Amur Dubai: how Svobodny will turn into the richest city

Photo: Sergey Lazovsky

— Svobodny used to be the industrial center of the Amur region, where more than ten plants and factories operated. - recalls the mayor of the city, Robert Kaminsky. — The largest enterprise with the potential of seven thousand jobs. Here they not only produced parts for trucks and agricultural machinery that were exported, but also worked for the defense of the Soviet Union. In addition, Svobodny, which is geographically located in the center of the Amur region and is conveniently located not only on the Trans-Siberian Railway, but also at the junction of roads and a navigable river, was the center for the development and supply of the northern regions of the region. Geologists and gold miners were based here, and various warehouses and offices were located here. In the 90s, after perestroika and the transition of the planned economy to a commercial economy, everything collapsed. Over the next ten years, the city lost 16 thousand jobs.

Of its former heavy industrial glory, only the car repair plant has survived, and even then its existence has been called into question more than once. Svobodny gradually turned into a populated area with a complex, depressed economy and the decadent mood of its inhabitants. Unemployment and lack of prospects caused an outflow of population. Every year, one and a half to two percent of residents left the city. If in 1989 Svobodny numbered almost 80 thousand people and was the second populated area after Blagoveshchensk, now 55 thousand live here. The birth rate has decreased and the mortality rate has increased. For these reasons, Svobodny was included in the black list of Russian single-industry towns with the most difficult socio-economic situation. Besides it, it also includes Raichikhinsk.

- This person can pick up and go to live in a place where it’s better, but the city - he can’t leave anywhere. “He can only drown under the weight of problems,” continues Robert Valentinovich. “Nothing has been built here for decades.” Public transport disappeared. There were only enough funds to survive the winter. Nevertheless, we not only lived, but also managed to solve pressing problems. They built a kindergarten for 160 children and opened a railway institute. However, it was impossible to radically change the situation. Without major public and private investment, Svobodny as a city could eventually disappear from the map of Russia.

The mayor of Svobodny learned that the largest gas processing plant in Russia would be built in the region five years ago. True, then a site was chosen for it in the Seryshevsky district. In the documents, the enterprise was already listed as a “Gas processing plant” and a lot of money had already been invested in the initial work. Now, if such a plant were built in Svobodny, the city could find a second wind and, from dying and depressed, again become an industrial center.

“It’s either hit or miss - the fate of my hometown is at stake, I decided to break into a meeting with Gazprom representatives to try to lure them,” shares Robert Valentinovich. “We had several advantages: a navigable river, a high-voltage power line, a site in the form of a huge plateau of hills and the proximity of the city. To convince someone to move the site almost fifty kilometers is an unprecedented case in the history of such a monster as Gazprom. They never changed their decision, so at all levels they told me: quit, it’s an empty idea. The Svobodny administration has set up a real headquarters for compiling a technical and economic analysis. They worked around the clock. As a result of a two-year intense epic, we managed to persuade the Gazprom management to our side. The large-scale flood of 2013 also played a role: when everything around was flooded, our high area turned out to be dry and undamaged.

As it turned out later, moving the gas chemical complex to Svobodny saved one and a half billion dollars on construction. And this takes into account the millions spent on survey work in the Seryshevsky district.

Now Svobodny is a strategic place. Five thousand gas chemical complex specialists will soon move here to live. Already, 900 builders are working on the construction of the gas processing plant. And in 2018-2019, up to 15 thousand workers will be employed here. And this is just the beginning. 130 apartments were purchased for engineering and technical workers and managers. Of these, 60 are on the secondary market. Two more houses of forty apartments have already been put under the roof, the finishing of the premises is underway.

32 billion rubles by 2025 will be allocated by Gazprom structures and the Ministry for the Development of the Far East for the development of Svobodny. The same amount includes the construction of a new microdistrict.

Therefore, the city and regional authorities are faced with a large-scale task - to make life in Svobodny comfortable for everyone: to reform the healthcare sector, to continue to build not only residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, but also social and cultural facilities. And also to give a start in life to young people, that is, to begin training personnel for the future Amur Gas Processing Plant.

