crystal lattice of a chemical element - as an emblem of chemistry in general and pine cones - as an integral part of a tree common in our region. The gold image of pine cones and the chemistry emblem indicates the main product of chemical production - chlorine. The main idea of ​​the coat of arms is chemistry in the taiga and above this a higher mind (griffin-god-man), called upon to carefully preserve, use and increase natural resources.

Author group: Author of the coat of arms: V. Kuznetsov (Sayansk); Consultation: Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki)

Approved by the decision of the State Duma of the city of Sayansk of the 3rd convocation on July 27, 2000.

The coat of arms
of the city of Sayansk is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation.
Registration certificate No. 685 was issued by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation on May 31, 2001. flag
was included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation.
Registration certificate No. 686 was issued by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation on May 31, 2001. The date of adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated August 15, 1985 on the transformation of the workers' village of Sayansk into the city of Sayansk of regional subordination is considered City Day and is celebrated on the second Sunday of August.

History of origin

Sayansk is the youngest city in the Irkutsk region. The beginning of its construction in 1970 is associated with the construction of one of the main domestic centers of the chemical industry. The main type of natural resources being developed is the Ziminskoe rock salt deposit, which serves as a raw material base for the production of sodium chloride brines for the production of chlorine and caustic soda at the city-forming enterprise Sayanskhimplast JSC. The enterprise's supply of salt reserves at the current level of production lasts hundreds of years.

In August 1985, Sayansk, until now considered a workers' village, received the status of a city of regional subordination. This event contributed to the creation of an independent economic base, the formation of local administrative structures, and the development of the social sphere.

Geographical position

The city of Sayansk is located in the western part of the Irkutsk region, in a developed area adjacent to the Trans-Siberian Railway. The entire municipality borders the territory of the Ziminsky district. The distance to the regional center by road is 270 km, to the unique natural Lake Baikal – about 300 km.

The territory of the urban district is located in the taiga zone, on the right bank of the Oka River, 12 km from the enterprises of the industrial hub. There are no industrial enterprises in the immediate vicinity of the residential area.


Sayansk is a compact city, fully landscaped, its area is 82.42 square meters. km. It is home to about 40 thousand people, which is 1.6% of the residents of the Irkutsk region. The average age of residents is 39 years. The share of people of working age is almost 53% of the total number of city residents. The demographic situation is characterized by natural population growth.

Housing and communal services, transport

The city's housing stock includes 134 multi-apartment residential buildings and individual housing developments. Sayansk has advanced experience in the development of public utilities. The entire housing stock is serviced by private management companies. Sustainable operation of housing and communal services enterprises allows us to prevent emergency situations associated with shutdowns of heat, water, and electricity.

External passenger connections with populated areas, the railway station and cities of the Irkutsk region are carried out through suburban and intercity bus routes. Transportation in residential areas of the city is provided by commercial buses and minibuses. The telecommunications services market is growing in Sayansk.


The enterprises of the city's industrial group are, first of all, JSC Sayanskhimplast, which is the largest producer of polyvinyl chloride in Russia, providing more than 45% of its total production. The basis for the development of the city’s economy and social sphere is industry, which generates the bulk of revenue (more than 68%), the share of other industries: trade - 15.3%, agriculture - 11.4%, construction - 2.1%, other - 3.2%. The city-forming enterprise employs more than 23% of the working population of Sayansk. Sayanskkhimplast ensures stable tax revenues to all levels of budgets. Over the past years, the company has been constantly increasing the output of commercial products, is actively modernizing and expanding existing production facilities, and is considering the possibility of building new production facilities.

The main energy source of the industrial hub and the city is the Novo-Ziminskaya CHPP of Baikal Energy Company LLC , which has sufficient production potential to provide the territory with energy resources in the context of the further development of the city and industrial sites. An agricultural industry enterprise, Sayan Broiler LLC, is the largest producer of poultry meat in the Irkutsk region. The share of Sayan Broiler LLC in the citywide revenue from sales of products (works, services) is 11.4%. On the territory of the city, municipal utility enterprises operate stably and reliably - Sayanskoye Heat and Power Enterprise, Vodokanal-Service, as well as the State Unitary Energy Enterprise Oblkommunenergo.


The economic potential of the city is formed by 380 enterprises and organizations. Since 2010, a non-profit microcredit has been operating in Sayansk.

For several years in a row, starting with the assessment of the results of 2015, Sayansk has been among the best based on the results of assessing the effectiveness of local governments of the Irkutsk region in the category “Comprehensive socio-economic development”, receiving awards every year.

On March 16, 2021, Sayansk was given the status of a territory of rapid socio-economic development.

The main task of the Sayansk TASED is to create favorable conditions for the development of industrial production and business, including small ones, by providing tax incentives and preferences to new enterprises and enterprises with existing production facilities.

Sayansk has good resources for socio-economic development and the creation of new industries and enterprises. The city is distinguished by its favorable geographical location, the availability of reliable energy resources, free land plots and areas with developed engineering infrastructure, as well as all the necessary conditions for comfortable living of the population.

To date, four residents have been registered at the Sayansk TASED - - production of large-sized plastic containers, - creation of a complex of production facilities for deep wood processing, LLC TC "Sayansky" - year-round cultivation of vegetables and greens in protected soil, LLC "SOVA" - "Construction of a hotel LLC “SOVA”, which provides temporary accommodation services, cafes, and parking lots.”

