Novy Urengoy - which region? Novy Urengoy on the map of Russia

You may have heard about a Russian city like Novy Urengoy: someone was passing through there, and some still live permanently today. However, if you ask a person to tell about this settlement and even show its location on the map, most will fall into a stupor. To prevent this from happening, in this article we will tell you everything about Novy Urengoy: what region it belongs to, where it is located, what its history is and what both visiting tourists and indigenous residents can pay attention to here.

One of the cities of Western Siberia: general information

The city of Novy Urengoy - what region does it belong to? To Tyumen, which, in turn, is a constituent unit of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The city of Novy Urengoy is the largest populated area in the district and one of the few that is ahead of the administrative center of its subject both in industrial potential and in population (we are talking about comparison with Salekhard). The city discussed in this article is 450 kilometers east of the latter; It is separated from Moscow, located in the northeast of the capital, by 2,350 kilometers. In addition, residents of the city of Novy Urengoy, unlike Muscovites, live in a different time zone: for example, the New Year and other holidays are traditionally celebrated 2 hours earlier. Today the city is home to about 116 thousand people. Being a key link in the largest gas-bearing region, Novy Urengoy, the location map of which will be presented below, is unofficially called the gas-producing capital of the country.

What is the soil like in Yamal?

Tundra, arctic, gley and peat-bog soils are widespread in the district. ... The northern part of the district is characterized by tundra-gley swamp soils, the southern part is characterized by gley-podzolic, podzolic-bog soils; in the valleys of large rivers there are alluvial, often loamy soils.

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Surrounding area

On the map, Novy Urengoy is located on the banks of the Evo-Yakha River, which is a tributary of the Pura. There are also 2 other rapids flowing through the city: Sede-Yakha and Tamchara-Yakha, which conditionally divide the settlement into Northern and Southern parts. The territory of urban areas is surrounded on all sides by the Purovsky district and heavily swampy areas. In total, Novy Urengoy (which region the city belongs to and what its general current position is has already been described above) occupies an area of ​​113 square kilometers. The Arctic Circle already begins 60 kilometers north of it.

Urengoy tourist

In fact, ordinary guests of the city, tourists, as well as people coming to Urengoy on business visits, for whom the closure of the gas capital meant, first of all, paperwork, could not help but rejoice at this fiasco. Today they can freely visit the city, because, despite its obvious “youth” for the city, Novy Urengoy can safely boast of the presence of many local attractions.

Guests of the city should first of all visit the local stela of New Urengoy - a symbolic monument to the gas capital, located at the entrance to the city. And of course, cross the “invisible” line - the border of the Arctic Circle, on which a unique metal monument in the form of a sphere is installed.

Also in the city you can see a themed Victory memorial, where flowers are laid on each anniversary,

get acquainted with the pedestal “Pioneers of the development of Urengoy”, located in front of one of the divisions of Urengoygazprom,

visit the local city museum of fine arts and simply relax in the green park area “Druzhba” with its luxurious sail fountain.

Nature lovers can also visit Nameless Lake, which borders a small residential area in the southern part of the city.

and, of course, travel through the local picturesque tundra, so rich in the most diverse gifts of nature: mushrooms, berries and the most delicious northern fish.

Well, for those guests who love to eat deliciously, dance and relax in style, there are dozens of Urengoy cafes, restaurants and night clubs. The restaurants “Old Castle”, “Banker”, “Polar Owl” and “Lyon” are distinguished by their special sophistication, but a stay in them may seem somewhat expensive to guests who are not accustomed to “northern” prices. Thus, a table at the Banker club will cost its visitors about 4,000 rubles: payment for tables in this club is required, and for this amount you can order about two servings of excellent shish kebab, a side dish, a couple of salads and light cocktails.

The Madagascar cafe and a number of cafes and eateries in the Hudson, Helicopter and Siberia shopping centers have more affordable prices. Here you can simply chat with friends over a cup of aromatic coffee with cinnamon and taste excellent cottage cheese pie. But the famous McDonald's is not in the city yet, but it is being successfully replaced by a cafe with a similar menu - “In Great Demand”. In the city you can relax in two bowling clubs in “Polar Owl” and “Yamal”, and lovers of active recreation can play paintball and conquer the local skald.