The municipal budget (an indicator of the city’s wealth, on which improvement, repair of roads and social and cultural facilities depends), has also revived. For example, just three years ago, the city’s own revenues amounted to 200-300 million a year. In 2015, it was additionally replenished by 89 million rubles. In 2016, revenues will be 15% higher, since more than 10 contracting organizations related to the design and construction of gas pipelines and gas processing plants have already registered and paid taxes in the city during the year.

The price per square meter has also increased (another indicator of wealth). If in 2007 it cost 16 thousand rubles here, now it’s 35-40 thousand.


billion rubles this year will go to social and communal facilities of the city. Including the construction of a new sports complex, reconstruction of the Lazo House of Culture and the Railway Workers' Palace of Culture

“Life in Svobodny is changing,” says native resident Anna Chistova. - True, many of its residents stubbornly do not notice the changes, although yesterday they were still driving on gravel, and today on asphalt. And I see new cars appearing in the city, and not cheap ones. In the summer we are already stuck in traffic jams in the center. New people appear, new stores open. For example, an entrepreneur I know was about to close her grocery store in Dubovka, but then, luckily for her, a shift camp for construction workers of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline appeared. And most importantly, a bypass road has appeared, encircling the city, like the Moscow Ring Road. You can drive down it and get to the other end of the city without any problems. It is very comfortable.

In the meantime, the last GULAG legacy has left the former exiled settlement city. The tuberculosis prison-hospital, previously based in Surazhevka, was closed and transferred to the regional center. Svobodny itself, according to its mayor, is slowly but surely moving from a depressive single-industry town to fabulously rich Dubai.

— Two plants of the future complex - a gas processing and helium plant, as well as a gas chemical plant (each of them the largest in the world) will give impetus to the entire economy of the Far East. But, of course, Svobodny will benefit the most,” comments Robert Valentinovich. — The MCC alone will produce 3 million tons of plastic per year. In terms of GDP per capita, we will have more than the Emirate of Dubai.

The surviving legacy of the huge Amur Technical College is still in demand today. For the second year now, the former training center for heavy and defense industry personnel has been recruiting for specific “gas” specialties. Moreover, college teachers are confident that their students will be employed.

“Previously, turners were trained here, now they train skilled workers for the future Amur Gas Processing Plant,” Tatyana Barkova, deputy director for educational work, introduces the matter. — These are environmental laboratory assistants, oil refining operators, process pump and compressor operators. We even have a competition for these specialties. In total, 240 people are trained in the gas profile. The course of study is almost three years. After studying, young specialists will undergo an internship at gas processing plants located in Siberia.

“Well, where could I find a job before? There is unemployment everywhere. And now there’s a chance,” admits first-year student Karina Morozova.

The pride of the educational institution is two chemical laboratories, repair and locksmith workshops, equipped with the necessary modern equipment. Ten million rubles were spent on purchasing specific equipment and renovating premises.

In the “Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Oil and Gas, Technical Analysis and Production Control” everything shines, like in an operating room. Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also the main condition for research. Therefore, future environmental laboratory assistants work here in white coats.

“The analytical laboratory contains everything necessary for training,” says teacher Anna Damrina. — Sterilizer, drying cabinet, muffle furnace, titration units necessary for the accuracy and precision of the analysis, water baths. To do this, you must have perfectly clean dishes. Even a drop of water will ruin the analysis. There is no such laboratory in the Amur region anymore, and higher educational institutions in Blagoveshchensk can envy the modern specific equipment.

240 future specialists of the gas chemical complex are studying at the college.

Environmental laboratory assistants are all girls. They receive the first stage of chemical education and the profession “Laboratory assistant of the 3rd category.” After graduating from college, they can continue their education further, but almost everyone has one desire - to get a job at a gas processing plant, the girls jokingly say in a well-known advertising slogan. And for them this is not a joke.

