Omsk in numbers. Demographic indicators of a million-plus city

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  • Omsk city

Omsk is one of the largest Russian cities with a million population, the eighth most populous in Russia and the second in Siberia (as of 2021, 1,172,070 people live in Omsk).
The city is a major scientific, cultural and industrial center, as well as an important transport hub, since it is located at the confluence of the Om and Irtysh, and the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through it. Omsk was founded in 1716, when the Omsk Fortress was founded on its modern territory by the expedition of Ivan Buchholz, which received city status only in 1782. Since then, the city will go through many different events; in the Omsk prison from 1850 to 1854, along with other convicts, the writer Dostoevsky will serve his sentence, and during the Civil War, Omsk will even be the capital of the Russian state and White Russia. During Soviet times, a number of enterprises were built in the city, which to this day determine its economy and industrial structure.

Omsk is located in the southern part of the West Siberian Plain in the MSC+3 time zone. Climatically, Omsk belongs to the temperate climate zone with a distinctive feature in the form of a greater abundance of sunlight than in similar places. The city's temperature records are -45 in January and +40 in July, but the average winter and summer temperatures are -19 and +18, respectively.

The vegetation of the city is determined by its close location to the border of forest-steppe and steppe, and the most famous representatives of the fauna are various species of birds (for example, species of ducks, falcons, gulls, quails, partridges, magpies, jackdaws and many others, including vagrant flamingos, storks, eagle owls and blackbirds).

Oil refining and petrochemical enterprises operate in Omsk; a large share is occupied by mechanical engineering, in particular, the production of aerospace equipment, military armored vehicles and agricultural vehicles. For example, the Polet production association produces the famous Rokot and Proton-M launch vehicles and components for Angara launch vehicles.

The main architectural attractions of the city are the Omsk fortress, the stone mansion of the merchant A. Batyushkin, erected in 1902, the red brick fire tower, built in 1912, the oldest theater in Siberia, established in 1874 and built in stone in 1905, as well as numerous temples and cathedrals, including the Holy Assumption Cathedral, St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral and Seraphim-Alekseevskaya Chapel.

Option No. 2

Omsk is one of the cities in Siberia with more than a million inhabitants. Wears achievements of labor glory. Scientific, sports, cultural, and industrial activities are widespread. The city has a major railway and a thriving shipping industry.

Date of foundation: 1716 under the leadership of General I. D. Buchholz.

Status officially recognized as a city: in 1782.

Geographical location: South of Siberia in the forest-steppe zone. The Irtysh and Om rivers are nearby. Omsk borders on Kazakhstan. The climatic conditions are characterized by an abundance of sunlight. Since the city is located in the forest-steppe, there is not much vegetation. There are almost no forests for many kilometers from the settlement. Mostly only the cultivated area is found. Around the city you can find birches and aspens; inside the city there are many poplars; oaks are very rare. Natural healers of the forest include pelicans, storks, blackbirds, tits, eagles, partridges and other birds.

Due to the difficult environmental situation in the city of Omsk, it is prohibited to swim in rivers and lakes. The rivers are quite polluted due to the discharge of oil products into them. That's why there are no healthy fish in the rivers. Garbage collection and food waste disposal have also been disrupted in the city of Omsk. In some places, entire neighborhoods containing old residential buildings are becoming dumping grounds. There is garbage and a landfill here that has not been removed or removed for years. City dwellers also suffer from frequent winds and dust curtains. As a result, heavy radicals enter the human lungs with dust.

Brief history of the city of Omsk

In the 1620s-1630s, the settlement was ruled by the Mongols and was then called the Dzungarian possession.

1628 Voivode Kaisarov submitted a petition to Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich for the construction of a fort at the mouth of the Om River. The request was granted in August of the same year. The construction of the fortress was delayed for a long time. This matter was hampered by the uprising of S. Razin, the Russian-Turkish war of 1672-1681, the Crimean campaign and other political issues.

1715 The first fortress was founded under the leadership of Buchholz. But after 3 months it was destroyed by residents, considering it an encroachment on their territory.

In 1768. Buchholz moved to the right bank of the Om River and built a second fortress there.

1850 to 1854. The writer F. M. Dostoevsky was sitting there. His review of the city: “Omsk is a nasty city, where there are almost no trees. In summer it is hot and windy with flying sand. The town is dirty, military and depraved in every way.”