The administration of the city of Sayansk is ready to consider any proposals for investment projects planned for implementation in the Sayansk TASED. Investment projects are reviewed by administration specialists on an individual basis. Potential residents are provided with assistance in resolving administrative issues, both with the formation of land plots and with connecting to communications.

We are waiting for all interested investors at the Sayansk TASED.

Social sphere


The city has 8 secondary schools, 10 preschool institutions, and the Constellation Children's Art House. The Center for Educational Development operates successfully, the brand of which is the transfer of innovative experience. Young people receive secondary vocational education at a medical college and a chemical-technological college. At the Center for Educational Development, part-time students of the Pedagogical College are being trained. There is a branch of the College of Culture.

Students of Sayan schools are among the winners of the award of the President of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Irkutsk Region, the Governor’s scholarship, the mayor’s award for the city district based on the results of the “Best Student of the Year” competition, and the winners of the regional competition “Youth of the Irkutsk Region in Persons”. It has become a tradition to celebrate City School Graduates Day. Since 2017, a cash prize has been awarded to the best graduates based on the results of the Unified State Exam (from 2021 - the three best results).

Sayansk teachers are laureates of the Governor's and Presidential awards; educational institutions annually become the best based on the results of participation in regional competitions. Sayan schools and kindergartens are regional internship and pilot pedagogical sites for teachers from other territories.

One of the forms of improving the professional skills of school teachers is the traditional “Teacher of the Year” competition. Starting in 2021, Sayansk has developed a tradition of awarding the winner of the city competition “Teacher of the Year” with a car, which is purchased with charitable funds from the business community. The same prize was established in the professional city competition “Teacher of the Year”.

Healthcare in Sayansk is represented by the regional state healthcare institution “Sayan City Hospital”, a dental clinic, and the “Kedr” sanatorium-preventorium, which uses its own mineral “Ordai” water. OGBUZ "Sayan City Hospital" has been working for a number of years under a healthcare modernization program, which gave it the opportunity to realize the status of an intermunicipal specialized medical center that serves residents of ten neighboring territories. For several years in a row, the city hospital was the best according to the results of the competition among healthcare institutions in cities of the Irkutsk region with the same population. New structural units have been opened in the hospital, a large-scale renovation of the premises has been carried out, new high-tech medical equipment has been purchased, the municipality is implementing a personnel policy to attract young doctors, and is actively improving the qualifications of medical staff.


Sayansk has always been proud of its traditions and cultural potential. The city has preserved and is developing optimal cultural and leisure infrastructure, these are public libraries, art schools, museum institutions, a folk art center, and the Yunost Cultural Center.

Sayansk is a recognized cultural center for neighboring territories. Creative teams, six of which bear the title “People’s” and four - the title “Exemplary”, are prize-winners and laureates of all-Russian and international competitions. The regional methodological center for library services is based here, which includes eight nearby territories. The art gallery has substantial funds. Sayansk is included in a number of regional programs - “100 model houses of culture”, “Siberia artisan”. Together with the introduction of modern technologies and forms of work, the city historical museum is receiving new life. In 2013, the city's first digital film distribution in 3D format began operating at the Yunost Palace of Culture.

At the end of 2021, a new children's art school was opened, which has become one of the city's attractions.


All conditions for the development of physical culture and sports . The city has a sufficient sports base, more than 72 facilities. There are children's sports clubs at the place of residence, a municipal sports school, sections based on the Sozvezdie Children's Creativity House, and physical education groups have been created at enterprises and institutions of the city district. Sayan athletes become winners and prize-winners of competitions at the regional, all-Russian, international and world levels. The city has good prospects for the development of sports tourism through the Center for the Development of Winter Sports.

Sayansk lives an active sports life. About 200 sports events take place every year. More than 30 sports are practiced in the city. 37% of the population regularly engage in physical education and sports.

Much attention is paid to activities for people with disabilities, and this gives tangible results, both in quantity and quality. Athletes in this category become prize-winners and winners of all-Russian and international competitions.

Cozy and comfortable

Sayansk is unlike any other city in the region and is unique in its own way. It is very cozy, convenient for living, and interesting for its natural and architectural features. The city seems to be surrounded by greenery. The builders who built Sayansk tried to preserve forest plantings as much as possible, and now residential neighborhoods are surrounded by forested areas, and pine and birch trees grow in the courtyards of 5- and 9-story buildings. Sayansk in the spring is a city of blooming rosemary, in the summer - not Siberian-style bright flower beds, in the winter - amazing white snow, and all year round you can easily breathe clean pine air.

The only wooden structure in Sayansk is the Annunciation Orthodox Church, located in the most beautiful corner of the city, deep in a pine forest. The Sayan Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a landmark not only on a city scale. There are only three such unique structures, made in the tradition of ancient northern architecture, in the Irkutsk region.

The city received new prospects for development and spiritual growth with the formation of the Sayan diocese and the elevation to the rank of the ruling bishop, Bishop Alexy of Sayan and Nizhneudinsk.

There are two charitable foundations in the city. One of them is “Care,” founded in December 2014 on the initiative of Mayor Oleg Borovsky. The mayor's salary is sent to it, then these funds are distributed to support talented children and people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The local community charity fund operates effectively. Business actively works with the administration within the framework of municipal-private partnerships, participates in the implementation of various city projects and social events. Sponsorship funds are raised from above for the improvement of the city and various events. In 2015, more than a million rubles were spent on repairs and equipment of the city Veterans Council. Support is provided in preparation for the celebration of the Victory Anniversary and City Day. A magnificent Snow Town : one of the few artificial spruce trees in the region, 21 meters high, was installed, and two slides for children were built in an antique wooden style. The residence of Father Frost is being built on the territory of the town, and it is planned to place summer attractions.