In winter, you can ride snowmobiles and admire the local ice town, which is built every year on the main square by genius architects. Actually, in Novy Urengoy in winter, even mini-bell towers are built from snow on Epiphany days, and on the Sede-Yakha River, ice holes are cut and fonts are installed for all Christians who want to take a dip. Well, after just a month and a half, in early to mid-March, great folk festivities begin - the Festival of the Peoples of the North, where you can taste delicious venison and kebab from northern fish, ride a sleigh in a reindeer sled and just admire the faces of those who inhabited this city long before its development.

Climatic conditions

So, if it has now been clarified which area Novy Urengoy belongs to, it’s time to move on to analyzing provisions that have more practical significance for humans - for example, what is the situation with the weather and average temperatures? The climate of the city can be characterized as sharply continental. What does this mean? Since this settlement is located at the intersection of 2 climatic zones of the forest-tundra zone, subarctic and temperate, there is a severe winter, the duration of which reaches 9 months, and a cool summer, which lasts on average only for a period of just over 1 month. Important factors that influence weather conditions and shape the climate include the presence of permafrost, the city’s proximity to the sea, as well as the continuous circulation of Atlantic air masses. The average temperature in January is -21.7 degrees, in June - +9.1; at the same time, the relative air humidity is 78%, and the average wind speed reaches only 3.4 m/second. Frequent temperature changes in Novy Urengoy (the map of Russia helps to analyze all the conditions and factors shaping the climate) are accompanied by blizzards, blizzards, and blizzards. Most of the flat terrain of the settlement is covered with permafrost ice, which in the summer thaws to a depth of only 1 to 2 meters!

“I came out of the forest; there was a severe frost" or all about the climate and ecology of Novy Urengoy

However, this “income” is not so easy for the residents of Novy Urengoy, who live in harsh climatic conditions, as evidenced even by the entries in their work books - “Region of the Far North”. Despite the fact that Novy Urengoy is located in the temperate continental climate zone, the city’s territory falls on its northernmost part, bordering on a subarctic climate, and therefore the weather conditions here are appropriate. The average annual air temperature in the city fluctuates between – 5.7°C, and the average annual humidity is 78%.

Winters in Urengoy are long and cold (about 284 days a year) and, as in Nekrasov’s poem, are characterized by “severe frosts.” The lowest temperatures occur in January and February. And although the monthly averages for these months are -21.7 and -20.1°C, during this period the thermometer often drops below -30°C, often remaining at -45°C.

During periods of such severe cold weather, schoolchildren are announced on all local TV channels forced holidays - “aktiki”, and on days of particularly severe frosts, even some organizations are closed. Just as hard as the severe cold, local residents endure during the winter season is the short duration of daylight hours, averaging 1.5-2 hours, while on the shortest day of the year - the winter solstice - the sun appears in Novy Urengoy and only for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

But the main attraction of summer in the city, as opposed to winter, are the white nights, lasting from June to August, and the warmest period occurs in July with average monthly temperatures of +15.1°C. Despite the fact that summer in the city lasts only about 35 days, often at this time in Novy Urengoy there is suffocating heat of about +25..+30°C.

The amount of precipitation that falls during the year is quite insignificant and amounts to no more than 400 mm. Another characteristic feature of the city is strong winds (10-15 m/sec, or even higher) and sudden temperature changes, during which thermometers can change their readings by 15-20°C during the day.

But the environmental situation in the city, despite its “gas-producing status,” is characterized by enviable stability. The main industrial enterprises of Novy Urengoy are located far beyond the city limits, in its so-called industrial zone, household waste, along with snow in winter, is regularly removed, and any unauthorized landfills in Novy Urengoy are immediately punishable by huge fines. In 2010, a workshop for recycling mercury-containing lamps, including fluorescent lamps, was also opened in Nura.