Coat of arms

The central part of the coat of arms is a heraldic shield, in the silver field of which there is a scarlet wall lined with black with small triangular bastions. The shield is topped with a gold tower crown with five teeth, surrounded by a gold laurel wreath on the hoop, and surrounded by the ribbon of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The full coat of arms also contains images of shield holders: a fusilier of infantry regiments from the time of Emperor Peter the Great and a Siberian Cossack in the attire and weapons of the second half of the 18th century. Foot: green land, overgrown with grass and feather grass. The motto “He is the main fortress” is inscribed in scarlet letters on a silver ribbon.

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The history of Omsk begins in 1716, with the founding of the fortress by Ivan Buchholz. This event was preceded by a decree of Peter I to strengthen the defense. The settlement became the center of Western Siberia in the 19th century. In 1918, it was the seat of the Provisional All-Russian Government, resisting the Bolsheviks. After the victory of the latter, important institutions were moved to Novo-Nikolaevsk. In 1930, the settlement was merged with the city of Leninsk-Omsky, and in 1933 - with Novo-Omsk. On March 20, 1947, it was classified as a city of republican subordination by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The construction of industrial facilities and infrastructure structures began there.

A number of administrative districts were formed within the Russian Federation. Until 2008, housing construction developed. The pace of modernization of production and communications has slowed down.

↑ Attractions

Although Omsk is not very burdened with tourists, there is still quite a lot of interest here for city guests: churches, theaters, museums, monuments. Omsk residents can be proud that their hometown is called the theater capital of vast Siberia, because here there are more than ten theaters of various types for a population of more than a million. The oldest of them is the academic drama theater. The most visited is the “Fifth Theater” with its shocking performances, bold direction, and relaxed atmosphere in the hall. The Harlequin Puppet and Mask Theater hosts very bright performances with captivating performances by talented actors. Whole families love to come here.

Among the museums of Omsk, three of the most significant can be named. Of course, this is a local history museum - one of the richest in the region, the Museum of Fine Arts. Vrubel, with its 25 thousand collection of exhibits and the Literary Museum. Dostoevsky, whose building itself is an ancient architectural monument and where there are rooms in which Dostoevsky, while in exile, wrote his books, including the famous “Notes from the House of the Dead”. Among the monuments traditional for any city in Omsk there are also several funny sculptures that give a unique color to the places where they are located, for example, “Plumber”, “Lyubushka”, “Fish” and others.

There is also a structure in the city called the “Tara Gate”. It was an ancient building that was once demolished for unknown reasons, but then restored, and now the Tara Gate advantageously adorns the city landscape. Omsk residents like to spend the Victory Day holiday and just weekends in a cozy park named in honor of the Great Victory of our people over fascism. Outside of Omsk, there are amazingly beautiful Siberian expanses: forests, lakes, magnificent Irtysh landscapes and the unique Bird Harbor nature reserve.


Seventy years ago, the Assumption Cathedral was destroyed in Omsk. The temple was built according to the design of Ernest Virrich. This was the only work of the St. Petersburg architect on Omsk land. The temple was built in the style of Russian architecture of the 17th century in 1898. It was closed in 1923, and remained empty for almost a decade. In 1933 they began to dismantle it. Today the temple is being restored and July 16, 2007

— the first service will take place in the restored Assumption Cathedral.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the city of Omsk,” which will be celebrated in 2016. The same document instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to approve the composition of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the celebration and the plan of main events. The signing of such a Decree distinguishes the Omsk region as a subject of the Russian Federation, noticeable nationwide in its socio-economic and cultural potential. Already today, urban development projects initiated by the Governor of the Omsk Region largely equate the status of Omsk to the capital level. These are the metro bridge, the reconstructed Irtysh embankment, the Harlequin theater, the Arena-Omsk sports complex, the revival of the Assumption Cathedral, the reconstruction of the railway station, etc.

Most of the ideas that will determine the improvement, standard of living and comfort of Omsk residents for the 300th anniversary of the city have also already been laid down and are being implemented these days - including the construction of a metro, new roads, exhibition complexes, and a large-scale regional housing construction program is in effect.

The regional authorities pay special attention to the development of human potential - improving the demographic situation, ensuring accessibility to quality healthcare and education, housing, strengthening social support for the population, increasing the attractiveness of the scientific field, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and increasing employment.

Long-term and medium-term programs of the regional Government involve further expansion of foreign economic relations, growth of foreign trade and interregional trade turnover, development of scientific, technical and cultural interaction. All this will allow Omsk to approach this significant anniversary as one of the most comfortable cities for living.


At the beginning of the 2002/2003 academic year, there were 206 daytime educational institutions in Omsk (195 state and 11 non-state). The number of students was 136.6 thousand people.