In 2013, a recreation area with a fountain . There is a children's play complex here, beautiful lanterns and benches are installed, a brass band plays in the summer, and artists perform. In winter, the fountain delights with its bright sparkling illumination. In 2015, a mosaic icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia was installed and consecrated on the site near the registry office, and landscaping was carried out.

In two years - 2017-2018 - an abandoned vacant lot in the Leningradsky microdistrict turned into Zeleny Park - a popular recreation spot for residents of the Leningradsky and Mirny microdistricts, where mothers walk with strollers, kids play at the children's complex, pensioners breathe the air, young people ride skateboards and bicycles , adults and children are engaged in workout.

In 2021, the park near the STEP municipal unitary enterprise was landscaped, where a monument to Vladimir Lenin was erected, on whose 100th anniversary the construction of the city began.

In 2021, Komsomolsky Square was built in the Central microdistrict. The territory has been leveled, asphalt has been laid on the pedestrian paths, a children's play area, fencing, benches and trash cans, decorative lamps, workout equipment have been installed, and there will be sports equipment. A stele was installed reflecting the name of the park and the Komsomol theme. A specialized organization planted seedlings of trees and shrubs, planned lawns for planting flowers, and sowed grass.

In 2021, a sculpture of Efim Slavsky, the Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR, with whose participation the city of Sayansk, a chemical plant and the Novo-Ziminskaya Thermal Power Plant was built, was installed in the First Builders Square. Also here appeared the Alley “My city - you are my destiny” with information about the pioneer builders.

Our young city is strong with glorious traditions and strong spiritual foundations. It is open to business cooperation and strong friendly ties with the cities of the Irkutsk region and Russia.


Sayansk is located in the western part of the Irkutsk region in the taiga zone on the right bank of the Oka River (a tributary of the Angara), on the territory of the Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo Plain, in relative proximity to Lake Baikal (about 350 km), 270 km from Irkutsk. The federal highway P258 “Baikal” is 9 km from the city, and the railway is 28 km away (stations “Zima”, “Perevoz”, “Promyshlennaya”).

Topographic map of square N-48-A (Sayansk, Ilimsky ridge)


Sayansk is a modern, actively developing city. In 2010, it will celebrate two anniversaries: 40 years since its birth and 25 years since it was awarded the status of a city of regional subordination. The territory of the urban district is located in the taiga zone, on the high bank of the Oka River on a plateau, far from the industrial hub. The city has become a prize-winner nine times in a row (winner twice) of the annual competition “Best Municipal Formation of the Irkutsk Region.” It has comfortable streets and residential neighborhoods and a developed social sphere. Enterprises in the chemical industry, energy industry, agriculture, construction, trade and transport operate successfully on the territory of the municipality. The backbone enterprise in the city's economy is Russia's largest producer of polyvinyl chloride resin - Sayanskhimplast OJSC.

In Sayansk, conditions have been created for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives and improving the well-being of the population. The presence of ready-made industrial sites with engineering and transport infrastructure facilitates the deployment of any type of business.

The urban district of the municipal formation "city of Sayansk" is located in the western part of the Irkutsk region, in the developed zone adjacent to the Trans-Siberian Railway. The entire territory of the municipality borders the territory of the Ziminsky district.

The city of Sayansk is home to 43.8 thousand people (1.7% of residents of the Irkutsk region). The area of ​​the urban district is 82.44 km². and occupies 0.011% of the territory of the Irkutsk region.

The distance from the city to the main republican highway "M-53" Irkutsk-Krasnoyarsk is 9 km, to the East Siberian Railway (station "Winter") - 30 km. The distance to the regional center by road is 270 km, to the unique natural lake. Baikal – about 300 km.

The municipal formation "city of Sayansk" is located on the high right bank of the river. Oki on a plateau located in the interfluve of the river. Oka and the small river Molta, 10-12 km from the enterprises of the industrial hub.

Above the floodplain of the Oka River, the plateau rises 70-100m, it drops steeply towards the floodplain, wide valleys are cut into its sides. The territory of the urban district is located in the taiga zone, it is covered with coniferous and mixed forests and is composed mainly of sandy and sandy loam rocks characteristic of floodplain alluvial deposits, characterized by an elevated undulating-hilly topography of erosional origin, dissected by a river network into separate watersheds, which in turn are indented falls and valleys.

The territory of the municipal formation "city of Sayansk" is characterized by a sharply continental climate with harsh, long but dry winters and warm summers with heavy rainfall. The average air temperature of the coldest month of January is -23 degrees, the warmest month of July is + 18. The amount of precipitation for November - March is 92 mm, for April-October 332 mm.

Today Sayansk is a large administrative and economic unit of the region, a repeated winner of the competition for the title of “Best Municipal Formation” in the Irkutsk Region: for 9 years in a row Sayansk has been in the top three.

Occupying only 0.011% of the region's territory, Sayansk provides a 4% contribution to the region's economy. The prospects of the young city are connected, first of all, with the development of the chemical industry and the creation of gas chemical production using raw materials from gas condensate fields.

Agricultural production is rapidly growing in the region, which is largely due to the Sayansky Broiler agricultural holding, which unites a poultry farm in Meget and a number of agricultural enterprises in the Kuytunsky district.

The number of small businesses providing 10% of revenues to the local budget is growing.

