Kotovsk is the regional center of the Odessa region, a large railway station in the south of Ukraine


(Tambov Region)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1940 City of regional subordination
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
130 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Kotovsk


street 9 Pyatiletkiterritory Bus station areaterritory Area of ​​the old telephone exchange
territory Residential building areaterritory Region HPV-9Gavrilova street
territory City hospital areaterritory Gorgaz DistrictDachna street
Druzhby streetterritory Precast concrete plant area from the north sideRailway Street
Green Street2nd Green StreetQuarry street
territory Quarry area KZSMterritory KZSM District (1st stage)Kirova street
Brick StreetKolkhoznaya streetKomsomolskaya street
territory Area of ​​the (former) horse yard of the GortorgKotovsky streetKrasnogvardeyskaya street
Lesnaya streetLeshoznaya streetLugovaya Street
Peaceful streetMichurinskaya streetMichurina passage
Embankment streetNarodnaya StreetPeople's Passage
New streetOzerny passageOktyabrskaya street
Parkhomenko streetPervomaiskaya streetterritory Railway station area on the east side
Pionerskaya streetPoskonkina streetTruda Avenue
Profsoyuznaya streetterritory District RBU SMU-5River street
territory Collective Garden Sunriseterritory of the Collective Garden Zarechyeterritory of the Collective Garden Lighthouse
territory Collective Garden Medicterritory Collective garden Southern MP Housing and Communal Servicesterritory Collective garden 1 Firstborn
territory collective garden Signalmanterritory Collective garden 11 Teacherterritory of the Collective Garden Energetik
SNT 1 plant named after the 50th anniversary of SSSterritory Collective garden 10 Friendshipterritory Collective Garden 2 South
territory Collective garden 3 plastics factoriesterritory Collective garden 4 Forest edgeterritory Collective Garden 5 Red Lake
territory Collective Garden 6 Lugovoyterritory Collective Garden 9 PriozernySadovaya street
Freedom StreetNorth streetSoviet street
Stroitelnaya streetStroygorodok passageShock Street
territory Slag dead end areaSouth streetSouthern passage
Bokinsky passageFar streetterritory Area of ​​the new gas station
territory Boiler room area LKZ on Poskonkina streetterritory Ash dump areaterritory KZSM District (2nd stage)
territory KZSM District (3rd stage)territory Warehouse area of ​​JSC AgroCooperative Street
Molodezhny LaneProletarskaya streetSovkhoznaya street
Tsninskaya streetRailway passageSunny street
Dubravnaya streetMaple StreetMichurin street
Molodezhnaya StreetA wide streetSukhotinskaya street
East streetKirov passageShady street
territory Collective garden 13territory Collective Garden Northernterritory Area of ​​the reinforced concrete plant on the western side along the
territory Area of ​​the reinforced concrete plant on Gavrilova streetterritory Area of ​​the old gas station on Sovetskaya streetterritory Railway station area on the western side
territory Plastics plant management areaterritory Bus station area (Rucheek cooperative)territory Area of ​​the (former) stud yard of the plant
territory Dental clinic areaterritory Area Kolkhoznaya street along the perimeter of the gardensterritory area Naberezhnaya street 5
territory District of Almaz OJSC on Naberezhnaya streetQuiet streetterritory of the Collective Garden in the area of ​​Stroitelno street


Kotovsk: maps

Kotovsk: photo from space (Google Maps) Kotovsk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Builder8 ()NW
2Pokrovo-Prigorodnoye12 ()NW
3Tambov15 (15)WITH
4Novaya Lyada17 (29)NE
5Znamenka19 (54)YU
6Satinka26 (43)SE
7Rasskazovo27 (45)IN
8Bondari55 (76)NE
9Dmitrievka58 (70)NW
10Rzhaksa60 (90)SE
11Tokarevka69 (97)YU
12Inzhavino72 (121)SE
13Sosnovka72 (77)WITH
14Zavoronezhskoe72 (82)NW
15Mordovo74 (106)SW
16Michurinsk76 (88)NW
17Kirsanov83 (108)IN
18Zherdevka83 (97)YU
19Uvarovo84 (113)SE
20Petrovskoe84 (118)Z
21Dobrinka (Lipetsk region)84 (134)SW
22Pichaevo86 (113)NE
23Gavrilovka 2nd91 (131)IN
24Ertil96 (134)SW
25Staroyurevo97 (125)NW
26Morshansk98 (97)WITH
27Will clean99 (130)IN
28Ternovka (Voronezh region)100 (118)YU
29Muchkapsky104 (133)SE
30Mud106 (121)Z

a brief description of

Located in the center of the Oka-Don Plain, on the right bank of the river. Tsna, 13 km south of Tambov. Railway Tambov-II station.

