Gornozavodsk - the flagship of the construction industry of the Soviet Union

History of Gornozavodsk

In the Middle Urals in the Perm region there is Gornozavodsk - the easternmost point of the region. The number for 2021 is slightly more than 11 thousand people.

Until 1940 it was a small station on the railway. However, in 1947, development was given impetus by the construction of a cement plant. They grew up together. Initially Gornozavodsk was known as the Novo-Pashiysky village.

It received the status of a city and district center only in 1965. construction industry of the entire Soviet Union. Other workers' settlements, also associated with cement production, were actively growing nearby.

Despite the small number, Gornozavodsk is still developing. It has a favorable economic and geographical location.

The location between two large industrial zones: the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region gives it an advantage and serves as a good prerequisite for further development.

In addition, various minerals were found in the area: diamonds, chrome ores, platinum, shale. Unlike many other small towns in the Perm Territory, Gornozavodsk remains promising both for life and for the economy of the region.

The tourism sector also remains popular. The territory contains monuments of regional significance and significant natural resources.

Interesting! Now the population has decreased, but there has been a tendency towards migration growth. The leading enterprise still remains JSC Gornozavodskcement, and the bulk of the population is employed there.

Economy of the city

The basis of the economic prosperity of Gornozavodsk is JSC Gornozavodskcement. The company's products are in high demand in the country, as well as in the CIS countries, which allows them to maintain a consistently large number of jobs.

In addition, Gornozavodsk (Perm region) is famous for its bakery. Photos of the developing city can be found in the archive. And not far from the settlement there are gas pipelines. They serve as a link between the regions of the Tyumen region and the European part of Russia.


Gornozavodsk can offer tourists different attractions depending on their interests. For history buffs, these are archaeological sites from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

For connoisseurs of urbanism there are many interesting compositions staged in recent years in accordance with modern trends. And nature lovers will be pleasantly surprised by the mountains, rocks and views from them.

Obelisk in memory of the workers shot by the White Guards in January 1919

The Perm region became one of the arenas for the battle of the Red and White armies, and a large number of steles and obelisks were installed throughout the territory. There is one of them in Gornozavodsk. Initially it was a small column, which then turned into a large obelisk.

Genre sculpture “Kind Heart”

St. Sverdlova

The main motto of the city: “Culture is the cement for the creation of Gornozavodsk.” In the 2010s, the slogan was taken literally, and several interesting art objects were made from cement, which became a real symbol of the city.

“Kind Heart” is Buddha, who has become a symbol for local residents of a person with a big and open heart.

Genre sculpture “Elephants”

St. Sverdlova

Another cement monument installed as part of the program. Three elephants, looking in different directions, stand on a turtle - these are the animals that were depicted holding the earth's disk before scientists recognized that the earth was a ball.

Genre sculpture “Ordinary Story”

St. Kirov

Two lovers are sitting on a bench. The girl and the guy look at each other, and this symbolizes what happens everywhere, regardless of geography and distance. Locals advise every tourist to sit nearby in order to also find personal happiness.

Genre sculpture “Grandmother”

St. Kirov

The grandmother is sitting very close to the lovers. According to the idea, this is the grandmother who is in every yard and who loves to feed pigeons. Mining workers say that there are actually more birds near it than in any other place in the city.

Lenin monument

In the north of the city, on the territory of the industrial zone, stands Lenin. The monument was erected in the 1980s at the expense of the townspeople.

City Park

A small landscaped park in the city center. Famous for the monument to the unknown soldier. Next to it there are slabs on which exactly the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War are carved.

Museum of Local Lore

St. Sverdlova 59.

The museum was opened back in 1967 in the school building. The initiators of the discovery were local local historians and enthusiasts.

It consists of several halls with different exhibitions: local history, decorative and applied arts, mineralogy, the history of the diamond industry, the nature of the region and the World Ocean. The Museum of Stone and Cast Iron Products in Gornozavodsk is also here.

Tourists can listen to the history until the 20th century, when on the site of the city there were only the lands of the Stroganov merchants.

Important! The museum's opening hours vary depending on the time of year. In winter, weekends fall on Sunday and Monday, in summer – on Saturday and Sunday.

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

St. Kirova 55.

This is a small brick church, opened in 1992-1993 in the building of a former kindergarten. It is considered one of the most significant places in the city. Various charity events and events are regularly held here.

Population of Gornozavodsk

Recent years have been characterized by a decline in the birth rate, but the city's population is steadily growing thanks to visitors. Every year a small number of people migrate to Gornozavodsk (Perm region). The ethnic composition of the city is dominated by Russians. Many people can find job advertisements on the Avito website. Gornozavodsk (Perm region) can offer visitors special development prospects.

The second largest population are Tatars and Armenians. It is noteworthy that in the city the number of female residents is proportional to the male population, which allows us to speak of an equal gender ratio. Thanks to the working factories, there is practically no unemployment in the city. This is a huge plus, especially when the country's economy is so unstable.

Natural attractions

Part of the territory of the Gornozavodsky district belongs to the Basegi historical and natural complex, which is protected by the state and is of regional importance.

Several species of plants listed in the Red Book grow on its territory. The reserve is also interesting for lovers of extreme recreation. River tourism offers rafting with varying levels of difficulty.

Mount Kolpaki

The height reaches 614 meters, and from the mountain there is a wonderful view of the surrounding area: hills, rivers, ridges and dense forests. It is considered one of the border points between Europe and Asia.

The caps are known for their quirky shape, which truly resembles those tall and pointed headdresses. The Rudnaya River originates here, which also attracts many tourists with its beauty and calm flow.