Sayansk has secured its status as a medical, cultural and sports center. Residents of five territories receive consultations and treatment at the Interregional Diagnostic Center. Cultural and sporting events are held with the participation of neighboring cities and regions.

Today Sayansk is a city of prospects. It is distinguished by a high supply of housing for the population, a high level of improvement of the housing stock, the city is included in the first group of municipalities with a favorable situation of economic development. The municipality has sufficient resources for the development and creation of new industries and enterprises.



The basis of the city's economy is built on the activities of the largest enterprises in Sayansk, representing various industries. The main industrial enterprise is Sayanskhimplast OJSC, Russia’s largest producer of suspension polyvinyl chloride (PVC resin). The company produces products that are raw materials for the production of polymer goods and are supplied to both Russian and foreign markets. JSC Sayanskhimplast, part of the group, is one of the few enterprises in Russia that has retained its social sphere: the Yunost Palace of Culture, two hotels, factory canteens, the Kedr sanatorium and the medical unit are equipped with the latest equipment, their services are used by the population of Sayansk, as well as cities and districts of the region.

Among industrial enterprises, it is also necessary to note the Novo-Ziminskaya CHPP, which is part of OAO Irkutskenergo and is one of the “youngest” stations of this energy system. Novo-Ziminskaya CHPP was initially designed and built as a centralized source of heat supply for the needs of the Ziminsk Chemical Plant (currently OJSC Sayanskhimplast) and the city of Sayansk and was supposed to become one of the modern and powerful stations of the system, built on a block principle. Currently, out of 5 boiler units of the station, four are in operation, one unfinished boiler unit is in a frozen state.

Food industry

Sayansk is famous not only in the Irkutsk region, but also beyond its borders for the achievements of the agro-industrial complex. Sayansky Broiler LLC (original name: East Siberian Poultry Farm with a design capacity of 10 million broilers per year) is the largest producer of dietary meat. The population is offered more than 10 types of raw and more than 15 types of finished products. OJSC Sayansky Dairy Plant is successfully developing in the food industry. This is a modern production facility, all of whose products are made from natural raw materials from environmentally friendly areas. The plant's high-quality dairy products are in great demand among the population of Sayansk and many cities in the region.


The construction sector is represented by the enterprises CJSC Vostok, LLC Vodokanalstroy, LLC SITEK.

Financial sector

Branches of large banks such as Sberbank of Russia, Soyuz, VostSibtranskombank, Vostochny Express, SovKomBank are represented in Sayansk. The city offers a full range of insurance services, military insurance and others.

Share of various industries in the economy of Sayansk, % (2010)

  • Sayan territorial-production complex // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)
  • Development of a complex of organochlorine chemistry in Sayansk // Vinokurov M.A., Sukhodolov A.P. Economy of the Irkutsk region
  • Sayan aluminum (2009)
  • Formation of a unified Angarsk-Usolsk-Sayan petrochemical and organochlorine complex // Vinokurov M.A., Sukhodolov A.P. Economy of the Irkutsk region

Sayansk refused to go into isolation - and there is still no COVID-19 there. As well as tests for it

In the small Irkutsk city of Sayansk, there is still officially no one infected with coronavirus. At the same time, the city never closed for self-isolation - the mayor was criticized, but they could not force him to introduce the regime. What is the city’s secret and is it true that the pandemic has bypassed it?

After the first week of “non-working days,” which the president announced at the end of March, the mayor of Sayansk, Oleg Borovsky, decided that the city could not continue in the same spirit—in two weeks the economy would collapse. Then he made an unpopular decision from the point of view of other heads of cities and regions: not to introduce self-isolation.

After April 6, kindergartens, hairdressers, various workshops, and even shopping centers and gyms opened in the city; restaurants were also allowed to operate - but only through home delivery. At the same time, according to the mayor, not a single infection has been registered in the city since the very beginning of the pandemic.

More people get sick with the flu than with the coronavirus. There are 10 non-coronavirus community-acquired pneumonias in Sayansk - so should I impose a quarantine on this occasion?

Oleg Borovsky mayor of Sayansk.

They even planned to sue Borovsky - they filed a lawsuit, but then withdrew it. The mayor himself says that they were afraid that “Moscow lawyers” quickly became interested in the case.

Miracle of a Siberian town?

At the same time, the mayor not only allowed businesses to continue operating, but also introduced strict restrictions and actually closed the city for a while. Roadblocks appeared on the roads, turning away everyone who wanted to enter the city. Sanitary patrols were organized to guarantee safety and compliance with anti-coronavirus measures.

Some of the residents of Sayansk, with a population of 40,000, found themselves locked outside the city; those who were stuck in other cities, for example, in Irkutsk, where the nearest airport is located, were no longer allowed home.

“I called them, threatened them, asked them to wait for two weeks... They listened, fortunately. Or a recent incident: a flight from Novosibirsk to Irkutsk arrives, with a cadet from one of the schools in St. Petersburg on board, they are put on a bus where 14 of my Sayans are sitting. He has coronavirus, now these 14 people of mine are crying. And I told them: “I told you not to go to Irkutsk!” Now stay at home!’” said the mayor.

Borovsky is confident that the virus spread so quickly across Russia precisely because sufficiently stringent and complete measures were not taken. For example, do not allow foreigners into the country, and must place everyone coming from abroad into an observatory - regardless of rank, money and fame.

“The plane arrives in Irkutsk, we put Muscovites in the observatory, and we carefully transport the residents of Irkutsk to their homes. Well, the infection has spread throughout the region!” - he added.

