"Sunny Island" - a park for children and adults in Anapa

The Sunny Island amusement park, opened in 2014, is located 6 km from the resort center, on Pionersky Avenue of Anapa, next to the Tiki-Tak water park.

It is worth keeping in mind that the park’s entertainment is designed primarily for young and middle-aged children. There are no extreme attractions, for example for adults, here.

© Official website of the park

From the first minutes, visitors are immersed in a fabulous atmosphere. The attractions look especially impressive at dusk, when the lights come on. Operators are responsible for the safety of children, and maintenance personnel are responsible for cleanliness. Spending time in the park is pleasant and fun, and this is one of the popular recreation spots in the area of ​​the village of Verkhneye Dzhemete.

The park operates seasonally and usually opens to visitors at the end of May or earlier if the weather is good and sunny.

Park "Nut Grove" in Anapa

Address: Anapa, Krasnodar region, intersection of Ivan Golubets and Mayakovsky streets. Intersects with the embankment and Krylova Street.

There are many trees and plants in the park, a lot of white roses. The paths are paved with colorful paving stones, along which there are lanterns and separate picnic areas.

The central part of the park is a small fountain with a night light show. Next to it there is a children's playground and outdoor exercise equipment.

Also next to the park on Friday mornings there is a collective farm market with quality products and reasonable prices and access to pebble beaches.

Trust your holiday to professionals

For a more detailed description, location and cost of tickets to the parks , please visit the Travelinks website. Also in the catalog you will find other types of recreation in Anapa. For example, bus group excursions, trips on SUVs, ATVs, sea, horseback riding. Get to know the program, cost, and features of each tour. Book a trip that interests you using the form on the website or by phone. Travelinks is a service for booking excursions and entertainment.

Park of Culture and Recreation "30th Anniversary of Victory"

Address: Anapa, Krasnodar region, the very center of the city, access to the Central Beach, has access to Astrakhanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Krasnodarskaya and Krymskaya streets.

The Central Park of Anapa has in its arsenal an amusement park, an embankment, access to the central beach, the city administration and access to singing fountains.

The park does not have many trees or vegetation. But its streets are very wide, and on the sides there are numerous attractions with lanterns. The park is also located next to the summer stage and the Alice shopping center .

The paths are paved with paving stones and multi-colored stones, and next to the city administration there is a small Anapa church.

General description of the attraction

The history of the attraction is not very long. It appeared in May 2014. Safe but exciting fun was “born” thanks to a group of influential investors. The design of technical structures and buildings was entrusted to local creators.

Anapa offers Sunny Island Park as a leisure center for people of all ages. Here you can have fun with carousels, play structures, take a dip in various baths, and even take part in a safari.

Along the perimeter of the leisure center you will find:

  • Ferris wheel - an overview of the entire Lower Dzhemete and the Anapa neighborhoods near Lake Chembur;
  • "Jumping Jeeps" - five carousels for visitors of primary school age, including a "Convoy" with "police" transport;
  • extreme track for kids “Caterpillars”;
  • Sambo Balloon - here the child will become a rider of rotating bubbles, airplanes and helicopters;
  • wedding carousel “Horses” (everything is just like in the West);
  • rocking machines (with springs);
  • electric car rally;
  • a pool with floating balls (a person rotates inside an inflatable sphere);
  • swimming pool-fountain;
  • a pool with floating dragons (very young tourists can ride them);
  • pony riding;
  • a labyrinth of fear (previously called a “chamber of horror”);
  • Bringing Down the House";
  • rental of children's electrical equipment;
  • point of sale of inflatable balloons of various shapes;
  • paid toilet;
  • cash register;
  • rotating "Elephants";
  • “Bell” (chain carousel unit);
  • "Railway";
  • mini-jet "Airplanes";
  • acrobatic trampoline (only with instructor);
  • Safari train;
  • autodrome;
  • 7D cinema;
  • bowling center

Anapa embankment

The sandy part of the embankment starts from Pionersky Prospekt and ends with Astrakhanskaya Street.