“I’m from the village of Moskvitina, Svobodnensky district,” says first-year student Karina Morozova. - Well, where could I find a job before? There is unemployment everywhere. And now there is a chance. The giant GPP is recruiting more than a hundred laboratory technicians. But to get to the factory, you need to study well. The specificity of our work is analysis and verification at each stage of production. We will also carry out calculations in accordance with established GOSTs and identify the level of pollution in air, soil and wastewater.

Future workers - process pump and compressor operators - hone their acquired skills in a repair shop. In a huge classroom there are real gas and oil pipes, with all the meters, sensors, heat exchangers for supplying temperatures from minus forty to plus one hundred degrees and water and gas supply circuits. Pumps, generators, compressors, welding stations, pipe cutters, and grinding machines are collected here. These are copies and imitation of all technological processes, only in a reduced size. Although all the equipment is automatic, you not only need to know where to turn which lever, but also be able to repair the pipeline if something happens. The working class must be ready for anything!

In the meantime, the pioneers of the gas business are starting from the very basics. In the locksmith workshop, boys learn to twist bolts and nuts, assemble and disassemble pumps, and cut metal with a hacksaw.

As master mentors say, many children come from rural schools where drawing and labor were not taught. It’s good if dad taught his son to hold a saw and use a vice. What if the boy was raised by his mother and grandmother?! Therefore, you have to start from scratch. But the result is obvious - metal dustpans, which are constantly used to replenish the cleaning equipment of the college, and figured roses, very light and airy in appearance.

Teachers of Svobodnaya school No. 1 not only look with hope into a bright future, but also forge personnel for this future. A year ago, a specialized class appeared here, and this is not a tribute to fashion, but rather a production necessity.

“In a few years, three huge factories will need young specialists,” says school director Albina Storozheva. — Our school has been specializing in chemical and biological sciences for more than twenty years, teachers of chemistry, physics and mathematics have the highest category, and students participate and win in city and regional Olympiads. We have created and constantly maintain a good material and technical base. Many graduates continue their studies at the medical academy. Now other opportunities have appeared, so it was not difficult for us to switch to the oil and gas profile and train future engineers and technologists for this industry.

So far, they are just establishing connections with a powerful energy structure, but not without results. Last year, teachers attended a Gazprom training seminar in St. Petersburg and adopted the experience of other cities. Four graduates of the school are studying at targeted “oil and gas” universities.


million rubles will be allocated for city roads during 2017-2018

Eleventh-grader Vanya Matveev is also an applicant in five minutes. The student has already entered the Tomsk State Polytechnic University through targeted admission. Now he will receive not only free education and accommodation, but also food. Vanya can also count on a Gazprom scholarship and an award for excellent studies and an active life position.

“I decided a long time ago that I would connect my life with chemistry and engage in scientific activities,” shares the winner of regional Olympiads. — Now I have a desire to first work in a large production. Therefore, when I found out that Tomsk Polytechnic University was recruiting, I submitted documents and a portfolio. They were sent to Moscow. Out of eight students from our school, I was chosen and invited to an online interview. After which they announced that I and another boy from another school had received the target places. Most likely, after graduation I will receive assignment to my hometown.

Nastya Komarova writes endlessly long formulas of organic compounds on the board in neat handwriting. Just yesterday the girl dreamed of being a doctor. And not just a local therapist, but a military surgeon or cardiologist. Now she was faced with a choice - where to go to study?! Save people or still choose a peaceful and promising profession.


Galina Sirgienko, chemistry teacher of the highest category:

— Children begin to study specialized subjects in depth in the eighth grade. There are four chemistry lessons per week, which is twice as many as in a regular class. We work more specifically in electives. There we look at what products are obtained from gas and oil. There is also a task: to calculate how much gas will go to China and how much of the remaining can be used to make goods for household chemicals, the military industry and medicine. Schoolchildren also carry out a lot of research work. They are studying the soil and air composition in the city center for environmental pollution.