The beginning of the story

It’s a pity that facts about the development of cities and, in particular, Novy Urengoy are not indicated on the map of Russia - there won’t be enough space, and the purpose of these reference books is different. Few people would think of studying the historical formation of this particular settlement, and it would be in vain! The history of the city reveals a lot of interesting things: from the very beginning it was closely intertwined with the development of the Urengoy gas field, discovered in June 1966. However, in fact, the roots of the city’s formation must be sought even earlier, namely in 1949, when, by order of Stalin, construction of a transpolar railway began in the subpolar tundra zone for the movement of trains along the Salekhard-Igarka route. It was not the plan of the builders, who mostly belonged to the rest of the thousands of camp prisoners sent to build the road, to linger at the former Urengoy trading post. However, Stalin died, the construction work was curtailed and forgotten, the built tracks were called “dead,” but for Urengoy it was a turning point: it was the once unfinished railway forks that helped drillers and seismic explorers discover deposits in these lands and quickly develop them. In January 1966, the opening of a new Urengoy structure took place here. The pioneering team was a company of employees of the seismic station V. Tsybenko, which occupied the barracks of a once abandoned camp where Gulag prisoners had previously lived.

Infrastructure of Nur - a paradise in three dimensions

As they say, we won’t take it with one, but with the other. And if the natural conditions of the city, with their harshness, are not conducive to a joyful stay in it, then the infrastructure of New Urengoy, on the contrary, is thought out to the smallest detail for the joy and convenience of local residents. Moreover, this can be said with confidence both about transport and about the industrial and social infrastructure of Nura - a kind of paradise in three dimensions.

Thus, Novy Urengoy can safely boast of 100% availability of all means of transportation. At the same time, air transport has always been and remains the most popular in the city. Today, the local airport receives aircraft from Moscow (3-5 flights daily), the northern capital - St. Petersburg (at least a flight per week), as well as Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Salekhard, etc. During the “warm period”, seasonal flights operate between Novy Urengoy and Krasnodar, as well as Nur and Mineralnye Vody.

No less developed in the gas capital is the railway service, represented mainly by Russian Railways trains. So, a train departs from Urengoy to Moscow every day; according to this message, the train also runs on schedule. In addition, trains depart from the Urengoy station to Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, etc., and the railway connection itself plays an important role in freight turnover. The local river port, located in Korotchaevo and being a transport artery between the cities and towns of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Northern Sea Route, also plays an equally important role in the city’s economy. The Urengoy River Port bears the lion's share of cargo delivery for local construction and gas production enterprises.

The city's transport network is also very developed: in addition to the main roads crossing the territory of Nur, the city has bypass routes, and in its southern part a local viaduct was built for optimal transport interchange.

That is why there are practically no traffic jams in Novy Urengoy, with the exception of a slight congestion of the highway in the morning hours (from 7 to 9 am), and the main ones are caused either by accidents on the roads or by the “slipping” of freight trains under the viaduct. The road surface in the city itself is of high quality; moreover, in “problem areas”, repair work is carried out every summer and new asphalt is laid. In recent years, a tradition has emerged every summer to expand the highway in some area of ​​Urengoy.

In addition, due to the city’s low supply of garages, the Urengoy administration annually increases the area of ​​“parking spaces” near houses by increasing the driveways in front of them.

As mentioned earlier, housing and communal services are not lagging behind: the areas adjacent to houses, as well as the entrances to them, are regularly cleaned by Urengoyzhilservice employees, and in winter they are cleared of snow. Actually, this diligence is partly caused by the high prices for utilities in Nura, where, for example, 1 cubic meter of hot water costs Urengoy residents on average 104 rubles, cold water - 28 rubles, with the cost of a cubic meter of sewerage being 31 rubles. And the very “maintenance” of housing, for example, a small one-room apartment, will cost about 1,400 rubles per month; a slightly smaller amount, about 1,150 rubles, will have to be paid for its monthly heat supply. At the same time, the cost of 1 thousand cubic meters of natural gas costs Urengoy residents 2,686 rubles, which is only 27 rubles per month for the maintenance of one stove. Average prices for electricity in the city are 1.7 rubles per 1 kWh.

Social infrastructure is also very developed in Novy Urengoy. There are more than 38 preschool institutions, 24 schools in the city, including a local gymnasium, a secondary evening school and 2 elementary schools. The doors of the local school are open for children with developmental disabilities, and Urengoy youth can receive secondary vocational education in a number of local schools, including the gas industry technical school. In addition, 7 branches of Russian universities have been opened in the city, the most important among which is the Yamal Oil and Gas Institute.

Nur's healthcare sector is represented by 11 medical institutions, with the largest of them being the municipal city multidisciplinary hospital. In addition, the gas capital has 17 sports institutions, as well as a number of city palaces and cultural and sports centers.

