Where the Caucasus begins: holiday in Sukko with family

On the shores of the Black Sea, 13 km south of the famous all-Union health resort - the resort town of Anapa, lies the small cozy village of Sukko. The village is located in the Sukko River valley surrounded by low mountains. On the south side it borders on the Bolshoy Utrish nature reserve. The distance to the sea from the center is about 1 km.

The population of the village is about 1 thousand people.

A little history

Translated from Adyghe, the name “Sukko” means “valley of water”. In ancient times, the territory of the modern village was inhabited by Sindhi tribes. Later, replacing each other, various mountain tribes lived here: Circassians, Circassians, Natukhaevites, who annoyed the Russians with constant predatory raids. This happened until 1869, when Russian troops managed to expel the villains from these lands. After that, this area was given into the hands of invaders only once - during the Second World War. Many years have passed since then, and now Sukko is a famous Russian resort.


Sukko is a small village where it is comfortable and pleasant to travel on foot. If you need to quickly get from one part of the resort to another, you can use minibus No. 109, with a total of 7 stops. It also goes to neighboring Bolshoy Utrish, Varvarovka and Supsekh.

A taxi ride within the village will cost 150-350 RUB, to Bolshoy Utrish they will ask about 450 RUB. Private owners are more expensive. If you want to rent a bike, it is better to opt for mountain models and contact the owners of the house or the staff of the hotel where you are staying. A day of rental costs approximately 500 RUB; it is more profitable to place an order for a long period. Prices on the page are for February 2021.

Climate and nature

The climate of the Anapa region, in particular the village of Sukko, combines sea breezes and dry air of the Kuban steppe. The area is well ventilated throughout the year. The average air temperature in winter is -5 degrees, in summer +25 degrees.

The surrounding mountains surrounding the village are low - about 300 - 400m and covered with deciduous forests, consisting mainly of beech and oak. Also in the Sukko Valley there are pine groves and groves of relict juniper, thanks to which the local air is saturated with phytoncides, making the air unusually healthy.

The uniqueness of Sukko lies in the fact that on its territory there is a beautiful lake of the same name, which is a place of pilgrimage for local residents and guests of the resort village. In the middle of the lake, swamp cypresses rush towards it, which, by the way, are found only in North America. Only God knows how they ended up in the south of Russia.

The beach area in the Sukko area is neat and well-groomed. The sea water here is very clean, however, after 1–2 m it already gains depth. The sea is rich in vegetation and fish. The small pebbles that line the beach create an unusual sensation at first, but then your feet get used to it and even begin to enjoy this massage.

How to get to Sukko

You can get to the Sukko area in different ways:

  • By train.

First, you need to purchase a ticket as early as possible: it will be cheaper and you will be able to choose a more convenient seat. You need to go to Anapa or Krasnodar. In the first case, a taxi will pick you up from the station and take you to the place in about 30 minutes; such a service will cost about 1 thousand rubles. If you get to Krasnodar, then the journey to Sukko will take 3 hours and a taxi will be more expensive - approximately 5-6 thousand rubles. Buses and minibuses also run from Anapa to Sukko.

  • By plane.

The fastest and most comfortable way, but at the same time the most expensive. You can buy a ticket to Anapa or Krasnodar, and from there you can take a taxi or public transport to your booked guest house, hotel or recreation center.

  • By car.

The journey takes approximately 18 hours, driving on your own is comfortable and easy: there are all the necessary signs along the way. You need to start the journey on the M-4 highway and continue further to the village of Kislyakovskaya, and then a map and directional signs will help you.


In Sukko there are many boarding houses (“Ivushka”, “Gold Coast”, “Aurora”), sanatoriums, holiday homes, recreation centers and children’s camps (camp “Smena”), including those left over from the times of the USSR, and those built relatively recently.

The social infrastructure of the village is represented by a kindergarten, a school, a first-aid post, and small shops. All types of communications are available in Sukko, including the Internet.

What to bring

There are not enough specific souvenirs in the village; it is not easy to find something original. But you can take a closer look at wood products. In the vicinity of Sukko, rare juniper-pistachio forests grow, it is thanks to them that the air here is so healthy. Figures are made from aromatic wood, and pillows and bolsters are filled with shavings from these trees.

The market sells spices, honey, churchkhela and local wines. Most often, tourists buy “Black Doctor”, “Secret Desire”, “Cahors” and homemade wines, which are made here in almost every home. The coastal tents display classic magnets, mugs and other mass-produced souvenirs, but they will not be any different from similar products from other cities.