A new microdistrict for five thousand residents will soon appear within the city for workers of the Amur Gas Processing Plant. Previously, military units were located here. Preliminary work will begin in the spring. The designers promise that this will be the most modern and comfortable microdistrict in the whole country. The residential complex will be located in the Northern Town, there is already an exit to the bypass road nearby. 92 hectares have been allocated for planned development. Five-story residential buildings, townhouses, a large school, a kindergarten, a sports complex with an ice arena and an Olympic-standard swimming pool, a social and cultural center with a theater hall with 750 seats, a cafe, a shopping center with 5,000 square meters, covered parking, and administrative buildings will be built here. In addition to the microdistrict itself, the city plans to build a temple near the Glory Memorial. Now there is only one church in Svobodny. “We will finally have domes,” the parishioners rejoice. — The new temple will stand on a hill and the golden domes will be visible from all sides.

Age category of materials: 18+

  • Varvara Siyanova
  • Amurskaya Pravda from 01/26/2017

Sights of the city of Svobodny

The main attractions of the free city are monuments that are scattered around the entire perimeter of the city, and characterize one or another historical period of the city’s existence. In addition to the monuments, city guests may be interested in visiting:

  • The longest children's railway is the central attraction of the city. The length of this road is 11 km.
  • The Komarov House Museum is the house where one of the main poets and journalists of the socialist period lived.

Monuments of historical significance for the city:

  • The Monument to the Victims of Japanese Terror is a mass grave, founded in 1920.
  • Monument to Compatriot Wars - erected in honor of the memory of those who died during the Civil and Patriotic War.
  • Friday "Red Carnation" - the year of foundation of the monument is 1967.
  • Friday for 23 fighters - established in memory of the struggle for Soviet power and the execution of fighters by the Japanese.
  • Friday to the steamship "Sage" - located on the beach.
  • Friday “Officer of Russia” - the monument is life-size and dedicated to the defender of the country.

On the map of Svobodny with houses you can see the exact location of all the city’s attractions.

Svobodny - reviews from those who moved

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09.12.2021 at 13:15


That's why we have a mess in our country - because the mess is in our heads. Instead of uniting and solving significant problems, we shit ourselves and look for those to blame. And forever someone owes us something, but we don’t want to do anything ourselves. Remember our history, Our great-grandfathers united and created. And everything was fine with them and they were respected and feared. And now everyone is a “personality”, everyone on their own. And that is why they wipe their feet on Us.

Divide and rule! Gaius Julius Caesar

09.27.2021 at 10:56


The locals are sympathetic, well, of course they are people everywhere, sometimes they are ill-mannered, rude... but the city is like that. In addition to problems with water, lack of natural gas in apartments and black dust, I would like to add about the strange laziness of the Svobodnaya residents. So much money flows from this city to online stores, including Wildberry, whose chief director in 2021 ranks first in the ranking of the richest women in the world... but local stores do not want to work. They raised the price tags and they sit until 5-6 pm, well, just think about it, isn’t it more profitable to work from noon until late evening than from morning until 5 pm, when all the money is still “flowing” at work. Particularly surprising are stores that do not work on Sundays or are open until lunch. On this day or two, choose any weekday and make it a day off, if it is not possible to hire several shifts of employees so that they alternate their working weekends according to the schedule. As a result, huge sums of money go to online stores, bravo!) The same applies to paid services, such as clinics and beauty and health salons, you lose so much every Sunday. This is my opinion, I hope I didn't offend anyone.

07/15/2021 at 06:18


Above in the photo is Blagoveshchensk actually. Yes, the people here are filthy, you feel like you grew up in a barn or barn. In the evening and at night, the zombie apocalypse begins, local orcs come to life! There were camps here before, whatever you want. Typical Russia, there’s nothing to write about, I’m slowly rotting here, the only place I can go is the cemetery. Possible at night. That's it, the whole review

12.12.2021 at 05:15


People went through the camps and remained people. The orcs arrived, climbed down from the tree, and some didn’t climb down... they tell how they lived well on the tree, offended by life in their native places.