The Anapa embankment is represented by sand and pebble beaches , as a result of which the stone part of the embankment is much higher than the first.

Its paths, like those on the stone part, are paved with paving stones and decorated with multi-colored stones. They are narrow, along them there are numerous beach and souvenir shops.

The stone part is much wider and more beautiful. Its cliff is fenced with white marble gates, on the left side there are green trees, cafes, restaurants, and on the right side you can see singers, artists and dancers.

There are many slopes to the beaches and a couple of outdoor exercise complexes.

Balneology: healing springs in Dzhemet

Dzhemete is famous for its mud springs and mineral waters, which have healing properties.

Chembur Lake

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.934724, 37.327822.

Chembur Lake is called the pearl of the Anapa region. It is located south of Upper Dzhemete.

There are many legends associated with the lake. The most impressive of them tells that centuries ago a war broke out on the shores of the lake. The enemy army killed hundreds of Kuban residents, drowning them in a swampy lake. The enemies threw a feast in honor of the victory, poured wine, called dancers...

And suddenly one of the Kuban residents rose from the swamp. His enemies wounded him, but did not kill him. The healing mud of Lake Chembur healed injuries and endowed the soldier with unprecedented strength. On his shoulders he carried his comrades out of the swamp, covered them with mud, and they also perked up. The revived army rushed to the attack and defeated the enemies.

Although in real life the mud of Chembur Lake is not endowed with the power to resurrect the dead, its healing properties are not in doubt. Highly colloidal silt, rising from the bottom of the lake, has a viscous, plastic consistency. Applied to the skin, it warms the body well and saturates the body with useful microelements. A visit to the lake is recommended for diseases of the digestive system, atherosclerosis, rheumatism and joint diseases.

In addition to its balneological value, Chembur Lake is an ecotourism destination. The shores of the lake are covered with green forests and lush grasses. A walk along eco-trails will provide you with pleasant time spent in the fresh air.

Not far from the lake there are fishing villages. Most often they hunt for rams. The ideal bait for this fish is a black worm that lives in coastal mud.

Balneological complex "Crystal"

  • Address: Pionersky Prospekt, 23A.

Balneocomplex "Crystal" offers treatment based on hill and silt mud. The hill mud is of deep, volcanic origin. They are rich in minerals, including bromine, calcium, boron and iodine.

Silt mud is extracted from the bottom of lakes and rivers. They contain iodine and sulfur compounds, which are useful in treating inflammation and fungi. After taking a mud bath, the skin becomes soft and tender, like velvet, and multiple visits give a noticeable healing effect.

In addition to mud baths, the sanatorium offers mud massage, mineral showers and salt rooms. Before visiting, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment.

Mineral springs of the sanatorium "Rodnik"

  • Address: Pionersky Prospekt, 30.

The sanatorium got its name due to the fact that on its territory there are several natural springs of mineral water with a unique composition.

The first source is well No. 29. The source originates in the mountains of the Caucasus Range, passes through various rocks, and mixes with rain and melt water from glaciers. All this saturates the source with gases and minerals. The composition of such water is similar to the composition of the waters of the Red Sea.

The second source is well No. 5-bis. The source flows from the Sea of ​​Azov and corresponds to the Matsesta type. The composition includes many trace elements, including bromine, iodine and oxygen. Drinking water from this source is recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

The third source was created artificially by combining the previous two and was called the “Anapa Spring”. You can try the “branded” mineral water in the pump room built on the territory of the sanatorium. There are no contraindications for taking water from the source. According to doctors, the active composition stimulates brain function, restores the immune system, improves skin condition and promotes weight loss.

Before visiting the springs, you should consult a doctor, since the effects of minerals are individual for each person.