Territory (sq. km): 17

Information about the city of Kotovsk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It arose before the First World War of 1914-18 as a settlement for the builders of the state gunpowder factory (the decision to build it was made in 1912).

In 1918 it received the name Shock, in 1919 Red Action. The workers' settlement of Krasny Boevik from February 28, 1928. Later it became part of the Industrial District of the city of Tambov.

In 1940, the Industrial District of the city of Tambov was transformed into the city of Kotovsk, named after the civil war participant G.I. Kotovsky (1881-1925), who in May 1921 suppressed the anti-Soviet peasant uprising in the Tambov province led by A.S. Antonov.

The development of the gunpowder plant gave rise to the development of the chemical industry and chemical engineering in the Tambov region.

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population8.5
Number of deaths, per 1000 population18.4
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-9.9
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.1836.5
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.18
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.10
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people1.2
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.6
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people4.3
Number of doctors, people.101
Number of nursing staff, people.320
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.1
Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.4
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.4
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.0.9
Number of registered crimes, pcs.404
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.277
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.377
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.25.5
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area0.5
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments3
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.4
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.4.1
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.8.9
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.290.6
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.7941
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.36.9
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.107.4
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.2933.4
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.13.7
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.375.1
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.38.3
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %3.7

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


Kotovsk is an industrial satellite city of Tambov.

The main industry is chemistry: factories - plastics, paint and varnish; artificial leather factory.

Precast concrete plant, brick factory, pasta and clothing factories, etc.

Main enterprises


State Enterprise "Kotovsky Kotovsky Paint and Varnish Plant"
393170, Tambov region, Kotovsk, st.
Zheleznodorozhnaya, 2 Offers:
solvents, epoxy resins, varnishes, enamels, drying oils, water-based paints, phenolic resins, primers


OJSC "Almaz"
393170, Tambov region, Kotovsk, st.
Svobody, 1 Offers:
microelectronics products, electric fan heaters for industrial and domestic use

Architecture, sights

Until the 1960s Kotovsk was considered the most comfortable and green city in the Tambov region. However, the increase in chemical production volumes has sharply worsened the environmental situation in the city.

In the vicinity of Kotovsk, on the banks of the river. Tsna (between Kotovsky and Tambov) - the remains of the buildings of the Tregulyaev-Predtechensky Monastery (second half of the 17th-18th centuries).

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Searches were carried out in the administration of Kotovsk as part of a fraud case

Security forces are conducting investigative actions in the case of possible theft of money during the “reform” of the housing and communal services of Kotovsk.

This morning, investigators visited the administration of the single-industry town of Kotovsk. As part of a criminal investigation into fraud, searches were carried out. It is not yet known who exactly the investigative action was carried out. Let us only recall that a year ago searches already took place in the house of the first deputy of the Kotovsk administration Lyudmila Khlusova, in the offices of the Kotovsk administration, and in the office of Compulink Infrastructure TO LLC.

Notebook Tambov was confirmed by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region that operational activities were carried out in the administration of Kotovsk. However, today's visit of the security forces is of a slightly different nature. It turns out that a new criminal case has been opened and new facts of fraud have been revealed. This time with tariffs. According to sources, Kotov residents, since the emergence of Compulink as a supplier of heat and hot water, have been paying inflated tariffs for several years to cover the concessionaire’s costs.

Let us clarify that the story of “reforming” the heat supply of Kotovsk began quite a long time ago. Officially, the program that led to the death of the Kotovskaya CHPP started in 2021, when the former first vice-governor of the Tambov region Alexander Ganov and the director of energy service projects of the Compulink Group of Companies Yuri Danilyuk signed a cooperation agreement in Sochi. As part of the agreement, Compulink designed a new utility infrastructure in the field of heat supply in Kotovsk - 6 boiler houses with a capacity of 83 MW.

As part of the agreement for the construction of boiler houses, 300 million rubles were “knocked out” from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund, and they allegedly invested another 200 million of their own funds. But, as we understand, investments in the housing and communal services sector are made not by investors, but by consumers. That is, residents. This money was supposed to be returned to the creditor, Compulink, through investment allowances in tariffs.