Real estate in Sukko

If you enjoyed your holiday in a resort village and are already seriously thinking about changing your place of residence, then you should hurry! Sukko is at the stage of active development. Considering that the area for expanding the village is quite limited, and there is practically no end to those wishing to purchase real estate here, its value never falls. Relatively low cost of housing for apartments in panel multi-storey buildings located as a separate microdistrict in the valley.

Whatever you choose for yourself: an economy class apartment, a luxury cottage, any commercial real estate (usually they are represented by resort industry facilities, such as hotels and private hotels, catering establishments, shops) or a plot of land, you can be sure that that they made the right decision. Investing in real estate in Sukko is the right step, promising real benefits both from the point of view of living and from the point of view of doing business.

Sukko is almost entirely built up by the private sector, mostly specializing in the hotel business: not residential buildings, but hotel real estate are being built here. Also, on the territory of the village there are still lands for individual housing construction, which is facilitated by the gentle terrain of these lands. Those who want to have an apartment in Sukko will also not be left without attention; they are represented here in sufficient numbers. In the vicinity of the village there are townhouses, as well as cottages and apartment buildings.


You can relax in Sukko not only on the beach: there are quite a lot of interesting places where you can go.

  • Castle "Lion's Head".

This interesting place is located near the famous Cypress Lake, on the slopes nearby. The castle looks like a real medieval building. There is a stable, a real shooting gallery, and an interesting museum of the medieval Inquisition. But most of all, “Lion’s Head” is famous for its knightly battles, in which trained horses are involved. The role of medieval knights is taken on by professional actors.

  • Church of St. Barbara.

This small church got its name in honor of the girl Varvara, who lived in a nearby village and helped the sick and elderly. Now many believers come to the temple to venerate Saint Barbara and drink water from the healing spring located nearby.

  • Big Utrish.

Next to Sukko there is this beautiful peninsula, the distance to which is only two kilometers! It’s worth visiting Bolshoy Utrish if only because of the wonderful dolphinarium. There are many different species of marine animals that live there and professional trainers work with them. They often organize dolphin performances, which a large number of tourists, especially with children, come to see every year.

"Lion's Head"

Haven't you ever wanted to see a knight's tournament with your own eyes? Imagine being a guest on a historical show? All this can be done in this castle. You can shoot a bow, learn pottery and even blacksmithing. You and your family will not be bored in this place. Also, there are no age restrictions to visit this castle; absolutely everyone can go there. They also sell ready-made goodies from the past era; this is probably done to completely immerse yourself in past centuries. This is simply amazing!

Travel tips

Having analyzed many reviews about holidays in Sukko, we can conclude that not everyone likes visiting these places. Some argue that this is a great resort for families, with which we completely agree. The latter say that there is nothing for children to do here, entertainment is only for adults. And thirdly, that all these cultural objects will appeal only to children; for enthusiasts, this is primitive and uninteresting.

To summarize the negative reviews, then most likely not all people like the countryside, as they call this corner. However, for connoisseurs of beautiful nature it came in very handy. There are tourists who recommend choosing Sukko out of all the recreation areas in Anapa.

Where to stay?

The permanent population of Sukko is about 3 thousand people. In the central part of the village there are most shops, a supermarket, many shops with fruits, sweets, canteens and cafes. For children there is a Ferris wheel and a free children's playground. The passage to the sea is on the way through the market; there are also various cafes and restaurants, tents with the necessary attributes for a beach holiday and souvenirs.

There are many options for where to stay during your vacation - there are inexpensive guest houses, usually with the ability to cook on your own, boarding houses, campsites, luxury hotels near the sea, as well as housing in the private sector.

Cuisine and restaurants of Sukko

In Sukko, tourists can easily find a place to eat. Small cafes serve European and Caucasian cuisine; barbecue is very popular. A dinner with wine and seafood in an expensive restaurant will cost about 800 RUB per person. Those who want to save money should go to canteens, of which there are also many.

You can have an inexpensive snack during the day in numerous street food stalls, where they sell chebureks, khachapuri and other “Caucasian fast food”. Most of the decent cafes are located not along the beach, but in the depths of the village, on Utrishskaya Street or in Kazachy Proezd.

Many tourists prefer to dine at home - fresh vegetables and meat are sold at the market in the center of the village.

Sukko - a place for a relaxing family holiday

If you dream of a leisurely vacation by the sea and want to improve your health without unnecessary expenses, then do not ignore the resort village of Sukko.
For those traveling with children, we also recommend choosing this place. Sukko is located on the Black Sea coast, 12 km from Anapa. The sea here is clean, convenient for swimming with children, as the depth increases gradually. The wide pebble beach is equipped with sun loungers, changing rooms, and vacationers are offered many services - boat rides, catamaran rides, paragliding, diving. For children there are trampolines and water slides.