There are 20 higher education institutions in Omsk (10 state and 10 non-state, licensed by the Russian Ministry of Education). The oldest is Omsk State Agrarian University (formerly Siberian Agricultural Academy, 1918). Omsk State University, Pedagogical Polytechnic, Transport Universities, academies: medical, railway and road transport, physical education are widely known. A number of military higher educational institutions train personnel for the army and internal affairs bodies. The oldest military educational institution in Omsk, founded in 1813, is the Siberian Omsk Cadet Corps. At different times, it was completed by the founder of Siberian regionalism G.N. Potanin, the Kazakh scientist and educator Chokan Valikhanov, the publicist and poet I.F. Annensky, the historian of the Siberian Cossack army G.E. Katanaev, the leader of the white movement L.G. Kornilov, Bolshevik leader statesman V.V. Kuibyshev (born in Omsk in 1856), Hero of the Soviet Union General D.M. Karbyshev, etc. By the beginning of the 2002/2003 academic year, 78.6 thousand people were studying in state institutions of higher education .

38.7 thousand people studied in 34 institutions of secondary vocational education. The number of students who received secondary (complete) general education in 2002 was 11.9 thousand people. 17.7 thousand boys and girls received certificates of basic general education.

At the end of 2002, there were 194 preschool educational institutions in Omsk; the number of children in them amounted to 27.8 thousand people.


The flag of Omsk is made in the form of a rectangular white panel. The ratio of its sides is 2:3. It consists of three horizontal stripes: red in the center and white along the edges. The latter are equal in size. Medium - 1/4 wide of the same size of the panel. At the top it has seven triangular dents, at the bottom there are the same number of corresponding triangular protrusions. The depth of the depressions and the height of the teeth are 1/12 of the width of the flag.

The artistic composition was accepted on April 16, 2014 and entered into the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 9363.

The present…

Lyubinsky Prospekt

One of the favorite places of Omsk residents. It is this street that becomes busier on city day. During the festival, you can see theatrical processions and listen to the music of newly minted stars of the Omsk stage. In the near future, the city administration plans to make Lyubinsky Avenue a pedestrian zone.

  • Lyubinsky Prospekt
  • Lyubinsky Prospekt
  • Omsk Academic Drama Theater
  • Lyubushka
  • Stepanych

Metro bridge

October 18, 2005

The grand opening
of the metro-bridge named after the 60th anniversary of the Victory
- a new transport artery of Omsk, connecting the right and left banks, the center of Omsk with residential areas of the Left Bank.
The total length of the transport corridor is 4.5 kilometers, the width of the highway is 32 meters. August 6, 2006
Omsk celebrates its 290th anniversary.
The holiday opens with the annual Siberian International Marathon, which has become traditional. Omsk Galleries Like no other city in Russia, Omsk loves hockey. Much more often than anyone else in Russia, Omsk residents are asked about the game itself, about their native club Avangard.

Judging by the questions about Omsk from other cities, Avangard is by no means popular only in its homeland; there is great interest in it from fans throughout Russia.

Omsk is a city that is constantly under construction. These are: the Omsk metro, an indoor football arena, Orthodox churches, residential complexes “Crystal” and “Stargorod”, cottage villages for public sector workers.

Omsk for all times

Omsk is a beautiful modern city. It is good at all times of the year.

  • Omsk Seasons. Winter.
  • Omsk Seasons. Spring.
  • Omsk Seasons. Summer.
  • Omsk Seasons. Autumn.

City enterprises

  • Trademark "Ermak"
  • Trading

Omsk theater

  • Omsk State Musical Theater
  • Omsk Academic Drama Theater
  • Omsk State Organ Hall

Omsk educational

  • Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Omsk State Pedagogical University
  • Regional station for young naturalists
  • Regional station for young technicians
  • City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity
  • Omsk State College of Professional Technologies
  • Omsk educational server
  • SibADI
  • Omsk State University named after. F. M. Dostoevsky
  • Omsk State Technical University
  • Russian Correspondence Institute of Textile and Light Industry

Project on the topic “My hometown is Omsk” for 2nd grade

Goal of the project: As part of studying the subject “The World Around You,” talk about your hometown, its attractions and memorable places.
Find information about his story and share it with your classmates. Tell schoolchildren about Omsk and why I love it. Prepare a report and presentation in the form of a photo story. Project plan:

  1. Location on the country map.
  2. History and symbols.
  3. Omsk in the present.
  4. Attractions.
  5. Places of military glory.
  6. Conclusion.
  7. An example of a finished photo story-presentation.

What is region 55?

Region codes of the Russian Federation

region 0101Republic of Adygea - region 01
region 152152Nizhny Novgorod region - region 52
region 5353Novgorod region - region 53
region 5454Novosibirsk region - region 54
region 5555Omsk region - region 55

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