At the same time, the mayor still maintains the regime in the city quite strict and without self-isolation - all visitors are in quarantine, Sayan residents are asked to be as careful as possible, not to leave the city and to observe safety measures: social distance and wearing personal protective equipment.

Nothing fancy

Doctor-expert Timur Pesterev is sure that there is nothing unusual in the fact that not a single person infected with COVID-19 has yet been identified in the small Irkutsk city. He is confident that given the low mobility of the population, this result is not surprising.

“A situation may arise where cases are simply not identified. Or that given the low mobility of the population specifically in this city and the fact that the surrounding cities were closed, a situation could actually arise where there are no sick people. But there is nothing fantastic about this,” says the doctor.

Sayansk really doesn’t have many connections with big cities. The nearest airports are in Bratsk and Irkutsk - these are 230 and 250 kilometers, which can only be overcome by car or bus. But the mayor stopped allowing this transport into the city.

Moreover, a settlement with 40 thousand inhabitants cannot be compared with large cities - it is much easier to avoid close contacts in Sayansk than in Irkutsk, where there are already more than 600 infected.

At the same time, Pesterev does not deny that the city could follow the so-called Swedish scenario, that is, develop collective immunity. In winter, the Irkutsk region suffered a severe flu epidemic - schools and kindergartens were closed for quarantine.

But virologist, professor at the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Anatoly Alshtein is confident that this is unlikely. However, no one can say for sure, because there is very little information about testing in Sayansk; the first tests were passed only after May 9. All of them are negative, but the risk that people simply do not know that there are infected people in the city is still very high.

In Moscow, about 180 thousand have now been ill - this is one fiftieth of the population; we have had and continue to have a fairly severe epidemic. For them, the fiftieth part is 36 people. Of these, there might not have been a single severe case. And if they were, the old people died at that time from pneumonia, no one might have paid attention. Old people often die from pneumonia, this is common

Anatoly Alshtein is a virologist, professor at the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology.

He is sure that the epidemic could pass unnoticed, or it could simply not reach the city, because even the nearest railway is almost 10 kilometers away.

“Without widespread testing, we are blind and cannot say absolutely anything. It would be a very stretch to say that this particular city did not become ill for some reason. Because there is no testing, there is no specifics,” Pesterev concluded.


Population dynamics of Sayansk

1979 1989 1992 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002
8363 38 169 45 300 47 500 46 700 46 500 46 700 43 468
2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
43 500 43 700 43 800 44 000 43 900 43 810 40 800 40 629
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
39 895 39 453 39 198 38 887 38 957 38 897 38 968 38 674
38 820

As of January 1, 2021, in terms of population, the city was in 396th place out of 1,115 cities in the Russian Federation.

Visiting neighbors: Sayansk

Alina Klimova

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Previous parts of the series: Angarsk, Cheremkhovo, Winter.

Today's guide article is dedicated to Sayansk. It just so happens that many Irkutsk residents know about the existence of this city, located three hundred kilometers from the regional center, but few have been there. In particular, due to the fact that you can’t get to Sayansk by passing through: you need to purposefully turn off the Moscow Highway onto the ten-kilometer highway leading to the city. And if you do this at night, then the lack of lighting on the road creates the impression that you are driving into a closed formation from the times of the USSR. But indeed, a lot is connected here with the Soviet Union, but more on that later.

Contrary to the opinion of the majority of Irkutsk residents, Sayansky Broiler is not the main city enterprise

None of the residents question why “Sayansk is a city of great chemistry,” as the stele says right at the entrance to the city. They decided to build it in connection with the intention to create a center of the chemical industry in Eastern Siberia. Therefore, Sayan Broiler is an important, but by no means the only large enterprise. We are talking about Sayanskkhimplast. Polyvinyl chloride (abbreviated as PVC), caustic soda and Belizna are produced here, providing Russia with half of the total volume of these raw materials in the country. Of course, PVC is not tasty broiler chicken, and the average person will not see this product in its raw form; however, the importance of the enterprise should not be underestimated: PVC is used to make pipes, slabs, film, window and door frames, linoleum and much more.

The city was founded in 1970 - it was then that builders began to build the first full-fledged panel house in the taiga. Just imagine: you are walking through the forest, and suddenly you see a five-story city house between the trees. This is what the beginning of the construction of the city looked like—no barracks or wooden buildings. By the way, since Sayansk is the youngest city in the region (today it is 47 years old), here you will not find residential buildings made of wood, as, for example, in Irkutsk. Construction, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin, was carried out at an accelerated pace, and young specialists were involved. It was planned that 200 thousand people would permanently live here, factories, a station were built, and a railway track was laid, which managed to work for several years . Then perestroika began and the stagnation of the 90s began - they did not have time to complete the city. Now abandoned buildings are empty in the middle of the forest. Residents and authorities fell into suspended animation for many years, and only recently did everyone begin to “wake up.”

Where to go for a walk

Since today Sayansk is a small town with a population of about 40 thousand people, and the builders took care of every tree and bush during the construction of objects, this place is ideal for relaxing from the bustle of large cities. Coming here from Irkutsk, you will be surprised by the local rhythm of life - residents are in no hurry, observe the surrounding nature, breathe fresh air. The soul truly rests here. In one walk you will have time to visit all the favorite vacation spots of the Sayan people. And there are several of them.