In May 2021, the head of Kotovsk, Alexey Plakhotnikov, entered into a concession with Compulink Infrastructure TO LLC. At the same time, he probably understood what he was doing, because before the monotown he was a deputy in the State Duma for five years, where he worked on the property committee. Dealt with small business affairs, investors, bankruptcies, and so on. Not to mention his successful business past in Yukos, Rosneft and the garbage business. And tariffs have increased.

And in 2021, the group’s president, Mikhail Lyashch, was detained on suspicion of embezzlement of billions, but there was nowhere to retreat. Now this company is the main supplier of thermal energy to the monotown. It is worth noting that residents of the single-industry town had many complaints about the work of the Kotovskaya CHPP; there have always been problems with heat here. As with heating networks.

What is the element of a possible crime if the boiler houses are built and somehow work? The cost of the project is questionable. After all, according to the Ministry of Construction, its price is just over 300 million rubles. This money was received from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund. What then are the residents of Kotovsk paying for to this day? That's the question. In addition, when the concession project with Compulink was still at the discussion stage, Kotovsk utility workers warned that the heating networks of the single-industry town would not be able to cope with the work of the boiler houses, which was confirmed this year.

The investigation is ongoing. Perhaps in the near future we will find out the true cost of reforming the heat supply system of the unfortunate Tambov single-industry town, whose problems will never end (let’s remember only LKZ, CHPP, Powder Plant and the list goes on).

Victor Semenov
News on Notepad-Tambov

Report. "Historical monuments of Kotovsk"

Historical monuments of Kotovsk

In 1949, on April 19, the Kotovsky City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union decided to build a city park named after Kirov, between Sovetskaya, Kirov and Prospekt Truda streets. In 1969, the park named after Kirov was renamed the Park of Military Glory. The Executive Committee of the Tambov Regional Council of Deputies and Workers adopted a decision “On the installation of an obelisk to fallen soldiers in the Park of Military Glory in Kotovsk.” The opening took place on the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1975.

The author of the obelisk project is Honored Architect of the Russian Federation Alexander Sergeevich Kulikov. The obelisk was erected in the center of the park at the intersection of existing alleys and is clearly visible from all sides. The height of the obelisk is 16 meters. The earthen mound on which the obelisk stands is made in the shape of Slavic hills and rises 2 m above ground level. Weeping willows, spruces, and more than 1000 acacias are planted in the park, symbolizing the memory of fallen soldiers.

On May 9, 1985, the opening of the Memory Alley took place in the Park of Military Glory. On both sides of the alley there are marble slabs with the names of soldiers, Kotovites, who died during the Great Patriotic War, engraved on them.

On August 11, 2001, a memorial to internationalist soldiers was opened in the Park of Military Glory on the territory of Afghanistan and Chechnya. The idea of ​​​​building a monument arose after the creation of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans organization in our city in February 1997. The author of the monument project is Honored Architect of the Russian Federation Alexander Sergeevich Kulikov.

The memorial complex dedicated to the 90th anniversary was opened on November 18, 2005 and includes – a stele on which – the year the enterprise was founded and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree; on memorial plaques - the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union of the plastics plant; The cannon is a symbol of the defense enterprise.

The monument to G. I. Kotovsky. The bust of the legendary hero of the civil war was unveiled on June 20, 1981. The author of the monument is Sergei Efimovich Lebedev, Honored Sculptor of the RSFSR.

Obelisk “October” On November 5, 1957, a stele with the inscription “In memory of the soldiers who died for the cause of the proletarian revolution in 1918-1921” was erected in the center of the square. The author of the obelisk project is Nikolai Mikhailovich Moroz, head of the PKO.

Museum historical and educational educational complex of the city of Kotovsk. The Museum of the History of the City of Kotovsk was opened on November 6, 1977 by the decision of the bureau of the city committee of the CPSU and was located in a small house located on the street. Kotovsky. In 1981, the museum was transferred to the Furshdtat building, built in 1917 for the needs of the Tambov Gunpowder Plant on July 1, 1998. The building was recognized as a historical and cultural monument of local significance, in 2004 the building was registered with the regional monument protection authority.

In 1996, the museum acquired a new status - a museum historical and educational educational complex (MIPOK). Today the museum complex is an educational and methodological center for all educational institutions of the city, the guardian of the continuity of cultural traditions.

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