The way forward

Subsequently, active mining continued here: in June 1966, master V. Polupanov and his team drilled the first exploration well. It was after this that a footnote appeared on the map of the country indicating the unique Urengoy natural gas field. September 1973 was marked by the fact that on the site of a city that did not yet exist at that time, a peg was driven in with a sign and a symbolic inscription on it: “New Urengoy” (we, the descendants, now know where the city is located). In December, construction began on a settlement familiar to Russians today. The village developed rapidly, which was associated with an increase in the activity of the gas produced in it. In 1980, Novy Urengoy, previously not considered a city (to which region this place belongs and what its historical formation is, now everyone can answer) finally received the long-awaited status and was now called a city of district significance! Since 1984, gas from here began to be exported to Western Europe using the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod gas pipeline built in 1983.

In November 1984, the village of Korotchaevo came under the authority of Novy Urengoy and the city council representing it at the administrative level, and in May 1988, the village of Limbayakha. As a municipal entity, Novy Urengoy was formed only in January 1996 with reference to one of the relevant laws of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in 2004 the above-mentioned villages ceased to exist as independent administrative-territorial elements and became part of the city of Novy Urengoy. As a result, the city with a length of 80 km turned into one of the longest in the whole world!

Districts and real estate of New Urengoy

But territorially, according to official documentation, the city of Novy Urengoy is divided into four large districts: northern and southern, as well as the districts of Limbayakha and Korotchaevo. The first two districts, popularly called “Severka” and “Yuzhka”, actually represent the city itself and are separated by a tundra zone and two rivers.

But the districts of Limbayakha and Korotchaevo are more than 70 km away from the center of New Urengoy, and until 2004 they were autonomous administrative-territorial units. However, in September 2004, a referendum was held among the population of these villages on the desire of the residents to become part of the city of Novy Urengoy, as a result of which, by a majority of votes, it was decided to transform the villages of Limbayakha and Korotchaevo into areas of the “gas capital”. Thus, Novy Urengoy acquired two districts significantly removed from its center and became one of the longest cities in the world with a total length of more than 80 km.

However, the Urengoy residents themselves still consider Korotchaevo and Limbayakha to be separate villages, and their two inextricably linked parts, the northern and the southern, are considered districts of the city.

Yuzhka, as a district of New Urengoy, is the oldest part of the city, from which the history of the emergence and development of Urengoy actually began. It was here on September 23, 1973, on the site of the future city, under the famous words of the Minister of Gas Industry Sabit Orujov: “Here will be the city of gas workers and builders Urengoy,” a symbolic peg was driven into the ground.

Today, the southern part of the city is the location of most administrative and public institutions. The main places of “meeting and parting” in the city are located here - the railway station and the airport,

and the main points of “treatment and rehabilitation” of New Urengoy - the Municipal City Hospital and the largest private medical clinic “Scanner”, as well as the “favorite authorities” of entrepreneurs, accountants and the rest of the working population of the city - pension, social insurance and tax services.

Geographically, the south also owns the migration service, the registry office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the traffic police, a mosque and an Orthodox church under construction. Actually, the main city-forming and largest gas industry enterprises are concentrated in the southern part of the city. These are Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy and Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, as well as Burgaz, Rospan International, Rosneftegaz, etc.

But the “conventional center” of the southern part of New Urengoy is occupied by the Cultural and Sports Square and the main square of the city, where all the most significant events of the “gas capital” take place. Not far from the square is the picturesque Nameless Lake, surrounded by a small park. In summer, seasonal cafes operate along its shores, and in winter, you can ride on a snowmobile or a reindeer sleigh on the frozen lake (during the holiday of the Northern Peoples).

Although, unlike the northern part of New Urengoy, the fabric of the south is mostly woven from parallel and intersecting streets (central Leningradsky Prospekt, Sibirskaya Street, Geologorazvedchikov, 26 Congress of the CPSU, etc.), and not from the usual microdistricts, the location of residential buildings is here also distinguished by its “northern compactness”.

And each “mini-group” of residential high-rise buildings certainly has its own school, kindergarten, pharmacy and supermarket (shopping center) or several grocery stores.

And in order to become the owner of an apartment in one of these residential areas of New Urengoy, you will have to pay a tidy sum. Thus, according to average estimates, the cost of one-room apartments in the southern part of the city today on the secondary market is about 3.2-3.5 million rubles (depending on the condition of the housing, square footage, number of floors, distance from the bus stop, etc.).