The Caucasus Mountains begin here in the form of small hills. They provide some protection from the wind and soften the local climate. The healing air of the sea, as well as the local forests, is useful for those who suffer from frequent colds.

Places for active leisure

"Brave heart"

  • 44.808368, 37.434668.

For those who prefer movement and physical activity, it will be comfortable to stay in the Brave Heart Adventure Park. Extreme climbing far from the bustle of the city, safe laser tag, areas with towers and barriers for paintball, a crossbow and archery shooting range and a creative workshop will not leave even the most inactive visitor indifferent. Professional instructors and experienced coaches will easily help you master the necessary skills for any game.

Diving center

  • beach of the boarding house "Shingari", Varvarovskaya Shchel.

The novelty of unbridled emotions when invading an unusual habitat will impress everyone. The dive center in Sukko offers beginners and experienced scuba enthusiasts to get acquainted with the underwater world of the Black Sea. The study of its secrets is carried out with preliminary instructions. Amazing inhabitants, bottom topography and fascinating flora can delight everyone.


The main and, importantly, free entertainment in the village of Sukko is the sea and mountains . The sea is generally quite clean, but locals still recommend swimming in the southern part of the bay - away from where the Sukko River flows into the sea. The beach is pebble , the depth of the sea begins almost immediately. On the beach there are several summer cafes with plastic sun loungers, and free (at least in autumn) trampolines for children. The sea water temperature usually stays around 20-22 degrees until the end of September.

Sukko Beach in September

Trampoline on the beach

From the beach you can climb the mountains, along which there are numerous paths. The mountains are not high, but the views from their peaks to the Sukko valley and the sea are beautiful. In the vicinity of the village there are several viewing platforms with gazebos: one near the road towards Anapa, two on the road to Bolshoi Utrish. You can get there by car, bicycle or walk along the road to romantically watch the sunrise or sunset.

View of Sukko Bay from the mountainside

The beginning of the Caucasus. View of the village of Varvarovka

On Bolshoy Utrish you can see picturesque landscapes with views of steep sand-colored rocks covered with spots of juniper groves. A narrow peninsula has formed here, on the outskirts of which a lighthouse rises. To the south of the peninsula lies the Utrish Nature Reserve, and a wild beach (including a nudist one) is formed on the rocky shores. To the north of the peninsula there are sections of pebble beaches: some equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers and bungalows, and some wild.

Wild beach on the rocky shore of Bolshoi Utrish

Bolshoi Utrish Peninsula at sunset

Remains of the pier at Bolshoi Utrish

In the north-eastern outskirts of the village of Sukko in the mountains there is Cypress Lake - a channel reservoir with a dam, in the upper part of which swamp cypresses grow right in the water. The place is truly interesting and picturesque, and the cypress trees themselves are not at all like those that we are used to seeing on land. During the season there are cafes and entertainment for children. Rowing boats and catamarans are available for rent. A small catamaran or boat that can accommodate two parents and a child will cost 500 rubles. in an hour. There are also larger ones that are more expensive.

Cypress Lake

Not far from the lake there is the so-called “African village”, where African dance shows are held, as well as the Lion Castle - the venue for theatrical knightly tournaments (equestrian stunt theater "Park X-trim"). There is also a paintball sports complex here. Horseback riding is available in the Sukko River valley .

There is a dolphinarium on Utrish, founded in the 80s as a research base right in the bay. Ticket price: 700 rubles. Monday is a sanitary day. From the peninsula there are boat trips , including landing on the shore and visiting protected juniper forests and a waterfall. The duration of the walk is 1-2 hours. Cost – 500-600 rubles. There is also a diving center .

Advertising diving on Bolshoy Utrish

For children, some cafes and canteens in Sukko have playgrounds and corners . For example, in the canteen on Tsentralnaya, 1a. The Old Khutor cafe has a children's swing. On the contrary, across the road at the Terem cafe there is a children's playground with a large trampoline and a “cage” with balls. The cost of pleasure is 250 rubles. Nearby, on Utrishskaya, you can ride a small Ferris wheel.

Ferris wheel on Utrishskaya

Climatic features of Sukko

People primarily come to the Black Sea coast for the sun and the beach. In Sukko, beach holidays are favored by an ideal climate. Due to geographical features, the climate here is milder and wetter than in Anapa.

In addition, Sukko is characterized by pristine natural landscapes. Here, relict forests are preserved in their original form, healthy oaks, junipers, pine trees, and pistachio trees grow.

Immediately beyond Sukko, the Utrish Nature Reserve begins, so nature conservation in the valley is carried out at the state level.

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