Monument to the First Builders

In one of the previous articles in the series about Angarsk, you can read about a similar pedestal: the sculpture represents several human figures. The Sayan monument is made as simply as possible - it is a marble stone lying on the base. Why they decided to make it this way is unknown. For many years now, the minds of the Sayans have been troubled by the question of why the monument to the First Builders is so simple. No answer. At the base there is a capsule with an appeal to residents, but it will be opened only in 2021.

Where: intersection of Sovetskaya and Shkolnaya streets.


A few years ago a fountain was opened in the city. This place has become a favorite place for the townspeople to relax. You can come here at any time to meet and chat with someone. You can take your child for a walk on the playground - there is a wonderful playground nearby. The Ryabinushka cafe, famous among the Sayans, is also located here. If for Irkutsk residents the sacred gathering point is the Trud stadium, then in Sayansk for many years in a row you could hear from a friend: “Meet me near Ryabka.” Now everyone meets at the fountain.

Where: Sovetskaya street

City Stadium

After having enough time near the fountain, head for the nearby forest. You will immediately see an iron fence, and behind it the city stadium. You may have to wander around a bit to find the entrance. Saiyans love to come to the stands of the stadium to socialize. If you are interested in football and you find yourself in the right place at the right time, you will be able to watch the competition - admission is free. The city team is called "Skif".

City slide

It's better to come here in winter. From the fountain we already know (it doesn’t work in the winter, if anything) we cross the road and find ourselves at the main entertainment area for children during the New Year holidays. As a rule, two weeks before the holiday, ice figures are installed here and a large slide is poured, where you can ride until Maslenitsa . In summer there is a children's go-kart playground.


At the end of June this year, sculptures with references to Russian fairy tales were installed throughout the city. They were made by visiting artists as part of the Dobrodel festival. The photographs depict Ivan Tsarevich and Baba Yaga placed on the fountain. You can entertain yourself by setting the task of finding all the sculptures and guessing which scenes from which fairy tales they show. Fortunately, the city is small. Hint: there are ten figures in total.

Square named after the 40th anniversary of the Victory

The square was opened in 1985 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Today, commemorative events are held here on May 9 and June 22. The stele, towering above the square, depicts warriors from different times: from ancient Russian heroes to Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan.

Where: Yubileiny district, next to the city square.

Central Library

Of course, in order to read books from the library, you need to sign up for it. If you come from another city, then naturally problems may arise. Fortunately, a small shelf was installed near the entrance to the building where residents exchange books for free. Probably every city has this, but for Sayansk it’s very atmospheric: if you’re tired of just walking, sit on a bench and read any book.

Where: m-on Central, building 2.

When: always.

Issue price: free.

Shock - there is no monument to Lenin in Sayansk

In Sayansk, by the way, there is no monument to Lenin. And this despite the fact that the city was built for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Leader.

Where to go

Taking a walk around Sayansk is a must. Having done this, you can see the 2 main prides of the city - the cleanliness of the streets and nature. Sayansk is beautiful - the city is “green”, there are many specially planted trees. This is especially noticeable in contrast with the almost completely “concrete” regional center .

Where is the best place to get to know the city? Here :

City History Museum

What would it be like to get to know the city without visiting a museum? Only here you will see with your own eyes the objects with which Sayansk is directly connected from its foundation in Soviet times to the present day. 4000 units is the approximate number of museum exhibits.

Where: m-on Stroiteley, 24

When: on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00

Issue price: 25 rubles


In the evening, after a walk, it's time to go to a movie show. This can be done in two places in our city: in the Yunost recreation center and in the Skif shopping center. Price tags there, compared to the regional center, are small. This does not affect the quality at all: of course, there is 3D, world new films are shown immediately after their release in Russia - just like in any self-respecting cinema in the country. The House of Culture has a large hall, there are not many people, so you can buy a ticket right before the start of the show.

House of Culture "Yunost": Yubileiny microdistrict, 36. Price: 150 rubles.

Shopping center "Skif": Stroiteley m-on, not far from the bus station. Price: depending on the hall and time.

Art Gallery

The art gallery has been operating since 1983. About 600 works are permanently stored here. The organization periodically holds various exhibitions and events, for example, “Night at the Museum” has been organized for several years in a row. If the names of Siberian artists A. Pozdeev, L. Gimov, V. Smagin mean anything to you, then you should definitely visit the museum.

Where: Yubileiny district, 65. At the entrance to the city

When: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 18:00

Saturday 9:00 – 17:00

Issue price: depending on the exhibition

About sport

Being “for a healthy lifestyle” in our city is as easy as going to dubious establishments - they are everywhere, including here, but we talk about them

for obvious reasons we won’t. It's just a matter of worldview. As the local newspaper reported, in Sayansk about seven hundred young children are pupils of various sections. This is only official information: in fact, seeing people playing sports at the city’s stadiums, of which we have many, is not uncommon.

Ski resort "Severnaya"

Since the city is located on a hill, it would be strange not to take advantage of the opportunity to equip a full-fledged ski slope. Today, at a distance of three kilometers from the city, there are cross-country and alpine skiing trails and a tubing slope. Full-fledged competitions are held here at different levels: city, regional. Since I haven’t gone down the ski slope (except on an ice sled, but that’s a completely different story), and alpine skiing is not my element, I can’t say anything about its quality. However, I can say for sure: the roads here are divided into levels - for beginners and for more experienced athletes.

But with the cross-country ski track, things are much more precise. There are sections of 1, 2, 3 and 5 kilometers, as well as a small circle in the stadium, which children will enjoy. Any skier who comes here to compete says that the route is very difficult. If you love extreme sports in the truest sense of the word, then you should take a ride on the five-kilometer section. The descent here is so steep that when you pick up speed you feel your skis leaving the ground.