Rock "Holety Ribs"

On the right bank of the Chusovaya there is an amazing rock known as Holly Ribs. This is a monument of regional significance.

Tourists come here for the Royal Gate. Inside the stone, nature made a real arch through which you can walk. Relict plants grow nearby.

Pashiyskaya Cave

It was first mentioned back in 1891, but only in 1961 was it given the high status of a protected area.

The length of the cave is at least 500 meters, and underground rivers and lakes are ubiquitous along this route. The entrance is hidden at a height of about 30 meters, and then descends lower and lower. The cave is the largest in the entire Perm region.

Note! Bats live in the cave. They are not dangerous to humans if they are not disturbed, but they can be frightening if they appear unexpectedly.

Cave "Wonderwoman"

It is called a real underground fairy tale. The cave is located in the Kladovy Kamen mountain on the banks of the Ponysh River. It stretches for 512 m.

This is a whole gallery consisting of corridors ranging from 2 to 15 meters wide and 10-12 meters high. There are several grottoes in it: Hope, Shell, Devil and Vestibule. Along its entire length there are stalactites.

Note! The cave is branched, so when passing through it is worth using a map or taking an experienced guide with you.

City nature and reserves

A must-visit place after arriving in Gornozavodsk (Perm region) is the Basega Nature Reserve. Arriving here, you will find yourself in a real taiga with mountains and 11 clean rivers. Eight of them spawn fish that are found only here. This place is attractive for lovers of extreme recreation. In the spring, the water tourism season begins, when those who wish begin rafting along the rifts of varying degrees of difficulty. The first place according to this criterion belongs to “Pashiyskiy Prizhim”. The Alpinist Rock and Pashiyskaya Cave are also located on the territory of the reserve and attract hundreds of tourists every year.

Not far from Gornozavodsk there is a natural park “Chusovaya River”, the main attraction of which is the body of water itself. This river is known among ecotourists for its purity and beauty. The rocks stretching along its shore are of the most unusual shape, and the untouched nature is peaceful, making you forget about the bustle of the city.

Other attractions in the park:

  • stone Hole ribs;
  • mare's ribs stone;
  • Royal Gate;
  • Cave "Wonderful Woman".

Each of them is a real miracle of nature, which is worth making such a long journey. Thus, Gornozavodsk (Perm region) has the most beautiful places that everyone can visit.

There are many inns and hotels in this area where you can stay at an attractive price. The nature here is gorgeous, it’s always nice to walk through protected areas and enjoy the birdsong. Be sure to visit this city to see everything with your own eyes.

How to get there

The closest to Gornozavodsk is Chusovoy - they are separated by only 31 km. The distance to Perm is greater - 125 km, to Yekaterinburg - 340 km.

The highway connects the city with Yekaterinburg, Perm, and Kungur. Bus service has been established with Perm, Lysva, Gubakha, Chusov, Yekaterinburg, Kungur and Berezniki. The town is also part of the Perm – Nizhny Tagil railway line.

Note! The station is called Pashia, and this is where you need to get off to get into the city and surrounding area.

Interesting Facts

Gornozavodsk is not just a small lost town on the edge of the Perm region. Its residents value their history and culture and strive to share it with tourists.

  • About the sculpture “Elephants” in Mining.
  • The plant has a ceramic workshop where they produce souvenirs that can be bought as gifts.
  • The logo of the local history museum depicts a diamond. This is due to the fact that the mining district was the first where diamonds were discovered in Russia.
  • Gornozavodsk actively participates in various cultural programs. In the near future, there are plans to open a youth courtyard, a landscape complex, hold a Russian diamond festival and the “Family-Home-City” marathon, etc.

Gornozavodsk is a small city with a big future. Hopes are pinned not only on the industrial sector, but also on tourism.

There are many amazing objects in the area: mountains and rocks of bizarre shape, rivers for rafting, forests with rare plants. The city itself will also pleasantly surprise tourists: it has interesting sculptures, a large museum, and regularly hosts various events.

City Museum

The entire Perm region is very attractive. The city of Gornozavodsk is famous for its sights and buildings.

One of them is the Gornozavodsk Museum of Local Lore named after M. P. Starostin (local historian, one of the founders of the museum). Once here, you will hear a detailed history of the city. It is noteworthy that until the 20th century, part of the territory of the modern district was part of the possessions of the Stroganov landowners.

There is an interesting composition here, “The History of Exploration, Search and Industrial Mining of Diamonds in Russia,” which tells about the first people who discovered precious stones on the territory of our Fatherland.

In addition, here you can see a collection of Ural iron castings, ceramic sculptures, trays and utensils made of wood with painting, as well as a collection of minerals, which represents other regions besides the Ural.


Mikhail, 43 years old, Perm

At first I didn’t intend to go to Gornozavodsk, but now I say right away: take orientation there! A small but cozy city. Beautiful nature and many interesting monuments. I hope to be able to go fishing in the area someday. I recommend visiting!

Oleg, 28 years old, Ekaterinburg

We ended up in Gornozavodsk with my wife while passing through. We didn’t even expect that such a city could be on the edge of the region. Left a good impression. We were also lucky with the weather, and the route in the direction was good. We only had time to walk around the city itself, but we will definitely come for the nature.

Tatyana, 33 years old, Perm

You shouldn’t expect much from the city, but it still compares favorably with others in the region. There is no impression of ruin or abandonment. Clean, bright, cozy. Perhaps it’s not worth going specifically for Gornozavodsk, but as a point on the route it’s a must-see!

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