Don't miss: Where to go with children in Anapa

Children's amusement park "Jungle"

Address: Anapa, Krasnodar region, Pionersky Avenue 1, next to the Central Beach.

" Jungle " is a children's amusement park with green trees.

It has close access to the sea, several attractions that glow in the evening and a natural rope park.

The park is open daily and almost around the clock, has access to Krestyanskaya Street and begins the long Pionersky Avenue.

What is a must-see on Sunny Island?

What visitors remember most in their responses are several attractions from the Jumping Jeeps series. The child can move in a circle, jumping on different “transport” - cars, horses and just trailers. Adults remember their achievements in bowling and show memorable photos of panoramas seen from the Ferris wheel.

The autodrome, familiar to Anapa from Soviet times, will allow children and their parents to embark on a dangerous adventure together. Electric cars push each other, it definitely takes courage. “Safari” is a circular journey around the flora and fauna of the African savannas, even though it’s made of plastic.

There is also a cafe here, which is worth talking about separately. The fact is that his main treat is ice cream. It has more than 10 varieties, which amazes young tourists. To prevent a sore throat afterward, drink hot drinks (chocolate, tea or coffee). The staff works conscientiously, always smiling at both children and adults...

As always, flying on the "Bell" - spinning and rising chairs hanging on chains, children and their mothers will scream loudly, forcing dads to frequently turn on the camera on their cameras. And schoolchildren will fly up to the third floor level on a trampoline, looking at everything that happens from the height of their extreme flight.

The amusement park space is well maintained. You can sit on benches among the lawns. There are sidewalks everywhere. Decorative plantings give the complex a special – “subtropical” – coziness. In this green area, children's animators almost every day hold noisy, funny shows, as well as exciting competitions. A 7D cinema is capable of immersing its viewers in several sensations at once - three-dimensional visual, auditory, tactile and even aromatic. Come and see for yourself.

Square named after I.V. Gudovich

Address: Anapa, Krasnodar region, City Center, has access to Astrakhanskaya Street.

The park is narrow and beautiful. There are many flowers and other vegetation. There are many benches and lanterns decorated in an unusual style.

On the right side there are cafes, a fountain and restaurants, and on the left there is a trampoline center and an amusement park. The square begins with the monument to Gudovich and ends with the city's Summer Stage.

Educational museums

Holidays with children in Anapa are not only fun, but also educational. The city museums are responsible for this part.

The Wax Museum

Here the children will see Shrek and SpongeBob, Cinderella and Spider-Man. Wax figures of presidents, scientists, actors and other famous people are virtually indistinguishable from the originals.

Archaeological Museum “Gorgippia”

This is an open-air museum, which represents the excavations of an ancient city. The building of the institution itself displays household items of ancient people, clothing and weapons.

Open-air museum of military equipment

On the territory of this complex there are samples of military equipment from the Second World War period. Children are especially delighted by the opportunity to touch all the exhibits with their hands.

Square of Military Glory (Memory Alley) Anapa

The square is located within the boundaries of the streets: Pushkin, Chernomorskaya, prosp. Revolution and Tiraspolsky Lane, next to the Central Embankment.

At the Central entrance there are two cone-shaped granite steles. The paths are paved with paving stones with patterns, decorated with benches and lanterns. The park has a huge number of trees, ornamental shrubs and flower beds.

There are memorials in the park:

  • Eternal flame;
  • Victims of political repression;
  • Afghan soldiers;
  • Monument to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

Rallies and festive processions on May 9 take place here, and flowers are laid on memorial days. We recommend everyone to visit this park.

Dinopark Rex

The dinosaur park occupies a huge area of ​​over 1 hectare. Here are twenty figures of these animals from the prehistoric period, which are always popular with children.

The size of the figures is simply impressive and reaches up to 7 m in height and 33 m in length! Models of herbivores and predatory reptiles were created in such a way as to accurately convey their actual sizes.