After skiing, you can rent a gazebo and grill to barbecue. Prices for all services are quite affordable, again in comparison with larger databases. They are formed by the organization closer to winter, so you can follow the information on the website.

Where: road to the village of Cheremshanka, turn off to the ski base 3 km from the city.

When: Until the snow melts

Mountain bike trail "Ulanskaya Gora"

Mountain biking appeared in Sayansk not so long ago - a few years ago. This was done by a group of people interested in the development of this sport. At first they made a track behind the fifth microdistrict, but someone didn’t like the jumps and broke them. Today, competitions are periodically held on an equipped mountain under the popular name “Ulanskaya”. And they called it that because it leads directly to Lake Ulan. If you're not afraid of steep descents at breakneck speed, and if your bike is guaranteed not to fall apart in the process, then feel free to go straight there.

If you don’t have a bicycle or want to get an adrenaline rush, the mountain is a great place to sit in the evening on a concrete base and admire the beautiful nature from a high point. The landscape here is truly magnificent - the Oka River, lake, plain and forests open up to your eyes, so Ulan Mountain is perfect for gatherings with your other half.

The lake is located only three kilometers from the city boundaries, so in the summer many residents constantly go there to swim. True, this is prohibited by Rospotrebnadzor, because the water there does not meet hygienic requirements. So if you are invited there to relax, do so at your own peril and risk.

Where is Ulanskaya Gora located: exit from the intersection of Tayozhnaya and Sovetskaya streets, 200 meters along the guarded garage complex.

Athletics run "Sayansk - Winter"

Every year in September the city holds a big sports competition for people of all ages. The race runs from the Yunost cultural center in Sayansk to the Rossiya cultural and cultural center in Zim. The driving distances are different - 4, 8, 13 and 30 kilometers. To overcome the longest distance, athletes must have considerable preparation - many begin training long before the event. Many come from neighboring cities and towns. Not long ago they also started holding a bike ride. The distance is truly difficult - it runs along an asphalt road that connects two neighboring cities and factories, with long descents and ascents. For this annual event, the road is closed for several hours.

If you are interested in testing your strength and trying to compete for prizes, then come to Sayansk in early September. Follow the information on the city portal.

When: end of September

Where: start at Yubileiny microdistrict, 36

Issue price: free

Illegal attractions

As I already said, they planned to make Sayansk a big city. In terms of population, it could be comparable to today's Angarsk. But the collapse of the USSR and the subsequent nineties stopped the development of the chemical industry, say residents interested in the history of their small homeland. Frozen enterprises and bridges now stand lonely and empty among the Siberian taiga. All these unfinished buildings are located a short distance from the city. The authorities strongly do not recommend going there, because it can be life-threatening. We don’t recommend it either, but we’ll tell you about one of them, if only so that you can imagine what Sayansk could be like.

"Bridge to Nowhere"

This bridge was supposed to connect the fifth and sixth microdistricts. Cars would drive right over the railroad tracks, which are now being replaced by a gravel road to the garage cooperative. Teenagers, despite their parents’ prohibitions, often walk there; they even built a “bungee”. On the left, a little further away, there is a narrow bridge for the railway tracks. It rises above a deep ravine. It’s really dangerous to visit that place, so if you’re not confident in yourself, don’t go.

On the way to the Rassvet dacha cooperative you can see an unfinished train station . They wanted to run trains to the station in Zima, and there the route would connect with the Trans-Siberian Railway. There are also enterprises there that were supposed to supply the entire city with products.

Sayansk is a small town, so it is ideal for a relaxing break from the hustle and bustle and problems. And getting to know the city, as you’ve probably already seen, won’t cost very much.

Social sphere


The municipal education system in Sayansk includes 7 secondary schools, 10 kindergartens, an additional education institution, the House of Children's Creativity "Constellation" and the Education Development Center1.


The city has a centralized library system, an art gallery, a historical and environmental museum and the Sayanskkhimplast OJSC museum, and there are associations of artists and writers.

Sayans realize their creative potential in art schools - two music and art. The center of cultural and leisure activities is the House of Culture “Yunost”, owned by OJSC Sayanskhimplast. Previously, there was also a recreation center “Stroitel” in the city, which was subsequently sold from the property of the joint-stock company of builders “Vostok” into private hands and repurposed as an entertainment center.

17 creative groups have been created in cultural institutions, eight of them have the title “national”; folk choir of war and labor veterans, folk ensemble “Luchinushka”, folk brass band, folk dance ensemble “Rucheyok”, pop dance ensemble “Alliance”, song ensemble “Cherry”, folk instrument ensemble “Karavay”, Chamber choir. There is also a music and art school, a children's creativity center


Traditionally, Sayansk hosts more than 10 public events a year. City Day, Builder's Day, and New Year are widely celebrated in August. It has already become a tradition in May to celebrate the professional holiday of the workers of the city-forming enterprise OJSC Sayanskhimplast, to which up to 15 thousand people gather and national pop stars are invited.