07/12/2021 at 20:59


Maybe someone knows... On Green Lane 7 there was a dorm and a garage in the courtyard. There is a car service center in the garage... It's been gone for a long time. Maybe someone knows the owner. He is now about 60-65 years old. He looked like the singer Yuri Loza... Help me find

06/29/2021 at 10:04


This is complete rock bottom. Water, air, roads, infrastructure - the bottom. Prices for food and housing are terrible. The locals blame the newcomers for everything. Newcomers raised prices for food and housing. I wonder if local taxes are paid on the rental of destroyed apartments at the Moscow price tag? Judging by what is happening in the city, no one pays any taxes or is interested in where they go.

But the rock bottom is that when they write about the negatives, instead of improving the city and their lives, people get angry with visitors or deny obvious facts.

05.22.2021 at 17:38


Our city at one time was similar to yours, roads, public transport, culture, places of leisure, etc. d. were in a deplorable state. But with the construction of factories, jobs appeared, they began to receive normal salaries, everything listed was put in order, the city became much cleaner, and now occupies almost the first place in the Tyumen region. As for newcomers, that’s not even bad, people can borrow something from each other, some even come to live with us. I consider this a normal indicator, it means that our city of Tobolsk is developing, which is what I wish for your city!

03/21/2021 at 13:51


Good afternoon everyone, can you tell me if there are shops or a hairdresser in the city? What is the best way to get to Blagoveshchensk? Is it possible to get there and back in daylight?

04/23/2021 at 10:41


Google to the rescue, because Blagoveshchensk is only 145 km away, and if you go on foot, you will definitely not be able to manage it in one daylight

02/10/2021 at 14:22


I've been living here for 20 years. Since birth. And nothing has changed over the years. Still a village. It is not a city of presidential attention. There are still lousy roads and sidewalks, lousy public transport. Gas workers go to work on decent buses, and we, the local population, for the most part are forced to go to work/school in these narrow Chinese carts. Roads...It’s probably not worth talking about them. Everyone who has been to this wonderful “city” has already appreciated them. Education. There is exactly 1 institute in the entire village. And it’s hard to understand what’s already going on there. The former technical school building was completely abandoned. This, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful places in the city. But, I repeat, it is undeservedly abandoned. Well, there are two colleges in the city. Pretty good. You won't find normal clothing stores in the whole city. Everything is China. Everything they sew is small and of poor quality. Also the prices are outrageous. If you want a more or less normal thing, welcome to neighboring Blagoveshchensk. But even there the choice differs only slightly. People. The people here are mostly angry, uncultured, and tactless. They don't know the rules of etiquette. There is no sense of humor at all. Apologizing if you are wrong is quite a feat for a local. There isn't a lot of work here either. If you want to get a normal salary and live more or less normally, go to the gas workers. If you are satisfied with the “it will do” level, then try to get a job somewhere in the city. You will only eat plaster stripped from the walls, because even your salary is not enough to pay for a month’s rent for local housing. And it would be decent on my part to remain silent about the products. Utility bills are also very expensive. There is no shopping center, entertainment, or cultural life here either, which is a HUGE minus for me. I also consider it a minus that there are almost no 24-hour shops here and public transport generally operates no longer than until 20:00. People have different circumstances, you know. Everything is more or less good with catering. The choice of cafes, restaurants, and canteens is quite wide. For different tastes and budgets. I consider the presence of hookah bars here, albeit small, but also a plus. The square in the Mikhailo-Chesnokovsky district is very good. In warm seasons it is quite crowded and beautiful. The city park is also not far behind. But he could use more grooming.