Housing in wooden houses, the so-called KDMO, is much cheaper, and there are fewer and fewer of them in Novy Urengoy every year. So, on average, a one-room apartment in such a building can cost a potential buyer 2 million rubles. But since such real estate is often sold even without a warrant (at prices of 100-300 thousand rubles), there are very few, if not very few, people willing to purchase it.

Urengoy residents are also in no hurry to buy up the newfangled townhouses that have recently sprung up like mushrooms on the outskirts of the southern part of the city. And although their prices are not much higher than the prices for housing in apartment buildings, not everyone dares to buy a private house built on permafrost territory.

Housing in the northern part of the city, which was developed later than the southern part and is rightfully considered its residential area, is no less expensive, if not more. Well, since most of the houses here are newer than in the south, the cost of one-room apartments ranges from 3.2-3.7 million rubles (resale), and the residential buildings themselves are located in the city’s neighborhoods adjacent to each other: Druzhba, Mirny, Yubileiny , Soviet, Eastern and Student.

As in the south, almost every district has complete infrastructure - its own school, kindergarten, pharmacy and a number of shops or even a shopping center. By the way, all residential buildings in the city are maintained by management companies and the administration in good, often excellent condition: every spring, snow and ice are cleared from the roofs, and the facades of the most “dilapidated” houses are re-plastered, repainted, and sometimes even re-clad.

In the northern part of New Urengoy there are much fewer administrative and public buildings than in the southern part. The city administration and departments of the clinic and passport office are located here. Among the city-forming enterprises in the north, one can name the Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy branch. But the real decorations of the north are rightfully considered its temple, “campus” and park.

Beyond the outskirts of the Druzhba microdistrict, on the picturesque coast of the Sede-Yakha River, the wooden temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov rises majestically.

Just a few minutes walk from it there is a young park with a unique summer fountain. Well, in the very “heart” of the northern part of the city there is a student town with the Novy Urengoy Technical School of the Gas Industry and the square with the Victory Monument located in front of it.

Serious measures

An interesting fact is that in 2012 the city actually became closed, given that there was no actual legal basis for this. Entry into the city could only be done with a special pass. Such drastic measures were needed because the crime level in this territory was approaching a critically high level. Various terrorist organizations were active here, and therefore the situation had to be resolved on an emergency basis. There is also an unconfirmed hypothesis that this practice of a permit system was introduced to regulate population migration and limit the internal and external “turnover” of residents. Be that as it may, such a system in Urengoy, whose name translated from one of the local Nenets dialects means “lost place,” lasted about six months and then was abolished.

Criminal Novy Urengoy – gangster 90s and “clan” 2000s

By the way, a considerable share of the latter’s broadcasting is occupied by local crime reports. And if in the fateful 90s they were mainly devoted to local gang wars on the topic of “redividing an already divided world,” as well as reports about growing drug addiction, including children’s, then in the last decade, more and more often, reports about resonant conflicts based on interethnic strife. And the main participants in them are representatives of local southern diasporas, for example, the Chechen one, and “clanism” in Urengoy still remains one of the main problems of the local police.

So in 2008, during a birthday celebration, which was attended by about 10 people of Slavic nationality, a group of Caucasians of about 40 people suddenly appeared at the celebration, who subsequently started a fight using knives and shooting. As it turned out, one of the guys present at the birthday party had previously had a conflict with them, which the Caucasians decided to “resolve” at the time of their arrival. The result of the fight was the murder of a young man, Alexander Stakhov, and two more guys with knife wounds were urgently hospitalized in a local hospital.

After this incident, there were several more interethnic conflicts in the city, ending in fights and shootings. That is why later in Novy Urengoy, additional round-the-clock patrols of Nur were introduced to help the police in order to strengthen control over the criminal situation in the city.

At the beginning of 2012, steps were also taken to “close” Novy Urengoy as a city of industrial importance, to which visitors could only enter strictly by invitation or challenge. At the entrance to the city, “border” posts were set up, and inspection at the airport was supplemented by passport control. However, this practice did not last long and once again, for about the tenth time, the so-called “closure” of the city was a fiasco.