  • City Brass Band of Sayansk
  • Picture gallery of Sayansk
  • Museum of Sayansk

Settlements located on the banks

The largest zone through which the great Yenisei passes is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The following districts and cities are located on the banks:

  1. Shushensky. Kazantsevo, Sayansk, Sizaya, Nizh are located along it. Koya.

  2. Minusinsky. Not far from the town are Zeleny Bor and Lugovskoye.
  3. Novoselovsky. Divny and Krasnoturansk are located on the river.
  4. Berezovsky.
  5. Krasnoyarsk Not far from the regional center are Divnogorsk and Sosnovoborsk.
  6. Sukhobuzimsky. At a short distance from Sukhobuzimo, on the banks of the Yenisei, there are the villages of Bereg Taskino, Pavloshina, Kononovo and others.
  7. Kazachinsky. The area includes Zakharovka, Podporozhye and others.
  8. Bolshemurtinsky. The area includes Lugovskoye, Yazaevka, Yukseevo, Predivinsk.
  9. Yenisei. On the banks of the river are Strelka, Kolmogorovo, and Podtesovo.
  10. Turukhansky. In the area there are Chernoostrovsk, Surgutikha, Sukh. Tunguska and others.
  11. Ust-Yeniseisky. Near the Yenisei there are Ust-Port, Kazantsevo, Vorontsovo, Polikarpovskoe.
  12. The cities of Dudinka and Igarka.

In the Republic of Khakassia, the Yenisei passes through the following areas:

  • Beysky - the district included Maina, Cheryomushki;
  • Altaisky - Letnik, Ochury, Kirovo were built on the shore;
  • Bogradsky - the district includes Pervomaiskoye, Znamenka;
  • Ust-Abakansky - Mokhov and Prigorsk are located in the area;
  • the capital of Khakassia is Abakan;
  • city ​​of Chernogorsk.

The list includes villages, villages, towns, and urban developments that are located near the Yenisei.

The fauna on the banks of the Yenisei is the most diverse. If near its beginning you can meet representatives of the fauna that live only in the steppe, then at the end of the path there are polar bears.


On March 17, 1991, the Orthodox sacrament of baptism was performed for the first time in Sayansk. The Sayantsev was baptized by the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Zima, Priest Nikolai Povalsky. On this day, 208 people took vows of holy baptism (including 78 young townspeople). The sacrament was performed in the Dolphin pool. A year later, the official registration of an Orthodox parish took place in Sayansk, the rector of which was Priest Alexy Seredin. In 1993, the parish began construction of the Church of the Annunciation. The Varvara Church of the 16th-17th centuries from the village of Yandomozero in Karelia was used as an architectural model. This is a simple and at the same time harmonious tent-type structure with two high tower domes spaced from each other. The temple bell tower consists of five floors. Address of the temple in the city of Sayansk: Blagoveshchensky microdistrict, building 4. Rector: Priest John Borisyuk (2020)2.

  • Sayan and Nizhneudinsk diocese

Sayansk (Irkutsk region)

A young, compact and in every sense cozy city in the Irkutsk region is located not far from Zima, which is noticeably inferior to its neighbor in many components. The first house in the history of Sayansk was not a wooden barracks, as is often the case (there are none there at all), but a permanent five-story building. Its construction began in the middle of the taiga on the centenary day of the leader of the world proletariat - April 22, 1970. A reminder of that event is a plaque on the wall of the house, which, I must say, is well preserved. The Victory Stele was erected next to it, and on the other side of the road there is a physical education and sports complex and a luxurious stadium, which even cities with a population five times larger can envy.

The house from which the history of Sayansk began
Sayansk is a settlement with a special aura. Not only because of its location. Pleasant impressions arise even when entering the city. Lots of trees, original perspectives of brick high-rise buildings, the Yunost Palace of Culture - all this puts you in a positive mood. And the further you go into the forest, the more clearly you understand that each microdistrict has its own personality. Moreover, the face is always pretty, without an eyesore. You can stumble upon “manorial” houses and nine-story anthills of bizarre shape.

Palace of Culture "Youth"

Victory Stele

Monument in the form of a marble stone
The townspeople have no shortage of educational institutions or retail outlets. There are no problems with sports infrastructure in Sayansk. In addition to the above-mentioned stadium and sports complex, I also caught my eye on the swimming pool, the Sports House and the Megapolis-Sports complex. I especially remember the children's club "Invincible" in the Stroiteley microdistrict - next door to school No. 5. On its wooden, but very strong hockey rink, in the middle of drab five-story buildings, a coach trains the children.

Box of the children's sports club "Invincible"

Sayansky FOC

City stadium At the top of the ski slope near Sayansk

An additional advantage is the Severnaya ski resort, located a few kilometers from the city. Sergei Petrov, the administrator, supply manager, and coach rolled into one, who runs it with almost sheer enthusiasm can erect a monument during his lifetime. Without this specialist, everything will collapse there, some residents of Sayansk and Zima, who bring their children here, are sure. Many infrastructure facilities of the city are owned by the Sayanskhimplast enterprise. It's surprising that its management managed not to sell everything in times of crisis. And for the fact that the PVC manufacturer did not greatly influence the ecology of Sayansk, we must say special thanks to the mother taiga and the wind rose. I can’t even believe that this is a city of great chemistry. Or that he was like this just recently. It's really easy to breathe on these streets.

The Snowy town of Sayansk deserves special words, landscaped not for show, but with taste. When you find yourself on its territory, you want to stay there, if not forever, then at least for a couple of hours. This is encouraged not only by dozens of fun children and their parents, but also by stunning carved figures - both ice and wooden.

Cathedral Church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Another decoration of Sayansk is the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is incredible both outside and inside. And, what is important, it is not at all similar to the majority of religious buildings in the country, many of which in recent years (I will call them a period of architectural bad taste) have been growing like mushrooms after rain, and therefore look very similar to each other.


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