I would like to appeal to the Free People who write that, they say, don’t criticize our city, visitors. If you don't like it, get out. I would like to note that: 1) We ourselves are, to some extent, newcomers. Nobody invited our ancestors here either. They simply took the land from the indigenous people. And they settled. 2) Visiting people (not gas workers, but simply people who came from other parts of Russia) are exactly the same Russians as you, like me. The Amur region and the city of Svobodny are part of the Russian Federation. They have the same right as you and I to criticize the part of THEIR country in which they had to live for one reason or another. 3) This site is dedicated to reviews, if my young memory serves me correctly. So... Should you come here? If you cannot adequately tolerate criticism of the city, you have no place on such sites. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention.

03/10/2021 at 08:33


I am a native Amur resident and have lived for a long time, now retired. . Most likely you are a newcomer, and we have plenty of them! This government destroys its youth, although it demands reproduction...with this system it is IMPOSSIBLE.! So you can’t speak badly about the residents, we have well-mannered young people (the majority), they will always give up their place in transport, they will help if anything happens, but you have already brought a lot of visitors, why the hell are you eating - after all, they may not give you a salary, you can get lost, why are you here? pulling?! Hookah bars are not needed at all. and we need places of leisure for young people and teenagers!!! There is none of them!!! The authorities care about stray dogs, not people!!!

03/29/2021 at 02:31


Dear Galina, my ancestors settled in Svobodny from the very foundation of Surazhevka. Before you say that I am a newcomer and do not know the city, read the text I wrote. Anyone can take words out of context. I write this about the people and other things of this city not just because I “arrived”, I didn’t like something here and I became embittered at everything in the world. I write this because I see it with my own eyes every day. There is no need to force your opinion on me. I've had mine for a long time. Formed. If I say that the locals are rednecks, then for me they are rednecks. If I say that local roads will break the devil’s leg. For me this is so... I am glad for your different vision of the situation, but I have my own point of view on this matter.

01/21/2021 at 05:06


Gentlemen, no one invited you here, you came, please respect local traditions and keep your opinion about the local population to yourself.

06.28.2021 at 20:15


Hello, what are your traditions, and tell me how, as many write, disrespect for the local population manifests itself?

12/18/2020 at 17:02


You know, it’s good everywhere where we are not. The town is small, green, everything is nearby, you don’t have to spend a lot of time going to the store or going somewhere else. With the construction of the gas plant, our city began to be built. Roads and utility networks are being built, all the school stadiums have been equipped, new houses are finally being built... hence the dust, the stinking water... but the local residents are happy about all this. But the newcomers are unhappy because, in addition to big money, they also want good conditions. Gentlemen are good...but you don’t make money here in the slums. Return to your wonderful cities, and live like we do - on 15-20 thousand, and enjoy...Who's stopping you? Personally, I recently visited Krasnoyarsk... Well, it’s a good city... I just can’t breathe... For us, the dust will settle... but you have constant smog. There’s a feeling that you’ve all been hunted down here under arms for a long ruble... Do you think we’re pleased when all sorts of f*cks walk around and spit? Without you, the air was cleaner, and the evenings were calm...

12/23/2020 at 06:29


I didn’t see a long ruble here, when recalculated for the same five-day period, the same 15-20 thousand. But it’s scary to walk in the evening, I haven’t seen any drunk visitors, but the local population is something different. And the mentality of the locals is completely frostbitten.

04/17/2021 at 07:24


When everything fell apart in the 90s, people began to drink themselves to death, the West was more fortunate, they cleared out, and the rest of the towns collapsed. Moving to the west, the odds are here, the alternative is so-so. Today I came to buy a toy for my daughter, parked the car, and Region 154 pulled up behind me and stood in such a way that I couldn’t get out, and didn’t respond to the remark. What kind of good attitude will visitors give you, rednecks.

09/05/2020 at 04:09


I've lived in this city all my life. I'll say this. Local people, on the contrary, are sympathetic and kind. But with the start of construction of the cosmodrome, GZP came from everywhere, and nothing and no one was left of our small town. Out of 100 people, 10 are local, no more. They are just angry, nervous, dissatisfied... The fact is that the city is dusty... but you see that all the stadiums in schools are made using new technology, with a soft surface, with courts for volleyball, football... and this is a lot of sand and gravel imported . Absolutely all pipes are being replaced, sidewalks and roads are being built. Can't you see it? As for the fact that rentals have become expensive... don’t you understand that businessmen have become more active here again... There are no locals anymore... There are only Old People left, and they are moving. In addition to all the delights, the climate has become nasty. Why did you come here? If you don't like it, then go back...