A special delight is caused by the fact that they all move and make their natural sounds.

In addition to viewing the sculptures, children can jump on trampolines and visit a fun town. The park provides the opportunity to take as many free photographs as you like on the territory.

Square named after V.N. Avanesova

Address: Anapa, Krasnodar region, st. Papanintsev, near the Starfish beach, in front of the Rospotrebnadzor building.

Square named after V.N. Avanesova is very small in area and does not resemble a park in any way. Rather, it is perceived as a nice little place to relax.

There is a lot of southern Russian greenery, benches, paid binoculars and access to pebble beaches; the Lighthouse is located nearby.

Previously, souvenirs and other supplies were sold here, but now the fair is closed. There is access to the Anapa Memory Alley.

Historical information: century-old construction

The history of the park dates back to 1979. The opening was timed to coincide with International Children's Day. That is why it received such a not so original name.

In 2010, destructive processes began in this territory: private individuals seized state land. Everything was done legally, but the goal of the new owners was only to make a profit.

No one was going to invest in improving the landmark and preserving its essence. The square was filled with a cloud of merchants. But after disputes and legal proceedings, the mayor's office liquidated the shopping arcades and cafes and restored cleanliness and order.

Today, the main task is to maintain the current situation and begin active improvement of the clearing located on the island. An investor was found who is ready to invest in construction, create a park and install fun attractions.

The Jungle Book project is the name of an entertainment complex that is set to grow here. The children's park in Anapa is capable of developing the imagination of little guests, giving a lot of positive emotions and impressive memories.

Attractions within the city

To have a good time with your children, you don’t have to go to the suburbs of Anapa. Within the city there are also attractions that will appeal to young travelers.

Singing fountains in Anapa

Children are especially delighted by the singing fountains. They perform 10 different dances accompanied by classical melodies. In the evening, the fountains are especially beautiful thanks to the colored lighting.


Theatrical performances begin immediately at the entrance to the center. Visitors are greeted by a real prince and princess. Dancing with daggers and throwing knives cause a storm of emotions among children.

Ethnographic complex Ataman

When going to this ethnographic complex, it is worth stocking up on time. It will not be possible to see all the interesting exhibitions in less than 4-5 hours. The atmosphere of a Cossack village of the early 20th century is recreated here.

Central embankment

A walk along the main street of Anapa is a mandatory ritual for all vacationers. Its length is more than 1.5 km, it is one of the most comfortable parts of the city.

Main square in front of City Hall

Flowering lawns, fountains, arranged alleys - this is all the area in front of the city hall. It's nice to take a walk here with children in the evening.

Monument to the White Hat

Since the construction of this unusual monument in 2007, for 4 years it has been the only monument in the world dedicated to a headdress. It is located on the central alley of the 30th Anniversary of the Victory Park.

Rose Alley Park

The park has a unique waterfall made in the style of the ancient Aztecs. The splendor of multi-colored roses attracts both tourists and newlyweds of Anapa, who have become a tradition of holding a wedding photo shoot surrounded by rose bushes.

Square of Glory

You can introduce children to the history of Russia in Glory Square. Here the children will see monuments to the defenders of the homeland and the heroes who fought to eliminate the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The figure of a soldier crouching on a stone catches your eye. It symbolizes all those who died in the war in Afghanistan.

Where else can you go in Anapa

These are not all the places that are worth visiting on vacation with children. There are many other attractions and interesting places in the city and its surroundings that kids will love.

Horseback riding in Sukko and Lake Sukko itself

Those tourists who have already visited Anapa are advised to go to Lake Sukko. Horseback riding along the lake will give a boost of energy and leave unforgettable memories of a vacation in Anapa for young travelers.


They also visit Lake Abrau with children, which is surrounded by mountains. There are excursions to a local winery here. In Abrau-Durso, at the beginning of the 20th century, vineyards were established, which became the raw material for the production of famous brands of wine and champagne.

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