Novy Urengoy, being a fairly young city, manages to demonstrate extraordinary industrial potential. Thus, within the settlement there are 3 pillars of the gas production industry, each of which is a subsidiary: Tyumenburgaz, Yamburggazodobycha and Urengoygazprom. They account for about 74% of all gas produced in the country! Construction work to restore railway lines is being carried out by the Yamal Railway Company. 80% of river transportation occurs at the Urengoy river port, which has dozens of ferries and tractors.


Among the key places in Novy Urengoy, a map with the streets of which will be offered below, we can highlight the Museum of Fine Arts, a multifunctional, modern and technologically advanced station commissioned in 2015, the largest fountain in the Far North, visually reminiscent of a sail. On the roof of the shopping mall, which is designed in an eye-catching color scheme, visitors can see a model of a real rotary-wing aircraft. The city is also home to monuments and temples - real examples of architectural art and architecture (for example, the Epiphany Cathedral, built in 2015, which is the tallest building in the city).

Deserved status of the gas capital - enterprises and work in Novy Urengoy

In fact, Novy Urengoy received the unofficial status of the “gas capital” of Russia quite deservedly, because the leading role in the economic complex of the city belongs to the gas industry. Thus, the city-forming enterprises of Nur are such global industrial giants as Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg, a branch of Urengoy Drilling, Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy, as well as other large enterprises such as Rospan International, " Arcticgaz", "Achimgaz", "Rosneftegaz", etc., which own more than 74% of all gas production in the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the fuel and energy industry of the city employs more than 80% of the city’s labor resources. At the same time, the main players in the fuel sector are Urengoygazprom, Yamburggazdobycha, Burgaz, Sibneftegaz, etc., while in the foreground in the electric power industry are Tyumenenergo, Urengoyskaya GRES, Mobile Power Stations Urengoy. and “Mobile Energy”.

Second fiddle after the fuel and energy complex in the economy of New Urengoy is played by the food industry, represented by a number of enterprises producing fish, meat and sausage, smoke-dried and dairy products, as well as various semi-finished products and bakery products. The actual production of confectionery and bakery products makes up a large part of the food industry in New Urengoy. And here it is impossible not to mention such leaders as the branch of Zapsibgaztorg - Urengoygaztorg, Yamal-plus, Ankor, Topaz and Revansh.

In the gas capital, the Novy Urengoy Water and Clean Water enterprises also produce soft drinks and drinking water, and the Assortment and Urengoygazdorstroymaterialy organizations supply local beer to the city’s shelves. In addition, about 400 retail trade enterprises, 6 food, mixed and clothing markets, as well as 36 public catering organizations and about 13 consumer services enterprises supply city residents with industrial and food products.

In recent years, namely a decade, several large shopping centers and entertainment complexes have been built in the city.

These include the Helicopter and Hudson shopping centers, which belong to the same owners and are essentially one chain based on the Anchor grocery supermarket, which is also represented in the city and in other shopping centers, for example, in the Yamal shopping and entertainment complex. .

But the pioneers include the Urengoygaztorg retail chain, whose products are presented in the large shopping centers “Siberia”, “Victoria”, “White Nights” and “Desyatochka”.

There are also chains of supermarkets for household chemicals and cosmetics in the city, such as Optima and Lyubimy, Letual, as well as large furniture stores and electronics supermarkets, including M-Video and Expert. Pharmacy chains in Novy Urengoy are represented by pharmacies “Rigla”, “Scanner”, “Health of the North”, etc.

In recent years, incredible competition has also flared up in the field of “fashion and beauty” - more than 10 beauty salons, hairdressers and ateliers have been opened in the city, as well as in the provision of legal and accounting services. The banking sector is dominated by two Russian giants - Sberbank, Gazprombank - and several largest Siberian banks Zapsibkombank, Sibneftebank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, etc. And all of the above for only 106 thousand inhabitants, which indicates high economic development of the city.

But the sphere of information support in Novy Urengoy is occupied by four print media and a similar number of local television and radio companies.


There are many universities operating on the territory of New Urengoy, including:

  • branch of the Moscow State Open University;
  • branch of Tyumen Oil and Gas University;
  • branch of the Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute named after. DI. Mendeleev;
  • branch of Tomsk State University of Radioelectronics and Control Systems;
  • branch of the Moscow Open Social University (Institute) and others.

As you can see, here, in one of the cities of the Tyumen region, you can not only live, but do it successfully: study, work and make plans for the future.

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