07/15/2020 at 05:39


I would really like to ask the visitors who are trashing my hometown to pack their bags and take the next flight to their country, Muscovy. It's you who are dissatisfied and angry. Accustomed to going to restaurants, spending money left and right and having people bow at your feet. But Svobodny has no entertainment places; it was a quiet, calm town with normal prices and decent people. After the city was filled with visitors due to construction, life became more difficult. Prices have risen, renting an apartment is impossible because they are filled with newcomers. They dirtied everything around and destroyed the roads with a huge flow of cars. I would like to return to the old days, when this Muscovy did not know about our existence. But, alas. And I would like to tell you, critics, to look at yourself and your culture of behavior. They don't like you for your business. For your impudence. And dissatisfaction. Leave here and never come back. We hope to the Empire that you will not be here for long.

12/23/2020 at 06:30


Yeah! You can’t praise yourself, no one will praise you.

03/17/2021 at 11:58


Good day! I’m reading your review and similar ones to yours and laughing)) Before the gas workers it was good)) What’s good?? three paved streets? Dust and dirt all around. Dullness and wretchedness. I practically grew up in Svobodny and happily left there at the age of 27. Now I’m 49 and I’ve been living in Kaliningrad for a long time. Periodically visiting Svobodny, I saw that before the gas workers, NOTHING HAD CHANGED FOR MANY YEARS. The same broken roads and impassable dirt, complete decay. The gas workers will soon finish their work and you will quietly rot in your swamp, albeit with a few good roads and a couple of new houses!!! And the prices for apartments and services were inflated by the free people themselves, not by the visitors!! Although flies also think that a pile of crap is wonderful, since this is their habitat.

05/28/2020 at 04:01


This city of Svobodny is a complete mystery. This is not a city, this is a labyrinth of the Middle Ages. Dirt, slush, stink, drunk. There is no talk about culture, the local dialect begins with the words go to x... and ends with x.. I saw you. And guess for yourself where you were sent and where you ended up. Near the city of Taiga, the only place where you can relax culturally and breathe fresh air. The local people are gloomy, wild, hungry and greedy. The name of the city corresponds to the convicts who escaped to freedom. They perceive everything outside this Garbage with hostility, and being away from home in their native Ashes of their dreams, they condemn everyone and everything that is outside its borders. Azerguts who come on “tours”, sad builders, often give performances like we are “the Masters” here. set loose jaws. Because the base of the local city health department is “zero” and the golden hands of desperate surgeons. Everything in this city is covered in fog and mystery. The local budget dissipates into fog, and secrecy covers its evaporated remains.

12/19/2020 at 00:30


» Wild, hungry and greedy. The name of the city corresponds to the convicts who escaped to freedom. They perceive everything outside this Garbage with hostility, and being away from home in their native Ashes of their dreams, they condemn everyone and everything that is outside its borders. “Dear, something is wrong with your Russian grammar..(this is by the way)...Before throwing mud at the city in which I spent my childhood and adolescence (this is by the way)...and where they rest on local cemetery, my many relatives, think about the fact that you are visiting, and you should behave decently, especially if you don’t open your filthy mouth and spread a stench in the native place of my ancestors and friends who still live in this beautiful city. mercy and leave our beautiful city, which has its own history, places dear to the hearts of everyone who lived here. Happiness and prosperity to all residents of the city of Svobodny!

12/23/2020 at 06:58


Your opponent, like no one else, clearly conveyed the picture of your city.

06/04/2021 at 09:11


While I was reading, I laughed until I cried)) you have literary talent!

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I'm terrified

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